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Preview Special Price List of Numismatic Books Winter/Spring 2002

SPECIAL PRICE LIST OF NUMISMATIC BOOKS WINTER SPRING 2002 / The Joseph Brobston Collection of United States Half Cents STAW^ CUT 1785-118* .ebkins.®*''- CEORGE COLLEC770N SAMUeis ^y^EAliSON MESHOREr 123 WEST 57th STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10019-2280 TELEPHONE (212) 582-2580 FAX (212) 245-5018 or (212) 582-1946 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.STACKS.COM A SPECIAL LIST OF NUMISMATIC BOOKS WINTER /SPRING 2002 NEW ARRIVALS Ml Aqua, Herman M. Pennsylvania Merchant Tokens. Tecumseh, 2000. 1253pp., limited illustrations. This mammoth volume containsaboutasmuch informationascouldeverbe neededregardingthistopic. $72.00 M2 Bressett, Kenneth. The Whitman Guide to Coin Collecting. NewYork, 1999. 246pp., illus. Paper. Asuitableintroductoryref- erence forthenovicecollector. $11.95 M3 Daehn, William E. Ancient GreekNumismatics, A Guide to Reading and Research. ColdSpring, MN. 2001. 401pp., with a valuable concordance to Clain-Stefanelli as well as two useful indices, one to cities, districts, kingdoms and tribes, and one to au- thors and collections. Paper. This well organized and extremely useful book provides a bibliography ofworks written in English with summaries of their contents. Important chapters include general worfe on Greek coinage, Hellenistic coinage, collecting guides, origins ofcoinage, hoards, artistic aspects ofGreekcoinage, technicalaspects ofGreekcoinage, importantcollections, and surveysofgeneraland specificworks foreachofthe geographicalareascoveredbyGreeknumismatics. $75.00 M4 Manville, H.E. The Tokens of the Industrial Revolution - Foreign Silver Coins Countermarked for Use in Great Britain, c.1787-1828. London, 2001. 307pp., illus., plusan additional55 plates. $79.95 M5 Mitchell, Scott. 2002 American Guide to U.S. Coins. New York, 2001. 237pp., illus. Paper. Originally written by Charles F. French in 1964, this edition hasbeen extensivelyrevisedand updatedto include a broadcross section ofinformation forboth the buyerand sellerofU.S. coins. $8.99 M6 Musee desAugustins. Augustus Saint-Gaudens 1848-1907, A Master ofAmerican Sculpture. Toulouse, 1999. 215pp., pro- fuselyillustrated in colorandblackandwhite. This splendidbookis loadedwithbiographical information inadditiontoproviding plentyofillustrationsandhistoryforover 120ofSaint-Gaudens’ mostimportantworks. $69.95 M7 Same. Paper. $49.95 . M8 Noyes, William C. The Official CQR/Noyes Condition Census for U.S. Large Cents 1793-1814. Ann Arbor, 1999. Spiral bound. Awonderful sourceforpedigreeinformationon conditioncensus earlyLarge Centsbydievariety. $40.00 M9 Schornstein, Fred. Bryan Money. Lake Mary, FL. 2001. 112pp. Profusely illustrated with nearly every significant majorvariety photographed. Abadlyneeded newsourceofinformation on thisavidlycollected series. $29.50 MIO Troiani, Don. MilitaryButtons oftheAmerican Revolution. Gettysburg, 2001. 182pp., illus. Amarvelous sourceofinforma- tiononthetopic. $39.95 Mil Van Ryzin, Robert R. Crime of 1873 - the Comstock Connection. lola, 2001. 297pp., extensively illustrated. This meticu- louslyresearchedreferenceprovidesawealthofinformation ontheCoinageActof1873 andtheFree SilverMovement. $34.95 M12 Vlack, Robert A. An Illustrated Catalogue of Early North American Advertising Notes. New York, 2001. 360pp., illus. Justreleasedand theonlyavailablereference coveringthistopic. Only300copiesprinted. Extensivelyillustrated. $67.50 M13 Winter, Douglas. Gold Coins ofthe Carson City Mint, 1870-1893. Dallas, 2001. 201pp., illus. Anupdatedreplacement forthe scarce and importantWinter/Cutlerreferenceon the sametopic. $35.00 M14 Same. Paper. $25.00 . Your book orders can be faxed to us at (212) 245-5018 or (212) 582-1946 123 WEST 57th STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019-2280 TEL: (212) 582-2580 FAX: (212) 245-5018 or (212) 582-1946 E-MAIL: INFO(®STACKS.COM WEBSITE: WWW.STACKS.COM — — 2 NUMISMATIC BOOKS FROM STACKS/NUMISMATIC REVIEW M15 Jacobs, Norman and Vermeule, Cornelius C., III. Japanese Coinage. Numismatic Review, N.Y. 1972. 151pp., illus. throughout withauseful identification tableofcoin dates. $19.95 M16 Mattingly, Harold. TheMan in the Roman Street. NewYork, 1947. 116pp. An interestinggeneral studyofreligion and politics inthe Roman Empire, both intermsofpublic lifebutalsoasitaffected privatelife. $10.00 M17 Owens, Dan. California Coiners andAssayers. NewYork, 2000. 448pp., illus. Asystematiccatalogueofmajorand minorplay- ersrevealingmanynewdetails.Amustforanyoneinterested in theromanceoftheGold Rush. $39.50 M18 Samuels, ClaudiaWallack; Rynearson, Paul and Meshorer, Ya’akov. The Numismatic Legacy of the Jews as Depicted by a Distinquished American Collection. Stack’s Numismatic Review. New York, 2000. 224pp., 11 plates, 4 maps, illus. through- out. A wonderful introduction toAncientJewish Coins as well as their historical and religious context, beautifully illustrated by one ofthe foremostcollectionsofAncientJewishcoins in the worldtoday. Stack’s is the publisher and sole distributor ofthis im- portantwork. Dealerinquiriesare invited. $125.00 M19 Severin, H.M. Gold and Platinum Coinage ofImperial Russiafrom 1701 to 1911. NewYork, 1958. 77pp., 17 plates. $25.00 M20 Stack, Norman. United States Type Coins: An Illustrated History of the Federal Coinage. 2nd ed. New York, 1986. 102pp.All illustrationsincolor. $24.95 M21 Stack’s. The Connecticut State Copper Coinage, 1785-1788, as Illustrated by The George C. Perkins, Esq. Collec- tion. NewYork, 2001. 107pp., with everycoin fully described andphotographed. This highly importantcollection, soldby Stack’s inJanuary2000, willundoubtedlybe thebenchmarkbywhich all Connecticut Coppercollectionsare measuredformanyyearsto come. ReformattedforeasyreferencewithavaluableconcordanceofMiller, Perkins, Taylorand EACnumbers. $125.00 M22 Stack’s. The Joseph Brobston Collection ofUnited States HalfCents. NewYork, 1999. 24pp., plus 24 plates ofhigh qual- ity contact prints, hand mounted. Ahardbound reprint ofthe original Fixed Price List with additional illustrations ofevery coin fromthecollection. Only25copiesprinted! $250.00 M23 Same. Paper. Thisversionofthereprintincludesstandardplatesratherthancontactplates. Only200copiesprinted. . $75.00 M24 Stack’s. The Philip M. Showers Collection ofUnited States HalfCents. 1999. 11pp., 18plates. Ahardbound reprintofthe original 1969catedogueillustratingthishighlyimportantHalfCentcollection. $75.00 M25 Stack’s/Sotheby’s. The “Dallas Bank” Collection - Highly Important United States Gold Coins Formed bythe Late H. JeffBrowning. NewYork, October 2001. 296pp. Ahardboundversion ofthis fantastic auction catalogue highlightedby a com- plete collectionofU.S. DoubleEagles.Allcoinsareillustrated, manyinfullcolorwiththe restinblackandwhite. $80.00 M26 Same. Softbound. $40.00 . M27 Stack’s/Sotheby’s. The Stack Collection - Important British, Anglo-Saxon and English Hammered Coins. London, 1999. 228pp., including 18 color plates. Ahardbound version ofthe catalogue from this highly important sale. Everycoin is illus- tratedinblackandwhite inadditiontothe colorplates. $75.00 123 WEST 57th STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019-2280 — — 3 3hjAs> NUMISMATIC BOOKS COINS OF THE UNITED STATES M28 Adams, Edgar H. Private Gold Coinage ofCalifornia, M47 Same. Paper. $60.00 1849-1855, Its History and Its Uses. Reprint ofarticles . from the AJN in 1912, published in 1913. 110pp., illus. M48 Birdsall, Clair M. The United States Branch Mint at $45.00 Charlotte, North Carolina: Its History and Coinage. M29 Adams, John W. Monographs on Varieties of United Easley, SC. 1988. 123pp., illus. $30.00 States Large Cents, 1793-1794. Lawrence, MA. 1976 M49 Blythe, Al. The Complete Guide to Liberty Seated reprint. 205pp., illus. $45.00 Half Dimes. Virginia Beach, 1992. 167pp., illus. Paper. M30 United States Numismatic Literature. Vol.I: $29.95 . NCAi.ne1t9e82e.nt27h1pCpe.n,tiullrusy. Auction Catalogs. Missio$n15V0ie.j0o0, M50 BaonwderTsr,aQd.eDDavoildl.arAs Boufytehre’sUnGiutiedde SttoatSeisl.veWrolDfoelbloarros, M31 Vol.II: Twentieth Century Auction Catalogs. 1996. 310pp., illus. Paper. $19.95 . Cresthne, CA. 1990. 419pp., illus. $150.00 M51 Breen, Walter. Dies and Coinage. New York, 1962. M32 Akers, David W. A Handbook of20th Century United 38pp. Paper. Scarce. An interesting, briefhistory of the States Gold Coins, 1907-1933. Wolfeboro, 1988. 182pp., mintingofcoinage. $19.50 illus. Hardbound. $29.95 M33 Aucti.oUnniRteceodrdSst.atCeosmpGloeltdeCsoixinvsol-umAenseAtn,ailnycsliusdionfg M52 1975..2M4papj.o,rillVuas.riPeatpiere.s of U.S. Gold Dollars. Chi$c8a.g5o0, v$4o.l0u0m,eHsalcfoEvaegrliensg, EGaoglldesDoalnldarDso,ubQluearEtaeglresE.agles,$6$235..0000, M53 1954._.1T6phpe.,Uinlliuts.edPapSetra.teTshiPsasthtoerrtnrsefoefre1n7c9e2.isNsteilwlaYourske,- M34 Vol.I - Gold Dollars, 1849-1889. Englewood, fulsourceofinformation onthispopulartopic. $22.50 . 1975. 110pp., illus. $65.00 M54 Walter Breen’s Complete Encyclopedia of M35 1975..2V4o8lp.pI.I, -ilQluus.arAtegrentElaygluesse,d1c7o9p6y-1of92t9h.isEsncgalrecweovoodl,- U.S. and Colonial Coins. NewYork, 1988. 754pp$.1,3i5l.lu0s0. ume. $135.00 M55 Walter Breen’s Complete Encyclopedia of M36 Vol.III - Three Dollar Gold Pieces, 1854-1889, U.S. .and Colonial Proof Coins. Albertson, 1977. and F.our Dollar Gold Pieces, 1879-1880. Englewood, 324pp., illus. The scarce hardbound version ofthis out-of- 1976. 92pp., illus. $85.00 printreference. $75.00 M37 . Vol.IV - Half Eagles, 1795-1929. Englewood, M56 WalterBreen’s EncyclopediaofUnited States 1979. 393pp., illus. $120.00 Half.Cents, 1793-1857. South Gate, CA. 1983. 501pp., M38 Vol.V - Eagles, 1795-1933. Englewood, 1980. illus., pluscolorplates. $60.00 . 322pp., illus. $165.00 M57 Walter Breen’s Encyclopedia of Early United M39 Vol.VI - Double Eagles, 1849-1933. 404pp., illus. State.s Cents, 1793-1814. Wolfeboro, 2000. 857pp., illus. . $79.95 and 34 plates. Similar in format to Breen’s well known reference on HalfCents, this book offers an abundance of M40 United States Gold Patterns. Racine, 1975. . information regarding every aspect of the coins within 115pp., illus. $120.00 thisseries. $89.95 M41 Alexander, David. Comprehensive Catalogue and En- c57y5cplpo.,peidlliuas.oPfapUern.ited States Coins. New York,$1189.9050. M58 Blreecstsientgt.,NKeenwneYtorhk.,T1h9e99.Wh24i6tpmp.a,nilGluus.idPeapetro.CAoisnuitCaobll-e introductoryreferenceforthe novicecollector. $11.95 M42 American Numismatic Association. Counterfeit Detec- tion. Vol.I. Colorado Springs, 1983. 147pp., illus. Paper. M59 Briggs, Larry. The Comprehensive Encyclopedia of $15.00 United States Liberty Seated Quarters. Lima, OH. 1991. 254pp., illus. Paper. $39.95 M43 Counterfeit Detection. Vol.II. 106pp., illus. . $9.95 M60 Browning, A.W. The Early Quarters of the United States, 1796-1838. Updated byWalter Breen. Wolfeboro, M44 ACmoeirniacgaen: N1u7m9i4s-m1a8t9i1.c SNoecwietYyo,rke,d.1A9m8e7.ri2c1a0’pps.,Siilllvuesr. 1992. 166pp., illus. Paper. $21.95 $15.00 M61 Bugert, Bill, and Wiley, Randy. The Complete Guide to M45 Anton, William T., and Kesse, Bruce. The Forgotten Liberty Seated Half Dollars. Virginia Beach, 1993. Coins ofthe North American Colonies. Woodcliff, NJ. 234pp., illus. $69.95 1990. 83pp., 10 plates. $50.00 M62 Carlotto, Tony. The Copper Coins of Vermont and M46 Barfield, Rodney and Strown, Keith. The Bechtlers and Those Bearing the Vermont Name. Chelsea, Ml. 1998. theirCoinage. Raleigh, 1980. 65pp., illus. $89.95 218pp., illus. $50.00 123 WEST 57th STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019-2280 — — 4 NUMISMATIC BOOKS M63 Cassel. David. United States Pattern Postage Cur- M80 Fivaz, Bill. Helpful Hints for Enjoying Coin Collect- rency Coins. Miami, 2000. 225pp., illus. This book is by ing. Savannah, 1999. 116pp., illus. Spiral bound. Paper. far the most exhaustive reference regarding this area of This book offers a number of“how to” tips, as well as in- pattern collecting. The author makes many valuable cor- formation about gi-ading, coin jargon and other reference rections tobothJudd and Pollock. $145.00 works. .$15.95 M64 Cline, J.H. Standing Liberty Quarters. 3rd ed. Palm M81 Flynn, Kevin. Getting Your Two Cents Worth. Rtinco- Harbor, FL. 1997. 175pp., illus. $24.95 cas, NJ. 1994. 112pp., illus. Paper. $19.95 M65 CHoahlefn,SiRstoegresr.”S.,2nJrd.eAd.meArldiicngatnonH,aVlAf.Ce19n8t2s.:1t3h1pep.“,Liitltlulse. M82 Mispl.aMcoerdgDaantesD,olalnadr COlvaesrhdaetdeEs,ReOvveerrseMsi.nRtamnacorckass,, Nowoutofprintand in short supply. $60.00 1998. 120pp., illus. Paper. $19.95 M66 Coin World. Coin World Almanac; Millennium Edi- M83 Two Dates Are Better Than One - A Collec- tion. Sidney, OH. 2000. 700pp. Paper. $20.00 tor’s. Guide to Misplaced Dates. Rancocas, 1997. 512pp., illus. Paper. $54.95 M67 Crosby, Sylvester S. The Early Coins of America. Reprint of the 1875 original. Lawrence, 1983. 378pp., 10 M84 Flynn, Kevin et al. Those Amazing Coins - A Kids’ plates. $60.00 Guide to Collecting. Brooklyn, 2000. 120pp., illus. Paper. $9.95 M68 Crosby, Sylvester et al. Early American Coppers An- thology. New York, 1977. 545pp., illus. A compilation of M85 Fox, Les and Sue. The U.S. Rare Coin Handbook. Mid- important articles on the subject. One ofonly 1,000 land Park, NJ. 2000. 216pp., illus. Paper. This reference copiesprinted. $95.00 contains a lengthy section on the new Statehood Quarters aswell astheauthors’ toprarecoin 100 picks. $9.95 M69 Davignon, Keith R. Contemporary Counterfeit Capped Bust Half Dollars. Rocky River, 1996. 159pp., M86 Ganz, David L. The World ofCoins and Coin Collect- iUus. $60.00 ing. Revised 3rded. Chicago, 1998. 277pp., illus. $29.95 M70 Davis, Charles E. American Numismatic Literature - M87 Garrett, Jeff and Dannreuther, John. United States An Annotated Survey of Auction Sales, 1980-1991. Gold Coinage: Significant Auction Records, 1990- Lincoln, MA. 1992. 218pp. One ofonly 550 copies 2001. 3rd ed., 2001. Spiral bound. Paper. A wealth ofim- printed. $85.00 portant information for both pricing and research in one handyvolume. $129.00 M71 Davis, DavidJ. etal. EarlyUnited States Dimes, 1796- 1837.Ypsilanti, MI. 1984. 279pp., illus. $50.00 M88 . United States Small Cents to Silver Dollars: Significant Auction Records, 1995 - 2001. 2nd ed., M72 De Witt, J. Doyle. Alfred S Robinson - Hartford Nu- 2001. Spiral bound. Paper. The companion to the previ- mismatist. Connecticut, 1968. 28pp., illus. Paper. $5.00 ously listed reference covering all non-gold regular issue U. S. coins. $129.00 M73 Doty, Richard. America’s Money, America’s Story, lola, 1998. 244pp., iUus. Paper. $34.95 M89 Gilbert, Ebenezer. United States Half Cents. Natick, MA. Reprintofthe 1916work. 43pp., plates. $17.50 M74 Eitemiller, DavidJ. Historic Tours - The DenverMint. Frederick, CO. 1985. 41pp., illus. Paper. $3.95 M90 Gilliland, Coiy. Sylloge ofthe United States Holdings in the National Numismatic Collection of the M75 Feigenbaum, John. The Complete Guide to Washing- Smithsonian Institution. Vol.I - Gold Coins, 1785- ton Quarters. Virginia Beach, 1994. 149pp., illus. Paper. 1834. Washington and London, 1992. 128pp., illus. For- $16.95 merly$62.00,duetoaspecialpurchasenowonly $29.95 M76 Fey, Michael S. and Oxman, Jeff. The Top 100 Morgan Dollar Varieties: The VAM Keys. 3rd ed. Morris M91 Gould, Maurice M. and Bresset, Kenneth E. Hawaiian Plains, 1997. 137pp. A pocket-sized spiral bound refer- Coins, Tokens and Paper Money. 2nd revised ed. ence. Paper. $24.95 Racine, 1961. 48pp., illus. $20.00 M77 Same. Pocket-sized leatheretteversion. $24.95 M92 Greer, Brian. The Complete Guide to Liberty Seated . Dimes.VirginiaBeach, 1992. 185pp., illus. Paper. $36.95 M78 Fricke, Pierre and Brad Karoleff. Bust Half Quotes. 7th ed. 1999. 49pp. Paper. A wonderful source for valuations M93 Grellman, J.R. and Reiver, Jules. Attribution Guide for andrarityofearlyHalfDollarsbydievariety. $20.00 U.S. Large Cents, 1840-1857. 2nd ed. 1987. Illus. This hard-to-fmd and highly important reference is irreplace- M79 Fivaz, Bill and Stanton, J.T. The Cherrypicker’s Guide able forLau-geCentcollectors. $195.00 to Rare Die Varieties: Vol.I. 4th ed. Savannah, 2000. 422pp. Thoroughly illustrated. Spiral bound. Paper. M94 Heaton, A.G. Coinage of the United States Branch Greatly expanded, thisvolume concentrateson HalfCents Mints. Long Island City, 1984. 55pp. Paper. A reprint of through Nickels. $34.95 his 1893work. $19.95 123 WEST 57th STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019-2280 — — 5 jfkA' NUMISMATIC BOOKS M95 Hickson, Howard. Mint Mark: “CC”. The Story ofThe Ml14 2000Auction Prices Realized. lola, 2000. 434pp. United States Mint at Carson City, Nevada. Carson Paper. $75.00 City, 1990. 124pp., illus. Paper. $20.00 M115 Lange, David W. The Complete Guide to Buffalo M96 Hilt, Robert P. Die Varieties of Early United States Nickels. 2nd ed. Virginia Beach, 2000. 194pp., illus. Coins. Omaha, 1980. 123pp., illus. $100.00 $36.95 M97 Hpoadrdteerd,BMaircsh:aelA.RWeevsiteewrnofAmtehreiEcvaindeGnocled. aBenldgiUunm-, Ml16 giniaB.eTahceh,C1o99m3p,l1e8t0epp.GuPiapdeer.to Mercury Dimes$.29V.i9r5- 1999. 65pp., illus. Printed in TheAmericanJournalofNu- mismatics - ANS Vol. II. Accompanied by additional arti- M117 Lapp, Warren A. and Silberman, Herbert A. United cles on Ancient, Islamic and U.S. coins as well as a States Large Cents 1793-1857. Lawrence, 1971. 647pp., numberofbookreviews. $40.00 illus. $79.50 M98 Judd, J. Hewitt and Kosoff, A. United States Pattern, Ml18 Lasser,Joseph R. et al. The Coinage ofColonialAmer- Experimental and Trial Pieces. 7th ed. Racine, 1982. ica. Williamsburg, 1997. 43pp., illus. plus 4 color plates. 276pp., illus. $110.00 Paper. $10.00 M99 Same. 6th ed., 1977. 276pp., illus. $75.00 M119 Lawrence, David. The Complete Guide to Barber . Quarters. 2nded. VirginiaBeach, 1994. 126pp., illus. Spi- MlOO . Same. 5th ed., 1974. 260pp., illus. $60.00 ralbound. $29.95 MlOl . Same. 4th ed., 1970. 260pp., illus. $40.00 M120 . The Complete Guide to Barber Halves. Vir- M102 . Same. 2nded., 1962. 260pp., illus. $25.00 giniaBeach, 1991. 112pp., illus. Paper. $29.95 M103 Kagin, Donald H. Private Gold Coins and Patterns of M121 Leone, Frank. Longacre’s Two-Cent Piece-1864 Attri- the United States. New York, 1981. 406pp., illus. bution Guide. College Point, 1997. 248pp., illus. Spiral bound. Paper. $24.95 $39.95 M104 Kenney, Richard D. Struck Copies of Early American M122 Logan, Russell J. and McCloskey, John W. Federal Half Coins. NewYork, 1982 reprint ofthe 1952 original. 16pp. Dimes, 1792-1837. Manchester, MI. 1998. 293pp., illus. A highly important reference published by the John Reich Paper. $12.00 Collectors Society. The format and style are quite similar M105 Kleeberg, John M., ed. America’s Large Cent. New totheirexcellenttexton earlyU. S. Dimes. $75.00 York, 1998. 190pp., illus. Acollection ofeightarticles from M123 Loring, Denis W. Monographs on Varieties of United the 1996 CoinageoftheAmericas Conference attheAmer- States Large Cents, 1795-1803. Lawrence, 1976. ican NumismaticSociety. $25.00 233pp., illus. $45.00 M106 America’s Silver Dollars. New York, 1995. . M124 Manley, Ronald P. The Half Cent Die State Book, 127pp., illus. $25.00 1797-1857. 1998. 300pp., illus. An essential book for the M107 Circulating Counterfeits of the Americas. HalfCentdie statespecialist. $75.00 New Y.ork, 2000. 277pp., illus. A compilation of proceed- M125 Margolis, Arnold and Weinberg, Fred. The Error Coin ings from the 1998 Coinage oftheAmericas Conference at theAmerican NumismaticSociety. $35.00 Encyclopedia. 3rd ed. U.S.A., 2000. 456pp., illus. The book supplies information regarding the means of manu- M108 Money of Pre-Federal America. New York, facture for virtually every imaginable coinage error. . 1992. 253pp., illus. $25.00 $39.95 M109 Kliman, M Ton M. The Two Cent Piece and Varieties. M126 Maris, Edward. A Historic Sketch of the Coins of NewYork,31983. 70pp. Paper. $12.00 New Jersey. Reprint of the original Philadelphia, 1881 edition. NewYork, 1981. 17pp., 1 plate. Paper. $12.00 MllO Koeppel, Elliot H. The California Gold Country. Cali- faonrdnipa,eo1p9l9e6.wh2i3c5hppw.e,rielliusn.flAuenttriiablutteotCoaltihfeortnoiwangso,ldcammipns- M127 21pp.,. pTlhues hCiogihnqsuaolfitNyelewu-gJeedrosuebyl.eLpaawgreednpclea,te.MAA.li1g9h7t4l.y ing. $34.95 used copy of this scarce oversized format reference. $160.00 Mill Ko.soff, Abe. An Illustrated History of United States Coins, 1792-1959. Encino, 1962. 76pp., illus. Paper. A M128 Metcalf, William E., ed. America’s Gold Coinage. New worthwhile source of information for those who desire to York, 1990. 132pp., illus. $15.00 ePaxtptaenrdns.their regular issue t3T3e set into the field o$f12U..5S0. M129 Miller, Henry C. The State Coinage of Connecticut. Reprint of American Numismatic Society publication of M112 Pioneer Gold Coinage of the Old West. Van 1920. NewYork, 1981. 122pp., plusplates. $35.00 . Nuys, 1964. 24pp., illus. Paper. $4.50 M130 Miller, Robert W. United States Half Eagle Gold M113 Krause Publications. 2001 Auction Prices Realized, Coins, 1795 to 1834. Elmwood Park, 1997. 176pp., illus. lola, 2001. 363pp. Paper. $75.00 $39.95 123 WEST 57th STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019-2280 — — 6 NUMISMATIC BOOKS M131 Mitchell, Scott. 2002 American Guide to U.S. Coins. M147 O’Brien, Donald C. Abner Heed: A Connecticut En- New York, 2001. 237pp., illus. Paper. Originally written graver. Hartford, 1979. 16pp., illus. Paper. Printed in the by Charles F. French in 1904, this edition has been exten- January 1979 Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin. Also sively revised and updated to include a broad cross section included is an article entitled “Stephen Johnson; Patriot ofinformation for both the buver and seller ofU.S. coins. Minister” by BruceStark. $7.,50 $8.99 M148 Overton, Al C. Early Half Dollar Die Varieties, 1794- M132 Mossman, Philip L., ed. Coinage ofthe American Con- 1836. 3rd ed. Ann Arbor, 1990. 676pp., illus. $69.95 federation Period. New York, 1996. 346pp., illus. $25.00 M149 Owens, Dan. California Coiners and Assayers. New York, 2000. 448pp., illus. A systematic catalogue ofmajor M133 Money of the American Colonies and Confed- and minor players revealing many newdetails. A must for eratio.n. NewYork, 1993. 314pp., illus. $100.00 anyone interested in the romance of the Gold Rush. $.39.50 M134 Nelson, Philip. The Coinage ofWilliam Wood for the American Colonies. New York, 1989 reprint ofthe 1903 M150 Peters, Gloria and Mohon, Cynthia. The Complete work. 48pp., illus. Paper. $12.00 Guide to Shield & Liberty Head Nickels. Virginia Beach, 1995. 214pp., illus. Paper. $34.95 M135 Newcomb, Howard R. United States Copper Cents, 1816-1857. New York, 1986 reprint of the 1956 revised M151 Peterson, Glenn R. The Ultimate Guide to Attributing ed. 284pp., 11 plates. $60.00 Bust Half Dollars. Rocky River, OH. 2000. 293pp., illus. Hardbound. This brand new reference contains a wealth M136 Newman, Eric P. Coinage for Colonial Virginia. New of quick finder information to aid in the attribution of York, 1956. 57pp., 6plates. Paper. $40.00 Capped Bust Half Dollars. Updated rarity levels and val- uesare includedforimportantdievarieties. $99.95 M137 The 1776 Continental Currency, Coinage, and Varie.ties of the Fugio Cent. New York, 1952. 20pp., M152 . Same. Spiralbound. $89.95 illus. Paper. $11.50 M153 Pollock, Andrew W. United States Patterns and Re- M138 Same, 1982 reprint of the 1952 work. 20pp., illus. lated Issues. Wolfeboro, 1994. 510pp., illus. $79.50 . Paper. $11.50 M154 Reiver, Jules. The United States Early Silver Dollars, M139 The Secret of the Good Samaritan Shilling. 1794-1803. 2nd printing. lola, 1999. 115pp., illus. Die va- New Y.ork, 1959. 71pp., 9 plates. Paper. This book covers riety specialists now have a new tool to assist them with the story of the enigmatic Good Samaritan Shilling, as SilverDollarattributionsandresearch. $37.95 well as a number ofother counterfeit and genuine Massa- M155 Ryder, Hillyer. The Colonial Coins of Vermont and chusettssilvercoins. $27.50 Vermont Cents, by Edmund Slafter. New York, 1981 M140 ed. Studies on Money in Early America. New reprint of 1920 and 1870 originals. 51pp., illus. Paper. . $12.00 York, 1976. 216pp., illus. $70.00 M156 The Copper Coins of Massachusetts. New M141 Newman, Eric P. and Bresset, Kenneth E. The Fantastic . 1804 Dollar. Racine, 1962. 144pp., illus. $29.50 York, 1981 reprint of 1920 original. 10pp., 1 plate. P$a7p.e0r0. M142 Newman, Eric P. and Mallis, A. George. U. S. Coin M157 Schilke, Oscar G. and Solomon, Raphael E. America’s iSlcluasl.esSpiarnadl bCoouunntderpafpeeirt.CTohienoDneltyercetfoerrse.nc1e99o9f.i3ts91kpipn.d, FwoirtehiVganluCaotiinosns- Aonf FIlolruesitgrnatCedoiSntsanWdiatrhdLCeagtaalloTgeune- availabletocollectors. $39.50 der Status in the United States 1793-1857. New M143 Noe, Sydney P. The Pine Tree Coinage of Massachu- York, 1964. 211pp., illus. $35.00 setts. NewYork, 1952. 48pp., 11 plates. Paper. $65.00 M158 Scott, Kenneth. Counterfeiting in Colonial America. M144 The Silver Coinage of Massachusetts. NewYork, 1957. 283pp., illus. $32,50 Lawre.nce, MA. 1973. 246pp., illus. A very scarce and of M159 Same. Philadelphia, 2000. 320pp. Paper. $19.95 utmost importance to Massachusetts silver collec- . tors. $250.00 M160 Counterfeiting in Colonial New York. New . York, 1953. AnAmerican NumismaticSocietyMonograph. M145 Noyes, William C. United States Large Cents, 1793- 222pp., 13pis. Paper. $35.00 1814. Bloomington, MN. 1991. Illus.; and United States Large Cents, 1816-1839. Bloomington, MN. 1991. Illus. M161 Counterfeiting in Colonial Pennsylvania. New Atwovolumesetofthisexcellentreference. $235.00 York,.1955. AnAmerican NumismaticSocietyMonograph. 168pp., 2pis. Paper. $35.00 M146 The Official CQR/Noyes Condition Census for U.S. .Large Cents 1793-1814. Ann Arbor, 1999. Spiral M162 Sheldon, William H. PennyWhimsy. Reprint ofthe 1958 bound. A wonderful source for pedigree information on work. Long Island City, 1990. 340pp., plus plates and ap- conditioncensusearly LargeCentsbydievariety. $40.00 pendix. $60.00 123 WEST 57th STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019-2280 — — 7 NUMISMATIC BOOKS M163 Sieber, Arlyn G. 1993 North American Coins and M178 Taylor, Sol. The Standard Guide to the Lincoln Cent. Prices: A Guide to U.S., Canadian and Mexican 4thed. Anaheim, CA. 2000. 293pp., illus. Paper. $27.00 Coins. lola, 1992. 512pp., illus. with valuations. Paper. $5.00 Ml79 Tomaska, Rick. The Complete Guide to Franklin Half Dollars. Virginia Beach, 1997. 223pp., illus. Paper. M164 Souders, Edgar E. Bust Half Fever, 1807-1836. Rocky $25.00 River, OH. 1995. 330pp., illus. $60.00 M180 Van Allen, Leroy C. and Mallis, A. George. Comprehen- M165 Stack, Norman. United States Type Coins: An Illus- sive Catalog and Encyclopedia of Morgan & Peace trated History of the Federal Coinage. 2nd ed. New Dollars. 4th ed. Orlando, 1998. 525pp, illus. Paper. York, 1986. 102pp. All illustrations in color. $24.95 $79.95 M166 Stack’s. The Joseph Brobston Collection of United M181 Van Ryzin, Robert R. Crime of 1873 - the Comstock States HalfCents. NewYork, 1999. 24pp., plus 24plates Connection. lola, 2001. 297pp., extensively illustrated. of high quality contact prints, hand mounted. A hard- This meticulously researched reference provides a wealth bound reprint of the original Fixed Price List with addi- of information on the Coinage Act of 1873 and the Free tional illustrations ofevery coin from the collection. Only SilverMovement. $34.95 25copiesprinted! $250.00 M182 Wexler, John. The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die. 1984. M167 Same. Paper. This version of the reprint includes 226pp., illus. Paper. $18.95 . standard plates rather than contact plates. Only 200 M183 White, Weimar W. The Liberty Seated Dollar, 1840- copiesprinted. $75.00 1873. NewYork, 1985. 83pp., illus. Paper. $12.00 M168 Stack’s. The Philip M. Showers Collection of United M184 Whitman Publishing. United States and Canada Coin States Half Cents. 1999. 11pp., 18 plates. A hardbound Collector’s Check List and Record Book. New York, reprint ofthe original 1969 catiogillustratingthis highly 1999. 157pp., illus. Paper. $5.95 important HalfCentcollection. $75.00 M185 Wiles, James. The RPM Book. Savannah, 1997. 284pp., M169 Steve, Larry R. and Flynn, Kevin J. Flying Eagle and illus. Paper. $26.95 Indian Cent Die Varieties. Jarrettsville, MD. 1995. 230pp., illus. Paper. $49.95 M186 Willem, John M. The United States Trade Dollar. Racine, 1965. 191pp., illus. $57.50 M170 Stewart, Frank H. History of the First United States Mint. Reprint of the 1924 original. Lawrence, 1974. M187 Winter, Douglas. Gold Coins ofthe Carson CityMint, 209pp., illus. $45.00 1870-1893. Dallas, 2001. 201pp., illus. An updated re- placement forthe scarce and importantWinter/Cutler ref- M171 Swiatek, Anthony. The Walking Liberty Half Dollar. erenceonthe sametopic. $35.00 NewYork, 1983. 72pp., illus. Paper. $10.00 M188 Same. Paper. $25.00 . M172 Swiatek, Anthony, and Breen, Walter. The Encyclope- M189 Gold Coins ofthe Charlotte Mint. Dallas, 1999. dia of U.S. Silver and Gold Commemorative Coins, 220pp.., illus. $35.00 1892-1989. Wolfeboro, NH. 1990. 386pp., illus. Paper. $29.95 M190 Gold Coins ofthe Dahlonega Mint, 1838-1861. . Dallas, 1997. 250pp., illus. $35.00 M173 Taglione, Paul F. A Reference to United States Fed- eral Coinage. Vol. I: An Introduction to Gold M191 . Same. Paper. $25.00 Coinage and the Gold Dollars. Boston, 1986. 166pp. M192 New Orleans Mint Gold Coins: 1839-1909. Paper. $24.50 . Wolfeboro, NH. 1992. 200pp., illus. Paper. $19.95 M174 . Same. Vol.H: The Quarter Eagles. 360pp. Paper. M193 Winter, Douglas and Fuljenz, Michael. Type Two Dou- $34.50 ble Eagles, 1866-1876. 2nd ed. 1999. 95pp., illus. Paper. M175 Same. Vol.HI: The Three Dollar Pieces. 102pp. $19.95 . Paper. $19.50 M194 Wright, John D. The Cent Book, 1816-1839. Blooming- M176 TEaargalsezsk,a,1A7n95t-h1o8n0y4.J. PUonrittageed,SMtIa,te1s99T9e.n84Dpopl.l,airllGuso.lAd tpoann,io1n99b2o.ok33t5oppt.h,atilolfusN.opyleussa2n7dpNlaetwecs.omAbn.excelle$n1t25c.o0m0- highly importantreference fordievarietycollectors in this M195 Yeoman, R.S. A Guidebook of United States Coins. series, and the only book ofits kind. Only 300printed. 55th ed. for the Year 2002. NewYork, 2000. 352pp., illus. Each is individually serial numbered on the back cover Hardcover. $14.95 and signed bytheauthoron the fly leaf. $65.00 M196 Same. 55thed. Softcover. $10.95 M177 Taxay, Don. The United States Mint and Coinage. . Reprint ofthe 1966 work. Long Island City, 1983. 400pp., M197 Handbook of United States Coins. 59th ed. for illus. $59.50 theYe.ar2002. NewYork, 2001. 224pp., illus. Paper. $8.95 123 WEST 57th STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019-2280 — — 8 NUMISMATIC BOOKS UNITED STATES PAPER MONEY M198 American Numismatic Society. America’s Currency: M214 An Illustrated History of U.S. Loans, 1775- 1780-1866. NewYork, 1986. 142pp., illus. $15.00 1898..Dover, 1988. 378pp., illus. $50.00 M199 Anderson, William G. The Price of Liberty - The Pub- M215 . U.S. Essay, Proof and Specimen Notes. lic Debt of the American Revolution. Charlottesville, Portage, 1979. 224pp., illus. $19.95 1983. 180pp., illus. The standard reference pertaining to M216 Hodder, Michael and Bowers, Q. David. The Standard the various debt certificates of the American colonies. Catalogue of Encased Postage Stamps. Wolfeboro, $35.00 1989. 191pp., illus. Paper. $29.95 M200 Ball, Douglas B. Comprehensive Catalog and History M217 Huntoon, Peter. United States Large Size National ofConfederate Bonds. Port Clinton, OH. 1998. 288pp., BankNotes. Laramie, WY. 1995. 283pp., illus. $49.95 illus. $40.00 M218 Keller, Kenneth. Sutler Paper Money. Rockford, 1994. M201 Bart, Frederick J. Comprehensive Catalog of United 245pp., illus. Paper. $50.00 States Paper Money Errors. Port Clinton, OH. 1994. 190pp., illus. Paper. $25.00 M219 Kelly, Don C. National Bank Notes - A Guide with Prices. Oxford, OH. 1997. 596pp., illus. $100.00 M202 C6B9lou8leplspet.conOtein,oenBaorfonf1e,yU0.n0iT0thbeeoduCneSldtearbterepasrtiePndtaspAlepbrreordMtuocAne.deyGi.rnciln1un9de7il1nl.g M220 KNleewebYeorrgk,,Jo19h9n2.M.2,53epdp..M,oilnlues.yofPre-Federal Ame$r2i5c.a0.0 the catalogue descriptions and prices realized from all M221 Krause, Chester L. and Lemke, Robert F. Standard Cat- seven auctionsofMr. Grinnell’s material. $85.00 alog of United States Paper Money. 20th ed. lola, 2001. 229pp., illus. The new edition ofthis popular, versa- M203 Bressett, Kenneth. Guide Book of United States Cur- tilereference. $29.95 rency. Racine. 3rded., 1999. 336pp., illus. $15.95 M222 Murray, Douglas D. Comprehensive Catalog of M204 Cambell, Lance K. Prisoner of War and Concentra- United States Large Size Star Notes - 1910-1929. tion Camp Money of the 20th Century. 2nd ed. Port PortClinton, OH. 1996. 128pp., illus. Paper. $24.95 Clinton, OH. 1993. 200pp., illus. $25.00 M223 Newman, Eric P. The Early Paper Money ofAmerica. M205 Carothers, Neil. Fractional Money. Reprint ofthe 1930 4thed. lola, 1997. 487pp., illus. $75.00 work. Wolfeboro, 1988. 373pp., illus. Paper. $19.95 M224 New Netherlands. 59th Catalogue of United States M206 CHhaanmdbbliososk,.CaProlrstoCnliRn.toUn.,S.OHP.ap1e9r99.Mo47n9eppy.,- iGluluis.deAausned- LCaoirngse FCeenattsu.riJnugneCo1l96o7n.ia1l3s6,ppH.,aliflluCs.enAtsc,lasasincdsaSleelfeecat- fulbookinobtainingboth historicalinformationaswell as turing. $20.00 ideas with which to build collections in all categories of M225 60th Public Auction Sale. December 1968. theU.S. currencyfield. $24.95 116pp.,. 16 plates. Pedigreed massachusetts silver, impor- M207 Criswell, Grover C. Confederate and Southern States tthainstscaolel.onials, and private/territorial gold are of n$o2t5e.0i0n Bonds. 2nded.,Florida, 1980. 374pp., illus. $37.50 M226 New Netherlands/Seaby. 2nd Joint Public Auction M208 . Confederate War Bonds. 1992-1993 edition. Salt Sale. Early U.S. Large Cents 1793-1814 andAncient Springs, FL. 1992. 76pp., illus. Paper. $5.00 Greek Coins. November 1973. 105pp., 48 plates. Amajor auction sale featuring R.E. Naftzger’s fantastic Large M209 . Colonel Grover Criswell’s Guide to Confeder- Centcollection. $45.00 ate Money. Salt Springs, FL. 1991. 58pp., illus. Paper. $5.00 M227 Oakes, Dean and Schwartz, John. Standard Guide to Small-Size U.S. Paper Money - 1928 to Date. 2nd ed. M210 . Comprehensive Catalog of Confederate lola, 1997. 339pp., illus. Paper. $17.50 Paper Money. Port Clinton, OH. 1996. 352pp., illus. $35.00 M228 Prather, Dewitt G. United States National Bank Notes and their Seals. Charlotte, 1986. 199pp. illus. M211 Friedberg, Arthur L. and Ira S. Paper Money of the $40.00 United States. 16th ed. Clifton, 2001. 340pp.,$3i8ll.u7s5. M229 SMcohniengyoeftohreB,usHienrebssanTdraMianritnhga..loClao,l1l9e9g3.eIClluusr.re$n95c.y00- M212 Harlow, Thompson R. Connecticut Engravers: 1774- M230 Schuckers, J.W. A BriefAccount ofthe Finances and 1820. Hartford, 1971. 40pp., illus. Paper. Printed in the Paper Money of the Revolutionary War. Reprint of October 1971 Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin. the original 1874 work. NewYork, 1978. 128pp. Only 500 $9.50 copiesprinted. $37.50 M213 Hessler, Gene. The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. M231 Schwan, Fred. Comprehensive Catalog of Military Paper Money. 6th ed. Port Clinton, OH. 1997. 505pp., Payment Certificates. Port Clinton, OH. 1997. 222pp., illus. Paper. $29.95 illus. $35.00 123 WEST 57th STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019-2280 — 9 NUMISMATIC BOOKS M232 Schwan, Fred and Boling, Joseph E. World War II Re- M249 Boylan, Leona Davis. Spanish Colonial Silver. Santa membered. Port Clinton, OH. 1995. 864pp., illus. $65.00 Fe, 1974. 202pp., illus. $29.95 M233 Scott, Kenneth. Counterfeiting in Colonial Rhode Is- M250 Clark, Hermann Frederick. JohnHull,A Builderofthe land. Providence, 1960. 74pp., illus. $30.00 BayColony.Wolfeboro, NH. 1993. 221pp. $15.00 M234 Counterfeiting in Colonial Connecticut. New M251 Collins,Jack. Selectionsfrom the Collection ofWash- York,.1957. 244pp., 24plates. Paper. $67.50 ingtonia from the Estate ofF.C.C. Boyd. South Gate, CA. 1991. 50pp., 36 plates, illus. Paper. Actually a Fixed M235 Slabaugh, Arlie R. Confederate States Paper Money. Price List from Collins, but oftremendous usefulness due 9th ed. lola, 1998. 246pp., illus. Paper. A new, expanded totheheavynumberofillustrations. $55.00 edition of this book, now including a useful section on Southern States Currency. $19.95 M252 Criswell, Grover. North American Currency. 2nd ed. Citra, FL. 1969. 942 pp., illus. Still a very useful single M236 Sullivan, Stephen M. U.S. Error Note Encyclopedia. volumereferenceonobsoletebanknotes. $65.00 Melbourne, 1997. 431pp., illus. $35.00 M253 Same. 1sted. lola, 1965. 910pp., illus. $45.00 M237 Thian, Raphael P. The Register of the Confederate . Debt. Reprint of the classic 1880 work. Lawrence, 1972. M254 Cunningham, Paul A. Military Tokens of the United 190pp. Scarce. $55.00 States - Vol.I (Domestic Issues). Tecumseh, MI. 1995. M238 Same. Lincoln, MA. 190pp. A later reprint than the 440pp., illus. $50.00 booko.fferedabove. $55.00 M255 Same. Vol.II (Overseas Issues). Tecumseh, 1998. . M239 Vlack, Robert A. An Illustrated Catalogue of Early 461pp., illus. $49.95 North American Advertising Notes. Just released and M256 Doty, Richard G., ed. The Token: America’s Other the only available reference covering this topic. Only 300 Money. NewYork, 1995. 224pp., illus. $25.00 copiesprinted. Extensivelyillustrated. $67.50 M257 Driesbach, Janice T. et al. Art of the Gold Rush. Italy, 1998. 148pp.Profusely illustratedin color. $50.00 MEDALS, TOKENS, DECORATIONS M258 Eymann, Marcia and Heath, John Drew. Silver and U. S. AND AMERICANA Gold - Cased images of the California Gold Rush. IowaCity, 1998. 226pp., illus. $95.00 M240 Adams, John W. The Indian Peace Medals of George M259 Same. Paper. $65.00 III or, His Majesty’s Some Time Allies. Crestline, CA. . 1999. 200pp., 32 plates, colorfoldout. $165.00 M260 Fales, Martha Gandy. Jewelry inAmerica - 1600-1900. England, 1995. 447pp. Profusely illustrated in both M241 Albert,Alphaeus H. Record ofAmerican Uniform and colorand black and white. $69.50 Historical Buttons. Bicentennial edition. Fairfax, 1997. 511pp., illus. The 1997 reprint ofthis excellent reference. M261 Fauver, L.B. American Counters, Part 2. Half Eagle $39.95 Gold. Menlo Park, 1989. 102pp., illus. Paper. $17.00 M242 Alpert, Stephen P. and Elman, Lawrence E. Tokens and M262 American Counters, Part 3. Three Dollar and Medals -AGuide to the Identification andValues of Quart.er Eagle Gold. Menlo Park, 1989. 104pp., illus. United States Exonumia. Los Angeles, 1992. 300pp., Paper. $17.00 illus. Paper. $19.95 M263 American Counters, Part 4. One Dollar Gold M243 Aqua, Herman M. Pennsylvania Merchant Tokens. and O.ne Dollar Silver. Menlo Park, 1990. 104pp., illus. Tecumseh, 2000. 1253pp., limited illustrations. This mam- Paper. $17.00 mevoetrhbveonleuemdeedcornetgaairndsianbgotuhtisastompiuc.ch information as$7c2o.u0l0d M264 tion .aAnmderMiicsacenlCloaunnetoeurss.,MPeanrlto5.PaMrikn,or19D90e.no1m0i0pnpa.-, M244 Arman, David and Linda. Anglo-American Ceramics. illus. Paper. $17.00 Part I. Portsmouth, 1988. 263pp., illus. $75.00 M265 Early California Counters. Menlo Park, 1991. M245 Baker, W.S. Medallic Portraits of Washington, lola, 112pp.., illus. Paper. $17.00 1965. Originally published in 1885. 252pp., plus $p3la0t.e0s0. M266 Fuld, George and Melvin. Patriotic Civil War Tokens. 4th reviseded. lola, 1997. 359pp., illus. $29.95 M246 Betts, C. Wyllys. American Colonial History Illus- trated by Contemporary Medals. 1964 Reprint, Win- M267 . Same. 3rd revised ed. Racine, 1965. 77pp.,$1i3l.lu5s0. $45.00 Paper. nipeg. 332pp., illus. M247 . Same. 1972 Reprint, Boston. 369pp., illus. $95.00 M268 77pp.,. Silalumse..PaRpeeprr.int ofthe 3rd revised ed. Lawrence$,18M.A5.0 M248 BcLisehtoyp,MeLedealE.sJ-r.AanndIEdlelniotti,fJi.caRotbieorntGIIu.iAdmee.rSiaclatnLaSkoe- M269 . Same. Racine, 1960. 77pp., illus. Paper. Light dam- City, 1998. 320pp., illus. $75.00 123 WEST 57th STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019-2280 — — 10

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