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ACES PL Special FFOORR MMEEMMBBEERRSS AANNDD SSUUPPPPOORRTTEERRSS OOFF TTHHEE TTRRUUSSTTEEEESS OOFF RREESSEERRVVAATTIIOONNSS I| SUMMER 270m1>5; VOLUiiMmEc 2i3t uNOn. 2> the trustees ofreservations NEWS FROM ACROSS THE STATE A Mark of Distinction Volunteer Opportunities WearepleasedtoannouncethatThe TrusteesofReservationshas recently Wednesday Work Days at Doyle beengrantedrenewalofitsaccreditation Wednesdaysthrough October28 9:30am-12noon throughtheLandTrustAccreditation > 2 o O DoyleCommunity Park&Center, Commission. An independentprogram Leominster 978.840.4446 x8870 oftheLandTrustAlliance(LTA),the Wednesday Volunteer Commissionconductedanextensive 4r/ON CO^ Workdays in the Garden Wednesdaysthrough October28 reviewofthe soundnessofTheTrustees’ 9am-12noon policiesandpractices,andreviewed ReaccreditationconfirmsthatThe Stevens-CoolidgePlace, NorthAndover 978.689.9105xl commentsreceivedfromthepublic,in TrusteescontinuetocomplywithLTA’s there-accreditationprocess. StandardsandPracticesinaddressing Tuesday Work Days in the Garden TuesdaysthroughJune26 Landtruststhatreceiveaccreditation theethicalandtechnicaloperationof ShiftsAvailable:9-11am,1-3pm,and4-6pm meetnationalqualitystandards, alandtrust. Tolearn moreaboutthe Naumkeag, Mission House, Naumkeagand TheMission House, Stockbridge upholdthepublictrustandensurethat accreditationprogram,pleasevisit 413.298.3239x3020 conservationeffortsarepermanent. www.landtrustaccreditation.org. Eco-Volunteers Thursdays,through November26 9am-12noon Bartholomew’sCobble, Sheffield 413.229.8600 Rip Out! it Garden Volunteer Tuesdays Tuesdays,through August25 Pleasejoinat9amor1pm Naumkeagand MissionHouse, Itmaylookfunnyatfirstglance,but Stockbridge 413.298.3239 wepromisethatwedidn’tforgettocut Tuesday Trail Team thepaperinthemiddleofthisissue Tuesdays,throughSeptember22 ofSpecialPlaces.Weinviteyouto 9am-12:30pm Notchview, Windsor 413.684.0148 peekaheadafewpagestothecenterof themagazineandpullouttheEvents City Natives-Open Volunteer Day Saturday,July18 Calendar-yes,youheardusright,ripit 1:30-4pm rightout! City Natives, Boston 617.542.7696 Wehopeyoulikethenewformat, City Natives-Open Volunteer Day Saturday,September12 andencourageyoutopinittoyour 1:30-4pm corkboard,stickittoyourfridgeor CMiattytaNaptainves6,173.054E2d.g7e6w9a6terDrive, hangitanywherethatwillinspireyou toperusethroughallofthewonderful eventsopentoyouasaTrustees’ member! Way Leading the AsTheTrusteescontinuestoexperience local food and communitygardening exponentialgrowth,wearethrilledto movement, using Boston’s gardens, announcethatConradCrawfordandEd greenways, pocket parks and farmers Wilsonhavejoinedourexecutiveteam. markets as a platform. Theexpertisetheybringtothetablewill EdWilson (bottom) isTheTrustees’ helpprepareusforthenextchapterin newVice PresidentofStrategic ourevolution. DevelopmentandSocialEnterprise. Prior Crawford (top), our new Boston tojoiningTheTrustees,Wilson worked Region Director, comes to The Trustees asastrategicconsultantforWorld from the Massachusetts Department of Monuments FundandtheNational Park Conservation and Recreation (DCR). Service,helpingtodiversifytheirrevenue A true advocate ofconservation and streams. Beforeconsulting,Wilson recreation, Crawford will be leading wasa20-yearemployeeofEarthwatch newcommunity-based initiatives InstitutewhereherosefromDirectorof designed to engage more Greater Marketing,toChiefOperatingOfficer, Boston residents andvisitors in The toChiefExecutiveOfficer, apositionhe Trustees’ mission. Included in his heldforeightyears.Wilsonwilloversee mandate: promotingopen space TheTrustees’developmentoperations, protection, outdoor recreation, and the volunteerengagementandenterprise. Members Free Parking for You mayhave noticedparkingpay provided will help us to understand stations at fiveofourspecial places. visitation patterns, which will allow Greatnews: Trustees memberspark us to sustain andimprovethe forfree! Youshouldhave received a experience forourvisitors, as well postcardwith yourmemberparking as care forthe natural resources and code, whichyouenter into the kiosk wildlife at ourproperties. The parking and followtheprompt to printyourfree paystations havebeen installed at parkingticket. RockyWoods, Monument Mountain, This programwill help us keep our Bartholomew’s Cobble, Norris properties beautiful foryou and we Reservation and Appleton Grass hope it encourages others to become Rides and will be introduced at more Trustees members. The information properties over time. SUMMER 2015 1 www.thetrustees.org 00©G ON THE TRAIL WhenI readthroughthemusingsand largestprivateowneroffarmlandinthe storieswovenintotheannualreportsfrom state,TheTrusteeshasbeenanadvocate TheTrustees’richhistory(theyarenow andproponentofthelocalfoodmovement Bringing Our allonlinebackto1891),Iamstruckbythe formanyyears.Asafoundingpartnerat 4 Stories to Life boldevolutionoftheorganization.When theBostonPublicMarket,apermanent, Culture comes alive thanks it’sdownonpaper,it’seasytoseethe year-roundmarketfeaturingfresh, to a new campaign. growth-thenewproperties,expanded locally-sourcedfood,wearedrivingworkto vision,increasedmembership. However, improveaccesstoaffordable,healthyfood. Sitting with inrealtimesuchtransformationisn’t Astheprogrammingpartnerinthemarket, Buddha & Emerson 8 sotransparent.Wehavegrowntobean TheTrusteeshasanopportunitytoinspire The cureto the daily frenzy? organizationtrulyfulfillingCharlesEliot’s newanddiverseaudiencesandtosharewith Fresh airand a clear head. missionofsavingiconicplacesforpublic themallthegoodearthhastooffer. useandenjoyment. Thearrivalofspringwasheraldedwith To Market, To Market 10 WepossesssomeofMassachusetts’ suchjoythisyearthatIcanonlyimagine Boston Public Market is on its way. mostwellknownhistoricassetsinour thejealouslywinterfeelswhenitcomes portfolioofproperties,includingNational totheonsetofthesummer.Thegiftof Make a Day of It 14 HistoricLandmarkssuchasCastleHill beautifulweatherisonethatwecanall Discover day-long trips, onTheCraneEstate,Naumkeag,andThe celebrate.Stretchingoutbeforeusarelong a hop, skip, and ajump away. OldManse. Inthetraditionofbeingbold, daysatthebeach,newadventurestobe wehavecommittedtoraising$26million foundhikinginlush,greenlandscapes, 20 Find Your Place toenlivenandrestoretheseproperties,to andindulginginsweet,fresh-off-the-vine makingthemfresh,fun,andrelevant,and berries;let’sreclaim theendlessdaysand A Wheel Gem BC Iamproudtosharethatwealreadyhave revelinthisexquisiteseason! Meet Jessica Mink, volunteer raisedover$22millioninlessthantwo with a mission. years.Wearemanagingthatinvestment intotransformation,developingnew programsthatengageourvisitorstohelp usachieveacommonunderstandingover BarbaraJ.Erickson ourcollectiveculturalhistory. President&CEO Wealsofindacommonunderstanding cover photo: overthekitchentable,overfood.Asthe PopeJohn Paul II Park, Boston ©T.KATES 1 321S&S! 55359 — Our Bringing Stories to Life Thanks to donors, The Trustees animate — and elevate cultural treasures. BY JEFF HARDER When Charles Eliot founded The Trustees of stays more enjoyable. This campaign goes Reservations 125 years ago, he wasn’t solely beyond preserving the physical condition of concernedwithpreservingbreathtakingvistas specialplaces around the Commonwealth and andpreciousopenspace—themanmadeplaces indeedreimaginestheculturalhistoryofthese that harbor the Commonwealth’s cultural places for the more than one million visitors heritage needed protection, too. “The gardens, who wander their grounds and halls, while the pathways, just the idea ofplowing a field safeguarding the extraordinary collections, and creatinga designedlandscape; these ideas landscapes, and architecture that have ofpeopleshapingandbenefitingfromtheland attractedvisitorsforgenerations. were huge parts ofwhere Eliot started,” says Of the 113 properties that The Trustees Jocelyn Forbush, Vice President for Program safeguard today, 95 have cultural significance. Leadership atTheTrustees. “It’snotjust about And when President and CEO Barbara the idea that the human spirit is elevated and Erickson joined the organization in 2012, she driven by connections with the outdoors. It’s set her sights on rethinking those sites and about the human stories, the connections of how the public interacts with them. “Our peopletotheseplaces.” cultural resources require a different kind of In that same spirit, The Trustees have stewardship than our open spaces,” Erickson undertaken Bringing Our Stories to Life, a says. “So how can we convey the story, the $26.6 million investment in restoration and genius, of these extraordinary cultural interpretation of the organization’s cultural resources to the public? How can we execute resources throughout the state. This effort Eliot’s mandate all these years later? That is will build technical expertise, support theinspiringchallengeofthismomentforthis transformative capital projects, and enhance organization.” visitors’experiencesbysharingthecompelling The BringingOurStories to Lifecampaign, stories found at our cultural sites while which The Trustees launched in 2013 to meet offering enterprise ventures that make their this challenge, encompasses four strategies. FACING: Naumkeag’s Afternoon garden is one ofthe gems restored to its former glory. SUMMER 2015 5 Experts, including one of The Trustees’ The first involves building expertise and the impactofthecampaign is seen inthe $2.1 in-house curators, Susan Hill Dolan scholarshipacrossthestateindifferentsubject million restoration oftheCasino,anItalianate (above), use their considerable skill to areasincludingdecorativearts,publicgardens, courtyard dating back to the property’s early benefit a number of interesting archaeology and ruins, and the connections days as an aristocratic summer escape, along projects, including restoring the Casino between landscape and literature. The second with the replacement of over 600 trees to at Castle Hill (right). strategy centers on the brick-and-mortar recreate the Grand Allee’s majestic ribbon projects that strengthen the integrity and of green. And in New Bedford, The Trustees beauty ofthese properties (which, given their acquired and began a large-scale overhaul of historical constraints, can require high costs). AllenC.HaskellPublicGardens,ahorticultural Thethirdstrategyisaboutfindingnew,creative jewelintheheartoftheWhalingCity. ways to engage visitors and share the stories Beyond these high-profile projects and related to these time-honored places. And the others now accomplished, including the final strategy aims to add sources of revenue acquisition of the Governor Oliver Ames that also contribute to longer, richer visitor EstateinEaston,TheTrusteesareplanningfor experiences, including the Cafe at Naumkeag, investments at a dozen more locations as part The Inn at Castle Hill and the Guest House at ofthe campaign. “It’s important to remember FieldFarm. that these aren’t capital projects for their — Through a combination of contributions own sake everything is aimed at enlivening and grants, The Trustees expects to raise these sites and engaging more visitors,” says the campaign goal of $26.6 million budget Forbush. “It’s not only about fixing the roof by the end ofthis year. And throughout the at Naumkeag. It’s about making it into an Commonwealth, you can already see the amazingplace.” substantial impact the investments made The campaign has made quieter, behind- possible by the Campaign have had on The the-scenescontributionsthatarebreathingnew Trustees’ cultural resources. At Naumkeag lifeintotheserevereddestinations.Theposition in Stockbridge, Mabel Choate and Fletcher ofSeniorCuratorwascreatedforthefirsttime Steele’s inimitable gardens, including Blue at The Trustees; this position is now filled by Steps and the Afternoon Garden, have been Christie Jackson, who recently confirmed the restored, as has the cedar-shingled roofthat rare provenance of a long-held set of chairs recalls the property’sheydayaroundthe turn at the Mission House. Plans are underway ofthe20thcentury. AtCastle Hill in Ipswich, to hire a staffmember to document the plant 6 THE TRUSTEES OF RESERVATIONS It’s not just about the idea that the human spirit elevated and driven by connections with is the outdoors. It’s about the human stories, the connections of people to these places. - JOCELYN FORBUSH and flower species in the 12 public gardens guiding question remains: “How do we bring that The Trustees care for across the state. “At tolifethesestoriesoftheplacesandthepeople Long Hill in Beverly, we have a remarkable who shaped them, and not just learn lessons plant collection, but the records are mostly from them, but use them to help us think written on scrap paper and in a desk drawer,” about the challenges and opportunities in the Forbushsays.“Thiswillbeachancetogetthat world we live in now?” Forbush asks. Thanks solidified, share it with other institutions, and to Bringing Our Stories to Life, an answer has bring a lot ofbeauty and richness back to the beguntoresonateloudandclear. gardens.” Elsewhere, there are plans brewing JeffHarderisafreelancewriterandformer for brand-new programming, including managingeditorofCapeCodLifemagazine. outdoor contemporary art installations at selected sites, and exhibitions based on the centuries-old book and manuscript collection attheOldManseinConcord. Without the financial support of many friends,both oldandnew, TheTrusteeswould Time to not have been able to celebrate the progress made to date and look forward to additional Get Away? accomplishments.DaveCroll,chairmanofThe Trustees’ Board of Directors, notes, “Several The Guest House at Field Farm, largedonorshaveshownremarkableleadership Williamstown to this Campaign, which has in turn inspired morethan300additionaldonations,bothlarge Inn at Castle Hill on the Crane Estate, andsmall,bypeopledelightedtoparticipatein Ipswich an effort thatbrilliantlyrestores andbrings to Tully Lake Campground, Royalston lifeourspecialplaces.” With the campaign’s work on the ground Dunes’ Edge Campgound, scheduledtocontinuethrough2017,eachmonth Provincetown brings additional progress and new programs at The Trustees’ cultural properties—and new Visit www.thetrustees.org for details. reasons to be excited for what’s in store. The SUMMER 2015 7

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