Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. i % ; ¢4T>ec s) 74 e lsad t’, Pa‘ dy ’ iSegr aet o. ycp:h Ae*k iw ?) 1991 SPECIAL BUDGETARY TABLES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SPECIAL BUDGETARY TABLES Fiscal Year 1991 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. New Budget (Obligational) Authority by Appropriation 1989, 1990 Estimate and 1991 SUE ERSTE Gyese: av yeh eetie tie ecS RO CUT aOR PP se ET r Reconciliation between 1990 Appropriations as shown in Appropriations Act and 1990 Estimate COMRCTAGCUMansters in the ESCimates ... ipa..«.o te oh Statement of Increases and Decreases in Budget Authority, 1990 Estimate Compared with 1991 EIS TAML O ter placer stutard’s ara erate 5 tote & Ghavicld 6% o.5:4 wdtetee tee’a 's 4 acttaions New Budget (Obligational) Authority by Appropriation, 1982 Through 1989, and Estimates for 1990 and 1991 ... Outlays 1989, 1990 Estimate and 1991 Estimate ......... Budget Outlays (Expenditures) from Appropriations, REA and FmHA Loan Authorizations, and Corporation and Other Revolving Funds, 1982 Through 1989 and Stice smc 9 O0mand ie) 90 laser etlarerels cists etereyeisctei «tc/tac /e ue Offsetting Receipts by Agency, 1989, 1990 Estimate BGM OOIMES CI MaCCMslsts sce: cinta sie wile vis c's viele ¢ gimioasieis 0s = susant eke Staff-Years, 1989, 1990 Estimate and 1991 Estimate .... Appropriations for Research and Education, 1982 Through 1989, 1990 Estimate and 1991 Estimate ......... = is . ) a, x ;( ae : ' Pa - : ° io en ae . get -eat: Pegel4 \ \ | ye - i ae! | ’ Aa 7. + acotfép seo Sel rai itll : Ry: apg ees HOt | ig SIA aoe ee vieh A se eie. eas 29800 SEI OF i oeherarl Faery ioe #) Fardet 4 bag eeeseral ty elas of iw QUT 92am) 193 AL, weet wad iw afieeth tain ane iit (fonaedeeehen), jackal maa SEO 1p? 2anam) bed tue - Pee squeal “le re haw is as. 106! bat atm | out. Chae Oper iw noah aay) (opie vw) eee | tuk —< Ps 7 “Aeoaee f dae * WS oe? if ~ wel iva Bee , ChE! deoest shes? ont vfowed ian fon - . use ioe! Sone OT 70) sqmeat te) ‘24 Geel 201 . qa) Ye tet aoa piactio Lveiesttiens itr Site Sel See 3 > Qe 2G 20 be a] wet sx onal "96 / hacia Tai fereageps bab, Cp adete, ~ at ae 7% . auntie? Nel ie steal $23 epi = ree UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Table 1--New Budget (Obligational) Authority by Appropriation 1989 Actual, 1990 Estimate and 1991 Estimate NOTE: Amounts for 1989 have been adjusted for comparability with the appropriation structure proposed in the 1991 Estimates. (Amounts in parentheses are not included in totals.) (Dollars in Thousands) 1989 1990 1991 Agency or Item Actual Estimate Estimate Office of the Secretary... ..ssseveee Se heestthene cwutees se idle 6,403 a nike? 7,294 7,786 Departmental AGMINIStratlONsocvess sccwcedevcvedsddedeveuss rahe By 22,022 25,300 HAZATCOUSEWASTE IMANAGEMENt. cc caer trees. ts csn esas cnceneenes 5,000 19,927 29, 586 ROVISOFY COMMITTEES 1 i Ge nce ese ccce cr dOed eee ieee ere dees 1,494 1,494 1,407 HOPR ANG PCODLLQA TSUN Gantee esc en scien wees eden bs es wae wikis aso es 4,708 0 KP) Rental Payments and Building Operations......cseecsccevees 70,661 72,027 74,398 DL TICGZOGADUD LIC eAL GA INS ten teteics cee? ctcacs's vss\'c 0 eee 8,409 8,493 8,882 OT EICCLOL SLUG TINSPECLOY GEREEA lc rcstavndoeraede dtesemas r ss 50,510 B79 57,630 UF 1ces0l, BUGGee sand Program ANS )YSIS<cccssctessssecs escwe. s 4,389 4,522 4,971 OFT ACETOT athe Genera | COUNSE 1 oss 00 sine cs acc0e coaster ers e's 20,836 21,525 23,517 AQUICUILULa LIRESEALCH ISELVICCmr meats quccdivccusesdeeedees 563,381 585,923 623,510 BIG INGSZANUEP ACLU ULCS cate tetas on wees sec asta naw ae x e's 65 17,044 10,675 32,600 Tote LARS Sete ee fur ea ee eco tie ae 580,425 596,598 656,110 EOUDeRatV ES LaLeLRESearcil SELV ICE ecg cuss s ric ts sles sss 0a 6 338,067 382,776 346, 893 EXt@lsdOn Serv (Ceevrccs steer de rrce ss sSee Ure ee reece ers aee 361,370 369,180 345,676 Nac Ona WAGh ICU LULA TUL IDPanVartnecet evncees naccesase rne ss 14,268 14,676 15,773 PCONOMICARESCACCUMSELV ICO cess enedsas «ne heees Ficaacs se sets 49,336 50,689 56,262 Nat iOba sAGhictltura] Statistics S€rvViCelisevecescsisecccs 63,588 66,876 poe eaHs o MORIOSCAGE ICU ICULG SOUL TOOK DOdLGnct ee cccatewasseesacecess 1,820 1,910 2,404 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service: Sa ARIES ANG SEXDENSCS caevstecetens sheckvedetiinecesseees 3317207 347 , 366 367,950 BULIGINGS W400 FACTIITIGStc tes esc ruesehenccctececdsa rev e 2,546 13,608 25,396 TEATS APHISMERT SS TURIN, OT SES STD SS SPITE ee 333,753 360,974 393,346 Agricultural Marketing Service: BArkEL INGBSERV CCS arccteeet sec coe eC CCS CUVTNCUSeEEUSSaU’ 3373/3 33,171 52,251 PAVINGHTSTLOSAL ALES TANGSPOSSECSS IONS) esac cou secess sion sa 942 1,236 942 NOLA pCAMS ie cectathede St anccuecs seeincse es vette sees « 34,315 34,407 53,193 FOOO SaTetV and LNSPECtIONESery [email protected] ueev cee e 404,954 416,898 440,882 Federa | Gra ineinspecciOnesenvViCe. wastes sssainevessssets s 8,115 8,185 10,443 ADGICUALULA eLOUaDC e IVESSCLViICOtraite ss cscs cv sens aes tines sc 4,655 4,714 4,764 OFPICEOLEINANSLDAOL LIO Ne rec ebe cs cerccsehaevac see cnetce s 2,397 2,397 2,429 Packers and Stockyards Administration.....ccsccscesecceees 9,562 9,562 10,687 Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service: Salaries SNGsEXPCNSES ;vrtyt ss.c cccccceeLGscn¥serekscnsces’ 381 110 0 Transfer from Commodity Credit Corporation..........0+ (618,975) (623,732) (630,406) Totaly salaries and Expenses... .tccctcccrecscsscssses (619,356) (623,842) (630,406) Dairy Lndemnity Programs cscccosot sececkse sres tenss et ree 5 5 0 Agricultural Conservation Program.......sscccscccccveees 176,935 182, 369 176,000 Emergency Conservation Program.......sscccescecceecceecs 5,000 9,927 0 FOrestry -INCENtives ProgVaniis icc cccccccnchestanstscvite s 12,446 12,446 12,446 Conservation Reserve Program... c.ccccccccccccccccseccves 1,789,000 1,010,978 1,878,038 Transfer to SCS, Conservation Operations.........seee- -61,461 0 0 HOLat ECONSELVAILO N RESELLV E TPrOCraMia sa asccens suey 6 Seem ee aa ana seer = Rena K enews ese ee Sas Li s2hy noo 1,010,978 1,878,038 Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Program........++- 5,452 10,341 14,783 HELeOCLBANKaerOgnalsne. cece sie cst esc s sys a2 eis ass 9.0'6n'n 6 9,000 12,240 10,498 NOLBI ASUS ea ant recast re Ueerine yes sansa gers valves eas 1,936,758 1,238,416 2,091,765 ee -=< wwe - wee - eee www ee wee wm ew wee em wee ee me me ee we ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ewe meme ee eee ewer eee errr 1990 Estimate Federal Crop Insurance Corporation: Administrative and Operating ExpenseS....ssseceseseceees 201,992 222,694 314,429 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation FUNd.....ssseseeseees 112,000 162,939 28,66 9 3 wwe ewww ew eee ew eee em ee we eee eee ee eee eee ee eee Total, FCIGi cc sccy secescsviec ectirs eec cvinctiap euasa en iels 313,992 38,56 3 3 601,122 Commodity Credit Corporation: Export Credit Guarantees... ececeeesccverereeceeceeees (3,217,734) (5,500,000) (5,500,000) Reimbursement for Net Realized LOSSES....cevesscseveeves 8,828,286 4,233,000 6,100,000 Portion Applied to Debt Reduction and Portion Applied to Liquidate Contract Authority........ss.ee- -4,233,000 -6,100,000 Total, CCGiuss cscs cveeunvcececs csuctseceonasnueenmsons s Farmers Home Administration: Rural Housing Insurance Fund: Reimbursement: for LOSSES iv..c.scccess acuncunacenansaun 3,660,061 2,677,897 3,029,646 Reimbursement for Rural Rental Assistance Payments.... 177 9357, 212,468 253,496 Loan Levels: INSUPCGILOANS << nec ceccemncy eee s orien die eiatste nem nty a siete (1,844,978) (1,905,730) (1,621,350) Rural Rental Assistance Payments, RHIF........ccceceeeee (290,310) (296,317) (258,000) Ot ailmeRHLF ictctercrs stcletersratavstere cvercierere. ste clevece erclefoletererestere 2,890, 365 3,283,142 Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund: Re'imburnsementeor lOSSeCS ccrieiec cc ciclelotetereclc ltoleettelcenrelearteieer s 3,470,596 4,123,615 6,049, 583 Loan Levels: Reale EstatetloanSsw« a cteaccccceccelecc dcittere aanidetlcastee rs reas) (807,259) (188,500) Oneral ing @lOans..swracuts wnc4 «bin e's aiete cata iene ater Cl7s5e192 (3,248,455) (3,100,000) Soi) (Conservation LOanSt.ce.c2 cs wolwaute ee a cites ate 0 (4,600) (0) (25,000) Fmergencvaboans (Disaster iin ssctc. cence. vacua peau. (5300803 (600,000) (50,000) Interese Buy Downs eteavcc ce neve wie aes aaieu vais cm eauniers (15,376) (50,000) Lotal e ACL Reset crccicstacs cate cleve erate cretets ster icettetsiamints 3,470,596 4,123,615 6,049,583 Rural Development Insurance Fund: Re imbursemental Ory LOSSES: <4... cccneee Chace acne ctee 1,607,047 1,474,499 1,666,160 Transfer to Rural Development Loan Fund...........-. -11,000 0 0 Loan Levels: Watersand Sewer FachlityEloanS:...sccevucasee neatse s (332,880) (424,758) (350,000) Industrial Development Loans (Guaranteed).........-. (35°7 003 viatarn Me CommunitveFactlitvalOans.. ccc ccen ce aeeacetuse e e's 118,210 95,700 TotalpeRDikewccsvenweveesveeeecsececeoeu ssenes cce s 1,596,047 1,474,499 1,666,160 Self-Help Housing Land Development Fund (Loans)......... (500) (500) 0 Rural: Deve lopmentzloan Fund..ccccsseucescerecieeeseesc c e 0 17,318 28,000 eee ee from Rural Development Insurance Fund........ 11,000 0 0 OOS < vtec cktcesane samee cites ne holetcacurena eect ert cae: (14,000) (19,297) (30,000) Total, Rural Development Loan Fund.......seeeeeceees 17,318 28,000 Rural Water and Waste Disposal Grants.......cccecceccees 207,700 100,000 Rural Development Grant Program..........ccccsccsccecce 16,406 0 Very Low-Income Housing Repair Grants.........ccseceeces 12,500 10,000 Rural: Housing Preservation Grants:..s.ec.on .se0te- e4en s 19,140 15,000 Rural Housing for Domestic Farm Labor........ccceccceees 10,862 10,000 Mutualeands Self shed pahous ind... .wcs ona c tes oe cee etc eae: 8,634 0 Rural Community Fire Protection Grants......scsseseesecs 3,091 0 Rural) Hous ing: Voucher -Program:.......s:e-a seaesee oeee 189,928 Compensation for Construction Defects.......cecccccecess 0 Salaries and Expenses 451,787 eee ee eeereer ere eeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Transferesrom LoanvAccountss.... .22e25. ss ee -4,000 Totaly Salaries andsExpenses...5.se.o. c:a0nn4e4s Total, FmHA 9,506,717 9,208,164 11,799,600 eee eee eee eee eeeeeeeereseeereeeeereeeeeeeners www rw wm wm wm mmm em em ee mm mm mm em me re meer ree ee eee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee em em wm em wm em eo me ee wm me we ewe ew ee we we ee eee eee eee 1989 1990 1991 Estimate Estimate Rural Electrification Administration: Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund: Electrification Program: (622,050) PUSUEPORL OSS cic tateciiass cee cup oee canes: Cage ees ss 4 « aE Ey (813,450) 813,450) (1,435,500) TOtBPe_GIECLIc OatIiOLn . PrograMcecss «atanecasre ae (1,435,500) Telephone Program: INSUECORL OalSwierer cot iiticiticscis cise cece cre cciee eels s os-c.5 raters) inteses LOADEHUALAN LEG CCONIMMEMEDLS «cee tas dc cc us se ce sees 5 4 119,265 119,625 SIGTAT, pLCIEDNONERELOULGM: csccnscsncessccsacecesees LOCdL PRn CARE ee eee ek La abuaie sk se vatas sees. 4se 6 (1,794,015) (1,794,375) (200,000) Rural Telephone Bank: PUPCHASELOIMC ADT Lae BCDC Ki itans oascee Mets ce cence es ss 28,710 28,710 0 LDADSLEVC) kancahhak naatanan seek ce Veen desea bsee ss 6 6 (177,045) (177,045) (125,000) Reimbursement to the Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund for Interest Subsidies and Losses....... 341,000 240,757 0 Rural Communication Development Fund.......seeeesesecees 1,447 13029 1,264 Rural Economic Development Subaccount.......seeeeececees 540 4,992 0 DALAM OSRANGREXDENSCS tras acct e st eaibets Re slew setacee esses 31,284 31,318 33,055 TOLAP To mR CA cuie dean vis Fen kaise se ccc ans k's oa c's os 0's a cRs 402,981 307,106 34,319 Soil Conservation Service: POUServa HONLUPOLE lON S etait s¢ ss ta avacues sae nes «os 6 403,974 477,109 506,998 Transfer from Conservation Reserve Program........+.+. 61,461 0 0 TOta| paconservat 1lOeOPehaLiONS.acee see ease eee sess oie 465,435 477,109 506,998 River Basin Surveys and Investigations........ceseceeees 12,051 127292 10,351 MALCESHECeiiatin iNiecies cea sicse accu vies cele s oases cies © se 09 Mis 8,651 8,824 6,875 Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations.......ssseeees 172,373 180,867 151,112 Resource Conservation and Development.......ssseeeeevees 25,120 27,255 24,862 SEpateraans COnserVvation_ Progralsusscissecessaseracsc s 20,474 20,884 24,637 TOtale mS GS. ctemtetee cc Cities eine ole cee s cass 6 Sone coh thee eee 704,104 [214208 724,835 Food and Nutrition Service: Ela TOeNotint FONMPROOVADSE wicca: ee os ops ass 0 olslaiie seo o wsesins 497,544 730,882 473,575 Mranslere eOm SeCLIONToOc.ciekerencmceecku ohrei heeeers o e (4,093,272) (4,156,554) (4,632,259) ROC eee OUNU|L CIYO MEPrOOlaMS ceuy nic san pees cies sete hn (4,590,816) (4,887,436) (5,105,834) SOECIAUI MIR TOOVOMs eet sk ect cesccbpsieestca sSeeeass> es 19,925 20,309 19,268 Food Donations Programs for Selected Groups...........- 289,147 30,80 9 0 319,670 Special Supplemental Feeding Program for Women, BINTAants eRnOeCs IGreNe NIG) o< ss ss ca sew aes oe seu oes steals 1,929,362 2,125,958 2,215,248 DODDS SLAMDRCEOCr AM sy tna osc eels cy cas saa osc pis pad 6 ss 13, 62s20/9 15,706,339 15,976,681 Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program......ssseeee 170,000 169,395 FOOGEPrOUEam AGM IN 1S ChatlONes. cs ycewsesas cecr aessen ass es 89,223 91,727 19,152,700 TULA MENS aati teins kG ataseitis cass ccc ass sc c.ce oss has 16,818, 780 19,271,220 9,031 Human Nutrition Information Service........ceeeeee Npa Ae 8,823 10,705 101,343 PORBIGN AGH CUsLUral SEVV ICG ten «5 oc apis sso wintsts © ov suse 95,417 103,548 The General] Sales Manager: NEBNStGhetrOmeCcC, . cece te csr ugsaeerereesassceso p (7,560) (7,415) (8,090) Office of International Cooperation and Development: SA LATINCS RIN GEXDENSOS cyte strate a cle oc se oa sins aye'sin dn olds rm 4,893 Scientific Activities Overseas, Foreign Currency Program 0 TCCt c A vE G,D RI ARI gv ike atti Gso tttt 6 opin 6 oFo p'es.s'o.ecseee.bi0n e Public Law 480: RA CSMIMANICl lilecmererednitceeler eetstre ccitcc reeec cie seltece elreiee 8ce i e%e 399,100 305,622 251,853 Ped et | eee er et trerer 3 aa alert en eiete cin aie alee & eile eae woke 8 699,000 672,599 646,000 POCA OruLi CuLaw ABU a tere cca cp wash baems 2666.80 0's Total, Direct Appropriations, Agricultural Bill..... 34,643,686 SO pled, toe wwe we--e meww eerwee eeew eewee eee ee ee KKwee eee ee ewe em em mm em em mem we we em me Mm eee ee me we ee ee ee ee eee eee ee ee we ew ew ewe ew eee eee Kee Forest Service: Forest: ReSearchisas «cutis sence escent oesahcosseeeess 138,267 145,175 148,672 State and Private FOrestry....eccecesevccccscsvecssevecs 86,668 104,248 56,617 National Forest System....cccccccccccevvccvescccscsccces 1,594,122 1,136,666 1,211,543 Forest Service Fire Fighting... .secccscccccevcvcceceees 0 555,004 297 ,849 Construction: ceeeres sccctecee ers snceasecussecennecneesas 225,518 221,960 222,906 Land ACQUISITION. ..ceeseereccecesereerrccvccereccreseces 64,205 63,433 63,486 Acquisition of Lands for National Forests, Special Acts. 966 1,054 1,103 Acquisition of Lands to Complete Land Exchanges......... 1,065 1,105 Range Betterment FUNd.....eececceeeccccrccecceeeeecceens 4,643 4,578 Timber RECeIptS ccc sccscccvcsccscoeccessveceseterssaseese Timber Roads, Purchaser Election, Forest Service........ Other Appropriations... ..cseccceceeceeceees terasereacses Operation and Maintenance of Recreation Facilities...... Miscellaneous Contributed Funds.....ccccccvcccvecvvvvces Total, FOPEStSCYViCcccctecsvccsnscteseseasaretetnet s Total, Direct Appropriations, USDA... .00...0.. noes 35,500,082 36,876,964 40,212,128 PERMANENT APPROPRIATIONS--FEDERAL FUNDS: 2,850 Cooperative State Research ServiCe....ceccccccccvcccevees 2,850 2,810 Agricultural Marketing Service: 5,675 Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act Fund.......... 5,569 5,675 Funds for Strengthening Markets, Income 373,984 ANG SSUPDV i (SECTION S32) se'oc cane cers nae a strane csi ae 405,873 581,020 Commodity Credit Corporation: 121,316 Nat 1onatewoo lEACts, ston ae eres cme ncd se ued bun sien cae eee 4,527 93,485 13,084,435 BorrowingsAuthor tty ecvucs: cave cee tan vues sea a're em crn om 12,241,635 9,139,283 Farmers Home Administration: 0 Agricultural Credit insurance Fund.sittesss,.ecuvannee s 2,846,899 1,751,057 633,862 Rural Housing InsurancesFund:.«....enscee ucweeenv sesra s 1,000,000 2,120,763 Rural Electrification Administration: 0 Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund.... 179,784 957,726 Rural TelepnonesBanksecve gece csccescecetssaseevrseeeee Vi gooe 71,082 42,666 Food and: NutrittoneServicevs.c.c..0isteesst accneeesu svs s 4,093,272 4,156,554 4,632,259 Total, Permanent Appropriations (Excluding FS)........ 20,857,764. 18,897,047 FOVOStsSCrv ICO sage mincas paca ny «kine sane sie wiattele ¢ fe core 572,682 550,889 519,681 Total, Permanent Appropriations, Federal Funds........ 21,430,446 19,430,344 PERMANENT APPROPRIATIONS--TRUST FUNDS: Office of thesSecretaryarc.cccs ccc csbteobusecteeseescus e 2,095 2,633 Agricultural’ Research. Service... «.cssusnes esh oeratse s en 6,004 5,000 Economic Research Servite. i ccc. cascsaveusbeusveesenons t National Agricultural Statistics Service.....sesee.seec e Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service... ..ceeveeees FoodsSafety.and: Inspect [email protected] eo s AgriculturaleMarketing Service... o..sscessesyeuee Salscees 5041 Conservation: Serviceven.<sesscractieeeceeet eesc e t 4A Office of International Cooperation and Development..... Total, Permanent Approp., Trust Funds (Excluding FS).. 104,909 106, 367 106,284 Forest Service, -.. cates tun e's oa ces ee ie see bes rset koee yet 325,435 345,117 359,502 Total, Permanent Appropriations, Trust Funds.......... wewm ere ee mee mem ee ee we ee ee ee me ee we ee ee wee Total, Permanent Appropriations....ssscssccssscccnce Subtotal, USDA, Existing Legislation.............. 57,360,872 56,758,792 60,094,642 OFFSETTING: RECEIPTS... .Giewn ss leanc terenees eee cee ceeten -1,627,621 -1,594,149 -1,589, 540 55,164,643 58,505,102