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=r ffiffik rb:.- .o&q*&ug*a 5"t" 'x lpEses with CGNE l: Lt.. l! a D I I ! I % I ffiffi: t ) ] ) ) ) ) ) ) ' \-- .'& n,-fr o !.+..,!.-' ti)ifL, -, .- - --. * <'t1Ri- i;l"-.--rd E+ ) I ct I Uffilili ['].r+s'*= ) I I I OX-FrynU;1 lrNJYEt{SIl t i,ilEas J OX-FORD e J N.r Yo.k Nrll r001aut]l :':'", ' C ,lr' J '.;",, ,' ,;, c ' c o Orao UnnrFiq, pres 2.13 TI! nrinl nEI(otrnerLrh.rtEve b.e. is.rEd d liaipnlrldred iI ror3 I I J,io lnaurhorized plloto.oplilr d ,,'',,b,,,o,,Ir, I r rprornpm \\iir 1,,rtng.rO.nilU[..,, -.- c "..,;.,".,;,,. !!P rn!,IhE ho.'t." tlt,". .o.l"lLl ..'.i, - I d d , l '-,o, d c i!rr, :rirr!.rdi lhF.urgbtdnrh ir,uL rrMrnaa,x,g dl]r] .!:. irk: ncrn nlidm.rr nr,nn I , ;r d ri r.r r!r ,1I]1,: sr trr. SJ!r,r,/ d :,."..i,. r,."e"v.,".g-, ri", r.i., rr"rr..r r:ro.[r L]rsi:n l"tin.!.r. 1]rrlhrel skrnLora d r::I!t [r.Lnxg.r: n nhn l,hsrG,]n d :ri:.r.rr{o(ir.in. ,tl![oLdLuE(lhir. n] 'rrsnn.gre-..: I ic,rErrmp d : ::l(nin coordi! .r: xldTn.h.r d d : : :.:.rnltlnrnionlrteraro.r.rrrili.dtr.Liv.tj.rxrrgedetrr.r d d :.:t.:ijr t\t.ntl r s{:!l.rr d d d d d d 6/ €I d I d F d F Gr F cr aa i. f L t Contents h l. n THEMES SKILLS PAGES L L Lessons.'l-4 PEOPLE L L I Lessons 5-8 VACATION - t L La ta Lessons 9 12 FRRANDS L - l. ra Lessons l3- 16 STORIFS ta - - Lessons lT-2o FR FNDS - ta - - Lessons 21 24 BUS]NES5 - ) ) - CULTURE - - - - Lessons 29-32 FI]TIJRE - ) - - ) - - ) - - - ra rt c c c E-esson 1: Vocabulary c I c Part 1 c Nlxtch the words or the left ryith their delinitions on the right. 4 1. single A. A person rvho doesnt have any siblirgs I c 2. cngagcd B. A person rvho is not nurried I 3. divorced C. A person rvho is the oldest child in a firnil), c .1. iancd (m.) / fianc6e (fem.) D. A person vho wxs merie(l bLrt isr't any more c E. A person \yho has an older brother and a 1-ounger sjster c 6. middle child F. A person rvho has promised to get rlalrieil c f G. The person you are ]lllrried to c 8. only child II. The person you are going to mally c Part 2 I Complete each conl.ersition rsing the r\rcrds and Phrascs in Part 1. In class, practice the corlyersatio.s I rrith a partner 4 I 1. 4 linni: Hi, Nhtt. Ihe other d:Ly I sa,,v s ome one l,ho ]ooks a 1ot likc yc,Lr. I)o l,ou hrve l sister 11,ho is abour G 20 lears oldi I Nl:rti: No. In la!t, I dorr't have any brothers and sisrers. l'nr G 2. J I hcrrd vou are gctLing married. Congraiulrtionsl G a 'fhanks. r"orv that I am there is so r rch to do t.r phn the weddnrg. - O e 3. 4 Ira r: i dont tlink l'11 ever get Jnarried. e Reauy? You rvant to be your whole lile? Not mel i warlt to havc ,r C sonre kids. and . ni.e l rle horse O Irank: O I 4. J N{a(co: Didrit yor tellme you har.e a lot ofbrothers :Dd sislen? Iraula: Yeah. I ha1.e ihree brothers and two sisters. lin the oldest so I ah,ays help rry mom. -O }Iarco: That ust be fun but rlso a little hard O ---. C Yeah, blrt I lore my brothers and sislers. Its allyays craz{ ni rrrl house, but ahvays lurr. C C a C I a C Lesson 1: Reading & Writing Part I Rerd rhe blog p.rst belolr English Practice Pals 0912a12o12 09:14 [email protected] Hi, I'm Jookin! for someone to practlce .lapanese \i/ith. I can tearh you Engli5h- I live in Washinglon, D.C. My family is oriqlnalLy from Brazi , but I was born in the United States. l\ y faml y lives here too. I am the first-born. I have two younger brothers who are stiL in high school. I want to learn Japanese because I am moving to Tokyo in lanuary. I recently got engaged. l\4y fian(6 has a newjob- He has to move Io Tokyo ior one year. He works for an electronias (ompany and they have an oflice Lhere 0ur\,!,edding is in one month. I m virl piaiild, bul 'm also nervols. I have navcr becn to Asia. I have never been mi.ri.d before. I lr/i L feel more confident when I can speak some lapanese. I want '.: l:.rn .boui the cuJturc too. i rr!.a int:rEsted in practicing Eng ish asyou teaah me tome lapanese, please :::iaanmEssage. ll:.ori \lrr-r: rhr sralerrents T (truc) or I (Ixlse). I Dirora \!xs born in Brazil. 2. She li1.€s in \\hshilrgron, D.ai. 3. She is the oidest child ln hcr fxmil)'. 4. She has t1{o broihers. 5. Dinorai husband is in lapan. 6. She is goirg to mo\.e 1lr .liparl in Iaruarl 7_ She's never been to fapan bcfore. ffi3 PAIR WORK Discuss the questions. L Do Iou think this is a good r.al to ftrd somcone to practice a language llith? Why or \vhy noi? 2. Whal inform.rtiorr is good to include iD this kind ofpost? Part 2 \\iite a post to irlroduce )ourselflo a stLrdeot in anoihcr coLrntryr I]sc thc blog post as a moctcl. Part 3 Exchanse your post 1!lth a classmale. Hor.are lhey the sanle or difrerent? t d t Lesson 2: Vocabulary C J Part 'l C C Are thcsc rvords posiiive, n€g.rtive, or both? Write rhern in thc diagram. In class, talk about you. ideas with a pa rrer C C C J C Positive Negative C o a G J C C C C C C C C C C C C C c Part 2 t Complete the sentcnces with ideas from Pari I aod your orvn irleas. lvltrke selltences that are true for C .o..1r,...... ,1 e.,. r'.rerd rglour er rtr.r.\.'rh .r,rrr.er. C 1. C t 2. should also be C 3. tm a ( 4. I dorit rcall,v like people rvho are C 5. is an optimist, but is a pessimist. C c 6. r\ good role model musi 7. C c 8. should be chss president. He/She is a(d e Ioliorvers arc olten C C t C C a a a a Lesson 2: Reading & Writing a a Part 1 a .:.i:.:,riclctrelo*r a a a a t '. _:lr; nudents v/ill vote for Student Union President.Votin!l rt :., : ! r.a ln the Student i]nlon betv/een 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.I he a ':: - : ,' b. poned here the same evening a r il:.les ar-" rLrnninq for Student Union Presldent: Alan t = f: : Rimiro, Maria Cabral, Hanaa Nasser, Robcrt crirham, a ]::: - :r ::rs of lhcschool newspaper,wesupportl4aria Cabra for a r. _:. a -. is . born leader and problem so ver. When she was : :': a r : -= r r :,rrr:oiduesn ttolyu.r 5ghueid aelss,o C pa!bsrhael dre tchoerd 5ecdh othoel ttoo Lm]l askoe vt hseitors a =. : ':: jltors in wheelchalrs. CabraJ hat rreny qood ideirs t ' | 5L roil \ .','i l, or ' p"oi . : ': -h: school needs a leader and an optlmist to delelop s.hcol spirit. a a t o t t I t ir[] s p.Dr. - - .andidates tor presLderl. a i ofthe schoc,l netsprper sqrp,-r t o , and -. - o r :ir:r used ro bc t - Iher. rr'ill be free in thc Studcnt Ul1;on dlrirlhilrtjrlg bl)tirs. a f enta wonx Dis.uss rhe questions a I \\'har qualiLies do you think make a good studerlt }rresid€nt? I \\-hen hal'e vou had a leadership role in the pnst? I Part 2 a f'.o|le olten n.cd written rc.omnendrtioDs lor jobs or other positions. Urrite a recornrneirdatiorl for a in I eone -1'ou knosr Llse the third paragraph lbove as a modrl. a I Part 3 I hrichange ).oul recorrmendations r\.ith a .lassjnate. l)id 1,.)1r mcniion ir1. similar qlralnics? A!. lhe I r..ommendations f ersLraslve? I a a c c d Lesssn 3: Vocabulary d d Part 'l € U]1scrarnble the chamcterisrics olpeople. €c l. doyorr 5. -.- __ bekefil C 2. ilbaelre 6. d d 7. ivggri.r ln d 4. 8. .'r eshr r.ts d d Part 2 t Ucc tb. $ordq irorn P.,rt I ro rurnpl(te eJLh senten.e. L1 cl.rss, take turns readiril the sertences l!,ith d d 1. lVheoever vou have a prolllem, 1.our un.le is always rhere 1or you. Hc is 2. Er.en though he is onu- tS rears old, hc is in fis rhir(l ) ellr at universtty. He is \.ery lir €C his .rgc. f 3. You like to chrirge your pl.r s a lot, bLlt 1u.kil).\ou, h ienrl is . and doesnt get upset. d llhen rour brother do€s sornething 1l,rong, tour mothcr cloesrir ,iri1y lngry ,rcry lorg. She is C G 5. Nlol.ic slirs l1fio are dngrv o e minurc bui liind tlre irc{r h..onre lamous because thry arc G J C 6. Shes 201ears olJ, but she Jcrs likc she is l5 She'li C 7. P.oplc I.u')oLt rlill tilke c.rre ofrhings in your ct,rssroo:rr Ihe,vthirkyoLr are J S. tnr *irnLl ahrrls rhinks abouL oiher pcople anLl hori LLcy lirl She is C G Part 3 d Use the lt,ords lrom Part I to lrrite the opposjrcs J a f. irrcsponsible i 0exible a 2. inmature 5. J 3. unlorgiviDg 6. a Ir class, use thc opposites lvith a partner J ,{: NIy sister is a little irresponsible. Yesterday, she didnl call ro tcu rny morl thar she rvould be late for d dinner X,Iy mom ryas $.orried. J J B: So your sistcr Deeds to be more d Yeah. J J J J J J (') J J Lesson 3: Reading & Writing Part 1 R.ad the leters belor!. D€ar Dr, Drama, Dear Eummed, Im getting ma.ried next month and lhave It soundJ like you are the one who is ; p(oblem. My brother and ldo notget immature. You arashed your brother's rarl dong.lnfa(t, we haventspoken in months. He has a right to be nad at you- Have you ile is oderthan lam, but he is moody made a sincere apalogy? Did you ofJer to ard immatore- He,s mad at me becaus€ pay forthe repails? I think you fieed to be ofsornething very small. I borrowed his more responsib le. Apo log ize, and invite him car ofle nighi to go out with some friends. ro the wedding. I r#6rr a liitletoo fast and we had a little Dr Dram, a..ideflL I hita tree, and there was a small dent in the front and a flattire, but that is eaty ts fix,You (ould siill ree through the sa.* in the windshield. Anyway,lthink he ;heuld be.nore flexible and forgiving. Now, etsjd I inyiie him to the wedding? *J!r!.:-:?d Brolher -i!:-n'er',ie quesiions. I l\1lo is Bummed having a problen \\,ith? l l\}Iat is happening next moDthi L his trrother older or younger? l. \\'ht did Bumm€d have Jn dL.iderra 5. lghat happened to the car? 6- lYhat does Dr Drama tel ]umm€d to do? +PAIRWORK Discuss the questions_ l. Urho do you agree with more, Bummed or his brother? Why? 2. .What do you think of Dr Dramat adr.ice? Part 2 \Vrite a letter to Dr. Drama asking for advice. Describea real or imaginary problem you are having or had in the past with someone in your family. Part 3 Exchange letters lvith a classmate. Write a resporse.

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