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Spatiotemporal variations in the surface velocities of Antarctic Peninsula glaciers PDF

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Preview Spatiotemporal variations in the surface velocities of Antarctic Peninsula glaciers

TheCryosphereDiscuss.,8,5875–5910,2014 D www.the-cryosphere-discuss.net/8/5875/2014/ isc TCD u doi:10.5194/tcd-8-5875-2014 s s ©Author(s)2014.CCAttribution3.0License. io 8,5875–5910,2014 n P a Thisdiscussionpaperis/hasbeenunderreviewforthejournalTheCryosphere(TC). p e Spatiotemporal PleaserefertothecorrespondingfinalpaperinTCifavailable. r variations in the | surface velocities of Spatiotemporal variations in the surface D Antarctic Peninsula is c u glaciers velocities of Antarctic Peninsula glaciers s s io n J.Chenetal. P 1,2 1,2 1,2 a J. Chen , C. Q. Ke , and Z. D. Shao p e r 1JiangsuProvincialKeyLaboratoryofGeographicInformationScienceandTechnology, TitlePage | NanjingUniversity,Nanjing,210023,China Abstract Introduction 2KeyLaboratoryforSatelliteMappingTechnologyandApplicationsofStateAdministrationof D is Surveying,MappingandGeoinformationofChina,NanjingUniversity,Nanjing,210023,China c Conclusions References u s s Received:25October2014–Accepted:2November2014–Published:25November2014 io Tables Figures n Correspondenceto:C.Q.Ke([email protected]) P a p (cid:74) (cid:73) PublishedbyCopernicusPublicationsonbehalfoftheEuropeanGeosciencesUnion. e r (cid:74) (cid:73) | D Back Close is c u FullScreen/Esc s s io n Printer-friendlyVersion P a p e InteractiveDiscussion r 5875 | Abstract D is c TCD u Velocity is an important parameter for the estimation of glacier mass balance, which s s directly signals the response of glaciers to climate change. Antarctic ice sheet move- io 8,5875–5910,2014 n ment and the associated spatiotemporal velocity variations are of great significance to P a 5 global sea level rise. In this study, we estimate Antarctic Peninsula glacier velocities pe Spatiotemporal r using the co-registration of optically sensed images and correlation (hereafter referred variations in the to as COSI-Corr) based on moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer Level 1B | surface velocities of data (hereafter referred to as MODIS L1B). The results show that the glaciers of Gra- D Antarctic Peninsula ham Land and the Larsen Ice Shelf have substantially different velocity features. The iscu glaciers s 10 Graham Land glaciers primarily flow from the peninsula ridge towards the Weddell sio Sea and Bellingshausen Sea on the east and west sides, respectively. There are very n J.Chenetal. largevelocityvariationsamongthedifferenticestreams,withaminimumof<20ma−1 Pa and a maximum of 1500ma−1 (with an average of 100–150ma−1). Over the period pe r 2000–2012, the glaciers of Graham Land accelerated in the south but slowed down in TitlePage | thenorth.Incontrast,theLarsenIceShelfflowsinarelativelyuniformdirection,mainly 15 Abstract Introduction −1 D towards the northeast into the Weddell Sea. Its average velocity is 750–800ma and is the maximum is >1500ma−1. During the period 2000–2012, the Larsen Ice Shelf ex- cu Conclusions References s periencedsignificantacceleration.TheuseofCOSI-CorrbasedonMODISL1Bdatais s io Tables Figures suitable for glacier velocity monitoring on the Antarctic Peninsula over long time series n P and large spatial scales. This method is clearly advantageous for analysing macro- a 20 p (cid:74) (cid:73) e scale spatiotemporal variations in glacier movement. r (cid:74) (cid:73) | 1 Introduction D Back Close is c u FullScreen/Esc TheAntarcticicesheetiscloselyrelatedtosignificantproblems,suchasglobalclimate s s and eco-environment, as well as the future development of human society (Lucchitta ion Printer-friendlyVersion etal.,1993).Withtheintensificationofglobalwarming,glaciersareplayinganincreas- P 25 a p ingly evident role as an amplifier and indicator of global climate change (Shi and Liu, e InteractiveDiscussion r 5876 | 2000).Glacialvelocityisanimportantfactorinfluencingiceflux(Rosenauetal.,2012) D is and an important parameter in the estimation of Antarctic ice sheet mass balance. c TCD u s Additionally, glacial velocity directly signals the response of the Antarctic ice sheet to s io 8,5875–5910,2014 global climate change. Thus, studies on the velocities of Antarctic glaciers have be- n P 5 come important for developing global sea level rise models (Chen et al., 2007). a p Methods for monitoring Antarctic ice velocities are mainly classified into two cate- e Spatiotemporal r gories: in situ measurement and remote sensing monitoring. Stake measurement is variations in the | the first method of in situ measurement used for monitoring Antarctic ice velocities surface velocities of D (Hofmannetal.,1964;Dorreretal.,1969).Atpresent,globalpositioningsystem(here- Antarctic Peninsula is c 10 after referred to as GPS) technology has become the most important tool for field u glaciers s measurements of Antarctic glacier dynamics and ice surface terrain (Manson et al., s io 2000). However, the harsh environment, high cost of field observation, and a relatively n J.Chenetal. P shortretestperiodhavesubstantiallylimitedinsitumeasurements(Urbini,2008;Sunil, a p e 2007). Remote sensing methods, including microwave and optical remote sensing, al- r TitlePage lowforrapiddevelopmentofAntarcticicevelocitymeasurementsusingsyntheticaper- 15 | ture radar (hereafter referred to as SAR) data (Kimura et al., 2004; Dong et al., 2004; Abstract Introduction D Pattyn and Derauw, 2002). By means of interferometric SAR (hereafter referred to as is c Conclusions References InSAR) and feature tracking, researchers have obtained ice velocity measurements u s s of the entire Antarctic ice sheet and generated an Antarctic ice sheet velocity profile io Tables Figures n (Rignotetal.,2011).SARdataareindependentofweatherconditions(cloudsandrain) 20 P a andhavehighaccuracy(Keetal.,2013).Nonetheless,thefrequentmeltingbehaviour p (cid:74) (cid:73) e of glaciers and snow on the Antarctic Peninsula is likely to cause a loss of coherence r (cid:74) (cid:73) in SAR images, accounting for the longer observation period of SAR feature tracking | method than the InSAR method. Additionally, the impact of incidence angle in steep D Back Close terrains can limit the visibility of some glaciers in SAR images, and a high-resolution is 25 c u FullScreen/Esc digital elevation model (hereafter referred to as DEM) is needed for terrain correction. s s Therefore, active microwave remote sensing is highly suitable for velocity monitoring io n Printer-friendlyVersion over relatively short periods (Scheuchl et al., 2012). P a p e InteractiveDiscussion r 5877 | Co-registration of optically sensed images and correlation (COSI-Corr) is a method- D is ology based on the calculation of grayscale pixel values using a simple algorithm. c TCD u s COSI-Corr is advantageous because of its larger number of optical remote sensors, s io 8,5875–5910,2014 longer time series, and rich data resources. It is therefore more suitable than SAR n P 5 monitoring methods for estimating the speed of glacial movement and the analysis of a p relevantspatiotemporalvariationsoverlongtimeseries(Ferrignoetal.,1998;Liuetal., e Spatiotemporal r 2012).BecausetheaccuracyofCOSI-Corrisprimarilydeterminedbythespatialreso- variations in the | lutionofapixel,Antarcticicesheetvelocitymonitoringbasedonopticalimagesmostly surface velocities of D adoptshigh-resolutionimages,suchasTM/ETM(Ferrignoetal.,1994),ASTER(Tiwari Antarctic Peninsula is 10 et al., 2012), and SPOT (Ahn and Howat, 2010). Additionally, due to differences in cu glaciers s the attitudes of satellites, system errors occur during image splicing, and coordination s io registration errors between different images affect the accuracy of COSI-Corr. Thus, n J.Chenetal. P study on cross-correlation algorithms becomes the focus for improving the accuracy a p of COSI-Corr. For example, Heid and Kaab (2012) compared and evaluated six differ- er TitlePage ent matching algorithms: normalized cross-correlation operated in the spatial domain 15 | (NCC), cross-correlation operated in the frequency domain using Fast Fourier Trans- Abstract Introduction D form (CCF), phase correlation operated in the frequency domain using Fast Fourier is c Conclusions References Transform(PC),cross-correlationoperatedinthefrequencydomainusingFastFourier u s s Transformonorientationimages(CCF-O),phasecorrelationoperatedinthefrequency io Tables Figures n domainusingFastFourierTransformonorientationimages(PC-O)andthephasecor- 20 P a relationalgorithmusedinCOSI-Corr.Theuseofhigh-resolutionimagesformonitoring p (cid:74) (cid:73) e thevelocityofsingleicestreamsontheAntarcticPeninsulahasalsoresultedinimpor- r (cid:74) (cid:73) tantfindings.Forexample,thestudybyScambosetal.(2004)estimatedthevelocities | of the Crane Glacier using TM images. As the collapse of the Antarctic ice shelf inten- D Back Close sifies, great progress has been made in measuring ice shelf velocities (Yu et al., 2010; is 25 c u FullScreen/Esc Scheuchl et al., 2012). However, few studies have been reported for the Antarctic ice s s sheet with regard to ice velocities on larger spatial scales over longer time spans. io n Printer-friendlyVersion AntarcticPeninsula glaciersarepolar continentalglaciers that havehigh surfaceve- P a locities (Khazendar et al., 2011). For these glaciers, MODIS data of 250m resolution pe InteractiveDiscussion r 5878 | meet the matching criteria of feature tracking. Additionally, medium-resolution images D is have the following advantages: (1) single images can cover a broader area, thereby c TCD u s reducingerrorsincross-correlationscausedbydatasplicingandcoordinationregistra- s io 8,5875–5910,2014 tion; and (2) the larger field of view allows for data coverage multiple times per day in n P 5 thesameareaofthepolarregion,facilitatingtheselectionofhigh-qualitydatafromthe a p periodwithminimumcloud(Haugetal.,2010).Inthepresentstudy,weuseCOSI-Corr e Spatiotemporal r to estimate Antarctic Peninsula glacier surface velocities and analyse their spatiotem- variations in the | poral variations over the period 2000–2012 based on medium-resolution MODIS L1B surface velocities of D data. Antarctic Peninsula is c u glaciers s s 10 2 Study area ion J.Chenetal. P a The Antarctic Peninsula in West Antarctica (Fig. 1) is the largest peninsula of the p e ◦ r Antarcticcontinent,stretchingthefarthestnorthwardintothesea(63 S).Inthisregion, TitlePage the strata belong to a Cenozoic fold belt, and the bedrock is undulatory. The average | Abstract Introduction annualrainfallisupto500–600mm.Thepeninsula,alsoknownasMaritimeAntarctica, D is 15 isthewarmestplacewiththemostsnowfallontheAntarcticcontinent.Overtheperiod cu Conclusions References 1952–2000, the Antarctic Peninsula experienced a temperature rise of 5.6◦C (Turner s s etal.,2005),andduring1955–1998,therewasaseasurfacetemperatureriseofmore ion Tables Figures than 1◦C in the Pacific Ocean to the west of the peninsula (Meredith and King, 2005). P a p (cid:74) (cid:73) Due to this temperature increase, the area lost from the Larsen Ice Shelf since 1986 e r 2 20 hasexceeded8500km (PritchardandVaughan,2007).ThecollapseoftheLarsenIce (cid:74) (cid:73) | Shelf has caused substantial ice loss in upstream supplies of the Antarctic Peninsula, e.g.upto6.8±0.3km3a−1 intheFlemingGlacier,whichacceleratedby50%relativeto D Back Close is the velocity in 1974 (Rignot et al., 2004). Pritchard and Vaughan (2007) monitored the cu FullScreen/Esc s velocities of more than 300 glaciers on the Antarctic Peninsula and found an average s io 25 accelerationof12%between1992and2005,mainlyduetodownstreamglaciermass n Printer-friendlyVersion P loss.TheseauthorsfurtherestimatedthemassoutputoftheAntarcticPeninsulatobe a p 60±46Gta−1 in 2005 (Pritchard and Vaughan, 2007). If the marine ice sheet in West e InteractiveDiscussion r 5879 | Antarctica completely disintegrates, sea level will rise 3.3m (Bamber et al., 2009). In D is short,AntarcticPeninsulaglaciersurfacevelocitieshavegreatimplicationsforestimat- c TCD u s ing Antarctic ice sheet mass balance and the study of global climate change (Skvarca s io 8,5875–5910,2014 et al., 1999; Osmanoglu et al., 2013). n 5 The Antarctic Peninsula has a number of affiliated islands that cover relatively small Pa p areas. In medium-resolution optical images, each of these affiliated islands occupies e Spatiotemporal r a very limited number of pixels, whereas the scope of the window set for cross- variations in the | correlation calculation is large relative to the island pixels. Thus, the affiliated islands surface velocities of D are neglected in this study to improve the accuracy of computation. Antarctic Peninsula is c 10 Duetofactorssuchastemperatureandoceancurrents,themeltlinesoficeshelves u glaciers s ontheAntarcticPeninsulavarywidelyduringdifferentyears(Fig.2).Ifsurfacefeatures s io of varying natures are used for feature tracking based on the digital number (hereafter n J.Chenetal. P referredtoasDN)valueofpixel,largeerrorswillariseinthecalculatedresults.Hence, a p we extract the minimum freeze/melt lines of sea ice during five different periods as the er TitlePage scope of cross-correlation calculation, mainly covering Graham Land and the Larsen 15 | 2 Ice Shelf (10.5km ). Abstract Introduction D is c Conclusions References u s 3 Data s io Tables Figures n TheuseofCOSI-Corrrequires:(1)atleasttwoimagesinwhichtheglaciersurfacetex- P a p (cid:74) (cid:73) turecanbeobservedand(2)precisegeographiccoordinates,withanimageresolution e r 20 superior to total glacier displacement during the observation period (Huang and Li, (cid:74) (cid:73) | 2009). As long as the two conditions are satisfied, optical image cross-correlation can becalculated(Ferrignoetal.,1994;Ertenetal.,2012).Thecontinentalglaciersonthe D Back Close is AntarcticPeninsulahaveasignificantlyhigheraveragevelocitythanmountainglaciers. cu FullScreen/Esc s Thus, medium-resolution MODIS data can meet the conditions for optical image fea- s io 25 turetracking.Inaddition,MODISdatahaveadvantagesoffreeaccess,widecoverage, n Printer-friendlyVersion P short revisit cycles, and long time series. These advantages can help choose suitable a p e InteractiveDiscussion r 5880 | dataforcomparisonstudiesoverlongtimeseries,facilitatingcross-correlationcalcula- D is tion in large areas of the Antarctic region. c TCD u s TheMODISL1BdataproductsareprovidedbyUSNationalAeronauticsandSpace s io 8,5875–5910,2014 Administration(NASA).Inaccordancewiththetypeofsatellitecarrier,thedatacanbe n P 5 dividedintotwocategories:MOD02(Terra-MODIS)andMYD02(Aqua-MODIS).Here, a p weuseband1data(spectralrange:620–670nm)oftheMOD02productat250mreso- e Spatiotemporal r lution.Band1L1Bdataareproductswithgeographiccoordinatesobtainedafterinstru- variations in the | mentcalibration.However,“geographicdata”and“scientificdata”thatrecordreflectivity surface velocities of D are not connected, resulting in so-called bow-tie phenomena near the edge when dis- Antarctic Peninsula is c 10 played directly. It is thus necessary to connect the MOD02 and MOD03 data products u glaciers s (Geolocation 1km) for geocoding prior to cross-correlation calculations. During cali- s io bration, the pixel values are synchronically converted from reflectance to DN values, n J.Chenetal. P ultimatelyproducingimageswithprecisegeographiccoordinates.BecausetheAntarc- a p e tic Peninsula experiences cloudy, snowy weather and its winter months are strongly r affected by the “polar night”, it is difficult to obtain high-quality continuous images. TitlePage 15 | Therefore, we choose images from 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, and 2012 data associ- Abstract Introduction D ated with little or no clouds for glacier velocity estimation (Fig. 2, Table 1). is c Conclusions References In addition, the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiome- u s s ter Global Digital Elevation Model (hereafter referred to as ASTER GDEM) within io Tables Figures n the study area is used, this version is developed in accordance with detailed Terra 20 P a observations (Holger and Frank, 2012), almost 1.3 million scenes of ASTER VNIR p (cid:74) (cid:73) e data covering the Earth land surface between 83◦N and 83◦S latitudes acquired from r (cid:74) (cid:73) 1999 to 2010 have been processed by stereo-correlating (Slater et al., 2009). The | ASTER GDEM was released in geotiff format with geographic lat/long coordinates, D Back Close the spatial resolution is 30m and the vertical accuracy is 20m (Kang and Feng, is 25 c u FullScreen/Esc 2011), its latitude–longitude coordinate was referenced to UTM/WGS 84 and the el- s s evations were computed with respect to the Earth Geopotential Model 1996 (EGM96) io n Printer-friendlyVersion geoid (Ni et al., 2014), which meet the conditions for digital elevation calculations at P a larger spatial scales (ASTER GDEM data can be downloaded from the NASA web pe InteractiveDiscussion r 5881 | pages, http://asterweb.jpl.nasa.gov/gdem.asp or from the LPDAAC Global Data Ex- D is plorer) (Djamel and Hammadi, 2014). c TCD u s s io 8,5875–5910,2014 n 4 Methods P a p e Spatiotemporal The estimation of ice velocity using COSI-Corr mainly involves four steps: in-plane r variations in the 5 displacement measurement, surface velocity calculation, three-dimensional (hereafter | surface velocities of referred to as 3-D) terrain correction, and the displacement orientation conversion D Antarctic Peninsula (Fig. 3). is c u glaciers s s 4.1 Displacement measurement io n J.Chenetal. P Early images are used as the reference images, and late images serve as the search a p e 10 images. Grid segmentation is performed to divide the reference images into standard r TitlePage windows(cells).Windows(cells)ofthesamesizethathavethehighestcorrelationare | then identified from the search area of the search image. The displacement between Abstract Introduction D thefeaturepointofmaximumcorrelationinthereferenceimageandthematchingpoint is c Conclusions References inthesearchimageisdeterminedaftergridsegmentationandthecross-correlationcal- u s s 15 culation.Aftercompletionofthecross-correlationcalculationinonegrid,itisshiftedby io Tables Figures n acertainstepsizeforcontinuouscalculationinthenextgrid.Thisprocedureeventually P a produces a raster data file with the step size as the pixel resolution and the matching p (cid:74) (cid:73) e featurepointsasthepixelvalues(Fig.4).ItshouldbenotedthatUTMprojection(same r (cid:74) (cid:73) length and width of each pixel) is adopted in the orthophoto coordinate system to fa- | 20 cilitategridsegmentation.However,duetoprojectiondeformationinthepolarregions, D Back Close thereisanecessitytoconverttheresultsofthecross-correlationcalculationsintopolar is c azimuthalprojection(differentlengthandwidthofeachpixel)priortodisplacementand us FullScreen/Esc s area measurements, which will ensure the accuracy of the measurement. io n Printer-friendlyVersion To improve the accuracy of correlation calculations, the grid size should be as large P a 25 as possible and a larger number of pixels should be involved in the calculation. For pe InteractiveDiscussion r 5882 | example, the reference window for feature tracking of TM images in the Koxkar Baxi D Glacier (average velocity <120ma−1) is set to 32×32 pixels (Xu et al., 2011). Addi- isc TCD u s tionally,thesearchareashouldbeenlargedasmuchaspossibleandthespatialscale s io 8,5875–5910,2014 of feature point matching can be extended to ensure that the possible maximum dis- n P 5 placement of the glacier is included in the search area (Huang and Li, 2009). Haug a p et al. (2010) set the MODIS image-based search window to 44×44 pixels and the e Spatiotemporal r TMimage-basedsearchwindowto350×350pixelsfortheLarsenIceShelf.However, variations in the | theAntarcticPeninsulaglaciersurfacesaresohomogeneousthattherearefewdistin- surface velocities of D guishing feature points. In this case, excessively large grid and search areas are likely Antarctic Peninsula is c 10 to cause false matching of feature points. Based on a large amount of experimental u glaciers s analysis, we set the reference window for cross-correlation calculations to 10×10 pix- s io els, which corresponds to a ground distance of 2500m×2500m, and the search area n J.Chenetal. P is set to 36×36 pixels, which corresponds to a ground distance of 9000m×9000m. a p e The cross-correlation calculation is performed after grid segmentation. Available al- r TitlePage gorithms include Orientation correlation (OC) (Haug et al., 2010), NCC (Kääb et al., 15 | 2005), CCF (Heid and Kääb, 2012), and CCC (Huang and Li, 2011). In the present Abstract Introduction D study, we expect to identify the general feature and spatiotemporal variation patterns is c Conclusions References ofAntarcticPeninsulaglaciersurfacemovementthroughlarge-scale,long-durationve- u s s locity estimation. Thus, there is no need for high-accuracy estimation of the velocity of io Tables Figures n thin ice streams within the glaciers. Furthermore, to reduce the amount of calculation, 20 P a wechosethesimpleCCCalgorithmthatprovidesmoderateaccuracyandinvolvesless p (cid:74) (cid:73) e data processing (Wu et al., 1997; Evans, 2000): r (cid:74) (cid:73) | M N (cid:80) (cid:80)[f(x,y)−f] D Back Close CCC(u,v)= y=1x=1 · [g(x+u,y+v)−g(u,v)]2 (1) iscu FullScreen/Esc s (cid:40) (cid:41)1/2 (cid:40) (cid:41)1/2 s (cid:80)M (cid:80)N [f(x,y)−f]2 (cid:80)M (cid:80)N [g(x+u,y+v)−g(u,v)]2 ion Printer-friendlyVersion P y=1x=1 y=1x=1 a p e InteractiveDiscussion r 5883 | where f(x,y) is the pixel value of point P in the reference window of the reference D image; g(x,y) is the pixel value of point P(cid:48) in the corresponding search window of the isc TCD u searchimage(Fig.4);u,v arethedistancesofwindowmovementsinthesearchimage ss io 8,5875–5910,2014 in the x axis and y axis directions, respectively; f,g(u,v) is the average pixel value of n P matching windows in the reference image and search image, respectively; N,M is the a 5 p scope of the search area; and [f(x,y)−f] and [g(x+u,y+v)−g(u,v)] represent the er Spatiotemporal difference between the DN value of each pixel and the average of all pixels within variations in the | a window, respectively. Thus, when a difference in the overall DN value of two images surface velocities of D fromtwosetsofMOD02dataindifferenttimephasesoccurs,e.g.duetovaryingofsun is Antarctic Peninsula c elevation angles, sensor angles or system error in atmospheric conditions, the CCC u glaciers 10 s algorithmwillautomaticallyeliminatetheerrorinfluencethroughdifferentiationbetween sio n J.Chenetal. theindividualpixelvalueandtheaveragevalue.However,inthismethod,thedefinition P a ofafeaturepointistooabsolute,likelycausingfalsematchingoffeaturepoints(Huang p e and Li, 2009). Moreover, the Antarctic Peninsula has homogenous glacier surfaces r TitlePage 15 with relatively smooth pixel values. Therefore, atmospheric and terrain corrections will | inevitably screen out certain feature points, such as the texture in ice streams and the Abstract Introduction D ice mounds. Hence, we omit the atmospheric and terrain correction steps in the data is c Conclusions References u processing. s s In the CCC algorithm, the results of each window calculation are recorded using io Tables Figures n the north–south and east–west displacement distances and the signal-to-noise ratio P 20 a (hereafter referred to as SNR), and the results are then saved in a raster format. The p (cid:74) (cid:73) e r pixel resolution of this raster file is the step size of the window movement (each step (cid:74) (cid:73) is a pixel, corresponding to a ground distance of 250m). The SNR directly records the | credibilityofthisfeaturetrackingcalculation(Xuetal.,2011):SNR=1indicatesperfect D Back Close correlation in the feature point matching, and SNR=0 indicates a perfect absence of isc 25 u FullScreen/Esc correlation in the feature point matching. Thus, an SNR value close to 1 indicates high ss io credibility of the calculation results. We remove the results with SNR<0.7 to ensure n Printer-friendlyVersion P the reliability of the correlation calculations. a p e InteractiveDiscussion r 5884 |

directly signals the response of glaciers to climate change. Antarctic and eco-environment, as well as the future development of human society (Lucchitta .. The cross-correlation calculation is performed after grid segmentation.
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