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Spatially-Coupled MacKay-Neal Codes Universally Achieve the Symmetric Information Rate of Arbitrary Generalized Erasure Channels with Memory PDF

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Preview Spatially-Coupled MacKay-Neal Codes Universally Achieve the Symmetric Information Rate of Arbitrary Generalized Erasure Channels with Memory

Spatially-Coupled MacKay-Neal Codes Universally Achieve the Symmetric Information Rate of Arbitrary Generalized Erasure Channels with Memory Masaru Fukushima, Takuya Okazaki and Kenta Kasai Department of Communications and Computer Engineering, 5 Tokyo Institution of Technology 1 0 Email: {fukushima,osa,kenta}@comm.ce.titech.ac.jp 2 n a J Abstract—This paper investigates the belief propagation de- of spatially-coupleregularcodesachievethe SIR of DEC and 7 coding of spatially-coupled MacKay-Neal (SC-MN) codes over PR2 channels, respectively, by increasing node degree. 2 erasurechannelswithmemory.WeshowthatSC-MNcodeswith In this paper, we show that SC-MN codes with bounded bounded degree universally achieve the symmetric information ] degree universally achieve the symmetric information rate of T rate(SIR)ofarbitraryerasurechannelswithmemory. Wemean wide variety of erasure channels with memory. We mean by by universality the following sense: the sender does not need I . to know the whole channel statistics but needs to know only universality the following sense: the sender does not need to s the SIR, while the receiver estimates the transmitted codewords know the whole channel statistics p(y|x) but needs to know c [ from channel statistics and received words. The proof is based only the SIR, while the receiver estimates the transmitted on potential function. codewords from channel statistics and received words. The 1 Index Terms—spatially-coupled codes, MacKay-Neal codes, v LDPC codes, potential function proof is based on the powerful potential function method [5], 6 [6], [7]. 3 I. INTRODUCTION II. BACKGROUND 7 Felstro¨m and Zigangirov introduced convolutional LDPC 6 A. Generalized Erasure Channel (GEC) codes [1]. Later the codes are called spatially-coupled (SC) 0 . codes.Lentmaieretal.confirmedthatregularSCLDPCcodes Denote a channel input and output as x = (x1,...,xn) ∈ 1 achieve excellent BP decoding [2]. Kudekar et al. proved {0,1}n and y =(y1,...,yn) ∈ Yn, respectively. We assume 0 that SC codes achieve MAP threshold by BP decoding on that x ∈ {0,1}n is uniformly distributed. Let us assume that 5 1 the binary erasure channel (BEC) [3] and binary memoryless byintroducingsomeappropriatestatenodesσ =(σ1,...,σn) : symmetric channels [4]. such that v i In [5], Takeuchi et al. introduced potential function to un- p(x|y)= p(x,σ|y), X derstand how threshold saturation phenomenon happen. With σ X r some modifications, Yedla et al. proved threshold saturation a wecanfactorizep(x,σ|y)sothatitsfactorgraphisatree.By of spatially-coupled LDPC codes over BEC in [6], [7]. Bayes rule, we have p(x,σ|y) ∝ p(y|σ,x)p(σ|x)p(x). Con- Kasai et al. introduced SC MacKay-Neal (MN) codes, and sidertheAPPdetectorimplementedbysum-productalgorithm showed that these codes with finite maximum degree achieve to calculate capacityofBECbynumericalexperiment[8].Obataetal.[9] and Okazaki et al. [10] proved respectively, (dl,dr =2,dr = p(xj =0|y),p(xj =1|y) =: µj(0),µj(1) 2) SC-MN codes and (dl,dr = 3,dg = 3) SC-MN codes for j =(cid:0) 1,2,...,n. We say the(cid:1)chan(cid:0)nel p(y|x) i(cid:1)s a gen- achieve the capacity of BEC for any d > d , where each of l r eralized erasure channel (GEC) if (µ (0),µ (1)) is one of j j d ,d ,d describes the degree of nodes in the Tanner graph l r g {(1,0),(0,1),(1/2,1/2)}.ThecorrespondingLLRvaluesare of the codes. +∞, −∞ and 0. Some authors use 0, 1 and ?, instead. Reliable transmissions over channels with memory are B. LDPC codes over GEC practically important, e.g., magnetic recording with ISI and Rayleighfadingchannelwithmemory[11].Pfister andSiegel Next, consider x is uniformly distributed in an LDPC code proved that carefully designed irregular LDPC codes can C. In precise, achievethesymmetricinformationrate(SIR)ofdicodeerasure 1/#C (x∈C) channels (DEC) under joint iterative decoding [12]. In [13] p(x)= and [14], it was empirically observed that the BP threshold (0 (x∈/ C) Let us denote the factor graph of p(y|σ,x)p(σ|x)p(x) by G. decodingroundby x(t). The recursionof density evolutionof j We divide G into two subgraphs. One is the factor graph MET-LDPC codes on BEC is given by of p(y|σ,x)p(σ|x) and the other is the factor graph of p(x). ν (y(t);Φ(x;ǫ)) µ (1−x(t)) They are corresponding to APP detector and LDPC decoder, x(t) = j , y(t+1) =1− j , respectively. Since the message from APP detector to the bit j νj(1;idR) j µj(1) nodes is one of M, the messages used in the LDPC decoder where ν (x;Φ(x;ǫ)):= ∂ ν(x;Φ(x;ǫ)), µ (x):= ∂ µ(x) also takes value in M. and idRjis the identity fu∂nxcjtion idR(x)=x.j ∂xj Consider the density evolution of the BP decoding on G Then, the density evolution of (d ,d ,d ) MN codes is l r g in the limit of code length. We define φ(x;ǫ) as a function which maps the erasure probability of messages from LDPC x(0) =1, x(t+1) =f(g(x(t));ǫ), decoder to APP detector via bit nodes x, to the erasure where probability of messages from APP detector to from LDPC decoder φ(x;ǫ), where ǫ is a parameter which defines the f(x;ǫ):= xdl−1,φ(xdg;ǫ) (1) 1 2 channel. From the definition, it follows that φ(x;ǫ) is non- g(x):=(cid:0)1−(1−x1)dr−(cid:1)1(1−x2)dg, decreasing in x∈[0,1]. In this paper, we further assume that φ(x;ǫ) is twice continuouslydifferentiablewith x and strictly (cid:0)1−(1−x1)dr(1−x2)dg−1 . (2) increasingwith ǫ∈[0,1].Inthissetting,the densityevolution E. Spatially-Coupled MacKay-Neal Codes (cid:1) for (d ,d ) regular LDPC codes over GEC with φ(x;ǫ) is l r SC-MN codes of chain length L and of coupling width w written as follows. are defined by the Tanner graph constructed by the following x(0) =1, process. First, at each section i ∈ Z, place rM/l bit nodes of type 1 and M bits nodes of type 2. Bit nodes of type 1 x(t+1) =φ (1−(1−x(t))dr−1)dl;ǫ and 2 are of degree d and d , respectively. Next, at each l g (cid:0) ·(1−(1−x(t))dr−1)d(cid:1)l−1, section i∈Z, place M check nodes of degree dr+dg. Then, connect edges uniformly at random so that bit nodes of type where x(t) is the erasure probability of messages from bit 1 at section i are connected with check nodes at each section nodes to parity-check nodes at the t-th decoding round. i∈[i,...,i+w−1]withd M/wedges,andbitnodesoftype r 2 at section i are connected with check nodes at each section C. Symmetric Information Rate i ∈ [i,...,i + w − 1] with d M/w edges. Bits at section g SIR I(ǫ) is the mutual information is defined as follows i ∈/ [0,L−1]) are shortened. Bits of type 1 and 2 at section i∈[0,L−1] are puncturedand transmitted,respectively.The 1 I(ǫ):= lim I(X;Y(ǫ)), rate of SC-MN codes RMN(d ,d ,d ,L,w) is given by l r g n→∞n RMN(d ,d ,d ,L,w) under the existence of limit, where capital letters represent l r g random variables. In [15], [16], it is shown that the SIR is d 1+w−2 w (1−(i)dr+dg) = r + i=0 w calculated via φ(x;ǫ) as follows. d L l P d 1 = r (L→∞). (3) I(ǫ)=1− φ(x;ǫ)dx=1−Φ(1;ǫ), d l Z0 F. Vector Admissible System and Potential Function where Φ(x;ǫ) := xφ(x′;ǫ)dx′. Let R be the coding rate. 0 In this section, we define vector admissible systems and Define SIR limit as ǫ such that I(ǫ) = R, and denote potential functions. R it by ǫSIR(R). Uniqueness of ǫSIR(R) is again due to the assumption that φ(x;ǫ) is increasing in ǫ. Definition 1. DefineX ,[0,1]d, andF :X×[0,1]→R and G : X → R as functional satisfying G(0) = 0. Let D be a D. MacKay-Neal Codes d×d positive diagonal matrix. Consider a general recursion defined by (d ,d ,d ) MN codes are multi-edge type (MET) LDPC l r g x(ℓ+1) =f(g(x(ℓ));ǫ) (4) used over GEC with φ(x;ǫ) codes [17] defined by pair of multi-variables degree distributions (µ,ν) listed below. where f : X × [0,1] → X and g : X → X are defined by F′(x;ǫ) = f(x;ǫ)D and G′(x) = g(x)D, where d ν(x;Φ(x;ǫ))= drlxd1l +Φ(xd2g;ǫ), µ(x)=xd1rxd2g. Fa ′v(exc;toǫ)r a,dm(i∂s∂Fsxi(b1xl)e,.s.y.s,te∂m∂Fx(inxf)). Then the pair (f,g) defines Here,weslightlyextendedthedefinitionofdegreedistribution 1. f,g are twice continuously differentiable, insuchawaythatthebitscorrespondingtothetermΦ(xdg;ǫ) 2 2. f(x;ǫ) and g(x) are non-decreasing in x and ǫ with are transmitted through the GEC with φǫ. In the case of respect to (cid:22) 1, BEC(ǫ), Φ(x,ǫ) = ǫx. We define the erasure probability message sent from bit nodes along edges of type j at the t-th 1Wesayx(cid:22)y ifxi≤yi forall1≤i≤d 3. f(g(0);ǫ)=0 and F(g(0);ǫ)=0. III. PROOF OF ACHIEVING SIR We say x is a fixed point if x=f(g(x);ǫ). In this section, we will prove that (d ,d = 2,d = 2) l r g Definition 2 ([18, Def. 2]). We define the potential function and (dl,dr = 3,dg = 3) SC-MN codes, for any dl > dr, U(x;ǫ) of a vector admissible system (f,g) by achieve the SIR of any GEC. First, we calculate the potential threshold ǫ∗(d ,d ,d ) of MN codes, and show that the U(x;ǫ),g(x)DxT −G(x)−F(g(x);ǫ). l r g potential threshold equals to the SIR limit ǫSIR(d /d ). Then r r Definition 3 ([18, Def. 7]). Let F(ǫ),{x∈X \{0}|x= we apply Theorem 1 which proves that density evolution of f(g(x);ǫ)} be a set of non-zero fixed points for ǫ ∈ [0,1]. SC-MN code has a unique fixed point 0 for ǫ smaller than The potential threshold ǫ∗ is defined by SIR limit ǫSIR(d /d ). r r ǫ∗ ,sup{ǫ∈[0,1]|minx∈F(ǫ)U(x;ǫ)>0}. A. Potential Function at Trivial Fixed Point L6]e.tFǫo∗srbǫestuhcrhesthhoaltdǫo∗sf<unǫc<ouǫp∗l,edwseydsteefimnedeenfienregdyigna[p18∆,ED(eǫf). inRDeceafilnlittihoen d3e.finWiteionneoefdptootenintivaelsttihgraetsehotlhde ǫs∗t(rdulc,tdurre,dgo)f as F(ǫ) to calculate the potential threshold ǫ∗(d ,d ,d ). The ∆E(ǫ), max inf U(x;ǫ′). density evolution (1) of (d ,d ,d ) MN codeslatrfixegd point ǫ′∈[ǫ,1]x∈F(ǫ′) l r g (x ,x ;φ(x;ǫ)) can be rewritten as Definition 4 ([18, Def. 9]). For a vector admissible system 1 2 (f,g), we define the SC system of chain length L and x =(1−(1−x )dr−1(1−x )dg)dl−1, (6) 1 1 2 coupling width w as x =φ({1−(1−x )dr(1−x )dg−1}dg;ǫ) 2 1 2 w−1 w−1 x(it+1) = w1 f w1 g(x(i+t)j−k);ǫi−k , ·{1−(1−x1)dr(1−x2)dg−1}dg−1. (7) ! kX=0 Xj=0 First, observe that (x1 = 1,x2 = φ(1;ǫ)) ∈ F(ǫ) for ǫ ∈ ǫ, i∈{0,...,L−1}, [0,1]. We call these fixed points trivial. From (II-F) and the ǫ = i (0, i∈/ {0,...,L−1}. definitionofSIRlimit, thenextlemmaasserts thatthesign of U 1,φ(1;ǫ);ǫ changes at the SIR limit ǫSIR dr . If we define (f,g) as the density evolution for (dl,dr,dg) dl MNcodesin(II-D)and(II-D),theSCsystemgivesthedensity Le(cid:0)mma 1. (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) evolution of SC-MN codes with chain length L and coupling d r width w. U 1,φ(1;ǫ);ǫ =1− −Φ(1;ǫ), d Next theorem asserts that if ǫ<ǫ∗ then fixed points of SC l vector system converge towards 0 for sufficiently large w. (cid:0) (cid:1) >0 if ǫ<ǫSIR ddrl , Theorem 1 ([18, Thm. 1]). Consider the constant K U 1,φ(1;ǫ);ǫ =0 if ǫ=ǫSIR(cid:0)ddrl(cid:1), (8) f,g <0 if ǫ>ǫSIR dr . defined in [18, Lem. 11]. This constant value depends only (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0)dl(cid:1) on (f,g). If ǫ < ǫ∗ and w > (dKf,g)/(2∆E(ǫ)), then the Proof:Thefirstpartisstraightforwardfrom(cid:0)(II-F(cid:1)).Thesecond SC system of (f,g) with chain length L and coupling width part is obvious from the definition of SIR limit. w has a unique fixed point 0. B. Potential Function at Non-Trivial Fixed Point Itcanbeseenthatthedensityevolution(f,g)of(d ,d ,d ) l r g Next, for given x ∈ (0,1), solve (III-A) in terms of x . MN codes over GEC(φ(x;ǫ)) is a vector admissible system 1 2 bychoosingF x;ǫ ,G(x) andD asbelow,sincethissystem Denote this by x2[x1]. (f,gF)(sxa;tiǫs)fi=es(cid:0)dtdhrexc(cid:1)d1oln+diΦti(oxnd2gin;ǫD),efinition 1. x2[x1]=1−(cid:18)(11−−xx11d)ld1−r1−1(cid:19)d1g. l G(x)=drx1+dgx2+(1−x1)dr(1−x2)dg −1, Note that for some x1, x2[x1] may fall outside [0,1] as one can see from Fig. 2. Such pointsare excludedfrom the set of d 0 D = r . fixed points. Then it follows that 0 d g (cid:18) (cid:19) From Definition 2, the potential function U(x ,x ,ǫ) of (x ,x [x ])∈F(ǫ[x ]) iff (x [x ],ǫ[x ])∈[0,1]2, (9) 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 (d ,d ,d ) MN codes is given by l r g whereǫ[x ] istheuniquesolutionoftheequation(III-A)with 1 U(x1,x2;ǫ)) (5) x2 =x2[x1] holds. In precise, the equation is as follows. =1−Φ({1−(1−x1)dr(1−x2)dg−1}dg;ǫ) x [x ]=φ({1−(1−x )dr(1−x [x ])dg−1}dg;ǫ[x ]) 2 1 1 2 1 1 d − dr{1−(1−x1)dr−1(1−x2)dg}dl ·{1−(1−x1)dr(1−x2[x1])dg−1}dg−1. l −(1−x )dr(1−x )dg · 1+ drx1 + dgx2 . Uniqueness is due to the assumption that φ(x;ǫ) is strictly 1 2 1−x1 1−x2 increasing in ǫ. We call such fixed points (III-B) non-trivial. (cid:16) (cid:17) 0.20 BEC BEC DEC 0.5 DEC PR2 PR2 0.15 0.4 0.3 0.10 0.2 U(x0.0,5x [x ];ǫ[x ]) U(x ,x [x ];ǫ[x ]) 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 0.1 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 x x 1 1 Fig.1. Potential functions U(x1,x2[x1];ǫ[x1])atnon-trivial fixedpointsof(4,2,2)MNcodesand(6,3,3)MNcodesfor3typesofgeneralized erasure channels BEC(ǫ[x1]),DEC(ǫ[x1]),PR2(ǫ[x1])andPR3(ǫ[x1]). For example of BEC(ǫ), ǫ [x ] can be written in an From[9, Lemma4]and [10, Lemma1, Lemma2],we have BEC 1 explicit form. the following lemma. ǫ [x ]:= x2[x1] .(10) Lemma 2. Consider transmissions over BEC(ǫ), i.e., we BEC 1 {1−(1−x1)dr(1−x2[x1])dg−1}dg−1 have φ(x) = φBEC(x) = ǫ and φ[x1] = ǫ[x1]. Let Obviously, trivial and non-trivial fixed-points cover the set U (x ,x [x ];ǫ [x ]) be the potential function of BEC 1 2 1 BEC 1 F(ǫ), in precise, F(ǫ)=F (ǫ)∪F (ǫ). We denote the set of (d ,d ,d ) MN codes at the non-trivial fixed points. For any t n l r g trivial and non-trivial fixed-points respectively by F (ǫ) and d >d it holds that t l r F (ǫ). n U (x ,x [x ];ǫ [x ])>0 for x ∈(0,1) BEC 1 2 1 BEC 1 1 F (ǫ):= 1,φ(1;ǫ) t for (d ,d )=(2,2) and (3,3). r g F (ǫ):= (x ,x [x ])|ǫ[x ]=ǫ,x ∈(0,1) n (cid:8)(cid:0) 1 2 1(cid:1)(cid:9) 1 1 Lemma 3. For any GEC(φ(x;ǫ)), let U(x ,x [x ];ǫ[x ]) F (ǫ)∩F (ǫ) is an empty set. 1 2 1 1 t (cid:8)n (cid:9) be the potential function at the non-trivial fixed point Let φ[x1] be the unique solution of (III-A) in terms of φ(·) (x1,x2[x1]) ∈ F(ǫ[x1]) for x1 ∈ (0,1) as defined in (III-B). for given x1,x2 =x2[x1] and ǫ=ǫ[x1]. Then, it holds that x [x ] φ[x1]:= 1−(1−x1)dr(12−1x2[x1])dg−1 dg−1. (11) ProofU: (Fxr1o,mx2[(xI1II]-;Bǫ[)x,1]w)e≥UhBavEeC(x(x1,[xx2[]x,1ǫ][;xǫB])EC[∈x1])[.0,1]2. 2 1 1 Equivalently, we(cid:0)have (cid:1) From (III-B), we have ψ[x1] ∈ [0,1]. From this and using φ[x1]=φ(ψ[x1];ǫ[x1]), (12) (III-B) and (III-B), we obtain ǫBEC[x1] ∈ [0,1]. This jus- tifies that U (x ,x [x ];ǫ [x ]) is well-defined since BEC 1 2 1 BEC 1 where x ,x [x ],ǫ [x ]∈[0,1]. We have 1 2 1 BEC 1 ψ[x ]:= 1−(1−x )dr(1−x [x ])dg−1 dg. (13) 1 1 2 1 U(x ,x [x ];ǫ[x ])−U (x ,x [x ];ǫ [x ]) 1 2 1 1 BEC 1 2 1 BEC 1 Notethatx2[x1],(cid:0)φ[x1]andψ[x1]donotdependon(cid:1)thechannel (=a)ǫ [x ]·(1−(1−x )dr(1−x [x ])dg−1)dg GEC(φ(·;ǫ)),whileǫ[x ]does.From(III-B)and(III-B),itcan BEC 1 1 2 1 1 be seen that −Φ (1−(1−x )dr(1−x [x ])dg−1)dg;ǫ[x ] 1 2 1 1 ǫBEC[x1]=φ[x1]. (14) (=b)φ[x1](cid:0)·ψ[x1]−Φ ψ[x1];ǫ[x1] (cid:1) Substituting x1,x2[x1] and φ[x1] into (II-F), at non-trivial (cid:0)ψ[x1] ′ (cid:1) ′ fixed points (x ,x [x ]) ∈ F(ǫ[x ]), we have the potential =φ[x1]·ψ[x1]− φ(x;ǫ[x1])dx 1 2 1 1 function as Z0 (c) ψ[x1] ′ ′ = φ[x ]−φ(x;ǫ[x ])dx U(x ,x [x ];ǫ[x ]) (15) 1 1 1 2 1 1 Z0 =1−Φ(ψ[x1];ǫ[x1]) (d) ψ[x1] ′ ′ = φ(ψ[x ];ǫ[x ])−φ(x;ǫ[x ])dx d 1 1 1 − r{1−(1−x1)dr−1(1−x2[x1])dg}dl Z0 d l (e) d x d x [x ] ≥0. −(1−x )dr(1−x [x ])dg · 1+ r 1 + g 2 1 . 1 2 1 1−x1 1−x2[x1] The equality (a) is due to (III-B) and (1). The equality (b) (cid:16) (cid:17) is due to (III-B). In (c), we used the fact that ψ[x ] does 1 not depend on channel GEC(φ(·;ǫ)). The equality (d) is due IV. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK to (III-B). In (e), we used the fact that φ(ψ[x ];ǫ[x ]) ≥ 1 1 We have shown that some SC-MN codes achieve the SIR φ(x′;ǫ[x ])forx′ ∈ 0,ψ[x ] sinceφ(x;ǫ)isnon-decreasing 1 1 limit of any GEC(φ(x;ǫ)) via potential function. The future in x. 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In Appendix, we give three GECs as example. 1.00 1.0 BEC BEC DEC DEC PR2 PR2 0.80 0.8 0.60 0.6 ǫ[x ] ǫ[x ] 1 1 0.40 0.4 0.20 0.2 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 x x 1 1 Fig. 2. Plot of ǫ[x1] at non-trivial fixed points of (4,2,2) MN codes and (6,3,3) MN codes for 3 types of generalized erasure channels BEC(ǫ[x1]), DEC(ǫ[x1]),PR2(ǫ[x1])andPR3(ǫ[x1]). Example 1 (Binary Erasure Channel). For the bi- given as nary erasure channel BEC(ǫ) with erasure probability ǫ, 4ǫ2 φ(x;ǫ),Φ(x;ǫ),I(ǫ) and ǫ[x1] are respectively given as φDEC(x;ǫ)= (2−x(1−ǫ))2 4ǫ2 φ (x;ǫ)=ǫ, BEC Φ (x;ǫ)= , DEC (1−ǫ)(2−(1−ǫ)x) Φ (x;ǫ)=ǫx, BEC 2ǫ2 I (ǫ)=1−ǫ, I (ǫ)=1− , BEC DEC 1+ǫ ǫ[x ]=ǫ [x ], 1 BEC 1 ǫ[x ]=ǫ [x ], 1 DEC 1 where ǫBEC[x1] is the unique solution ǫBEC of the following where ǫDEC[x1] is the unique solution ǫDEC of the following equation. equation. x [x ]=φ ({1−(1−x )dr(1−x [x ])dg−1}dg;ǫ [x ]) x2[x1]=φDEC({1−(1−x1)dr(1−x2[x1])dg−1}dg;ǫDEC) 2 1 BEC 1 2 1 BEC 1 ·{1−(1−x )dr(1−x [x ])dg−1}dg−1. ·{1−(1−x1)dr(1−x2[x1])dg−1}dg−1. 1 2 1 In the case of DEC(ǫ), ǫ [x ] can be written in an explicit DEC 1 ǫ [x ] can be written in an explicit form (III-B). form. BEC 1 The potential function is given as 1/2 (2−ψ[x ]) x2[x1] ǫ [x ]:= 1 ψ[x1](dg−1)/dg U (x ,x [x ];ǫ[x ]) (17) DEC 1 (cid:16) (cid:17)1/2 BEC 1 2 1 1 2−ψ[x ] x2[x1] :=1−ǫBEC[x1]·({1−(1−x1)dr(1−x2[x1])dg−1}dg) 1 ψ[x1](dg−1)/dg (cid:16) (cid:17) − dr{1−(1−x )dr−1(1−x [x ])dg}dl In general, we do not need the explicit form of ǫ[x1] for d 1 2 1 the purpose of this paper. The potential function is given as l −(1−x )dr(1−x [x ])dg follows. 1 2 1 d x d x [x ] · 1+ r 1 + g 2 1 . UDEC(x1,x2[x1];ǫ[x1]) 1−x 1−x [x ] (cid:16) 1 2 1 (cid:17) :=1−ΦDEC({1−(1−x1)dr(1−x2[x1])dg−1}dg;ǫDEC[x1]) Example 2 (DicodeErasureChannel). Forthedicodeerasure d channel DEC(ǫ) with erasure probability ǫ, the output y ∈ − r{1−(1−x1)dr−1(1−x2[x1])dg}dl {0,1,−1,?}n for given x∈{0,1}n is defined as follows. dl −(1−x )dr(1−x [x ])dg 1 2 1 d x d x [x ] xj −xj−1 w.p. 1−ǫ, · 1+ r 1 + g 2 1 . y = j 1−x 1−x [x ] (? w.p. ǫ, (cid:16) 1 2 1 (cid:17) Example 3 (Partial Response 2 Channel). For the PR2 wherex :=0.φ(x;ǫ),Φ(x;ǫ),I(ǫ)andǫ[x ]arerespectively channel PR2(ǫ) with erasure probability ǫ, the output y ∈ 0 1 {0,1,2,3,4,?}n for given x∈{0,1}n is defined as follows. xj +2xj−1+xj−2 w.p. 1−ǫ, y = j (? w.p. ǫ, wherex :=0.φ(x;ǫ),Φ(x;ǫ),I(ǫ)andǫ[x ]arerespectively 0 1 given as 4ǫ3 4−4(1−ǫ)x+(1−ǫ)x2 φ (x;ǫ)= PR2 (4−2(1−ǫ2)x−(1−ǫ)ǫ2x2)2 (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 2−x Φ (x;ǫ)=4ǫ − , PR2 2 4−2(1−ǫ2)x−(1−ǫ)ǫ2x2 (cid:16) (cid:17) 2ǫ3(ǫ+1) I (ǫ)=1− , PR2 ǫ3+ǫ +2 2 ǫ[x ]=ǫ [x ], 1 PR2 1 where ǫ [x ] is the unique solution ǫ of the following PR2 1 PR2 equation. x [x ]=φ ({1−(1−x )dr(1−x [x ])dg−1}dg;ǫ ) 2 1 PR2 1 2 1 PR2 ·{1−(1−x )dr(1−x [x ])dg−1}dg−1. 1 2 1 The potential function is given as follows. U (x ,x [x ];ǫ[x ]) PR2 1 2 1 1 :=1−Φ ({1−(1−x )dr(1−x [x ])dg−1}dg;ǫ [x ]) PR2 1 2 1 PR2 1 d − r{1−(1−x )dr−1(1−x [x ])dg}dl 1 2 1 d l −(1−x )dr(1−x [x ])dg 1 2 1 d x d x [x ] r 1 g 2 1 · 1+ + . 1−x 1−x [x ] 1 2 1 (cid:16) (cid:17)

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