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Spatial interference between pairs of optical paths with a chaotic source Michele Cassano 6 1 Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica, Universitá degli Studi di Bari, 70100 Bari, Italy 0 2 n Milena D’Angelo a J Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica, Universitá degli Studi di Bari, 70100 Bari, Italy 1 Instituto Nazionale Di Fisica Nucleare, sez. di Bari, 70100 Bari, Italy 2 ] Augusto Garuccio h p Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica, Universitá degli Studi di Bari, 70100 Bari, Italy - t Instituto Nazionale Di Fisica Nucleare, sez. di Bari, 70100 Bari, Italy n a u Tao Peng q [ Department of Physics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 2 21250, USA v 5 4 Yanhua Shih 0 5 Department of Physics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 0 21250, USA . 1 0 6 Vincenzo Tamma 1 : Institut für Quantenphysik and Center for Integrated Quantum Science and v Technology (IQST), Universität Ulm, D-89069 Ulm, Germany i X E-mail: [email protected] r a Abstract. We demonstrate a second-order spatial interference effect with a chaotic source. This phenomenon arises from the spatial indistinguishability between pairs of optical paths emerging from correlation measurements in the photon-number fluctuations, providing a deeper understanding of the physics of multi-photon interference and spatial coherence. We show how this effect can be used to simulate a controlled-NOT gate, as well as arbitrary-order on-demand entanglement correlations in more general interferometric networks. PACS numbers: 42.50.-p,42.50.Ar Spatial interference between pairs of optical paths with a chaotic source 2 1. Introduction The fundamental physics of temporal and spatial coherence and interference with thermal light is at the very heart of the experiments performed in the mid-1950s by Hanbury Brown and Twiss. These experiments triggered the development of the quantum optics field [1, 2, 3, 4]. Indeed, in the last 60 years, numerous fundamental studies [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] of the physics of multi-photon interference have been performed, with applications in imaging [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], quantum information processing [18, 19, 20, 21, 22], metrology [23, 24], N-photon tomography, entanglement generation [9, 25] and entanglement simulation [26, 27, 28, 29, 30]. Recently, a second-order correlation phenomenon based on the interference between pairs of optical paths has been demonstrated [10] in the temporal domain with a chaotic source, providing a deeper fundamental understanding of the physics of second- order coherence beyond the Hanbury Brown and Twiss effect. As shown in [10], this phenomena can be also used to simulate a controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate operation [31, 32, 33]. In this paper, we demonstrate theoretically a second-order interference effect in the spatial domain analogous to the one demonstrated in the temporal domain [10]. The proposed interferometer (Fig. 1) is characterized by two identical two-pinhole masks illuminated by chaotic light, and placed in two separate arms. The distance between the two pinholes in both masks is larger than the transverse coherence length of the chaotic source. Hence, no first-order interference exists behind each mask. Nonetheless, we show that second-order interference between two pairs of spatially indistinguishable optical paths can be observed by performing correlation measurements at the interferometer output (sect. 2). Furthermore we demonstrate that the proposed interferencephenomenoncanbeused(Fig. 2)tosimulateaparticularclassofcontrolled- unitary gates, including a CNOT gate. We also propose (sect. 3) a modified setup (Fig. 3) that can be used for the implementation of higher-order interferometric networks. 2. Basic interference effect In the proposed interferometer (Fig. 1), chaotic light is split by a balanced non- polarizing beam splitter. Two identical two-pinhole masks are placed, in the output arms of the beam splitter, at the same distance z from the source. The pinholes at the positions are indicated as 1,2 for the upper mask and 1(cid:48),2(cid:48) for the lower mask. The light transmitted by the masks reaches two point-like detectors, D and D , placed at C T the same distance f from the masks. A correlation measurement in the fluctuation of the number of photons is finally performed. Let us start with the general expression of the second-order correlation function [34, 17] G(2)(x ,x ) ∝ (cid:104)n(x )n(x )(cid:105) = (cid:104)n(x )(cid:105)(cid:104)n(x )(cid:105)+(cid:104)∆n(x )∆n(x )(cid:105), (1) i j i j i j i j with i = 1,2 and j = 1(cid:48),2(cid:48), where n represents the photon number and ∆n the Spatial interference between pairs of optical paths with a chaotic source 3 x C f x D M C C 2 1 z BS <Δn(x ) Δn(x )> C T z 1’ x S 2’ S T x 2a M f D T x T Figure 1. Scheme of the proposed interferometer for observing spatial second-order interference between indistinguishable pairs of optical paths. The light, emitted from a one-dim chaotic sources of size 2a, after being split on a balanced non-polarizing beam splitter propagates through two identical two-pinhole masks placed at the same distance z from the source and reaches two point-like detectors, D and D , placed C T at distance f from the masks. A correlation measurement between the fluctuations of the number of photons detected by D and D is performed. C T photon-number fluctuation around the mean. We consider now the case of a quasi- monochromatic chaotic source, which, for simplicity, is also assumed to be 1-dim, of length 2a, and H-polarized. The input chaotic light state is described by [34, 35] (cid:34) (cid:35) (cid:90) (cid:89) (cid:79) ρˆ = d2α P({α }) |α (cid:105) (cid:104)α |, H κ,H κ,H κ,H S κ,H κ κ with the Glauber-Sudarshan probability distribution [3, 36] (cid:32) (cid:33) (cid:89) 1 |α |2 κ,H P({α }) = exp − , κ,H π(cid:104)n (cid:105) (cid:104)n (cid:105) κ κ κ where α are H-polarized coherent states, in the mode κ associated with the x κ,H component of the transverse wave vector, and (cid:104)n (cid:105) is the corresponding average photon κ number, which is assumed for simplicity to be constant [35]. In this case Eq. (1) reduces Spatial interference between pairs of optical paths with a chaotic source 4 to [13] G(2)(x ,x ) = G(1)(x )G(1)(x )+|G(1)(x ,x )|2, i j i j i j with G(1) the first-order correlation function. Therefore G(2)(x ,x ) depends on two i j contributions: the first one, G(1)(x )G(1)(x ), is a constant background; the second one, i j |G(1)(x ,x )|2, istheinterferenceterm. Thebackgroundcanberemovedbyperforminga i j correlation measurement between the fluctuations of the number of photons [17]. Due to the position (or momentum) correlation at the heart of the ghost imaging [13, 14, 15, 16] (or the HBT [1, 2]) effect, the outcome of this measurement [17, 34] (cid:104)∆n(x )∆n(x )(cid:105) ∝ (cid:12)(cid:12)G(1)(x ,x )(cid:12)(cid:12)2 i j i j isdifferentfromzeroforallthepossiblepairsofpaths(i,j) = (1,1(cid:48)),(2,2(cid:48)),(1,2(cid:48)),(2,1(cid:48)), providedtherelativedistancebetweeneachpairofpinholesissmallerthanthetransverse coherence length of the source (l ), which is: |x −x | (cid:28) l . Now an interesting result coh i j coh comes out by working in the hypothesis that (A) the pinholes, in each mask, are separated by a distance greater than the transverse coherence length of the source, namely |x −x | (cid:29) l |x −x | (cid:29) l ; (2) 1 2(cid:48) coh 1(cid:48) 2 coh (B) the corresponding pairs of pinholes at the two masks are within the transverse coherence length, which is |x −x | (cid:28) l |x −x | (cid:28) l . (3) 1 1(cid:48) coh 2 2(cid:48) coh In fact, in this case, only the two pairs of paths (1,1(cid:48)) and (2,2(cid:48)) (each one associated with two paths spatially coherent with respect to each other), contribute to the correlation, while no contribution comes from the two pairs of paths (1,2(cid:48)) and (2,1(cid:48)), namely (cid:104)∆n(x )∆n(x )(cid:105) (cid:54)= 0 ⇔ (i,j) = (1,1(cid:48)),(2,2(cid:48)). i j Whathappensifweperformcorrelationmeasurementsafterthetwo-pinholemasks? Intuitively one may expect that the only two possible contributions, associated with the two alternatives (1,1(cid:48)) and (2,2(cid:48)), would add incoherently. However, as we shall show, they give rise to a counter-intuitive interference effect. To demonstrate this result we evaluate the correlation between the photon-number fluctuations ∆n(x ) and ∆n(x ) C T measured at equal detection times by the detectors D and D , respectively, placed at C T the transverse position x and x , behind the two-pinhole masks, namely C T (cid:104)∆n(x )∆n(x )(cid:105) ∝ (cid:12)(cid:12)G(1)(x ,x )(cid:12)(cid:12)2. (4) C T C T Here, G(1)(x ,x ) = Tr[ρˆ Eˆ−(x )Eˆ+(x )] (5) C T H C C T T is the first-order correlation function calculated at x ,x , where Eˆ+(x ) and Eˆ−(x ) C T d d d d are, respectively, the positive and negative frequency part of the electric field operator Spatial interference between pairs of optical paths with a chaotic source 5 at the position x , namely d (cid:114)(cid:126)ω (cid:90) Eˆ(+)(x ) = ı dκ e−ıωtaˆ (κ), (6) d d 2(cid:15) d 0 where ω is the detected frequency, t is the detection time and aˆ (κ) is the annihilation d operator associated with the transverse mode κ, at the detector D , with d = C,T. By d propagating the field from the detector to the source plane, we can write aˆ (κ) = g{κ;S,x }aˆ (κ), (7) d d s where g{κ;S,x } is the Green’s function that describes the propagation of the mode d κ from the source S to the detector D , placed in x , and aˆ (κ) is the annihilation d d S operator at the source S associated with the mode κ. As demonstrated in Appendix B, in the paraxial approximation and by using the conditions given in Eqs. (2) and (3), Eq. (4) becomes (cid:104)∆n(x )∆n(x )(cid:105) ∝ (cid:12)(cid:12)G(1) (x ,x )+G(1) (x ,x )(cid:12)(cid:12)2, (8) C T 1,1(cid:48) C T 2,2(cid:48) C T where G(1) and G(1) indicate the contributions to the correlation measurement coming 1,1 2,2(cid:48) from the two pairs of paths (1,1(cid:48)) and (2,2(cid:48)), respectively; in fact, we have G(1)(x ,x ) ∝ B∗(x )B (x )FT (cid:8)|A(x )|2(cid:9)[(x −x )/(2al )], (9) i,j C T i C j T s i j coh where B∗(x ) and B (x ) are two phase factors (see Eq. (A.8)), FT {|A(x )|2}[χ] i C j T s represents the Fourier transform, calculated in χ, of the source intensity profile, which we have assumed to be constant and different from zero only over an extension 2a (see Eq. (B.7)) so that l = λz/(2a). Hence, on the one hand, due to the conditions in Eq. coh (2), the contributions G(1) and G(1) are null; on the other hand, the conditions in Eq. 1,2(cid:48) 2,1(cid:48) (3) guarantee that the contribution G(1) with i = 1,2, are maximum: i,i(cid:48) G(1)(x ,x ) ∝ aB∗(x )B (x ), i,i(cid:48) C T i C i(cid:48) T G(1) (x ,x ) = G(1) (x ,x ) = 0. (10) 1,2(cid:48) C T 2,1(cid:48) C T Therefore the correlation between the fluctuations of the number of photons depends on the interference between the first-order correlation functions associated with the pairs of paths (1,1(cid:48)) and (2,2(cid:48)). In fact, these two pairs of paths are indistinguishable even if the corresponding pairs of pinholes are separated much further than the coherence length of the source. Such indistinguishability arises from the fact that each contribution G(1) i,j (Eq. (9)), for each of the four possible pairs of paths (i,j) = (1,1’), (2,2’), (1,2’), (2,1’), depends only on the relative distance x −x between the point-like pinholes i and j as i j compared to the transverse coherence length, and the paths (1,1’) and (2,2’) are the only ones corresponding to pinholes having a relative distance smaller than the transverse coherence length (conditions (2) and (3)). Therefore only these two pairs of paths have non-zero contribution (Eq. (10)) and interfere (Eq. (8)). As shown in Appendix B, Eq. (8) can be written as (cid:104)∆n(xC)∆n(xT)(cid:105) ∝ (cid:12)(cid:12)1+eıφ(x1,x2,x1(cid:48),x2(cid:48),xC,xT)(cid:12)(cid:12)2, (11) Spatial interference between pairs of optical paths with a chaotic source 6 where ω ω φ(x ,x ,x ,x ,x ,x ) = (x2 +x2 −x2 −x2)+ (x x −x x −x x +x x ), 1 2 1(cid:48) 2(cid:48) C T 2ch 1 2(cid:48) 1(cid:48) 2 cf C 2 T 2(cid:48) C 1 T 1(cid:48) (12) with 1/h = 1/z +1/f. In the condition x = x , Eq. (12) reduces to C T ω φ (x ,x ,x ,x ,x ) = [(x2 −x2)−(x2 −x2 ))] xC=xT 1 2 1(cid:48) 2(cid:48) C 2ch 1 2 1(cid:48) 2(cid:48) x ω C − [(x −x )−(x −x )]. 1 2 1(cid:48) 2(cid:48) cf Interestingly, the phase φ (x ,x ,x ,x ,x ) consists of two terms: each term xC=xT 1 2 1(cid:48) 2(cid:48) C depends on the difference between the relative positions (the values of the positions are squared in the first term) of the pinholes in each mask; furthermore, the second term depends on the detector position x = x . Therefore, the measured interference C T provides simultaneous information about the two relative positions of the pinholes in the two masks. For example, this information can be retrieved by varying the positions of both detectors. This would not be possible by measuring the intensity separately at the two interferometer output ports, since no first-order interference can be observed. This effect is of interest for imaging and metrology applications. 3. Quantum gate simulation In this section we demonstrate that the novel physical effect described by Eq. (8) can be exploited for simulating a controlled-U gate, with U described by the matrix φ φ (cid:32) (cid:33) 0 eıφ U ..= . (13) φ eıφ 0 Let us start by describing a genuine controlled-U gate. Given two-qubit input φ states |φ (cid:105) |φ (cid:105) , where C C T T |φ (cid:105) ..= cosφ |H(cid:105) +sinφ |V(cid:105) , C C C C C C and |φ (cid:105) ..= cosφ |H(cid:105) +sinφ |V(cid:105) , T T T T T T the controlled-U gate operates on the input states, by giving the following output φ entangled state [18] |ψ(cid:105) = cosφ |H(cid:105) |φ (cid:105) +eıφsinφ |V(cid:105) |φ(F)(cid:105) , C C T T C C T T where |φ(F)(cid:105) ..= sinφ |H(cid:105) +cosφ |V(cid:105) . T T T T T T The polarization-dependent joint detection probability associated with the state |ψ(cid:105) is P ..= |(cid:104)θ ,θ |ψ(cid:105)|2 = (cid:12)(cid:12)cosφ cosθ cos(φ −θ )+eıφsinφ sinθ sin(φ +θ )(cid:12)(cid:12)2. U C T C C T T C C T T φ (14) Spatial interference between pairs of optical paths with a chaotic source 7 In particular, for φ = 0 the controlled-U gate reduces to a CNOT gate [18] and the φ polarization-dependent joint detection probability in Eq. (14) becomes P ..= |(cid:104)θ ,θ |ψ(cid:105)|2 = |cosφ cosθ cos(φ −θ )+sinφ sinθ sin(φ +θ )|2. CNOT C T C C T T C C T T (15) In order to simulate a controlled-U gate we propose the interferometer in Fig. 2 φ which is identical to the one in Fig. 1, with the only addition of polarization optics. The interferometer consists of three parts: the first one prepares the initial polarization state in the “control” input port C and in the “target” input port T ; the second one implements polarization transformations along the control and target output channels; the final part consists of the measurement process. x C θ C D C C 2 V 1 H BS <Δn(x ,θ ) Δn(x , θ )> C C T T 1’ x F S 2’ S T D T 2a θ T x T Figure 2. Interferometer for the simulation of controlled-U gates. In the first φ part of the interferometer, the initial polarization state of the light is prepared. The second part, from the ports C and T to the ports C and T, respectively, performs a polarization-dependent transformation. Correlation measurements in the fluctuations ofthenumberofphotonsareperformedattheinterferometeroutput. R andR are φC φT twohalf-waveplatesthatrotatethepolarizationoftheanglesφ andφ ,respectively; C T F is a half-wave plate implementing a flip from the horizontal (H) polarization to the vertical (V) polarization and vice versa; H, V, θ and θ represent the polarization C T directions for the corresponding polarizers. In the first part of the setup the H-polarized chaotic light impinges on a balanced Spatial interference between pairs of optical paths with a chaotic source 8 non-polarizing beam splitter and then propagates through two half-wave plates R and φ C R . φ T The second part of the setup consists of a “control” path, connecting the ports C and C, and a “target” path, connecting the ports T and T. Similar to the setup in Fig. 1, both in the control and in the target paths light goes through identical two- pinhole masks. However, in the control path, two polarizers oriented along the H and V directions are placed just before pinholes 1 and 2, respectively, while in the target path a half-wave plate oriented at π/4 is placed just before the pinhole 2(cid:48). Let us now describe the detection process. A polarizer, oriented along the direction θ ..= (cosθ sinθ )T,withd = C,T,isplacedinfrontofeachdetector. Apolarization- d d d dependent correlation measurement between the fluctuations of the number of photons ∆n(x ,θ ) and ∆n(x ,θ ), detected, respectively, by D and D , is then performed. C C T T C T As shown in Appendix C, if the conditions given in Eqs. (2) and (3) are satisfied, in paraxial approximation the correlation between the fluctuations of the number of photons is proportional to the joint detection probability typical of a controlled-U φ gate, namely (cid:12) (cid:12)2 (cid:104)∆n(x ,θ )∆n(x ,θ )(cid:105) ∝ (cid:12)G(1) (x ,θ ,x ,θ )+G(1) (x ,θ ,x ,θ )(cid:12) ∝ P , (16) C C T T (cid:12) 1,1(cid:48) C C T T 2,2(cid:48) C C T T (cid:12) Uφ with φ(x ,x ,x ,x ,x ,x ) as defined in Eq. (12). Here, we find again two interfering 1 2 1(cid:48) 2(cid:48) C T contributions G(1) and G(1) associated with the propagation through the two pairs of 1,1(cid:48) 2,2(cid:48) pinholes (1,1(cid:48)) and (2,2(cid:48)), respectively. However, different from the setup in Fig. 1, these interfering contributions are now polarization dependent. In particular: (A) the control path 1, associated with the polarization mode H, is correlated with the target path 1’, where the polarization is not modified; (B) the control path 2, associated with the polarization mode V, is correlated with the target path 2’, where the polarization is flipped from H to V, and vice versa. Interestingly, the resulting second-order interference pattern is proportional to the probability P associated with a controlled-U gate, with φ defined in Eq. (12). In U φ φ particular, when |φ(x ,x ,x ,x ,x ,x )| (cid:28) 1, (17) 1 2 1(cid:48) 2(cid:48) C T Eq. (16) reduces to (cid:104)∆n(x ,θ )∆n(x ,θ )(cid:105) ∝ P , C C T T CNOT with P defined in Eq. (15), leading to the simulation of a CNOT gate operation. CNOT The condition reported in Eq. (17) can be experimentally obtained, for example, by performing the detections at equal positons x = x in the condition C T 2l ah |x2 −x2| (cid:28) coh , i(cid:48) i πz for i = 1,2, with l = λz/(2a). coh Spatial interference between pairs of optical paths with a chaotic source 9 4. Toward higher order correlations The basic idea described in the previous section can be generalized in order to simulate higher-order entanglement correlations. To this end, we modify the setup of Fig. 2 by replacing the two masks with two Mach-Zehnder-like interferometer, as shown in Fig. 3. It is worth noticing that this modified setup is the spatial equivalent of the setup proposed in [10] in the temporal domain. In fact, by employing the technique proposed in [10], several such interferometers can be combined to simulate higher-order networks. In this perspective, it is worth demonstrating that also the interferometer in Fig. 3 can simulate controlled-U gates and, in particular, a CNOT gate. φ δ c H 1 PBS PBS x 2 C C V θ C D C S <Δn(x ,θ ) Δn(x , θ )> BS C C T T 2a D F θ T T 2’ T x T BS BS 1’ δ T Figure 3. ModifiedversionoftheinterferometerreportedinFig. 2forthesimulation of controlled-U gates. This interferometric configuration can be used as building φ blocks for the implementation of more general higher-order networks [10]. As mentioned above, the two masks of the scheme in Fig. 2 are substituted by two interferometers: the “control” interferometer, connecting the input port C with the output port C, and the “target” interferometer, connecting the input port T with the output port T. The control interferometer consists of two polarizing beam splitters and two tiltable mirrors. The mirror in one path is tilted by an angle δ with respect to C the alignment position (δ = 0) corresponding to the two interferometric paths 1 and 2 C to have equal lengths. Hence the tilting angle δ determines the difference between the C Spatial interference between pairs of optical paths with a chaotic source 10 optical paths 1 and 2, and the PBS plays the role of the polarizers placed on the mask in arm C of the setup reported in Fig. 2. The target interferometer is a standard Mach- Zehnder interferometer, with a half wave plate F, analogously to the one employed in the setup in Fig. 2 along the path 2(cid:48). Similar to the conditions (Eqs. (2) and (3)) imposed in the setups of Figs. 1 and 2, the tilting angles δ and δ satisfy, in the small C T angle approximation, the conditions l l coh coh |δ | (cid:29) , |δ | (cid:29) , (18) C T 2z¯ 2z¯ l coh |δ −δ | (cid:28) , (19) C T 2z¯ where z¯ is the longitudinal distance from the mirrors to the detectors. As in Fig. 1, we shall measure the correlation in the fluctuations of the number of photons detected by D and D , which are placed at the same longitudinal distance z from the source. C T As demonstrated in Appendix E, in the condition |x −x | (cid:28) l (20) C T coh and in the paraxial approximation, the correlation between the photon-number fluctuations reads (cid:12) (cid:12)2 (cid:104)∆n(x ,θ )∆n(x ,θ )(cid:105) ∝ (cid:12)G(1) (x ,θ ;x ,θ )+G(1) (x ,θ ;x ,θ )(cid:12) ∝ P , (21) C C T T (cid:12) 1,1(cid:48) C C T T 2,2(cid:48) C C T T (cid:12) Uφ where P is defined in Eq. (14), with φ given by the corresponding expression of Eq. U φ (12), namely 2ω (cid:2) (cid:3) φ(x ,x ,δ ,δ ) = z¯2(δ2 −δ2)+z¯(x δ −x δ ) . C T C T cz C T C C T T Hence, similar to the setup in Fig. 2, the interference between the two pairs of paths (1,1(cid:48)) and (2,2(cid:48)) leads to the simulation of a controlled-U operation, with U defined φ φ in Eq. (13). Also in this case the operation of a CNOT gate can be simulated if |φ(x ,x ,δ ,δ )| (cid:28) 1, C T C T which can be achieved experimentally by choosing l a |δ2 −δ2| (cid:28) coh , C T 2z¯2π and l a coh |x δ −x δ | (cid:28) , C C T T 2z¯π with l = λz/(2a). coh 5. Discussions We have theoretically demonstrated a second-order spatial interference effect emerging fromcorrelationmeasurementsinthephoton-numberfluctuations. Wehaveshowedthat

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