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SPARSE RECOVERY, KASHIN DECOMPOSITION AND CONIC PROGRAMMING ALEXANDRED’ASPREMONT ABSTRACT. Weproducerelaxationboundsonthediameterofarbitrarysectionsoftheℓ1ballinRn. Weuse theseresultstotestconditionsforsparserecovery. 1 1 1. INTRODUCTION 0 2 LetA Rm×n be a full rank matrix, weare given m observations Au ofa signal u Rn, and weseek ∈ ∈ n todecode itbysolving a minimize Card(x) J (1) subjectto Ax = Au, 5 1 in the variable x Rn. Problem (1) is combinatorially hard, but under certain conditions on the matrix A ∈ (see e.g. Donoho and Tanner (2005); Cande`s and Tao (2005); Kashin and Temlyakov (2007); Cohen et al. ] C (2009)), wecanreconstruct thesignalbysolvinginstead O minimize x k k1 (2) . subjectto Ax = Au, h at whichisaconvexproblem inthevariable x Rn. ∈ m [ 2. SPARSE RECOVERY CONDITIONS 1 Webeginbydiscussing conditions onthecodingmatrixA Rm×n andonthesignaluwhichguarantee ∈ v that the solution to the ℓ minimization problem (2) matches that of the ℓ minimization problem (1) and 1 0 7 allowsustoreconstruct theoriginal signalu. 2 0 2.1. Discrete signals. We first assume that the signal u only takes discrete values. For a given coding 3 . matrix A Rm×n, the proposition below describes a sufficient condition which guarantees that a discrete 1 ∈ signalu 1,0,1 n willbereconstructed bysolving problem (2). 0 ∈ {− } 1 Proposition 2.1. Wedefine 1 : n v i = u Rn : uTx+ξ uixi ξ x 1, x Rn :Ax = 0 . (3) X U ( ∈ | | ≤ k k ∀ ∈ ) i=1 X r a If u 1,0,1 n for some ξ (0,1) and z Rn solves the ℓ1 recovery problem in (2), then the ∈ {− } ∩ U ∈ ∈ signature ofz isasubsetofthatofu,i.e. u z = z ,i= 1,...,n. i i i | | Proof. Supposethereisavectorz Rn,withAz = Auand z u . LetI = i [1,n] : u = 0 1 1 i ∈ k k ≤ k k { ∈ 6 } be the support of the signal u and J its complement in [1,n], the vector u z is in the nullspace of A so − u implies ∈ U n uT(u z)+ξ u u z ξ u z . i i i 1 − | || − | ≤ k − k i=1 X Becauseu 1,0,1 thisisequivalent to i ∈ {− } uT(u z) ξ z , J 1 − ≤ k k Date:Jan.122011. 2010MathematicsSubjectClassification. 94A12,90C27,90C22. Keywordsandphrases. CompressedSensing,KashinDecomposition,SemidefiniteProgramming. 1 hence,having assumed z u ,weget 1 1 k k ≤k k z = z + z u uTz+ξ z 1 I 1 J 1 1 J 1 k k k k k k ≤ k k ≤ k k z +ξ z , I 1 J 1 ≤ k k k k so z = 0. Then z u uTz z meansu z = z ,i= 1,...,n. J 1 1 1 1 i i i k k k k ≤ k k ≤ ≤ k k | | Given a priori bounds on the signal coefficients, we obtain the following (tighter) result, which ensures that the signature of the decoded signal matches that of the true one, when solving a modified version of problem (2). Corollary 2.2. Letzsolve minimize x 1 k k subject to Ax = Au (4) x 1, ∞ k k ≤ Ifu 1,0,1 n forsomeξ (0,1), where wasdefinedin(3),thenz = u. ∈{− } ∩U ∈ U Proof. In the proof of Proposition 2.1, we showed uTz = z = u under the same assumptions, 1 1 k k k k whichtogether withtheadditional constraint that z 1meansthatz = u. ∞ k k ≤ Next, we show that controlling the ratio of dual pairs of norms on the nullspace of A provides simple sufficientconditions forchecking thatasignalubelongstotheset ofℓ -recoverable signals. 1 U Proposition 2.3. Let beanormonRn and itsdual, A Rm×n andu 1,0,1 n,if ∗ k·k k·k ∈ ∈ {− } 1 sup x < (5) k k u Ax=0, ∗ k k kxk1≤1 thenu ,where isthesetofℓ -recoverable signals definedin(3). 1 ∈U U Proof. When(5)holds ξ sup uT x u sup x ∗ | | | | ≤ k k k k ≤ 1+ξ Ax=0 Ax=0, kxk1≤1 kxk1≤1 forsomeξ (0,1), where u isthevectorwithcomponents u . Wethenhave i ∈ | | | | sup uT(I+ξdiag(w))x (1+ξ) sup uT x ξ ≤ | | | |≤ Ax=0,kxk1≤1 Ax=0 w∈{−1,1}n kxk1≤1 whichmeansu . ∈ U Wecanboundthevalueofthesupin(5)when istheEuclidean norm andthematrixAsatisfiesthe k·k restricted isometryproperty oforderk∗ withconstant δ < 1. Lemma 2.4. Suppose A Rm×n satisfies the Restricted Isometry Property (RIP) of order 3k∗ with con- ∈ stantδ3k∗ δ < 1,then ≤ x 2 2 sup k k . (6) Ax=0 x 1 ≤ (1 δ)√k∗ k k − Proof. Weroughly follow theproof ofCohen etal. (2009, Lemma4.1). Letη Rn be inthe nullspace ∈ of A. Let T = T be the index set of the k∗ largest magnitude coefficients in η, with T corresponding to 0 1 thenextk∗ largest andsoon. Cohenetal.(2009, Lemma4.1)show (1+δ) ηTc 1 η k k T 2 k k ≤ (1 δ) √k∗ − and η η k Tik1, i 0 k Ti+1k2 ≤ √k∗ ≥ 2 so η 1 ηTc 2 k k k k ≤ √k∗ andatriangular inequality yieldsthedesired result. Asdiscussed in(Donoho, 2006; Kashin and Temlyakov, 2007) this result isinfact adirect consequence ofclassical bounds onGel’fand andKolmogorov widths, withKashin(1977); GarnaevandGluskin (1984) showinginparticular that x 8 2 sup k k x ≤ √n Ax=0 1 k k forsomematricesA(theproofisnotconstructive). Moreover,Kashin(1977)showsthatthisholdswithhigh probability whenthenullspace ofAispickedatrandom uniformlyontheGrassmanmanifoldofsubspaces ofRn withdimension k n/2. Inotherwords,whennislarge, mostmatricesaregoodsensingmatrices. ≤ 2.2. Genericsignals. Verysimilarresultsholdforarbitrarysignalsu Rnatmarginallylowerthresholds. ∈ Inparticular, KashinandTemlyakov(2007, Th. 2.1)showthefollowingguarantee. Proposition 2.5. GivenacodingmatrixA Rm×n,suppose thatthereissomeS > 0suchthat ∈ x 1 2 sup k k (7) Ax=0 x 1 ≤ √S k k thenxLP = uifCard(u) S/4,and ≤ u xLP 4 min u y 1 1 k − k ≤ {Card(y)≤S/16} k − k wherexLP solvestheℓ -recovery problem in(2)anduistheoriginal signal. 1 This means that the ℓ -minimization problem in (2) will recover exactly all sparse signals u satisfying 1 Card(u) S/4andthattheℓ reconstruction errorforothersignals willbeatmostfourtimeslargerthan 1 ≤ theℓ errorcorresponding tothebestpossible approximation ofubyasignalofcardinality atmostS/16. 1 3. WEAK RECOVERY CONDITIONS Similar conditions (with slightly better recovery thresholds) can be derived when the signal u follows a given distribution, and recovery is only required to occur with high probability. Given k [0,n], suppose ∈ nowthatthesignalisi.i.d.,distributed asfollows 1 withprobability k/2n − u = +1 withprobability k/2n (8) i  0 otherwise, i = 1,...,n.  Thecondition defining in(3)canbewritten  U n max uTx+ξ u w x ξ i i i w∈{−1,1}n ( ) ≤ i=1 Ax=0,kxk1≤1 X andbecausethemaximumistakenoverapolyhedral set,thiscanbeunderstood as maxuTx ξ x∈T ≤ where Rn is a finite set. When u is distributed as in (8), the left-hand side max uTx of this last x∈T T ⊂ conditionisaRademacherprocesswhosemeanandfluctuationscanbecontrolled, asdetailedinthelemma below. 3 Lemma3.1. LetA Rm×n,withξ > 0andudistributed asin(8),define ∈ x 2 S(A) max k k , (9) ≡ Ax=0 x 1 k k thentheexpected valueofthemax. canbebounded by n M(A) E max uTx+ξ u w x (1+ξ)S(A)E[ u ]  i i i  2 ≡ w∈{−1,1}n ( ) ≤ k k i=1 Ax=0,kxk1≤1 X  and   Prob max uTx+ξ n uiwixi ξ 4e−4((1ξ+−ξM)2(SA2))(2A) w∈{−1,1}n ( )≥ ≤ i=1 Ax=0,kxk1≤1 X  wheneverM(A) ξ.   ≤ Proof. First,rememberthat max uT(I+ξdiag(w))x (1+ξ) max uT x Ax=0,kxk1≤1 ≤ Ax=0 | | | | w∈{−1,1}n kxk1≤1 where u isthevectorwithcomponents u here. Then,aCauchy-Schwarz inequality yields i | | | | E max (1+ξ)uT x (1+ξ) max x E[ u ]. 2 2  Ax=0 | | | | ≤ Ax=0 k k k k kxk1≤1 kxk1≤1 Wethennotethat   max max (I+ξdiag(w))x = (1+ξ) max x , 2 2 w∈{−1,1}n Ax=0 k k Ax=0 k k kxk1≤1 kxk1≤1 whenξ (0,1),andtheconcentration inequality followsfrom(Ledoux,2005,Cor.4.8). ∈ We summarize these last results in the following proposition, which highlights the role played by S(A) incontrolling theprobability ofrecovering thesignalu. Proposition 3.2. Supposethesignaluisdistributed asin(8),β > 0andA Rm×n satisfies ∈ 1 S(A) < (10) E[ u ]+2β +4√π 2 k k then Prob[u / ] 4e−β2 ∈ U ≤ where isthesetofℓ -recoverable signals definedin(3). 1 U Proof. IfS(A) < 1/(E[ u ]+2β +4√π),thenthereisaξ (0,1)suchthatM(A) ξ and 2 k k ∈ ≤ (1+ξ)S(A)(E[ u ]+2β +4√π) < ξ, 2 k k Lemma3.1thenyieldsthedesiredresult. Because E[ u ] < √k (by Jensen’s inequality), recovery with high probability can be obtained at 2 k k slightly higher cardinalities k than those required for recovery of all signals. Of course, this discrepancy vanishesiftherandommodelforuhasuniformlydistributed supportofsizeexactlyk. Herehowever,other choicesofnormin(5)mightproducedifferent results. 4. TRACTABLE BOUNDS In this section, we discuss methods to efficiently bound the ratio S(A), i.e. control the Banach-Mazur distance ofℓ andℓ onthenullspace ofA. 1 2 4 4.1. Semidefiniterelaxation. Wenowshowhowtocomputetractable boundsontheratio x 2 S(A) = max k k , Ax=0 x 1 k k defined in (9). This question is directly connected to the problem of efficiently testing Kashin decomposi- tions(see(Szarek,2010, 4.1)foradiscussion). Wefirstformulateasemidefiniterelaxationofthisproblem. § Lemma4.1. LetA Rm×n, ∈ S(A)2 SDP(A) max TrX (11) ≤ ≡ Tr(ATAX)=0 kXk1≤1,X(cid:23)0 whereSDP(A)iscomputedbysolvingasemidefinite programinthevariable X S . n ∈ Proof. WritingX = xxT,wehave S(A)2 = max TrX Tr(ATAX)=0,kXk2≤1, 1 Rank(X)=1,X(cid:23)0 anddropping therankconstraint yieldsthedesiredresult. Wenowconnect thevalueofS(A)withthatofthefunction α (A)definedin(JuditskyandNemirovski, 1 2008;d’AspremontandElGhaoui,2008)as x ∞ α (A) max k k , (12) 1 ≡ Ax=0 x 1 k k whichcanbecomputedbysolvingeitheralinearprogram(JuditskyandNemirovski,2008)orasemidefinite program (d’AspremontandElGhaoui,2008). Thefollowinglemmabounds S(A)usingα (A). 1 Lemma4.2. LetA Rm×n,wehave ∈ α (A) S(A) SDP(A) α (A) 1 1 ≤ ≤ ≤ Proof. The first inequality simply follows fromp x xp, the second from Lemma 4.1. If X ∞ 2 k k ≤ k k solves (11), Tr(ATAX) = 0 implies AX = 0, which means that the columns of X are in the nullspace ofA. Bydefinitionofα (A),wethenhaveX = X α (A) X ,henceTr(X) α (A) X 1 ii i ∞ 1 i 1 1 1 k k ≤ k k ≤ k k ≤ α (A),whichyieldsthedesiredresult. 1 Thefollowingpropositionshowsthatifamatrixallowsrecoveryofallsignalsofcardinalitylessthank∗, then the SDP relaxation above will efficiently certify recovery of all signals up to cardinality O(k∗/√n). ThisisadirectextensionofLemma4.2andProposition 2.5. Proposition 4.3. Suppose A Rm×n satisfies condition (7) for some S > 0, the semidefinite relaxation ∈ willsatisfy S(A) SDP(A) S−14 (13) ≤ ≤ andthesemidefinite relaxation willcertifyexactpdecoding ofallsignalsofcardinality atmost√S. Proof. From Lemma 4.2, we know that α S(A) hence SDP(A) S(A). We conclude using 1 ≤ ≤ Proposition 2.5. p p Wecanproduce asecondproofofthislastresult, whichusesthenormratioin(9)directly. Proposition 4.4. Suppose A Rm×n satisfies condition (7) for some S > 0, the semidefinite relaxation ∈ willsatisfy S(A) SDP(A) S−14 (14) ≤ ≤ andthesemidefinite relaxation willcertifyexactpdecoding ofallsignalsofcardinality atmost√S. 5 Proof. If X solves the SDP relaxation in (11), with S(A) = S in (9), then the rows of X are in the nullspace ofA,andsatisfy X X /√S. Then,with X , i 2 i 1 k k ≤ k | k k n n X 1 TrX X X k k1 i ∞ i 2 ≤ k k ≤ k k ≤ √S ≤ √S i=1 i=1 X X hencethedesiredresult. NotethatwearenotdirectlyusingX 0inthislastproof,sothesemidefiniterelaxationcanbereplaced (cid:23) byalinearprogramming bound LP(A) max. TrX ≡ s.t. AX = 0 (15) X 1 1 k k ≤ WenowshowthattheS−1/4 boundistypically thebestwecanhopeforfromtherelaxation in(11). Proposition 4.5. SupposeA Rm×n withn= 2m,then ∈ 1 SDP(A) (16) √2n ≤ andthesemidefinite relaxation willcertifyexactdecoding ofallsignalsofcardinality atmostO(√m). Proof. Let Qbe the orthoprojector on the nullspace of A. Wehave Q 0, Tr(Q) = m, Q = √m F (cid:23) k k and Q √n2 Q n√m, which means that X = Q/(n√m) is a feasible point of the SDP 1 F k k ≤ k k ≤ relaxation in (11) with TrX = √m/n = 1/√2n which yields the required bound on the optimal value of(11). This means that if the matrix A allows exact recovery of signals with up to (an unknown number) S nonzerocoefficients,thenourrelaxationwillonlyexactcertifyrecoveryofsignalswithcardinalityO(√S). The fact that approximating the recovery threshold S is hard is not entirely surprising, S in (7) is the Euclidean diameter of the centrally symmetric polytope x Rn : Ax = 0, x 1 . Computing 1 { ∈ k k ≤ } the radius of convex polytopes is NP-Complete (Freund and Orlin, 1985; Lovasz and Simonovits, 1992; Gritzmann and Klee, 1993; Brieden etal., 2001). In particular, Lovaszand Simonovits (1992) show that if weonlyhaveaccesstoanoracleforK,thenthereisnorandomized polynomial timealgorithm tocompute thediameterofaconvexbodyK withinafactorn1/4. Inthatsense,theapproximation ratioobtainedabove isoptimal. Hereofcourse,wehavesomeadditionalstructuralinformationonthesetK (itisasectionofthe ℓ ball) so there is a possibility that this bound could be improved. On the other hand, in the next section, 1 wewillseethatifwearewilling toaddafewrandom experiments toA,thenthediameter canbebounded withhighprobability byarandomized polynomial timealgorithm. 5. GEOMETRIC BOUNDS Proposition2.5establishesalinkbetweenthesparserecoverythresholdS ofamatrixAandthediameter ofthepolytope x Rn :Ax = 0, x 1 . Inthissection, wefirstrecallsomeclassical resultsofgeo- 1 { ∈ k k ≤ } metricfunctional analysis andusethesetoquantify thesparserecoverythresholds ofarbitrary matricesA. 5.1. Dvoretzky’s theorem. We first recall some concentration results on the sphere as well as classical results ingeometric functional analysis whichcontrol, inparticular, thediameter ofrandom sections ofthe ℓ ball(i.e. whereAischosenrandomly). Letσ betheuniquerotationinvariant probability measureonthe 1 unitsphereSn−1 ofRn,and beanormonRn withunitballK,then K k·k σ x Sn−1 : x M(K) tM(K) e−k(K)t2 (17) ∈ |k k− | ≥ ≤ with (cid:8) (cid:9) 2 M(K) k(K) = cn (18) b(K) (cid:18) (cid:19) 6 wherec> 0isauniversalconstant, and M(K)= x dσ(x) and b(K) = sup x . (19) ZSn−1k k x∈Sn−1k k Klartag and Vershynin (2007) call k(K) the Dvoretzky dimension of the convex set K. Part of the proof of Dvoretzky’s theorem states that random sections of K with dimension k = k(K) are approximately spherical withhighprobability (w.r.t. theuniform measureontheGrassman ). WewriteBn theℓ ball Gn,k p p ofRn. Theorem 5.1 (General Dvoretzky). Let E Rn be a subspace of dimension l k(K) defined in (18), ⊂ ≤ chosenuniformlyatrandomw.r.t. totheHaarmeasureon ,then n,k G c c 1 (Bn E) (K E) 2 (Bn E) M(K) 2 ∩ ⊂ ∩ ⊂ M(K) 2 ∩ withprobability 1 e−c3l,wherec ,c ,c > 0areabsolute constants. 1 2 3 − Proof. See(MilmanandSchechtman,1986, 4)or(Vershynin, 2011,Th.6.4)forexample. § This result means that random sections of convex bodies with dimension k are approximately spherical with high probability. Milman and Schechtman (1997) show that the threshold k(K) is sharp in the sense that random sections of dimension greater than k(K) are typically not spherical. Because projections of sphere are spheres, there is thus a phase transition at k(K): random sections of K become increasingly spherical until they reach dimension k(K)below which they are approximately spherical withhigh proba- bility. The diameter follows this phase transition as well, and the following result characterizes its behavior as thedimensionofthesubspace decreases (wewriteK∗ thepolarofK). Theorem 5.2 (Low M∗ estimate). Let E Rn be a subspace of codimension k chosen uniformly at ⊂ randomw.r.t. totheHaarmeasureon ,then n,n−k G n diam(K E) c M(K∗) ∩ ≤ k r withprobability 1 e−k,wherecisanabsoluteconstant. − Proof. See(PajorandTomczak-Jaegermann, 1986)forexample. The value of M(K∗) is known for many convex bodies, including l balls. In particular, (Bn)∗ = Bn p 1 ∞ and M(Bn ) logn/n asymptotically. This means that random sections of the ℓ ball with dimension ∞ ∼ 1 n k havediameterboundedby − p logn diam(Bn E) c 1 ∩ ≤ k r with high probability, where c is an absolute constant (a more precise analysis allows the log term to be replaced bylog(n/k)). Theorem5.3(LowMestimate). Letλ (0,1)andk = λn andE Rn beasubspaceofcodimension ∈ ⌊ ⌋ ⊂ k chosenuniformlyatrandom w.r.t. totheHaarmeasureon ,supposeBn K and Gn,n−k 2 ⊂ M(K) √λ ≥ then c√1 λ diam(K E) − ∩ ≤ M(K) √λ − withprobability 1 c e−c3δ2(1−λ)n,where 2 − M2(K) λ δ = − 1 M2(K) − 7 andc ,c ,c areabsoluteconstants. 1 2 3 Proof. See(Giannopoulos etal.,2005,Th.B). Note that the condition Bn K means the set K needs to be normalized by b(K). Klartag (2004) 2 ⊂ recentlyproducedasimilarresultusingM(K)togetherwithvolumeratios. Thisresultappliestoallvalues ofM(K)/b(K),unfortunately, thedependence onk isexponential insteadofbeingpolynomial. 5.2. Connectionwithsparserecovery. WehaveseeninProposition2.5thatthesparserecoverythreshold associated with them linear observations stored in A Rm×n, i.e. thelargest signal cardinality for which ∈ allsignals ucanberecovered exactly bysolving theℓ -minimization problem in(2),isgivenbytheradius 1 (ordiameter)ofthecentrally symmetricconvexpolytope x Rn : Ax = 0, x 1 . Byhomogeneity, 1 thisisequivalent toproducing lowerboundson Fy ov{erS∈n−m−1,theunitksphker≤eof}Rn−m. 1 k k Proposition 2.5 (or Kashin and Temlyakov (2007)) shows that the sparse recovery threshold S of the observations A Rm×n satisfies ∈ 1 S (20) ≥ diam( x Rn : Ax = 0, x 1 )2 1 { ∈ k k ≤ } The low M∗ estimate in Proposition 5.2 together with the fact that M(Bn ) logn/n then shows that ∞ ∼ choosing m linear samples A Rm×n uniformly at random in the Grassman will allow us, with high ∈ p probability, to recover all signals with at most m nonzero coefficients, by solving the ℓ minimization clogn 1 problem in(2)(again,thelogtermcanbereplacedbylog(n/k)). 5.3. Approximatingthediameter. Aswehaveseenabove,findinggoodcompressedsensingexperiments means finding matrices A Rm×n for which Fy is almost spherical, where F is any basis for the 1 ∈ k k nullspace. Badmatrices are matrices forwhichthenorm ballof Fy ismuchcloser toacross-polytope. 1 k k This section is thus focused on measuring how spherical Fy actually is. The key difficulty in high 1 k k dimensions is that all centrally symmetric convex bodies look like spheres, except for a few “spikes” (or tentacles in Vershynin (2011)) with negligible volume, hence precisely characterizing the diameter using onlyprobabilistic argumentsisdelicate. If wenotice that Fy defines a norm on Rn−m, we can try to apply Dvoretzky’s result in the normed 1 k k space(Rn−m, Fy )insteadof(Rn, x ). TheDvoretzkydimensionk(K)wouldthenactasanindirect 1 1 k k k k measureofhowEuclidean Fy is. Incompressedsensingterms,k(K)computedin(Rn−m, Fy )will 1 1 k k k k measure how many random experiments need to be added tothe matrix Aso that all signals of size O∗(n) can be recovered exactly by solving the ℓ -minimization problem in (2). The low M estimate makes this 1 statement even more explicit: Theorem 5.3 directly links the ratio M(K)/b(K) and the number (1 λ)n − ofrandom experiments thatneedtobeaddedtoreachrecoverythreshold S (through thediameter). 5.3.1. Approximating the Dvoretzky dimension. We will see below that the quantities M(K) and b(K) which characterize the phase transition for sections of the norm ball of Fy can be approximated ef- 1 k k ficiently. We first recall a result which can be traced back at least to (Nesterov, 1998a; Steinberg and Nemirovski,2005), approximating themixed operator normbyaMAXCUTtyperelaxation. 2→1 k·k Proposition 5.4. LetF Rn×n−m,then ∈ 2 SDP(F) max Fx 2 SDP(F) (21) π ≤ kxk2≤1k k1 ≤ where SDP(F) = max. Tr(XFFT) s.t. diag(X) = 1 (22) X 0. (cid:23) 8 Proof. Wecanwrite max Fx 2 = max uTFFTu kxk2≤1k k1 kuk∞≤1 andbyconvexity ofuTFFTuthisisequalto max uTFFTu u∈{−1,1}n and Nesterov (1998b) (using again the fact that FFT is positive semidefinite) shows that this problem can beapproximated withinafactor2/π bythesemidefinite relaxation in(22). This means that the mixed norm b(K), which is typically hard to bound in probabilistic arguments, is approximated within a factor 2/π by solving a MAXCUT semidefinite relaxation when the norm ball is a section of the ℓ ball. We now recall a classical result showing that the spherical average M(K) can be 1 approximated byaGaussianaverage. Lemma5.5. Letf beahomogeneous function onRn,then 1 1 f(x)dσ(x) = + +o(n−3/2) E[f(g)] ZSn−1 (cid:18)√n 4n3/2 (cid:19) whereσ istheHaarmeasureonthesphereandg (0,I ). n ∼ N Proof. BecausetheGaussianmeasureγ isinvariantbyrotation,uniquenessoftheHaarmeasureonSn−1 meansthat f(x)dσ(x) = λ x f(x/ x )dγ(x) = λ f(x)dγ(x) n 2 2 n Sn−1 Rnk k k k Rn Z Z Z forsomeconstant λ satisfying n λ = x dγ(x) n 2 Rnk k Z andweconclude using √2Γ((n+1)/2) 1 x dγ(x) = = √n +o(n−1/2) 2 Rnk k Γ(n/2) − 4√n Z asngoestoinfinity. WecannoweasilycomputeM(K),whenK istheunitballof Fy ,with 1 k k n 1 1 2 M(K) = + +o(n−3/2) F (23) i 2 √n 4n3/2 π k k (cid:18) (cid:19)r i=1 X where F are the rows of the matrix F, with F Rn×n−m satisfying AF = 0. The key difficulty with i ∈ these approximations of the Dvoretzky dimension is that M(Bn) is roughly equal to 2n/π, so the ratio 1 M(K)/b(K) is already constant and the 2/π approximation ratio for b(K) only produces trivial bounds. p Hence,eventhoughwecanexpectmatriceswithhighapproximateratioM(K)/SDP(F)tobegoodsens- ingmatrices,therearenoguarantees thatallsuchmatriceswillhavehighapproximate ratios. 5.3.2. Approximating M∗(K). We can also use the low M∗ bound in Theorem 5.2 to produce bounds on thediameter. Onceagain, theidea here istoapply this bound inthe normed space (Rn−m, Fy )instead 1 k k of (Rn, x ), i.e. measure how many random experiments need to be added to the matrix A so that all 1 k k signals of size S can be recovered exactly by solving the ℓ -minimization problem in (2). Solving for the 1 dualnormisaconvexproblem, hencewecansimplyapproximate M∗ bysimulation. Intheparticular case of(Rn−m, Fy ),thismeanscomputing 1 k k E max yTg = E min x = E[min Fg+x ] (24) kFyk1≤1 FTx=gk k∞ FTx=0k k∞ by duality, where(cid:2)g (0,In−m)(cid:3)(and a(cid:2)ssuming FTF =(cid:3)In−m). Sampling both terms simply means ∼ N solving one linear program per sample. Also, a simple Cauchy inequality shows that M(K∗) is bounded 9 abovebyO(1/√S). Sincethetargetprecision forourestimateofM(K∗)isalwayslarger than1/√n,this producesarecipeforarandomizedpolynomialtimealgorithmforestimatingS. 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