Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.combetetal February2,2008 (DOI:willbeinsertedbyhandlater) Spallation dominated propagation of Heavy Cosmic Rays and the Local Interstellar Medium (LISM) C.Combet1,2,D.Maurin3,J.Donnelly1,L.O’CDrury1,E.Vangioni-Flam4 1 DublinInstituteforAdvancedStudies(DIAS),5MerrionSquare,Dublin2,Ireland 5 2 Laboratoiredel’UniversetdesesThe´ories(LUTh),Baˆt.18,5pl.J.Janssen,92195Meudon,France 0 3 Serviced’Astrophysique(SAp),CEA,OrmedesMerisiers,91191Gif-sur-Yvette,France 0 4 Institutd’AstrophysiquedeParis(IAP),98bisBdArago,75014Paris,France 2 n ReceivedFebruary2,2008;accepted a J Abstract. Measurements of ultra heavy nuclei at GeV/n energies in the galactic cosmic radiation address the question of 5 thesources(nucleosynthetics-andr-processes).Assuch,thedeterminationofCRsourceabundancesisapromisingwayto 2 discriminate between existing nucleosynthesis models. For primary species (nuclei present and accelerated at sources), it is 2 generallyassumedthattherelativepropagatedabundances, iftheyarecloseinmass,arenottoodifferentfromtheirrelative v sourceabundances. Besides,therangeofthecorrectionfactorassociatedtopropagationhasbeenestimatedinweightedslab 5 modelsonly.HeavyCRsthataredetectednear Earthwereacceleratedfromregionsthatareclosertousthanwerethelight 1 nuclei.Hence,thegeometryofsourcesintheSolarneighbourhood,andasequallyimportant,thegeometryofgasinthesame 0 region,mustbetakenintoaccount. Inthispaper,atwozonediffusionmodelisused,andaswaspreviouslyinvestigatedfor 2 radioactivespecies,wereporthereontheimpactofthelocalinterstellarmedium(LISM)feature(under-densemediumover 1 ascale 100pc)onprimaryandsecondary stablenuclei propagatedabundances. GoingdowntoFenuclei, theconnection 4 ∼ betweenheavyandlightabundancesisalsoinspected.AgeneraltrendisfoundthatdecreasestheUHCRsourceabundances 0 relativetotheHCRones.Thiscouldhaveanimpactonthelevelofr-processrequiredtoreproducethedata. / h p Keywords.Diffusion–ISM:CosmicRays,Bubble–Galaxy:SolarNeighbourhood,UHCRabundances - o r st 1. Introduction cleosynthesis)andexactabundancesarestilldebated(Goriely a 1999;Cowan&Sneden2004)andCRscouldprovidesomean- : Beyond the iron peak, the flux of Cosmic Ray nuclei drops v swers. However, to determine the CR source abundances,the i by several orders of magnitude. The UHCRs require peculiar fluxes measured near Earth must be propagatedback through X environments to be nucleosynthesised and two distinct pro- theGalaxy,whichisnotastraightforwardtask. r cesses are involved: very generally, either the neutron flux in a themediumislowsothattheneutroniccapturerateislessthan Weshallnotdiscussheretheimportantquestionofthetime theβ-decayrateofnuclei,orthefluxishigh(captureratemuch elapsedsincenucleosynthesisandpropagationwhichisstudied greaterthanβ-decayrate);thesetwosituationsare commonly through radioactive heavy elements (Thielemannetal. 2002) referred to as s- (slow) and r-process (rapid). The situation is and which is anotherpart of the puzzle, nor shall we use any obviouslymorecomplex– seeMeyer(1994)foranilluminat- propagationnetworkto studyall the abundances(Letawetal. ing review –. One particular issue is the determination of the 1984). We instead focus on propagation.The goal of this pa- relative contributions of s- and r-process nucleosynthesis re- per is to demonstrate the importance of the local CR-source quired to explain the data, inferringthe correspondingsource distribution and in particular to examine the effect of the lo- abundancesfromtheelementalandisotopicabundances. calgasdistributiononcalculationsofsourceabundancesfrom Based on model predictions (Meyer 1994) as well as on data.Asamatteroffact,whereasthetruncationofpathlengths some analysis of CR data (Brewsteretal. 1983), it is shown, forUHCRshasbeendiscussed(throughtheweightedslabap- for example, that for Z 89, the entire Solar System abun- proach)and recognisedas havinga largeimpacton the prop- ≥ dancesmustbeattributedtother-process.Ontheopposite,the agationofUHCRs(Clinton&Waddington1993;Waddington latter does not contribute to Z 40 (Binnsetal. 1981). In- 1996), we illustrate here how this truncation is realised as a ≤ between, most of the elements exist as a mixture of r- and s- deficitinnearbysourcesinthetwozonediffusionmodel.The contributions. Their origin (e.g., massive stars, explosive nu- lowdensitygasinthelocalinterstellarmedium(LISM)isalso of particularimportance.It is shown thatthis under-densere- Sendoffprintrequeststo:C.Combet,e-mail:[email protected] gionleadstoresultsdifferentfromboththestandardtwozone 2 Combetetal.:Spallationdominatedregime diffusion model (which is equivalent to a simple leaky box as little as a few hundreds of pc naturally means that LISM model)andthetruncatedweightedslab. propertiesareanimportantingredientforpropagation. Themainresultsofthisstudyare:i)aroundafewGeV/n, the relative abundanceof Z > 60 nucleito the lighter onesis 2.1.PropagationcharacteristictimesvsA decreasedwhentheLISMfeaturesaretakenintoaccount–the strength of the effect is inversely related to the value of the During the propagation of nuclei through the Galaxy, sev- diffusion coefficient(i.e. to the energy)and is directly related eral processes affect their journeys.All of these have specific tothedestructioncrosssectionvalues(i.e.toZ)–;ii)theshape time/length scales which characterise the importance of the of the spectra at low energies is sensitive to the value of the considered process relative to the others. The nuclei can un- diffusioncoefficient,providingawaytodeterminethelatteras dergoenergy losses of different forms, interactwith atoms of it breaksthe propagationparameterdegeneracy(Maurinetal. theISMandbedestroyedinaspallationprocessorescapefrom 2002)observedinstandarddiffusionmodel(i.e.,withconstant the boundariesof the diffusive volume (i.e. the galactic halo) gasandsourcedisk distribution);iii) in the UHCR contextof because of the combined influences of diffusion and convec- relative abundance determination (Pb/Pt and Actinides/Pt), a tion. gas sub-density has a major effect for mixed species (species Inaleakyboxmodel,thedensityofgasintheboxiscon- withbothprimaryandsecondarycontributions)only. stant so thatthe link between characteristiclengthsand times In 2, we give some simple argumentswhich allow us to is simpleandthe comparisontothe escapelengthstraightfor- unders§tand why the local sub-density is expected to have a ward.Inreality,spallationandenergylossesoccurwhenanu- major influence on heavy CRs at GeV/n energies. In 3, the cleuscrossesthegalacticdisk.Thus,thecharacteristictimes(or modeltakingintoaccountthesub-densityasacircular§holeis lengths) for those processesare directly linkedwith the num- exposed.ProfilesintheLISMcavityaswellasspectraforpri- berofdisk-crossings(Taillet&Maurin2003)whichshouldbe maryandsecondary-likenucleiundervarioussourcegeometry comparedtothediffusiveandconvectiveescapetimes. assumptionsarecomparedtothoseobtainedinastandard“no- hole”diffusionmodel.Thecorrectionfactorsusedtodetermine 2.1.1. Spallationdominatesoverenergylosses the source abundancesare then derived and consequencesfor the data are discussed in 4. We then conclude and comment Whether in a leaky box modelor a more sophisticatedmodel § onfurtherdevelopmentsdemandedbyUHCRspropagation. asusedhere,spallationsandlossesbothoccurwhengasistra- versed.Weassumeitsdensitytoben =1cm 3.Thespalla- ISM − tionrateisgivenbyΓ =n σv,wherevisthevelocityofthe sp ISM 2. Whyalocalsub-densitymayaffectthe nucleusandσisthereactioncrosssection.Forthisstudy,the propagation Letawetal.(1983)crosssectionsareaccurateenough(Ek/n is thekineticenergypernucleon): Ithasbeenpreviouslyrecognisedthanveryheavynucleihave a peculiar propagation history compared to light nuclei. This σ=σ∞[1−0.62exp(−Ek/n/200)sin(10.9Ek−/0n.28)], is relatedto theirlargedestructioncrosssectionswhichmake themhaveveryshortpathlengths.Regardingthisextremesen- σ (Ek/n >2GeV/n)=45A0.7[1+0.016sin(5.3 2.63log(A))]. ∞ − sitivitytonucleardestruction,anUHCRbreaks-upmoreoften The loss rate is given by Γ = (dE/dt) /E , than a lighter one and thus propagates for a shorter distance. loss loss k where E is the kinetic energy of the nucleus, and the Kaiseretal.(1972)emphasizedthatthestrengthofthesource k Coulomb and ionisation energy losses are taken into account anditslocationinspaceandtimemaybeadominantlocalcon- (Mannheim&Schlickeiser1994;Strong&Moskalenko1998) tributionormerelyaddstothegeneralbackgrounddepending assumingthe ionised fractionof the ISM to be 0.033.Inboth onwhetherthissourceiscloseorfar.Theseauthorsuseavery cases, dE/dt is proportional to Z2, with Z the charge of the simplemodelinwhichpropagationstartsfromasinglesource nucleus. inspaceandtime.TheyconcludethatA>81elementscannot AtagivenE /n,Γ scaleswiththeatomicmassAasA0.7 be explained by any source older than 106 yr. In the present k sp (logA does not induce strong variations). Assuming A = 2Z, paper,the steady-stateapproximationishoweverassumedbut which is not the case for heavy nuclei (A > 2Z), ionisation the spatial discreteness hypothesis is relaxed to some extent. and Coulomb loss rates also increase with A but following This is a first step away from a leaky box model towards a Γ A.Acomparisonofthesetworatesyieldsat1GeV/n morerealisticdescription.Theframeworkisatwozonediffu- ion/coul ∝ sionmodel(thindiskandhalo)whichhasbeenusedbymany Γ 10 (A/10) 0.3Γ , sp − ion authorsforlightnuclei,e.g.Maurinetal.(2001).Inparticular, ∼ × such a model has distinct features compared to leaky boxes. Γ 60 (A/10) 0.3Γ . sp − coul The interstellar matter density is now located in a thin disk ∼ × withCRsspendingmostoftheirtimeinthediffusivehalo.The Thismeansthattheeffectofspallationisalwaysdominantover characteristictimesofthevariousprocessesincompetitiondur- energylosses(athigherenergytheeffectisevenstronger).The ingpropagation(seebelow)canbeextracted(Taillet&Maurin latter are thus discarded in the rest of this paper as it mainly 2003).Asitisshownbelow,thefactthatthetypicaldistances focusesonqualitativeeffects.Notealsothatthecrosssections travelledbyheavyorUHCRsbeforetheirdestructioncouldbe havenotbeencorrectedfor the effectsofdecaywhich can be Combetetal.:Spallationdominatedregime 3 cleon (1 GeV/n and 10 GeV/n). As we assume K(E) = K β( /1GeV)δ (where is the rigidity), the convection and 0 R R diffusion times are constant with A. At 1 GeV/n, it appears 103 thatspallation is almostalways dominant,exceptforthe very light nuclei where both convectionand diffusion compete. At 10 GeV/n, spallation is less dominant but remains the major Myr)102 ptiroonceosfsthfeosrethfieguhreeasviiserthnautcalehie.aAvynnauivcele(uasnndevfaelrsee)scianpteerspfrreotam- t ( the Galaxy. Actually, many paths lead from the source to the Thin line: E=1 GeV/n Thick line: E=10 GeV/n haloboundaryandthesenumbersonlyindicatethetypicaltime aCRreachingourpositioncanhavetravelledbeforebeingde- 101 convection diffusion stroyed.Forconvectionanddiffusion,τ andτ definean spallation diff wind exponential cutoff whereas the cutoff is smoother for spalla- 10 100 tion(Taillet&Maurin2003). A Table1containsthetypicalspallationdistancesfordiffer- Fig.1. Characteristic times of diffusive/convectiveescape and entatomicmasses(10,50,100and200)andasetofthreedif- spallation as a function of the atomic mass. Typical values fusioncoefficients(twoextremevaluesandonemedian)which K = 0.0112 kpc2Myr 1 and L = 4 kpc were considered. 0 − halo fittheB/Cratiowhencombinedwiththeappropriatechoicefor Thetimeshavebeencalculatedatkineticenergiespernucleon the other propagation parameters (Maurinetal. 2001, 2002). of1GeV/nand10GeV/ninthetwozonediffusionmodel. For A=100 and A=200 and for the median value of the dif- fusion coefficient, the spallation length scales have the same order of magnitude as the size of the observed local gas sub- density(seeSect.3).Thissub-densityprecludesthecreationof significantforthepropagationofheavynuclei.Theseeffects,as secondaryspecies in the localbubbleand the averagedensity wellasenergylossesandreacceleration,willbeproperlytaken crossedbyaprimaryorasecondarynucleusduringitsjourney intoaccountina separatepaperwhereβ-decayandelectronic issmallerthanwhenthissub-densityisnottakenintoaccount. capturedecaywillbere-examinedinthecontextofthepresent It is expected that heavier nuclei will be more sensitive than diffusionmodels. lighternucleitothisfeature. 2.1.2. Timescalesofdiffusion,convectionand A Group K (kpc2Myr 1) spallation 0 − 0.0016 0.0112 0.0765 10 LiBeB/C 210pc 1.25kpc 6.38kpc Once established that spallations are dominant relative to the 50 Sub-Fe/Fe 70pc 390kpc 2.01kpc energy losses, we compare the former to the convection and 100 Z=44-48 40pc 250pc 1.27kpc diffusion processes taking into account the number of disk- 200 Actinides 30pc 150pc 780pc crossings in the two zone diffusion model. For further justi- Table1.Typicallengthscalesofthespallationprocessfordif- fication and details the reader is referred to Taillet&Maurin ferentnucleianddiffusioncoefficientsat1GeV/n. (2003). It is well known that τ = L2/K(E) is the characteristic diff escape time needed by a nucleus to leave a diffusive volume of size L for a diffusion coefficient K(E). The presence of a Thesmallerthespallationlengthscale,thegreatertheeffect ofthesub-densityisexpectedtobeandthissuggeststhatthelo- galactic wind (velocity V ), assumed to be constant and per- c calbubblemustbeconsideredtotreattheheavierspecies.This pendicular to the galactic plane, inducesa general convective motion throughout the Galaxy. Considering that the diffusive reasoningisvalidonlyifthecosmicraysundergothesamedif- fusiveprocessintheLISMthanintherestoftheGalaxy.There processisstillpresent,theboundarytobetakenintoaccountis notthe halo size but the distancefor which the diffusioncan- isatleasttwoindicationssupportingthisassumption: not compete anymore with the convection and brings the nu- – Thelocalbubbleandthegalactichalosharesomecommon cleus towards the Earth. With this consideration, one can de- properties. Hence, it seems reasonnable that the values of finethetypicaltimescalefortheconvectionescapeprocessas the diffusioncoefficientin bothregionsare notdrastically τwind =2K(E)/Vc2. different. As we use only one coefficient for the disk and Spallationonlyoccurswithinthediskoftotalthickness2h. the halo, the latter can be seen as an effective value that The typical length associated with the spallation process in a alsoappliesforthelocalbubble. diffusivepropagationisrsp = K(E)/(hΓsp).Thetimescale,as- – Thesecondcluecomesfromtheanalysisofsecondaryra- suming a purely diffusive transport is then τsp = rs2p/K(E) = dioactive species which can travel for a few hundreds of K(E)/(hΓsp)2. pc only before decaying. Ptuskin&Soutoul (1998) were Thecharacteristictimesfordiffusion,convectionandspal- abletoderivethecorresponding’local’diffusioncoefficient lation are plotted on Fig. 1 as a function of the atomic mass modellingtheLISMasthreeshellsofgaswithvariousden- of the nucleus A at two different kinetic energies per nu- sities. They found a larger value at low energy than the 4 Combetetal.:Spallationdominatedregime standard one found from B/C analysis. This again points L towardsadiffusivetransportofCRsinthelocalbubble. a r Vc 3. Twozonemodelwithahole Firstly,thelocalinterstellarmedium(LISM)isknowntobea highly asymmetric low density region, extending between 65 to250pc–recentstudieshaveforthefirsttimeconductedto- Fig.2. Schematic view of the cylindrical geometry for the mographyofthe LISM(Lallementetal. 2003) –.Asa conse- modelusedinthispaper:theholeregionofradiusaislocated quence,thespallationrateislessenedsothattheprimaryfluxes inathindisksurroundedbyadiffusivehaloofsizeL(aconvec- areexpectedtobeenhanced. tive wind V may be present).The exactradiusof the Galaxy c Secondly, the history of the origin of the local bubble radiusRisnotimportant(seetext). (see Breitschwerdt&Cox (2004) for a review) is an im- print of the explosive stellar activity in the Solar neigh- bourhood (Ma´ız-Apella´niz 2001; Bergho¨fer&Breitschwerdt tion (see Donatoetal. (2002)), which simplifies the calcula- 2002; Ben´ıtezetal. 2002). The spatio-temporal position of tions.Thediffusivehalo,emptyofgasandsources,extendsto these sources is certainly of importance. However, as the a height L on each side of the disk which can vary from 1 to steady state is assumed in this paper, only the spatial in- 10kpc.Thelocalsub-densityisthenaholeofradiusainthis fluence can be inspected. For example, Lezniak&Webber disk,whereasthesourcesub-densityisaholeofradiusb.From (1979);Webber(1993) haveshownthatanabsenceof nearby the disk emerges a galactic wind with a constant velocity V sources (in a diffusion model) can truncate the path lengths c thataddsaconvectivecomponenttothediffusivepropagation in weightedslab models.Thistruncationhasbeenrecognised oftheCRs. to be of great importance in the propagation of heavy nu- Theseassumptions(sourcesandgasinathindisk,circular clei(Clinton&Waddington1993;Waddington1996).Thisef- hole,haloemptyofgas,samediffusioncoefficientsinthedisk fectisrealizedhereasacircularholeofafewhundredsofpc and in the halo) are probably too strong. However, they have surroundingtheSolarareareflectingthefactthatnoveryrecent lead to a successful description of many species in a consis- sources have exploded in the Solar neighbourhood.Note that tantway,anissuewethinktobeofgreatimportance.Wealso this truncation could also be an effect of the matter traversed believe that the approximations made (some that would need duringtheaccelerationandtheescapefromasourceregion. a heavy numerical treatment to be relaxed) would have a mi- noreffectcomparedtotheoneinducedbytheLISMgeometry. 3.1. Themodel Despite many weaknesses, the present diffusion model has to bethoughtasafirststeptowardsamorerealisticdescription. The effects of a local sub-density on radioactive species Energy losses are not taken into account meaning that in have been studied in the context of a diffusion model by thiscylindricalgeometrythediffusionequationreads Donatoetal. (2002). As it is difficult to derive an analytical solutionof thediffusionequationusinga realisticdistribution ∂N K∆N+V +2hΓδ(z)N =q(r,z)δ(z) (1) forthe gas,itisassumedthattheLISM isacircularcavityof − c ∂z radius a (see below). It appeared that the radioactive flux re- where N = N(r,z) is the differential density in energy. The ceivedonEarthwaslessenedby 35%whenthedecaylength ∼ Dirac distribution δ(z) expresses the fact that the sources and oftheradioactivespecies1wastwicethesizeofthesub-density the gas are only located in the thin disk. In this work, the re- compared to the case when a sub-density was not taken into sults are always normalized to the source spectrum thus the account (cf. Donatoetal. (2002), Fig. 4). Furthermore,in or- only quantity one must specify is q(r), the radial source dis- dertomatchmeasuredradioactiveabundanceratios(10Be/9Be, tribution (cf. A.1). It is appropriateto use a decompositionin 26Al/27Al and 36Cl/Cl), the size of the local sub-density was Besselspacetosolvethisequationandthecompletederivation constrainedtoliewithin60and100pc–valuesconsistentwith isgivenindetailinAppendixA(thederivationcloselyfollows directobservations.Thisincreasesconfidenceinthemodel.In thatgiveninDonatoetal.(2002)). the latter, the Galaxy is considered as a thin disk where the TheheightLofthehaloisafreeparameterasarethegalac- sources and gas are located (Fig. 2). To be consistent with ticwindvelocityV ,thespectralindexδ,andnormalizationK theresultsobtainedforlightstablenuclei(Maurinetal.2001), c 0 ofthediffusioncoefficient.Thoseparametersmustbetunedto for radioactive nuclei (Donatoetal. 2002) and also for an- fit the data. In the following work and when mentioned, the tiprotons(Donatoetal.2001),thesamegeometryisused.The max, median and min set of parameterscan be understoodas width of the disk, 2h, is 200 pc and the Galactic radius R is detailed in Table 2. These three sets are the two extreme and 20kpc.TheexactvalueforRisnotimportantsothatonecan median sets (with regard to the value of the diffusion coeffi- set the center of the cylindrical geometry at the Earth posi- cient normalization)shown to be compatible with B/C analy- 1 In a diffusion model, the typical length for decay is defined as sis.Eventually,throughoutthepaper,thegassub-densityisset l √Kγτ whereKisthediffusioncoefficient,γtheLorentzfactor toa=100pcwhereasthesub-densityinsourcescanbevaried. rad≡ 0 andτ thelifetimeofthenucleus. 0 Combetetal.:Spallationdominatedregime 5 set δ K (kpc2Myr 1) L(kpc) V (kms 1) 0 − c − Fe-group Actinide group max 0.46 0.0765 15 5 3 med 0.7 0.0112 4 12 1.6 gas and source hole 2.5 min 0.85 0.0016 1 13.5 maries11..24 gsoaus rhcoel heole 2 Table 2. Two extreme and one median sets of parameters Pri 1 1.5 showncompatiblewithB/Canalysis(Maurinetal.2001). or 0.8 1 Intheremainderofthissection,wefocusonthedifferences cement Fact Secondaries1111....24680 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 243510 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 n 1 between a model with a hole in the surrounding gas (and/or ha 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 n 2 sources) and the standard diffusion modelwith no hole. Note E 1.3 1.8 sthioantamsothdeelp(rwoipthagnaotihoonlpe)araarmefiettetersdutoseBd/Cfo,rththeeresstaunltdsaordbtdaiiffneud- Sec/Prim11..21 111...246 inthislattermodelandthoseobtainedinaLBaresimilar(see 1 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Fig. 8). It is useful to define the “enhancementfactor” which r (kpc) r (kpc) isdefinedastheratioofagivenholeconfigurationtothestan- Fig.3. Left panels: Fe-group. Right panels: Actinide group. darddiffusionmodel(nohole,hereafterSDM)fora givenset Primaries (upper), secondaries (middle) and sec/prim (lower) ofpropagationparameters.Sucharatioensuresthatthesource enhancement factors are plotted as a function of the distance spectralshapeandnormalizationarefactoredoutforprimaries tothecenterofthesub-density(thefluxesarenormalizedrel- andtheproductioncrosssectionisforsecondaries.Thediscus- atively to the SDM fluxes). In both models, the hole in gas sionoftheabsoluteeffectsonabundances–includingthestan- and the hole in sources are equals a = b = 0.1 kpc and dardresultfromtheleakyboxmodel–iscontainedinSect.4. E /n=1GeV/n.Thesetofastrophysicalparametersistheme- k dianset:K = 0.0112kpc2Myr 1,L = 4kpc,V = 12kms 1 0 − c − 3.2.Generalbehaviour andδ=0.7. Toseparatetheeffectsoftheabsenceofgasandsourcesinthe hole,westudythreedifferentconfigurations:i)inthefirstcase, onlythegasisabsentfromthe“holeregion”butthesourcesare cleiareproducedwithinthesub-densityandthosewhichhave still present, ii) the second case is the opposite configuration propagatedtotheholeundergospallation.Inthatcase,thepri- andtheholeisasub-densityofsourcesbutnotofgasandiii) mary density is lessened compared to the SDM ( 20% for ∼ finally,weconsiderthesituationwherethereisbotha holein Fe-groupnucleiand 40%foractinides). ∼ gasandaholeinsources(possiblyhavingdifferentsizes). Thethirdcase,wherebothgasandsourcesareabsentfrom theholeregionisfoundtogiveintermediateresults.Itappears that in this geometry the absence of gas has a larger impact 3.2.1. Profiles thatthe absenceof sources:fora hole in gasandsources,the Theenhancementfactorsforprimaries,secondariesandforthe enhancement factor is greater than unity. There is a 20% ef- ratiosSecondary/PrimaryareplottedonFig.3asafunctionof fectfornucleioftheirongroupanda75%effectforactinides. the distance to the center r (r = 0 corresponds to Earth lo- However,theresultisquitesensitivetotheparticulargeometry cation). The three hole configurations described above have assumed.Toobtainaveryroughestimateofthissensitivity,the been studied. For these profiles, the size of the hole is 0.1 diffusionequationwas solvedfora sphericalgeometrywhere kpc,andthemediansetofparametershasbeenused,namely: sourcesandgasholesweretakenasshells.Inthislatterconfig- K = 0.0112 kpc2 Myr 1, L = 4 kpc, V = 12 km s 1 and uration(which is unrealistic, butwhich may be consideredas 0 − c − δ = 0.7. The iron group (left panel) and the actinide group theextremeoppositegeometrytothatofthethindiskcase)the (rightpanel)arebothconsideredat1GeV/n.Firstly,itappears enhancementandrelativeimportanceofaholeingasorahole thatwhenthedistancefromtheholeislargeenough(typically insourcesaresmallerandthegas-holeenhancementisalmost 3a),theenhancementfactortendstounity(i.e.thereisnodif- cancelledbyaholeinsources. ference from the no-hole case) emphasing that, in a first ap- Whenlookingatthesecondaryenhancementfactor(Fig.3, proximation,theholehasonlyalocaleffect.Animportantcon- middle panels), a sub-density in sources only has almost no sequenceisthatnucleiarenotsensitivetootherdensityfeatures consequences( 10%effect)onthe secondaryflux (enhance- ∼ oftheISM,whichjustifiesthecrudemodelusedhere. ment factor 1). This indicates that most of the secondaries ∼ Whenaholeingasonlyisconsidered,moreprimaries(up- foundinthesolarneighbourhoodoriginatefromprimariesthat per panels) are expected (i.e., enhancementfactor > 1) com- werenotproducedlocally.Whenagasholeisconsidered(close paredtotheSDMasnucleienteringtheholeregiondonotun- sourcesarepresent),thesecondaryenhancementfactorismax- dergospallationastheywouldifgaswerepresent.Inthatcase, imal( 80%forFe-groupnucleiand 450%foractinides). ∼ ∼ attheEarthlocation,thereisa60%increaseinprimariesofthe In this case, the secondaries present at r = 0 cannot have irongroupanda 275%increase in the actinides. In the oppo- been produced locally (as there is no gas) and have all been siteconfiguration(sourcesabsent,gaspresent),noprimarynu- propagatedfromfurtherregions.Oncetheyreachthegassub- 6 Combetetal.:Spallationdominatedregime density,theycannotbedestroyed,whichexplainstheenhance- 3.3.Otherdependences ment.Theenhancementinthecaseofaholeingasandsources 3.3.1. Enhancementfactorvsr is explained in the same manner. However, this enhancement sp isslightly lower( 60%forFe-groupnucleiand 350%for Itisusefulnowtodisplaytheenhancementfactorasafunction ∼ ∼ actinides) than the case in which only gas is excluded: when ofa/r (abeingthesizeoftheholeandr thetypicalspalla- sp sp sources are present in the hole, primaries from the hole can tiondistance,seeSect.2.1.2).Asseveralcombinationsof(K , 0 propagateinthediskandproducesecondariesthatmaydiffuse δ)foragivenchoiceofAyieldthesamer (Taillet&Maurin sp backtowardstheEarth. 2003), the parameter dependence is more economically stud- ied. Indeed, to quickly obtain the enhancementdue to a hole ingas–oranycombinationofholes,comparedtotheSDM– 3.2.2. Spectra it is sufficient to take the desired K0 and δ, choose a specific A and evaluate r for a given energy. The enhancement fac- sp tor is then directly inferred from Fig. 5. Two cases are dis- Enhancement factor spectra for primaries, secondaries (Fe- played to emphasize the effect of the Galactic wind: the first groupnucleiin theleft panelandactinidesin the rightpanel) withV = 0kms 1 andthesecondwithV = 12kms 1.This and for the ratio Sec/Prim are plotted in Fig. 4 between c − c − isthetypicalrangeofthepossiblevaluesforthewind.Itisnot 500 MeV/n and 100 GeV/n at r = 0. At high energy the be- adominanteffect. haviourofanyholeconfigurationtends,asexpected,totheno- holecaseathighenergiesasspallationbecomesnegligible.In thecaseofasub-densityingas,theenhancementfactorforthe medianpropagationconfigurationisquitelarge(almostafac- Primaries Secondaries 8 15 tor of 2), even for the Fe flux. Comparatively, the sub-Fe/Fe gas and source hole Thick lines: Vc=0 km/s ratioisenhancedbyamere20%. gas hole Thin lines: Vc=12 km/s source hole 6 nt factor 10 me4 Fe-group Actinide group nce 4 ha 1.8 n 5 maries111...246 ggsoaauss rahcnoedl he sooleurce hole 23 E2 Pri 1 1 or 0.8 ncement FactSecondaries12111.....2224681 1 10 100 246 1 10 100 Fig.5.0P0rimar0y.5aan/rd_sps1econd1a.5ryen00hance0m.5ean/rt_sfpa1ctors1a.5sa func- nha 01..85 1 10 100 2.05 1 10 100 tion of the ratio a/rsp for the median set of parameters. The E 1.4 sizeoftheholesarea = b = 0.1kpc,andthedifferentvalues Prim11..23 2 ofrsp coverawiderangeofenergies,K0 anddestructioncross Sec/1.1 1.5 sectionvalues. 1 1 0.9 1 10 100 1 10 100 Ek/nuc (GeV) Ek/nuc (GeV) Fig.4.SameasFig.3butforspectraatr=0. The enhancement factor for several nuclei could be ob- tainedfromthepreviousplot,butforsimplicity,theyhavebeen gatheredforlighttoheavynucleiforseveralenergiesandprop- agation sets in Table 3. Despite the fact that the three sets of propagationparametershavebeenshowntobecompatiblewith B/Canalysis,theminimalsetgivessomeunrealisticenhance- Actually,theseenhancements,whetherforprimariesorsec- mentfactors.Thisallowstheexclusionofanunrealisticconfig- ondaries,arenotverysensitivetothe exactvalueof LandV urationforwhichthediffusionsloperequiredtofittheB/Cdata c (becausetheenhancementsarenormalizedtotheSDM).They was 0.85 (Maurinetal. 2002), far away from any theoretical mostlydependonthevalueofthediffusioncoefficient.Hence, expectations.Actually,inpreviouspapersattemptingtoobtain itimplies,forexample,thataveryprecisemeasurementofthe some conservativevalue for the propagationparameters from ironabundancespectrumwouldgivesomehintastothevalue the sole B/C and sub-Fe/Fe ratios (Maurinetal. 2001, 2002), ofthediffusioncoefficient,byevaluatingthedeviationfroma the hole configurationhas notbeen taken into account. In or- standard diffusion model. The larger the deviation at low en- der to be able to firmly excludesome K and δ values, a new 0 ergy,thesmallerthediffusioncoefficientrequiredtofitthede- detailed analysis is required,which goes beyondthe scope of viation. thispaper.Inconclusion,itseemsthatverysmallvaluesofK 0 Combetetal.:Spallationdominatedregime 7 havetobeexcludedbecauseofthetoolargeenhancementthey yieldwhenaholeingasisincluded. 5 4.5 Primaries, Fe-group Primaries, Actinide group Prim Sec 4 Secondaries, Actinide group min/med/max min/med/max Secondaries, Fe-group LiBeB-CNO ctor3.5 a E=1GeV/n 2.08/1.17/1.03 2.29/1.13/1.02 nt f 3 E=5GeV/n 1.36/1.07/1.02 1.33/1.05/1.01 me E=10GeV/n 1.21/1.04/1.02 1.19/1.03/1.01 ce2.5 n a Fe-group nh 2 E E=1GeV/n 6.24/1.58/1.11 20.9/1.75/1.11 E=5GeV/n 2.34/1.23/1.06 3.38/1.26/1.06 1.5 E=10GeV/n 1.71/1.15/1.04 2.03/1.16/1.04 1 Z=44-48 E=1GeV/n 8.67/1.80/1.14 43.0/2.14/1.15 0.50 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 E=5GeV/n 2.95/1.31/1.08 5.06/1.36/1.08 b (kpc) E=10GeV/n 1.99/1.19/1.06 2.59/1.22/1.06 Fig.6. Enhancement factor for primaries and secondaries of Actinides theFeandactinidegroupsasafunctionofthesizeofthehole E=1GeV/n 17.6/2.77/1.26 200/4.45/1.31 insources,b.Aconstantgasholeradiusa = 100pcwascon- E=5GeV/n 5.73/1.61/1.15 18.2/1.82/1.16 sideredandthepropagationcomputedusingthemediansetof E=10GeV/n 3.28/1.37/1.11 6.22/1.46/1.12 parameters. Table 3. Enhancement factors at the Earth’s location due to the presence of a local sub-density on four groups of nuclei. Different energies (from 500 MeV/n to 10 GeV/n) and three setsofparametershavebeenconsidered. nearby sources cannot be easily disconnected to the question ofrecentsources(Tailletetal.2004). 3.4.Preliminaryconclusions 3.3.2. Impactoftheholeinsourcesb Settingholesina diffusionmodelaffectstheabundancespec- tra,especiallyatlowenergieswheretheimportanceofspalla- Afewdecadesago,someauthorsintroducedthepossibilityof tionislarger.Aholeingasincreasesthenumberofprimaries, a truncationofthepathlengthsusedintheweightedslab for- even more the number of secondaries. Conversely, a hole in malism.Lezniak&Webber(1979) thenshowedthata holein sourcesdecreasesthenumberofprimaries(thesecondariesbe- sources in a diffusion model mimics such path-length trunca- ing quite insensitive to it). So there is a balance between the tion. This truncation was first introduced to fit best the sub- two configurations. Unless a large hole in sources is chosen Fe/Fe ratio, though afterwards, new results on cross section (b & 300 pc), because the hole in gas (size a 100 pc) production reduce the need for it. However, truncation was ∼ is firmly established – from direct observations, and also in- implemented for UHCR propagationand it has a sizeable ef- directly because it better fits light radioactive CRs measure- fect (Clinton&Waddington 1993; Waddington 1996), espe- ments(Donatoetal.2002)–,thefinaleffectisanenhancement ciallyforsecondarynucleusproduction.Thetruncationuncer- ofthecosmicrayfluxes. taintyishereequivalenttotheuncertaintyinb(seealsoFig.8 The dependence of this enhancement to the halo size L inSec.4.3). and the convective wind V is minor. The main dependence c In this section, the hole in sources varies from b = 0 to is through the diffusion coefficient, K(E). The previous sec- b=500pc.InFig.6,theenhancementfactorsofprimariesand tionshelpedustoestablishthatverysmalldiffusioncoefficients secondariesoftheirongroupandactinidegroupareplottedas that were found to best fit the B/C ratio in a standard diffu- function of the size of the hole in sources. The energy of the sionmodel(Maurinetal.2002)mustbediscardedastheypro- nuclei is 1 GeV/n and the size of the gas hole is once again duceatoolargeenhancementoffluxeswhentheholeingasis fixedata = 100pc(becausethisfeatureiscertainlypresent). takenintoaccount.Itisreassuringsincethesesmallvaluesfor Depending on the hole size b, one can have an enhancement K corresponded to quite large diffusion slopes, unsupported 0 factorthatisgreaterorlowerthanunity.Actually,thissituation by theoretical considerations (too far from a Kolmogorov or occursonlybecausetheholeinsourcesisincompetitionwith a Kraichnan turbulence spectrum). However, a new study of theholeingas. B/C must be conducted taking into account the hole configu- However,wedonotwishtoputtoomuchemphasisonthis ration to providea quantitativeresult. Goingone step further, effect. It must be considered as an illustration of the impact oneseesthatthelowenergysecondaryfluxescanbeusefulto onrelaxingtheconditionofcontinuousdistributionofsources. determine K . Thesecondariesbetter suitthisestimationthan 0 Thelimitsofourmodelarereachedandtogofurther,onemust primaries as, unlike the latter, they are notvery sensitive to a relax the steady state approximation. In fact, the question of hole in sources. This could provide another way, apart from 8 Combetetal.:Spallationdominatedregime using radioactive nuclei (Ptuskin&Soutoul 1998), to extract demonstratethatthePb/Ptabundanceratioisdecidedlylowin thediffusioncoefficientwithouttoomuchambiguity.Notealso theGCRs(0.24 0.03)comparedtothebestestimatesfromso- ± thatthe heavierthe nucleus,the morelocalit is, so thatlook- larandmeteoriticmaterial(1.03 0.12;Lodders(2003)).Even ± ing at different nuclei gives different sampling regions where assumingaveryseverepropagationeffectonthisratio( 2.6), × the diffusion coefficientis averaged.Figure 7 in the nextsec- the GCR value is a mere 0.63 0.09. This could indicate a ± tion will provide a better understanding of how the effect of volatility-basedaccelerationbiasasPbelementsarerelatively theholesometimesdisconnectsfromthedependenceonLand volatile(Ellisonetal.1997;Meyeretal.1998). soincertainconfigurationwhythefluxatlowenergyonlyde- Therelativeabundanceofchronometricpairssuchas Th 90 pendsonK (ifthelatterisnottoolarge). and U can provide an estimate of the time elapsed since 0 92 One can now come to the differences in derived source their nucleosynthesis.Mostmodelsof actinide decayindicate abundances.Cosmicrayfluxesarepropagatedtosourcebyus- that U/ Th drops to unity about 1 Gyr after nucleosynthe- 92 90 ing a leaky box (or equivalently a standard diffusion model) sis. However, only 44 actinides have been detected so far. 35 andholemodelsappliedtorealdata. of these were detected by the and this experimentpro- vides the only estimate yet of the U/ Th in the CRs. The 92 90 1σ upper limit is only 1, implying that significant U de- 92 4. ConsequencesforCRsobservations ∼ cay has occurred and that the time elapsed since nucleosyn- UHCR abundance spectra have been obtained via space- thesis is relativelylarge.The transuranicscan also be used as craft measurements since the 1970s, most notably by excellentcosmicray’clocks’sincethe relativeabundancesof 6 (Fowleretal. 1987), -3 (Binnsetal. 1989), 93Np,94Puand96Cmfalldrastically107yrafternucleosynthe- (Westphaletal. 1998) and the Ultra-Heavy Cosmic-Ray sis(Blake&Schramm1974).Again,thebestdataavailableare Experiment(or;Donnellyetal.,inpreparation). fromthe , whichdetectedone96Cm event.Thelongest- The data are scarce, especially in the actinide region, and lived isotope of Cm has a half-life of only 16 Myr. This fact, onlyelementalabundanceshavebeenobtained.However,sev- combinedwiththe92U/90Thresultsfromthesameexperiment eralimportantconclusionshavealreadybeendrawn.Theyare suggeststhattheCR-sourcematerialisanadmixtureofoldand relatedi) to nucleosynthesicaspects(see the introduction),ii) freshly-nucleosynthesisedmatter,suchasthatfoundin super- to the possible site of acceleration and iii) to the mechanisms bubbles. leadingtoelementalsegregationduringacceleration. Finally, anomalies in the Actinides/Pt ratio could indicate Therecentresultsofprovideunprecedentedstatistics an unusual, possibly freshly-nucleosynthesised component in andwillallowtogivefirmerconclusions.However,asempha- the cosmic ray source matter. Results from all of the space- sized throughout this paper, some aspects of the propagation basedmeasurementsindicateahighvaluerelativetosolarsys- still need to be clarified in order to fully interpret these data. tem material, though the uncertainties on the latter are large. In this last section, some questions and results about UHCRs The ’s Actinide/Pt ratio3 (0.028+0.006) in broad agree- 0.005 arefirstreiterated,beforeinspectingthepropagationeffectson mentwithotherobservations,ishigher−thaninthepresentin- these nuclei in different models. In particular, those species terstellar medium (0.014 0.002) and similar to that of the ± suffering from major propagation uncertainties (regardless of protosolar medium ( 0.023) and the interior of superbub- ∼ cross-sections,whichisanotherissue)aresorted. bles(0.029 0.005).Theseobservationalvaluesareunadjusted ± forpropagationandsoarethereforebestconsideredaslower- limits. 4.1.Introduction:UHCRdata,theirinterpretationand Thereare largeuncertaintiesonthe effectsof propagation generalissues ontheseratios.Forexample,estimatesoftheeffectsofpropa- gationonPb/Ptvaryfromfactorsaslowas 1.3toashighas Theultra-heavy(Z >70)elementalabundanceratiosmostper- × 2.6. Accurate estimates of propagation effects are therefore tinentindeterminingcosmicrayoriginarePb-group/Pt-group, × U/ ThandActinides/Pt-group2. crucialtointerpretthedata. 92 90 Thefirst,Pb/Pt,providescluesastobiasesintheCR-source abundances.ElementsinthePt-grouparemainlyintermediate- 4.2.UHCRabundancesandthecorrectionfactorfor FIP, refractory and r-process, while in the Pb-group low-FIP, thepropagation volatile and primarily s-process elements predominate. Thus ananomalousGCRPb/Ptratio(relativetoSolarvalues)would As emphasized above, in the context of UHCRs, one issue is show up any nucleosynthetic (s- or r-process) or atomic (FIP the determinationof relative sourceabundancesof, for exam- orvolatility)biasinthesourceabundances.Thisratioismore ple, Actinides/Pt and Pb/Pt. To this end, in this subsection, it enlighteningthan(forexample)thePt/FeorPb/Feones,asthe isverifiedthatthechoiceofamorerefinedpropagationmodel ratios of nuclei similar in mass, are supposed to be relatively leavestheabundanceratioofcloseheavynuclei(ifconsidered unaffected by interstellar propagation.This pointis discussed as being pure primaries) almost unchanged. Figure 7 shows in the next section. In common with other space-based mea- that for any hole configuration and any propagation parame- surements, the results (Donnelly et al., in preparation) ters,themaximumeffectontheActinides/Ptratio(whenboth consideredaspureprimaries)isatmost20%(asobtainedinthe 2 Pt-group (73.5 Z 80.5),Pb-group (80.5 Z 83.5)and ≡ ≤ ≤ ≡ ≤ ≤ ActinidesareZ 88. 3 i.e.(Z 88)/(75 Z 79). ≥ ≥ ≤ ≤ Combetetal.:Spallationdominatedregime 9 source hole case). The effect is even smaller for the Pb/Pt ra- rises the possibility that a bias occurs during the process be- tio(alsoconsideredaspureprimaries).However,Ptisamixed causethepropagationcorrectionfactorinaLBmaybeincor- species and is responsible for the uncertainties on these two rect. ratios. Consideringfor examplethe ratio Ptsec/Pbprim, the dif- ferenceinPtproductionfromPbinthevariousholemodelcan beaslargeasafactorof2.Hence,thisholemustbetakeninto Primaries Secondaries accountusingacompletepropagationnetworktoderiveabun- 1 1 dancesinamodelthatisthoughttobemorerealisticthanthe LBmodel. Figure 7 is also useful in understanding the propagation ctor 0.8 gas hole DM 0.8 a regimesof heavy nuclei. For very small diffusion coefficients n f0) o5 gas & source (snfeomuqrcaulllaeilvreigariseletihdnnaitdffnetuoptsheieonlondhwecanoloteeonffisfeiczrLgieeib.enuIstnts),s(teehtnhqaseutiitcvisvaapselaeetl,nolattahttinoeoynhrhaigtloieholneeg.onCtfehortgwniisvoeesmrc)s,lueothlcsyhee, pagation correcti(relative to A=00..46 hoDlLeMB DM 00..46 gagsha os&l ehs ooDlueMr cDeM spallationlengthismuchlargerthantheholesize,thus,thera- o source hole DM Pr tio is only sensitive to L. Depending on the nucleus and en- 0.2 0.2 ergyunderconsideration,onecanbeinanintermediateregime TWS whereboththeholeandhaloinfluencetheratio. 0 50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 A A Fig.8. Propagation correction factor for a given A relative to the nucleus A = 50. From the curves, one directly gets 1 Thick line: L=10 kpc qModel1/qModel2 = Corr.FactorModel2/Corr.FactorModel1 which 0 0 Thin line: L=2 kpc is the relative CR abundancesobtained using differentpropa- gation models. The standard DM and the LB model (2 dash- dottedlines)areequivalent.TheholesourceDMandtheTWS 0.95 (2 dotted lines) which predict a smaller primary density than o the LB are also equivalent. Left panel is for primaries, right Rati panel for secondaries (it is assumed for simplicity that these 0.9 secondariescome from the parent A = A +6). See text prim sec fordiscussion. gas and source hole gas hole 0.85 source hole no hole Figure8givesthecorrectionfactoraccordingtothepropa- 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 2 gationschemeused.Asbefore,forprimaries,itcorrespondsto Ko (kpc /Myr) thefluxdividedbythesourcetermwhereasforsecondaries,it Fig.7. Actinides/Pt / Actinides/Pt ratio (all { }propag. { }source correspondstothefluxdividedbytheproductioncrosssection. species considered as pure primaries). For large diffusion Alltheresultsare normalizedtotheirongroup(A 50).For coefficients,theeffectofthehole(anyconfiguration)isnegli- ∼ thediffusionmodels(withoutholeandwithdifferentholecon- gibleandonlydependsonthehalosize L:thecurveswiththe figurations),themediansetofparametersisused(K =0.0112 sameLtendtothesamevalues–upper(resp.lower)groupof 0 kpc2 Myr 1). We also plotted the results of a LB model and curves: L = 2 kpc (resp. L = 10kpc).On the otherhand,for − foratruncatedweightedslab(TWS).ThedensitiesintheTWS lowdiffusioncoefficients,theratioiscompletelyinsensitiveto arecalculatedusingtheescapemeanfreepathandpathlength L.Seetextfordetails. distribution(PLD)fromClinton&Waddington(1993)–detail can be found in appendix B. The truncation was taken to be 1 g cm 2: Waddington (1996) showed that such a truncation − combined with a pure r-source better fitted the UHCR abun- dances. 4.3.AbundancenormalizationbiasvsA Thereis a generaltrendshowingthatthepropagationin a The 6 experiment (Fowleretal. 1987) measured the LB(oraswellasinastandarddiffusionmodel)predictslarger abundancesof Fe-groupelementsso thattheyprovidedabun- fragmentationof nucleithan a diffusion model with a hole in dancesnormalizedtoFe.Onepeculiarfeatureistheoverabun- gas,especiallyforhighA.Foralargerdiffusioncoefficient,this dance of the 44 Z 48, 62 Z 69 and 70 Z 74 effectwouldbeweaker.Notethattheeffectisstrongerforsec- ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ groupswhicharepresumedtobepredominantlysecondaryin ondaries(rightpanel)thanforprimaries(leftpanel),asalready origin.Actinideswerealsofoundtobeoverabundantinthisex- discussed.Furthermore,ithastobenoticedthatboththeTWS periment. Later, in Binnsetal. (1989), CR abundances (from modelandthesourceholediffusionmodelgivelowerprimary 3) were propagated back using a LB model. This study densities that a LB or a standard DM model. This is pointing 10 Combetetal.:Spallationdominatedregime towards the study of Lezniak&Webber (1979) who showed 5. Conclusion thatatruncationoftheshortpathlengthswasequivalenttothe ThepropagationofheavytoUHCRs wasconsideredin atwo removalofthenearbysourcesinaDM.Asanillustration(not zonediffusionmodelwithvariousassumptionsaboutthelocal displayedhere),wefindthattoobtainthesamecurvewiththe sourceholediffusionmodelorwiththeWSmodeltruncatedat gas density and source distribution. The propagationparame- x =1gcm 2,thesizeoftheholehastobesetaround180pc ters used here were previously shown to be compatible with 0 − (whenusingthemediandiffusioncoefficient). B/C and antiproton data, which allows a coherent treatment ofbothheavyandlighterspecies.Moreover,apreviousanalo- As the energy of the events measured in the detectors are gousstudy for radioactivespecies has validated the relevance not well known, the propagation correction cannot be easily ofmodellingthe observedlocalsub-densityasa circularhole performed. As explained in the caption of the figure, these of 100pc in theGalactic disk, increasingconfidenceinthe ∼ curvesgiveroughcorrectionsto transformLB-derivedsource modelusedhere. abundances to the “more realistic” ones in hole models. For It is well known that for light nuclei, Leaky Box and dif- illustrative purpose, we apply this correction to the LB abun- fusionmodelsareequivalent,whichisnotthecase forthera- dances obtained by Binnsetal. (1989). Figure 9 shows that dioactivespecies.UsingpropagationparametersmatchingB/C forthespecific CRabundancesobtainedbytheseauthors,the ratio in a LB and a DM, we explicitly checked that the same LB-propagatedabundances(opentriangles)displayadiscrep- equivalence exists for the heavy nuclei. However, this equiv- ancy compared to the SS ones above Z = 60, namely that alence does not hold when a local sub-density in gas and/or they are twice larger. Previously, a possible enhancement in sourcesistakenintoaccount.Thesenewmodelscanbeunder- the r-processcontributionin this chargerangewassuggested. stoodasphysicalconfigurationswhichchangethepathlength Applyingtheapproximatecorrectionduetoa gassub-density distribution.Theyareequivalenttotruncation–whoseimpor- inourdiffusionmodel,abetteragreementwithSSabundances tance has previously been underlined for the propagation of is obtained (filled triangles) for heavier species while lighter heavynuclei–forthecaseofaholeinsources.Toourknowl- species are less affected.One must bear in mind that this is a edge,thereisnowell-knowmodifiedPLDcorrespondingtothe veryroughestimation. caseofaholeingas. Itwasfoundthatfornucleiin thesame mass range,these models have a weak impact on estimates of CR abundances as long as one deals only with pure primaries and pure sec- ondaries.Thedeterminationofmixedspeciesabundances,e.g. 100 Pt,isontheotherhandverysensitivetothepresenceofalocal Solar system abundances (Lodders) gassub-density.Thestrengthofthiseffectdependsstronglyon HEAO + Ariel6 CR abundances (Binns et al.) CR source abundances (Binns et al.) thediffusioncoefficientvalue(andhenceontheenergyofthe Fe 10 Gas sub-density correction (this paper) CRs). 60 o 1 Whereasthiseffectissmallforpropagatednucleiofsimi- e t lar masses, itbecomesimportantwhenconsideringthe whole v elati 1 range of nuclei from iron to the actinides. For a typical dif- e r fusion coefficient, it is foundthat the CR abundancesderived c an ina gasholemodelarelessenedbyafactorof2comparedto d n bu 0.1 those evaluated in a LB model. In this case, the discrepancy A withsolarabundancesforZ > 60nucleiissmaller.Thiscould have importantconsequenceson the of r-processcontribution neededtoexplainthemeasureddata.Notethatalltheseresults 0.01 40 60 80 100 werederivedindependentlyofthevalueoftheproductioncross Z sections. Fig.9. Circles: Solar System abundances (Lodders 2003). Further work – using a full propagation network for nu- Squares: Measured CR abundances combining HEAO and clei – is required to obtain more quantitative results. Before Arieldata(Binnsetal.1989).Theopenuptrianglesrepresent this work to be completed, a similar study will first be con- theCRsourceabundancesusingaLeakyBoxmodelfromthe ducted for nuclei that are unstable to electronic capture: the abovedata.Filleddowntrianglesarethesevaluescorrectedby latter areknownto affectsourceabundances(see e.g.,TableI the factor between the LB model to a diffusion model with a inLetawetal.(1985))andthelocalsubdensityislikelytohave holeingas.ThesefactorsaretakenfromFig.8,andcorrespond aneffect(slightlydifferentthantheoneobservedforβ-unstable to the median propagation set. For the ranges 44 Z 48, ≤ ≤ nuclei)ontheirpropagation. 62 Z 69,72 Z 74,thenucleiwere consideredtobe ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ puresecondaries. Acknowledgements. This work has benefited from a French-Irish programme, PAI Ulysses, EGIDE/Enterprise Ireland. We thank Dr. Waddingtonforsuggestingthecomparisontothetruncatedweighted slabmodel.