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Spain - Costa de la Luz PDF

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z u n i aL p S a v la e u H l • z i de á C d a t s o C Contents Introduction 1 Coastal routes The domains of Guzmán el Bueno 2 Cadiz: “La Tacita de Plata” 6 Jerez and the Sherry Triangle 10 Coto de Doñana and the Romería del Rocío 16 The Port of the Three United Kingdom Dublin Caravels 18 From Punta Umbría Ireland London to Ayamonte 24 Inland routes The route of las ventas and the bulls 26 Paris The white towns 27 Niebla and the wines of El Condado 28 France The Sierra de Aracena 29 Sierra minera 32 Cantabrian Sea Leisure and entertainment 33 Useful information 36 Spain Portugal Madrid Lisbon Mediterranean Sea Costa de la Luz Melilla Ceuta Rabat Morocco Atlantic Ocean Canary Islands PARQUE NATURAL DE Cumbres 712SIERRA DE ARACENA Mayores Tentudia Monesterio Guadalcanal Villaviciosa Obejo dVeilla aRFS VFioacresnadoartlendhal teo dCeBeraáasrbaaraSCaibeezo6r G143ro3rdS3aoanC dTAeeorolmcrhoteAeY PAgrAICraaolOmlacSnc ho DRaenEee aAaRsnGJlOteaaCarblHauEArgoláozjaaVraldFLeuilneaCanrctroeeoArhstee rdrlaaiedzcoosernAraGrModruayetraao v“Lmd1il1elea1 osló0a”lsninSoasdnetla C OallaalladeE ll AaR lJemaaarladén deC Claaoz nSasileltaarrnatinAalSaannís Nicodleá slLa ad Cse olN PnacuveeaprstcoHiónoCrnaÓchdueRe ClóorDsdoCbaOÓRBDAOBPP A4S3a52l8a1da la Sierra Zufre de la Plata La Puebla Puebla HCRUaubbeizaEass L VEAAl nCdeérrvoa ldoe Zalamea MRinioatisnN tdeoerva433 El Ronquillo dCea lsotsil bAlrarnocyoos deVl RiEllalí oPne uydr eoMsvoainasde loPs eInñfaafnloters Posadas FNeúrñneázn de Guzmán Tharsis Cala“dEñer mCaiotarso Vniargdean” la4 R35ealEl Madroño deE lal sC Gasutailrlodas 630 Vdillealv Reríode Adleclo Rleíao Lora del RíoPalma del Río La Carlota Villanueva Alosno Valverde Cantillana Alcoutimde los Castillejos del Camino Aznalcóllar Guillena La Campana Écija IV SGanulaúdciaarn dae Sadne Blaa rTtoolroremé Beas dePla Ctearmnapo La Algaba Alcalá del Río PP La Luisiana Santaella Trigueros IV Carmona Fuentes de Sdaen G SuilzvmesátnreCartGayibarale4ó3n1 dSeal nP Juueartno Niebla deLla C PoanldmAa-4ad9o ASzanna JlCfuaaaramnc adhsee SEVILLAMaEirle Vniaso d deel Al Alclocorr Andalucía PGueennitle AyPPamonLLtaee Apntiella EHl RUomAEpljaidrLoaqVueALa RábidaPFMarlooosgn utdeeerra la dBeoll lCulolonsd aPdaorLa PAzunealbcálaza drel Río DosA Hlcearlmá adnea GsuadaAirraahalAM-92archenOasuna El Rubio HeErrseterapa Isla CristinaEInsmlae ddeioUPmubnrtaía MPPazagón d“eS Eanl tRuoacriíoo” El Rocío Los Palacios A-4 Utrera La Puebla de Cazalla Aguadulce y Villafranca 810 Fuente de Piedra S E V I L L AEl Coronil Morón de El Saucejo Martín deS Yieergruaas Las Cabezas la Frontera de la Jara Matalascañas PARQUE NACIONAL de San Juan IV Montellano Pruna Campillos OCÉANO G o l f o DE DOÑANA Lebrija Puerto Serrano Coripe Almargen Teba d e C á d i z ATLÁNTICO CO de SBaanrrlúacmaerdTarebujena El CuervoA-4laA FrcrooEsns tpdeeerraa VBiPlloararmndaoorstínEAl lBgoosqduoenZaahlearsaOEll vGearsatorSetenil Edl eBCl uuBregevocaesrroCarraAtrrdaacalesÁlora Chipiona del Rey Grazalema Ronda Pizarra MDNAACuauuaotttraootriloeopv ctínriesaawartraalar ityanrguaceniwokn araoylad ST ERl oPtauerto de de laJ eFrreozntera PP Algar UBbenraiCqmouarhteeoPsAm RdGSaQeRIUE ARlEZa RA NALA E TDMUEARALBeMnaojáÁnPP LTYo1ru9reA1nc9iqllauTeorGlaox CAoAínlozaina 12LRCCCFosnae arrtaacdir r lracrRRw oelclac eetlareaasddoyrssr a arsbbRi ldRááleossegciigcciaoaailo n12nae ºalr lRoo Rrorddoaeeadnnd A SCaÁntDa PPIMZaría IVPuDEeP ALrARt QBoUAHE R ÍNA ADeTEU aCRCÁAlDLIZ dPeÁa RteivrnearaD 1092IAlgibeZ SFerornrGteaarauncíína dAelgaRtocoínndR1e4aa5l0es Istán O34j0én Mijas Alcalá de Marbella ANAPVVaartEEqio u(nhe aigNl hPa-casiprokneaeld rail) D San FerCnhaincdlaona Medina los Gazules Jimena Casares dSea Anl cPáendtarora NPaartquurea l NPaatrukral E Sidonia de la Frontera 340 Estepona P PSPSaaaanrrnaactuddtuaoorarriory-M-Monoansatestrieory Sancti-Petri Benalup “dCeu leavsa F digeul rTaasjo” Guadiaro Manilva Conil de CMCMaaoossntntluiuellmomeenntot L la Frontera de laV Ferjeorntera Los Barrios San RSootqoguraende S O L HCCPSRCCVBpaaaiiauuassanvmliemttnnaeooveapp sarrasip ainss rcamigi hotnreiuiosctri ónávrmsiieciawcsa N A PLACRaQUbPEIoN NA AdRT eDUE RT ABLrA aARCBfaAANTlEgTIELaAnrDsOenadBlZaoa asdh Areabt ruBaano deltoesenia340 PAALRCQODUREEN LONOACASTAULlREgAS7e8L6ciras PundtGae di blear LE aCault roaLonprínaceeapcióCnO S T A D E L MPuaerritnoa deportivo U Punta Camarinal Tarifa MAR GGoollff course LAHFAPiaiueagrrrtmhporoitompahrunooten urHitosoe erdieta lgae Humanidad 0CARTOG1R0AFÍA: G2C0AR, S.L.3 C0ardenal4 S0ilíceo,5 305 Km Z PuntaE dse t Tr aer icfa h o d e G i b r a l t a r PuntaM AlmEinDaITERRÁNEO Tel. 914167341 - 28002 MADRID - AÑO 1998 PP Ceuta Introduction followed in the 8th century by the Arabs, who stayed for Apart from a few rocky another eight centuries. This stretches, the Costa de la Luz is was also the jumping-off point a continuous line of fine sandy for the most famous sea beaches backed by pine groves. voyage in all history, which Flanked by saline and marsh, brought Christopher Columbus the lower reaches of the rivers and his three carvels to the present a scene that has barely shores of America. changed in centuries. The name Costa de la Luz, or Coast Inland is olive-draped hill of Light, comes from the way country and two of the the sea reflects the sunlight loveliest mountain areas in like a mirror. Spain - the Sierra de los Pueblos Blancos in Cadiz and This coastline preserves many the Sierra de Aracena in reminders of ancient history. Huelva, in both of which the Here was the kingdom of villages stand out white Tartessos, where Phoenician against the landscape. and Greek traders landed. Later came the Romans, Caños de Meca. Cadiz Coastal routes remains of a mosque. The ancient fortress and the small The domains of peninsula of Punta Tarifa Guzmán el Bueno provide fine vantage points from which to view the coast For nearly eight centuries this of Africa. Thanks to the west part of the Coast lived through and east winds, Tarifa today is alternating periods of peaceful a paradise for windsurfing (it coexistence and warfare is the venue for international between Arab and Christian. windsurfing championships) Perhaps the image that best and acqualung fishing. There encapsulates the are three beaches: Bolonia confrontations between the (6 km), Los Lances (10 km) and two cultures is that of a knight La Plata (4 km). who hurls a dagger from the battlements and enjoins the Inland from the stretch of Arabs to slay his son with it. Atlantic coast between Tarifa The knight concerned is and Cadiz are numerous known to history as Guzman el ranges where fighting bulls Bueno and the episode are raised. Fourteen kilometres occurred at the fortress of from Tarifa a road leads off to Tarifa, which still stands the Ensenada de Bolonia. (albeit very much altered) along with the original city walls. Within is the church of Santa Maria, built upon the Beach. Tarifa 2 Benamahoma Chipiona Jerez Ubrique Rota de la Frontera Algar El Puerto de PARQUE NATURAL SIERRA DE Santa María Paterna GRAZALEMA de Rivera Puerto Real SCaná dFeizrnando IV DEP LAAR QBAUHE ÍNAA DTEU RCAÁLDIZloAsl cGaaláz udlees109S2eArlgribaen í a d e RGaouncídna Chiclana Medina Jimena Sidonia de la Frontera Sancti-Petri “Cueva del Tajo Benalup de las Figuras” Conil de Vejer la Frontera de la Frontera Los Barrios PARQUE NATURAL ACANTILADO PINAR DE BARBATE 340 PARQUE NATURAL Cabo de Trafalgar Barbate ALCODREN LOOCSALES Algeciras 786 Zahara de los Atunes Ensenada de Bolonia Punta Camarinal Tarifa Punta de Tarifa Here lie the ruins of the Roman town of Baelo Claudia, now a museum, and a vast extent of white, sandy beach. Also on this stretch of the coast isZahara de los Atunes,a fishing town of long tradition where bungalows and residential estates have sprung up in recent years. In spring and late summer visitors to Zahara can still witness the time-honoured spectacle of tuna fishing from the shore with nets. Ten kilometres further on is Barbate, site of the famous Caños de Meca, an area of exceptional beauty with natural springs and numerous pine groves Baelo Claudia. Bolonia 3 Zahara de los Atunes outstanding are the church of El Salvador, the Arco de las crowding almost to the sea’s Monjas (Arch of the Nuns), the edge. Hard by is Cape noble houses and the remains Trafalgar, whose lighthouse of the mediaeval defence stands as a reminder of the works. famous battle where Admiral Nelson fell at the moment of The next municipality along the victory, along with the Spanish coast is Conil de la Frontera, mariners Gravina and a fishing town which has Churruca. The cape is bounded attracted a lot of tourism in on either side by semi-virgin recent years, located as it is beaches of near-white sand. near two immense beaches. From Conil the road runs on Only ten kilometres inland to Chiclana, an industrial Vejer de la Fronterarears up town on the fringe of the like a watchtower, reputedly marshland that surrounds the one of the most Arab (and Bay of Cadiz. loveliest) towns in the entire province of Cadiz. Particularly Vejer de la Frontera The old town displays white whitewashed brick with stone house-fronts broken by large doorways and urn-decorated windows with wrought-iron terraces – one of the finest bars. Nearby is La Barrosa examples of Baroque beach, one of the best-known architecture in the province of on the entire coast, and the Cadiz. abandoned hamlet of Sancti Petri. On an island there, also called Sancti Petri, stands a Fontanilla Beach. Conil de la Frontera castle built on what was once a Phoenician sanctuary, later dedicated to Hercules by the Romans. The last stop before reaching Church of La Inmaculada. the provincial capital is San Barbate Fernando, a town closely tied to the naval battles of the Napoleonic wars. San Fernando boasts a number of monuments, chief among them the twin-towered parish church and the castle of San Romualdo. The buildings are of 5 Cadiz: “La Tacita The new part of the city, de Plata” recognisable by the modern buildings, flanks a long avenue In Cadizthe sea is the which is the only means of beginning and the end of access for those arriving by car. everything - “salt-glittering” The Puerta de Tierra, or Land was the term used by the poet Gate – a piece of 17th-century Manuel Machado. A seafaring fortification – separates the old city always (founded by town from the new. The best Hercules himself according to way to start is by taking a stroll legend) Cadiz claims to be the through the Barrio del Populo, oldest city in the West. If the most authentic part of the possible, visitors should try to old Cadiz, which huddles approach the city by sea, around the Cathedral - a large crossing the bay on one of the Baroque building with a blue- boats (known locally as tiled dome. Not far from there vaporcitos, or little steamers) is the church of Santa Cruz, the that shuttle between Cadiz first place of Christian worship and El Puerto de Santa Maria in Cadiz founded by King on the far side of the bay, a Alfonso X the Wise on the site crossing of about one hour. of an Arab mosque. The many Those who do will understand churches include Santo why Cadiz is popularly known Domingo (which has a marble- as La Tacita de Plata columned cloister), Santa (the Silver Cup). Maria, Santiago, San Agustin, Plaza de San Juan de Dios. Cadiz San Francisco (containing works Paseo Campo del Sur. Cadiz by Montañés), San Antonio, El Carmen and El Rosario (which remarkable filigreed balconies. houses sculptures of the city’s Some also preserve the original patron saints San Servando and gleaming brass-studded San German). Also worth mahogany doors, which open seeing are the old Cigar on to marbled patios bedecked Factory, the Royal Prison, the with climbing plants and Provincial Museum, the Santa flowers. On the side facing the Cueva or Holy Cave (with sea, the houses are painted in frescoes by Goya), the Town bright colours. Hall, the Gran Teatro Falla, Torre Tavira and the Oratory of San Felipe Neri, where Spain’s first Constitution was approved in 1812. It contains a painting by Murillo and is classified as a National Monument. Lining the Alameda and the square of San Antonio are the finest houses in Cadiz, outstanding for their Castle of San Sebastian. Cadiz 7

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