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Space Policy Index to Volume 9 No 1 February 1993, No 2 May 1993, No 3 August 1993, No 4 November 1993 Articles — titles Remote sensing and strengthening 35-44 European security, Hans-Joachim Fischhoff, Baruch, see Maharik, A reappraisal of the Space Shuttle pro- Heintze, Jérg Wallner, David Michael gramme, Roger A. Pielke, Jr, 9.2, Hounam and Manfred Nowak, 9.1, Gabrynowicz, Joanne Irene, The 133-157 55-65 promise and problems of the Land China’s space commercialization effort Satellites in non-geostationary orbit: Remote Sensing Act of 1992, 9.4, — organization, policy and strat- coming technical and policy issues 319-328 egies, Yanping Chen, 9.1, 45-54 of the 1990s, Wilbur Pritchard, 9.3, Gibson, Roy, Earth observation data Competitiveness of commercial space 199-208 policy, 9.4, 272 transportation services, Joel S. Some current international and nation- Greenberg, Joel S., Competitiveness Greenberg, 9.3, 220-232 al Earth observation data policies, of commercial space transportation Do long-term space plans meet the Ray Harris and Roman Krawec, services, 9.3, 220-232 needs of the Mission to Planet 9.4, 273-285 Harris, Graham, Global remote sens- Earth? , Christine Nielsen and Dirk The promise and problems of the ing programmes, global science, Werle, 9.1, 11-16 Land Remote Sensing Act of 1992, global change: an Australian pers- Earth observation data policy, Rob Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz, 9.4, pective, 9.2, 124-132 Gibson, 9.4, 272 319-328 Harris, Ray, and Krawec, Roman, Earth observation data pricing policy, The areospace plane — its legal and Earth observation data pricing poli- Ray Harris and Roman Krawec, political future, Carl Q. Christol, cy, 9.4, 299-318 9.4, 299-318 9.1, 35-44 Harris, Ray, and Krawec, Roman, Global remote sensing programmes, The Earth observation market: indust- Some current international and global science, global change: an rial dynamics and their impact on national Earth observation data Australian perspective, Graham data policy, Robin Mansell and policies, 9.4, 273-285 Harris, 9.2, 124-132 Sam Paltridge, 9.4, 286-298 Heintze, Hans-Joachim, Wallner, International law and ‘the art of living The space risk and commercial space Jérg, Hounam, David, and Nowak, in space’: the recognition of settle- insurance, Ilias I. Kuskuvelis, 9.2, Manfred, Remote sensing and ment autonomy, Patricia M. Sterns 109-120 strengthening European security, and Leslie I. Tennen, 9.3, 213-219 Women’s views of space law and poli- 9.1, 55-65 Legal regulation of space activities in cy: no gender-based agenda, Carol Hounam, David see Heintze, Hans- Russia, E. Kamenetskaya, V. L. Carnett, 9.4, 329-341 Joachim Vereshchetin and E. Zhukova, 9.2, Kamenetskaya, E., Vereshchetin, V., 121-123 Articles — authors and Zhukova, E., Legal regulation National subsidies in the international of space activities in Russia, 9.2, commercial launch market, Bill C. Ad hoc Expert Group, IAA, Orbital 121-123 Lai, 9.1, 17-34 debris — status and possibilities for Krawec, Roman, see Harris, Ray Orbital debris — status and possibilities control, 9.3, 185-198 Kuskuvelis, Ilias I., The space risk and for control, Ad hoc Expert Group, Carnett, Carol L., Women’s views of commercial space insurance, 9.2, IAA, 9.3, 185-198 space law and policy: no gender- 109-120 Organizing space cooperation in the based agenda, 9.4, 329-341 Lai, Bill C., National subsidies in the Asia-Pacific region, He Qizhi, 9.3, Chen, Yanping, China’s space com- international commercial launch 209-212 mercialization effort — organiza- market, 9.1, 17-34 Public views of using nuclear energy tion, policy and strategies, 9.1, 45- Maharik, Michael, and Fischhoff, sources in space missions, Michael 54 Baruch, Public views of using nuc- Maharik and Baruch Fischhoff, Christol, Carl Q., The aerospace plane lear energy sources in space mis- 9.2, 99-108 — its legal and political future, 9.1, sions, 9.2, 99-108 Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, UK Index Mansell, Robin, and Paltridge, Sam, tem: a possibility, Adigun Ade Caesar Voite, 9.3, 233-236 The Earth observation market: in- Abiodun, 9.3, 179-184 US space policy assessed, Vice Presi- dustrial dynamics and their impact Astromedicine and astrolaw: emerging dent’s Space Policy Advisory on data policy, 9.4, 286-298 issues for advanced missions Board, 9.3, 246-248 Nielsen, Christine, and Werle, Dirk, beyond Earth orbit, V. Garshnek, Do long-term space plans meet the 9.2, 95-98 Book Reviews (author, title, reviewer) needs of the Mission to Planet China’s communication satellites and Earth?, 9.1, 11-16 their benefits, Zhu Yilin, 9.2, 170- Byerly, Radford, Jr (ed), Space Policy Nowak, Manfred, see Heintze, Hans- 172 Alternatives, Joanne Irene Gabry- Joachim Commercial spaceports — a window of nowicz, 9.4, 345-346 Paltridge, Sam, see Mansell, Robin opportunity?, David Radzanowski, Christol, Carl Q., Space Law: Past, Pielke, Jr, Roger A., A reappraisal of 9.1, 66-68 Present and Future, N. Jasentu- the Space Shuttle programme, 9.2, Cooperation — the way forward, liyana, 9.2, 174-175 133-157 AIAA, 9.4, 260-264 Drake, Frank D., and Sobel, Dava, Is Pritchard, Wilbur, Satellites in non- Educating Europe — finding the best Anyone Out There?, Duncan geostationary orbit: coming technic- way, Thomas W. Becker, 9.1, 71- Lunan, 9.2, 172-173 al and policy issues of the 1990s, 72 Harris, Philip Robert, Living and 9.3, 199-208 Germany’s future role in ESA, Wolf- Working in Space: Human Be- Qizhi, He, Organizing space coopera- gang Grillo, 9.2, 85-88 haviour, Culture and Organization, tion in the Asia—Pacific region, 9.3, Getting it right for Mars, N. Jasentu- P.Q. Collins, 9.1, 74 209-212 liyana, 9.1, 5-10 Hurwitz, Bruce A., State Liability for Sierns, Patricia M., and Tennen, Les- Is it time to create a World Space Outer Space Activities, Andrew J. lie I., International law and ‘the art Agency?, Kenneth S. Pedersen, Young, 9.3, 250-251 of living in space’: the recognition 9.2, 89-94 McKay, M.F., McKay, D.S., and of settlement autonomy, 9.3, 213- Lack of a coherent policy, Richard Duke, M.S., (eds), Space Re- 219 Arthur, 9.1, 72-73 sources, Vols 1-4, Philip R. Harris, Tennen, Leslie I., see Sterns, Patricia Sketches in space law, Carol L. Car- 9.4, 345 M. nett, 9.2, 162-166 Ordway, Frederick I., III, and Vereshchetin, V., see Kamenetskaya, Space policy for the new US adminis- Sharpe, Mitchell R., The Rocket E tration: a White House Conference Team, Tom McArthur, 9.3, 249- Wallner, Jorg, see Heintze, Hans- on Space Enterprise, Philip R. Har- 250 Joachim ris, 9.2, 82-84 Reiss, Edward, The Strategic Defense Werle, Dirk, see Nielsen, Christine Space exploration in China, Zhu Yilin, Initiative, Richard Boudreault, 9.3, Zhukova, E. see Kamenetskaya, E. 9.1, 69-70 251-252 Space industry: the scene in 1992, Wassenbergh, Henri A., Principles of Reports/Viewpoints Rachel Villain and Stephane Che- Outer Space Law in Hindsight, nard, 9.3, 236-245 Michel Bourély, 9.1, 74-75 A new cooperative strategy for space in Space technology in developing na- the twenty-first century, J.F. Del- tions: an assessment, U.R. Rao, pech, J.M. Logsdon and B. Meslin, 9.2, 166-170 Editorials/Letters to the Editor 9.4, 265-271 Strategic plan for civilian remote sens- An Integrated National Space Prog- ing, OTA, 9.4, 342 International cooperation on Mars ex- ram: Executive Summary, Austra- The greening of space? Richard Boud- ploration, Louis Friedman, 9.3, 248 lian Space Board’s Expert Panel, reault, 9.4, 342-344 Where next in the US space pro- 9.2, 158-162 The future of Earth observations in gramme?, John M. Logsdon, 9.1, An international remote sensing sys- Central and Eastern Europe, 344 SPACE POLICY November 1993

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