Soviet Middlegame ·� Technique by PeRtoemra novs QUALΙCτHvE SS CheCslsa ssics SoMviidedtl egame Technique By PeRtoemra novsky QuatylC ih ess ss. www FiErnslgtie sdhi 2t01io3bny Q ualCihteyUs KsL t d Copyri2g01h,02t 01 3Pe tReorm anyoI,v lOsydkae ssky © SoMviidedTtle ecghanmieq ue Allr igrhetsseΝ r pvοae ordftt. h pibusla itcimoabnye r eprosdtuocreedd, ianr etrsiyesovtartelr m a nsimanin tfyrot meo drb y a nmye aenlse,nc itcr,o electmraogsntteaaettpp,iih cco ,t ocroepcyoiornrodgt i,hn iegsr ew, pwriitohro ut persmsiiootfnh p eu bhleirs. PaperIbSaB9cN87k -- 1907-94488 2- HardcIoSvB9eN87r 1-- 9027-994-81 Alsla olreen sq usihroibueedls id r etcQotu eadlC ihteUysK sL td, 20B alRvoiaMedi ,l ngGalvaisGeg6,o72 wΤ ΑU,n iΚitnegdd om Pho+n4e14 4 3139 35 88 e-mianoi@flq:ut ayelcs.hiscuok. website.u:qla yihcte.scsko .u www DitsribiuNnto erArndte hr ibcyGa l oPbeeq Puerosts , Ρ.ΟΒ.ο 4χ8 204,G6 o oLsaenG eu,oi rlCdfT,0 643870-U,0S 4 Disterdii Rnbe uosttfth Weor lbdyQ ualCihteUysK Ls t tdh rough SunHrainsdei uc.lrS akoftrmsn3,a2, 0 -L7ub0l4Pi onl,a nd TarnslfaortmRi uosnsb iyJa onhS nu gden TyepsbeyJt a bcA oagaard ProreoafdbiyAn ngd rew JGorhSenhe atw & Ediatnecddo mpbiyIl leOydda e ssky EditoEifnn gg leidsibhty iC oonl in McNab Covdeers biyCg anr Doulnela onVpdaj tsTeessklaatvo vski PriinEtnes dt boynT aillai nRnaaaa mtutrLίiLkCi koja Forbetywh oPeru db lisher UK Maηoytf h cel aosSfso ivccishe eltsi st ehraasvtteur ruetg osg etlehel edi ogdfha ty ,η οbηmueoet r sot hSaoηv Miiedtgda lmeΓeech nibqyuP ee tReorm aηyσΊh.v eσs ikrgivηeiarσlsoη ft hfimasσ us guitdote h mei ddlweagpsabu mlei sihη1e 29d9w heRησ maηowvassk ySC σhvaiimeoptη . Rσmaησlvasdtkeeycr i tdoue pdd aaηtidem prhoiwvsoe r Aksh. efi ηishhiwesσd ri kη1 4 92, WσrlWda rw ausη dearηwRdaoy m oavηswkayts r apiptηeh ηdeo tosrgiieoeσ Lfue sη iηgrad. Π Ίhea utbhaorre lya ηshduim rsav ηiuvsewcdalr siσ pstt . Rσmaησwvaussηk dye taeηrfidrη eardle lcyr heiaistm epdrb oσvσeikdη1 6 90H.iw sr iwtaisη g lattrearη ίslηοE atηtgeladiη psduh b lίiηst hwtσei dt- οlηeσesηP laηaηηitdηh σgeht eοrη Cσmbiiση.ηΙa sηtt hfiersst hrη aslawtehi aσviηeηl u cdebdσ twho rtkocs r etahtueel ttiem a veiroσsηaf c lsasoiSfcσ vciheelttsi esr ature. Asw iotuhpr r evSiσσvcuilseia t,cst sshoer igeidηiίatRηliu ηsgsw iadasoη ηb eyΙ ΜI lOydae ys,s k befJoorhSeηu gsdkeiηl tfrualηltsyhlw eaσ trίekηd Et ηοlg itshhte,hη ee d isσt Qfou ralCihteys s madoeuc ro ηtirσiMηbσ.ud teprlηa ayηecdrσ sm eprucstaσ ηfc ouirmsrpeo σvηes omoeft he σrigaiηηsaailslysσw , eh ave cvoarrriteoacuctstoe ivdiec gra.hslH t σswetvhetrer, vu ael σufe Rσmaηowvaasslk wyba ayssοe ηhd ii sη hstifwguolra dηstd h raetm atihcηeas ts oeyd .a PetReσrm aησhvastdkofi yg hhta rtdog ehtiw sσ rpku blissoh hewodept, eh r ee awdielrls appretchciilsasast tieecf xσr tmt hSeσ vciheestsc oshl σ. JσhSηha awηJ da cAoabg aard GlaoswF,ge br2u01a3t y Contents Forewboytr hdUe K P ublisher 3 Keyt os ymbuoslesd B ibliography 6 & 7 PART ΟΝΕ: PLANNING lntroduction 7 (ΑG)e neSryaslt em 8 (iB)a sciocn cepts 8 (iCio)n crsecthee me 1 Ο (iDiyin)a mics 18 (iHva)r mony 25 (ΒS)q uares 35 (iW)e apko int 35 (iThie) " permaknneingth"t 37 (iWieia)sk q uaornte hsse i x(tthh irradn)k 42 (iΑv f)e cwo nclusions 49 (CO)p eLni nes 50 1 TwoW insb yW ilheSltme i-nThietizCrr eaatniTdvee c hnSiucbaslt anc5e8 2 StagίeηasP la-nS quaarnedF ialsTea rgoeftt hsPe l a-nTh eP reparatory Sta-gThee StaogfCe o ncrAecttei- oEnx ploiotfaG taiionns 66 3 Plaηyt haeF- ile 83 ο 4 The Cent-rletSst ratSeigginci fi-cΚnaingcheotnse 5a ndd5 ( ea4n dd4 ) The PawCne nt-rAettacwkiitnthgh C ee ntPraew n-HsangiPnagw ns 95 5 Moraeb oAuctt iPvaewP nl a-Thye PawWne dgaen dH owt oR eatcotl t The "NaiPla"w -nThe Phaloafne x- afn-dρ a-wThnes PawSnt orm 137 6 Batotflt ehM ea joPri eces 169 7 Manoeuv-rThien lgn itiative 187 8 The woB ishops 209 Τ 221 PARTτw ο: COMBINATION 9 Whati as Cσmbiηatiση? 221 10Th e ElemeσηfCt σsm biηa-tMiσσtηi fTh eamηed 223 11Th eA esthσeftC iσcmsb iηaGteiησeηCr:σa ηlc epts 228 12I deaaη Tde chηiσfqa uη'e Ί ηcarcΚeίrηaCgtσ"em db iηatiση 232 13M σraeb σAuets th-ePtsiecusd σ-S-aQcureieSfiηac cer ifice 236 14 ηt hThee σrσyfC σmbiηa-tTiyσpηilcdaela s 248 Ο 15M σdeHriηs tσofCr σym biηa-tThieσ lηmsm σrGtaamle Masterpfireσtmch eΕesη dσ ft h1e9 tChe ηtury 267 16D σubAltet a-cAkt taσcηkP si ebcyeP sa wηs 291 17P σsitWieσaηkaηlae sasC sσ mbiηaMtσitvief CσmbiηaltηivσiηbtsyWe eda kneίsηts heCesa stΡlσesdί tίση SacriσfifB cies hfσσPpra wσηη g 3h,3 g,6 h,6 313 18C σmbiηaAttitvaweci ktΤ hw σB ishσps HarmσηΑicσtuίsσσ fRη σ σkσsηt hSee coaηηdSd e veηth Raηks RσσSka criσfiηgc 7e 333 19H armσηΑicσtuίsσσ fRη σ σakη Bdi shσp TheTh emeσ fτrappaiP ηige ce 361 20Th e lηterfDeerveiίηcηcVe ea riCσσumsb iηaStcihveem es 380 21Η σwP layTheirηskD uritηhgGe a me 389 lηdσefNxa mes 413 Ketyso y mbuoslesd Whiitssel h itbgleyt ter Blaicsskl ibgehtttleyr Whiitbsee tter ± Blaicbske tter + Whihtaeasd eciasdivvaen tage +- Blahcaaksd eciasdivvaen tage -+ equality wictohm pensation Ξ wictohu nterplay f! cσ unclear aw eamko ve ?? ab lunder ag oomdo ve !! ane xcemlolveen t !? a mwoovrect ohn sidering ?! am ovoedf o tufbvuall ue mate # lntroduction Ίhem iddlietsgh aηema emg ei vteotη hc ee ηtraσlafg apmσhecfa h sseesI i.tcs h aracbtye rized ar elaltairqvgueeal ησytf firσ tcίyeaη s c tσiηbσ σησt ρhρ σssiίdOηetgsh ra racσttfeh riiss tics segmσetfηh gtea maert ehp ea ssstiiuvaeσt tfih σkeηi ηagηtsdh ceσ ηsttharηaetra itίsstηi h ηeg parσttfsh b ea ttwlheefitrehkelei d ηa grlseσ caΊhtreedta.hta asrt ίi sηsu ec ceasηasdrl iηeiσk ηe d byas ηigplruep σcsoeη satηia tttuwathceik ίc,tηh h mei ddleghaamtsehk eiσ ρηfσgts eίηat sί ση itσsb je.Ιc ηtt hi,tiv hsemei ddldeigffafeσmrremts h eeη dgσarcm oeη clpuhdaσisftηeh gp e l ay -whetrhqeeu aησtffirσ tcίyeaη s c tiirsσe ηl astmiawvlhelel,ry e attaacrkresa arσηeηd, the kiηg whefirηella,yt ,hk ei ηasgsus maeηa ctriσvIleηee dh siusd edmepηml eσηytt hkσeif ηί gηs cσηtrtahspetri ertv roiσ iσltsuehs c e h iseiσfgtf ηh dei stibηecttwtieheσeeηηη d gpahmaaesη ed thmei ddlegame. Igtσ weist hsσauyttih ηtaghtl e i emdai mtσuσηffrtσ c ίeηasc tίiηtσh ηee η dgηaσmtei ceably ηarrtσhcweis rσ ccflr ee aitdie-tvahesde i veσrwfsh iitccyoh η,ev leiyrasd,s i tsiηgufiaesthuirηeg σft hmei ddlegΊhaemt eh.e σσfmr ayη eyη dgsapmupelsdi eefisη ciσtlηiucvseia σηίηdηts h,e eηdgtahsmeie fig cηaiσηtfceh ecη i-qtuheiastt,h a ep pliσctfah teiσσrlηea atwηispdc ir aηilcples tpor acptli-agcyraelia ηtcslrey.Ies itats h mei ddlegatmhema σtssf tlutrl uygd gralaηemd a tically brηigosu tthc er eastusibtvaoeη ftch eae ro tfc h sesΊh.ep aroaumηcrte afctatiίovηtreh ceh ess stru-cgσgmlbe i-ηmaatηeiisoiftηts sc ehilίefηtfl h yce e ηpthraaΊhslee m .i ddlgeigvtaehmsee strosηtgilemususatc hteposl sai ymegari'ηsaa tηiidηo vηe tηhtoiuvigtethe tηt;dgo si t vheme σ st disteixηpcrteb sosttihohσ ipηsu rheulmyta rηa (imttpese rabmσelηsdtsiη,,ηe gueyiaη tηsdσ frotahη)td o ptehceu lσihfai rcsih tesistesyts lh eve i -eσwηts h gea mtehc,eu rorifed ηetσa rs schtσwooh li,hc esh us bcr.Ii itbs e asηcοc itdheaηtmt a ttheoertf ih ameli sd dleivgfia emwee,d ίηah itsorpiecraslp eeηcatubistlv otee r ,at cheeev oloufct hieoisηds ew aistah hi dgehg orfe e perics.i ση Apafrortmt hmei ddlaeηgda mmeeeη t,dh geiatrshe σe ρ eη-tίhηiegηi iastlt aogtfeh g ea me, whetrhee doerawyli qstu he satbiootuηhptesru pσusdlee fσvpelmeηtthp eiσ efAc tte hsse.t σ afr t the σspteadηguierη,ig η g3 -tm5ho evt ehfisqer,u s atηo tfoifrtcοye t ηshb eor aidas it tm axsi mum, aηίdηm σscta siertse maiηssu abvηsettuirptay otl h e mvoemreyη t wmhiedηd ltehgea me comηmce.eΙ sηt hriepsse ctthc,eh arσaftc htee rίp ηtlh σaepy e ηaίηmηdig d dlsetgaaigmsee s siimlΊhaerr.iea ss l oh,o weavc erru,dc ieiffraeltη hcieed :eo atfsh σ eρ eηaίrηeg bcaesηitcraeldl y οηa chifeluvmlio ηbzgiai ltoiwηh,e repalsaί ηtηtsh hm eei ddlaergfiaorsmmtee h peσ sisyloi ifbt actwiiσptηihcse e asl rmeσaibdlyi- wzheidic mmhe uarsawbildyte hηcesr eahtσirviσezft o hηe id.e as Ofc oubrestew,σe peeηηa iηηmdgi ddltehgeairbmseeo utηobd ea v ecrlyo lsieηΙ kηt .h e opeηyiosηuhgu o lηdοs tmi plbyem obziilyηiuogrp e icbeusat r ratηhgeίimsηη ug ac w ha tyh at thceaypη l tahyre o dlees tfirotη heeίdmηt h ietη iisatlaσ gfte hm ei ddleΙgησa tmhweeo.rr, d s thmei ddlpelgaasηmhseσ l uσlgdi ccoaηlttlihyσηe ρu eeη lίiσηηfgea ypm,le rgwiiηitght ο ίaη t silηsegy stepmreaσctjti.c PteeRrom aonvsky 8 (ΑG)e neSryals tem (iB)as icco nptcse Imta yb es awiidt heoxuatg getrhatatoti on froma p laonfa ctainotdnr anisitln oa tte reaclointtsyut tiecsh itteahfwse tik h itnhe porceostfsh ecesh esstsr uggle. Αs kildfuelvlaiynsp deu dr puoleslxeyef cuted plaamno sut noats ugruea roasfnu tce.ce e ss Skuilldlfeyv ias ipnmlgea ann tsh,fie r isnt placcoer,r iedctetinlf)ryti hnaegi mwsh ich thpely aert'hso usghhotubsl egd e arteod f h b d g achievitnagis.sfkra f oThrmes impalned, a c e IitWs h ittome o ve.p oHsiiistbs ie otnt er, mandyi fficualrtiaisleeos tn hgwe a yt o sinhcece a ena swiiltnyh p ea wonnh 4I.s resoiltv.i nBgcu otr rtiehdceetnnl,tya i f)ring thsiusffi cfiroev nitc tIoitrs y,?o nblouynt goiaoslln oyn e thhoaemfl a ft Ftoerrm.u lating conditionc otrhracetocn tcWlhehyiii svt ees ap liansno etnu og-hy osut hialvtleos olve scheamntedh e mteoia mnpsl st thneo -lespsr-osbeolrfiei mmop ulse menting plasnh ocuolndos fit shftelo the itO.fc ouwrhseeen,n vistahggeoi ,apn lagt hs firssttah gewe i,tn hshe 4 -patwhnse.e cond to acihntie eetvdobi ent ga kienona t cucnot As statghekie,n g hferoat dhase6 -wnpa and atth e tsiamMmeoe.rt eh an- tthcheha oti ce picukpts h oinste o uot,i ltihfzecai ttn hga t oft hgeo ialt smeulsiftns ommee asbuer e theen ekmiyin dsgi veforrmtt ehqdeu eenside deterbmyti hnfeeaei dsb yio lfai ttntianiigt . byW hite'psa wponant s hhse-e fidFl ien.a lly, Thef aesiyb,hi olwiehtvaetsrob , ea sseisns ed Whiqtuee heinass- paawncndh ecktmhaet es ar elatibveec aosunepsenlye sae peru,'r sos fu it oppotn'lesonk nnieg . higso caolm uepas g atihnwesit al nld mind Therefore: ofh iosp ponIetmn atyh. a pptehnya uotr oppo'ncseo nutntefrroacyceotstui co oh na nge ιΦ.f4 youprla anned v egnoo vteodr e efncYetei .n Therceab net wpol aondfse e fnfcroeB lack. spiotfte hr ee lactoinvsett rhwaaeith n atv e Oniets ho e farodt hae-5 pacwanp,it autnr,de mentiyooncuena dn,oc to ndtuhcgeta me trtyqo u eheionsw pna spsaewodnn t hae- file. withforoumtia np gl aann ddi reycotuirn g Theo hteirts o atthtweah cikt eo npt ahwen actiianoc ncso rwdiaitnhtc .e kingastti hdmeeo mewnhteW nh itkei'nsg seotfffsr o t hqeu eetnoswiatdrheade 6s - pawn. Inod retrof ro ma ni mepsirsoonaf p lfaornm Thef romeprl caanbn ed iscaator ndceed, as versyi mepxlaem plleuetssc ,o nstiwdoe r as imcpoluein ntad tiecst hwtehh iapttae w n elemepnotsairftoyrim ot nhes retahlem of reachh8e sm suocohtn heatrnh b el aocnke endgame. reaac.hl( eWsh nietee dsm oevi-eΦgsgh 4t, Φχh<.:Ώ4g,5h ,4 5-h-h6-h87=--'1Whw hiBllea ck neetde:sΦn d5<.:Ώc,,4 Φ b5<.:Ώχ,a ,Φ5 b4a nd five pmaowv.enTh)s e re rtehmseae icnosn d pl.a n SvoiMeitd gdalmTeeec hnique 9 ι. Φ.f6. 2 .Φ4 Φgg63 .hΦ4χΦ h6 4.Φ4 gle.5Φ e72 .Φ5d Φd7 3.6etΦ e84 .5Φ e Φg6s .4Φ fΦ6hs. 4ΦΦ eh47 .ΦsΦd χb3 Φe7 s.sΦΦ cg49 .ΦΦbf56 .ιΦοχaΦ6e6 Black ttolr etithew esh intoert e kafic,6n hg buWth ihtaeasp osswiatbyo l ea tchh.ii esve s.Φs dΦ6e.sΦ4 Φd ds7 .4ΦΦ eess .Φsd Φe7 If. 'ίt>.8d. 8t he9'ίt>n.d 6a,n tdh ee- pawn que.e ns 9.5Φ eΦιe.οsΦ f6 Ίhefi rsto tfph aer -tpp leanne twriatthi on thkei tnofg6- i asc mcpolished f h b d g a c e ι.ιΦb7 And tphaewr ne achperso miosttqsiu oanr e unhindered. Β����� � s 7 - ���=�f� � ill 6 � �� 5..�.�" �J%11- ---% f h 4� �� �-�-����� � � ι.οΦ. af8. ι b.ι 7ect Φ de s1e 2Φ .g7g Ilto oaksist f h e steacosoftkn h pdel iasn � ��� � J%11 alssool ,. � - � � 1.2Φ. χ.e1 7.3 ΦχhΦ7f7 ι.4ΦhΦsf8 ι sh.7 � � - ιm ΦfΊs talemate f h Whiftiaelt eaodc hhiieasvit emh atntokh se b d g a c e astruetsei osfht iaosnp cpeo nwehnoptsl,ea n Int heixsa mWphliets,tei u'oasnlt oisoe kven faetuarniet nde redsrtaiwrnieognrsu gc. e moerf auvrboalHee.i a sl raep aadsyps aewdn ttoh geo oadnh,di s speleoambinsvo auttsh :e Inp osicthiaornasco tfte hmredii dslteigca me, coosftt hpiass psaewdhn ep, e netwriatthe s whesrueab nsttfiroaclea sre en gatgheed , his tkgoi7 in ongr dtedore stthrheo7 y-w pn.a esseeo nfapc larne matihsneas m e,t heb ut Howeveenrd,g tahmeeio srfma yi lwiiatrh plaasyw hoali eosc f o uirmmseea sumroarbel y posiotftih oinsis wn th yitpchewhe e askiedre comlpeΊhxe.d eefndsiinhdgae fs a grr eater gaiadn rsa bwys taletmhaheto iskntigin lge. posistliiiaebvsa iflroar beitlssaen acnetd,h e Ittu ronutsth tahtii jsssu o tn seu pcohso int.i attahcikmeswrei blleflfc a ewdi tchh oosing