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INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE FOLLOWING LETTERS: 1. There ave 3 letters attached. The first two require you to co nothing, except hand them ‘or send them to the representative ofthe authority foreclosing, garnishing, or taking funos/property etc from you. 2 The letter with the blanks, needs to be completed by you. Following is how you need to ccamplere the leer: a. Dear hrf write inthe name of the person who is representing the authority (this should ‘he an your fetter or document you receive from the entity] b, _Ithas come to our attention that you are in the pracess of frst blank - insert whichever word(s} represents your situation: {orectosing, garnishing the wages, extracting taxes from accounts) (second blonk- insert your fullname as stated on the document you received from them.) 3. fatal! possible, hand deliver the documents and have whoever received them sign far them and dateit. nat, send them certified mail, signature required, return receipt. ‘THE SOVEREIGN BOARD OF MELCHIZEDEC B.F.T SOVEREIGN EXECUTIVE LTD. UKE OCTOBER 28" 2014; TO WHOM AND ALL IT MAY CONCERN, UNLESS YOU KNOW THE DIVINITY CO- SIGNED UNTO THE PROVISIONAL BLESSING OF THE BREATH OF LIFE, AND THE OMNI-SPIRITED CONVICTIONS AS WAS SUSTAINED BY THE SOLEM TESTIMENT AT ANTIOCH! SUB SILENTO. “SULJURIS DEMESNE IPSE DIXIT MANDAMUS NISI”, ISAIAH 89:20, REVALATIONS 3:7; ROMANS 13: THERE ARE SEASCHS FOR TIMES AND SOVEREIGN REASONS, IF YOU DONT KNOW? SHUT UPI IE YOU DO BE QUIET! sovcncisy CORPUS JURIS NII: AMOS 5:7; THF TRUTH NEEDS NOT TO BE DEFENDED! LIL’S NLLU NO ME PROVEN FALSE, ALL WILL SOON BE REVEALED AND NONE WILL “STAND”. {JOHN 3:16; 1S NOTA CLEVER CLICHE MASTERED BY CLOVEN CLERGY JT IS A LIVING COVENANT ‘MAN HAS TRULY FORGOTTEN! THE LOVE OF THE MOST HIG ANCIENT OF DAY'S, IHL WIS STABLE PILLAR OF ALL HUMANITY, FOR YNITHOUT IT, EVEN THE “SON OF MAN" THE SILENT RISEN GLORY:iVOULD NOT WITHHOLD THE “SEVENTH SEAL” ‘TRUTHS AS UNIVERSAL AS THE PROCESSION QF THE COSMOS! TRUTH IS AS SUPPREME 4S ‘THE COURTS OF JUSTICE THAT ARE SUPPOSE TO REPRESENT THE PRESENT OF JUSTICE. MOREOVER; TRUTH IS AS JUSTIFIABLY TERRIBLE AND VENGTUL AS THE "BRCATHY WL ARROGANTLY AND ISNORANTLY TAKE FOR GRANTED. “THE WORLD WAS CALLED [0 ACCOUIN FOR I HE KIKGDOM OF RIGHIEQUSNESS, ONE MAN AIDED BY THE OMNI-CONVICTION OF TRUTHS, SHOWED UP AND “HCREFORE WAS SENT. IF YOU, OR ANY BEING, DIMCNTIONAL OR SPIRITUAL, DESIRE TIC LOVE AND FORGIVENESS OF ‘THE MOST HIGH HEAVENLY FATHER, AND DESIRE THE PROMISED BLESSINGS °RESERVED UNTO [AURAHAM UNTO THAT MOST HOLY RELATING SEED”, THAN THE 25-YEAR PRE OECLARED. TFSTIMENT OF OR HENDO HENDERSON, SOVEREIGN CIVIL PEOPLES RIGHT’S SOVEREIGN ENDOWED {SO1Cés), CERTIFIED INDEXED PROVISIONARY INDEMNIFICATION, &5 IRREVOCABLE [AND AGAINST ITS CERTIFIED CORPUS, THERE EXIST NONE! THF RATHSHEBA AND CSTHER TRUST B.F.7,, AND THE JOHNNY RHODA WORLD GLOBAL RESET RUST, ARE THE ONLY CERTIFIED BY THE STANDING "WAR POWERS EMICRGLNCY ENACTMENTS AND THAT FULLY COMPLYING TO THE WORLD TERRORIST THREAT" ALL HAVE FULLY COMPLIED BY THE STANDING "CXECUTIVE AMENDMENTS OF; “KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER*AND ‘CORRESPONDING ENACTIVENTS UNDER THE REVISED PATZIOT ACT RESOLUTIONS SECIIONS 28-207. ann; 5. AS SUCH PURPOSLY ATTENDENT ADMINISTRATIVE CORPUS OF TRANSPAI ON FILEIN PUBLIC RECORDS Az IF DISCLOSURE, 1S ‘TARRANT COUNTY COURT OF RECORDS 1200 WEST WEATHERFORD ST. ET.WORTH, TEMAS 7196-0003 FILE REGISTRATION: 4/@/2020/3:aDpm p2anoan7e2, AGAINST SUCH CORPUSED CERTIFICATION, AL. E:SEIS A "FRAUD" AND PURPOSLY ENGINEERED [ACT OF OPEN SEDITION AND PULIC TIENERY BY PURFOSLY IMPOSED SYSTEM AND PRACTICES OF “FIDUCIARY POSTERITY BY ACT OF "LEGAL, PLUNDER, TO DLASPHEME AGAINST THE CMINI TESTIMENT KAVE AMNESTY. HOWEVER; [0 BLASPHENE [AGAINST THE TESHIMONY OF THE TRUTH, WILL BE CO-SIGRED UNTO THE VENGENCE OF THE ‘TRUTH, AND THAT IS FAR WORST THAT DEATH! ‘TRUTH OVER LIES, FE OVER DEAT choosy, avo cHoosE wiseY Othe. oh EB A thy if E> he Bat Saas Pina jy Dale “finan shel 2 PRINCIPAL ‘WELCOME 0 KINGS OF THE EARTH" The word has gone aut to you, O sons of men now that you have chasen once again fo sesk after worthiessness. "YHWH" (God) has seni again anoe to you and st ‘you will not relent Gather yourselves in one place that He may be able to save you or He will destroy you from over all the earth, As for you so called Judges of en ard righteousness, let's see if you can withstand the judgement of the Just One. You so called leaders have not yet asked for 4 prayer for quidancs. it leaves me to beieve that the word "leaders" is being ‘iisunderstood and at the same time misspellsd. The proper one would be "ters" reaving you short of being 2 gallon. ‘To you the ones that call yourselves the United Ones, seems by now yau woukl have realized that you have your vary own Constitulon in conflict. Haw can this be and ‘you yourselves are sill saying you have a Law. The Almignly is not plsasad with you {and has called for your resignation. This can be done very easly by you, realizing you hava dona so poorly with the paopie's true, untl they have all rescinded their trust, As 1 ‘it in my seat, [am drafting this leer to inform you of the people's intent to restore themselves to a free world ‘This is now my ry, for you, and you must hare it. Psalms § 1. Give earto my words, O"YHWH", Lord consider my meditation 2. Give haed to the voice of my cry, my King and my "YHWH" God, for to you | wil pray. 3, __ My voice yau shall hear in the morning, O "YHWH" God, In the morning I wil irect ito You, and | wel Inok up. 4. Foryou are not a "YHWH" God who takes pleasure in wiekedness, nor shall evi dwell with you 8 The boastful shall not stand in your sight; you hate all workers of iniquiry 8. You shall destroy those who speak falsehood; the Lord "YHWH" abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man, 7. Butas for me, | will come into your House in the multitude of your merey's in fear of you | will worship toward your holy tempi. 8. Lead me, © "VHWM" Lord, in your righteousness hecause of my enemies make your way straight befara my face, 8. For there is na faithfunass in their mouth; their inward partis destructions' their throat is an open tomb’ they flatter with their tongue. 10. Pronounce them guilly, O "YHWH" Gods lst thern fal by their own counsels 11. But let all those rejoice who put their trust in you; let them ever shout for joy, because you defend them; let those also who love your neme be joyful in you. 12. Foryou, © "YHWWH" Lord, willbless the righteous; with favor you will surround hira a8 with a shield ‘And nov {0 all wha read or hear these words, this has been given as a testament ‘of the One wa call "YHYVH" (God) . No longer will YHWVH be silent fo the wioked. He wil now answer them in due speed. He has quickly begun to act that all mankind must Stand ell and ea what thay have soem vn the bad weatne, tne many i's YHWH (Gos) i moving every ea close to closing the door to mankind whe ralusesto repent and “edoom him or neste This eter is only another later hats folowing tne many that hes already gone out and the mary that wl flow May YHWH be your guide ard you be His people and help your brothers and ee de eo area sds) MA. Of HLL. Henderson HILHlem Name Title Entity Name Dear Mr fis, has come to our attention that you ate inthe process of, on | Asthe Global Nervork, and Principals ofthe new, clean ‘monetary system, its our job to determine which entities (banks, IRS, ete} wil be shut down and which ons will be glven the opportunity to continue operation, fs the people who are entitled and ordained by God (Father YHWH), we find ourselves in the position of Moses and Aaron, only this time we are not ASKING for you to let the people go, but are DEMANDING you do the right thing by the peaple, or your doors will he closed. To cefresh ‘your memory, we have Included the fllawing for your reviews Exodus 5 New King James Version (NKJV) First Encounter with Pharaoh 5 Afterward Muses und Auron went in and told Bhrvach, “Thus says the Loan Gud of Israel: “Lee My people go, that they may hold a feast te Me in the wilderuess.”™ * Aad Pharaah suid, “Who fs the Loup, that I should obey His voice to let Tsraet go? Tilo not kaew the Lona, aur will [let Jarael 0." So they said, “Y'he God of che Hebrews bay met with us, Please, let us go three days' journey into the desert und suerifice to the LORD oar God, lest He fall upan us with pestilence ar with the sward.” ‘Then the king of Hgypt said to them, “Moses and Aaron, why do you tke the people fom their work? Get dack to your labor.” * And Pharsoh said, “Taauk, the people ofthe Land are ‘many now, and you make them rest from their labor!” So the same day Pharaoh commanded the faskmasters uf the penple and thelr officers, saying, "*Vau shall np longer give the people straw to make brick as before, Lat them go ‘and gather straw for thenseives,® And yon shall lay on them the quota of bricks whieh they made bofore, Vou shall not reduce it Far they ure idle; therefore they ery nut, saying, Let us go and sacrifice tour Goi.” Let more work be laid on the men, that they may labor in ‘i and lef thera not regard false words.” © And the taskmasters of the people anal their officers went out and spoke to the people, using, “Thus suys Phuruols ‘I willaot give you straw. " Go, get yourselves straw where ‘you can tind it; yet none ef your work will he reduced.” "So the people were scattered ‘abroad throughout all the land of Egypt te gather stubble instead of straw. " Amd the ‘taskmastors fareed deem to hurry, saying, “Fullll your work, your daily quota, as when there was straw.” “Ala he officers ofthe children of Israel, whom Phuryoh’s taskmasters haa set over then, were beaten and were asked, “Why have yuu not fulfilled your task in snusking brick both yesterday and today’ ax before?” "Then the officers of the children of Israel came and eried oni to Pharach, sxying, “Why are you dealing thus with your servancs? There ia no steaw given fo your servants, and they say to us, ‘Make lick!” Ami indeed your servants are beaten, but the fault iin your ‘own peuple.” ‘As you can see yoursalves in the above text, your systems and organizations boing the Pharaohs of today’s world, you have continvaly squeezed the fe blcod out of the people by increasing their debt, denying tham geinful employment by simultaneously squeezing the employers, ‘Now you find yourselves at the end of the line, having destroyed the entire global economy as simple as GREED. Never in a millon life times could you spend what you fhave stolen from humanity, but yet you desire not ony the work ofthetr hands, butt possessions and Ives as well. \We will nat allow you tb continue to do this any longer. For now, the works of your hands are bbsing required af you. What will you do to save yourselves? You have the choice to move out ‘of the way, that tre may restore the people's possessions/svages back to them, ‘The demanding of the property being returned to the people, are based upon their entitlement to cave for their families, That sn accordance with them coming fortk Into the world from the ‘womb of thelr mother, “Their entitlement isto be able to provide for their loved ones, through the hard work that has already been apalied to this world by the people. Monetary provision is part ofthe entitled right that the people must be afforded. Based upon aver taxation, mortgage fraud, bank fraud, and corporate fraud of the people, you have now kept the people in the warld’s system of slavery. Deuteronomy 4:7-13 New King James Version (NKJV) Por what great nation is here that has God sv acar to it, as the LORD our Go iv 10 us, for whatever rexsun we ony call upow Hi’? ¥ Aud what great aation fy there that has such statutes amd righteous judgments 2s are in all this law which Txet before you this day "omly take bed to yourselt, and diligently keep yourself, lest yor forget the things your ceyes have seen, und lest they depurt from your heart all che days of your life. And seach them your children und your grandchildren, ” especially cowveraiag the day you stood fivfare the Lowu your God in Hored, when the LORD ssid ta mms, “Guther tie people fo Me, and J will Jet rest Ker My words, that they may learn to Fear Me all the days they li ‘the earth, and shar they may teach theie ehildres.’ ‘Ceyhen you came neat aud sted at the foot of the mountain, und the mountain burned swith fire fo the midst of heaven, with darkness, cloud, wed thiek darkness. "And che Loan. spoke to you out of the midst ofthe fire. You leurd the suund of the words, bnt sw no form; you only henrd a voice. ? So Tle devtared tn you His covenant which Be commanded you ( perlurm, the Ten Commandateats; aud He wrote them an tivo tablets of stone. ‘You naw have been given notice to comply by officially removing yourself, You have 14 daysin ‘which te respond. Otherwise, your doors willbe closed. As Principal over both the World Court and World Bank through the S01.C.l Trust (aka. Melchizedec Trust), we await your response. Sincerely, . AA bed oh ——— Dr. Hendo IL. Henderson Principal Elect and Steward Melehizedec Trust HiLH/smb

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