2013 - 2014 The SSA Way. Southern Soccer AcAdemy GuidinG principles VerSIon 1.0 SOUTHERN SOCCER ACADEMY success is no AccidenT. iT is HArd Work, perseverAnce, leArninG, sTudYinG, sAcrifice And mosT of All, love of WHAT You Are doinG or leArninG To do. Pelé 2 | THe ssA WAY thIS IS A guIde to the SSA wAy. iT Will leT You GeT To knoW us beTTer... contents 04 Welcome 06 THe ssA WAY 08 orGAniZATion 16 developmenT proGrAms 22 code of conducT 25 Guidelines Tryout process | Team Taxonomy | Team organization | practice & Games | player evaluations Tournaments & Team Travel | uniforms | club fees | Team fundraising | private Training 44 Appendices directory of coaches | Tournament expectations | sports science program this document is available to download at: http://www.ssaelite.com/Portals/231/the_ssa_way.pdf THe ssA WAY | 3 SOUTHERN SOCCER ACADEMY welcome. leTTer from THe direcTor of coAcHinG. once again we are at the start of a new season. SSA brings together parents and players with different levels of soccer sophistication. For some of you this is a brand new experience, but for many others it is quite routine. However, in both respects i hope that this season is another step in forging a lasting relationship with ssA. As an organization, we are all in this together. our common goal is to maximize the potential of each player and provide opportunities to compete at all levels and age groups. The sport of soccer is growing dramatically in this country, and every season brings new ideas. our philosophies and policies, especially those impacting development and training, must continue to evolve. SSA has experienced many changes, and I believe these have been for the benefit of the club and players. However, there are still areas that we can improve upon. My staff and i are committed to providing quality programs to serve the needs of our players and the club as a whole, not only on the pitch and training ground but in the entire way we conduct our business. communication is a vital part of our responsibility. feedback and regular assessments with our players are important. This handbook answers some of the recurring questions about the club, its philosophy and policies. Your familiarity with what is contained here will help ensure that you and your child have a fun and rewarding ssA experience. Simon davey director of coaching 4 | THe ssA WAY welcome. leTTer from THe boArd of direcTors. on behalf of the board of directors, we welcome you to ssA. it has been an exciting first year as the club has grown to nearly 9,000 players across the southeast. ssA was formed to provide the highest quality recreation, academy and select level play in our region. programs such as the u8 player development Academy (pdA) and the super Y league provide additional development opportunities for our ssA players. We are honored to be a “football partner” with chelsea fc. This relationship is founded on the belief that promoting respect for others, healthy living, and sportsmanship through soccer will build better communities for all. We welcome your suggestions as well as your participation in the workings of the club. This is your club. It takes tremendous effort to accomplish all that must be done in order to sustain a successful soccer program. volunteers are essential! There are many opportunities for families to become involved in making sure that ssA is the most successful club in the southeast! This handbook includes important information regarding our organization. We hope that you will find it a useful resource to get better acquainted with SSA during the upcoming season. Thank you for your continued support. SSA Board of directors THe ssA WAY | 5 SOUTHERN SOCCER ACADEMY the SSA wAy. GuidinG principles. SSA a not-for-profit organization, with its own management, board of directors, coaching staff, operations and finances. We serve over 9,000 boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 19 with recreational and competitive soccer programs in Georgia and across the southeast. We are a services organization with an overriding commitment to quality • We operate as a nonprofit organization with a minimal bureaucracy and a focus on value and productivity • We promote and foster healthy competition and development for all players regardless of individual ability • We think and act with compassion and fairness • outstanding, dedicated people make it all happen, particularly when we work together as a team • We are sensitive to the needs of our coaches, players, parents and communities in which we operate • our primary measures of success are retention of players and coaches and the number of elite teams 6 | THe ssA WAY the SSA wAy. mission And vision. mission To enhance the growth and participation of youth soccer by promoting player development and fostering healthy competition in an environment that is enjoyable and sporting for all participants regardless of individual ability as well as creating a more challenging environment for those players who strive to reach their fullest potential. Vision ssA strives to develop the skills, knowledge, character and love of the game for all players. our vision centers on the premise that the club exists for the players. All decisions must serve the best interest of these players and follow the club’s guiding principles. ssA’s development and training program will focus on the individual technical, tactical, physical, and psychological development of every player. We believe that team sports help to develop the talents and skills children will use throughout life. While winning is a component of any sport, ssA seeks to develop the virtues of sportsmanship, physical fitness, and a positive self image. THe ssA WAY | 7 SOUTHERN SOCCER ACADEMY orgAnIzAtIon, YouTH soccer. US Soccer Federation (USSF) Professional US Development Youth Soccer Soccer Academy United Soccer US Club Soccer US Youth Soccer League (USL) National Elite Club Olympic Identification & National Premier National Super Y League National League Development PDL Development League (NPL) League (USYL) (ECNL) Program (ODP) Program (id2) Member Geographical Region Premier Affiliates Leagues League (RPL) State georgia Soccer Associations Local Clubs SSA 8 | THe ssA WAY orgAnIzAtIon. reGions WiTHin us YouTH soccer. SSA THe ssA WAY | 9 SOUTHERN SOCCER ACADEMY orgAnIzAtIon, usA locATions. ssA was founded in the greater metro Atlanta, Georgia area and has expanded to include • Arkansas: mighty bluebirds • Tennessee: Harpeth • Georgia: oconee, cairo, northside, savannah 10 | THe ssA WAY