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VOLUME 23 INDEX TITLE INDEX Lead Articles Distinguishing Kodak Lock-In And Franchise Contractual Lock-In. Tony Lin Immunity In The Absence Of Charity: Emtala And The Eleventh Amendment. MarkJ . Garwin, M.D The Right Of The Child To A Clean Environment. Malgosia Fitzmaurice Should Congress Revise The Tax Code To Extend The Same Tax Benefits To Same-Sex Couples As Are Currently Granted To Married Couples?: An Analysis In Light Of Horizontal Equity. Christopher T. Nixon Survey of Illinois Law: Administrative Law. Julie Ann Sebastian, Rosalyn Kaplan, William A. Price, Stephen J. Rotello, James M. Reilly, Matthew W. Beaudet Survey of Illinois Law: Mandatory Arbitration. Suzanne J. Schmitz, Theresa M. Cameron, Joel E. Lueck Survey of Illinois Law: Civil Procedure. Garrett P. Hoerner, Stephen R. Wigginton Survey of Illinois Law: Criminal Law and Procedure. Stephen Baker, David P. Bergschneider, James Covington, Gregory W. O’Reilly, Michael J. Pelletier Survey of Illinois Law: Education Law. Thomas C. Britton, W. Bradley Colwell Survey ofI ilinois Law: Elder Law. John F. Erbes, J. Scott Andresen, Christopher White, Lee Beneze, Karl Menninger Survey of Illinois Law: Employment Law. Elaine Massock Survey ofI llinois Law: Environmental Law. Charles J. Northrup, Robb H. Layman, ........0..0000005: Survey ofI llinois Law: Insurance Law. Beth C. Boggs Survey ofI llinois Law: Juvenile Law. Honorable William G. Schwartz 1263 1264 Southern Illinois University Law Journal [Vol. 23 Survey of Illinois Law: Legal Technology. Todd H. Flaming, Benson K. Friedman Survey ofI llinois Law: Professional Responsibility. Michael J. Flaherty, Richard J. Jacobson Survey ofI llinois Law: Property Law. Wenona Y. Whitfield Survey of Illinois Law: Tort Law. Ted N. Gianaris, Jr. The Use Of The Illinois Rules Of Professional Conduct To Establish The Standard Of Care In Attorney Malpractice Litigation: An Ilogical Practice. David J. Fish Symposium Articles, Essays, Panel Discussions and Remarks Adult Supervision. Panel Discussion #4: Alice Noble-Allgire, Peter B. Bensinger, Lucy Breitung, Edward J. Latessa, William A. Schroeder, B. Diane Williams Alternatives To Current Sentencing And Traditional Parole. Panel Discussion #2: Paul Simon, W. Charles Grace, Webster Hubbell, Mary Hughes, Vernon Housewright, Michael Mahoney, Honorable Stanley Sporkin A Case Study In Aftercare: Sponsors, Inc. Ron Chase Community Supervision OfJ uveniles. Panel Discussion #3: Jak Tichenor, David Altschuler, Kathe Klare, John Platt, Peg Robertson, Honorable William Schwartz Crime, Recidivism, Public Perception And The Media. Panel Discussion #1: Wenona Whitfield, Thomas C. Castellano, Honorable Phil Gilbert, Christi Parsons, Howard Peters, Dan Rostenkowski Criminal Justice And The 1997-98 U.S. Supreme Court Term. Christopher E. Smith imprisoning White Collar Criminals? Elizabeth Szockyj Issues And Challenges In The Community Supervision Of Juveniles. David Altschuler Is There Room For Change?: A Review Of Public Attitudes Toward Crime Control And Alternatives To Incarceration. Jody L. Sundt 1999] Keynote Address. Joseph Hartzler Limits Of The Criminal Sanction In Controlling Crime: A Plea For Balanced Punishments. Thomas C. Castellano Mid-day Address. Howard Peters Recommendations for Legislative, Judicial and Community Action . What Works In Correctional Intervention. Edward J. Latessa Forum Articles Law And The Science Wars: Introduction To The Forum. David S. Caudill Reconstructing Science Through Law. Richard E. Redding Science, Law And Narrative: Helping The “Facts” To Speak For Themselves. Gary Edmond Comments Affirmative Action In Law School Admissions: An Analysis Of Why Affirmative Action Is No Longer The Answer. . .Or Is it? Kathleen A. Graves Can The Ends Justify The Means? Illinois Lawyers Trust Fund: A Constitutional Analysis. Matthew Davis Do Sexually Violent Predators Deserve Constitutional Protections? An Analysis In Light Of The Supreme Court's Ruling In Kansas v. Hendricks, 521 U.S. 346 (1997). Madelyn J. Daley Patent Law: The Supreme Court Reinforces The Validity Of The Doctrine Of Equivalents In Warner-Jenkinson Co. v. Hilton Davis Chemical Co. Anand Gupta Religious Freedom In The Twenty-First Century: Life Without Lemon. Robert C. Stelle 657 Something Every Divorce Attorney Should Know About Bankruptcy Law. Yvonne M. Lada Southern [Illinois University Law Journal [Vol. 23 Casenotes Boys Can No Longer Just Be Boys: Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Perpetrated By Heterosexuals Found Actionable Under Title VII: Doe v. City of Belleville, 119 F.3d 563 (7th Cir. 1997), cert. granted and judgment vacated, 118 S. Ct. 1183 (1998) (mem.); Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Serv. Inc., 83 F.3d 118 (Sth Cir. 1997), rev'd, 118 S. Ct. 998 (1998). Larry D. Davie 239 Candidates For Public Office Exempt From Drug Testing—Supreme Court Rules There Is No Special Need Justifying A Departure From Fourth Amendment Requirements: Chandler v. Miller, 520 U.S. 305 (1997). Keleigh Biggins 781 Crimes Without Punishment: Smith vy. Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, 101 F.3d 279 (2d Cir. 1996). Maria Ermolaeva Police Discretion And The Redefinition Of Reasonable Under The Fourth Amendment: Maryland v. Wilson, 519 U.S. 408 (1997). Madelyn Daley Resendez Students "Stripped" Of Their Constitutional Rights: Jenkins v. Talladega City Board of Education, 115 F.3d 821 (11th Cir. 1997). Colleen J. Berry Using Rule 23(b) As A Means OfP reventing Juror Nullification: United States v. Thomas, 116 F.3d 606 (2d Cir. 1997). Patrick M. Pericak CONTRIBUTOR INDEX Altschuler, David. /ssues And Challenges In The Community Supervision Of Juveniles Baker, Stephen, Bergschneider, David P., Covington, James, O’Reilly, Gregory W., Pelletier, Michael J. Survey of Illinois Law: Criminal Law and Procedure Berry, Colleen J. Students "Stripped" Of Their Constitutional Rights: Jenkins v. Talladega City Board of Education, 115 F.3d 821 (11th Cir. 1997) Biggins, Keleigh. Candidates For Public Office Exempt From Drug Testing—Supreme Court Rules There Is No Special Need Justifying A Departure From Fourth Amendment Requirements: Chandler v. Miller, 520 U.S. 305 (1997) Boggs, Beth C. Survey of Illinois Law: Insurance Law 1999] Index Britton, Thomas C., Colwell, W. Bradley. Survey of Illinois Law: Education Law Castellano, Thomas C. Limits Of The Criminal Sanction In Controlling Crime: A Plea For Balanced Punishments Caudill, David S. Law And The Science Wars: Introduction To The Forum Chase, Ron. A Case Study In Aftercare: Sponsors, Inc. ............ Daley, Madelyn J. Do Sexually Violent Predators Deserve Constitutional Protections? An Analysis In Light Of The Supreme Court's Ruling In Kansas v. Hendricks, 521 U.S. 346 (1997) Daley Resendez, Madelyn. Police Discretion And The Redefinition Of Reasonable Under The Fourth Amendment: Maryland v. Wilson, 519 U.S. 408 (1997) Davie, Larry D. Boys Can No Longer Just Be Boys: Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Perpetrated By Heterosexuals Found Actionable Under Title VII: Doe v. City of Belleville, 119 F.3d 563 (7th Cir. 1997), cert. granted and judgment vacated, 118 S. Ct. 1183 (1998) (mem.); Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Serv. Inc., 83 F.3d 118 (5th Cir. 1997), rev'd, 118 S. Ct. 998 (1998) Davis, Matthew. Can The Ends Justify The Means? Illinois Lawyers Trust Fund: A Constitutional Analysis Edmond, Gary. Science, Law And Narrative: Helping The “Facts” To Speak For Themselves Erbes, John F., Andresen, J. Scott, White, Christopher, Beneze, Lee, Menninger, Karl. Survey of Illinois Law: Elder Law Ermolaeva, Maria. Crimes Without Punishment: Smith v. Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, 101 F.3d 279 (2d Cir. 1996) . 755 Fish, David J. The Use Of The Illinois Rules Of Professional Conduct To Establish The Standard Of Care In Attorney Malpractice Litigation: An Illogical Practice Fitzmaurice, Malgosia. The Right Of The Child To A Clean Environment Flaherty, Michael J., Jacobson, Richard J. Survey of Illinois Law: Professional Responsibility Flaming, Todd H., Friedman, Benson K. Survey of Illinois Law: Legal Technology Garwin, Mark J., M.D. Immunity In The Absence Of Charity: Emtala And The Eleventh Amendment Gianaris, Jr., Ted N. Survey of Illinois Law: Tort Law 1268 Southern Illinois University Law Journal [Vol. 23 Graves, Kathleen A. Affirmative Action In Law School Admissions: An Analysis Of Why Affirmative Action Is No Longer The Answer .. Or Is It? Gupta, Anand. Patent Law: The Supreme Court Reinforces The Validity Of The Doctrine Of Equivalents In Warner-Jenkinson Co. v. Hilton Davis Chemical Co. ........0.. 000 123 Hartzler, Joseph. Keynote Address Hoerner, Garrett P., Wigginton, Stephen R. Survey of Illinois Law: Civil Procedure Lada, Yvonne M. Something Every Divorce Attorney Should Know About Bankruptcy Law Latessa, Edward J. What Works In Correctional Intervention Lin, Tony. Distinguishing Kodak Lock-In And Franchise Contractual Lock-In Massock, Elaine. Survey of Illinois Law: Employment Law Nixon, Christopher T. Should Congress Revise The Tax Code To Extend The Same Tax Benefits To Same-Sex Couples As Are Currenily Granted To Married Couples?: An Analysis In Light Of Horizontal Equity Northrup, Charles J., Layman, Robb H. Survey of Illinois Law: Environmental Law Pericak, Patrick M. Using Rule 23(b) As A Means Of Preventing Juror Nullification: United States v. Thomas, 116 F.3d 606 (2d Cir. 1997) Peters, Howard. Mid-day Address Redding, Richard E. Reconstructing Science Through Law Schmitz, Suzanne J., Cameron, Theresa M., Lueck, Joel E. Survey of Illinois Law: Mandatory Arbitration Schwartz, Honorable William G. Survey of Illinois Law: Juvenile Law Sebastian, Julie Ann, Kaplan, Rosalyn, Price, William A., Rotello, Stephen J., Reilly, James M. Beaudet, Matthew W. Survey of Illinois Law: Administrative Law Smith, Christopher E. Criminal Justice And The 1997-98 U.S. Supreme Court Term Stelle, Robert C. Religious Freedom In The Twenty-First Century: Life Without Lemon Szockyj, Elizabeth. Jmprisoning White Collar Criminals? Sundt, Jody L. Js There Room For Change?: A Review Of Public Attitudes Toward Crime Control And Alternatives To Incarceration Whitfield, Wenona Y. Survey of Illinois Law: Property Law Index TOPIC INDEX ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: Survey of Illinois Law: Administrative Law ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Survey of Illinois Law: Mandatory Arbitration CIVIL PROCEDURE: Survey of Illinois Law: Civil Procedure CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: Affirmative Action In Law School Admissions: An Analysis Of Why Affirmative Action Is No Longer The Answer... .OrIs It? . 149 Can The Ends Justify The Means? I!linois Lawyers Trust Fund: A Constitutional Analysis Do Sexually Violent Predators Deserve Constitutional Protections? An Analysis In Light Of The Supreme Court's Ruling In Kansas v. Hendricks, 521 U.S. 346 (1997) Religious Freedom In The Twenty-First Century: Life Without Should Congress Revise The Tax Code To Extend The Same Tax Benefits To Same-Sex Couples As Are Currently Granted To Married Couples?: An Analysis In Light Of Horizontal Equity . 41 Students "Stripped" Of Their Constitutional Rights: Jenkins v. Talladega City Board of Education, 115 F.3d 821 (11th Cir. 1997) CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE: Adult Supervision Alternatives To Current Sentencing And Traditional Parole Candidates For Public Office Exempt From Drug Testing—Supreme Court Rules There Is No Special Need Justifying a Departure From Fourth Amendment Requirements: Chandler v. Miller, 520 U.S. 305 (1997) A Case Study In Aftercare: Sponsors, Inc. ............e0ee. 0ee e Crime, Recidivism, Public Perception And The Media Criminal Justice And The 1997-98 U.S. Supreme Court Term Keynote Address Imprisoning White Collar Criminals? ...............202eeeeeee 1270 Southern Illinois University Law Journal [Vol. 23 Is There Room For Change?: A Review Of Public Attitudes Toward Crime Control And Alternatives To Incarceration ............ 519 Limits Of The Criminal Sanction In Controlling Crime: A Plea For I bob -o'e Vee eee Seas eee ea ees 427 fo SE EE OT Oe ee ee eee ee 375 Police Discretion And The Redefinition Of Reasonable Under The Fourth Amendment: Maryland v. Wilson, 519 U.S. 408 (1997). 193 Recommendations For Legislative, Judicial, And Community Action. 539 Survey of Illinois Law: Criminal Law and Procedure ............. 901 Using Rule 23(b) As A Means Of Preventing Juror Nullification: United States v. Thomas, 116 F.3d 606 (2d Cir. 1997) ......... 173 What Works In Correctional Intervention ....................05. 415 EDUCATION LAW: Survey of Illinois Law: Education Law ...................200005 967 ELDER LAW: SUPVSY OT HeNONe LW. BIRO LOW ogc cece ees ccceewewees 1009 EMPLOYMENT LAW: Boys Can No Longer Just Be Boys: Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Perpetrated By Heterosexuals Found Actionable Under Title VII: Doe v. City of Belleville, 119 F.3d 563 (7th Cir. 1997), cert. granted and judgment vacated, 118 S. Ct. 1183 (1998) (mem.); Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Serv. Inc., 83 F.3d 118 (Sth Cir. 1997), POO, TUG PU TID oho ev ibe e cece ciiee tess bactes 239 Survey ofI llinois Law: Employment Law...................... 1057 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW: The Right Of The Child To A Clean Environment ................ 611 Survey of Illinois Law: Environmental Law .................... 1105 FAMILY LAW: Something Every Divorce Attorney Should Know About Bankruptcy ee FRANCHISE LAW: Distinguishing Kodak Lock-In And Franchise Contractual Lock-In... 87 HEALTH LAW: Immunity In The Absence Of Charity: Emtala And The Eleventh 1999] RMT ae ee Core. INSURANCE LAW: Survey of Illinois Law: Insurance Law ..................00000 1139 INTERNATIONAL LAW: Crimes Without Punishment: Smith v. Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, 101 F.3d 279 (2d Cir. 1996) ............... 755 JUVENILE LAW: Community Supervision Of Juveniles ....................00000 Issues And Challenges In The Community Supervision Of Juveniles . Survey ofI llinois Law: Juvenile Law .............0.c 0ee0 e0e e LEGAL TECHNOLOGY: Survey ofI llinois Law: Legal Technology ..................... PATENT LAW: Patent Law: The Supreme Court Reinforces The Validity Of The Doctrine Of Equivalents In Warner-Jenkinson Co. v. Hilton BR OTT Ee ere Tree TEP Tee ere PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY: Survey of Illinois Law: Professional Responsibility .............. The Use Of The IIlinois Rules Of Professional Conduct To Establish The Standard Of Care In Attorney Malpractice Litigation: An IMogical Practice ........c.ec.e c.ce.se.es s PROPERTY LAW: Survey of Iilinois Law: Property Law ............cccccencccess TORT LAW: Servey of Tiros Law: TOLOW 2.2 cc cc esccccecveccesiccss

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