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Preview South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust Trust Board Meeting to be held in ...

South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust Trust Board Meeting to be held in public. 27 October 2016 10:00 Tangmere Make Ready Centre City Fields Way, Tangmere, PO20 2FT Agenda Item Time Item Encl. Purpose Lead No. 117/16 10.00 Chairman’s introduction - - PD 118/16 10.01 Apologies for absence–KS; FO - - PD 119/16 10.02 Declarations of interest - - PD 120/16 10.03 Minutes ofthe previous meeting:27September 2016 Y Decision PD 121/16 10.05 Matters arising(Actionlog) Y Discussion PD Organisational culture 122/16 10.10 Patient story - Set the tone JC 123/16 10.15 Chief Executive’sreport Y Information GD Trust strategy 124/16 10.25 STPs, STPengagement and the Trust’s role in them. Y Discussion JA 125/16 10.35 Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response Y Information AN Assurance Report Allocating resources to achieve plans 126/16 10.45 Winter Capacity Plan Review Y Information IF 127/16 10.50 Call Handling Y Assurance IF 128/16 11.00 Defibrillators–clinical review Y Information AN RM 129/16 11.10 Extension to East Kent 111 service Y Discussion JA 130/16 11.20 Improving clinical governance - Discussion EW Ten minute Break Monitoring performance 131/16 11.40 Integrated performance report Y Discussion SS DH AN SG 132/16 12.00 Mortality and morbidityreviews and learning Y Discussion RM 133/16 12.10 SeriousIncidents Y Discussion EW Holding to account 134/16 12.20 Finance & Investment Committee Y Information GC Escalation report from meeting: 20 October 16 135/16 12.25 Audit Committee Y Information TW Escalation report from meeting: 4 October 16 136/16 12.30 Quality and Patient Safety Committee Y Information LB Escalationreport from meeting: 11 October 2016 137/16 12.35 Any other business - Discussion PD 138/16 - Review of meeting effectiveness - Discussion ALL - Close of meeting Date of next Board meeting:24 November 2016 After the close of themeeting, questions will be invited from members of the public. South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust Trust Board Meeting,Tuesday 27 September,2016, 9.15am Brighton Racecourse, BN2 9XZ. Minutes of the meeting, which was heldin public. _________________________________________________________________________________ Present: SirPeter Dixon (PD) Chairman TimHowe (TH) Non-Executive Director LucyBloem (LB) Non-Executive Director Alan Rymer (AR) Non-Executive Director Terry Parkin (TP) Non-Executive Director Katrina Herren (KH) Non-Executive Director(from item 16.065) Graham Colbert (GC) Non-Executive Director Trevor Willington (TW) Non-Executive Director Geraint Davies (GD) Acting Chief Executive David Hammond (DH) Director of Finance Rory McCrea (RM) MedicalDirector Andy Newton (AN) Director of Clinical Operations Jon Amos (JA) Acting Director of Commissioning Ian Ferguson (IF) Interim Director of Operations Steve Graham (SG) Interim Director of Human Resources Emma Wadey (EW) ActingDirector of Quality and Patient Safety In attendance: Janine Compton (JC) Head of Communications Andy Chittenden (AC) Interim Trust Secretary 094/16 Chairman’sintroductions. The Chair welcomed a new director, Emma Wadey to the meeting. She joins the Trust on a secondment as Director of Quality and Patient Safety. The Trust would participate in a CQC quality summit the following day, bringing to a conclusion, with the publication of a report, the Trust’s CQC inspection, which occurred in May 16. The report and press releases regarding it remain embargoed until tomorrow. The Trust’s appointed headhunters continue the search for candidates who will be considered for appointment as CEO. PD explained that the Trust Board meeting held in public would be followed by two other meetings open to the public; the Council ofGovernors’ meeting and later in the day, the Annual Members’ Meeting. 095/16 Apologiesfor absence. Kath Start Director of Nursing & Urgent Care. Francesca Okosi Director of Workforce and Transformation 1 096/16 Declarations of conflicts of interest. The Trust maintains a register of directors’ interests. IF had previously declared to the Board that he is an employee of Lightfoot, a company which provides goods and services to the Trust and from which he has been seconded short term to assist the Trust in improving operational performance. No further declarations were made in relationto agenda items. 097/16 Minutes of the meeting held in public on27 July16. The minutes were approved as a true and accurate record after several minor typographical amendments were made. In agreeing the minute regarding defibrillators at 16.067, the Board was not yet assured if the Trust’s arrangements regarding public access defibrillators had caused harm, or not. Whilst several papers had been provided to the directors on this topic, including one in September 16, the Board remained concerned thata clear analysis had not been completed and it could not yet form a view on the matter. Action: A paper for the October Board setting out if patient harm had occurred as a result of the Trust’s defibrillator arrangements–AN, RM. 098/16 Mattersarising (action log). The progress made with outstanding actions was noted. Completed actions had been removed from the log. 099/16 Patient story. A video was played to the meeting in which a patient who had benefitted from the Trust’s responses recounted his experience and what it meant to him. Having been involved in a motorcycle accident, he described the caring, professional, compassionateapproach of SECAmb’s paramedics. 100/16 ActingChief Executive’s report. GDbriefed the Board on developments during the past few days since his report had been written. Although the report from the CQC resulting from its May 16 inspection of the Trust was embargoed until the following day, the Trust had been able to plan communications to staff and stakeholders, as well as drop in sessions for staff, for the days immediately afterwards, to ensure that all staff and stakeholders were appropriately briefed. GDthanked all those involved in planningfor and participating in theSurvivorsevent the previous Sunday at which patients who have experienced life-saving treatment from SECAmb staff are able to be reunited to celebrate. A video recounting some of the stories would be shown at the Annual Members’ Meeting. GD also paid tribute to 40 SECAmb staff who responded in 2015 to the Shoreham air disaster, for which a private service will be held on 6 October. The Trust continues to engage with stakeholders to seek a regional policy that is in patients’best interests in regard to hospital handover. This is a complex agreement to achieve but essential to the high quality care that patients need. 101/16 Recovery plan The paper provided to the Board set out revised, strengthened governance arrangements for the unified recovery plan. 2 Management assurances were sought and provided that:  All programme management office (‘PMO’) appointments bar 1 had now been made;  Internal Audit were to shortly review the PMO arrangements and this will be reviewed by the Audit Committee and available to all directors;  The controls established by the PMO were reflected in the Board’s assurance framework;  The programme risks which had been identified are to be managed through the Trust’s risk register;  The Trust’s initiative register is subject to a change management process, which promotes projects with a mandate whilst holding those back which have not been through appropriate scrutiny and challenge;  The focus achieved by the PMO remains that of the 8 corporate objectivesfor 16-17;  A weekly challenge session including GD and the Improvement Director was now in place and will achieve a new level of accountability for project leads;  This willallow monthly progress against a clear plan to be reported;  The Executive will continue to be open and honest about the progress being made and will escalate to the Board areas where progress is slow or unachievable with existing resources;  Future reporting to the Board will be in a format that provides assurance that progress against specific improvement tactics is being achieved, rather than a copy of the action tracker;  An example if such reporting was the presentation on 999 performance to be made by the Interim Director of Operations during the performance item (16.103) later in themeeting;  The costs associated with recovery are being identified and allocated in order to plan to resource relevant areas of the Trust’s front line services and governance structure and to report against them accurately; The report was noted. 102/16 Ambulance Response Programme(‘ARP’) IF briefed the Board on the nationwide ARP, which has been piloted in some ambulance Trusts and which the remainder are now being invited to join. The programme introduces some subtle differences to call handling, despatch and reporting of performance. SECAmb will be going live with two revisions to the protocols which it uses on 18 October; known as ‘nature of call’ (‘NoC’) and ‘despatch on disposition’ (‘DoD’), subject to Board approval. IF explained to the Board that the relevant training of staff was planned and being implemented and that the planning process included relevant clinical and IM&T leadership. The Trust is working to a template ‘go live’ plan provided by NHS England. Assessments of clinical risk have been made, including a review of process changes by the Medical Director. Management assurances were sought and provided that:  The Trust had already engaged with early adopting ambulance Trusts (there are 6) to gain an insight about the go live process and the patient safety aspects and potential benefits of the programme;  As a result of the programme the Trust may need to plan to amend the ratio and numbers of different types of vehicles in the fleet;  Under the auspices of the programme, responses tourgent calls would be faster than currently and responses to non-life threatening calls are allocated additional time for a response;  The Trust’s arrangements for assessing clinical risk had been involved in planning to accept the invitation to go live;  Learning from alerts; incidents, claims, safeguarding referrals; complaints and other sources of intelligence about clinical quality were being evaluated independently with a view to strengthening them;  The Executive would keep under constant review the intelligence arising from the system when it goes live, to detect any sign of a dip in performance or a reduction in safety; 3  The programme would be subject to review under the PMO arrangements; Resolution The Board resolved by verbal assent to approve the Trust’s participation in the national ARP effective 18 October 16. (One director, KH, asked that the minutes record that she reserved her position on the matter, pending learning more about the Trust’s capability to learn and change as a result of quality governance arrangements). 103/16 Integrated Performance Report GD summarized the performance of the Trust noting that the 111 service had performed well against peer Trusts nationally and also ahead of its planned recovery trajectory. The Board welcomed this short term improvement. In other respects, across workforce, quality, performance and finance metrics, there remained a general underlying under-performance that was responding slowly to recovery tactics, whilst further specialist management andleadership capacity was embedded within the Trust. Appraisals had been explored by the Board’s assurance committee (known as Workforce & Wellbeing Committee, ‘WWC’) in the previous week and the committee intended to escalate to the Board its own concerns that the system of internal controls supporting appraisals, mandatory training and staff retention were inappropriately designed andoperating ineffectively. The inclusion of whistleblowing and bullying/harassment statistics in the dashboard was welcomed. Workforce Management assurances were sought and provided that:  Addressing below planned levels of mandatory training and appraisal was highlighted as a concern by the CQC and isincluded in the recovery plan;  A sample of completed appraisal documents have been audited and found not to exhibit best practice principles; and as a result, appraisal processes were to be redesigned;  An online system for governing appraisals was being piloted;  Abstracting staff to ensure mandatory training and appraisals were completed could impact on operational performance if not properly built into a workplan, which would be addressed;  The Director of Quality and Patient Safety has been registered with the office of the National Guardian as the Trust’s Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, the effect of which will be to ensure that the Trust is linked in to any themes arising from whistleblowing instances concerning the Trust;  Further action was being taken to improve data quality supporting HR metrics;  A programmeof action to address a lack of staff in key operational areas such as EOCs was in place and expected to improve staffing levels by March 17, but the Board should note that full establishment would not deliver the 75% operational target as the Trust was not commissioned for that level of activity by commissioners. Actions 1. A paper for the November Board on planning for winter pressures (in particular human resource planning). SG; IF. 2. Staff retention would be added as a risk to the risk register. (Immediate, SG). Operational performance 4 Four CCGs have tendered the east Kent 111 service. The Trust has been asked to extend its provision of service pending the outcome of the tender exercise. A presentation was made on the changes being made to the system of internal controls supporting 999 operations. The intention of management is that by putting in place a more appropriate system of controls which operate effectively, performance will improve. IF described to the Board the redesign of the system of controls (referred to as the integrated performance model) relating to resourcing; demand management; response times (i.e. call answering); performance management; performance information and staff engagement. It was explained that based on an analysis of data, there is a strong correlation between the daily resources used by the Trust’s 999 service and the daily performance achieved. If all current resources were used with current processes, performance of around 50-55% against Red 2 would be achieved. This analysis proves the case for a redesign of the system of controls used in operations. It was explained that the risks to the programme of improvement have been identified and assessed and mitigation plans developed. They include:  Stakeholder engagement and support;  A strengthening of management in operations;  External assurance from SCAS and Lightfoot The PMO is providing support to the programme. It is being reviewed fortnightly by the senior operations leadership team. IF confirmed that he has spoken outside of formal meetings with a number of non- executive directors to ensure they have an up-to-date understanding of the issues and is welcoming of challenge. It was underlined that even with the intended benefits of the redesign of internal controls described in the presentation, the service commissioned by the CCG would not achieve the 75% target. The 999 service is under-funded by commissioners and the Executive would continue to highlight to commissioners the evidence that the contract sum agreed with the Trust would not purchase a service that delivered 75%. Actions 1. A paper to the October Board on the east Kent 111 service extension (IF). 2. 999 improvement trajectories to be reported in theintegrated performance report (October, IF). Quality The Board accepted the quality dashboard as read. Finance The Trust continues to forecast a year end outturn of a deficit of £7.1M. A reforecast at the end of Q2 will be undertaken and included in the October Board report. That reforecast will identify exceptional costs associated with recovery (even if they are expected to be carried for a second year to build sustainability) and other recurrent costswhich are a part of the Trust’s structural deficit. A recurring overspend in the 111 service was reported, on account of high staff turnover and increased training hours being delivered to new starters. 5 On account of the Trust’s deteriorating financial position, a working capital facility will need to be in place in early 2017 and negotiations with potential creditors have commenced. The Board will need to sign off any agreement for a working capital facility. The report was noted. 104/16 Learning from safeguarding, litigation, incidents and complaints. The Board acknowledged the existing poor data quality associated with the report and poor practice which exists within SECAmb. Management assurances were sought and provided that the system of internal control is being redesigned to improve dataquality and practice. EW briefed the Boardon the terms of reference ofan independent review requested by the Trust, provided by NHSI, into the strength of governance systems supporting incident management, complaints and safeguarding. Governance improvements will be facilitated by the implementation of a suite of modules on the Datix platform, accompanied by training and recruitment of specialist clinical governance practitioners. A report will be provided to the Board for the October meeting on this subject. It was explained that the team supporting quality governance will beco-locatedtogether in Crawley as a consequence of the move in 2017. Management assurances were sought and provided that:  IM&T resources will be made available to support clinical governance developments;  The Director of Quality & Patient Safety will be resourced sufficiently to succeed;  The recent re-focusing of attention on security matters was linked to the success of awareness raising campaign connected to the hiring of asuitably qualified and effective individual; Actions A paper to the October Board on improvements to clinical governance (EW). A paper to the October Board on reducing the backlog of incidents yet to be investigated (EW). Action The Executive to collate a management response to each of the points escalated within the escalated reports resulting from QPS and WWC committees, and to circulate them to the Board in the following week (Exec Team). 105/16 Escalation report, Quality and Patient Safety Committee(‘QPS’), meeting on 1 Sept 16 Deferred. 106/16 Escalation report,Workforce and Wellbeing Committee(‘WWC’), meeting on20 Sept 16 Deferred. 107/16 Any other business There was none. 107/16 Review of meeting effectiveness Directors were positive aboutthe 999 presentation in particular. There being no further business, the meeting closedat 11.15am Signed as a true and accurate record by the Chair: __________________________ Date __________________________ 6 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Questions from observers After the meeting had closed, the Chairman invitedobservers to attend the Council of Governors’ meeting which would be convened some 20 minutes later and the Annual Members’ Meeting, which would be convened later the same day. 7 South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS FT action log Meeting Agenda Action Point Owner Completio Report to: Status: Comments / Update Date item n Date (C, IP, R) 26.7.16 063/16 The Board to receive further assurance as to the training, Ian Ferguson October Board IP WWC received asurance on workforce ongoing development and staffing to establishment plans of call planning and recruitment on 20 Sept as takers and despatchers in October (IF). a preliminary step to providing assurance. On October Board draft agenda. 26.7.16 064/16 The Red3 patient impact review to be shared with directors in Rory McCrae September Board C On agenda - October. August (RM). 26.7.16 069/16 A paper to the Board on incident reporting metrics and themes Emma Wadey October Board C On agenda - October (October). 26.7.16 071/16 The format of subsequent SLIC reports to the Board evidence Emma Wadey October Board IP Links to SI paper on agenda - and much more overtly what has been learned and how the Trust’s development of Quality & Safety practice has been changed as a result to safeguarding, incident Report reporting and investigation, complaints investigations and claims (October, RM, AN). 26.7.16 071/16 RM, AN and KS to work with TP in relation to learning from Rory McCrae, Andy Autumn Board Not yet safeguarding practice (autumn 16). Newton due. (Emma Wadey) 26.7.16 071/16 A paper on mortality, mortality review and harm incidence to the Rory McCrae, Andy October Board C On agenda - October Board (October, RM, AN). Newton 26.7.16 076/16 The Executive to clarify the arrangements for sighting the Board Rory McCrae September Board IP Serious Incident Policy remains under in real time on serious incidents and as fast as reasonably (Emma Wadey) review. This action aligns with 071/16 . practical on the learning and change in practice arising from incident investigation (September, RM). 26.7.16 086/16 The Board to participate in a workshop on cash and working David Hammond September Board IP Outstanding but planned for FIC item capital to support the Trust’s liquidity (September, DH). 20 October 26.7.16 097/16 A paper for the October Board setting out if patient harm had Andy Newton October Board C On agenda - October occurred as a result of the Trust’s defibrillator arrangements – Rory McCrae AN, RM. 26.7.16 103/16 A paper for the November Board on planning for winter Steve Graham November Board C On agenda - October pressures (in particular human resource planning). SG; IF. Ian Ferguson 26.7.16 103/16 Staff retention would be added as a risk to the risk register. Steve Graham Immediate Risk register C Added to the Risk Register (Immediate, SG). 26.7.16 103/16 A paper to the October Board on the east Kent 111 service Ian Ferguson October Board C On agenda - October extension (IF). Board 26.7.16 103/16 999 improvement trajectories to be reported in the integrated Ian Ferguson October Board C Included performance report (October, IF). Board 26.7.16 104/16 A paper to the October Board on improvements to clinical Emma Wadey October Board IP Verbal update provided at October governance (EW). Board board with a paper to Nov Board 26.7.16 104/16 A paper to the October Board on reducing the backlog of Emma Wadey October Board C On agenda - October incidents yet to be investigated (EW). Board 26.7.16 105/16 The Executive to collate a management response to each of the Exec Team Immediate Circulate C Circulated to board members by email points escalated within the escalated reports resulting from QPS outside on 4 October 2016 and WWC committees, and to circulate them to the Board in the meeting following week (Exec Team).

standards for Marauding Terrorist Firearms Attack (MTFA) and Hazardous Area Response. Teams (HART). This year's process also looked at elements of business 999 answer times as BT wait for us to answer the phones, tying up their operators for incoming calls. BT have had to operate their own
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