Saul_Bond jckt_24mm v9a:B+B 1/24/2014 1:47 PM Page 1 SOUTH AFRICA P J O A T H R N I C S K . S THE PRESENT AS HISTORY B A O U N L FROM MRS PLES TO MANDELA & MARIKANA D & FS Foraging alongside fellow hominids more than two million years ago in r oO John S. Saul, professor emeritus of the Magaliesburg range west of Johannesburg, Mrs Ples’s life ended m Social and Political Science and African prematurely and violently… as did that of nearly three dozen platinum U Studies at York University in Toronto mineworkers nearby on 16 August 2012. The premeditated ‘Marikana MT and Fellow of the Royal Society of Massacre’ demonstrated to the world how little Nelson Mandela’s ANC r sH Canada, also taught in Tanzania, had changed South Africa’s core power relations, notwithstanding the P Mozambique and South Africa. He dramatic, heroic victory over racist rule in 1994. The anti-apartheid lA e formerly edited Southern Africa Report struggle’s disappointing outcome was recolonization of the country by s F and authored or edited 20 books. global capital, working with a complicit, increasingly corrupt local elite. t oR Patrick Bond is senior professor at the This volume traces South African history from early days through the MI C University of KwaZulu-Natal Centre for long European conquest and into two decades of democracy. The current a n Civil Society in Durban. His books socio-economic paradox – one that finds inequality, unemployment and A d include Elite Transition; Cities of Gold, poverty worsening since 1994 – reflects Mandela’s early 1990s’ e A T l Townships of Coal; Unsustainable South concessions, choices which reduced the pursuit of genuine socio- aS H Africa; Against Global Apartheid; Talk Left, economic and political transformation to the mere realization of what & E H Walk Right and Zuma’s Own Goal. can best be termed ‘low-intensity democracy’. Analysing tensions MI P S exemplified by Marikana, the authors consider potential futures for an R aT E increasingly volatile society. Genuine liberatory possibilities could rO S i continue to be vanquished – but that is not the only possible result of kR E a today’s turmoil. Y N n a T Cover photograph:Nkaneng township, Marikana, South Africa, August 2012. (© and reproduced by kind permission of Greg Marinovich) an imprint of Boydell & Brewer Ltd ISBN 978-1-84701-092-6 PO Box 9, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 3DF (GB) and John S.Saul & Patrick Bond 668 Mt Hope Ave, Rochester NY 14620-2731 (US) 9 781847 010926 00 South Africa:Layout 1 27/1/14 14:33 Page i South Africa – The Present as History 00 South Africa:Layout 1 27/1/14 14:33 Page ii 00 South Africa:Layout 1 27/1/14 14:33 Page iii South Africa – The Present as History From Mrs Ples to Mandela & Marikana JohnS.Saul ProfessorEmeritusatYorkUniversity(Canada) PatrickBond SeniorProfessorof DevelopmentStudies &Directorof theCentreforCivilSociety attheUniversityof KwaZulu-Natal(Durban) 00 South Africa:Layout 1 27/1/14 14:33 Page iv JamesCurrey isanimprintofBoydell&BrewerLtd POBox9 Woodbridge,SuffolkIP12 3DF(GB) andof Boydell&BrewerInc. 668MtHopeAvenue Rochester,NY14620-2731(US) PublishedinpaperbackinSouthernAfrica (SouthAfrica,Namibia,Lesotho,Swaziland&Botswana) byJacanaMedia(Pty)Ltd OrangeStreet,Sunnyside AucklandPark2092 Johannesburg SouthAfrica WithfundingfromtheGermanFederalMinistryforEconomicCooperationandDevelopment andtheRosaLuxemburgStiftung ©JohnS.SaulandPatrickBond2014 Firstpublished2014 AllRightsReserved.Exceptaspermittedundercurrentlegislation nopartofthisworkmaybephotocopied,storedinaretrievalsystem, published,performedinpublic,adapted,broadcast,transmitted, recordedorreproducedinanyformorbyanymeans,withoutthe priorpermissionofthecopyrightowner. TherightofJohnS.SaulandPatrickBondtobeidentifiedastheauthors ofthisworkhasbeenassertedinaccordancewithsections77and78of theCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988 BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordisavailableonrequestfromtheBritishLibrary ISBN:978-1-84701-092-6(JamesCurreycloth) ISBN:978-1-4314-1066-8(Jacanapaperback) ThepublisherhasnoresponsibilityforthecontinuedexistenceoraccuracyofURLsfor externalorthird-partyinternetwebsitesreferredtointhisbook,anddoesnotguaranteethat anycontentonsuchwebsitesis,orwillremain,accurateorappropriate. PapersusedbyBoydell&Brewerarenatural,recycledproducts madefromwoodgrowninsustainableforests Typesetin10/11.5ptPhotinaMT byAvocetTypeset,Somerton,Somerset PrintedandboundinGreatBritainby CPIGroup(UK)Ltd,CroydonCR04YY 00 South Africa:Layout 1 27/1/14 14:33 Page v Dedication forNevilleAlexander,1936–2012 RobbenIsland‘graduate’,exemplaryactivist andintellectualinspiration,afteralife dedicatedtotheachievementof agenuinelyliberated SouthAfrica and tothememoryof the34workersmassacred atMarikanabythepost-apartheidstate 16August2012 00 South Africa:Layout 1 27/1/14 14:33 Page vi 00 South Africa:Layout 1 27/1/14 14:33 Page vii Contents Introduction:SouthAfricainHistory 1 (JohnS.SaulandPatrickBond) Part I What’sPastisPrologue:FromtheBeginningsto1994 13 1. TheMakingof SouthAfrica…andApartheid,to1970 15 (JohnS.Saul) AnAfricanhistory 16 Conquest 21 Themineralrevolution 28 ‘ ‘Whitepolitics’:Fromsegregationtoapartheid 36 Resistance,tothe1960s 47 The1960s:Theapartheidboom 56 2. TheTransition: ThePlayersAssemble,1970–1990 63 (JohnS.Saul) The1970sandthe1980s:Socio-economiccontradictions andtherebirthof resistance 67 Thepoliticsof theproletariat:Durban,COSATUandthe resurgentworkingclass 67 Thepoliticsof theprecariat:Soweto,thetownshipsandtheUDF 78 Insidefromtheoutside:Exile,theANC’sdrivetopower– andtotheRight 94 The1970sandthe1980s:Thepoliticsof powerandprofit 105 Unevenandcombinedcontradictions 107 Thechanginglogicof capital 111 Thewhiteresponseinthe1970sand1980s:Reformand repression 115 00 South Africa:Layout 1 27/1/14 14:33 Page viii viii Contents 3. TheApartheidEndgame,1990–1994 121 (JohnS.Saul) Cuttingadeal:On‘compromise’asanti-climax 122 Floatingadeal:MandelaandMbeki,deKlerkandcapital 131 Sealingthedeal:Thetroubledtransition(1990–94)and the‘FreedomCompromise’ 139 Part II ThePresentasHistory:Post-ApartheidandPost-1994 143 4. ContradictionsSubsidethenDeepen: AccumulationandClassConflict,1994–2000 145 (PatrickBond) Economicbarriers 146 Economicoutcomes 152 Socialpolicyinphilosophyandpractice 156 Commercializationof thestate 165 Earlysignsof ecologicaldecayand‘resourcecurse’ 168 Earlyindicatorsof socialunrest 170 5. ConsolidatingtheContradictions: FromMandelatoMarikana,2000–2012 176 (PatrickBond) Economicmiraclemyths 177 Inthe‘secondeconomy’,thestate’swaronthepoor 183 Constitutionalrightsandwrongs 190 CommoningmedicinesduringtheAIDSpandemic 195 Lookingoutward 197 Conclusion 208 00 South Africa:Layout 1 27/1/14 14:33 Page ix Contents ix Part III Conclusions:TheFutureasHistory 211 6. UnevenandCombinedResistance: MarikanaandTheTrailto‘TunisiaDay’2020 213 (PatrickBond) AmomentatMarikana 215 Corporate-state-laboursweethearts 220 Marikanamassacre:historicalmetaphorsandpoliticallessons 225 COSATU,Malema,Ramaphosa,andafracturedrulingparty 227 Rebuildingfrommicropolitics 232 Revolution,revulsionandrearguarddefence 235 Conclusion 240 7. LiberatingLiberation: TheStruggleagainstRecolonizationinSouthAfrica 243 (JohnS.Saul) Liberation,ANC-style 245 Marikana:SharpevilleandSowetorevisited 250 Mangaungandafter 265 Bibliography 271 Index 287