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Preview Source Optimization in MISO Relaying with Channel Mean Feedback: A Stochastic Ordering Approach

Source Optimization in MISO Relaying with Channel Mean Feedback: A Stochastic Ordering Approach Minhua Ding, Member, IEEE, and Q. T. Zhang, Fellow, IEEE Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong Email: [email protected], [email protected] 1 1 Abstract—This paper investigates the optimum source trans- whereas the relay and the source are only aware of the long- 0 2 mission strategy to maximize the capacity of a multiple-input term statistics of the source-relay channel. Relaying without single-output (MISO) amplify-and-forward relay channel, as- instantaneous CSI is commonly referred to as noncoherent n suming source-relay channel mean feedback at the source. The relaying. a challenge here is that relaying introduces a nonconvex structure J in the objective function, thereby excluding the possible use of The above scenario has been considered in [5], where the 5 previousmethodsdealingwithmeanfeedbackthatgenerallyrely sourceandtherelayareassumedtohavethelong-termcovari- 2 on the concavity of the objective function. A novel method is ance information of a rapidly changing source-relay channel, employed, which divides the feasible set into two subsets and and the optimum source covariance to maximize the ergodic ] establishes the optimum from one of them by comparison. As T capacityisdetermined.However,whenthemeaninformation1 such,theoptimizationistransformedintothecomparisonoftwo I nonnegative random variables in the Laplace transform order, of a slowly varying source-relay channel is available at the . s whichisoneoftheimportantstochasticorders.Itturnsoutthat source, the capacity-achieving transmission strategy remains c theoptimumtransmissionstrategyistotransmitalongtheknown asanopenproblemandistackledinthiswork.Meanfeedback [ channel mean and its orthogonal eigenchannels. The condition modelstheuncertaintyinCSIduetochannelestimationerrors, forrank-oneprecoding(beamforming)toachievecapacityisalso 1 quantizationerrors or imperfectnessof the feedback link, and determined. Our results subsume those for traditional MISO v precoding with mean feedback. is feasible in slowly varying fading channels [8]. 5 Channel mean and covariance feedback generally require 1 differenttreatments, as they constrain the solution differently. 8 I. INTRODUCTION 4 Regarding utilizing mean feedback for maximum ergodic ca- . Wireless relay systems have been a recent subject of in- pacityintraditionalMISO,theoptimizationmethodin[9][10] 1 0 tensive research due to their potential of providing increased isbasedoncalculusofvariationsusingtheFre´chetdifferential, 1 diversity, extended coverage, or flexibility in compromising whereas in [11], the expression for ergodic capacity is first 1 systemperformanceandcomplexity/powerconsumption.Effi- obtained and then ordinary calculus is used for optimization. v: cient relaying protocols have been developed, among which Bothmethodsrelyontheconcavityoftheobjectivefunctionin i the most popular are the amplify-and-forward (AF) and transmit covariance [9]-[11]. However, such concavity cannot X decode-and-forwardprotocols [1]. be established in our case, and these methods do not apply. r To further enhance system performance, multiple antennas We, therefore, take a nonconventional powerful approach a are deployed on one or more nodes of cooperative relay based on one of the stochastic orders, the Laplace transform networks[2]-[6].However,inmulti-antennasystems,theopti- order [17], which circumvents the requirement of concavity. mumsystemstructureandtheresultantperformance(capacity, Optimumsourceprecodingmatrix(orequivalently,thecovari- error rate, mean-square error, etc.) depend heavily on the na- ance matrix) is determined. A special case of precoding, i.e., tureofchannelsandthechannelstateinformation(CSI)avail- beamforming, occurs when the covariance matrix is of rank able at the transceiver (see [7]-[13] and references therein). one, which has appealing reduced complexity but may not Therefore, research on multi-antenna relay communications always be capacity-optimum. Here we derive the necessary has progressed from early work assuming perfect CSI [3][4] and sufficient condition for it to achieve capacity. All our to recent studies assuming more realistic partial CSI [5]. results subsume as a special case those for traditional MISO Consider a half-duplex AF relay link with M antennas precoding with channel mean feedback. (M 2) at the source and a single antenna at both the ≥ II. SYSTEMMODELAND PROBLEM STATEMENT relay and the destination. Thisscenario typically occurswhen We focus on a half-duplexAF link with M antennas at the atraditionalmultiple-inputsingle-output(MISO)link(without source and with a single antenna at both the relay and the relaying) is obstructed, and then a relay is used to maintain the link andcoverage.We assume thatthe destinationhasfull 1Channel covariance (mean)information atthetransmitter isalsoreferred knowledgeof the source-relayand relay-destinationchannels, toaschannel covariance (mean)feedback [7]. destination,2 resulting in a MISO source-relaylink (backward Our goal is to find the optimumQ for the problem defined channel)andasingle-inputsingle-outputrelay-destinationlink by (4)-(5). The main challenge here is that in (5), the log (forward channel). No direct source-destination link exists. function inside the expectation operator is nonconvex in Q. The backward channel h is modeled as [9]: Previous methods for MISO precoding with channel mean B feedback [9]-[11], which generally utilize the concavity of h =µ+√αh , (1) B w the objective function in the transmit covariance matrix, are where h represents the scattering and is distributed as not applicable here. Below we employ a new method based w (0,I )(circularlysymmetriccomplexGaussian),andα is on the Laplace transform order [17]. Some mathematical c M N a nonnegative scaling constant (α 0). Only the knowledge preliminaries pertaining to the Laplace transform order are ≥ of the source-relay channel mean µ and α is provided to the given in Appendix I. source, which we refer to as channel mean feedback (at the source).Inthefirsttimeslot,thereceivedsignalinthesource- III. OPTIMUMSOURCE COVARIANCE MATRIX relay link is given by Theorem 1 The optimum Q for the problem(4) is given by Q =VΦV , where r1 =h†BFx+n1, opt † where x is the source signal with E{xx†}= Mγ IM and n1 is V= [µ/kµk v2 ... vM], (6) the noise at the relay distributed as (0,1). The precoding 1 φ 1 φ Nc Φ=diag φ, − ,..., − , (7) (shaping)matrixFisrelatedtothetransmitcovariancematrix M 1 M 1 Q through Q , 1 FF . A transmit power constraint is (cid:26) − − (cid:27) M † andv ...v arearbitraryorthonormalvectorsorthogonalto imposed on the source: E tr(Fx(Fx) ) = γtr(Q) γ, 2 M { † } ≤ µ in CM. which yields the constrainton the transmitcovariancematrix: Proof: Due to space constraint, we only provide a detailed tr(Q) 1.Denotetheamplifyingfactoroftherelayasη.Due ≤ outline here. A complete proof can be found in [14]. to noncoherent relaying, a long-term power constraint, G, is To ease the presentation, we first sketch the basic idea. A imposed on the relay, i.e., globally optimum Q exists for (4) due to the Weierstrass’ G=E ηr1 2 =η2[㵆Qµ+γαtr(Q)+1]. (2) Theorem [19]. We divide the feasible set into two subsets, {| | } represented by Q and Q . Specifically, denote as Q a Thus, η = G/ 1+γ[µ Qµ+αtr(Q)] . In (2), we have 1 2 1 used: E h Qh { = tr(Q†), since h is} (0,I ). In the feasible but otherwise arbitrary covariance matrix, which has second t{im†wepslowt,}the received signalwin theNrcelay-Mdestination noneofitseigenvectorsalignedwithµ.LetQ2 havethesame eigenvectors as Q [see (6)]. Here Q is customized for link is given by opt 2 the proof. Our goal is to show that given any Q , by proper 1 r2 =η hF r1+n2, powerallocationinQ2,wecanalwayshaveC(Q2) C(Q1). ≥ We will show that to maximize C(Q ), equal power must be where h is the forward channel coefficient, and n is the 2 F 2 allocated to v ...v as in (7). We will also show that Q noise at the destination with distribution (0,1). 2 M 2 c N with its optimum power allocation achieves at least the same Perfect knowledge of h and h is assumed at the desti- B F ergodiccapacityasQ does. Theoptimalityof Q canthen nation. No knowledge about h is available at the source or 1 opt F be established. Below the proof starts. relay.Theergodiccapacityoftheaboverelaychannelisgiven To facilitate subsequent comparison, our first step is to below [5] exploit the eigen-structures of covariance matrices. Let Q 1 max 1E log 1+ η2γ|hF|2h†BQhB , (3) be eigen-decomposed as Q1 =UΛU† with Q 0 2 hB,hF ( " η2 hF 2+1 #) tr(Q(cid:23)) 1 | | U=[u1...uM],Λ=diag λ1,...,λM . (8) ≤ { } where 21 isduetothehalf-duplexassumption.Thelogfunction Here u1...uM is an arbitrary orthonormal basis in CM, here denotes natural logarithm, and thus the unit is nats per among{which non}e is aligned with µ, and M λ = 1. Let i=1 i channel use. After substituting η into (3) and applying a Q have the same eigenvectors as given in (6), i.e., 2 technique used in [21, Appendix A], the ergodic capacity P under mean feedback can be further shown equivalent to: M Q =VΦˆV , Φˆ =diag φˆ ,φˆ ,...,φˆ , φˆ =1. (9) 2 † 1 2 M i max C(Q) (4) { } i=1 Q 0,tr(Q)=1 X where (cid:23) Also define β , (β1...βM)T , U†µ. Clearly, µ = β . From (8) and (1), we obtain µ Q µ= M λ kβ k2, ankd k C(Q)= 1E log 1+ G|hF|2h†BQhB . † 1 i=1 i| i| 2 hB,hF ( " µ†Qµ+α+ G|hFγ|2+1#) h†BQ1hB =[β+√αh˘w]†Λ[β+√Pαh˘w]= αWQ1, (5) where h˘ ,(h˘ ...h˘ )T ,U h has the same distribu- w w1 wM † w tion as h , h˘ + βi 2 is a noncentral chi-square random 2Theanalysisinthispapercanbeextendedtothecasewhentherelayhas w | wi √α| multiple antennas. Details arenotdiscussedduetospaceconstraint. variable of two degrees of freedom with the noncentrality parameter given by β 2/α, for all i [16, p. 43], and W , of thisp.d.f.doespossess a moreelegantstructure [16]. If we i Q1 M λ h˘ + βi 2|. S|imilarly, µ Q µ=φˆ µ 2, and can avoid the p.d.f. and use its Laplace transform instead, we i=1 i| wi √α| † 2 1k k willbeabletoovercomethedifficulty.ItturnsoutthatLemma P h†BQ2hB = [µ+√αhw]†VΦˆV†[µ+√αhw] 1 in Appendix I is the precise tool we need here. =[( µ 0...0)+√αhˆ ]Φˆ [( µ 0...0)T +√αhˆ ] Based on Lemma 1, to show (17), it suffices to show that k k †w k k w =αWQ2, W Wˆ , subject to(16). Q1 LT Q2 ≤ w(hˆhwe1re..W.hˆQw2M,)Tφˆ1,|hˆVw1†h+wk√hµαaks|2th+esPamMi=e2dφiˆsit|rhˆibwuit|i2o.nHaesrhewhˆ,wan,d pL.edt.fM.ofWWQ1(s)(Wˆ[MW)ˆ.QA2c(sco)]rdbinegthtoeDLeafipnliatcioent1ra(nssefeorAmppoefndthixe thus hˆ 2 is distributed as central chi-square of two degrees Q1 Q2 of fre|edwoim| (or simply, exponential), i=2,...,M. I), it is equivalent to show that MWˆQ2(s)≤MWQ1(s),∀s> 0,subject to(16), or, Now, within the subset representedby Q , it can be shown 2 that, given any 0≤φˆ1 ≤1, among all Φˆ matrices [see (9)], log[MWˆQ2(s)/MWQ1(s)]≤0, ∀s>0, under(16). (18) 1 φˆ 1 φˆ Φˆ∗ =diag φˆ1, − 1,..., − 1 (10) It can be shown that [16, p. 43] { M 1 M 1} − − s maximizesC(Q2);i.e.,tomaximizeC(Q2),equalpower 1M−φˆ11 log MWˆQ2(s)/MWQ1(s) =J(s)− αR(s), must be allocated to v ...v [14]. Thus, we denote − h i 2 M (1+λ s)...(1+λ s) WˆQ2 ,φˆ1 hˆw1+ k√µαk 2+ M1−φˆ11 M |hˆwi|2. (11) J(s)=log(1+φˆ1s1) 1+ 1M−φˆ11sMM−1 (19) (cid:12) (cid:12) − i=2  −  Up to now, we(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) have (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) X (s)= φˆ1kµk2 M (cid:16)λi|βi|2 . (cid:17)  (20) C(Q1)= 21EhB,hF{log[1+k1WQ1]}, (12) R 1+φˆ1s −Xi=1 1+λis 1 To show that (s) 0 for all s>0, note that M log(1+ C(Q2)= 2EhB,hF{log[1+k2WˆQ2]}, (13) tis) is a SchuJr-conc≤ave function in t = (t1...tMi=)T1, for all P s>0, and subject to (16), where optimum equal power allocation among v ...v is 2 M used in Q , 2 1 φˆ 1 φˆ Gh 2α φˆ1 − 1 ... − 1 (λ1...λM), k = | F| , (14) M 1 M 1!≺ 1 Mi=1λi|βi|2+α+ 1+Gγ|hF|2 i.e., the left-hand−side is −majorized by the right-hand Gh 2α k =P | F| . (15) side [14][18]. We can also show that (s) 0, s > 0, 2 φˆ1kµk2+α+ 1+Gγ|hF|2 byrepeatedlyusing(16).Thus,(18)holdRs,whi≥chimp∀liesthat (17) holds. Since the construction of Q involves only (6), Note that (12) and (13) differ not only in W and Wˆ , but 2 Q1 Q2 (10) and (16), none of which depends on h , and (17) holds F also in k and k , making further comparison prohibitively 1 2 for any h , we obtain F difficult. To proceed, we choose the only free (unspecified) parameter in Q2, i.e., φˆ1, as follows: C(Q )= 1E E log(1+kW ) 1 2 hF WQ1{ Q1 } µ Q µ M λ β 2 M λ β 2 φˆ1 = k†µk12 = Pi=k1µki2| i| = Pi=k1βki2| i| , (16) ≤ 21EhF (cid:8)EWˆQ2{log(1+kWˆQ2)}(cid:9) =C(Q2). (21) n o such that k = k = k > 0 in (14) and (15). Since 0 1 2 BasedonthearbitrarinessofQ and(v ...v ),weconclude miniλi ≤ µ†µQ12µ ≤ maxiλi ≤ 1, (16) is always valid. Th≤e that the optimum solution, as1it exists2, musMt have the same choice of φˆkink (16) is crucial and will be shown to enable eigen-structureasQ .Also, asseenin theproof,equalpower 1 2 the final comparison. Naturally, our next step is to show that allocation among v ...v is necessary for optimality. At 2 M this moment, the only parameter in Q available for further E log(1+kW ) E log(1+kWˆ ) , (17) 2 WQ1{ Q1 }≤ WˆQ2{ Q2 } optimizationisφˆ1.Thoughφˆ1 chosenasin(16)issufficientto when h is given and φˆ is chosen as per (16). guarantee (21) for a specific Q1, it can be potentially further F 1 optimized to obtain φ as in Q . Therefore, for (4), Q A straightforwardmethod to show the aboveis to calculate opt opt [see (6)-(7)] is the optimum with φ numerically optimized the expectationson bothsides of the inequality.The difficulty according to the fading statistics of h and h . (cid:3) here is that the calculation involves the probability density B F function (p.d.f.) of a convex combination of M non-central Remark 1 The fading distribution of the relay-destination chi-squarerandomvariables,whichistoocomplicatedtoserve channel h has no effect on the optimum transmit directions F our purpose [15]. On the other hand, the Laplace transform (eigenvectorsofthecovariancematrix)atthesource.However, itdoesaffectthe optimumvalueofφ. Infact,φ isdetermined by solving: max 1E log[1+Gh 2αc˜(φ)] , where 2 0≤φ≤1 2 { | F| } 1.8 OSupbti−moupmtimum c˜(φ)= φ|hˆw1φ+kµkµαkk2|+2+α+M1−−1φ1+GPγ|hMiF=|22|hˆwi|2. nel use)11..46 n a This problem can be readily solved using one-dimensional ch1.2 search methods [19]. It is also interesting to see that the Nats / 1 capacitydependsonµonlythroughitsEuclideanlength µ . e ( Remark 2 When the relay power G , (4)kbek- Rat0.8 cthoemseasm:emmaxaQth(cid:23)e0m,atrt(iQca)=l1pr12oEblheBm{laosg[i1n+[9γ, Thh†BeQo→rheBm∞]}3,.1w].hTichhuiss, apacity / 0.6 C0.4 ourresultsubsumesasaspecialcasetheoptimum(traditional) 0.2 MISO precoding with channel mean feedback, and it is not surprising to see the result in Theorem 1 and that in [9, 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Theorem3.1]sharethesamestructure.3Inparticular,ourproof γ (dB) here can also serve to prove [9, Theorem 3.1]. Fig. 1. Comparison of optimum and sub-optimum solutions for M = 2, IV. OPTIMALITY OF BEAMFORMING ALONGµ α = 0.1, µ = (0.3518+j0.2496 −0.4039−j1.0437)T (kµk2/α = 14.3851),G=15dB. Beamforming along the source-relay channel mean µ is optimum if and only if all the source transmit power is allocated to µ/ µ , and thus φ=1 and Q is rank-one. opt k k Theorem 2 Assume that h is distributed as (0,1).4 signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Here the “optimum” refers to F c N Given γ, G, µ and α, beamformingin the direction of µ can Q which achieves capacity, and the “sub-optimum” refers opt achieve capacity if and only if to a sub-optimum Q (see the proof of Theorem 1) with 1 numerically optimized power allocation. The optimality of 1 E Z + E Zexp(Z)Γ(0,Z) Q is clearly shown in Fig. 1. At high γ, the difference { } G { } opt E Z2exp(Z)Γ(0,Z) +D , (22) between the rates using the optimum and the sub-optimum 2 ≤ { } diminishes. From Fig. 2, capacity increases with µ with k k where the expectation is taken with respect to the random otherparametersfixed.Similarobservationscanbemadewith variable Z with the following probability density function differentsets of parameters,which are not presented here due D µ 2 1 D to space constraint. 1 1 pZ(z)=αγz2 exp − kαk + αγ z −1 Fig.3givessimulationresultstocorroborate(22).Consider (cid:26) (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:27) the case with two antennas at the source (M =2). Given the I0 (2 µ (D1/z) 1)/(α√γ) ; 0<z D1. parametersα,µ,andG,theoptimumφcanbedeterminedfor × k k − ≤ aInndthDe 2ab,ov(cid:16)e,αDγw+1e1hpa1v−e dγekGfiµnk2edexDp(1D,1)Γ(α(γ(cid:17)0,+D11)+,γΓk(µak,x2))/Gis a(cid:0)foEsrpm(cid:8)eZicni2gfiecixsγpo,(paZtni)mdΓlu(em0t,f,Zt(hγ)e(cid:9))n+=φDE={2Z(cid:1)1.}[Ao+rc,Gc11oE−rd{φiZn=ge0xto]p,((aZ2n2d))Γ,f(i(0fγ,b)Ze≤)a}m−0-. the complementaryh incomplete Gamma functioin [20, Eqs. This consistency is clearly reflected in Fig. 3. (6.5.3),(6.5.15)],andI (x)isthezeroth-ordermodifiedBessel 0 function of the first kind [20, Eqs. (9.6.10), (9.6.16)]. Proof: Due to space limitation, the proof is omit- VI. CONCLUDING REMARKS ted. Numerical methods are required to evaluate E Z , E Zexp Z Γ(0,Z) and E Z2exp Z Γ(0,Z) . (cid:3) { } The optimum source covariance matrix of a noncoherent { { } } { { } } half-duplex AF MISO relay channel has been determined Remark 3 When G , (22) coincides with [10, → ∞ with channel mean feedback at the source. We have used a Theorem 4, n =1]. R new method based on the Laplace transform order of two V. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES nonnegative random variables. Our results subsume as an asymptoticcasetheoptimumprecodingforatraditionalMISO We now provide simulation results to corroborate the link. The superiority of the optimum transmit strategy over analytical results. We choose the number of antennas at the sub-optimumoneshasbeenshownbysimulationsandisseen source M to be 2. Fig. 1 shows capacity versus γ. Since more pronouncedat low to medium transmit SNR. Necessary the noise power is normalized to one, γ denotes the transmit and sufficient condition for optimality of beamforming has 3Similar observations have also been reported in[5]with channel covari- also been derived. It is expected that the powerful Laplace ancefeedback. transformorderingapproachusedinthispaperwillfindmany 4Note that the result in Theorem 1 holds with any fading distribution of applications pertaining to stochastic optimization problems in hF.However,theconditionforbeamformingtobeoptimumdoesdependon thedistribution ofhF. wireless communications and signal processing [22]. dx),d>0,isapositivefunctioninxwhenx>0withitsfirst- 2 orderderivativebeingcompletelymonotone(seeDefinition2). 1.8 Details can be found in [14]. (cid:3) 1.6 ACKNOWLEDGMENT e) el us1.4 The authorswould like to thank Dr. P. Dharmawansa,Prof. n an1.2 R. K. Mallik, Prof. M. R. McKay, and Prof. K. B. 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