Do ble-Letter Consonant So nds 4 WWoorrkkbbooookk So nds reat 4 WWoorrkkbbooookk Children’s Phonics for Reading Do ble-Letter Consonant So nds Anne Taylor © 2010 Compass Publishing All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Acquisitions Editor: Tamara Gaskill Cover/nterior Design: Design Plus llustrations: Hieram Weintraub email: [email protected] SBN: 978-1-59966-585-6 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 1 bl- cl- fl- 04 black, blow, blade, bl e, clap, clam, clock, cliff, flag, flame, flower, fl te 2 br- cr- fr- 08 brown, bride, brave, brake, crab, crow, crane, cross, frog, frame, friend, front 3 gl- pl- sl- 12 glove, glass, gl e, globe, play, plane, pl g, pl s, sled, slow, slim, slice dr- gr- pr- tr- 16 4 dr m, dress, drive, grape, grass, grab, press, price, prize, tr ck, tr mpet, trace 5 sm- sn- st- sw- 20 smile, smell, smoke, snack, snow, snip, stop, stone, stove, swim, swan, sweet 6 -nt -nk -ng -ck 24 ant, plant, tent, tank, ink, pink, sing, wing, king, lock, neck, sick 7 ch- -ch sh- -sh 28 chop, chip, chin, rich, l nch, m ch, ship, shop, shake, fish, br sh, wash 8 th- -th ph- -ph wh- 32 thin, thick, th mb, teeth, bath, cloth, photo, phone, graph, Ralph, whale, white Review 36 (Units 1-8) Do ble-Letter Consonant So nds 1 bl- cl- fl- M ch nd wri e he words. bl ag 1 • •• ag cl ow 2 • • ow fl te 3 • •• te bl iff 4 • •• c i cl am 5 • •• c am fl ock 6 • •• c oc cl ade 7 • •• a e 4 Do ble-Letter Consonant So nds bl- cl- fl- 1 Comp e e he sen ences. fl te cliff blade clap 1 The _____b_l_a_d__e_____ is sharp. clap 2 The hands _______________. fl te 3 He plays the _______________. cliff 4 The _______________ is high. M ch he phr se or sen ence o he correc pic ure. 1 Flowers on a cliff • • 2 Clams in a flame • • 3 Clap at the flag. • • 4 Look at the clock. • • 5 So ve he puzz es. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1b 3f 5c 2 4 6 c l a m c l i f f f l t e o a a w g p Fi in he boxes wi h he words bove. bl- cl- fl- black clock flame bl e clam flower blade cliff flag blow clap flute 6 Do ble-Letter Consonant So nds bl- cl- fl- 1 Fi in he missin e ers nd wri e he words. bl- cl- fl- 1 c ap 2 ag 3 ower 4 ow 5 a e 6 c i Fi in he b nk nd wri e he sen ence. The boy will ____b_l_o_w_____ o t the flame. 1 e oy wi ow out ame. The _____fl_a_g_____ is on the cliff. 2 e ag is on t e c i . They ____c__la_p_____ for the boy. 3 ey c ap or t e oy. 7 Do ble-Letter Consonant So nds 2 br- cr- fr- M ch nd wri e he words. br ame 1 • •• rame cr ave 2 • •• rave fr ow 3 • •• crow fr ane 4 • •• crane cr ide 5 • •• ri e br ab 6 • •• cra cr og 7 • • rog 8 Do ble-Letter Consonant So nds br- cr- fr- 2 Comp e e he sen ences. brave friend crow frame frame 1 The pict re is in the _______________. brave 2 The man is _______________. friend 3 She is my _______________. crow 4 The _______________ is in the tree. M ch he phr se or sen ence o he correc pic ure. 1 A happy bride • • 2 A fat frog • • 3 A flag is on the crane. • • 4 My friend likes cake. • • 9 So ve he puzz es. brown 1 2 3 4 5 6 1c 3b 5f r r 6b r a k e 2f r o n t o o s w g s 4c r a n e Fi in he boxes wi h he words bove. br- cr- fr- brave crab friend bride crow frame brown cross front brake crane frog 10