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Soundings in Tibetan Medicine: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Oxford, 2003. PDF

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Preview Soundings in Tibetan Medicine: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Oxford, 2003.

BTSL-10-10 Schrempf:BTSL 10-10 Schrempf 14-08-07 09:16 Pagina 1 30 mm in this volume, for the first time tibetan Soundings in e S d o Medicine is approached from a combination of i u t n anthropology and history. These two disciplines e d d i n appear to be vital to come to understand Tibetan b g Tibetan Medicine y s medical knowledge and practice as being com- m in o T plex, diverse and dynamic phenomena which re- n i b flect changing social and historical conditions at a s eta 03 anthropological and historical perspectives the same time while also appealing to or preserv- c n h M 0 mona schrempf ing an older canon of traditions. r 2 e e Ph.D. (2001) in Anthropology, Free Part One examines the impacts of various m di , p c s i University of Berlin, Germany, holds modernities in Tibet, the Himalayan border- f ne at a research post at the Central Asian lands and the Tibetan exile, including standardi- i Seminar, Humboldt University of sation and scientization of Tibetan medicine. e h Berlin. Her scholarly interests include Part Two investigates the transmission and pro- t Tibetan medicine and public health, fessionalisation of medical knowledge and its f o studies of ritual and performance, role in identity construction. Part Three traces and the Bon religion in contempora- connections between various body images, r a ry Tibetan communities. practices, and cosmologies in Tibetan societies n and how mental and physical illnesses are under- i m stood. Part Four critically presents new or little e s known histories, commentarial practices, textu- h al narratives and oral sources for investigating t the history of Tibetan medicine. n e t p i e a h t t s f 2 o 0 0 s 3 g 10 n i d e isbn 978 90 04 15550 3 bt e This book is volume 10-10 in the series c sl brill’s tibetan studies library. o edited by r A list of the publications in this series 10 p mona schrempf can be found at the back of this volume. l l i r issn 1568-6183 www.brill.nl b ri l l b Brill's TibetSatnu dies Library Edibyted HenBkl ezer AleMxc Kay CharRlaemsb le VOLUME1 0/10 SoundiinnTg isb etMaend icine Anthporloiocgaaln Hdi sitcoaPrle prescivtes PIAT2S0 03T:i betSatnu diPerso:c eesdo iftn hgTee ntShe minar oft hIen ternaAtsisooncaila ftoTirio bne tSatnu diOexsf,o r2d0,0 3. ManagingE ditCohra:r lReasm ble. Editebyd MonaS chrempf BRILL LEIDE·NB OSTON 2007 On thec over:L ocaTli betdaonc tdoirs pensmiendgi ciNnaeg,c h2u0 0(3p hoTt.oH uber). Thibso oki sp rintoenda cid-frpeaep er. A C.I.rPe.c ofrodtr h ibso oki sa vailafbrloemt heLi braryo fC ongress ISSN:1 568-6183 ISBN:9 7890041 55530 Copyri2gh0t0 b7y K oninklijke BrillNV , LeideTnh,e N etherlands. KoninklijkeB riNVl l incorportahteime psr inBtrsil lH,o tePiu blishing, IDCP ublishMearrst,i nNuijsh offPublisahnedVr SsP . Allr ighrtess erveNdo. p arotf this publicamtaiyob ne r eproducterda,n slastteodri,en d a retriseyvsatle omrt, r ansmiitnta endyf ormo rb ya nym eanse,l ectronic, mechanipchaolt,o copyriencgo,r doirno gt herwwiisteh,o purti owrr itten permissfiroonmt hep ublisher. Authorizattopi hoont ocoiptye mfso irn ternoarlp ersonal usei sg rantbeydB riplrlo vidtehda t thea pproprfieaetaser ep aiddi recttoTl hye C opyright ClearaCnecnet e2r2,2R osewooDdr ivSeu,i t9e1 0 DanverMAs ,0 192U3S,A . Feeasr es ubjetcoct h ange. PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS TABLEO FC ONTENTS MONAS CHREMPF-Introduction:R efocusoinnT gi betMaend ici..n..e. 1 PARTO NE:T IBETAN MEDAINCDIM NOED ERNITY ALEx McKAY-HimalayaMne dicalE ncounters: theE satblishmoefBn ito mediciinTn ieb eatn di nI ndiEaxni l..e... .... 9 VINCANNADEA Ms-IntegraAtbisntgr action: ModernisingM ediciantLe h asaM'esn tsikh.a...n...g.. ...................... 29 AUDREPYR osT-Sac h'ad rnai 'hprod00 •.. DisplacemaenndTt r aditiToinbaelt Maend icianmeo ng TibaentR efugeeisn I ndi.a. ......................................4..5.. ... .................. SUSAHNE YDoN-SherBpeal ieafnsdW esternM edicine: ProvidinHge althC araet K hundHeo spitNaelp,a. l. .......................... 65 PARTT wo:T RANSMISSIPORNO,F ESSIONALISATION, ANDI SSUOEFSID ENTITY MONAS CHREMPF-BonL ineaDgoec toarnsd t heL ocal TransmisosfiK onno wing Medicali PnNr aagccthi.uc. e. ....9.1. ............ SIENNCAR AIG--AC risoifsC onfidence: a Comparisboent weSehni fitnsT ibetMaend ical EducatiionNn e paaln dT ibe.t. ...............1.72. ........................................ FLORIANB EscH-Makinag M edicLailv ing: ont heM onetisaotfiT oinb etan MediinSc piin.tei. ..............1...5.. 5.. .... DENISGEL OVER-ThLea ndo fM ilka ndB arley: Medicinal PSltaanpFtloseo, d sa,n dD iscourosfe s SubjectiivnRi gtyya tlh an..g.. .......................................................1...7 1 vi TABLEO FC ONTENTS PARTT HREE: BODIESS,P IRITA(NSDI) L LNESS BARBARGAE RKE-EngagtihneSg u btBloed y: Re-approacbhliRiantg u alisnt heH imalaya ............................... 1....9. 1 GEOFFREY SAMUEL-SpiritC ausatainondl llness inT ibetMaend ici.n...e.. ...................................................................2 13 ERIJCA OCBSON-'Life-lwlilnndei snTs i'b etMaend icine: DepressGieonne,r aliAsnexdi eatnyd,P aniAct tac...k... .................2. 25 COLINM n..LARD- TibetMaend icianned t heC lassification andT reatmeonfMt e ntaIll lne...s...s... .........................................2...4. 7 M. ALEJANDRCOH AOUL'-MagicMaolv ements' (p'hr'uklh ionrt h)eB onT raditainodPn o ssibAlpep lications asa ClM Thera.p..y... ...............................................................2....8...5 PARTF OURH:I STOROYFT mETANM EDICINE DANM ARTIN-An EarlTyi betHains toorfyI ndiMaend ici.n...e... ..3 70 YAN ZHENA NDC AlJ INGFENG--TibetaanndC hinePsuel se Diagnostai Ccosm:p arison-SwpietchiR aelf erence toL ocatifoonPrs u lsTeak in.g.. ......................................................3. 72 OLAF CZAJA-The Makingo ft heB lue Beryl - SomeR emarkosn t heT extuaSlo urcoefst heF amous CommentaorfyS angyGey ats(ho61 53-170.5.). ...................3....4...5. ... THERESflIoAFE R-PreliminIanrvye stigaitnitNooen wsO ral andT extuSaolu rcoensB yanlgu g-st he' NorthSecrnh ool' ofT ibetMaend ici.n...e.. .................................................................3.. 73 FRANCEGSA RRETI-EmbryolaongdyE mbodiment inT ibetLaint eratNuarrer:a tEipvies temolaongdy theRh etoriocfI dent.i...t...y.. .........................................................4...1 1 HENKB LEZER EfA L.-BriOeuft look: Desideriantt haeS tudoyf t heH istoorfyT ibetMaend ici.n...e... ... 427 Inde..x.. ...................................................................................4....3...9.. REFOCUSINOGN T IBETAMNE DICINE MONAS CHREMPF Tibethaanvlseo ng mheedlidct iobn eeo noef t he mpaiilnlo aftr hse ir owns ystoef'm cs ien(cregsin'gsa )Y.et t,h ceo mplseoxc hiiaslt aonrdy scoopfeT ibemteadni cal knowledghea vraeen mda ipnreadc tliacregse ­ lyu nknotwonn o n-eTtiabdness,p tihtfeea ctth asto mqeu istueb stantial andc aresftuuld oine sT ibmeetdainch ianvebe e epnu blitsohd eadt e. Until rmeecdeinctailpnype,e taohr asv e reomafsi onmeedw mhaartg in­ ali ntetroes scth olwairtsht ihne foifme oldde Tmi betan AS tudies. newi mpuflosarem orfeoc usdeids cusonss itoundo ifTe isb emteadn­ iciwnaes t heg oable hian ds pecipfaincea ltt heI nternational AssocifaotTrii obne Sttaund ies aStOe xmfionUrandri ver2s0i0.t31y, Thep resveonltu imtseh oeu tcoomfte h fiirss mto deasttt etmoep stt ab­ liTsihb emteadni ccilnoest eotr h cee ntoreft hdei sciopflT iinbee tan Studwiheesri ect e rtabienllosy2n. g Resrecaohn T ibemteadni ciissn teii nl li intfsa ncy, especially when compawrietdsh c holwaorrlkoysnt hoet hgerre maetd itcraald iotfi ons Asisau,ca hs.A yurvaendCdah inmeesdei cFiunret.h erimnotreer,e sted parthiaevsoe ft epno rtrTaiybeedmt eadni ciincn oem petanidn mgi s­ leadwianyg.Os nt hoen eh and, Wseisntcesert na ndaanrdnd ast ional interpelsaatyd so minraonlitent hdee livoefmr eyd icinea ntddou dea y, toc ompetwiittishot na te-subpipoomretdeiTdci ibneemt,ea dni ciisn e sometipmreess eansta e 'dcse infitci's yst(eimtn h Wee stesrenn ,s e) 1A so rganoifst ehprea naenld e ditooftr h ivso lumIame ,v ergyr ateftuhle for institsuutpipoponrraotlv ibdyte hdce o nveonfto hrce o nfeenrcCeh,a rRlaemsb laen,d hisst aIffa .l stoh aTnhke W ellcoTmreu fsottr h Hei stoofrM ye dicaitnU en iversity CollLeogned foonfir n ancsiuaplp pororvti dtoe sdt agep atnheel . 2I w isthoa cknowledgthee i hmeproer ptiaontn eewroirnbkgy F ernand Meyer, RonaElmdm eriMcakn,fr eTda ubaen dE lizaFbientchk Dhu.eto -varicoiursc um­ stanpcaepse,br yst h feol lowpirnegs enitnte hrOesx o frpda nceolu nlodbt e i ncluded int hviosl umKime :G utschJoawnG,ey ta tSsuos,a nvnoend eHre idYean,g gTar arong, andTe nzNianm duJla.n Geyta tspoa'pshe arbs e epnu bliisnhC eomdp aratSitvued ies ofS outAhs iaA,fr icaan dt heM iddlEea stT.h ec haptbeyHr esn Bki ezReers,Hi o efr, andm yo wnw ere fnormoatl lpyr eseanttthe edO xfopradn eLla.u rePnotr dwiheo unfortunwaatsen loaytb lteoa ttetnhdIe A ST conferienn cOex ifosar ldse od itai ng boookn T ibemteadni c,Tii bneetaMne diciinneC ontemporCaoryn text. 2 MONAS CHREMPF strippoefid ttr sa diti'ospnuearnla tuorrra ell'i geiloeumse Tnhtisis.s I thien creatseinndgew nictyhb iontC hh ina thaTeni db eetxaincl oem ­ muniHtoyw.e voenrt ,h e ohtahneTdri, b emteadni ciissn teoi fltlpe rne ­ sentaesda rathmeorn olictuhlitcut rrdaailt iboeni,na gn ciaenndt unchanagnedtd h,e re'fuaotrhee 'nF.to irc examplteh,Re g wyhuidl e bzhii si nvariacbiltayes dt hes tandsaorudr acnedl egitimfaort ion Tibemteadni kncoawll edagste h ouigth waeu rneoi rfma ndu nchang­ intge xitnr, e aliihtta byse ecno nnsttleayd itreedv,ia snerdde interpret­ edb ym andyi fferuesnetr s. Thivso luamtet emtpobt rse atkh rousguhcs hi mpliifimeadgb eys bringtiongge tahnedfro c usionnng e wa nthorloopgiacnadh li storical perspeocntT iivbeest an mWehdyim ciignhiebtt.e fr uittfocu olm bine thetsweoa pprosa?cF hoeri nstatnhcieen ,s titutioannadls itsaant­ion dardisoafTt iiboentm aend icineb euc noduelrd satsoa po adr ticular modedme velopHmoewnetv.te hre,ps reo cegsosb easct kot hlea t1e7 th centuwrhye,tn h fea momuesd iccaoll loefgC eh agp(oLrcia pgosr i) wasfou ndeidn Lhaanstdah m ea jrom ediccoamlm entwaerriweer si t­ tebny D esSia ngGyyea ts(hSeods riSdan grsg yragsy mat shwoh)o syntheasg irseeadt omfta hnmeye dicalo fht iedsxa tys. iTithos un sl,y byw ayo fg radaunadcl a recfuolm paroifsa wo ind vearr ioefmt eyd ­ ictaelx atnspd r aicct,e saanldsb oyc arerfuels eaornic thss o chiiaslt o­ ryt,h awetc agna inc leaa priecrto ufTr ieb emteadni ciinan leil tc so m­ plexTihtiyis.n clutdhees infulpuoeinnfrt co emos t her mtreaddiic­al tioonfsI ndiaanndC hinepsreo veennciaes,w elals i tvsa rioeft y localtriasdeidt iitoisnn stac,ee rw fitoht her Tibetparnai ccshte,ea ling anfdi nailtilsny c reacsoimnpgllreyex l atiwointsmhho idpeb mi omed­ iciSnoec.i o-poalnidht iisctaoflra itccoarslsu ,ca hsc olonisatlaitsem , poliacnidee xsi arleea ,l so imfpooerrsctt ahnahtta vter ansfaonrdm ed contitnosu hea tphete h eoarnypd ractoifTc ieb emteadni ciinntteoh e 2s1t c entuTrhyea.yl sion flutehnweca eyi nw hicwheu nderstthaen d histoofTr iyb emteadni cAni neex.a minaotfti hoefnsca et oarnstd h eir influence wuisml ulc mhio nrfaeob romhu otw T ibethaanvusen der­ stoaonded n gagweidti hsu seosf h ealitlhl,na enshdse aliinan ngpy a r­ ticutliamaren ds pacTeh.ii ssw hatth per esveonltu trmiee tos i nitiate, byb ringtiongge tawh iedrve a rioefet syys saa uthobryhe ids toarnida ns antphorologainsrdte sp,r esetnhetmiiornsr gte cernets eaornTc ihb etan medicine. Whenw etr yt od efinteh tee r'mT ibemteadni c(ibondes 'm a)wn e fcaea fu rthcehra llWeen gmei.sg thatwr ittt hh cel assicalo fd efinition INfRODUCTION 3 Tibemteand icaisgn sebo a r ipga t,h 'ek nowlaendpdgr ea cotfih ceea l­ in'g or' sicencoefh eianl'g ase xpounbdyet dh eR gyubdhz i. TrdaitionTailbleyt',ad no ctkonrosw'an s a mch(ia mc hie,mc hi3) , menp(as mpaano) rl hjae( lhreja) t,r ansmitp raancTdti ibseemt eadn­ icionnet hbea soifst hReg yubdz hTih.io sc cuirnts w od istinctive modese:i tphreirv attherloyu' gmhe dilcianle a(gsemspa'an 'r giuy dp a orr guydp a'aim c hi)i,.f er.ot me acthose tru diennstoi rdo eu tsfaimd­e illyi neesaa;gn d/otrh rosutgahot rme o nasitniscti iot,niu s.tmeo.n astic mediccaoll leogrte hsMe e ntsik(hSaamnnrg t skihsna g.)T4h et erm amcihsial oanw orfrdo mM ongolainadon fp ossibTlurek iocr igins, anhda bse euns eidnt hHei malaaysaa s si gniffiotreh rwe h olsey stem ofT ibemteadni cinee.s pTehcuiisnaL, la ldya khS,p iatnidt hNee pal HimalaTyiab,e mteadni ciiscn oel loqrueinadlelarys'e mdac hmie di­ cinoer'' R gybuzdhm ied icHionwee'v.ne eri,t ohfet rh epsreeo sfsional­ lyd efinteedr mnso rt he mgoernee dreasli gngastoib oarn i pga accofuonortt hiemrp ortanth eTailbaeenrttdsah neh iera lpirnaigc ctes, sucahs' tnatrpirca ctit(isonngeparagsa)s'n ld am(asb mlaa) o,r' psir­ imte diu(mlsph'a aA) d.d itionalloyt,h tetyrhp oeefrhs ee aalsripene g­ cialsiuscathssb oneseaUnevdra sr,i toyupsoe fs' divi(nmepora sa)'n d 'astrol(orgteprsasiw)'sh om ayb ec onsuflotdrei da gnoorts hiresi ght choiocfe treaatmmoenTngit b etpaant ieWnittsth.h eex ception of Tibehteaanl pirnagc tiinLc aedsa aknhd N epamla,n oy ft heosteh er typoefss pecialidsitssa phpafevraeortm eh dfe i eolfod u irn quainrdy , theirsaer easoni sfF.oo ror n tethh itnhge,hy a vbee coimnec reasingly margisneabdly si taptoel iicniC ehsi nBau.tt h ehya vael sboe emna r­ ginalbiyis nesdt itutainosdnt aalnidsaeTrdid biesmteeaddn i ciinbn oet h Tibietts aenldif nt hTei beetxaincl oem munbietcya uosfie n creasing scientiosrsa etciuolna roifsm aetdiiocnii n.teeh,.ne e etdo a datpot mode'mc sinetii'cfs tandardso fas nyts ruippeprneadtc uornatle nt. Furthermoriesa, l staoh d earnego efr' tradistiinoTgni'ab leitan medicbiynn ee glectthsietn rgo inngf luoefmn ocdee rniutpyoi ntt sh e- 3S intchewe o radm choic cufrrse queinnt ltvyho ilsu maen,ds inichtea asl ready becomseu cahw idesperxepareds sfioaor 'n d ocotfTo irb emteand iciIwn iel'ul,s i et hereiinnt hsea mwea yas thceo mmoann gliwcoirsde d lama. 4T het erfmo Tri betHaons piStmaaln,r tskihsa nlgi,t ermaelaln'ysM edicine Astrology ThHeoc uosmem'op.nh onevteircs i'oMne ntsikwhialfnlrg o'nm o wo n denottheoe n e in aLnhdoa tshape lra coefts h TeA R whetrheaean sg licviesresdi on 'Mens-eTe-Khiascn ogm'm onulsyef do trh 'eT ibeMteadni caanldA stIrnos tiitnu te' Indieaxnii lnDe h armaasnadil tavs a riboruasn ch institutions. 4 MONAS CHREMPF orya ndp ractdiucreir negc etnitm eIsng. e nertahpler, e servoaft ion Tibemteadni caisan d ei stintcrtaidviet iboenes nth srasesew di thtihne contoefxv ta ripooulist ipcrjaocelt, ns ootn lwyi thCihni naan di nt he Tibne teaxilbeu,ta lstoh rougvhaoruitpo aursot fst heH imalayas. Howevtehre,ir sae l sawo i drea nogfew ayisnw hic'hb iomedoirc ine' 'Westmeernd iciinsae c't uailnltye groarpt readc ttiocgeedtw hietrh Tibemteadni cTihnieis.se specieavlildyef noertx ,a mple,w ew hen compareT ibemteadni caispn rea ctiinBs reidt aanitdnh Uen ited States witthh ew ayi ti sp ractaitst ehdeL hasa Mentosrit khhea ng Dharams alMae n-sTee-Khawnhge,rX e- ramya chiannesdst estchoopes arues esdi dbeys idwei tphu ldsiea gnfooserix sa,m pleT.i bTehtea n terminoloignyC hiunfsaoe 'rdW estmeerdni cionr'e b'i omedicine' (Chixnio.yr xi i yareov)e tahlaesc tual underlysitrnugc tdouofrm ei nant stastueb sidmiesdeidc iWenset.e mrend iciisnh ee ried entiafise d 'Chinmeesdei ci(gnryeas' mano)r' .m edic[firnoeom u]t si(pdhey'i lugssmn a)t,h aitsa ,sa f oreiagnnpd e rheavpesin m posseyds tTehme. s semantiecqaulilvyaT liebnettte arntm a nsgm ainn,w h ictha ndge sig­ nattehsCe o mmunPiasrttc yl,e arsliyg ntahlaesc tual political dimen­ sionb ioofm ediincC ihniensT a i'bt6e. Beyontde rminaonldoi gtcyso nnioot,naw tsef intdh atthi en tegra­ tioonfT ibemteadni cwiintbehi omedoinct ihnTeei bPelta tiesaa lus o ah ighclrye afrtoinvteoi fet rh eoarnydp ractjiutcsa esi, it s i ne xiolre thHei malaMyaansey.x amplfreosm d ifferreengti oofTn isb ieltlr uastte thpiosi wnhte,rb ei omedainctdar la ditTiiobendtaialan g naonstdih se r­ apy ianrtee grianvt aerdi woauyssW .hi laem chi mpiaglhptta htee pulisnae s mall crliuircnta,hl em ya ya lshoa vteoa dminibsitoemre d­ icdarlu tgots h eir patbieecnatousfst ethl eho ecrsaehl o rtaanghdei sg h costs ofm eTdiibceYitetnai,enna . n otlhoecra almicthwyih, o d iagnose illnewsisttehhs he e lopfa s tethosspchoypgem,o manoormX e-rtaeyr stiplrle scornilTbyie b emteadni cdarlut ghsa atr meo rree adaivlayi l­ able tEhveeprnre i.v aptrealcyt ising sdeoncitoworhr ospl rion­eage ducteh eoiwrnm edicbiynh ea nadc cortdoit nrga ditrieocniaaplned s , whok nonwo thaibnogbu ito medisctiihnalevlt,e od eawli tbhi omedi­ cinienv ariwoauysbs e,i tt ot repaatt iewnhtohs a ve tWaeksetne rn S Inc ontratshtCe,h inetseerf mo r tradCihtiinoenmaseled icinezh (oCnhgyiinsi. ) generdaelfilnyase bde isnegp arafrtoem' Westmeernd ic(inChine.'x y iiB)ot.thh tee rm foarn tdh per acoticfse o -ca'lTalrdeidt iCohnianleM esdei cionrTe C'M a rvee rmyu ch produocfet asr Cloym munista nCdwhe irnaeas peocfti stn sa tionparjloeicstt. 6I t haSnike nCnraa fiogtr h iresef renacnehd e trh ougohntt hsii sss ue.

This collection of studies on the anthropology and history of Tibetan medicine provides fascinating new insights into both dynamic developments and historical continuities in medical knowledge and practice that have been manifest in a range of traditional and contemporary Tibetan societies.
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