THEANATOMICALRECORD290:716–733(2007) Sound Transmission in Archaic and Modern Whales: Anatomical Adaptations for Underwater Hearing SIRPANUMMELA,1,2* J.G.M. THEWISSEN,1SUNIL BAJPAI,3 TASEER HUSSAIN,4AND KISHOR KUMAR5 1DepartmentofAnatomy,NortheasternOhioUniversitiesCollegeofMedicine,Rootstown,Ohio 2Department ofBiological and Environmental Sciences,University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland 3Department of EarthSciences, Indian Institute ofTechnology,Roorkee, Uttaranchal, India 4Department ofAnatomy,Howard University, College ofMedicine, Washington, DC 5WadiaInstitute of Himalayan Geology,Dehradun, Uttaranchal, India ABSTRACT The whale ear, initially designed for hearing in air, became adapted for hearing underwater in less than ten million years of evolution. This studydescribestheevolutionofunderwaterhearingincetaceans,focusing onchangesinsoundtransmissionmechanisms.Measurementsweremade on 60 fossils of whole or partial skulls, isolated tympanics, middle ear ossicles, and mandibles from all six archaeocete families. Fossil data were compared with data on two families of modern mysticete whales and nine families of modern odontocete cetaceans, as well as five families of non- cetacean mammals. Results show that the outer ear pinna and external auditorymeatuswerefunctionallyreplacedbythemandibleandtheman- dibular fat pad, which posteriorly contacts the tympanic plate, the lateral wall of the bulla. Changes in the ear include thickening of the tympanic bulla medially, isolation of the tympanoperiotic complex by means of air sinuses, functional replacement of the tympanic membrane by a bony plate, and changes in ossicle shapes and orientation. Pakicetids, the ear- liestarchaeocetes,hadalandmammalearforhearinginair,andusedbone conduction underwater, aided by the heavy tympanic bulla. Remingtonoce- tids and protocetids were the first to display a genuine underwater ear where sound reached the inner ear through the mandibular fat pad, the tympanic plate, and the middle ear ossicles. Basilosaurids and dorudontids showed further aquatic adaptations of the ossicular chain and the acoustic isolation of the ear complex from the skull. The land mammal ear and the generalized modern whale ear are evolutionarily stable configurations, two endsofaprocesswherethecetaceanmandiblemighthavebeenakeystone character. AnatRec290:716–733,2007. (cid:1)2007Wiley-Liss,Inc. Key words: aquatic hearing; sensory systems; evolution; mammal; archaeocete; cetacea; Eocene Grant sponsor: Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation; Grant Received2March2007;Accepted6March2007 sponsor: National Science Foundation; Grant sponsor: Depart- DOI10.1002/ar.20528 mentofScienceandTechnology,NewDelhi,India. Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley. *Correspondence to: Sirpa Nummela, Department of Biologi- com). cal and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box65(Viikinkaari1),FI-00014Helsinki,Finland. E-mail:[email protected] (cid:1)2007 WILEY-LISS, INC. ANATOMICALADAPTATIONSFORUNDERWATERHEARING 717 Cetaceans descended from terrestrial mammals around Gingerich (1999)described ear morphology of Gaviacetus 50 million years ago (Thewissen et al., 2001; see also and Indocetus and discussed their function and hearing reviewinUhen,2007,thisissue).Thecetaceansistergroup abilities. Nummela et al. (2004a) described the hearing is one of the artiodactyls (e.g., Luckett and Hong, 1998; functionofprotocetids,includingIndocetustympanicand Milinkovitch et al., 1998; Gatesy and O’Leary, 2001; Gin- malleus.Geisleretal.(2005)describedtheearstructures gerich et al., 2001; O’Leary, 2001; Thewissen et al., 2001; and the mandible for Carolinacetus. Regarding basilo- Geisler and Uhen, 2003), and among the extant artiodac- saurids and dorudontids, Kellogg (1936) described their tyls,hippopotamidsarethemostlikelysistergroupofceta- auditory morphology in detail, but he did not address ceans(Nikaidoetal.,1999;seealsoFisheretal.,2007,this functionalaspectsofthefossilwhaleear. issue). The order Cetacea can be characterized by their The most explicit study of functional character trans- ears (Berta, 1994). The transition from land to water formations in early whales was by Lancaster (1990), involved a great number of changes in individual organ building on earlier work of Fleischer (1978). At the time systems (see Berta et al., 2006). These different changes whenLancasterwrotehisstudy,earlycetaceanearswith happened in less than 10 million years (Thewissen and functional interpretations were only known for basilo- Williams, 2002). The sound transmission mechanism saurids and dorudontids, and these Eocene whales were underwent pervasive anatomical changes that are well includedinthehypotheticaltransformationserieshepro- understoodfunctionally(Nummelaetal.,2004a). posed for the whale ear. Lancaster determined that the Early whale evolution is well documented in the fossil late Eocene whale ear was a highly derived hearing record(seereviewsbyFordyceanddeMuizon,2001;The- mechanism capable of sound transmission underwater. wissenandWilliams,2002).TheEocenecetaceanfamilies Uhen(1998,2004),Luo(1998),LuoandGingerich(1999), Pakicetidae, Ambulocetidae, Remingtonocetidae, para- and Nummela et al. (2004a) added functional interpreta- phyletic Protocetidae, Basilosauridae and paraphyletic tions based on the morphology of the lower jaw and the Dorudontidae represent respective higher branches on ear region, which indicate that these animals heard well the phylogenetic tree of Cetacea (O’Leary, 2001: Geisler in water, and had already relatively good directional andSanders,2003;GeislerandUhen,2003). hearing,butdidnotyetecholocate. Regarding pakicetids, Gingerich and Russell (1981) and Gingerich et al. (1983) provided descriptions of the braincase and the auditory region of Pakicetus inachus, SOUND TRANSMISSION and analyzed pakicetid hearing mechanisms in air and MECHANISMS IN MAMMALS water. Their interpretation was that Pakicetus was Although ithas longbeenknownthatsoundtransmis- already specialized in aquatic hearing. Oelschla¨ger sion through the cetacean ear differs from that of land (1986a,b, 1987, 1990) expanded this work and made fur- mammals (e.g., Norris, 1968; Fleischer, 1978), the func- therfunctionalinferences.ThewissenandHussain(1993) tionofthemiddleearwaspoorlyunderstooduntilagen- described a Pakicetus incus, the oldest middle ear ossicle eralized model for the hearing mechanism of modern knownforcetaceans,andshowedthatthePakicetusmid- odontocetes (toothed whales, including dolphins and por- dle ear is land mammal-like and resembles the modern poises) was designed (Nummela et al., 1999a,b; Hemila¨ artiodactyl incus in relative length of its crura. Luo etal.,1999,2001).Thisstudyusesthatmodeltoevaluate (1998) and Luo and Gingerich (1999) studied the pakice- soundtransmissionpathwaysintheEocenewhaleear.It tid ear structures, and added further details to the will begin with a review of the acoustic differences functional analyses ofthe transformation of the cetacean between air and water and explain why land mammal basicranial structures during the evolution of whales. earsdonotfunctionwellinwater.Thenitwillreviewthe Nummela et al. (2004a, 2006) provided detailed descrip- three different sound transmission mechanisms found in tions of the largest collection of cranial material of all landmammalsandinwhales:landmammalsoundtrans- threepakicetidgenera;thecorrespondingpostcranialma- mission, modern odontocete sound transmission, and terialisdescribedbyMadar(2007).Regardingambuloce- bone conduction. After that, it will describe the morphol- tids, Thewissen et al. (1994, 1996) described this new ogy and interpret the function of the sound transmission family while describing the genus Ambulocetus. Much of mechanismsfoundinEocenearchaeocetewhales:pakice- theearmaterialofAmbulocetusispoorlypreserved. tids, ambulocetids, remingtonocetids, protocetids, basilo- Kumar and Sahni (1986) described the ear region of saurids, and dorudontids. The ancestral land mammal Remingtonocetus,withintheirnewfamilyRemingtonoceti- earandthemodernodontoceteearrepresentevolutionar- dae,makingsuggestionsofthe hearing mechanism ofthis ily stable configurations (Wagner and Schwenk, 2000), species.Nummelaetal.(2004a)expandedthestudyofrem- and together they provide the endpoints of a continuum ingtonocetid ear and hearing, with new cranial material, thatisanexampleofmacroevolutionarychangeinmam- tympanicbullae,andallthreeauditoryossicles,andfound malianevolution(Nummelaetal.,2004a). theremingtonocetidstobethefirstcetaceanfamilywitha whale hearing mechanism for underwater hearing. The soundpathfromwatertotheinnerearpassedthroughthe SOUNDWAVE PROPERTIES lowerjawandmandibularfatpadtothetympanicplate,a IN AIR AND WATER lateral wall of the tympanic bone, to the ossicular chain, andtheovalwindow.Thismechanismwasfullyfunctional, Sound propagation in air and water differs due to dif- althoughnotyetverysophisticated. ferences in physical properties in these two media. Here, The ear morphology of protocetids has been described we present a brief overview of basic acoustics as back- for Georgiacetus (Hulbert et al., 1998), Rodhocetus (Gin- ground for the functional discussion that follows. Sound gerich et al., 1994), Gaviacetus, Takracetus, and Dala- velocityc,soundwavelengthk,andsoundfrequencyfare nistes (Gingerich et al., 1995). Luo (1998), and Luo and relatedtoeachotheras:c¼kf. 718 NUMMELAETAL. Sound velocity in air is approximately 340 m/s, but in canbeused:theinterauraltimedifference,andtheinter- water it is nearly five times higher at 1,530 m/s (varying auralintensitydifference(seee.g.,Mastertonetal.,1969; slightlywithchangesinambientconditions,e.g.,temper- Heffner,2004).Theinterauraltimedifferenceisthetime ature, salinity, pressure). The higher sound velocity in betweenthearrivalofthesoundinleftversusrightears. watermeansthat,foragivensoundfrequency,thewave- When the sound arrives from front, or from behind, it length is longer in water than in air. The ratio between reaches both ears simultaneously, but by turning the the frequency and the wavelength is inverse; when the head from one side to the other the animal can tell soundfrequencybecomeshigher,thewavelengthbecomes whether the sound arrives from the front or from the shorter, and vice versa. As shorter wavelengths give bet- back,by determiningthe timedifferencebetween arrival ter spatial resolution, high frequencies are more suitable ofthesoundattheleftandrightears.Whethertheinter- for detecting small objects than are low frequencies, and aural time difference can be used for determining the areusedbymanyanimalsinecholocation.However,high directionofthesounddependsonthesizeofthehead,on frequencies do not carry very far;they attenuate rapidly. the direction of the incident sound, and onthe frequency Low frequencies have long wavelengths, attenuate more of sound. If the interaural distance is large enough in slowly than high frequencies, and thus carry over longer relationtothewavelengthofthearrivingsound,theani- distances. They are more suitable for long-distance com- malcandeterminethedirectionofthesoundonthebasis munication, whereas high frequencies are better suited of the interaural time difference (large enough phase forshortdistances(seee.g.,Richardsonetal.,1995;Geis- difference,howeversmallerthan2p). ler,1998). However, when the size of the head is very small, the timebetweenthearrivalofthesoundintheleftandright ears becomes absolutely very short, and no matter how ACOUSTIC IMPEDANCE highfrequenciesarebeingheard,thecentralnervoussys- tem is not capable of detecting the differences in arrival Soundpropagationinaparticularmediumcanbechar- time. However, the sound intensity is generally larger in acterized by its acoustic impedance. When sound moves the ear where the sound arrives first, and the interaural forward from one medium to another, the ratio between intensity difference increases with the frequency. Hence, theacoustic impedancesoftwomediadictateshowmuch directionalhearingbasedontimedifferencemaybegood energy will be reflected at the interface of these media. even at high sound frequencies, but when the sound is The larger the ratio, the more energy will be reflected at high enough, and the animal’s head is small, directional theinterface. hearingisbasedonintensitydifferencesbetweentheleft The acoustic impedances of air and water differ greatly. and right ear, provided that the high-frequency hearing The characteristic acoustic impedance is: Z ¼ p/v ¼ q c, ability is good. This finding partly explains why it is ad- wherepisthesoundpressure,vistheparticlevelocity,qis vantageousforasmallanimaltohearveryhighfrequen- the density of the medium, and c is the sound velocity in cies. thatparticularmedium.Thedensitiesofairandwaterare Sound travels approximately five times faster in water approximately 1.3 kg/m3 and 1,000 kg/m3, respectively, than in air and, at a given frequency, the wavelength in and, as shown above, the sound velocity is approximately water is five times longer. This reduces considerably the five times larger in water than in air. The characteristic ability to use the interaural time delay between the two acousticimpedanceofairisZ ¼400Pas/m,andthechar- air ears for sound localization. However, even with this acteristic acoustic impedance of water is Z ¼ 1,500 water increaseinvelocityandwavelength,thehighfrequencies kPas/m. The specific acoustic impedance of the cochlea that odontocetes use have short enough wavelengths in filled with fluid is approximately one-tenth of the charac- relation to their large head. Hence, the high frequencies teristic acoustic impedance of water, and thus Z ¼ 150 c togetherwithalargeheadcompensateformorethanthe kPas/m(seeHemila¨ etal.,1995).Hence,thespecificimped- fivefold increase in underwater sound velocity. Indeed, ance of the cochlea is much larger than the characteristic odontocetes are known to have very precise directional acoustic impedance of air, but again only slightly smaller hearing (see Supin et al., 2001), this being partly a pre- thanthecharacteristicacousticimpedanceofwater. requisitefortheirabilitytoecholocate. An equal sound pressure gives air molecules a larger particlevelocitythanwatermolecules,resultinginlower impedance of air than of water. To overcome an imped- INTENSITY VS. PRESSURE ance difference between two media, and to decrease the Inthefieldofacoustics,thesoundpressureisofcentral amountofsoundreflectedattheinterface,animpedance importance, because the sound loudness is measured matchingdeviceisneeded.Suchamechanismadjuststhe withpressuremeters.However,astheperceivedloudness soundpressureandparticlevelocity,eitherbyincreasing is roughly proportional to the logarithm of the rms (root the sound pressure, and/or decreasing or increasing the mean square) sound pressure p, the sound loudness, particlevelocitybetweentheoutermediumandthecoch- given in decibels dB, is usually expressed using sound lea (for more details, see the sections on land mammal pressurelevelL :L ¼20dBlogp/p . andmodernodontocetehearingmechanisms). p p o The reference pressure value p used for sounds in air o is 20 mPa, and in water 1 mPa. When comparing hearing sensitivity of different terrestrial or aquatic animals at DIRECTIONAL HEARING differentfrequencies,soundpressurelevelsareused. The ability to determine the direction from which a The relevant quantitydeterminingthe sensitivity ofthe sound is arriving is in general species-specific, and also cochlea is the incident sound energy. Hence, sound inten- variesaccordingtothesoundfrequency.Fordetermining sity is used when comparing the hearing of a terrestrial the direction of the sound arrival, two different methods versusanaquaticanimal.Inthecaseofaplanewave,the ANATOMICALADAPTATIONSFORUNDERWATERHEARING 719 intensity I of the sound wave is: I ¼ p2/Z, where Z is the andtheperioticisinclosecontacttothesquamosumand characteristic acoustic impedance of the medium, Z or otherskullbones(Sk).Asaresult,theearisnotacousti- air Z . The ratio Z /Z is quite large, approximately cally isolated from the skull and sound waves can travel water water air 3,700.Hence,whencomparingplanewavesofequalinten- throughtheskull(seeBoneConductionbelow).Theman- sities in air and water, the sound pressure in water is dible(Man)isnotinvolvedinsoundtransmission. larger.Usingtheconventionalreferencepressurep values When hearing in air, airborne sound is transmitted o of 20 mPa (for air) and 1 mPa (for water), the waves have fromloweracousticimpedanceofair(Z ¼400Pas/m)to air equal intensities when the sound pressure level L of the much higher acoustic impedance of the inner ear fluid p aquatic wave is 61.8 dB larger than sound pressure level (Z ¼ 150 kPas/m). In a land mammal ear, reflection of c L of the wave in air. Thus, a terrestrial animal and an soundisavoidedbytheinsertionofthemiddleearwhich p aquatic animal have equal sensitivities if the threshold L acts as an impedance-matching device between the air p value of the aquatic animal is 61.8 dB larger than the andtheinnerear. thresholdL oftheterrestrialanimal. The impedance matching in a land mammal ear is p accomplished by increasing the pressure p and by decreasing the particle velocity v between the tympanic membraneandtheovalwindow(Z¼p/v,seeabove).The LAND MAMMAL EAR AND HEARING pressure can be increased by transmitting sound from a The basic function of the land mammal ear in hearing larger to a smaller area. This is done with the help of is well understood over a wide range of frequencies (e.g., thetympanicmembraneA andtheovalwindowareaA . 1 2 Henson, 1974; Fleischer, 1978; Fay, 1988; Geisler, 1998; The area ratio between these two is A /A . The particle 1 2 Rosowski and Relkin, 2001). Figure 1A shows a diagram velocitycanbedecreasedbyhavingthemalleusleverarm of a generalized land mammal ear. Sound is collected by l longerthantheincusleverarml .Withtheleverratio 1 2 theouterearpinna,andtravelsthroughtheexternalau- l /l > 1 between the malleus and the incus lever arms, 1 2 ditorymeatus(EAM)tothetympanicmembrane(TyMe), theparticlevelocitybetweenthetympanicmembraneand where it sets up vibrations. In the middle ear cavity, the theovalwindowisdecreased.Theproductoftheareara- three middle ear ossicles, malleus, incus, and stapes tioandtheleverratio,A /A 3l /l ,iscalledthegeomet- 1 2 1 2 (Mal,Inc,Sta),formanossicularchainbetweenthetym- ric transformer ratioof the mammalian middle ear.With panicmembraneandtheovalwindow(OvW)ofthecoch- this mechanical transformer, it is possible to minimize lea.Theoutermostossicle,themalleus,isattachedtothe reflectionofsoundenergyatthetympanicmembrane—in tympanic membrane through its manubrium (Fig. 2A), other words, the middle ear input impedance is matched and the footplate of the stapes sits at the oval window. withtheinputimpedanceofthecochlea. Malleusandstapesareconnectedbytheincus.Thevibra- In addition to the impedance matching function, the tionsofthetympanicmembranearetransmittedthrough mammalianmiddleearalsofunctionsasanintensityam- the middle ear ossicles to the oval window, where the plifier. The intensity amplification is accomplished when movements of the stapes footplate set the inner ear fluid energy is transferred from a larger to a smaller area, in into motion. The tympanic bone (TyBo) and the periotic this case from the tympanic membrane to the oval win- bone (Per) have large contacts with each other (PeTy), dow. In a land mammal ear, the area ratio between the Fig. 1. A: Diagram of the land mammal ear. B: Diagram of the ble; MeTy, medial synostosis between periotic and tympanic bone, in modern odontocete ear. For technical reasons, the mandibular fora- cetaceans this synostosis is absent and is homologous to a gap men and the mandibular fat pad are shown on the lateral side of the betweenthesebones(‘‘MeTy’’);OvW,ovalwindow;Per,perioticbone; mandible, although they in reality are situated on the medial side. PeTy, joint between periotic and tympanic; Sin, air sinuses; Sk, skull; Abbreviations in Figures 1 and 7: Coc, cochlea; Dom, dome-shaped Sta, stapes; TyBo, tympanic bone; TyMe, tympanic membrane; TyPl, depression for periotic; EAM, external acoustic meatus; FaPa, man- tympanic plate. Reprinted by permission from MacMillan Publishers dibularfatpad;Inc,incus;Inv,involucrum;Mal,malleus;Man,mandi- Ltd:Nature(Nummelaetal.,2004a). 720 NUMMELAETAL. Fig. 2. Middle ear ossicles of fossil and modern mammals. A: Left Right incusof Lagenorhynchus. M:Left earofRemingtonocetusbefore malleusandincusofSusscrofa.B:LeftmalleusandincusofLagenorhyn- thetympanicbullawasremoved,showingtheossiclesinsitu,lateralview. chus.C:LeftmalleusandincusofLagenorhynchusinsitu.D:Leftincusof N:Ventralviewofthesameear,withtympanicmembranereconstructed Pakicetus(H-GSP91035).E:LeftmalleusandincusofRemingtonocetus inthemiddleearcavity.OssiclesinA,B,D,E,andGaredrawnperpendic- (IITR-SB2914).F:LeftmalleusandincusofRemingtonocetusinsitu(IITR- ulartotheplaneoftheleverarms.Abbreviations:CrL,cruslongum;Inc, SB2828).G:RightmalleusofIndocetus(LUVP11034).H:Rightmalleus incus;Mal,malleus;Mn,manubrium;PrGr,processusgracilis;Sta,stapes; and incus of Basilosaurus, posterior view (LSUMG V1). I: Left incus of TyMe,tympanicmembrane;TyR,tympanicring.Scalebar¼5mminA–L; Basilosaurus,posteriorview(LSUMGV1).J:LeftincusofBasilosaurus,an- 2cminM,N.AdaptedbypermissionfromMacMillanPublishersLtd:Na- terior view(LSUMGV1). K:SEMphotograph of thePakicetusincus. L: ture(ThewissenandHussain,1993),and(Nummelaetal.,2004a). tympanic membrane and the oval window serves two lian ear and the modern odontocete ear can be found functions: impedance matching and intensity amplifica- as video versions on the Web page for whale hearing: tion. Moving hardware models originally designed by TomReuterandSimoHemila¨ fortheterrestrialmamma- origins/index.html. ANATOMICALADAPTATIONSFORUNDERWATERHEARING 721 Leesetal.,1983;Nummelaetal.,1999b).Thisbonycom- plex is acoustically isolated from the skull through air sinuses (Sin) between the periotic and the other skull bones(Sk). In an odontocete ear, waterborne sound is transmitted from higher acoustic impedance of water (Z ¼ 1,500 W kPas/m)toloweracousticimpedanceoftheinnerearfluid (Z ¼150kPas/m).Thisisarathersmallimpedancemis- c match, leading to an approximately 5 dB sound pressure decrease. However, when the sound vibrations are trans- Fig. 3. Medial view of lower jaw showing the mandibular foramen mittedfromalargetympanicplateareatoasmalleroval size. A: Right mandible of deer, Odocoileus. B: Left mandible of dol- window, the intensity is increased, which improves the phin,Lagenorhynchus.Scalebar¼5cm. hearingsensitivity,butalsothepressureisincreasedand thisleadstoalargeimpedancemismatch.Duetothethin bony ridges between the tympanic and the periotic, and MODERN ODONTOCETE EAR AND HEARING also due to the massive and dense periotic and involu- The modern odontocete ear is suitable for hearing crum, the vibration of the tympanic plate is approxi- underwatersound(ReysenbachdeHaan,1957;Fleischer, matelyrotational.Inthisway,thetympanicplateformsa 1978; see also Oelschla¨ger, 1990; Ketten and Wartzok, lever, which reduces pressure and increases the particle 1990;Ketten, 1992, 2000).Figure1B shows adiagram of velocity.Intheossicularchain,themalleusheadtogether the odontocete ear. Modern odontocetes have lost their with the incus rotates as a pivot in the epitympanic outerearpinna,andtheexternalauditorymeatusispar- recess. Here again is a lever with the stapes footplate at tiallyoccludedandnotfunctionalinhearing.Themandi- the oval window (OvW). This second lever also decreases blehasawidemandibularcanal,whichopensposteriorly pressureandincreasestheparticlevelocityofthesystem. as a mandibular foramen on the medial side of the jaw (Fig. 3B). The mandibular canal is filled with a fat pad, HEARING THROUGH BONE-CONDUCTION anoilysubstancewithadensityclosetothatofseawater MECHANISM (Varanasi and Malins, 1971, 1972). Sound is collected by the lateral mandibular wall (Norris, 1968), and guided In addition to the land mammal and the modern odon- through the mandibular fat pad (FaPa) (Fig. 1B) up to tocete hearing mechanisms described above, a third thetympanicplate(TyPl),andthelateralwallofthetym- hearingmechanismcanbedescribedformammals:bone- panic bone (TyBo), causing it to vibrate. Experimental conducted hearing (Lombard and Hetherington, 1993). results support this mandibular sound route at higher Boneconductionoccurswhensoundistransferredfroma frequencies (e.g., Bullock et al., 1968; McCormick et al., surroundingmediumtothecochleathroughvibrationsof 1970; Møhl et al., 1999). However, there is also evidence the soft tissues and bony parts of the head directly, showing that the head region close to the external audi- instead of the air passage in the external auditory mea- tory meatus is sensitive to lower-frequency sounds (Bul- tus, or the mandibular fat pad route. A common way to lock et al., 1968; Popov and Supin, 1990; Supin et al., divide between different types of bone conduction is to 2001). focus on which anatomical components are mainly Whensoundmovesfromthemandibularfatpadtothe involved: outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear; this gives smallertympanicplate,theintensityisamplified,leading at least three different types of bone conduction (Tonn- to better sensitivity. In the middle ear cavity, the three dorf,1968).Anotherwayistofocusonfunction;twogen- middle ear ossicles, malleus, incus, and stapes, form an erally accepted mechanisms for bone-conducted hearing ossicularchain,asinthelandmammalear.Theossicular are the compressional and the inertial bone conduction. chainissituatedbetweenthetympanicplateandtheoval Inthecompressionalmodel,apressuredifferentialdevel- window of the cochlea, the malleus is connected to the ops across the cochlear partition of the inner ear. In the tympanic plate with a bony ridge, the processus gracilis inertial model, relative motion between the ossicular (Fig. 2B). The malleus has lost its manubrium, which in chainandthetemporalboneleadstocochlearstimulation land mammals contacts the tympanic membrane. The much the same way as in air-conducted hearing of land tympanic membrane is still left in the odontocete ear, in mammals. Both of these models eventually lead to dis- the form of an elongated tympanic ligament, and it placement of the basilar membrane, which will create a attachestothe malleuswith itsmedialtip(Fig.2C). The neuralimpulse. vibrations ofthe tympanicplatearetransmittedthrough Barany(1938)hasarguedthat,inthemammalianmid- themiddleearossiclestotheovalwindow(Hemila¨ etal., dleear,boneconductionisminimizedwhenthemasscen- 1999;Nummelaetal.,1999a),similarlytothelandmam- ter point coincides with the rotational axis of the ossicu- mal ear. The anatomy of the tympanic bone is different lar chain. This may be of importance when chewing cre- fromthatofothermammals;thelateralwallisthin,asin ates a lot of noise, as in terrestrial herbivore mammals. mammalsingeneral,butthemedialwallisathickbulky However, bone conduction becomes a useful hearing structure, called the involucrum (Inv). The contact mechanism in a habitat where the density of the sur- betweenthetympanicboneandtheperioticbone(Per)is roundingmediumissimilartothedensityofthebodytis- reduced (PeTy), and thin bony ridges occur on the tym- sues. This means similar impedances, and that sound panic side (see computed tomography scans in Nummela vibrations caneasily penetrate the bodytissues,with lit- et al. 1999a). The whole tympanoperiotic complex is tle attenuation. The density of water is close to the den- pachyosteoscleroticwithadensityhigherthanthatfound sity of soft body tissues, and in water most animals hear in any other mammal: 2.7 g/cm3 (Giraud-Sauveur, 1969; throughboneconduction,atleasttosomedegree.Anota- 722 NUMMELAETAL. ble exception is the Odontoceti (toothed whales), which estimated following Marino et al. (2004) who found that have air cushions that isolate the ears effectively from thebicondylarwidthcorrelatedstronglywithbodymass. theskull. Bicondylar width could not be measured on the speci- The movement of the inner ear fluid in the cochlea mensoftheprotocetidsIndocetusandBabiacetus.There- causedbyboneconductioncanevenbeenhancedbymor- fore, bicondylar width was estimated for these taxa by phological changes in the middle ear ossicles, by moving scaling cheektooth/bicondylar width relations in the themasscenterpointawayfromtherotationaxis,which protocetidGeorgiacetus(Hulbertetal.,1998). results in different phases of vibration between the Measurementsweremadeoftheminimumthicknessof ossiclesandtheinnerearfluid.Thiskindofenhancement the lateral mandibular wall along the transect that was hasevolvedinmodernmammals,e.g.inphocidsandodo- located at three quarters of the foraminal length, meas- benids, in which the incus is inflated (Repenning, 1972; uredfromtheposterior endoftheforamen(thicknessT3 Nummela, 1995), and in some fossorial insectivores and in Nummela et al., 2004b, and in Table 1). Minimum rodentswherethemalleusisinflated(Cooper,1928;Stro- thickness for mandible was determined by running a ganov, 1945; Fleischer, 1973; Mason and Narins, 2001; closed Dyer gauge caliper vertically along this transect Willi et al., 2006). A disadvantage of bone conduction is andrecordingthetrueminimumvalueoftransect.Meas- that directional hearing is poor when the whole head urementswerealsomadeoftheheightofthemandibular vibrates, and there is no interaural time or intensity dif- foramen along this same transect (H3 in Table 1). Addi- ference available. This is a well-known phenomenon for tionally, measurements were taken of the bicondylar human divers, too. When an animal’s head is under width and the mandibular foramen height for five non- water,boneconductioncanonlybepreventedbyisolating cetacean mammals: the black bear (Ursus americanus), theearsfromtheskull,asisthecaseinthemodernodon- horse (Equus caballus), one-humped camel (Camelus toceteear. dromedarius), pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra ameri- In this study, the evolution of underwater hearing in cana),andgoat(Caprasp.). cetaceans is described using fossils. Previous studies of The tympanic membrane and the tympanic plate area this evolutionary pattern (Fleischer, 1978; Lancaster, were determined using a method described by Nummela 1990; Thewissen and Hussain, 1993) were hampered by (1995) and Nummela et al. (1999b), respectively. A Dyer the paucity of Eocene whale ear ossicles and the lack of gaugecaliper(301-204)wasusedtomeasurethicknessof an understanding of the function of the middle ear in thetympanicplate.Tympanicplatethicknessisthemini- modern whales. We here use the functional model of mum thickness ofthisplateasdeterminedby measuring Hemila¨ etal.(1999,2001),andNummelaetal.(1999a,b), at least five representative areas. The tympanic plate and expand on the analysis of Nummela et al. (2004a) to thicknesscouldnotbemeasuredfortheGaviacetusbulla, build a comprehensive evolutionary model of evolving astheplateisbadlyerodedonbothsides. sound transmission mechanisms during the period when Ossicular mass is a variable of great importance in cetaceans became aquatic. Our study does not address acousticstudies.Becausethespecificweightofbonemay the functional changes in the inner ear (but see Ketten, change during fossilization, a range for the ossicular 1992, 2000; Parks et al., 2007, this issue), and leaves mass was calculated by determining the volume of the open the question of the origin of low-frequency hearing fossil ossicle and multiplying it by the minimum and inmysticetes. maximum specific weights known for mammalian bone (land mammals, 2.0 g/cm , and odontocetes, 2.7 g/cm3; 3 Giraud-Sauveur,1969;Nummelaetal.,1999b;seealsode MATERIALS AND METHODS Buffre´niletal.,2004).Theminimumandmaximummass Fossilmaterialwasstudiedforallsixarchaeocetefami- valuesreceivedarebothgiveninTable1. lies. The material consists of whole or partial skulls, isolated tympanics, middle ear ossicles, and mandibles. RESULTS Mandibles from modern cetaceans were also studied. Comparative data on modern mammalian ears is based The auditory anatomy of the families of archaic on Nummela (1995) and Nummela et al. (1999b, 2004a), cetaceansisdescribedinthissectionwithafocusoncom- aswellasnewmeasurements(Table1).Theanalysispre- paringthefunctionalcomponentsofhearing,notonmor- sented here for the pakicetid hearing mechanisms is phologicaldetails.ThesoundpathoftheEocenecetacean based on a large collection of cranial material of families is presented, starting with the mandible and pakicetids described by Nummela et al. (2004a, 2006); mandibularfatpad(ifpresent),thetympanicandperiotic descriptionsformandiblescanbefoundinThewissenand bones, tympanic membrane and/or tympanic plate, and Hussain(1998).Allthefossilcetaceanmaterialstudiedis the middle ear ossicles. Expanding on the quantitative listedinAppendix1. analysis on ear ossicle parameters by Nummela et al. (2004a), metric data on these listed elements are sum- marized in Table 1, and performed as bivariate plots in Parameters Measured Figures 4–6. The plots cover the functionally most im- The bicondylar width was measured for our sample of portant aspects of mandibular, tympanic, and middle ear archaeocetes and some modern cetaceans. Data for some ossiclemorphology. additional modern cetaceans were kindly provided by Terry Lancaster and Mark Uhen. Table 1 lists mor- Pakicetids phometric data for fossil and modern cetaceans. The bicondylar width was used to estimate the body mass for Themandibularforameninthelowerjawofpakicetids different species. Body size is of great importance as is small (Fig. 4A), and indicates that no mandibular fat many variables in the skull scale with it. Body size was pad was present in the alveolar canal of these earliest TABLE 1. Morphometricdataforcetaceans A (mm2) M(mg) I(mg) MþI(mg) TPT(mm) T3(mm) H3(mm) BCW(mm) 1 ARCHAEOCETI Pakicetidae Pakicetusattocki 350(41.82) – 20–271 – 0.88 1.51 6.88 50.4 Ichthyolestespinfoldi – – – – – 1.45 7.8 42.48 Ambulocetidae Ambulocetusnatans – – – – – 2.4 48.9 76.48 Remingtonocetidae Remingtonocetus 922(83.78) – – 200–2701 1.2 1.6 – 82.76 Protocetidae Babiacetus – – – – – 3.76 54.8 128 Indocetusramani 1225 144–1941 – – 1.07 2.8 – 70.12 Basilosauridae Basilosauruscetoides 2295 340–4601 160–2161 500–6761 1.94 – – 144.8 Dorudontidae Zygorhiza 1580 176–3731 120–1621 396–5351 1.55 3.15 101 119 MYSTICETI Balaenidae Balaenaglacialis 5887 1331 516 1847 3.08 – – – Balaenamysticetus 6071 918 407 1317 3.13 – – – Balaenopteridae Megapteranovaeangliae 5383 2012 549 2561 2.21 – – – Balaenopteraborealis 5132 2133 850 2983 2.54 – – 282 Balaenopteraphysalus 6508 3077 1230 4307 2.45 – – – Balaenopteramusculus 5979 2303 894 3197 2.23 – – 435 ODONTOCETI Physeteridae Physetercatodon 1605 400 324 724 1.23 – – – Kogiidae Kogiabreviceps – – – – – 0.74 47.5 92.75 Ziphiidae Ziphiuscavirostris – – – – – 1.33 66.5 158.1 Hyperoodonampullatus 1286 351 122 473 1.77 1.35 103 205 Mesoplodoneuropaeus – – – – – 1.51 81 113.2 Mesoplodonbidens 750 156 64 220 1.08 1.15 57.8 103.7 Platanistidae Platanistagangetica 930 278 54.2 332.2 1.364 0.3 25 – Iniidae Iniageoffrensis 522 158 34.8 192.8 0.955 2.0 44.5 79.5 Pontoporiidae Pontoporiablainvillei – – – – – 0.94 24.5 61.5 Monodontidae Delphinapterusleucas 525 204 50.5 254.5 0.762 1.84 54.37 142.5 Monodonmonoceros 662 260 62.1 322.1 0.866 1.03 66.65 151.9 Delphinidae Stenobredanensis 505 143 32.7 175.7 0.744 1.94 38.4 96.74 Tursiopstruncates 539 203 48.8 251.8 0.77 2.03 57.6 115.5 Stenellaattenuate – – – – – 1.13 32 78.26 Stenellafrontalis 318 76.3 19.1 95.4 0.638 2.26 38.64 95.06 Delphinusdelphis 348 92.8 21.5 114.3 0.511 1.14 26.72 88.94 Lagenorhynchusalbirostris 446 134 38.9 172.9 0.656 1.53 45.28 96.45 Lagenorhynchusacutus 336 92.3 22.1 114.4 0.57 1.24 27.87 83.84 Lagenorhynchusobliquidens – – – – – 0.99 38.5 91.78 Lagenorhynchusaustralis – – – – – 1.13 36.95 82.37 Lissodelphisborealis – – – – – 0.95 28.29 83.11 Grampusgriseus 546 204 52.1 256.1 0.72 2.38 61.5 100.5 Feresaattenuate – – – – – 1.15 41.03 81.16 Pseudorcacrassidens 741 326 89.6 415.6 1.022 2.8 57.83 151.7 Orcinusorca 1828 757 213 970 1.232 5.48 139 206 Globicephalamelas 625 187 55.2 242.2 0.8 1.5 82.95 173.6 Phocoenidae Neophocaenaphocaenoides – – – – – 0.57 23.91 74.58 Phocoenaphocoena 333 58.9 14.9 73.8 0.609 0.57 29.5 64.36 Phocoenoidesdalli – – – – – 0.57 38 81.3 aDue to possible changes during the fossilization process, minimum and maximum mass values were received for fossil cetaceanossicles;seeMaterialsandMethods. Datapartlycollectedfrom:Nummelaetal.(1999b,2004a,b). A Sound input area; tympanic plate area, for Pakicetus and Remingtonocetus, also the tympanic membrane area is given 1 inparentheses. MMalleusmass. IIncusmass. MþIMalleusþIncuscombinedmass. TPTTympanicplatethickness. T3Minimumthicknessofthelateralmandibularwall(seeMaterialsandMethods). H3Heightofthemandibularforamen(seeMaterialsandMethods). BCWBicondylarwidth. 724 NUMMELAETAL. Fig. 4. Variation of the mandibular foramen height and the mandibular lateral wall thickness at the posterior part of the mandible in archaeocetes andmodern odontocetes. A: Mandibular foramen height vs. bicondylar width. B: Lateral wall thickness of the mandible vs. bicondylar width. Odontocete data pointsclusteredwithinthecircle.SymbolchartappliestoFigures4–6. Fig.5. Variationoftheareaandthicknessofthesoundinputareaofthetympanicbulla,thetympanic plateinarchaeocetesandmodernodontocetes.A:Tympanicplateareavs.bicondylarwidth.B:Tympanic platethicknessvs.bicondylarwidth.Forsymbols,seeFigure4A. whales.ThemandibularforamenheightofPakicetusand fatpadasasoundchanneltotheear,thelateralmandib- Ichthyolestes, rather than following the other cetaceans, ularwallcouldnotfunctionasasoundreceiverinpakice- fallswithinagroupofnoncetaceansincluding:theprong- tidhearinginwater. horn antelope (Antilocapra americana), the goat (Capra In all cetaceans, including pakicetids, the tympanic sp.),theblackbear(Ursusamericanus),thehorse(Equus bulla has a thick medial part, the involucrum, and a caballus), and the one-humped camel (Camelus dro- much thinner lateral wall. The area of the lateral tym- medarius), the three first-mentioned being closest to the panic wall does not as such deviate from the fossil or pakicetids (Fig. 4A). The lateral mandibular wall is also modern whales (Fig. 5A). The absolute thickness of this relativelythick(Fig.4B).Intheabsenceofamandibular lateralwallfallsinthesamerangeasthatofthesmallest ANATOMICALADAPTATIONSFORUNDERWATERHEARING 725 Fig. 6. Variation of middle ear ossicular mass along the sound thetympanicplatearea(hearinginwater).B:Malleusmassvs.sound input area in different mammals. For sound input area, we used the inputarea.C:Incusmassvs.soundinputarea.TheRemingtonocetus tympanic membrane area for land mammals, seals, pakicetids, and could not be included in Band C, because its malleus and incus are remingtonocetids, and the tympanic plate area for remingtonocetids, not separated from each other. Abbreviated names for the different protocetids, basilosaurids, and dorudontids. The phocids form their genera are used, their family level shown by symbols as indicated in owngroupbyhaving moremassive ossicles thantheland mammals, Figure 4A. Additionally, following Geisler et al. (2005), Gaviacetus is especially the incus. A: Combined mass of malleus and incus vs. regarded to be a protocetid. Adapted by permission from Macmillan sound input area. Remingtonocetus is shown twice, with its ossicular PublishersLtd:Nature(Nummelaetal.,2004a). massplottedagainstthetympanicmembranearea(hearinginair)and odontocetes measured, but when body size is taken into forairsinusesisolatingitacousticallyfromthesurround- account, the lateral tympanic wall of pakicetids is rela- ing skull bones. In the holotype braincase of Pakicetus tively thick. However, its thickness can be seen to coin- inachus(GingerichandRussell,1981),theinvolucrumof cide along the thickness line for the Eocene cetaceans the tympanicbonedoes contactthe basioccipital duetoa (Fig.5B). deformation(Nummelaetal.,2006). The tympanic bone makes contact with the periotic The skull morphology reveals that the external audi- bone,whichisfirmlyattachedtotheskull,withnospace tory meatus was present and patent. On the medial side