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Sound Systems: Design and Optimization. Modern Techniques and Tools for Sound System Design and Alignment PDF

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Preview Sound Systems: Design and Optimization. Modern Techniques and Tools for Sound System Design and Alignment

1 CHAPTER Transmission transmissionn.trans- mittingorbeingtrans- TRANSMISSION GOALS mitted;broadcast program Transmissionistheconveyanceofawaveformfromoneplacetoanother.Transmission transmitv.t.1.passon, qualityisjudgedbyhowfaithfullythearrivingsignaltrackstheoriginalwaveform.We handon,transfer,com- capturetheoriginalacousticorelectronicwaveform,withtheintentofeventually municate.2.allowto reconstitutingitintoanacousticwaveformfordeliverytoourears.Theoddsareagainstus. passthrough,bea Infactthereisabsolutelyzeroprobabilityofsuccess.Thebestwecanhopeforisto mediumfor,serveto minimizethedistortionofthewaveform,i.e.,damagecontrol.Thisistheprimarygoalofall communicate(heat, effortsdescribedinthisbook.Thismaysounddispiriting,butitisbesttobeginwitha light,sound,electricity, emotion,signal,news) realisticassessmentofthepossibilities.Ourultimategoalisonethatcanbeapproached, ConciseOxford butneverreached.Therewillbelargenumbersofdecisionsahead,andtheywillhinge Dictionary primarilyonwhichdirectionprovidestheleastdamagetothewaveform.Thereareprecious fewavenuesthatwillprovidenone,andoftenthedecisionwillbeaveryfineline. 3 Our mainstudy ofthe transmission path willlook at threemodes oftransmission: line level electronic, speaker levelelectronic, and acoustic. Ifanylink inthe transmission chain fails, ourmission fails. Byfarthemost vulnerable link inthechain is thefinal acoustical journey fromthe speaker tothelistener. Thispath is fraught withpowerful adversaries in the formofcopies ofouroriginal signal (namelyreflections and arrivalsfrom theother speakers inour system),which willdistort ourwaveform unless they areexactcopies and exactly intime.Wewillbegin withadiscussionof theproperties oftransmission thatare commonto allpartsofthe signalpath (Fig.1.1). AUDIO TRANSMISSION DEFINED Anaudio signalundergoes constant change, withthe motion ofmolecules and electrons transferring energy awayfromavibrating source.When theaudio signalstopschanging, it ceases toexistas audio. Asaudio signals propagateoutwards, themolecules and electrons are displaced forwardand backbut never actuallygo anywhere,always returning totheir FIGURE 1.1 Transmissionflowfromthesignalsourcetothelistener. SoundSystems:DesignandOptimization r2010BobMcCarthy.PublishedbyElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. SECTION 1 Sound Systems point oforigin.The parameter thatdescribes theextentof thechangeis theamplitude, also referredtoas magnitude. Asingle round trip fromorigin and backisacycle.The round trip takes time.That lengthoftime is theperiod and isgivenin seconds, orfor practicalreasons in milliseconds(ms).The reciprocalof theperiod isfrequency,the number ofcycles completedpersecond, giveninhertz(Hz). The round trip is continuous withno designated beginningor end. The tripcan beginanywhere onthe cycleand is completed upon ourreturn tothesame position. The radialnature oftheround trip requires ustofind ameansofexpressingour location aroundthe circle.Thisparameter is termedthe phaseofthe signal.The valuesareexpressed indegrees, ranging from01 (point oforigin) to3601 (acomplete round trip). The half-cyclepointin thephase journey, 1801, willbe ofparticular interest tousas wemove forward. Alltransmission requiresamedium,i.e., theentity through which theaudio signal passes frompoint topoint, made ofmolecules or electrons.In ourcase,theprimary media are wire (electronic) and air(acoustic),but there areinterim media aswellsuch asmagnetic and mechanical. The processoftransferring theaudio energybetween media isknown as transduction. The physicaldistancerequiredto complete acycleinaparticular medium is the wavelength and isexpressed insome formoflength, typicallymeters orfeet.The size ofthe wavelength foragivenfrequency is proportional tothe transmission speed ofour medium. The physical nature of the waveform’s amplitude component is medium-dependent. In our acoustical case, the medium is air and the vibrations are expressed as a change in pressure. The half of the cycle with higher than the ambient pressure is termed pressurization, while the low-pressure side is termedrarefaction. A loudspeaker’s forward motion into the air creates pressurization and its rearward movement creates 4 rarefaction. The movements ofspeaker cones donot push airacross theroom inthe manner ofafan. Ifaroom is hot,it isunlikely thatloud music willcoolthings down. Instead airismoved forward and thenit is pulledback toitsoriginal position. The transmission passesthrough the medium,whichis animportant distinction. Multiple transmissions canpass through the medium simultaneously even fromdifferent directions. Electricalpressurechangeisexpressedaspositiveandnegativevoltage.Thismovementis alsotermedalternatingcurrent(AC)sinceitfluctuatesaboveandbelowtheambient voltage.Avoltagethatmaintainsaconstantvalueovertimeistermeddirectcurrent(DC). Our designand optimization strategiesrequire athorough understanding of the relationships between frequency,period, and wavelength. Time and frequency Let’s startwithasimple tone, asinewave, andthe relationship offrequency (F)and period (T): T ¼1=F and F ¼1=T whereT is thetime period ofasingle cycle insecondsandFis thenumber of cyclesper second (Hz). To illustratethis point, wewill useaconvenient frequency and delayfor clarity:1000Hz (or1kHz) and 1/1000th ofasecond (or1ms). Ifweknow thefrequency, wecansolve for time.Ifweknow time, wecansolve for frequency. Therefore CHAPTER 1 Transmission F ¼1=T 1000Hz31=1000s 1000Hz30:001s 1000Hz31ms T ¼1=F 0:001s31=1000Hz 1ms31=1000Hz For mostof this text,weabbreviate thetime period tothe term“time”toconnote the cycle duration ofaparticular frequency (Fig. 1.2). Frequency is thebest-known parametersince it iscloselyrelated tothe musicalterm “pitch.” Most audio engineersrelate firstinmusical termssince fewofusgot into this business because ofalifelong fascination withacoustical physics.Wemust gobeyond frequency/pitch, however, sinceourjob is to“tune”the sound system,nottunethe musical instruments. Optimization strategies require anever-present three-waylink between frequency,period,and wavelength. The frequency 1kHz existsonlywithits reciprocal sister 1ms. Thisis notmedium-dependent, nor temperature-dependent, nor waiting upon astandards committeeruling.This isoneof audio’s fewundisputed absolutes. Iftheaudio istraveling inawire,those twoparameters willbe largely sufficient for ourdiscussions. Once intheair,we willneed toaddthe third dimension:wavelength. A 1kHz signal onlyexistsinair asawavelength about as longasthe distancefromour elbow toour fist.Allbehaviorsat 1kHz are governed by thephysicalrealityofthe signal’s time period and itswavelength.The first ruleofoptimization is tonever think ofan acoustical signalwithout consideration ofall threeparameters. 5 Wavelength Wavelength isproportional to themedium’s unique transmission speed.A givenfrequency will haveadifferentwavelength in itselectronicform (over500,000 (cid:2)larger) thanits FIGURE 1.2 Amplitudevs.timeconvertedtoamplitudevs.frequency. SECTION 1 Sound Systems Table 1.1 Speedofsoundreference Plainlanguage Imperial/American Metricmeasurement measurement Speedofsoundinairat01 1052ft/s 331.4m/s +Adjustmentforambientair +(1.1(cid:2)T) +(0.607(cid:2)T) temperature TemperatureTin1F TemperatureTin1C = Speedofsoundatambient =cfeet/second = cmeters/second airtemperature acoustic version.Ifthe medium is changed,its transmission speed and all thewavelengths change withit. The wavelength formula is L¼c=F whereL isthe wavelength inmeters, cis the transmission speed of themedium, and Fis the frequency (Hz). 6 Transmission speed through airis amongthe slowest. Wateris afarsuperiormedium interms ofspeed and high-frequency (HF)response; however, thehazards of electrocution and drowning make thisan unpopular sound reinforcement medium (synchronized swimming aside).Wewillstickwith air. The formulas forthe speedof sound inairare as shown inTable 1.1. Forexample, at 221C: c¼ð331:4þ0:607(cid:2)22Þm=s c¼344:75m=s The audible frequencyrange giveninmost books is FIGURE 1.3 20Hz to20kHz. Fewloudspeakers are ableto Chartoffrequency,period,andwavelength(atroomtemperature)forstandard reproduce the20Hzor 20kHz extremesat apower one-thirdoctavefrequencies. levelsufficient toplay asignificant role.Itis more usefulto limitthe discussionto those frequencies we are likelytoencounter in thewild: 31Hz(the low Bnoteon afive-string bass)upto 18kHz.The wavelengths withinthis band fallinto asizerange ofbetween the widthof a fingerand astandard intermodal shipping container. The largestwavelengths areabout 600times largerthanthe smallest (Figs 1.3–1.5). Whyit is thatweshould be concerned about wavelength?Afterall,there areno acoustical analyzers thatshowthis on their display.Thereare no signal-processing devices that CHAPTER 1 Transmission depend onthis for adjustment. In practice,thereare some applicationswhere wecanbe blissfully ignorant ofwavelength, for example:when we usea single loudspeaker inareflection-free environment. For allotherapplications, wavelength isnot simply relevant: it isdecisive.Wavelength isthe critical parameter inacoustic summation.The combination of signalsat agiven frequencyis governed by the number of wavelengthsthatseparate them. Thereis alot atstake here,as evidencedby thefact that Chapter 2 isdedicated exclusively tothis subject: summation. Combinations ofwavelengths canrange from maximum addition tomaximum cancellation. Since weare planning on doing lotsofcombining, (a) we had bestbecome conscious ofwavelength. TEMPERATURE EFFECTS As wesaw previously,the speedof sound inairis slightly temperature-dependent. As theambient temperature rises, sound speedincreasesand therefore thewavelengths expand.This behaviormay slightly affecttheresponse of oursystems overthe duration ofaperformance, since thetemperature is subject tochange eveninthe mostcontrolled environments. However, although it is often given 7 substantial attention, this israrelyamajor factor in the big picture.A poorlydesigned systemis not likely tofind itselfrescued by weatherchanges. Nor is it practicaltoprovide ongoing environmental analysis overthe widespread areasofan audience to compensate for draftsinthe room.For our discussion, unless otherwisespecified, wewill consider the speed ofsound tobe fixed approximately at room temperature. The relationship between temperature and sound speed can beapproximated as follows: a1%change in thespeed ofsound occurs witheither a51C or 101F changeintemperature. (b) FIGURE 1.4 Handyreferenceforshortwavelengths. Waveform There isno limit tothe complexity ofthe audio signal.Waves atmultiple frequencies may be simultaneously combined to makeanew and unique signalthatis amixtureofthe contributing signals. Thiscomposite signal isthe waveform,containing anunlimited combination ofaudio frequencies withvariableamplitude and phaserelationships. The waveform’s complex shapedepends upon thecomponents thatmakeit upand varies constantly as they do.A keyparameter ishow the frequencycontent ofthe contributing signals affectsthe combined waveform (Figs1.6–1.8).When signalsat different frequencies are added, the combined waveform will carrythe shapeofbothcomponents independently. The higherfrequency is addedtothe shapeofthe lower-frequency waveform. The phaseofthe individual frequencies willaffectthe overall shapebut the SECTION 1 Sound Systems different frequencies maintain theirseparate identities.These signals canbe separatedlater by afilter(asinyour ear)and heardas separate sounds. When twosignalsof thesame frequency arecombined, anewand unique signal iscreated thatcannot be filtered apart. In thiscase,the phaserelationship hasadecisiveeffect upon thenature ofthe combined waveform. Analogwaveform typesinclude electronic, magnetic, mechanical, optical, and acoustical. Digital audio signalsare typicallyelectronic, magnetic, oroptical, but the mechanicsof thedigitaldata transfer arenot critical here.Itcould be punch cards aslongas wecan move themfast enoughto readthedata. Eachmedium tracksthe waveform indifferent forms ofenergy, suitable forthe particulars ofthattransmission mode, complete withits own vulnerabilities and limitations. Digital audio is most easilyunderstood when viewed as amathematical rendering ofthewaveform.For these discussions, this is nodifferent fromanalog,whichin any ofitsresident energy forms canbe quantified mathematically. The audio signal canbe visualized inthreedifferent forms as shown inFig.1.9. Asingle cycleisbrokeninto fourquadrantsof901each.Thismotionformillustrates themovementofthesignalfromapointofrestto maximumamplitudeinbothdirectionsandfinally 8 returningtotheorigin.Thisisrepresentativeofthe particlemotioninairwhenenergizedbyasoundsource suchasaspeaker.Italsohelpsillustratethepointthat themotionisbackandforthratherthangoingoutward fromthespeaker.Aspeakershouldnotbeconfused FIGURE 1.5 withablower.Themaximumdisplacementisfoundat Chartofspeedofsound,period,andwavelengthatdifferenttemperatures. the901and2701pointsinthecycle.Astheamplitude FIGURE 1.6 Referencechartofsomeofthecommontermsusedtodescribeandquantifyanaudiowaveform. CHAPTER 1 Transmission FIGURE 1.7 Combinationofwaveformsofthesamefrequencyatthesamelevelwithdifferentphaserelationships:(a)01relativephasecombinesto +6dBamplitude, (b)901relativephasecombinesto +3dBamplitude,(c)1201relativephasecombinesto +0dB,(d)1801relativephasecancels. 9 FIGURE 1.8 Combinationofwaveformsofdifferentfrequencieswithdifferentlevelsandphaserelationships.(a)Secondfrequencyis5(cid:2)higherand12dBdowninlevel fromthefirst.Phaserelationshipis01.Notethatbothfrequenciescanbeseeninthecombinedwaveform.(b)Sameas(a)butwithrelativephaserelationship at1801.Notethatthereisnocancellationinthecombinedwaveform.TheorientationoftheHFtracehasmovedbuttheLForientationisunchanged. (c)Combinedwaveformof(a)withthirdfrequencyadded.Thethirdfrequencyis25(cid:2)thelowestfrequencyand18dBdowninlevel.Thephaserelationship ismatchedforallfrequencies.Notethatallthreefrequenciescanbedistinguishedinthewaveform. SECTION 1 Sound Systems FIGURE 1.9 Threerepresentationsoftheaudiowaveform. increases,thedisplacementfromtheequilibriumpointbecomeslarger.Asthefrequency rises,thetimeelapsedtocompletethecycledecreases. The radialformrepresents the signalas spinning inacircle.The waveform origin point corresponds to thestartingpoint phasevalue,which could be anypoint onthe circle.A cycle iscompleted when wehavereturned tothe phasevalueof thepoint oforigin.This representation shows therole thatphasewillplay. Thedifference inrelative positionson 10 this radialchart ofanytwo soundsources willdetermine how the systems willreactwhen combined. The sinusoidal waveform representation isthe most familiartoaudio engineers and can be seen on anyoscilloscope. The amplitude value istracked overtime and tracesthe waveform inthe order inwhich thesignal passesthrough. Thisisrepresentative ofthe motion over time oftransducers and changingelectrical valuesofvoltage overtime. Analog-to-digital (A/D) converterscapture this waveform and createamathematical valuation of theamplitude vs.time waveform. Perspectives:Ihavetried tobringlogic,reasoning, andphysicstomyaudio TRANSMISSION QUANTIFIED problemapplications. WhatIhavefoundis Decibels that,whenthecauseof Transmission amplitudes, alsoknown as levels,are most commonly expressed indecibels aneventisattributedto (dB),aunit thatdescribes aratio between twomeasures. The decibelis alogarithmic “magic,”whatthisreally meansisthatwedonot scaling systemusedto describeratioswithaverylargerangeof values.Using the decibel haveallthedataneces- hasthe addedbenefit ofcloselymatching ourperception ofsound levels,which is sarytounderstandthe generallylogarithmic. There are variousdB scalesthatapply totransmission. Because problem,orwedonot decibels are basedon ratios,they are alwaysarelativescale.The question is:relativeto haveanunderstanding what? Insome cases,wecompare toafixed standard. Because audio isin constant oftheforcesinvolvedin change, it isalso usefulto haveapurely relativescalethatcompares twounknown producingtheobserved signals. Anexample ofthe lattertype is theratio ofoutput to inputlevel.Thisratio, the phenomena. gain ofthe device,can be quantified eventhough adrivesignal suchas music is DaveRevel constantly changing.If thesame voltageappears at theoutput and input, theratio is 1, also knownas unity gain,or0dB.Ifthe voltageat the output isgreater,the gainvalue exceeds1,andexpressedindB,ispositive.Iftheinputisgreater,thegainratioislessthan 1andexpressedindBisanegativenumber,signifyinganetloss.Theactualvalueatthe CHAPTER 1 Transmission inputoroutputisunimportant.Itisthechangeinlevel betweenthemthatisreflectedbythedBgainvalue. There aretwo typesof log formulasapplicable inaudio: Level RelativelevelðdBÞ¼20(cid:2)log 1 10Level 2 Power RelativepowerðdBÞ¼10(cid:2)log 1 10Power 2 Power-related equations usethe 10 logversion, while pressure- (SPL) and voltage-relatedequations usethe 20 log version.Itis important thatthe proper formula be used sinceadoubling ofvoltageis achangeof6dB while adoubling ofpower isachange of3dB. Forthe most part,we willbe using the20 log versionsince acoustic pressure (dBSPL) and voltageare theprimary drivers ofourdecision-making. Figure1.10 providesa reference charttorelate theratiosof valuestotheir decibel equivalents. FIGURE 1.10 HereisahandytipforMicrosoftExcelusers.Figure1.11 showstheformulaformatforlettingExceldothelog TheratioofoutputtoinputcanbeconvertedtodBwiththiseasyreferencechart. Tocompareagivenleveltoastandardone,Level isthegivenlevelandLevel calculationsforus. 1 2 isthestandard.Toderivethegainofadevice,Level istheoutputleveland 1 Level istheinputlevel.Likewisethepowergaincanbefoundinthesameman- 11 2 nerbysubstitutingthepowerparameters. THE ELECTRONIC DECIBEL: dBV AND dBu Electronic transmission utilizesthe decibelscaleto characterize thevoltage levels. Thedecibel scaleis preferred by operatorsover thelinear scaleforits relative ease ofexpression.Expressed linearly,wewould find ourselves referring tothe signalin microvolts, millivolts, and voltswithvarious setsofnumbervalues and ranges. Such scalingmakesit difficult to tracka variablesignal suchas music. Ifwewantedto double the signallevel,we would havetofirstknow the (a) voltage ofthe original signaland then compute its doubling. Withdynamicallychanging signalssuch as music, the levelat anymoment isinflux, making such calculations impractical. The decibelscale providesa relative changevalue independent of theabsolute value. Hencethedesire todouble the levelcanbe (b) FIGURE 1.11 achieved byachange of6dB, regardless oftheoriginal value. Wecanalso relatethedecibel toafixed MicrosoftExcellogformulareference. standard, whichwe designate as“0dB.” Levels are indicated bytheir relative valueabove (+dB)or below ((cid:3)dB)this standard. This would be simplest,of course, if therewereasingle standard, but tradition inour industryis topickseveral.dBV and dBu arethe mostcommoncurrently. These are referenced todifferent valuesof1.0 and 0.775V(1mWacross a600Ωload) respectively.The differencebetween theseis afixed amount of2.21dB.Note:For ease ofuse,wewill usedBV as thestandard inthis text. Those whoprefer the dBustandard should apply +2.21dB tothegiven dBVvalues. SECTION 1 Sound Systems Level LevelðdBVÞ¼20(cid:2)log 1 10 1V Level LevelðdBuÞ¼20(cid:2)log 1 100:775V The voltage-relateddB scalesservetheimportant purpose ofguidance towardthe optimal operating rangeofthe electronicdevices.The upperand lower limitsofan electronic device are absolute,not relative values. Thenoise floor hasasteady averagelevel and the clip pointis afixedvalue. These areexpressed indBV. The absolute levelofour signalwill need topass between these twolimits inorder toprevent excess noise or distortion. The areaenclosedby these limitsis thelinearoperating area oftheelectronic device.Our designs willneed to ensurethatthe operatinglevelsof electronicdevicesare appropriately scaledfor thesignal levelspassingthrough. Once wehavecapturedthe audio waveform inits electronicform, it willbe passed through the systemas avoltage levelwithnegligible current and thereforeminimal power dissipation.Low-impedance output sections, coupled withhigh-impedance inputs, give usthe luxuryof notconsidering thepower levelsuntil we have reachedtheamplifier output terminals.Power amplifiers canthen be seen asvoltage-driven input deviceswithpower stageoutputs todrive the speakers.The amplifiergives ahugecurrent boost and additional voltagecapability as well.Figure1.12 providesareferencechart showing the standard 12 operatingvoltage levelsforallstages of thesystem signalflow.The goal is totransmit thesignal through thesystemin thelinear operatingvoltage rangeofallof thedevices,without fallinginto the noise floorat thebottom. Thereis stillanother set ofletter appendices thatcan be addedon tothe dBvoltage formulas.These designate whetherthe voltagemeasured is ashort- termpeakor theaverage value.AC signalsaremore complex tocharacterizethan DC signals. DC signals areagivennumber ofvolts above orbelow the referencecommon. ACsignals, by nature,goboth up anddown. Ifanaverage weretakenovertime, we would conclude thatthepositive and negativetravels oftheAC signalaverage out to0 V.Placing our fingersacrossthe ACmains will quickly alertusto thefact thataveraging out to0 Vover time doesnot meanthereis zero energythere. Kids, don’t trythis athome. TheAC waveform risestoamaximum, returnsto zero,falls toaminimum, and then returnsagain to zero.The voltagebetween thepeak and thezero point, eitherpositive ornegative, isthe peakvoltage FIGURE 1.12 (V ).Thevoltage between the positiveand negative pk Referencechartforthetypicaloperationalvoltageandwattagelevelsatvarious peaksis thepeak-to-peak voltage(Vp–p)and is stagesoftheaudiotransmission.AllvoltagesareRMS. naturallydouble thatofthepeak value.The

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