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SOP Uniform Policy Nov 2007 - Ambulance Service of NSW - Ambulance PDF

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Preview SOP Uniform Policy Nov 2007 - Ambulance Service of NSW - Ambulance

Standard Operating Policy Order of Uniform Dress Policy (Working Uniform / Dress Uniform / Formal Uniform / Mess Uniform) Document Number SOP2007-127 File No. 07/1628 (D07/7080) Date issued December 2007 Author Branch Finance and Data Services Branch contact Finance and Data Services Division Finance and Data Services Summary The purpose of this policy is to set out the dress/uniform code for all operational staff. Applies to All Ambulance Service of NSW staff All Operational Staff All Administration staff All Headquarters staff Division staff (select Aero medical, Northern, Southern, Sydney, Western) Operations Centres (select All, Aero medical, Northern, Southern, Sydney, Western) Review date November 2009 Previous reference SOP2006-006 Status Active Approved by Chief Executive Compliance with this policy directive is mandatory. Space SOP2007-127 Page 1 of 20 Standard Operating Policy Order of Uniform Dress Policy (Working Uniform / Dress Uniform / Formal Uniform / Mess Uniform) Contents: 1: INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................3 Application of the Instructions.....................................................................................................3 Variations to Orders of Dress.......................................................................................................3 Dress Policy....................................................................................................................................3 2: WEARING OF UNIFORM................................................................................................................4 Restrictions on the Wearing of Uniform......................................................................................5 Appearance.....................................................................................................................................5 Items of Dress................................................................................................................................7 Working Uniform............................................................................................................................8 Dress Uniform................................................................................................................................9 Underclothing.................................................................................................................................9 Personal Protective Wear Kit Bags.............................................................................................9 Authorised Embellishments.......................................................................................................10 Name Badges...............................................................................................................................10 Identification Badges...................................................................................................................11 Rank Insignia................................................................................................................................11 Rank Insignia whilst Relieving in Higher Grades.....................................................................11 Secondees....................................................................................................................................11 Replacement of Uniform Items...................................................................................................11 Exchanges....................................................................................................................................12 Cessation of Employment...........................................................................................................13 3. OCCASIONS.................................................................................................................................13 4. ORDERS OF DRESS....................................................................................................................13 Task-specific adaptation of orders of dress.............................................................................13 Changes to the orders of dress..................................................................................................14 Orders of Uniform Dress Tables................................................................................................14 5. UNIFORM SECURITY...................................................................................................................17 6. AUSTRALIAN HONOURS AND AWARDS..................................................................................18 APPENDIX 1: FORM 27........................................................................................................................19 SOP2007-127 Page 2 of 20 Standard Operating Policy 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Application of the Instructions This policy is issued under the authority of the Chief Executive of the Ambulance Service of New South Wales (ASNSW) and constitutes the Chief Executive’s Standard Operating Procedures for Orders of Uniform Dress. This policy applies to all ranks of the ASNSW and to other persons entitled to wear uniform issued by ASNSW. This policy defines all Order of Uniform Dress worn by operational staff of ASNSW including working, dress, formal and mess uniform. This publication supersedes all other references to dress in any other ASNSW Standard Operating Policy or Procedure. All operational staff required to wear uniform on duty must do so in accordance with this Policy SOP2007-127 1.2 Variations to Order of Uniform Dress Operational staff are not permitted to wear badges, cloth patches or clothing that are not authorised by this policy. When rostered off duty operational staff are not permitted to wear any items of ASNSW issue clothing without the express written permission of the relevant General Manager or his/her delegate. Variations to this policy and/or uniforms in this document are to be made through the Uniform Standards Committee. The introduction or trial of alternate uniform items is only to be conducted by the Uniform Standards Committee. 1.3 Dress Policy The authority for operational staff of the ASNSW to wear uniform when on duty is derived from the Health Services Act 1997. An Order of Uniform Dress code has been determined for each combination of uniform worn within the ASNSW. These combinations are detailed in Order of Uniform Dress, Table 1 – Working Uniform (Page 15) and Table 2 - Dress Uniform (Page 16). The Order of Uniform Dress is to be interpreted as positive instructions. Therefore, if an item of uniform or uniform combination is not specified, it is prohibited. It is the responsibility of all operational staff of the ASNSW to abide at all times by the Order of Uniform Dress as set out in this policy. SOP2007-127 Page 3 of 20 Standard Operating Policy All uniform items issued to operational staff of the ASNSW are to be maintained, where possible in good order and repair presenting the highest possible standard of appearance. Ranked Paramedics are to ensure compliance with the contents of this policy. Uniform is not to be worn when interstate or overseas without the written approval of the relevant General Manager. All requests must be submitted through written application via the chain of command. Uniforms must not be worn into licensed or similar premises other than during the course of operational duties. 2. WEARING OF UNIFORM Probationary Paramedics: Students at the Ambulance Education Centre (AEC), Rozelle are authorised to wear uniform items at the discretion of the relevant General Manager. Operational & Specialist Paramedics and Flight Nurses: The working uniform is the uniform of choice - Table 1. All Operational and Specialists Paramedics/Flight Nurses must maintain two sets of the Service Dress Uniform - Table 2A. District Officers may determine the type of uniform they wear based on their expected daily activities – Table1A and 2A. The uniform of choice for Paramedics on motor cycle duties is Table1D. Educators: Paramedic Educators are to wear the dress uniform – Table 2A as the uniform of choice. When undertaking operational duties the working uniform is the uniform of choice – Table 1A. Clinical Training Paramedics are to wear the working uniform – Table 1A as the uniform of choice. When attending the Education Centre at Rozelle, the dress uniform – Table 2A – is the uniform of choice. Staff attached to speciality training facilities (Rescue and SCAT) at Rozelle are to wear the specialist working uniform as the uniform of choice – Table 1B. All education staff must also maintain the dress uniform – Table 2A. Operations Centres: Paramedics whose substantive positions are based in the Operations Centres are to wear the Service dress uniform – Table 2A as the uniform of choice. SOP2007-127 Page 4 of 20 Standard Operating Policy Operational staff who are required to relieve in Operations Centres from time to time are to wear the Service dress uniform – Table 2A. Additional dress uniform issue is to be obtained from the Uniform Store should extended periods of relief be required. Patient Transport Officers: Patient Transport Officers will wear the working uniform – Table1F as the uniform of choice. Operational Managers: The uniform of choice is the Managers dress uniform – Table 2B as appropriate. Note: The working uniform can be worn if deemed appropriate for selected operational activities. Retired Superintendents: Retired ASNSW Superintendent’s may wear Ambulance Mess Dress at appropriate functions – Table 2D. The retired insignia ‘R’ must be on Mess Dress epaulettes. General Manager Operations Discretion: The General Manager Operations, from time to time, may vary the preferred order of dress for any group depending upon the event. 2.1 Restrictions on the Wearing of Uniform Off Duty Uniform is not to be worn off duty unless authorised in writing by the relevant General Manager or his/her delegate via the chain of command. Dress in Private Vehicles - Travelling to and from Work Part uniform must not be worn in public unless travelling to and from duty by private vehicle. Dress on Public Transport- Travelling to and from Work Full ASNSW uniform may be worn on public transport when travelling to and from work. 2.2 Restricted Duties Personnel on restricted duties must wear plain clothes to and from duty then change into uniform. Alterations to Uniforms Operation staff are not permitted to alter the uniform by attaching non approved badges, cloth patches, tape, wording or any other items. Operational staff are not permitted to alter the uniform in any way for use as private garments. Operational staff are not permitted to interfere with protective helmets or other personal issue equipment. 2.3 Appearance SOP2007-127 Page 5 of 20 Standard Operating Policy Beards and Moustaches May only be grown on periods of annual leave three weeks or more in length. Must be kept trimmed, tidy at all times, and shaped so they do not interfere with the correct wearing of personal protective equipment. A moustache is to be neatly trimmed and not extend outward beyond vertical lines from the outer corners of the eyes, downward below the bottom edge of the top lip nor join side burns to form whiskers. Side burns Are not to extend below the point where ear lobes join the face. They are to be even tapered, not thick and bushy and must not increase in width throughout their length. Shaving - (facial hair) All male personnel are to be clean-shaven at the commencement of their shift unless wearing a beard or moustache. Hairstyles Hair length that extends below the shirt collar when the head is held in the neutral position must be tied back and secured appropriately. Tie back methods include scrunchies, hair bands or hair clips, they must be of a dark colour. Long ribbons and bows must not be worn for Occupational Safety reasons. Appropriate styles include buns and ponytails, but do not include such styles as dreadlocks or afro. Hair is to be kept clean and well-groomed at all times and must be maintained within the areas know as natural colourings. Bright or multiple colours are not acceptable during working hours. Deportment Deportment that detracts from a professional appearance such as chewing gum, slouching, sauntering, hands in pockets, smoking in public is unacceptable. Refer to Department of Health Smoke Free Workplace Policy 27 January 2005. Personal Hygiene It is the responsibility of each individual to maintain a high standard of personal hygiene. All staff must present for duty in a clean, hygienic manner and all effort should be made to maintain personal hygiene throughout the length of the shift. Jewellery The wearing of jewellery must be kept to essential items only eg. wrist watch, medi alerts, personalised rings, small ear studs and sleepers, limited to one per ear lobe. In selecting items to be worn your work environment should be considered. Watches should be removed prior to lifting or carrying patients SOP2007-127 Page 6 of 20 Standard Operating Policy The ASNSW does not accept responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, jewellery worn on duty. Sunglasses Sunglasses may be worn except on ceremonial occasions. Sunglasses are to be of conservative appearance, black or dark brown frames. Brightly coloured frames and reflective lenses are not permitted. Sunglasses are not to be hung from any part of the uniform or rested on the top of the cap or head. Recreational Audio and Video Equipment and Personal Mobile Phones These items can only be used recreationally or personally during downtime and they should not compromise response performance or patient care. 2.4 Items of Dress Head Dress Head dress should not be worn in the following circumstances: (cid:1) when attending an indoor church service unless a member of a flag party or performing other ceremonial duties, (cid:1) when attending an outdoor church service when the officiating chaplain requests removal of headdress (cid:1) when parading at Government House for investiture ceremonies as either a recipient or guest (cid:1) within a place of worship and in accordance with the requirements of the religion (cid:1) when etiquette would dictate otherwise, or (cid:1) when directed otherwise Turbans Turbans may be worn by operational staff who have specific ethno-religious practices. They must be worn with the ASNSW cap badge, be navy blue or black. Broad Brim Hats Broad-brim hats may be worn with all orders of uniforms with the exception of Mess Dress. The shape and construction of the hat is not to be modified in any way. Baseball Caps Ambulance issue Baseball Caps are only to be worn with the working or specialist uniform. Operational staff are not permitted to wear baseball caps that are not provided by ASNSW. Other Head Dress Associated with ethno-religious practice will be considered as they arise. Beanies Beanies may be worn as part of the working uniform in situations where cold weather is prominent. SOP2007-127 Page 7 of 20 Standard Operating Policy Footwear Only ASNSW issue footwear or footwear purchased for medical reasons is to be worn. In specific circumstances Operational staff presenting with medical certificates requesting items of footwear other than issue will be referred to an ASNSW supplier for assessment and fitting. 2.5 Working Uniform Over shirts The over shirt is to be worn over the T-shirt at all times when leaving the station or treating a patient on station. The over shirt can be worn as a long sleeved or short sleeved garment. If worn with the sleeves rolled, the sleeve roll must be above the elbow. The over shirt is not to be worn on ceremonial occasions, in Operations Centres or when predominantly performing office duties. T - Shirt The ASNSW issue T-shirt may only be worn with the service working uniform. It is only to be worn on station or underneath the over shirt when outside the station environs. If a T-shirt is not worn the Officer is required to wear the over shirt with the zip fully closed. Cargo Pants Cargo pants are to be worn by all Paramedics to the level of District Officer and must be worn with the web belt provided by the Service. It may be appropriate for Assistant Divisional Manager and above to wear cargo pants on occasions. Cargo pants are not to be worn on ceremonial occasions, in Operations Centres or when predominantly performing office duties. Overalls Overalls are to be worn in the same manner as the over shirt and cargo pants, including the web belt. Operational Jacket The operational jacket may be worn with all orders of dress uniforms excepting formal and Mess Dress. It can be worn either zipped up or open at the front and with or without sleeves only when wearing the working uniform, at the discretion of the wearer. It is to be maintained in a clean condition. The sleeveless operational jacket is not to be worn when wearing uncovered thermal underwear. Safety Vests All Operational staff must wear a safety vest with all appropriate transparent panel inserts in place where; SOP2007-127 Page 8 of 20 Standard Operating Policy (cid:1) safety is compromised or likely to be compromised (cid:1) major incident/disaster situations (cid:1) directed by a Senior Officer. 2.6 Dress Uniform Short and long-sleeved white dress uniform shirts and blouses may be worn throughout the year by those personnel with the requisite approval. When wearing a long sleeved white dress uniform shirt or blouse the sleeves are not to be rolled. The pockets are to be fastened with Service gold buttons when wearing the uniform. Trousers - Dress trousers are to be worn with a leather belt. Gold Buttons - Gold buttons are to be fixed to the dress shirt pockets using either rings or pins provided. Dress Uniform Ties - Ties are to worn in accordance with this policy and be anchored with an ASNSW issued tie bar, no other badges are to be worn on the tie. Gorgettes - Gorgettes are to be worn on uniform dress tunics by Superintendents and above. 2.7 Underclothing Undershirts and singlets are not to be visible beneath uniform shirts unless they are of a matching colour. Thermal underwear may be worn at the discretion of the individual. Thermal underwear when worn is not to be visible under other uniform items particularly when worn under the operational jacket without sleeves attached. 2.8 Kit Bags Kit bags are provided to allow operational staff to carry the following list of essential personal protective equipment when on duty: Overalls Riggers Gloves Safety Goggles Outer Shell (wet weather gear) Safety vest and insert Sunscreen Safety Helmet Other personal effects can be carried provided they do not generate too much bulk. SOP2007-127 Page 9 of 20 Standard Operating Policy The kit bags are to be stowed in the external side lockers of the vehicle and not within the vehicle. The ASNSW does not take responsibility for additional personal effects. 2.9 Authorised Embellishments Listed below are the only approved metal embellishments authorised to be worn on the service dress uniform (Dress Order Table 2A): Paramedic/SCAT Badge - may only be worn on Service dress uniform above the pocket on the right hand side. Advanced Life Support/SCAT Badge - may only be worn on Service dress uniform above the pocket on the right hand side. Air Ambulance Wings - may only be worn on Service dress uniform by staff attached to Air Ambulance and Helicopter Operations above the pocket on the left hand side. Nursing Badge - may only be worn on Service dress uniform above the pocket on the right hand side. Peer Support Badge - may only to be worn on the Service dress uniform, above the right hand pocket. 2.10 Name Badges The approved pattern name badges may be worn with all orders of dress uniform except Mess Dress. It is to be worn centrally above the right breast pocket with the bottom edge of the nameplate, aligned with the top of the pocket flap on ribbon markings (if worn). The following colours are approved for wearing as name badges: (cid:1) White: General Managers and Divisional Managers (cid:1) Green: Superintendents (cid:1) Red: District Officers and Paramedic Educators (cid:1) Dark Blue: Station Managers (cid:1) Light Blue: Ambulance Paramedics, Volunteers and First Responders (cid:1) Purple: Chaplains. The name badge is to include the operational staff member’s full name only and must be purchased through an ASNSW accredited supplier. Acting in Higher Grades When acting in higher grades personnel are required to wear the name badge associated with their substantive ranked position and not the grade in which they are acting. These badges are not provided by ASNSW. SOP2007-127 Page 10 of 20

SOP2007-127 Page 1 of 20 Standard Operating Policy Order of Uniform Dress Policy (Working Uniform / Dress Uniform / Formal Uniform / Mess Uniform)
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