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Journal of Salesian Studies Spring2001 Volume XII Number 1 Institute of Salesian Spirituality Berkeley, California, USA SONS OF DON BOSCO SUCCESSORS OF THE APOSTLES SALESIAN BISHOPS 1884 to 2001 by Charles N. Bransom, Jr. INTRODUCTION T he study of apostolic succession and episcopal lineages has long fascinated students of church history. It was not until the middle of the twentieth century, however, that a systematic attempt was made to trace and catalogue the consecrations of bishops on a world-wide basis. A small group of researchers has catalogued the consecrations of tens of thou sands of bishops dating back many centuries. The fruits of their labors--labors that are on going-have resulted in a database, which can trace the episcopal lineage of any living bishop and the vast majority of deceased bishops. In 1984, I began a project on the episcopal ordinations of bishops of re ligious orders and congregations. One fruit of that work was a study of the ordi nations of Salesian bishops, Les Eveques Salesiens. The present work updates, corrects and expands the 1984 study. In 1984, the episcopal ordinations of 130 bishops were presented. This study contains the details of 196 bishops. The text has been expanded to include the episcopal lineages of the bishops. Of the 196 bishops in this study, 183 trace their orders to Scipione Re biba, who was appointed Auxiliary Bishop ofChieti in 1541. The Rebiban suc cession is the major episcopal line in the contemporary Catholic episcopate. More than 91 % of the more than 4,500 bishops alive today trace their orders 54 Journal of Salesian Studies back to Rebiba Why so many bishops should trace their lineages to this one bishop can be explained, in great part, by the intense sacramental activity of Pope Benedict XIII, who consecrated 139 bishops during his pontificate, many of them cardinals, nuncios and bishops of important sees who in tum conse crated many other bishops. And it is the consecrator of Benedict XIII who gives us the direct link to Scipione Rebiba Pope Benedict XIII's consecrator was Cardinal Paluzzo Altieri. Until 1965, the episcopal genealogies prepared for most bishops showed Pope Alex ander VIl as the consecrator of Cardinal Paluzzo Altieri, and those genealogies had a lineage reaching back to the early 1400s. In the mid 1960s, a contempo rary account of Cardinal Paluzzo Altieri's consecration, published in the Gazette de France, was found. This account revealed that Pope Alexander VIl became ill shortly before the ceremony and was replaced as consecrator by Cardinal Ulderico Carpegna. This change in consecrators fundamentally changes the pre viously published genealogies and results in lineages, which end in the year 1541. As for Scipione Rebiba, it is widely believed that Gian Pietro Cardinal Carafa, who became Pope Paul IV, consecrated him but no documentation of any kind has been found and therefore we must stop at Rebiba The remaining thirteen bishops belong to five Latin-rite lines and one Eastern-rite line. The other lines are the Bovet line, ending in 1789 (one bishop); the Gesualdo line, 1564 (one bishop); the von Bodman line, 1686 (two bishops); the Ravizza line, 1667 (two bishops); the Uchanski line, 1552 (five bishops); and the Ukrainian line, which ends in 1565 with Jeremias II, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople (two bishops). In this work, these lines are abbrevi ated at the end of the respective lineages as BOV, GES, BOD, RAV, UCH, and UKR. It is believed that the Bovet and Ravizza lines are probably part of the Rebiban succession, but no details of the consecrations of the respective heads of the lineages have been found. It is also possible that the Gesualdo and von Bodman lines also join the Rebiban line, but it has not been possible to docu ment the consecrations of Gesualdo and von Bodman. The Uchanski line, which ends in 1552, probably does not join the Re biban line. It is a Polish line, which accounts for two-thirds of the current Polish episcopate. Four of the 196 bishops belong to Oriental rites: two to the Ukranian Byzantine rite, one each to the Armenian, and Ethiopian. The bishops chroni cled in this work have brought the special Salesian charism to the episcopate and to the dioceses, which they have served and continue to serve on six conti nents. Salesian Bishops 55 SALES/AN BISHOPS EPISCOPAL ORDINATIONS1 1) Giovanni Cagliero. December 7, 1884. Torino, Church of Maria Ausiliatrice. Gaetano Cardinal Alimonda, Archbishop of Torino, assisted by Emiliano Manacorda, Bishop of Fossano and Giovanni Battista Bertagna, Titu lar Bishop of Capharnaum, consecrated as Titular Bishop of Magydus, Vicar Apostolic ofP atagonia. Born at Castelnuovo d'Asti (Torino) January 11, 1838; priest June 14, 1862; named November 13, 1884; Titular Archbishop of Sebaste March 24, 1904; Apostolic Delegate to Costa Rica June 10, 1908; Cardinal December 6, 1915; Bishop ofFrascati December 16, 1920; died February 27,1926. Episcopal lineage: G. Alimonda (1877); S. Magnasco (1868); G. von Hohenlohe (1857); Pius IX, G. Mastai-Ferretti (1827); Pius VIII, F. Castiglioni (1800); G. Doria Pamphilj (1773); V. de Cordoba (1761); M. Quintano (1749); :xm, E. Enriquez (1743); Benedict XIV, P. Lambertini (1724); Benedict V. Orsini (1675); P. Altieri (1666); U. Carpegna (1630); L. Caetani (1622); L. Lu dovisi (1621); G. Sanvitale (1624); G. Bernerio (1586); G. Santoro (1566); S. Rebiba (1541 ). 2) Luigi Giuseppe Lasagna. March 12. 1893. Rome, Church of Sacro Cuore di Gesu a Castro Pretoria. Lucido Cardinal Parocchi assisted by Alessan dro Grossi, Titular Archbishop of Nicopolis and Giovanni Cagliero, Titular Bishop ofMagydus, consecrated as Titular Bishop ofOea. Born at Montemagno March 1, 1850; priest June 8,1873; named Janu ary 19, 1893; died November 6, 1895. Episcopal lineage: L. Parocchi (1871); C. Patrizi (1828); C. Odescal chi (1823); G. Della Somaglia (1788); H. Gerdil (1777); M. Colonna (1762); Clement XIII, C. Rezzonico (1743); Benedict XIV-5ee entry 1. 3) Giacomo Costamagna, May 23, 1895. Torino, Church of Maria Ausiliatrice. David Riccardi, Archbishop of Torino, assisted by Giovanni Bat tista Bertagna, Titular Bishop of Caphamaum and Basile Leto, Titular Bishop of 1 Each entry contains the Bishop's name, date of consecration (ordination), city and site of consecration, followed by the Ordaining Prelate and two assistants and (in italics) the diocese or title to which the bishop was consecrated. The bishops are listed according to their date of episcopal consecration. 56 Journal of Salesian Studies Samaria, consecrated as Titular Bishop of Colonia, Vicar Apostolic ofM endez, Ecuador. Born at Caramagna (Torino) January 2, 1846; priest in June 1868; named March 18, 1895; resigned from his vicariate in 1919; died September 8, 1921. Episcopal lineage: D. Riccardi (1878); B. Leto (1873); C. Fissori (1871); L. Gastaldi (1867); A. Riccardi (1842); G. Fransoni (1822); P. Galleffi (1819); A. Mattei (1777); B. Giraud (1767); Clement Xlll-see entry 2. 4) Giovanni Marenco. May 16, 1909. Rome, Church of Maria Ausi liatrice. Francesco Cardinal Satolli, Bishop of Frascati, assisted by Francesco Sogaro, Titular Archbishop of Amida, and Antonio V albonesi, Titular Bishop of Memphis, consecrated as Bishop ofM assa Carrara. Born at Ovada (Alessandria) April 27, 1853; priest December 18, 1875; named April 29, 1909; Titular Archbishop of Edessa, Apostolic Internuncio to Costa Rica January 7, 1917; died October 22, 1921. Episcopal lineage: F. Satolli (1888); R Monaco La Valletta (1874); Pius lX--5ee entry I. S) Antonio Malan. July 26, 1914. Sao Paolo. Church of Sagrado Cora yao de Jesus. Giuseppe A versa, Titular Archbishop of Sardes, Apostolic Nuncio to Brazil, assisted by Joao Batista Nery Correa, Bishop of Campinas and Jose Homem de Mello, Bishop of Sao Carlos do Pinhal, consecrated as Titular Bishop ofA misus, Prelate ofR egistro do Araguaya. Born at San Pietro (Como) December 16, 1862; priest October 25, 1889; named May 25, 1914; first Bishop de Petrolina January 3, 1924; died Oc tober 28, 1931 at Sao Paulo, Brazil. Episcopal lineage: G. Aversa (1906); R Merry del Val (1900); M. Rampolla (1882); E. Howard (1872); C. Sacconi (1851); G. Fransoni-see entry 3. 6) Francisco Aquino Correa. January 1, 1915. Cuiaba Cathedral. Carlos d'A mour, Archbishop of Cuiaba assisted by Cirillo Freitas, Bishop of Corumba and Antonio Malan, Titular Bishop of Amisus, consecrated as Titular Bishop ofP rusiade, Auxiliary ofC uiabiz, Argentina. Born at Cuiaba April 2, 1885; priest January 17, 1909; named April 2, 1914; Archbishop ofCuiabaAugust 26, 1931; died March 22, 1956. Episcopal lineage: C. D'Amour (1878); J. Gonyalves de Azevedo (1866); A. de Macedo Costa (1861); M. Falcinelli Antoniacci (1853); G. della Salesian Bishops 57 Genga Sermattei (1833); B. Pacca (1786); G. Boschi (1760); Clement XIII-see entry 2. 7) Felll Ambrosio Guerra. September 15, 1915. San Salvador, Ca thedral of Salvador del Mundo. Antonio Adolfo Perez y Aguilar, Archbishop of San Salvador, assisted by Juan Duenas, Bishop of San Miguel and Jaime Villanueva, Bishop of Santa Ana, consecrated as Titular Bishop of Amatha, Apostolic Administrator ofS antiago de Cuba, Cuba. Born at Volpedo (Tortona) December 7, 1866; priest April 2, 1890; named May 26, 1915; Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba August 17, 1916; Titular Archbishop ofVerissa January 16, 1925; died January 10, 1957. Episcopal lineage: A. Perez (1888); M. Velez (1887); L. Paroc chi--see entry 2. 8). Luigi Olivares October 29, 1916. Rome, Church of Santa Maria Liberatrice. Giovanni Cardinal Cagliero, assisted by Pasquale Morgante, Archbishop of Ravenna and Giovanni Marenco, Bishop of Massa Carrara, con secrated as Bishop ofNepi e Sutri. Born at Corbetta (Milano) October 18, 1873; priest April 4, 1896; named July 15, 1916; died May 19, 1943, at Pordenone. Episcopal lineage: G. Cagliero-see entry 1. 9) Abraham Aguilera Bravo, May 20, 1917. Santiago de Chile, Basil ica of La Gratitud Nacional. Sebastiano Nicotra, Titular Archbishop of Heraclea, Apostolic Nuncio to Chile assisted by Luis Enrique Izquierdo Vargas, Bishop of Concepci6n and Eduardo Gimpert Paut, Titular Bishop of Echinos, consecrated as Titular Bishop of Issus, Vicar Apostolic of Mage/lanes y Islas Malvinas, Chile. Born at Esmeralda de Colina (Santiago de Chile) February 25, 1884; priest November 1, 1908; named December 22, 1916; Bishop of San Carlos de Ancud October 26, 1924; died April 30, 1933 at Ancud. Episcopal lineage: S. Nicotra (1917); Benedict XV, G. della Chiesa (1907); St. Pius X, G. Sarto (1884); L. Parocchi--see entry 2. 10) Helvecio Gomes de Oliveira. August 15, 1918. Niter6i, Cathedral of Sao Joao Batista, Angelo Scapardini, Titular Archbishop of Damas, Apostolic Nuncio to Brazil, assisted by Joao Batista Correa Nery, Bishop of Campinas and Benito Paulo Alves de Souza, Bishop of Espiritu Santo, consecrated as Bishop ofS ao Luis do Maranhao, Brazil. 58 Journal of Salesian Studies Born at Anchieta (Espiritu Santo) February 19, 1876; priest June 9, 1901; named Bishop of Corumba February 15, 1918; Bishop of Sao Luis do Maranhao June 18, 1918; Titular Archbishop of Verissa, Coadjutor of Mariana February 10, 1922; succeeded November 10, 1922; died April 25, 1960. Episcopal lineage: A. Scapardini (1909); A. Richelmy (1886); G. Ali monda-see entry I. 11) Domenico Comin. October 17, 1920. Cuenca, Ecuador, Cathedral Navidad de Nuestra Senora. Daniel Hermida Ortega, Bishop of Cuenca assisted by Gregorio Cordero Crespo, Dean of the Cathedral Chapter and Javier Landi var Serrano, Archdeacon, consecrated as Titular Bishop of Obba, Vicar Apos tolic ofM endez, Ecuador. Born at Santa Lucia de Budoja (Concordia) September 9, 1874; priest April 14, 1900; named March 8, 1920; died August 17, 1963. Episcopal lineage: D. Hermida (1919); A. Ordonez (1917); M. Polit (1907); R Meny del Val-see entry 5. 12) Luigi Versiglia. January 9, 1921. Canton, China, Cathedral. Jean Baptiste de Guebriant, Titular Bishop of Eurea assisted by Domenico Pozzoni, Titular Bishop of Tavium and Adolphe Rayssac, Titular Bishop of Cotyaeum, consecrated as Titular Bishop ofCarystus, Vicar Apostolic ofShiuchow. Born at Oliva Gessi (Pavia) June 5, 1873; priest December 21, 1895; named April 22, 1920; martyred February 25, 1930; beatified May 15, 1983; canonized by John Paul II October 1, 2000. Episcopal lineage: J. de Guebriant (1910) C. Chouvellon (1981) F. Biet (1878); A. Pinchon (1859); J. Perocheau (1818); F. de Bovet (1789). **BOV** 13) Guglielmo Piani. May 14, 1922. Rome, Church of Sacro Cuore di Gesu a Castro Pretoria. Giovanni Cardinal Cagliero, Bishop of Frascati, assisted by America Bevilacqua, Titular Archbishop of Scythopolis and Sebastiao Leite de Vasconcellos, Titular Archbishop of Damietta, consecrated as Titular Archbishop ofD rama, Apostolic Delegate in the Philippines. Born at Martinengo (Bergamo) September 16, 1875; priest May 15, 1898; named Titular Bishop of Paleopolis and Auxiliary of Puebla December 16, 1921; Titular Archbishop of Drama and Apostolic Delegate in the Philip pines February 17, 1922; Titular Archbishop of Nicosia April 21, 1934; Apos tolic Visitor to Mexico October 5, 1948; Apostolic Delegate in Mexico April 13,1951; died September 27, 1956. Episcopal lineage: G. Cagliero-see entry I. Salesian Bishops 59 14) Pedro Octavio Ortiz Arrieta. June 11, 1922. Lima, Church of Maria Auxiliadora. Giuseppe Petrelli, Titular Archbishop of Nisibi, Apostolic Nuncio to Peru assisted by Pedro Pablo Drinot y Pierola, Titular Bishop of Basilinopolis and Jose Gregorio Castro, Titular Bishop of Clazomene, conse crated as Bishop ofC hachapoyas, Peru. Born at Lima April 19, 1878; priest February 27, 1907; named Novem ber 21, 1921; died March 1, 1958 atChachapoyas. Episcopal lineage: G. Petrelli (1910); A. Agius (1904); R. Merry del Val-see entry 5. 15) Ernesto Coppo. December 24, 1922. Torino, Church of Maria Au siliatrice. Domenico Comin, Titular Bishop of Obba, assisted by Luigi Versiglia, Titular Bishop of Carystus and Giovanni Pinardi, Titular Bishop of Eudoxias, consecrated as Titular Bishop ofP aleopo/is in Asia, Vicar Apostolic ofK imber ley, Australia. Born at Rosignano Monferrato (Casale Monferrato) February 6, 1870; priest August 7, 1892; named December l, 1922; resigned from his vicariate in 1928; died December 28, 1948 at Ivrea Episcopal lineage: D. Comin--see entry 11 16) Manoel Gomes de Oliveira. April 15, 1923. Niter6i, Church of Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora. Enrico Gasparri, Titular Archbishop of Sebaste, Apostolic Nuncio to Brazil assisted by Anronio Dos Santos Cabral, Archbishop of Belo Horizonte and Benito Paulo Alves de Souza, Bishop of Espiritu Santo, consecrated as Bishop ofGoias, Brazil. Born at Anchieta (Espiritu Santo) January 9, 1874; priest June 16, 1901; named October 27, 1922; first Archbishop ofGoias, November 18, 1932; died May 12, 1955. Episcopal lineage: E. Gasparri (1915); V. Ranuzzi (1903); P. Respighi (1891); L. Parocchi--see entry 2. 17) Dante Carlo Munerati. January 29, 1924. Rome, Church of Sacro Cuore di Gesu a Castro Pretorio. Giovanni Cardinal Cagliero, Bishop of Fras cati, assisted by Raffaele Carlo Rossi, Titular Archbishop of Thessalonica and Giovanni Battista Rosa, Archbishop of Perugia, consecrated as Bishop of Volterra, Italy. Born at Bagnolo San Vito (Mantova) October 12, 1869; priest Decem ber, 17, 1869; named December 20, 1923; died December 20, 1942. 60 Journal of Salesian Studies Episcopal lineage: G. Cagliero--see entry 1. 18) Antonio de Almeida Lustosa. February 11, 1925. Sao Joiio del Rei, Church of the Carmelite Third Order. Helvecio Gomes de Oliveira, Archbishop of Mariana, assisted by Manoel Gomes de Oliveira, Bishop of Goias and Benito Paulo Alves de Souza, Bishop of Espiritu Santo, consecrated as Bishop ofUberaba, Brazil. Born at Sao Joiio del Rei February 11, 1886; priest January 28, 1912; named July 4, 1924; Bishop of Corumba December 17, 1928; Archbishop of Belem do Para July 10, 1931; Archbishop of Fortaleza July 19, 1941; Titular Archbishop ofVelebusdus February 16, 1963; Archbishop emeritus of Fortaleza March 16, 1971; died August 15, 1974. Episcopal lineage: H. Gomes de Oliveira-see entry 10. 19 Henrique Cesar Fernandes Mourio. October 18, 1925. Campos, Cathedral of Santissimo Salvador. Enrico Gasparri, Titular Archbishop of Se baste, Apostolic Nuncio to Brazil, assisted by Manoel Gomes de Oliveira, Bishop of Goias and Benito Paulo Alves de Souza, Bishop of Espiritu Santo, consecrated as Bishop ofC ampos, Brazil. Born at Rio de Janeiro November 22, 1877; priest November 30, 1901; named May 1, 1925; Bishop ofCafelandia December 16, 1935; died March 30, 1945. Episcopal lineage: E. Gasparri--5ee entry 16. 20) August mood, January 3, 1926. Katowice. Cathedral. Alexander Cardinal Kakowski, Archbishop of Warszawa, assisted by Anatoli Novak, Bishop of Przemysl of the Latins and Stanislaw Lukomski, Titular Bishop of Sicca V eneria, consecrated as Bishop ofK atowice, Poland. Born at Brzeckowice (Katowice) July 5, 1881; priest September 23, 1905; named December 14, 1925; Archbishop of Gniezno and Poznan June 24, 1926; Cardinal June 20, 1927; resigned from Poznan, retaining Gniezno, and named Archbishop of Warszawa May l, 1946; died October 22, 1948 at War- szawa. Episcopal lineage: A. Kakowski (1913); S. Zdzitowiecki (1902); J. Szembek (1901); B. Klopotowski (1897); M. Pallulon (1883); S. Kozlowski (1883); A. Beresniewicz (1859); W. Zylinski (1848); K. Dmochowski (1841); I. Pawlowski (1829); M. Piwnicki (1827); F. Mackiewicz (1817); K Cieciszowski (1775); A. Mlodziejowski (1767); W. Lubienski (1758); A. Komorowski (1749); A. Zaluski (1724); F. Szaniawski (1707); S. Szembek (1690); J. Mala- Salesian Bishops 61 chowski (1676); B. Madalinski (1672); J. Gembicki (1653); P. Gembicki (1637); J. Wezyk (1620); W. Gembicki (1601); S. Kamkowski (1568); J. Uchansk:i (1552). **UCH** 21) Arturo Jara Marquez. June 29, 1926. Santiago de Chile, Basilica of La Gratitud Nacional. Benedetto Aloisi Masella, Titular Archbishop of Caesarea, Apostolic Nuncio to Chile assisted by Abraham Aguilera Bravo, Bishop of San Carlos de Ancud and Miguel Leon Prado, Bishop of Linares, consecrated as Titular Bishop of Archelais, Vicar Apostolic of Mage/lanes y Islas Malvinas. Born at Lontue (Santiago) June 26, 1880; priest April 25, 1905, named January 29, 1926; resigned from his vicariate in 1938; died February 10, 1939 at Santiago. Episcopal lineage: B. Aloisi Masella (1919); P. Gasparri (1898); F. Richard (1872); J. Guibert (1842); St. E. de Mazenod (1832); C. Odescal chl-see entry 2. 22) Eugene Mederlet. October 28, 1928 at Madras, Cathedral. Elie Jean Morel, Archbishop of Pondicherry assisted by Teotonio Manuel Ribeiro Vieira de Castro, Bishop of San Thome of Meliapore and Dionisio Vismara, Bishop of Hyderabad, consecrated as Bishop ofM adras, India. Born at Erstro:ff (Metz) November 15, 1867; priest July 8, 1894; named July 3, 1928; died December 12, 1934 at Pellikonda, India Episcopal lineage: E. Morel (1909); H. Bottero (1899); J. Gandy (1883); F. Laouenan (1868); E. Charbonneaux (1845); C. Bonnand (1833); L. Hebert (1811); P. Roviglia (1808); A. Ramazzini (1795); L. Pianazzi (1785); P. Brigot (1756); J. de la Fuente Yepes (1754); P. Martinez (1745); G. Molleda (1725); V. Orsini, Benedict XIII-see entry 1. 23) Federico Emmanuel. May 19, 1929. Rome, Church of Sacro Cuore di Gesu a Castro Pretorio. Donato Cardinal Sbaretti, Bishop of Sabina e Poggio Mirteto assisted by Giulio Serafini, Titular Bishop of Lampsacus and Luigi Olivares, Bishop of Nepi e Sutri, consecrated as Titular Bishop ofP hilo menium, Auxiliary ofS abina e Poggio Mirteto, Italy. Born at Bassolino di Sarsino (Torino) September 6, 1872; priest June 8, 1895; named April 18, 1929; Bishop ofCastellammare di Stabia November 12, 1936; Titular Bishop of Ezani 16 April 1952; died January 2, 1962. Episcopal lineage: D. Sbaretti (1900); S. Martinelli (1896); M. Ram polla--see entry 5.

ander VIl as the consecrator of Cardinal Paluzzo Altieri, and those ill shortly before the ceremony and was replaced as consecrator by Cardinal.
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