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Sonar Based Navigation: Follow The Leader Solution for tacraeBIII fnooisiv ieD h otdtettimb ussise hAt hcra edseecR n sadevnid adAeuttaSudarG itannicni Cf oytisrevin Ueh tfo eh tf otnemlliflu flaitra pni feoerg eed hrt osftnemeriuqer ECNE IRFCEOSTSAM gnireenig nrEaelc udN nlaairtsud n,Ilacinahc e fMtonemtrap eeD hntI gnireenign Ef oegello Ceh tfo 2001 yb narahdila rdunMivarA ,)gnireenig nlEacinahce ME(.B .59 9,1aid n,Iygolonhc efeTogell o.CtvoG : err e iotts. asstirdhieisDn Cvnmea.drmhLAEoTlClaH Abstract nsinoitacilp p fato oglnidn ief ryatilibap aeclib ohmt iswtob osruomonotuA gnitnu ayadlu r sttiob oharc u fsnogis e.Desnef edd neaca p,senicid e,mgnirutcafunam tnemnoriv ns ethit itwcaret nos itathob oe rhetsuac exbelpm osecius se ih.Tksat neh w e hgtniv olmiat ntehg itmob orar onfoitacilp pealbiss oep h fteo nkOs aet hgtnimrofrep sanae e esdblu oncoitagiv ahnc u.Sht aepf adsedic eydllaciman yhadguor httobor dic etds ugajno lnaoitanits edderis eoasdttob oerlib o fmsoeir efagsonidiug ef adse elcats bd onganinna lhpt afapoe re ahnetin onde es bashkr ohwcraes esruorem u.Nhtap derolpxe n,unwonk nhauguor hytltnegillet ntiob ogarnitagiv arn osfmhtirog leacnadiova nemeriuq eer hgtnillifl usfdraw oetn osd akwr ohwcraes esri h.TtnemnorivnE t of thacraes esRcitob or Rorfetn ee Ch.Treda eglni v woaomll ootftob oerli b goanmingised e hrt o IftIacra edBem atnob oerlib otamli usb aihtannicn i fCyotisrevi neUht r onfoitaicos se Ahydtbetcudn ogcni enboititepm osCcitob odRnuo rlGanoitanretnI mnU ItIacra ee Bhetk aosemtivitcej be oh.Tra eyyre v)eSVU As(mets ydSnuo rdGenna f oecnatsi defa sagniniatnia melih wsegdu jeh tf oen oy bnevir drewo mnwa lawollof doner otcan iurmoemcudsn acritnosar tdliuo r.a s lArtoe uPt3oebma - hr tonitawom refdocne eedback was used to track the co - e dhrntead a eenfhlooti t dosnmeatanidro err odfetsuj dyalbati u ssmiets ygsnireets - dex ie fhntiatni aodm tntaob oe rhgtnitneiro nr sw ategofenahnnohotikts d.earheeTr dtdea onhenebatlehoetr wetcenbatsid batsujda d eoetthoatcls nseaerr lateglna - e h.Treda ee lhfntooit oemvital ed rneatanidro e hnttiob oe rhrtee torstot otmhg id rntaf ee lhstevi rydlbati ursellortn oC cMlDilaG ets ytsnedneped neilbat r soadple inygis esdi h.Tdee prsepo rtd pannaoitcer irdeporp ,m 2 eak irlosn e fsdon itknereff iyd nhat idwecalp e rrdoetarget nyilbati u esdblu ohccihw .reda ee lhfntooit od mnnaoitis oe phntiatrec sdalu ohcci h,wrosn ersesal 3 Acknowledgments v ath odnlu odw neacneirep xgeninra eglnitseret n ninae esb akhr oswihT elbisso pnee be o hswrebm emma estuoir ae vhydtbedivo repcnadi ud gnpal e,htropp ue shttuohtiw denraec n .yitIMsaIcr als e l aIBsetIawaIcr agnenoBik ryolwtner r eu drcdnaeakrow ul asv irh olfl aeHin r.E rrDosiv dsAise h y To motogs leadutita rtgsepeed ,ecnadi ueglba woll osfi httnemelp mdi neazilautpecn o,ceviecn o ocgtnipl e nheicnatsis sda ntaroppus eettimm oscise h yt fmsorebm eem hrt osfkna h ytsmserp xoes l.Iamhtirog lraeda eelht dtenn sbaudulj u.tokIw rhocwrae sse irsnhnitoitseg gruis erhotf ta hy fttaIinsemetatsre kihtr a oK otsgkna hltaice p ys.Msise h ytgmnipa h nsti o ealdmepl eshtnemm orcieht ngis er donfoitamrof nd intanemegaruoc nfeeocru otsnatsn oys cmao whuwrugaramuK er a,psdnei r yofsmte oegdutita rtgleftra ey.hMmets yssi hfto latnemurts ngini erb osftn .sise hsti hettelpm o oc etgmnipl enhi 4 Table of Contents n o.i1tcudortnI ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 7 1.1 noitavitoM ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 7 1.2 :evitcejbO ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 8 3.1 me:ltbnoermPetatS ................................ ................................ ............................... 8 ran odSe nstoaciBetjcbeOteD ................................ ................................ ..................... 9 noit a 5zf.io1n asg:irshOitsehT ................................ ................................ ................. 10 noitag i.v2aN - neowrieu titdcv anueradReotritLnI ................................ ....................... 11 s1e.l2picn niforoiPtagivaN ................................ ................................ ...................... 11 1.1.2weivrevO ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 11 2 .e1m. a2enrc oFnri eotrraoegffievRaN ................................ ............................... 12 kra m3d.n1a.L2 - desaBnoitagivaN ................................ ................................ ......... 12 2.2 ntooibtoaRgivaN ................................ ................................ ................................ 13 e l dc1ei.dh2ie.uV2G s ................................ ................................ ........................... 13 no id2te. as2eg a.cisnB2n veaenamiroNaserefFterRaC ................................ ......... 13 nk3or .iad2tme.ads2gnaiaBvLaN ................................ ................................ ......... 15 1gs.ne3iu.rq2ei.tn2shucleCT ................................ ................................ ............ 15 2. 3l.a2u.t2pgencirseaPilA ................................ ................................ ................ 15 tne mn mpg3 eoidtlsnseeayvDSeD ................................ ................................ ............... 17 me tlslyas r1ee.hv3To ................................ ................................ ............................... 17 gc2mni.ein 3tgod snsieyaaohSRrrTtallUoP ................................ ............................. 17 l 3or.ro3ttnooMC ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 20 4 lgonmris tridnennoeaaCthSceM ................................ ................................ ........... 21 1w.e4ivrevO ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 21 4.2 Design ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 21 4.3 nloomiretttonsMoyCS ................................ ................................ ................. 22 4.4 meltesdyoSM ................................ ................................ ................................ 22 1.r 4ee.dh4oTcnE ................................ ................................ ................................ . 25 2r.e4l .le4ohrTtnoC ................................ ................................ .............................. 26 5 . e4KrDaSwtWfioKS ................................ ................................ ............................. 27 1w.e5ivrevO ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 30 rl2roe.asd5nnooemSs ................................ ................................ .............................. 30 3 r.ya5hnWoS - y dnuotsS ira pAmoC ................................ ................................ ....... 32 y m4rr e.noadt5gennsihoaysTSSeD ................................ ................................ ........ 33 1. 4 r .nae:5olhltuTescdiroPiMC ................................ ................................ ........... 35 5.6 suoiverP noi tka r g dorineWavisnaaoNBS ................................ ..................... 36 5.5n omiettpsiyrScseD ................................ ................................ .............................. 39 s n6o .il5taacrietdciasrnPoC ................................ ................................ ...................... 40 mh t dgi.cnnr6i aio rgewgreoholodLtlAfaleoLF ................................ .......................... 42 y1r.o6ehT ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 42 6.2 stluseR ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 49 .7 CRGIn oSiVtUiAtepmoC ................................ ................................ ......................... 52 s t2 n.tne 7si veeCEhtRtnGoIc ................................ ................................ .................. 52 sluloam ho1Cn.o2t.u7A egnenoititepmoC ................................ ............................. 53 1.1.w2e.i7vrevO ................................ ................................ ............................... 53 5 .2.1.2 .E7LCIHE:VLORTNOC ................................ ................................ ......... 53 E.:L3EC.SA1RT.US2OB.CO7 ................................ ................................ ........ 54 no iw2to.i l2trel.eeho7pdtFmaoeCL ................................ ................................ ..... 56 e1v.i2t.c2e.j7bO ................................ ................................ ............................... 56 2 .t2s.er2gi.aF7tS ................................ ................................ .............................. 57 Phase II - ecn gad nnn yieaeawtewonrdliFalaeoMHF ................................ ............ 57 3.2.2 .d8noceSegatS ................................ ................................ .......................... 57 7.2.3 daoR snioribteiDtepmoC ................................ ................................ ....... 58 7.4 noita rraopfer P10t0s2etnoc ................................ ................................ .......... 59 secnerefeR ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 62 xidneppAA ................................ ................................ ................................ ................... 67 tnaveleRsmargorP ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 67 List of Figures giF m.ma1ertgsayiSD ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 18 giF .dn2i omoriarotrascglneaoeniPSnDoC ................................ ................................ .. 19 gi mF ne.ot3istyoSM ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 23 g i.kFln ei.dl4ouMmiS ................................ ................................ ................................ . 27 ec n noyipcsn ee aRu6nq.peegoprioOFFL ................................ ................................ ... 29 giF .rl8aendooSM ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 31 m eggtni s iFry.gaS9nnaoRS ................................ ................................ ........................ 34 nloaSci p.gy0iT1F ra maeBnrettaP ................................ ................................ .............. 36 ngnr ioedF it ir.ttfoa1aaorn1iPaodlSaoRP ................................ ................................ ... 37 s rl o adttrtnc cinaeyae eftFhngmfito inel fFoa.oru2iq1vntE l aenhgiS ......................... 41 no igtia Ft fnc oegit.sntc3eiae1rkmjpcebeahORrcTS ................................ ................... 43 giF .41 noitatn egsneirgpnearR ................................ ................................ ...................... 44 List of Tables elb atTn e .emg1cennriausRtsuAsaNieODMS ................................ ............................. 50 T s neyolt ib i s tta.ctl tni2oaercesleoe roehfjtePVwbafOfid ................................ .......... 51 elbaT s. n3coiiftfaalroTiV ................................ ................................ ............................ 55 6 1. Introduction 1.1 noitavitoM ta hytgolonhc eetriuq esrmets yysawhg idhetamotuA dn amro fo tselcihe vswoll a tro hysr ehvt irweh thoc aweoll oyflsuomonot usaelcih ehvci h nw"i,snootal pn"iatniam gnida ee l hoettgn atrs usmelcih egvniwoll oe fh.Tsret eo m wsttaro hs,sas’yawdaeh vredn uyletarucc ayre vyawdae heh tniatnia mdn aselcihev ,noitarelec c,asdee pgsniyra .srekr aemn aylawhg ieh hktca r otgtniree tesli h,wspo tyscnegre mnee vde n,agnikarb elih w,denna ms ielcihe vdae leh tyln ohcih wn isyovno cro fs itnemeriuqe ryratili mehT osl atu byawdae hniatnia myln oto nselcihe vgniwollof re eo ts rssw ea oedolhatlteolf htcarae ssecRito brrooeRft ne.eheCTsr usosce l t ko hnc g rgiataeirivmterehw ydbezinag rnooititepm oec h nttinapicitr arpalug enare esb aihtannicn i fCyotisrevinU re v)eSVU As(mets ydSnuo rdGennam nr Uonfoitaicos seAht f oytisrevin U.rae yy stne vee h ftyon a nmdiezi rnp odw ndaetapicitr asp a IhtIacra edBell atcob osr’itannicniC e hwtoll odFell atcne v w eneaonititepm o9c9 9e 1 hn.tInoititepm osci hndtiezinagro ssucs iedvo bea h ftnooitalum inadsiecudort nsi arwedaeL e h.Telpma xdelr olwa edre evitcej beo h.Tsegd uej h fteo n yonbevi rtdr a rcroew onmw awaloll o ofst amw icaisab ecnats iddradna tnasiht iewcnats ied hgtniniatni aemli hewlcih edva eel hwtoll o ofstaw i nsnm eaotIsaIucr ayelBtnes e.r)Psre t3e(m - tcerid )sne Ley EhsiF (metsy snoito mlanoi s.iehcTna teesr hiurt dsaogantneoims t tadee e t n lhegfoeaegtnrorhhniattamtr eotted hc r sakte rpshomeswe ritol ttpeamhot ckcs aagtni s guen hirttaantoos ro ttcet eddna etacol eht tcejbo os taht tobor dluoc ebtius ni aem h.Ttcej beo hwtoll o ofdteree tyslba d nnaoitatnemelp m fieos a,ets owc orlie hetdulc nmiets ygsnign arran o fssonoitcartta 7 gnisseco rrpewo l fsmor oef h ntsiegatnavdas ihadt iswem o tchiguoh t. lyAtef atsnerehni h tnorbet tma apee db di,nwsadeeps ,sror reegr aylllaitnet ooepttubirtn otchg ihmci hfwo .noitacilp p fadon iski hrt oeflbati uesr o tmsiek asmegatnav ddaezila eerht 1.2 :evitcejbO r oefvitanret lealbail eerlbati udasn i ofst akwr ohwcraes esri h fteosopr uyprami rephT ul otsnetsi xeeht ohtguo neelbisa eedfblu ohwci htwpecn orceda ee lhwtoll oe fhr tonfoit ohtguo nyes a eedblu ohwci hdw nyatilibap adc nsaecruos etrnese rep hhtt iewveihca d ntacet eomdtets yrsan ocsiman ysdi hf e to.se suhdTe eenrut uotftpa dd antanemelpmi tdsiboova hcraes esri h.T ItIacra erB omfets yssi h ftyotilibide rec hdtehsilbat sse ashelca krow stpmetta ot ekat ni ot taht erutaef fo tce jnbooitceted ot pleh ni eht ssecorp fo .reda eel hgtniwollof :tnemetat Smelbor P3.1 softtwosstis nroecd aeweholtl leohFT Iesah Pylema nsega – Ie Isa hd Pnyaawda eH - gniwoll oeFe rdF neacnanetni ayMawdaeH e sIahP - Headway nSsaek atma hhttgn erlet e4m. 5fat1osisn olcl iewsru oec h ftfol athsr iefhT - ht iewvruc hhtt itwra tlsl iewgnella heC h.Tsret e f3msouid anra eam elcihe vgniwollo feh tf otnor fe e h.Tyranoita tsselcih ehvt odb n,aelcih edva eel h ftroa eer h ntnog ies hdtnih esbret e3m e hfdt one e hodttee ptsa hdtl od hnrau or h eomy3ptklwo lestarelec clal iewlcih edvael erlcih edva eel h ftroa eer hnte h.Wnur d an,apo tlsl it,wisret e4m. 5s1ehcae froetn eec hmtor fs(elcih eov wet hnteewt eebcnats ied h fteod a emlbl itwnemerusaem 8 .)elcih egvniwoll oef h ftroetn etcno ref h otetlcih edva eel h ntnog iesht lli wsegduJ o we thnteewt edbna td snkal aywlirassecen o.Ntnemerusa esmi hetk a omstelcih ev po tssi hgtnir uddettimr e eplbl iewlcih eev h otsttnemtsuj dlaaunam . elcihe vdae lehT .egnella he C hfetosa hdpnoc ee shott ndieeco rd pnnaia gptaura tnse hltliw IeIsahP - ecn agd n nny eiaaetwwenodrilaFaleMoHF At ,elcih edva eel h otytl neolbis ikvca r nateounitn olcl iewsru oec heItsa h fPdo nee ht Sf otsisno clli whcih wtub - on3tw osdre t me5om relfbl iewrutavr uficoid a.Rsevruc e 6m f9eocnats irad orfh/ mt3knatsn o tacna ulrl iewlcih edva eel h.Tsretem ters at the ftonemerusa edmnoc edas n,aen ihlsin ief h ttda nrea esr thit ipwo tlsl i twhici h fwdone e h nteolcih edva eel hntoisac c no.Oed a emlbl iswelcih eov wet hnteewt eebcnatsid lerr anboitcurts n fosaocret e5 m.n1iht isws alpl iewsru odcekramnu . noitcet etDcej bdOes arBanoS n ognidice dn is irellortno ctnegilletn in agningise df oegnellah ccificep sehT ow to,hstnemeriuq ee rhytfsit aodstede esnnioitamrof ntia hosswtatnemeriuqer ymrotcafsit a nasnioitamrof nsii het s ouwt odh n taeirusaem tedeh let tumraoehwntna nagis e odst aewvitcej bnogis eldlare veo h.Tenihc aem h ftnooitacifice pescnamrofrep sselkca rhtguor httob oe rhgtnitagiv ar noyfgolodoht enmoitul od snmahtirog lealbatius dtnnatoaitav enliear r desntna rpurt ahh ts,inwiarret ottob oe rhetlba neem ietm aesh elbatiu saf ongise dseilpm isih T.ecnatsi ddewoll aylbanosae ranihti wredae leh twollof ottob oe r hfctoig ollortn olcev erlep phut i,wdetarget nyilis aedeblu ohcci h,wmetsysbus metsy slargetn in as anoitcnu ft ielbane .stnemeriuq eercnamrofr eep hlt lganiteem 9 ndoes a sbsiegatnav dtanemelp m oiyts ade ntas otcnereh nsi thit igwnign arranoS .s rdo esoednn thnreo tuusteotbsear r etsvluauowu ne rgimto n tisffiantrorouucbsaem sendhonste phetdgne ro thdsceetcel feehrT n ofeiohttatn eedirnruao t,xee pt,aehzsi gnitt e fgsoecna hec hetsaerc ndi near otmcelf esrecafr uesgr a.Lecafr ugsnitcelfer desu c ronaofoisreps iedsu ay caemcafr ugsnitcel f ,eaerpa hs s tngionidnep e.Ddetceted .ma edbetcelfer si hfntooitazinag r5O.1 :sise hT ,dnuorgk c eashbntial p dxkn erahocwrae ss e inrohottitcud or r e 1tstnnipaiahC noitagiv aen hstnialp xr2eetpa h.Csise hsti hdtnih eybgolonhc eet hdt nnaoitavitom .enHoitagi vena nonko rdsouwoiv e erynhpeotv reursutar es teaidliv o drynpraoeht re r4etpa h.Cdessucs idd ndaenialp xoes lea rmaets yes h ftsotnenopmocb utsnereffid cis amabo rsfessergo rrpetpa hsci h.Tmsinahc edm nnagis eldortn ogcniree tes hstnialpxe nfhootitatnemel p dmnnigai sleadu t elcohoattrt ngoncire e entohosttitcudortni metsy ssi sessuc s dihndcaaor pnpoaitce ttecde jdbeo sraab n eoshsntia lr pe5xtep a .htICaIcr aneiB tnese re p hodtterapm once hmwets yssi hfstoegatnavdas id dnsaegatnav de ahytllaitrap inm odesa bsne ley ehsif -ssucs ir6detpa h.Cmets ynsoit olmanoitcerid eh tliate dn ise e hstnialp xt.eIhcaorp pganikca rttcej bdoes arbecudsna rctinosart le uhdtnih embhtirogla CV GeI h ftwoeivre v nosaev ir7getpa h.Chcaorp psai hdtnih eybgolodoht edm neacneics emmoc ed rnsanoisulcn oecrut usfe v ri8egtpa hd Cnnaoititepmoc eru trsuonffoitadn stanese rep rcaig oel h ftnooitatnemelp mei hdtnih esbmargo rep h,tyllan i.Fhcraeser .xidnep pe a hneti d IoCScNA 10

Sonar Based Navigation: Follow The Leader Solution for deepest gratitude also go to my Thesis Advisor Dr. Ernie Hall for his valuable guidance,.
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