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SOME UPPER PENINSULA PIONEERS from Michigan Pioneer and Historical Collections Volumes 1 - 40 REISSUED AS A SERVICE TO LIBRARIES BY THE MID-PENINSULA LIBRARY COOPERATIVE HEADQUARTERS IRON MOUNTAINJ MICHIGAN 1974 CONTENTS 11DR. DOUGLASS HOUGHTON" BY ROLLAND C. ALLEN. VoLUHE 39, 1915. PAGES 1 - 8. ·~TORY or THE DROWN ING or DR . DOUGLASS HOUGHTON AND or SKETCH PETER McFARLAND, THE LAST SURVIVOR Or THE EXPEDITION-" BY GEORGE JOHNSTON. VOLUME 22, 1893. PAGES 9 - 13. "REMINISCENCES BY GEORGE JOHNSTON, Of SAULT DE STE MARIE, 1815.11 VOLUME 32, 1902. PACES 15 - 21. c. "THE HISTORIC JOHNSTON FAMI LY Of THE Soo" BY H. CHAPMAN . VOLUME 12, 1887. PAGES 23 - 72. "MEHORtES or THE Soo (EowARO OHSHAwAwo}" ev MRS. THOHAS 0, GILBERT. VOLUME 30, 1905, PAGES 73 - 83. "A SKETCH of.- JoHN SENTER or HouGHTOH.11 VoLVHE 30, 1905. PACES 85 - 91, "THE STORY or J OHN TANNER" BY MRs . ANC:tE 81HGHAM GtLBERT. VoLUHE 38, 1912. PAGES 93 - 98. "PETER WHITE AS MAN AND AS C1TIZEN 183()-190811 BY HoN. LEVI l. BARBOUR. VOLUME 37, 1909-1q10. PAGES 99 - 118. '~HE F1RST MAH or MARQUETTE; S~ETCHES or HoN. PETER WHITE';11 VOLUME 30, 1905. PAGES 119 - 140. DR.' DOUGLASS HOUGHTON BY ROLLAND c. ALLEN.* I N the year 1830 Michigaii lay on _the very frontier of settlement in the old Northwest 'l'crritory. Detroit was little more than an army post although it was rapidly liecoming an important settlement through wbicl1 was passing a tide of sturdy people to the oak openings and prairies of the southern counties. There were less than 20,000 persons of European descent iu the entire territory embraced within the present borders of the State. Be· yond Detroit stretched to the north and west a 1ast and silent wilderness, broken only here and there on the coast by isolated groups of traders' and trappers' buts and stockades, through which communications were maintained with the Indian's of the interior. The coast v..· as only roughly charted, the land unsurveye<l, and little was knoWn of the character of the vast inlands of the two penin sulas, excepting only the southern counties which Jay in the path of travel to the more remote and unsettled i"-egions south and west of the end of Lake Michigan. Such, in brief, was the state of the Territory on the arrival in Detroit, in the winter of 1830, of Douglass Boughton, then a youth •Rolland Craten Allen, B. A., M. A. (University or Wisconsin, 1006-1908), was born May 24th, 1881, at Richmond, Indiana. He moved with bl~ parents to Kansas In 1883 and thence to Wisconsin In 1891, securing his earlier education In the com· mon schools or Kansas City nnd Richland county, Wisconsin. Having acquired a <'ommon school education he h~t'nmc n countr~· school mnster nt the R!!P of sixteen and arter hnvlng mastered the mnln subjects In the high 11cbool curriculum, un tutored, he enterP.d the University ot Wisconsin nt the nge ot nineteen tor the pur pose ot preparing himself tor thl! profession of luw. There, however, he fell unde1· the lnduence ot Dr. Charles ntchnrd Van Hise, now president of the university but nt thnt tlme professor ot geology, nnd under him began the study or geology ns 11 profession. After three years ot college trnlolng, during which time he supported himself ne n pbotogrnpber, muslclnn and through otber labors or n mlscellnneous cbnrncter't be accepted nn lnstruct.or1tl11p ln the high school of Plymouth, Wisconsin. In the fa I or 1904, after a summer ijpcnt In geological work in the wllcla or northern Ontario, he reentered the university, graduating wltb the class or 1005. lo his senior year he led tor Wisconsin the annual Intercollegiate debllte with tbe Univer sity ot Michigan and won the science meclnl tor success In sclentltlc research. Dur ing the summer or 1905 Mr. Allen was employed ns geologist In Colorado by tbe United States Geological Survey, accepted a position as Instructor In Ille Unl.-erslty ot Wisconsin In the fall, resli;:ntng In March, 190.7, to engage In s:eoloi;lc work or a coinmerclnl nature in Canada, Minnesota and Michigan. Declining tile otfer of nn nppolntment ns mining geologist under tbe United States government In the Pblllpplne Ialnnds he returned nt the end or 1907 to the University ot Wisconsin tor post gradunte studies. In l!l08-1009 Mr. Allen wns Instructor In geology In the University or Michigan, and from this position was appointed State Geologist and Director or tbc Mlcblgs.n Geological nnd Biologlcnl Survey in August, 1909, con tinuing. however, bis connection with tbe unl'<'erslty ns a special lecturer In geolos:y until 1912, since which time his wbole energy hos been absorbed by his duties ns Director o! tbe Geological Sun-cy. :.tr. All~~ Is n Fellow or the Geolo~cal Society or America ·and a member of the Lnkc Superior :\lining Institute, Mlchlgnu Aradenw ot Science nod Michignn Eni:;lnccrlog Socictr nnd the fraternities or Sliimo Xi (sclentl6c), Alphn Cbl Sigma (chcmlcnl), und I,nnslni:; Loclge No. ll:l, F'. & A: M. Jn 1910· be wus united in mnrrlnge to Mnrthn Hill of ll111dlson, Indl1.1n11. · of twenty-one ·"·ho was destineu to acquire and sustain a dis tinguiRhecl leaderuhip, Jh'ilt in the intellectual ond profes1:1ion~l li,fe of Detroit, and· Jater, as State (Yeologist, in ·the development of . the mnt~nl resources of the young State nnd. the inception of instru~ion in~the natural seienccs in tlle Univ.ersity. The occn· sion of his coming, .g.per the· lapi;e of thrcc·qnnrters_o f n century, secmi; prophetic of tue profound impress he was destined to leave on the State of hi& adopUon. He came. fo Michigan, not as an emigrant f.-eeking n new home in the west but, through tbc influence of .i_utclligent people in Detroit who hnu p1·ececled him, to fill n. ueed for n leader in scientific thought in the growing Territory. Although Detroit nt this time· was a viJlnge of dri·ly 4,000 souls it <'Omprii;'ed an unusually 'iritelligent populntion am·ong whom w_ere for n. number of men distinguished not less their'intellcctual than tor: their more mnterial nccomplishments. Amo'ng these were Oenernl Lewis Cnss, Governor of the Territory; Stephens T. Mason, who becitrile the first Governor of the State; Lucl~s r~yon, senator und later Surveyot· General 01' th~ United Stntes:; J\Injor Henry Whiting; Dr. Zina Pitcher, nn eminent physician -.n..nd a regent of the University. . i ,, Iµ 1830 'the friends of science in Detroit united i'n an application to Dr. A1nos Enton; President of the Rcnnesalher Polytechnic Im1titute bf~ Troy, New York; to recommend a per~on qualified to llelive1· n course 01' public l_ectures on chemistry,· geology, mineral_ogy: nud natural philosophy. The reqnest was delivered in p~rson by I.ucins Lyon. and resulted in the ·selection of Donglnss Houghton, who_w ne then act~ug as nu assistant to Dr. Ento~, .the. ~oremost geologist ot the country. The immediate populariti_ attained by. . Houghtou~e lectures in Detroit wne cred.itable not only· to the young ecientiat .b'!lt also to his hearers, who .forsook in 0. .measure the gniet.r ot' n.""mmtary post to engage more sedoyely 'in a study of natural science under the leadership of n yontll who by mauy 'vas at first deemed bette.r_f itted to receive rather than to im'parf instruc: tion. Young Houghton, however, nt once gave evidence of re· p1arknhle scientific attainments which, combined wit11:!bis dominat· ing but lovable pc1·sonnlity, soon w:on all hearers. In thus early gaining the reSpcct, ndmlration, and high regard o~ the· people of Detroit he.hid ·_the foun.dation which in later·yeor~_; brondened to include the people of the entire State, supported• ·hin\ in the organizntion of the Geological Survey nnd the prodigious labor& whicJt be discharged in the exploration of the trackless. forests ot the north. · ' .- -----·- _.m.. i831 Houghton was admitted to· the practice of medicine and .. .. 3 soon thereafter receivetl nn appointment from General Cass ns ppysician and botanist fo the Henry lit. Sd1oolcrnft expedition to uc the sources of the Mississippi rh·cr. It mny conceived that his experience irntlcr Schoolcrnfl not only i;crvrtl to slimulate his nntural love for adventurous exploration, bnt alRo instructed him in those methods o(travel and susfen:rnce in the wildemess of which he made such effective use <luring the progress of the Geological Survey. From 1832 to 1837 Dr. IIoughton wns cngng-ed in the profession· of medicine in Detroit. . Bis practice was large and remunerative, and he further added to his iucome by profitable investmeuts in real estate. In 1837 his private fortnnc was such that he was enabled to acce·pt the appointment of State Geologist from the hands of his friend Stephens T. Mason, the Governor of the uewly organi;i;ed state. It would be dcRirabk 10 pause here fo1· n time to consider this interesting- period in the Jifo of Dr. Ilonghton, and particularly his relation to the ci ,·ic nnd in1ellectua I nclivitics of Detroit; but since we arc concerned in this paper more largely with the remarkable labors of Dr. IIoughtoh, the State Geologist, suffice it to say that by 1837 ho hnd become the leading scientist and phy· sicinn, as well as one of the most prominent nod respected citizens of Michigan. ' It seems clear from the records of the times tllnt nr. Boughton· is not only responsible for tlle conception and plans of th~ first geological survey, but it was tlle persuasive force of his personality that induced the first Legislature to commit the people of the young State to a work which doubtlei;s promised to many little practical compensation in return for tlle burden of its support. This early personal triumph. ·or. the young scientist is the more remarkable when. it is considered that the science of geology had ns yet made little progress in America nnd was 'not then ns it is now a. com mon branch of instruction in schools and colleges. In fact ita claims were received 'vith donbt .from the standpoint of the prnc· tical bearings of its tenets, nnd ncauemicinm1 ucnicd tbe subject that favor which todny is so freely accorded to nll of the natural sciences: That the people of Michigan were thus early willing to iippropriate money for a scientific survey of the State is no less en evidence of their courageous intelligence than a tribute to the rema~kable influence of the personality of Dr. Boughton. lii the organization of the Snrvey Dr. Houghton found little of in· struction or guidance in the experience of the older States. Although the first sta.te surveys of Mas!"-0.clmsetts (1830), Tennessee (1831), Maryland (1834), New Jersey, Connecticut, Virginia (1835), Maine, New York, Ouio, an<l Penns~·lvauia (183G), prccc1kd thoi;c in :'ilichi ~nn 11.' from one to seven yenrs lhcii- resull's we1·e ouly n1c;1gcrly :n·ailablc and were of liltlc vnluc to Dl'. Uo11ghlon in plauning fo1· the \'nRl- lnbors which opene<l before 11im in lite wilds of i\lichi ~nu. It is an interesting fnct, ns well ns an cvi1le11ce of Jioni;hton's i.ccuiui;, that ns cal•ly as 1838 ('lie Survey hrnl been oq;uni7.c<l on tile plan thal in lhe main ~sentinls is Collowccl to .this <lny in Michi:;an, anil whic~h i8 approYe<1 liy years of cxpcricuce in other 8latC8 :lH well. 'l'hi:-; plan provi1le<l for ~eologic.al, lopo~1·nphic:ll! wologicnl. uncl bcil :w ica I <lcparlmc11 ts, 1•nch hea1lrtl by a compcf·cnt i::pecialist, l111t nil 1mcler the cxcculin? hcnd of the 8111·,·c.r, the State Geologist. The 1lcpnrtmm1t!l of bot:my 111111 ?.oology <.lid not 1;11\'\'h·c the i;ecotHl .n•nr of their or~:111ir.a1ion, on account of 1.h~ sfraighteucd coo<li- or 1i on lho Survr.y's finances, ll C:lllf>C which also TH"C\'Clltcd the. pnblir.n I ion of mo~t of the conn ty mnp~ which h:Hl been prepared l1y t11e Statn ·.ropo~rnpl1('r. Jn fact, it 8ecms 1hnt the fnn<ls whfrh lh~ Rtrn~gling yonng Rtnle wns nlilc io tlcvote to the Survey, so ahl~- plnnnc1l were pilifully iuadeqnatc for iL~ exccuti,m, and the 1 history of Michiga!l prcsenti:; uo nobler example than that of Dr. llouA'hton, who8e devotion mul enthusiasm surmounted in such llH\rked degree the <liflicultics ·thus imposc<l upon bim, :ui well ai; ull11~rs or an equally forinidnllle nature to which we shall 110w 11 llmlc. Tim 11111·1mii' of the sci~nr.r. of geolol!.V i11 A111e1·it•n. hn<l not 1·i~eu to the <lil!n i ty of n. pi:·ofession, and the ina t tcr of secui·ing competent asf.!iatnnt·i:; was a source of in11ncdi:1te <'OD<:ern to the Slate Geologist. 1t sc1·ms that there were in 1>elroit at thnt time a 1111111ll<'r of _ro1111g men of 111:11·k1·tl a bi lily. who, forl 1111a lc.ly. 1h rough )lC\'Sonnl contact with Dr. Ilou~htou hail ac11ufred some or his anlor :11111 cutlm:si:um\ for lhe sciences :m<l who bcca111e in I i111c. 11111lcr l1if' tenching and inllucncc, fllted for the work of nssistnuts to the c. ~fain 4lt~oloi;iRL or lhet5c Bela liubbartl and 0. Douglas rcn clcl't~ll 1•1licicnt i;~rvirn fr(lm lhc l>egi11ni11:; of the Sm"\·ey to 1 he tlc11lh ur Hr. lloughlon in 1S4r;. To those whose lnbora hnve never lctl across tltc wilds of the 11ol'tl11.~·1·11 forests a mere recital of the dangers :uul tlifficnltics which 1nc11a1·Nl the p1·n:;1·cf:R of the survey ns well us 01c physical an<l mental C'onslil11li1111 of ib' 11urn1IX!t'S 111u1>l fail to produce a full apprecia tion of Ilic pro<ligious 1Jurde11 cmlJl'ace1l hy tlte you11g gcolo(.!ist an<l hii- tlcrnt~cl m;si:;iantR. In allusion lo the nr<luow; chnr:\cter of his lal111r.s in 1842, Houghton says, "wauin~ !he streams by <lay, :11111oye1l by 111os1J11ito11 nt night. scpnrate<l fol· weeks together from ·ult i-odl!l'y, were it 11ot lhat the mind i.ll conat.antly occupied by

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