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SOME RESULTS ON AN ALGEBRO-GEOMETRIC CONDITION ON GRAPHS AVI KULKARNI, GREGORY MAXEDON, AND KAREN YEATS Abstract. Paolo Aluffi, inspired by an algebro-geometric problem, asked when the Kirch- hoff polynomial of a graph is in the Jacobian ideal of the Kirchhoff polynomial of the same 7 1 graph with one edge deleted. 0 Wegivesomeresultsonwhichgraph-edgepairshavethisproperty. Inparticularweshow 2 that multiple edges can be reduced to double edges, we characterize which edges of wheel n graphssatisfytheproperty, weconsiderastrongerconditionwhichguaranteestheproperty a for any parallel join, and we find a class of series-parallel graphs with the property. J 0 1 ] O Introduction 1. C . h Over the last decade there has been an interest in taking an algebraic geometry inspired t a approach to understanding Feynman integrals [3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15]. The key object m of study is the graph hypersurface which we can define as follows. Given a multigraph G [ (henceforth we will just say graph with the understanding that multiple edges and self-loops 3 are permitted) to each edge e of G assign a variable t and define the Kirchhoff polynomial1 v e 6 of G by 5 (cid:88) (cid:89) 3 ΨG = te. 0 T spanninge(cid:54)∈T 0 treeofG . 2 The graph hypersurface is then simply the variety given by the zero set of this polynomial, 0 viewed in projective space or in affine space depending on context. This relates back to 6 1 Feynman integrals because the Kirchhoff polynomial plays a key role in the integrand of : v the Feynman integral of G in parametric form, see for example [5]. In fact, viewing G as Xi a massless scalar Feynman diagram, the first interesting piece of the Feynman integral is simply r a (cid:90) Ω Ψ2 ti≥0 G where Ω = (cid:80)|E(G)|( 1)idt dt dt dt . This has come to be known as the i=1 − 1··· i−1 i+1··· |E(G)| Feynman period, see [17], and is a very interesting object physically, number theoretically, and combinatorially. AK was supported by an NSERC PGS D. GM was supported by an NSERC USRA during this project. KY is supported by an NSERC discovery grant. 1ThispolynomialisalsoknownasthefirstSymanzikpolynomial,andsometimestheKirchhoffpolynomial is instead defined dually with the condition e T in place of e T, see for example [5]. ∈ (cid:54)∈ 1 The interplay between Kirchhoff polynomials for different graphs will be crucial to our ar- gument. Therefore to keep the notation light we will abuse notation and simply write G for Ψ . We will take the convention that the Kirchhoff polynomial of a disconnected graph G is 0. At the level of the Kirchhoff polynomial, edge deletion, equivalently partial derivative, will be indicated by superscripts and edge contraction, equivalently setting variables to 0, by subscripts. That is, for Kirchhoff polynomials in this notation Ge = G(cid:114)e = ∂ G and G = G/e = G . e e e=0 | These facts are elementary consequences of the definition of the Kirchhoff polynomial. A similar argument gives the classical contraction deletion relation G = t Ge +G for e not a bridge or self-loop. e e Aluffi and Marcolli in [2] gave a definition of algebro-geometric Feynman rules which cap- tured the most basic properties of Feynman rules in quantum field theory. Specifically, they require the multiplicative property for disjoint unions of graphs, which is a restatement of the multiplicative property of independent events in basic probability; and they require the formula for recasting Feynman diagrams as trees of one-particle-irreducible diagrams. Other more advanced properties of physical Feynman rules can also be captured in algebraic language, see for example [16], but that is another story. Aluffi and Marcolli then look at examples of their algebro-geometric Feynman rules which appear natively in the land of algebraic geometry. One example comes from classes in the Grothendieck ring; another comes from Chern class calculations and gives univariate polynomial output. In the course of studying when this second example satisfies contraction-deletion relations, Aluffi in [1] needed to assume two technical conditions, which he calls Condition 1 and Condition 2, each of which is a condition on a pair of a graph G along with an edge e of G. Aluffi’s condition 1 is not difficult to state. Throughout the paper we follow [1] and work Q over (See [1, Section 2.4]). Definition 1.1. Let G be a connected graph and e an edge of G. Then condition 1 for the edge e of G, written 1(G,e), is the statement G ∂Ge ∈ (cid:104) (cid:105) where ∂Ge is the ideal of partial derivatives, i.e. the Jacobian ideal, of Ge, the Kirchhoff (cid:104) (cid:105) polynomial of G with e deleted. There are a few immediate observations worth making. From the contraction deletion re- lation and Euler’s homogeneous function theorem, see Theorem 2.1, condition 1 for regular edges is equivalent to the statement G ∂Ge . e ∈ (cid:104) (cid:105) 2 Certain special cases of edges are easy to understand. If e is a self-loop then G = t Ge and so e 1(G,e) is true. If e is a bridge then Ge = 0 since G(cid:114)e is disconnected and so has no spanning trees; thus 1(G,e) is false. Finally, if G (cid:114) e is a tree then Ge = 1 and so again 1(G,e) is false. Aluffi calls an edge which does not fall into one of the previous cases regular. In this paper we investigate the graph theoretic underpinning of condition 1. We are not able to obtain a full characterization of graph-edge pairs which satisfy the condition, but we do obtain the following interesting results. Propositions 3.3 and 3.4 give that multiple edges of any multiplicity greater than 1 are equivalent to double edges from the perspective of condition 1. Propositions 4.2 and 4.4 show that for wheels with at least 4 spokes, condition 1 is false for all rim edges and true for all spoke edges. Then we move to focusing on series- parallel graphs. Definition 5.1 gives a stronger condition which, by Corollary 5.9, shows when condition 1 is stable under parallel join. Finally, Corollary 6.14 describes a class of series-parallel graphs where condition 1 holds for all edges and Proposition 6.16 builds from this a much larger class of series-parallel graphs (and some other graphs) with specific edges for which condition 1 holds. Preliminaries 2. For our arguments we want to consider cases of identifying vertices. We will use the following notation 12 G for the Kirchhoff polynomial of the graph G with vertices 1 and 2 identified, and more generally if s ,s ,... are sets of vertices of G then 1 2 s1,s2,... G is the Kirchhoff polynomial of the graph G with the vertices of s identified, the vertices of 1 s identified and so on. 2 By considering the possible spanning trees we can write down the 1- and 2-cut formulas for the Kirchhoff polynomial. Specifically, if G is formed from H and H(cid:48) joined at a vertex then G = HH(cid:48) and if G is formed from H and H(cid:48) joined at two vertices, 1 and 2, then 12 12 G = HH(cid:48) +HH(cid:48). One of the main algebraic tools we’ll use is Euler’s homogeneous function theorem. Theorem 2.1 (Euler’s Theorem). Let R be a ring and f R[x ,...,x ] be a homogeneous 1 n ∈ function of degree m. Then n (cid:88) ∂f m f = x . j · ∂x j j=1 Next, we will give a few propositions explaining how small vertex and edge cuts affect condition 1. 3 Proposition 2.2. If G and H are connected graphs that are joined at one vertex and e is a regular edge of G, then 1(G,e) 1(G H,e). ⇔ ∪ H e G ⇔ e G Proof. Let G and H be as in the statement. ( ) Suppose 1(G,e), so for some P in the edge variables a of G, i i ⇒ (cid:88) G = P Geai. e i i Then, since neither e nor the a are variables of H, i (cid:88) (G H) = G H = HG = H P Geai e e e i ∪ ∪ i (cid:88) = P HGeai i i (cid:88) = P (H Geai) i ∪ i (cid:88) = P (G H)eai. i ∪ i Hence 1(G H,e) . ∪ ( )Suppose1(G H,e), soforsomesetsofpolynomials P and Q , withallpolynomials i j ⇐ ∪ { } { } in the edge variables a of G and b of H, i j (cid:88) (cid:88) (G H) = HG = P (G H)eai + Q(G H)ebi e e i ∪ ∪ ∪ i j (cid:88) (cid:88) = P HGeai + Q GeHbj i j i j (cid:88) (cid:88) = H P Geai +Ge Q Hbj. i j i j Set all of the b equal to 1. Then j (cid:32) (cid:33)(cid:12) (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:12) H G = H P Geai +Ge Q Hbu (cid:12) . |bjbojfe=dH1ge e |bjbojfe=dH1ge i i|bjbojfe=dH1ge u u (cid:12)(cid:12)bjbje=d1ge ofH So (cid:88) G = R Geai +SGe, e i i 4 wheretheR andS arepolynomialsinthevariablesa . SinceTheorem2.1impliesGe ∂Ge i i and the Geai are themselves partials, we have 1(G,e). ∈ (cid:104) (cid:3)(cid:105) Proposition 2.3. Whenever there is a two edge cut-set, contracting one of these edges has no effect on condition 1 for the remaining edges. Formally, let G be a graph with a two edge-cut set x,y . Then for all e G x we have 1(G,e) 1(G ,e). x { } ∈ \{ } ⇐⇒ ⇔ Proof. We can draw G as x 1 3 A B 2 4 y With G as drawn we see that 12 34 G = (x+y)AB +AB +AB and 12 34 G = yAB +AB +AB. x To get G from G we contracted x by setting x = 0. Notice that in G, the variables x and y x only appear in the term (x+y). We also see that the occurrence of (x+y) in G corresponds exactly to the occurrence of y in G . Therefore we can recover G from G by making the x x replacement y x+y. → To delete y we take the y derivatives of G and G , and we likewise delete x from G and G . x y Then we have the identity Gx = Gy = Gy = Gx = AB. x y We will also use the contraction deletion relation G = xGx +G . y y yx There aretwocases to beconsidered: (1)the edgethat condition1 is beingtested for belongs to the two edge cut-set; (2) it does not belong to the cut-set. Proof of case 1. Let y be the edge that we are testing for condition 1. 5 ( ) Suppose 1(G,y). Then ⇒ G ∂Gy = ∂Gy . y ∈ (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) x(cid:105) Hence G = G xGx = G xGy ∂Gy . yx y − y y − x ∈ (cid:104) x(cid:105) ( ) Suppose 1(G ,y). Then x ⇐ G ∂Gy . yx ∈ (cid:104) x(cid:105) Then G = xGx +G = xGy +G ∂Gy = ∂Gy . y y yx x yx ∈ (cid:104) x(cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) Proof of case 2. Let the edge e that we are testing for condition 1 belong to either A or B, and wherever the a appear below, let them range over the edge variables not equal to x, y, i or e. ( ) Suppose 1(G,e), so that for some polynomials P ,Q,R we have i ⇒ (cid:88) G = P Geai +QGex +RGey. e i i Now we use Gex = Gey = Gey, and let S = Q+R, so that x (cid:88) G = P Geai +SGey. e i x i Then we set x = 0 to get (cid:88) G = P (x = 0)Geai +S(x = 0)Gey. ex i x x i ( ) Suppose 1(G ,e), so that for some polynomials P ,R we have x i ⇐ (cid:88) G = P Geai +RGey. ex i x x i Then, by the replacement y x+y we recover G from G on the left hand side e ex → and we recover Geai and Gey on the right hand side. Therefore (cid:88) G = P (y x+y)Geai +R(y x+y)Gey. e i → → i (cid:3) Next we will define some special classes of graphs that we will use. Definition 2.4. The wheel with n spokes is the graph with n + 1 vertices consisting of a cycle of length n along with an additional vertex which is adjacent to all the vertices of the cycle. The edges of the cycle are called rim edges while the other edges are called spoke edges. 6 Definition 2.5. A source-terminal graph is a graph G with two distinct marked vertices s,t V(G). ∈ If G and H are two source-terminal graphs then we can define their parallel join as being the source-terminal graph G(cid:63)H, which is the disjoint union of G and H with the sources and terminals identified and with these two vertices forming the source and terminal of G(cid:63)H. If G and H are two source-terminal graphs then we can define their series join as being the source-terminal graph G(cid:69)H which is the disjoint union of G and H with the source of H identified with the terminal of G, with the source of G becoming the source of G(cid:69)H, and the terminal of H becoming the terminal of G(cid:69)H. Definition 2.6. We take a series-parallel graph to be a source-terminal graph G such that G is either (1) G = K . 2 (2) G is the parallel join of two series-parallel graphs H,H(cid:48), i.e. G := H (cid:63)H(cid:48). (3) G is the series join of two series-parallel graphs H,H(cid:48), i.e. G := H(cid:69)H(cid:48). In the case of series-parallel graphs the Kirchhoff polynomial for the graph with the two terminals identified is particularly important and so we will use the following notation, st G = G for any source-terminal graph G. If we interpret s,t V(G) as the only vertices with external edges then we recover G as the ∈ second Symanzik polynomial. That is (cid:88) (cid:89) G = x e T1,T2e∈/T1∪T2 Where T ,T are trees, s T , t T , T T = and V(G) T T . Call spanning forests 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ∈ ∈ ∩ ∅ ⊆ ∪ of 2 trees with these properties spanning-st-forests. The following are all reformulations of the 1 and 2 vertex cut formulas for the Kirchhoff polynomial as applied to the series and parallel operations. Lemma 2.7. Let H,H(cid:48) be source-terminal graphs. Then (a) H (cid:63)H(cid:48) = HH(cid:48) +HH(cid:48) (b) H (cid:63)H(cid:48) = HH(cid:48) (c) H(cid:69)H(cid:48) = HH(cid:48) (d) H(cid:69)H(cid:48) = HH(cid:48) +HH(cid:48) (e) deg(H) = deg(H)+1 and deg(H) > 0. Anyseries-parallelgraphhasanaturalrecursivestructurewhichwecancaptureinatree. 7 Definition 2.8. For any series-parallel graph G we may associate to it a (not necessarily unique) decomposition tree Υ, which is the rooted tree whose leaves represent the edges of G and whose interior vertices represent the operations (cid:69),(cid:63) used in the construction of G; the root vertex corresponds to the last operation used in the construction. Conversely, any such tree uniquely defines a series-parallel graph. The Υ-dual is the series-parallel graph associated to the decomposition tree Υ∨ obtained by exchanging every (cid:69) with a (cid:63) and vice-versa. Finally, ht(Υ) is the height of Υ as a rooted tree. Multiple edges 3. There are several interesting results concerning parallel edges and condition 1. Aluffi in [1] showed what we give as Proposition 3.1 to prove that the Chern class obeys a multiple edge formula. Extending beyond his work, Propositions 3.3 and 3.4 imply that where there is a pair of parallel edges, adding a third parallel edge or more has no effect on condition 1, and if there are three or more edges, deleting all of them except two has no effect. In the context of condition 1 one can look at a multigraph as a simple graph with two types of edges: the single edge and the multiple edge. Proposition 3.1 (Aluffi, 2011). If e is a regular edge and e has at least one other edge parallel to it in G then 1(G,e) is true. The main idea for the proof of Proposition 3.1 is Euler’s homogeneous function theorem, see [1]. The next three propositions have a common set-up. 1 3 e A x y 2 4 For a graph with edge e connected to A at vertices 1,2 and parallel edges x,y connected to A at vertices 3,4, the condition 1(G,e) reads as (cid:18) (cid:19) G = xyA12+(x+y)12A,34 = (cid:88)P xyAai +(x+y)A34aai e i (1) i 34 34 +Q(yA+A)+R(xA+A). As the ideal generated by G is homogeneous we may assume that the P ,Q,R are homoge- e i neous degree 2 polynomials in the variables x,y,a (cf. [13, Section 4.2]). Let us write these i polynomials as the solution set P , Q, R i 8 Equation 1 has a symmetry which is quite useful. Let τ be the operation where x and y xy are swapped. Applying τ to both sides gives xy (cid:18) (cid:19) xyA12+(x+y)12A,34 = (cid:88)τ P xyAai +(x+y)A34aai xy i (2) i 34 34 +τ Q(xA+A)+τ R(yA+A). xy xy The left hand side is invariant under this operation. Thus we can sum equations 1 and 2, and divide by 2, yielding the polynomials P +τ P Q+τ R R+τ Q i xy i xy xy P(cid:101) = , Q(cid:101) = , R(cid:101) = i 2 2 2 which satisfy Equation 1. Hence from any given solution set P ,Q,R, one can construct i P(cid:101),Q(cid:101),R(cid:101) such that i τ P(cid:101) = P(cid:101), τ Q(cid:101) = R(cid:101), τ R(cid:101) = Q(cid:101). xy i i xy xy Focusing only on the x,y dependence, in order to satisfy these relations and Equation 1 the P(cid:101),Q(cid:101),R(cid:101) must have the forms i P(cid:101) = p +(x+y)p +(x2 +y2)p +xyp i 0i 1i 2i 11i Q(cid:101) = q +xq +yq +x2q +y2q +xyq 0 10 01 20 02 11 R(cid:101) = q +xq +yq +x2q +y2q +xyq . 0 01 10 02 20 11 SubstitutingtheseexpressionsintoEquation1andcollectingtermswegettheequation: 12 12,34 34 xyA+(x+y) A = xyΣ p Aai +(x+y)q A +2q A i 0i 0 0 34 +(x2y +xy2)Σ p Aai +2xyq A +(x+y)q A i 1i 10 10 34 +(x3y +xy3)Σ p Aai +(x2 +y2)q A +(x+y)q A i 2i 01 01 34 +x2y2Σ p Aai +(x2y +xy2)q A +(x2 +y2)q A i 11i 20 20 +(x+y)Σ p A34aai +(x3 +y3)q A +(x2 +y2)q A34 i 0i 02 02 +(x2 +y2 +2xy)Σ p A34aai +(x2y +xy2)q A +2xyq A34. i 1i 11 11 +(x3 +y3 +x2y +xy2)Σ p A34aai i 2i +(x2y +xy2)Σ p A34aai i 11i 9 This is an equation as polynomials in x and y, so we can get a list of equations by equating coefficients. This gives 34 [x0y0] : 0 = 2q A 0 [x1y0] : 12A,34 = Σ p A34aai +q A+(q +q )A34 i 0i 0 10 01 [x1y1] : A12 = Σ p Aai +2Σ p A34aai +2q A+2q A34 i 0i i 1i 10 11 [x2y0] : 0 = Σ p A34aai +q A+(q +q )A34 i 1i 01 20 02 [x3y0] : 0 = Σ p A34aai +q A i 2i 02 [x2y1] : 0 = Σ p Aai +Σ p A34aai +Σ p A34aai +(q +q )A i 1i i 2i i 11i 20 11 [x3y1] : 0 = Σ p Aai i 2i [x2y2] : 0 = Σ p Aai. i 11i By following the steps in this derivation we can determine a set of polynomials satisfying these eight equations when Equation 1 is satisfied. Conversely, given a solution set for these equations we can obtain a solution set for Equation 1. In this sense the eight equations above are equivalent to Equation 1. We take the equation [x1y1], and use [x2y0] to substitute out Σ p A34aai, and obtain the equa- i 1i tion 12 34 [x1y1]∗ : A = Σ p Aai +2(q q )A+2(q q q )A. i 0i 10 01 11 20 02 − − − 34 As a consequence of the [x0y0] equation we have q = 0. (We see A is not zero so q must 0 0 be.) Hence we can remove the q A term from the [x1y0] equation yielding 0 [x1y0]∗ : 12A,34 = Σ p A34aai +(q +q )A34. i 0i 10 01 These two expressions will be used in the next three proofs. Proposition 3.2. If x,y are parallel edges then 1(G,e) 1(Gy,e). ⇒ x Proof. Suppose 1(G,e). Then Equation 1 has a solution set. We look at the [x1y0]∗ equation: 12A,34 = Σ p A34aai +(q +q )A34. i 0i 10 01 12,34 The left hand side is A = Gy . We want to show that it is in the ideal ∂Gye . Here xe (cid:104) x (cid:105) Gye = A34. By Theorem 2.1 we have A34 ∂A34 . The A34aai are partials of A34 themselves. Thus x ∈ (cid:104) (cid:105) 12,34 34 A ∂A , so 1(Gy,e) is satisfied. (cid:3) ∈ (cid:104) (cid:105) x Proposition 3.3. If x,y are parallel edges then 1(G,e) 1(Gy,e). ⇒ 10

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