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Some remarks about the baffling Higgs physics and the particle mass problem 0 P. Brovetto†1, V. Maxia† and M. Salis‡ 1 †On leave from Istituto Fisica Superiore - University of Cagliari, Italy 0 ‡Dipartimento di Fisica - University of Cagliari, Italy 2 Abstract - A statistical model is proposed which ascribes the Z0 mass to n a the screening properties of the neutrino Fermi sea (neutrino vacuum). Con- J cerning the fermionmasses,some puzzling features of the Higgs mechanismare 7 examined. Argumentsareadvanced,basedontheZitterbewegungtheoryofthe 2 electronsubstructure,showingthatin lowenergyexperiments electronbehaves asanextendeddistributionofcharge,thoughits size comesoutlessthan10−16 ] h cm in high energy experiments. This might be a clue for explaining the origin p of fermion masses without resorting to Higgs field. - n Keywords: Higgs physics, weak boson masses, fermion masses, Zitterbewe- e gung theory. g . 1 - Introduction. - This year,the reconditionedLHC atCERNin Geneva s c willstarttooperatesothatexperimentseitherconfirmingorrefutingthe Higgs i boson existence will be at last carried out. This renewes the interest for this s y elusiveparticlewhichwashypothizedtoexplainmassesofbosonswhichmediate h the weakforce and which shouldgive mass to all massivefermions, leptons and p quarks. For this reasons, it seems timely reconsider the argument of masses [ even to highlight possible explanations different from the Higgs hypothesis. 2 2 - The weak boson masses. - The main feature of weak interaction is v 7 its very shortrange. In the 1933 Fermi’s theory,it was regardedas a ”contact” 4 interaction acting at zero spatial separation in contrast with electric force me- 1 diated by photons which acts at large distances. Higgs mechanism ascribes to 3 weak bosons a ”true” inertial mass originated by interaction with a doublet of . 2 scalar fields in SU(2) space, that is, the Higgs field [1]. Owing to energy-time 1 uncertainty principle, weak bosons of mass M last a time δt ≤ ℏ/Mc2 so that 9 rangeof weak force is ℏ/Mc, the boson Compton wavelength. This is like what 0 occurswithYukavaforcemediatedbymassivepions. Analternative,morecon- : v servative,explanationis basedonthe effect ofthe neutrino Fermi sea(neutrino i X vacuum)ontheweakbosonpropagation. Indeed,owingtothevanishinglysmall r neutrinomass,neutrinoseais notabove-borderedbya forbiddenenergygapas a the electron Fermi sea. Consequently, it screens the weak force quite as elec- tronsin the conductionband ofmetals screenthe electric force [2]. Inthis way, range of weak force is curtailed, which is equivalent to have massive bosons. To work out a rigorous treatment of the above screening effect is a rather exacting task so that it appears suitable use a simplified approach. It is based on a special application of the Thomas-Fermi method (TF), already examined ten years ago [3]. A short account of this is given here. 1)Email: [email protected] 1 3 - Screening of weak force in neutrino vacuum. - According to SU(2)⊗U(1)symmetry,weakinteractionsaremediatedbyW± andZ0 bosons. If mass is assigned to these particles, their masses turn out to be related by MW± =MZ0cosϑw, (1) ϑ ≃ 28.6◦ standing for the electroweak angle [1]. Equation (1) holds indepen- w dently of the mass-generating mechanism. Therefore, it is sufficient consider only the neutral Z0 boson. In the unperturbed sea, ν neutrinos of kinetic en- L ergiesw=cp rangingfrom0 to − ∞arepresent. Taking into accountonlyone spin component, neutrino density of states is related to kinetic energy by [4] (cp)2 ρ(cp)= . (2) π2(ℏc)3 In presence at the point r =0 of a steady fermion (2, only the time-component Z of its potential is different from zero. So, the perturbed neutrino energy is 0 w=cp+U(r), (3) U(r) = − Q eZ (r) standing for the neutrino potential energy and Q = νL 0 νL 1/sin2ϑ for the electroweak neutrino charge in units of e. Let us examine w first the case in which U is negative, that is, U = −|U|. On line w = U(r), it follows from equation (3) cp=0 . Consequently, the neutrino sea is divided in two regions: one above line U(r) where cp is positive, the other below this line where cp is negative. By denying that neutrino sea is perturbed up to infinite depth (3, we assume that anenergyw (w =|w |) canbe found greatenough F F F withrespectto|U(r)|(w ≫|U(r)|foranyr)thatneutrinoswithenergybelow F −[w −|U(r)|]remainunperturbed. Thisamountstosaythatenergy−w sets F F a cut-off in neutrino sea depth. So, neutrino density in the unperturbed Fermi sea is 0 w3 n = ρ(cp)d(cp)= F . (4) F Z−wF 3π2(ℏc)3 In the perturbed sea, integration over cp covers the range −(w −|U|) to 0 F in the negative region and from 0 to |U| in the positive one. Accordingly, the perturbed neutrino density is 0 |U| n= ρ(cp)d(cp)+ ρ(cp)d(cp)= Z Z −(wF−|U|) 0 1 = w3 −3|U|w2 +3|U|2w . (5) 3π2(ℏc)3 (cid:16) F F F(cid:17) 2)Weconsiderhereapoint-likefermionsinceweareconcernedwithperturbationofFermi seainspacearoundthefermioncentre. InSection 5 thisissueisre-examined. 3)Perturbationinneutrinoseaisdefinedas: P(cp)= U /(cp + U ). OnlineU(r),we | | | | | | haveP(0)=1,ontheseaborderP(U )=1/2,but P(cp) 0 whencp . | | → →−∞ 2 By subtracting the unperturbed density n , we obtain F |U|w2 |U| n−n =− F 1− . (6) F π2(ℏc)3 (cid:18) wF(cid:19) WhenpotentialenergyU ispositive,thatis,U =|U|,equation(6)isfoundagain but with term |U|/w reversed in sign [3]. In reality, taking into account that F w islargewithrespectto|U(r)|,term|U|/w issmallandcanbedisregarded. F F By letting Q e be the fermionelectroweakcharge,potential Z turns outto f 0 be ruled by the Poisson-like equation ∆ Z =−4πQ e(n−n )−4πQ eδ(r), (7) 2 0 νL F f that is, utilizing equation (6), 1 ∆ Z − Z =−4πQ eδ(r), (8) 2 0 λ2 0 f S where π (ℏc)3/2 λ = . (9) S r2 Q ew νL F It follows that the screened potential is exp(−r/λ ) S Z =Q e . (10) 0 f r This result entitles us to define a ”screening mass” MZ0 by means of a formal Compton wavelength ℏ =λ . (11) S MZ0c We consider now the high-energy collisions. Let w(−), w(+) be the energies and−→p(−),−→p(+) themomentaofthecollidingelectron-positronpairs. Assuming momentum −→p(−) opposite to momentum −→p(+), we have w2 = 2m c2 2+(c−→p )2, (12) c.m. e c.m. w = w(−) +w(+) and −→p (cid:0)= −→p(−(cid:1)) −−→p(+) standing for energy and mo- c.m. c.m. mentum in the centre of mass. Disregardingthe rest energy 2m c2, wavelength e corresponding to p is c.m. ℏ ℏc λ = = . (13) c.m. p w c.m. c.m. A resonant collision is originated when wavelength λ becomes equal to the c.m. width of the potential well which allows for the electron-positron interaction, that is, λ =λ . (14) c.m. S 3 So, taking into account equations (14), (11) and (13), we get wc.m. =MZ0c2, (15) whichrelatescollisionenergyto Z0 mass. Whenresonanceoccurs,energyw c.m. is released through lepton and quark emissions mediated by flavor-diagonalin- teractions [1]. Utilizing equations (11) and (9), Z0 mass, in energy units, turns out to be 2α MZ0c2 =r π QνLwF =8.11·10−2wF, (16) αstandingforthefine structureconstant. Apartfromtheneutrinoelectroweak charge,itis relatedonly to w , the energycut-offinneutrino sea depth. With- F out this cut-off, that is, for w →∞, the Z0 mass diverges so reducing to zero F the range λ of weak forces and recovering the old Fermi’s ”contact” theory. S By comparing MZ0c2 with its experimental value of about 91 GeV, we ob- tain w as large as 1120 GeV, while the screening length λ turns out to be F S 2.2·10−16cm. Asforthemeaningofthesefigures,itistobepointedoutthaton a temperature scale w corresponds to 1.3·1016 K. Consequenly, for T >1016 F Knegativekineticenergyneutrinosareexcitedtopositiveenergiesandtheneu- trino sea becomes partially empty. This hinders the sea screening properties. Higgs mechanism also gives 1016 K as the temperature which restores the sim- metry broken at low temperature [5]. This fact is not surprising because Higgs and screeningmechanisms are calibratedon equivalent experimentaldata. The range 2.2·10−16cm of the weak force entails that the electron size is at least threeordersofmagnitudesmallerthanthe classicelectronradius2.8·10−13cm. Conclusion: theabovestatisticaltreatment,thoughnotrigorous,readilyex- plainshowmasslessweakbosonsmayoriginateshortrangeinteractionswithout resorting to Higgs physics. 4 - The fermion masses. - The Higgs field, which has been assumed to be atthe originofweakbosonmasses,isalsoconsideredinconnectionwith the fermion masses. The theory accommodates the masses of electrons and quarks of the three flavors and sets to zero neutrino masses as a consequence of the non-existenceof rightneutrinos. Massesare assumedproportionalto the Higgs vacuum-expectation-value. Accordingly,three arbitrarycoupling factorsg g , e, u g areconsideredforthefirstflavor. So,takingintoaccontthesecondandthird d flavor,the theory contains nine undetermined parameters [1]. TodetectHiggsboson,variouskindsofexperimentshavebeendevisedbased on its decay. But, the mere existence of a decay showing the features expected fortheHiggsisnotsufficienttoconcludethatitreallyconcernsthe”true”Higgs. It is also necessary that the found results allow an independent determination of the above mentioned nine parameters. Obviously, in lack of this, the Higgs remains nothing more than a conjecture. But,anotherpointchallengesthecorrectnessoftheHiggshypothesis. Itisa well-establishedresultofclassicelectrodynamicsthattheelectromagnetic(e.m.) field shows inertial properties. This field, indeed, shows a momentum density 4 −→ −→ E ×H /4πcparalleltothePointing’spropagationvector. Onthisground,at (cid:16) (cid:17) thebeginningofthepastcenturyconsiderableendeavourwasdevotedtoexplain the electron mass as the e.m. mass of a charge distribution of definite size. The advent of quantum mechanics set an end to these attempts, because the supposed point-like nature of elementary particles entails a divergent electron mass. For this reason, the unsolved problem of electron mass was merely put asidebyapplyingrenormalizationprocedurespurposelydevised. Itfollowsthat a viable Higgs mechanism, besides the mass, should likewise explain how the divergent electron e.m. mass is turned off. In our opinion, in order to manage the tough problem of particle masses, two basic arguments should be considered. The first is that, according to the Copenhageninterpretationofquantumphysics,electronisanobservableobject, not an absolute entity. This means that its features, as expected from theory, depend on the special experiment considered. The second concerns a peculiar property of Dirac equation: the so-called electron Zitterbewegung (Zb) [6,7,8]. It has been shown, when dealing with the expected electron velocity, that in the Fourier expansion of the spinor components, each element dp dp dp of x y z momentum space is associated with oscillations on x, y, z axes of amplitudes −→ andphasesdependingon p. Theseoscillationsarecausedbyinterferencebeats between positive and negative energy states. By integrating over momenta, we have for x axis, hx(t)i = λC A sin 4π t +ϕ d3−→p, (17) Zb 4πZZZ 1 (cid:18) T 1(cid:19) Zb λ standing for the Compton wavelength and C h T = =8.1·10−21s (18) Zb m c2 e for twice the oscillation period. It follows that a dynamic substructure is origi- natedinwhichelectronmoveinspacearounditscentreofmassalongacomplex tissue of closed trajectories [9]. Keeping the above arguments in mind, we point out that high-energy colli- sionsareveryfastprocesses. Thecollisiontimeτ canberoughlyidentifiedwith theratiobetweenimpactparameterbandtheelectron-positronvelocitiesc,that is, τ ≃b/c [10]. But, while impact parameter in direction orthogonal to veloci- tiescanbeassumedequaltotheelectronsize,thatis,b ≃10−16cm,inparallel ⊥ direction it is reduced by Lorentz contraction,that is, b ≃ 1−β2·10−16cm. k Since for 45 GeV electrons we have: 1−β2 = 1.1 · 10−p5, we obtain τ ≃ b /c = 3.7·10−32s. This time is shortpin comparison with the Zb period, in k fact: τ/T =4.6·10−12. It follows that when electrons collide oscillations are Zb stopped and the Zb substructure is not observable. This is like what occurs with a high-speed camera which allows to take steady pictures of a propeller even if it spins very fast. The situation is opposite in low energy experiments where, in general, ener- gies are determined with high accuracies. For instance, in atomic spectroscopy 5 indetermination δw is less than about 10−7eV, that is: δw/m c2 . 2·10−13. e This follows from the fact that Rydberg constant (R = 13.6056981 eV) is H known with seven decimal digits. Considering that equation (18) allows us to write the energy-time uncertainty principle δw δt≃h as a reciprocity relation δw δt ≃1, (19) m c2T e Zb we obtain δt/T & 5·1012. This large indetermination in time compels us to Zb eliminate time in equation (17) so that oscillations are changed into distribu- tions of probability lying along the electron trajectories (4. Consequently, the observable electron turns out to be a static distribution of charge of definite size. In this way,it might allow for a finite e.m. mass evading divergent results [11]. Opposite to the previous propeller example, this is like what occurs with a low-speedcamerawhich takes the picture of the spinning propeller in formof an uniform disk. 5 -Final remarks. - Theopinionthatthe Zbelectronsubstructureshould be considered in connection with the mass problem is not new [9]. So far, however, it has found scarce attention because most physicists consider the Zb oscillationsasameaninglessfeatureofDirac’sequationandassumethatelectron behavesalwaysasapoint-likeobjectwhich,inabsenceofexternalforces,cannot change its own velocity. Recently, an experiment has been performed showing clearevidence adverseto this belief [12]. In this experiment, a single 40Ca+ ion trapped in an electromagnetic cage simulates a free electron in an extremely fastquiveringmotionsuperimposedona slowdrift, thatis, justthe Zbmotion. Itistobepointedout,ontheotherhand,thattheTFstatisticalmodel,just in order to allow for the finite mass of weak bosons, rules out the assumption ofapoint-like electrondevoidofadynamic substructure. Infact, this electrons would originate, a divergent neutrino potential energy: |U(r)|→∞ for r →0, whichaccordingto equation(3) wouldpreventus fromconsideringa finite cut- off energy w and, consequently, a finite boson mass. F References [1] G. Kane, Modern Elementary Particle Physics (Addison-Wesley, 1987). [2] N. H. March, Philos. Mag. Suppl. 6 (1957) and references therein. [3]P.Brovetto,V.MaxiaandM.Salis,IlNuovoCimentoA112,531(1999). [4] L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Statistical Physics (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1969). [5] S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. D 9, 3357 (1974). [6] P. Dirac, The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (Oxford, 1958) § 69. [7]B.R.Holstein,TopicsinAdvancedQuantumMechanics(Addison-Wesley, 1992). 4) This is like what occurs with a classic oscillator: x = Asin(2πt/T). Probability that theoscillatingparticleisfoundbetveenxandx+dxis: dP =2dt/T, dtstandingforthetime requiredtocrossdx. Wegetthus: dP/dx=2/ x·T ,thatis,dP/dx=1/ π√A2 x2 . (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) − (cid:17) 6 [8] P. Brovetto, V. Maxia and M. Salis, arXiv:quant-ph/0702112v 12 Feb 2007. [9] A. O. Barut and A. J. Bracken,Phys. Rev. D 23, 2454 (1981). [10] E. Fermi, Nuclear Physics (University of Chicago Press, 1955) Ch. II. [11] P. Brovetto, V. Maxia and M. Salis, arXiv:quant-ph/0512047v1 6 Dec 2005. [12] R, Gerritsma,G. Kirchmair,F. Za¨ringer,E. Solano, R. Blatt and C. F. Ross, Nature 463, 68 (2010). 7

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