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SOME RELATIONAL STRUCTURES WITH POLYNOMIAL GROWTH AND THEIR ASSOCIATED ALGEBRAS MAURICEPOUZETANDNICOLASM.THIE´RY 8 0 Abstract. The profile of a relational structure R is the function ϕR which counts for 0 every integer n the number, possibly infinite, ϕR(n) of substructures of R induced on 2 then-elementsubsets,isomorphicsubstructuresbeingidentified. IfϕR takesonlyfinite n values,thisistheHilbertfunctionofagradedalgebraassociatedwithR,theagealgebra a K.A(R), introducedbyP.J.Cameron. J In this paper, we give a closer look at this association, particularly when the rela- tionalstructureRadmitsafinitemonomorphicdecomposition. Thissettingstillencom- 9 passwell-studiedgradedcommutativealgebraslikeinvariantringsoffinitepermutation 2 groups, or the rings of quasi-symmetric polynomials. We prove that ϕR is eventually a quasi-polynomial, this supporting the conjecture that, under mildassumptions on R, ] O ϕR is eventually a quasi-polynomial when it is bounded by some polynomial. We also characterizewhentheagealgebraisfinitelygenerated. C Keywords: Relationalstructure,profile,gradedalgebra,Hilbertfunction,Hilbertseries, . h polynomialgrowth,invariantring,permutationgroup. t a m Introduction [ Thispaperisaboutacountingfunction: theprofile ofarelationalstructureR(see[Pou06] 1 fora surveyonprofilesandalso[Pou08])andits interplaywith agradedconnectedcommu- v tative algebra associated with R, the age algebra of R. 4 Manycountingfunctionsareprofiles. Severalinterestingexamplescomefrompermutation 0 groups. For example, if G is a permutation group on a set E, the function θ which counts 4 G for every integer n the number of orbits of the action of G on the n-element subsets of E, 4 . is a profile, the orbital profile of G (think counting graphs up to an isomorphism). Groups 1 whoseorbitalprofiletakesonlyfinite valuesarecalledoligomorphic; their study,introduced 0 8 by Cameron, is a whole research subject by itself [Cam90]. If G acts on {1,...,k}, the 0 Hilbert function of the subalgebra K[X]G of the polynomials in K[X] := K[X1,...,Xk] : which are invariant under the action of G is a profile, and in fact an orbital profile. v i In general, Cameron associates a graded algebra K.A(R) to each relational structure X R[Cam97];itsmainfeatureisthatitsHilbertfunctioncoincideswiththeprofileofRaslong r as ittakesonly finite values. As is wellknow,the Hilbert functionofa gradedcommutative a algebra A is (eventually) a quasi polynomial, provided that A is finitely generated. This leads us to conjecture that the profile ϕ of a relational structure R is eventually a quasi- R polynomial when ϕ is bounded by some polynomial (and the kernel of R is finite). R Inthisextendedabstract,webuildupon[PT05]toexploreanddocumentthisassociation between relational structures and their age algebras, with this conjecture on the profile as connecting thread. In Section 1 we recall the definitions and basic properties of relational structures, their profiles, and age algebras,and state some guiding problems and conjectures. This work was done under the auspices of the Intas programme Universal algebra and Lattice theory, andsupportedbyCMCUFranco-Tunisien”Outilsmath´ematiques pourl’informatique”. 1 2 MAURICEPOUZETANDNICOLASM.THIE´RY In Section 2 we summarize the definition and fundamental properties of monomorphic decompositions, a key combinatorial notion which we introduced in [PT05]. Again, and unless otherwise stated explicitly, we restrict ourselves to the study of relational structures admitting a finite monomorphic decomposition. In this setting, the age algebra is a graded subalgebra of a finitely generated polynomial algebra. The age algebra itself need not be finitely generated (see Example 3.1). Still, the profile is eventually a quasi-polynomial (see Theorem 2.3 which refines Theorem 2.16 of [PT05]). In Section 3 we state our main new result, namely a combinatorial characterization of thoserelationalstructureswhoseagealgebraisfinitelygenerated(Theorem3.3);wegivethe key idea of the proof on an example. With the help of [BP07], we illustrate this result with the fact that the age algebra of a tournament is finitely generated if and only if the profile of the tournament is bounded (Theorem 3.4). We finally compare the finite generation of the age algebra and the well-quasi-orderingof the age by embeddability. Analyzing lots of examples has been an essential tool in this exploration. Appendix A gathers them, with a description of their age algebras. We urge the reader to start by browsing it, and to come back to it each time a new notion is introduced. The overview of the results in Table 1 may be of help as well. Relational local Hilbert Finitely Degree Krull Sym- Cohen- Finite structure isomorphisms Series generated bound dimension module Macaulay SAGBI |X|<∞ (1−Z)··P·((1Z−)Z←|X∈∞Z[|Z)] nevera =∞a ≤|X∞| nob nob nob Hereditaryoptimal (1−Z)··P·((1Z−)Z←|X∈∞Z[|Z)] yes <∞ |X∞| almost nob nob Shapepreserving (1−Z)··P·((1Z−)Z←|X∈∞Z[|Z)] yes <∞ |X∞| yes nob nob r-Quasisymmetric P(Z)←∈N[Z] yes ≤ |X|(|X|+2r−1) |X| yes yes no polynomials[Hiv04] (1−Z)···(1−Z|X|) 2 IpnevramruiatnattsioonfgaroupoidG G≀SN (1−Z)·P··((Z1−)Z←|∈XZ|[)Z] yes ≤ |X|(|X2|+1) |X| yes nob nevera NexoanmCploehen-Macaulay h17→2i≀SN (11+−ZZ2)+2Z(13−−ZZ24) yes 2 |X| yes no no Qpoulaysniosmymialmse[Gtreics84] Inc≀SN (1−Z)·P··((Z1−)Z←|∈XN|[)Z] yes ≤ |X|(|X2|+1) |X| yes yes[GW03] no IpnevramruiatnattsioonfgaroupG G≀SN (1−Z)·P··((Z1−)Z←|∈X∈|)N[Z] yes ≤ |X|(|X2|−1) |X| yes yes [nTeTve0r4a] Symmetric polynomials Sn≀SN (1−Z)···(11−Z|X|) yes |X| |X| yes yes yes Polynomials id≀SN (1+(Z1)−··Z·()1·+··(Z1+−·Z··|+XZ|)|X|) yes 1 |X| yes yes yes Table 1. Overview of the results 1. The profile and age algebra of a relational structure 1.1. Profile. Arelational structure isarealizationofalanguagewhosenon-logicalsymbols are predicates. This is a pair R := (E,(ρ ) ) made of a set E and a family of m -ary i i∈I i relations ρ on E. The set E is the domain or base of R; the family µ := (m ) is i i i∈I SOME RELATIONAL STRUCTURES AND THEIR ASSOCIATED ALGEBRAS 3 the signature of R. The substructure induced by R on a subset A of E, simply called the restriction of R to A, is the relational structure R := (A,(Ami ∩ρ ) ). The notions of ↾A i i∈I isomorphism, as well as of isomorphic type, are defined in the natural way. The profile of R is the function ϕ which counts for every integer n the number ϕ (n) of substructures R R of R induced on the n-element subsets, isomorphic substructures being identified. Clearly, this function only depends upon the set A(R) of finite substructures of R considered up to an isomorphism; this set, called the age of R, was introduced by Fra¨ıss´e (see [Fra00]). If I is finite, ϕ (n) is necessarily finite. In order to capture examples coming from algebra R and group theory, we cannot preclude I to be infinite. However,since the profile is finite in these examples, and unless explicitly stated otherwise,we always make the assumption that ϕ (n) is finite, no matter how large I is. R The profile of an infinite relational structure is non-decreasing. Furthermore, provided some mild conditions, there are jumps in the behavior of the profile: Theorem1.1. LetR:=(E,(ρ ) )bearelationalstructureonaninfiniteset. Then, ϕ is i i∈I R non-decreasing. And provided that either the signature µ:=(n ) is bounded or the kernel i i∈I K(R) of R is finite, the growth of ϕ is either polynomial or as fast as every polynomial. R Amapϕ:N→Nhaspolynomialgrowth,ofdegreek,ifank ≤ϕ(n)≤bnkforsomea,b>0 andnlargeenough. Thekernel ofRisthesetK(R)ofx∈E suchthatA(R )6=A(R). |E\{x} Thehypothesisaboutthekernelisnotadhoc. Asitturnsout,ifthegrowthoftheprofileof a relational structure with a bounded signature is bounded by a polynomial then its kernel is finite. Some hypotheses on R are needed, indeed for every increasing and unbounded map ϕ:N→N, there is a relational structure R such that ϕ is unbounded and eventually R boundedabove byϕ(cf.[Pou81]). Thefirstpartoftheresultwasobtainedin1971bythefirst author (see Exercise 8 p. 113 [Fra71]). A proof based on linear algebra is given in [Pou76]. The second part was obtained in [Pou78] and a part was published in [Pou81]. 1.2. Age algebra. Let K be a field of characteristic0. A map f :[E]m →K, where m is a nonnegativeinteger,isR-invariant iff(P)=f(P′)whenevertherestrictionsR andR |P |P′ are isomorphic. The R-invariant maps can be multiplied. Indeed, it is easy to show that if f :[E]m →K and g :[E]n →K are R-invariant,the product fg :[E]m+n →K (1) (fg)(Q):= X f(P)g(Q\P) P∈[Q]m is R-invariant. Equipped with this multiplication, the K-vector space spanned by the R- invariant maps becomes a graded connected communtative algebra, the age algebra of R, thatwedenotebyK.A(R). Itcanbeshownthattworelationalstructureswiththesameage yield the same algebra (up to an isomorphism of graded algebras); thus the name, coined by Cameron who invented the notion. Providedthat ϕ (n) is finite, the dimension of the homogeneous component of degree n R ofK.A(R)isϕ (n);hencethegeneratingseriesaboveissimplytheHilbertseriesofK.A(R). R As is well known, the Hilbert series of a finitely generated graded commutative algebra A is a rational fraction of the following form, with 1 = n ≤ ··· ≤ n and P(Z) ∈ Z[Z] (see 1 k e.g. [CLO97, Chapter 9, §2]): P(Z) (2) , (1−Zn1)(1−Zn2)···(1−Znk) Furthermore, whenever A is Cohen-Macaulay,P(Z)∈N[Z] for some choice of n ,...,n . 1 k Recallthatthen-thcoefficientofarationalfractionoftheformofEquation2iseventually aquasi-polynomial ofdegreek′,withk′ ≤k−1;namelyitcoincidesfornlargeenoughwitha polynomiala (n)nk′+···+a (n)whosecoefficientsa (n),...,a (n)areperiodicfunctions; k′ 0 k′ 0 4 MAURICEPOUZETANDNICOLASM.THIE´RY furthermorek′ =k−1 if and only if P(1)6=0. When a profile is a quasi-polynomial,it has polynomial growth in a strong sense: ϕ (n)∼ank−1 for some positive real a (indeed, since R the profile is non-decreasing,a (n) is eventually constant). k−1 It turns out that familiar algebras like invariant rings of finite permutation groups can be realized as age-algebras (see Example A.11), and it is well known that the former are both finitely generated and Cohen-Macaulay. Another example are the algebras of quasi- symmetric polynomials (see Example A.13); in fact, a strong impulse to this research came from a paper by Garsia and Wallach [GW03], which proves that they are also Cohen- Macaulay. This raises the following problems. Problems1.2. LetRbearelationalstructurewhoseprofileisboundedbysomepolynomial. Find combinatorialconditions on R for (a) the profile to be eventually a quasi-polynomial; (b) the age algebra to be finitely generated; (c) the age algebra to be Cohen-Macaulay. We give partial answers below. They support the following conjecture: Conjecture 1.3. The profile of a relational structures with bounded signature or finite kerneliseventuallyaquasi-polynomialwhenevertheprofileisboundedbysomepolynomial. 2. Relational structures admitting a finite monomorphic decomposition 2.1. Monomorphic decompositions. Let R be a relational structure on E; a subset B of E is a monomorphic part of R if for every integer n and every pair A,A′ of n-element subsets of E the induced structures on A and A′ are isomorphic whenever A\B =A′\B. Let(E ) be a setpartitionofE; write X :={x∈X :|E |=∞}; fora finite subsetA x x∈X ∞ x ofE,setd (A):=|A∩E |,anddenotebyD(A):=(d (A)) thestatisticsofintersection x x x x∈X sizes. We call (E ) a monomorphic decomposition of R if the induced structures on x x∈X two finite subsets A and A′ of E are isomorphic whenever D(A) = D(A′); each E is x called monomorphic block. It turns out that there exists a unique minimal monomorphic decomposition: Proposition 2.1. (a) For every x ∈ E, the set-union R(x) of all the monomorphic parts of R containing x is a monomorphic part. (b) Those monomorphic parts form a monomorphic decomposition (E ) of R. Every x x∈X other monomorphic decomposition of R refines it. This monomorphic decomposition is called minimal; its number k := k(R) := |X | of ∞ infinite blocks is the monomorphic dimension of R. The following result motivates the introduction of this notion. Theorem2.2. LetRbearelationalstructurewithE infinite. Then,thefollowingproperties are equivalent: (a) The profile of R is bounded. (b) R has a monomorphic decomposition into finitely many blocks, at most one being infinite. (c) The Hilbert series is of the following form, with P(Z)∈N[Z] and P(1)6=0: (d) The age algebra is a free-module over the free-algebra K[e ], where e := e; in 1 1 Pe∈E particular it is finitely generated and Cohen-Macaulay. Proof. Relationalstructuressatisfyingthesecondconditionoftheabovesentencearetheso- calledalmost-monomorphic relational structures ofR.Fra¨ıss´e(see[Fra00]). Theequivalence of(a)and(b)wasprovedin[FP71]forfinitesignatureandin[Pou81]forarbitrarysignature SOME RELATIONAL STRUCTURES AND THEIR ASSOCIATED ALGEBRAS 5 bymeansofRamseytheoremandcompactnesstheoremoffirstorderlogic. (a)and(c)follow straightforwardly from (d). Finally (d) follows from (a) because e is not a zero divisor in 1 K.A(R), a profound result due to Cameron (see [Cam97]) which contains the fact that the profile is non decreasing. (cid:3) More generally,when the monomorphic decomposition is finite, the age-algebrabecomes a subalgebra of a polynomial ring K[X] (or of a trivial quotient thereof). In particular, the profileisboundedbysomepolynomialwhosedegreeitselfisboundedby|X |−1. Ourfirst ∞ main result refines this fact: Theorem 2.3. Let R be an infinite relational structure with a finite monomorphic decom- position, and let k be its monomorphic dimension. Then, the generating series H is a R rational fraction of the following form, with P ∈Z[Z] and P(1)6=0: P(Z) . (1−Z)(1−Z2)···(1−Zk) Furthermore ϕ (n)∼ank−1. R 2.2. Proof of Theorem 2.3. From now on, we assume that R has a finite monomorphic decomposition (E ,x ∈ X). We start with a few definitions, and prove that, when the x decomposition is minimal, the growth rate of the profile is at least nk−1. The key fact is that,forsubsetshavingalargeenoughintersectionwitheachE ,x∈X ,the isomorphism x ∞ relation is essentially shape-preserving. To each finite subset A of E, we associate the monomial in K[X]: XA := XD(A) = xdx(A). Obviously, A is isomorphic to B whenever XA = XB. The shape of A (or Qx∈X of its corresponding monomial) is the partition obtained by sorting decreasingly the vector (d (A),x ∈ X). Finally, call n-fat a set A containing all the finite blocks and such that x d (A)≥n for all x∈X . x ∞ Lemma 2.4. Assume that the monomorphic decomposition of R is minimal. Then, there exists d such that two isomorphic d-fat sets always have the same shape. Moreover, the growth rate of the profile of R is at least nk−1. Proof. Assume the contrary. For any d ∈ N, there exists two isomorphic d-fat subsets A d and B with distinct shapes. It follows that the isomorphism f between A and B (or its d d d inverse)sendstwopointsa anda′ ofsometwodistinctmonomorphicblocksz andz′ into d d d d the samemonomorphicblock. SinceX isfinite, thereexistsz andz′ suchthatz =z and ∞ d z′ =z′ forinfinitelymanyvaluesofd. OnecanseethatthisfactimpliesthatE ∪E forms d z z′ a monomorphic block. This contradicts the minimality of the decomposition (E ) . x x∈X The second claim of the lemma follows, as the number of integer partitions with k parts each larger than d is asymptotically equivalent to nk−1 . (cid:3) (k−1)!k! The rest of the proof is as in Theorem 2.16 of [PT05], and relies on the following key property of leading monomials of age algebras. Lemma 2.5. Letm bealeading monomial, andS ⊆X alayer of m. Then, eitherd =|E | i i for some i in S, or mx is again a leading monomial. S 3. Finite generation 3.1. Proof of non finite generation on a prototypical example. The age algebra of a relational structures R admitting a finite monomorphic decomposition is not necessarily finitely generated. A prototypicalexample is this: 6 MAURICEPOUZETANDNICOLASM.THIE´RY Example 3.1. Let G be the direct sum K ⊕K of an infinite wheel and an infinite (1,ω) ω independent set. There are two infinite monomorphic blocks, E the set of leaves of the 1 wheel and E the independent set, and one finite, E , containing the center c of the wheel. 2 3 Each isomorphism type consists of a wheel and an independent set, so the Hilbert series is H (Z)=(1+ Z2 ) 1 = 1−Z+Z2. G 1−Z 1−Z (1−Z)2 What makes this relational structure special is that the monomorphic decomposition (E ,E ,E ) is minimal, whereas (E ,E ) is not a minimal monomorphic decomposition of 1 2 3 1 2 the restriction of R to E ∪E . We now prove that this causes the age algebra not to be 1 2 finitely generated. Consider the subalgebra B := K[e (E)]. In each degree d, it is spanned 1 by the sum b of all subsets of size d of E. Key fact: any element s of K.A can be uniquely d written as s=:a(s)+b(s) where b(s) is in B, and all subsets in the support of a(s) contain the unique element c of E . Note in particular that a(s)2 = 0 for any s homogeneous of 3 positive degree. Let S be a finite generating set of the age algebra made of homogeneous elements of positive degree. By the remark above, {a(s),s ∈ S} generates K.A as a B-module. It follows that the graded dimension of K.A is bounded by |S|, a contradiction. 3.2. Combinatorialcharacterization. Thepreviousexamplesuggeststhatthefinitegen- erationof the age algebrais relatedto the behaviorof the minimal monomorphicdecompo- sition with respect to restriction. This is indeed the case, and we get a complete character- ization of when the age algebra is finitely generated. Definition3.2. Let(E ) betheminimalmonomorphicdecompositionofR. Whenever x x∈X restricting R to some union E of infinite monomorphic blocks, (E ) remains a Sx∈X′ x x x∈X′ monomorphic decomposition. If it always remains minimal, the decomposition (E ) is x x∈X called hereditary minimal. Theorem 3.3. Let R be a relational structure admitting a finite minimal monomorphic decomposition (E ) , and let X be the indexes of the infinite monomorphic blocks. x x∈X ∞ Then, the following propositions are equivalent: (a) The monomorphic decomposition is hereditary minimal; (b) The age algebra is finitely generated; (c) ForsomelargeenoughintegerD,theagealgebracontainsthefreesubalgebraSym(xD,x∈ X ), and is a module of finite type thereupon. ∞ 3.3. Finite generation for tournaments. The existence of a very simple tournament (Example A.7) whose age algebra is not finitely generated is not accident; in fact, the age algebra of a tournament is very seldom finitely generated. Theorem 3.4. The age algebra of a tournament T is finitely generated if and only if the profile is bounded. This is a consequence of Theorem3.3 thanks to some simple remarks,as well as a recent structural theorem on the monomorphic blocks of a tournament. Remarks 3.5. (a) A monomorphic block of size at least 4 is acyclic; (b) The union of two monomorphic blocks of size at least 4 is acyclic; (c) Aminimalmonomorphicdecompositionofatournamentwithatleasttwoinfiniteblocks cannot be hereditary minimal. Theorem 3.6 (Boudabbous-Pouzet [BP07]). Let T be an infinite tournament with whose profile has polynomial growth. Then, T is a lexicographical sum A of acyclic tourna- Pi∈D i ments A indexed by a finite tournament D. i SOME RELATIONAL STRUCTURES AND THEIR ASSOCIATED ALGEBRAS 7 Proof of Theorem 3.4. Suppose that ϕ is bounded. Then, by Theorem 2.2, K.A(T) is T finitely generated. Conversely, suppose that K.A(T) is finitely generated. Then, the pro- file ϕ has polynomial growth, and by Theorem 3.6 the minimal monomorphic decom- T positionis finite. Applying Theorem 3.3, this decomposition is hereditary optimal, and by Remark 3.5 (c), it has a single infinite monomorphic block. Therefore, the profile is bounded. (cid:3) 3.4. Finite generation, well-quasi-order and profile. The age algebra of a relational structurebeinggradedandconnected,itisfinitelygeneratedifandonlyifitisaNoetherian ring. There are posets which play a role as important in the theory of ordered sets as noetherian rings in the theory of ring. These posets, studied first by Higman [Hig52], are said well-quasi-ordered, in brief wqo, and can be defined by the fact that the set F(P) of final segments of P is Noetherian w.r.t. the inclusion order. If P is an age A(R), it is easy to see that F(A) embeds into the collection of ideals of K.A. Consequently: Corollary 3.7. If the age algebra K.A(R) is finitely generated then the age of R is well- quasi-ordered by embeddability. Finite generation is not mandatory. It turns out that the age of a relational structure with polynomial growth and finite kernel is well-quasi-ordered[Pou78]. In fact, the well- quasi-orderingnotion was central in proving the second part of Theorem 1.1. Problem 3.8. Is the profileofa relationalstructureR bounded by some exponentialwhen the age R is well-quasi-orderedby embeddability? Appendix A. Examples of relational structures and age algebras This section collects the examples of relational structures which guided our research, together with the properties of their profiles and age algebras. For the sake of conciseness, we do not refer explicitly to the notions and theorems used to derive their properties. A.1. Examples coming from graphs and digraphs. A graph G := (V,E) being con- sidered as a binary irreflexive and symmetric relation, its profile ϕ is the function which G counts, for each integer n, the number ϕ (n) of induced subgraphs on n elements subsets G of V(G), isomorphic subgraphs counting for one. Example A.1. Trivially, if G is an infinite clique K or coclique K , then there is a single ∞ ∞ isomorphic type for each d: φ (d) = 1. There is one monomorphic bloc E = E, the age G x algebra is K[x], and its Hilbert series is 1 . If instead one consider digraphs, we recover 1−Z the same age and age-algebra from any infinite chain N,Z,Q,R, etc. or antichain. A bit less trivialis the fact that ϕ is bounded if and only if G is almost constant in the G sense of R. Fra¨ıss´e [Fra00] (there exists a finite subset FG of vertices such that two pairs of vertices having the same intersection on F are both edges or both non-edges). G Example A.2. Let G be the direct sum K ⊕ ··· ⊕ K of k infinite cliques (or chains) ω ω E ,...,E ; they form the monomorphic blocks. The profile counts the number ϕ (n) = 1 k G p (n) ≃ nk of integer partitions with at most k parts. The age algebra is the ring of k (k+1)!k! symmetric polynomials Sym(X) on k variables whose Hilbert series is 1 . (1−Z)···(1−Zk) Examples A.3. Let G be the direct sum K ⊕K of an infinite clique and an infinite set. ω ω Then ϕ (n) = n for n ≥ 1, and H = 1 + Z = 1−Z+Z2 = 1+Z3 . Hence, G G (1−Z)2 (1−Z)2 (1−Z)(1−Z2) the Hilbert series has one representationas a rational fraction with a numerator with some negative coefficient, and another with all coefficients non-negative. 8 MAURICEPOUZETANDNICOLASM.THIE´RY This Hilbert series coincide further with that of Examples 3.1 and A.13 for k = 2. Still, in the first and third case, there are two infinite blocks whereas in the second there are three,onefiniteandtwoinfinite. Furthermoretheagealgebraisfinitelygeneratedandeven Cohen-Macaulay in the first and third case, but not in the second. Example A.4. When extending Example A.2 to infinitely many cliques the age algebra becomestheringSymofsymmetricfunctionsandwithHilbertseriesH (Z)= 1 . R Qd≥1 (1−Zd) Example A.5. If G is an infinite path, then the finite restrictions are direct sums of paths. Therefore, the profile counts the number of partitions of n. The age algebra is the free commutative algebra generated by the paths of length 1,2,..., which is again isomorphic to Sym. However, this time, the monomorphic blocks are reduced to points. Example A.6. If G is the Rado graph (infinite random graph), then ϕ (n) counts the total G numberofunlabelledgraphs. The agealgebrais the free commutativealgebrageneratedby the connected graphs. Its Hilbert series is H (Z)= 1 , where c is the number R Qd≥1 (1−Zd)cd d of connected graphs with d nodes. Example A.7. Consider the lexicographic sum tournament obtained by substituting each point i of the cycle C :={(1,2),(2,3),(3,1)} on {1,2,3} by the chain N. 3 A.2. Examples coming from groups. We first look at orbital profiles. The fact that they are special cases of profiles is easy to prove. In fact, for every G there is a relational structure such that AutR =G (the topological closure of G in the symmetric group G(E), equippedwiththetopologyinducedbytheproducttopologyonEE,E beingequippedwith the discrete topology). Oligomorphic groups are quite common. Indeed, if G is a group acting on a denumerable set E and R is a relational structure such that AutR=G, then G is oligomorphic if and only if the complete theory of M is ℵ -categorical (Ryll-Nardzewski, 0 1959). Cameron conjectured that the orbital profile θ is polynomial (in the sense that G θ (n)≈ank)providedthatitisboundedbysomepolynomial. This particularconsequence G of Conjecture 1.3 has not been solved yet. Example A.8. LetGbetheidentitygrouponanmelementsetE. SetR:=(E,u ,...,u ), 1 m whereeachu isaunaryrelationdefiningthei-thelementofE. Then,θ (n)=ϕ (n)= m . i G R (cid:0)n(cid:1) Example A.9. Let G := AutQ, where Q = (Q,≤) is the chain of rational numbers. Then, θ (n)=ϕ (n)=1 for all n. There is a single monomorphic block, and K.A(R)≈K[x]. G Q Example A.10. Let R := (Q,≤,u ,...,u ), where Q is the chain of rational numbers, and 1 k u ,...,u are k unary relations which divide Q into k intervals E ,...,E . Then, ϕ (n)= 1 k 1 k R n+k−1 and H = 1 . The E ’s are the monomorphic blocks and K.A(R)≈K[X]. (cid:0) k−1 (cid:1) R (1−Z)k i Example A.11. LetG′ be the wreathproductG′ :=G≀S ofapermutationgroupGacting N on {1,...,k} and of S , the symmetric groupon N. Looking at G′ as a permutationgroup N acting on E′ := {1,...,k}×N, then G′ = AutR′ for some relational structure R′ on E′; moreover, for all n, θ (n)= ϕ (n). Among the possible R′ take R≀N :=(E′,≡,(ρ ) ), G′ R′ i i∈I where ≡ is {((i,n),(j,m)) ∈ E′2 : i = j}, ρ := {((x ,m ),...,(x ,m )) : (x ,...,x ) ∈ i 1 1 ni ni 1 ni ρ ,(m ,...,m ) ∈ Nni}, and R := ({1,...,k},(ρ ) ) is a relational structure having i 1 ni i i∈I signature µ:=(n ) such that AutR=G. The relationalstructureR≀N decomposes into i i∈I k monomorphic blocks, namely the equivalence classes of ≡. Asitturnsout[Cam90],H istheHilbertseriesoftheinvariant ring K[X]G ofG,that R≀N is the subring of the polynomials in X which are invariant under the action of G. In fact, the identificationofthe agealgebraasasubringofK[X]givesanisomorphismwithK[X]G. Asitiswellknown,thisringisCohen-Macaulay,andtheHilbertseriesisarationalfraction of the form given in Theorem 2.3, where the coefficients of P(Z) are non-negative. SOME RELATIONAL STRUCTURES AND THEIR ASSOCIATED ALGEBRAS 9 Problem A.12. FindanexampleofapermutationgroupG′ withnofinite orbit,suchthat the orbital profile of G′ has polynomial growth, but the generating series is not the Hilbert series of the invariant ring K[X]G of some permutation group G acting on a finite set X. A.3. Examplescomingfrompermutationgroupoids. LetX beaset. Alocalbijection ofX isabijectivefunctionf :domf ֒→→imf whosedomaindomf andimageimf aresubsets of X; in particularf is a permutationof X if domf =imf =X. The inversef−1 of a local bijection f, its restriction f :X′ ֒→→f(X′) to a subset X′ of domf, and the composition ↾X′ f ◦ g of two local bijections f and g such that img = domf are defined in the natural way. A set G of local bijections of X is called a permutation groupoid if it contains the identity and is stable by restriction, inverse, and composition. Obviously, the closure ↓G of a permutation group G by restriction is a permutation groupoid. More interestingly, the local isomorphisms of a relational structure form a permutation groupoid, and reciprocally, any permutation groupoid G can be obtained from a suitable relational structure R on X. G ThewreathproductconstructionofanagealgebramatchingtheinvariantringK[X]Gofa permutationgroupG(seeExampleA.11)canbe extendedstraightforwardlytopermutation groupoids. Many, but not all, properties of invariantrings of permutation groups carryover (see Table 1 and [PT05]); in particular, the invariant ring is still a module over symmetric functions, but not necessarily Cohen-Macaulay. Examples A.13. Take n ∈ N∪{∞} and let G be the permutation groupoid of the strictly increasing local bijections of {1,...,n}, or equivalently of the local isomorphisms of the chain 1 < ··· < n. Then, K[X]G is the ring QSym(X) of quasi-symmetric polynomials on the ordered alphabet X, as introduced by I. Gessel [Ges84]. As shown by F. Bergeron and C. Reutenauer, H = Pn(Z) , where the coefficients of P (Z) are non QSym(X) (1−Z)(1−Z2)···(1−Zn) n negative. In fact, the ring is Cohen-Macalay [GW03]. Taking the same groupoid G, and letting it act naturally on respectively pairs, cou- ples, k-subsets, or k-tuples of elements of {1,...,n}, yield respectively the (un)oriented (hyper)graph quasi-symmetric polynomials of [NTT04]. Example A.14. LetGbe the permutationgroupoidon{1,2,3}generatedbythe localbijec- tion 1 7→ 2. Then, G is the restriction of the finite permutation group h(1,2),(3,4)i whose invariant ring is Cohen-Macaulay. However, the age algebra K[X]G itself is not Cohen- Macaulay. In fact, the numerator of the Hilbert series cannot be chosen with non-negative coefficients. Indeed, HK[X]G = 1−Z(1+−2ZZ2)3−Z3, and the coefficient of highest degree in the product of the numerator by (1−Zn1)(1−Zn2)(1−Zn3) is always −1. (1−Z)3 A.4. Exampleswithpolynomialgrowthbutinfinitelymanymonomorphicblocks. Example A.15. TakethedirectsumK ≀GofinfinitelymanycopiesofaconnectedgraphG. ∞ The agealgebraisthe free commutativealgebrageneratedbythe (finitely many)connected induced subgraphs of G. Taking for G the graph K , one get the infinite matching. The 1,1 age algebra is finitely generated, whereas there are infinitely many monomorphic blocks. Examples A.16. Consider the direct sum R′ :=K ≀K ⊕R of the relationalstructure R ∞ 1,1 of Example 3.1 with the infinite matching. The profile has polynomial growth, but R has infinitely many monomorphic blocks and the age algebra is not finitely generated. For a less artificialexample, let G be the simple graph consisting of the direct sum of an infinitewheelandaninfinitematching. Eachisomorphismtypeisthedirectsumofawheel, anindependentset,andamatching. Therefore,theHilbertseriesisH (Z)= Z 1 1 , G 1−Z1−Z1−Z2 and the profile has polynomial growth: ϕ (n) ≈ an2. There is one infinite monomorphic G block (the leavesof the wheel), and infinitely many finite ones (the center of the wheel, and 10 MAURICEPOUZETANDNICOLASM.THIE´RY the edges of the matching). The age algebrais not finitely generatedbecause G contains as restriction the graph of Example 3.1 whose age algebra is not finitely generated. References [BP07] Youssef Boudabbous and Maurice Pouzet. 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