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SOME RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN QUANTIZATION OF FRACTAL MEASURES 5 1 MARCKESSEBO¨HMERANDSANGUOZHU 0 2 Abstract. Wegiveanoverviewonthequantizationproblemforfractalmea- n sures,includingsomerelatedresultsandmethodswhichhavebeendeveloped a J in the last decades. Based on the work of Graf and Luschgy, we propose a three-step procedure to estimate the quantization errors. We survey some 0 recent progress, which makes use of this procedure, including the quantiza- 2 tionforself-affinemeasures,Markov-typemeasuresongraph-directedfractals, and product measures on multiscale Moran sets. Several open problems are ] R mentioned. P . h t a m 1. Introduction [ The quantization problem for probability measures originated in information the- 1 v ory and certain areas of engineering technology such as image compression and 4 data processing. In the past decades, this problem has been rigorously studied by 1 mathematiciansandthefieldofquantizationtheoryemerged. Recently,thistheory 8 has also been found to have promising applications in numerical integrations and 4 mathematicalfinance(seee.g. [22,23,24]). Mathematicallyweareconcernedwith 0 the asymptotics of the errors in the approximation of a given probability measure . 1 with finitely supported probability measures in the sense of L -metrics. More pre- 0 r cisely, for every n∈N, we set D :={α⊂Rq :1≤card(α)≤n}. Let µ be a Borel 5 n 1 probability measure on Rq, q ∈N, and let r ∈[0,∞). The n-th quantization error : for µ of order r is given by [6] v i X inf d(x,α)r dµ(x) 1/r, r>0, ar (1) en,r(µ):=( infαα∈∈DDnne(cid:0)x´p logd(x,α)d(cid:1)µ(x), r=0. ´ According to [6], e (µ) equals the error with respect to the L -metrics in the n,r r approximation of µ with discrete probability measures supported on at most n points. See [6, 14] for various equivalent definitions for the quantization error. In the following we will focus on the L -quantization problem with r > 0. For the r quantization with respect to the geometric mean error, we refer to [8] for rigorous foundations and [37, 33, 34, 40] for more related results. Date:January6,2015. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary28A75,Secondary28A80, 94A15. Key words and phrases. quantization dimension, quantization coefficient, Bedford-McMullen carpets,self-affinemeasures,Markovmeasures,Moranmeasures. S.ZhuwassupportedbyChinaScholarshipCouncilNo. 201308320049. 1 2 MARCKESSEBO¨HMERANDSANGUOZHU The upper and lower quantization dimension for µ of order r, as defined below, characterize the asymptotic quantization error in a natural manner: logn logn D (µ):=limsup , D (µ):=liminf . r n→∞ −logen,r(µ) r n→∞ −logen,r(µ) If D (µ) = D (µ), we call the common value the quantization dimension of µ r r of order r and denote it by D (µ). To obtain more accurate information about r the asymptotic quantization error, we define the s-dimensional upper and lower quantization coefficient (cf. [6, 26]): Qs(µ):=limsupn1/se (µ), Qs(µ):=liminfn1/se (µ), s>0. r n→∞ n,r r n→∞ n,r By [6, 26], the upper (lower)quantizationdimensionis exactlythe criticalpoint at which the upper (lower) quantization coefficient jumps from zero to infinity. The following theorem by Zador is a classical result on quantization of absolutely continuous measures. It was first proposed by Zador [32] and then generalized by Bucklew and Wise [2]; we refer to [6, Theorem 6.2] for a rigorous proof. Theorem 1.1 ([6]). Let µ be absolutely continuous Borel probability measure on Rq with density h with respect to the q-dimensional Lebesgue measure λq. Assume that for some δ >0, we have |x|r+δdµ(x)<∞. Then for all r >0 we have ´ q+r Qqr(µ)=Qqr(µ)=C(r,q) ˆ hq+qr(x)dλq(x) q , (cid:18) (cid:19) where C(r,q) is a constant independent of µ. While engineers are mainly dealing with absolutely continuous distributions, the quantizationproblemis significantfor allBorelprobabilitymeasuressatisfying the moment condition |x|rdµ(x) < ∞. For later use we define the subset of Borel probabilities M :=´ µ: µ(R)=1, |x|rdµ(x)<∞ and let M denote the set r ∞ of Borel probability measures with´compact support. This condition ensures that (cid:8) (cid:9) the set of n-optimal sets of order r denoted by C (µ) is non-empty. Also note n,r that M ⊂ M for all r > 0. The most prominent aspects in quantization of ∞ r probability measures are the following: Find the exact value of the upper/lower quantization dimension for µ of order r: In the case where the quantization dimension does not exist, it is usually difficult to obtain the exact value of the upper or lower one (cf. [30]). Up to now, in such a situation, the upper and lower quantization dimension could only be explicitly determined for very special cases. Determinethes-dimensionalupperandlowerquantizationcoefficient: Wearemainly concerned about the finiteness and positivity of these quantities. This question is analogous to the question of whether a fractal is an s-set. Typically, this ques- tion is much harder to answer than finding the quantization dimension. So far, the quantization coefficient has been studied for absolutely continuous probability measures ([6]) and several classes of singular measures, including self-similar and self-conformal [19, 29, 39, 41] measures, Markov-type measures [16, 33, 29] and self-affine measures on Bedford-McMullen carpets [15, 38]. SOME RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN QUANTIZATION OF FRACTAL MEASURES 3 Properties of the point density measure µ : Fix a sequence of n-optimal sets α ∈ r n C (µ) of order r, n ∈ N, and consider the weak limit of the empirical measures, n,r whenever it exists, 1 µ := lim δ . r a n→∞n aX∈αn The pointdensity measure characterizesthe frequency atwhichoptimalpoints fall into a givenopenset. Up to now, the pointdensity measureis determined only for absolutely continuous measures [6, Theorem 7.5] and certain self-similar measures [9, Theorem 5.5]. Local properties and Voronoi partitions: Fix a finite subset α of Rq. A Voronoi partition with respect to α refers to a partition (P (α)) of Rq such that a a∈α P (α)⊂{x∈Rq :d(x,α)=d(x,a)}, a∈α. a It is natural to ask, if there exists constants 0 < C ≤ C < ∞ such that for all 1 2 α ∈C (µ) and n∈N we have n n,r C er 1 n,r ≤ min d(x,α )r dµ(x) n a∈αnˆPa(αn) n C er ≤ max d(x,α )r dµ(x)≤ 2 n,r. a∈αnˆPa(αn) n n This question is essentially a weaker version of Gersho’s conjecture [5]. Graf, Luschgy and Pag`es proved in [10] that this is in fact true for a large class of absolutely continuous probability measures. An affirmative answer is also given for self-similar measures under the assumption of the strong separation condition (SSC) for the corresponding iterated function system [39, 35]. In the final analysis, the study of the quantization problem addresses the optimal sets. Where do the points of an optimal set lie? Unfortunately, it is almost impos- sibletodeterminetheoptimalsetsforageneralprobabilitymeasure. Itistherefore desirable to seek for an “approximately explicit” description of such sets. In other words,even though we do not know exactly where the points of an optimal set lie, we want to know how many points are lying in a given open set. This would in return enable us to obtain precise estimates for the quantization error. Connection to fractal geometry: To this end, some typical techniques in fractalge- ometryareoftenveryhelpful. Infact,thequantizationproblemiscloselyconnected with important notions in fractal geometry. One may compare the upper (lower) quantizationdimensionformeasurestothepacking(Hausdorff)dimensionforsets; accordingly, the upper (lower) quantization coefficient may be compared to the packing (Hausdorff) measure for sets. Although they are substantially different, theydohavesomecloseconnections,asallthese quantitiescanbe definedinterms of coverings,partitions and packings. In fact, we have (1) dim∗ µ ≤ D (µ) ≤ dim∗µ and dim∗ µ ≤ D (µ) ≤ dim∗µ, for r = 2 these H r B P r B inequalities were presented in [26], and for measures with compact support and all r ∈(0,∞] they were independently proved in [6]. (2) In [13] we have studied the stability of the upper and lower quantization dimension in some detail. In [13], for r ∈ [1,∞], we proved the following statments: 4 MARCKESSEBO¨HMERANDSANGUOZHU (i) D (µ) := inf sup D (µ ):µ= n s µ ,µ ∈M ,s >0,n∈N r r i i=1 i i i r i (cid:26)1≤i≤n (cid:27) for µ∈Mr. P (ii) dim∗ (µ) := inf supD (µ ):µ= s µ ,µ ∈M ,s >0 for all P r i i∈N i i i ∞ i (cid:26)i∈N (cid:27) µ∈M∞. P (iii) There exists µ∈M such that D (µ)6=dim∗ (µ). ∞ r P (iv) There exists µ∈M such that D (µ)>D (µ). ∞ r r (v) There exists µ∈M suchthat D (µ) and its finitely stabilized coun- ∞ r terpart inf sup D (µ ):µ= n s µ , µ ∈M ,s >0,n∈N r i i=1 i i i ∞ i (cid:26)1≤i≤n (cid:27) do not coincide. P (3) for certain measures arising from dynamical systems, the quantization di- mension can be expressed within the thermodynamic formalism in terms of appropriate temperature functions (see [19, 15, 27, 28]). (4) The upper and lower quantization dimension of order zero are closely con- nected with the upper and lower local dimension. As it is shown in [35], if ν-almost everywhere the upper and lower local dimension are both equal to s, then D (ν) exists and equals s. 0 WeendthissectionwithGrafandLuschgy’sresultsonself-similarmeasures. These results and the methods involved in their proofs have a significant influence on subsequent work on the quantization for non-self-similar measures. Let (S )N be a family of contractive similitudes on Rq with contraction ratios i i=1 (s )N . Accordingto[12],thereexistsauniquenon-emptycompactsubsetE ofRq i i=1 such that E = N S (E). The set E is called the self-similar set associated with i=1 i (S )N . Also, there exists a unique Borel probability measure on Rq, such that i i=1 S µ = N p µ◦S−1, called the self-similar measure associated with (S )N and i=1 i i i i=1 the probability vector (p )N . We say that (S )N satisfies the strong separation P i i=1 i i=1 condition (SSC) if the sets S (E),i =1,··· ,N, are pairwise disjoint. We say that i it satisfies the open set condition (OSC) if there exists a non-empty open set U such that S (U)∩S (U)=∅ for all i6= j and S (U)⊂U for all i=1,··· ,N. For i j i r∈[0,∞), let k be the positive real number given by r (2) k0 := NiN=1ppillooggpsi, N (picri)krk+rr =1. Pi=1 i i i=1 X Theorem 1.2 ([7, 8]). APssume that (S )N satisfies the open set condition. Then i i=1 for all r ∈[0,∞), we have 0<Qkr(µ)≤Qkr(µ)<∞. r r In particular, we have D (µ)=k . r r This is the first complete result on the quantization for (typically) singular mea- sures. In its proof, Ho¨lder’s inequality with an exponent less than one plays a crucial role, from which the exponent k /(k +r) comes out in a natural manner. r r SOME RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN QUANTIZATION OF FRACTAL MEASURES 5 2. The three-step procedure Following the ideas of Graf-Luschgy we propose a three-step procedure for the es- timationof the quantizationerrorsby means ofpartitions, coveringsand packings. This procedure is applicable to a large class of fractal measures, including Moran measures,self-affinemeasuresandMarkov-typemeasures,providedthatsomesuit- able separationconditionis satisfied; it evenallowsus to obtainuseful information on the quantization for general Borel probability measures on Rq with compact support. Step 1 (Partitioning). Foreachn,we partitionthe (compact)supportofµ into ϕ n small parts (F )ϕn , such that µ(F )|F |r are uniformly comparable, namely, nk k=1 nk nk for some constant C >1 independent of k,j ∈{1,...,ϕ } and n∈N, we have n C−1µ(F )|F |r ≤µ(F )|F |r ≤Cµ(F )|F |r, nk nk nj nj nk nk where |A| denotes the diameter of a set A ⊂ Rd. This idea was first used by Graf and Luschgy to treat the quantization problem for self-similar measures, we refer to [6] for a construction of this type. The underlying idea is to seek for some uniformity while µ generally is not uniform. Step 2 (Covering). With a suitable separationcondition, we may also assume that for some δ >0, we have that d(F ,F )≥δmax{|F |,|F |}, k 6=j, n≥1. nk nj nk nj In this step, uniformity and separation allow us to verify that any ϕ -optimal set n distributes its points equally among suitable neighborhoods of F , 1≤k≤ϕ , in nk n other words, each F “owns” a bounded number of points of the ϕ -optimal set. nk n More precisely, we prove that there exists some constant L , which is independent 1 of n, such that for every α∈C (µ), we have ϕn,r max card α∩(F ) ≤L , 1≤k≤ϕn nk 4−1δ|Fnk| 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) where A denotes the s-parallel set of A. This can often be done inductively by s means of contradiction. Step 3 (Packing). In the last step we have to find a constant L and subsets β 2 nk of F with cardinality at most L such that for all α ∈C (µ) and x∈ F we nk 2 ϕn,r nk have d(x,α)≥d((x,(α∩(F ) )∪β ). nk 4−1δ|Fnk| nk This reduces the global situation to a local one and enables us to restrict our attention to an arbitrary small set F . We have nk ϕn er (µ)≥ d(x,(α∩(F ) )∪β )rdµ(x). ϕn,r ˆ nk 4−1δ|Fnk| nk k=1 Fnk X Note that card (α∩(F ) )∪β ≤L +L . For measures with explicit nk 4−1δ|Fnk| nk 1 2 mass distributions, we often have (cid:0) (cid:1) d(x,γ∪β )rdµ(x)≥Dµ(F )|F |r ˆ k nj nj Fnk 6 MARCKESSEBO¨HMERANDSANGUOZHU foranysubsetγ ofRq withcardinalitynotgreaterthanL +L andanappropriate 1 2 constant D. Thus, we get a lower estimate for the quantization error: ϕn er (µ)≥D µ(F )|F |r. ϕn,r nk nk k=1 X On the other hand, by choosing some arbitrary points b ∈ F , k ∈ {1,...,ϕ }, k nk n one can easily see ϕn ϕn er (µ)≤ d(x,b )rdµ(x)≤ µ(F )|F |r. ϕn,r ˆ k nk nk k=1 Fnk k=1 X X Afterthesethreesteps,forsufficiently“nice”measures,wemayadditionallyassume that ϕ ≤ ϕ ≤ Cϕ for some constant C > 1 (cf. [42, 43, 44]). To determine n n+1 n thedimensionitisthenenoughtoestimatethegrowthrateofϕ . Here,ideasfrom n Thermodynamic Formalism – such as critical exponents or zeros of some pressure function – often come into play: E.g., for r >0 we often have D (µ) ϕn r =inf t∈R: (µ(F )|F |r)t <∞ nk nk D (µ)+r r (cid:26) n∈Nk=1 (cid:27) XX allowing us to find explicit formulae for the quantization dimension for a given problem (see [15] for an instance of this). Typically, for a non-self-similar mea- sure such as a self-affine measures on Bedford-McMullen carpets, this requires a detailed analysis of the asymptotic quantization errors. In order to formulate a rigorous proof, we usually need to make more effort according to the particular properties of the measures under consideration. As general measures do not enjoy strictself-similarity,it seemsunrealisticto expecttoestablishsimple quantitiesfor thequantizationerrorsasGrafandLuschgydidforself-similarmeasures[6,Lemma 14.10]. However,the above-mentionedthree-step procedure often provides us with estimates of the quantization errors which is usually a promising starting point. Moreover, in order to examine the finiteness or positivity of the upper and lower s-dimensional quantization coefficient of order r, it suffices to check that (cf. [36]) ϕn ϕn 0<liminf (µ(Fnj)|Fnj|r)s+sr ≤limsup (µ(Fnj)|Fnj|r)s+sr <∞. n→∞ n→∞ k=1 k=1 X X An effective way to do this is to construct some auxiliary probability measures. Suchameasureshouldcloselyreflecttheinformationcarriedby(µ(Fnj)|Fnj|r)s+sr. For a self-similar measure, as Graf-Luschgy’s work shows, an auxiliary probability measure is the self-similar measure associated with (S )N and the probability i i=1 vector ((picri)krk+rr)Ni=1. It is interesting to note that this measure coincides with thepointdensitymeasureprovidedthatthek -dimensionalquantizationcoefficient r exists. For a self-similar measure, as Graf and Luschgy showed, we can use the above auxiliary probability measure and obtain the finiteness or positivity of the upper and lower k -dimensional quantization coefficient, which also implies that r the quantization dimension exists and equals k . In the non-self-similar situation, r due to the complexity of the topological support, it is often not easy to construct a suitable auxiliary probability measure to estimate the quantization coefficients. SOME RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN QUANTIZATION OF FRACTAL MEASURES 7 3. Recent work on the quantization for fractal measures 3.1. Self-affine measures on Bedford-McMullen carpets. Fix two positive integers m,n with 2≤m≤n and fix a set G⊂ 0,1,...,n−1 × 0,1,...,m−1 with N :=card(G)≥2. W(cid:8)e define a fam(cid:9)ily o(cid:8)f affine mappin(cid:9)gs on R2 by (3) f :(x,y)7→ n−1x+n−1i,m−1y+m−1j , (i,j)∈G. ij By[12],thereexistsauniqu(cid:0)enon-emptycompactsetEsa(cid:1)tisfyingE = (i,j)∈Gfij(E), which is called the Bedford-McMullen carpet determined by (f ) . Given a ij (i,j)S∈G probabilityvector(p ) withp >0,forall(i,j)∈G, the self-affinemeasure ij (i,j)∈G ij associated with (p ) and (f ) refers to the unique Borel probability ij (i,j)∈G ij (i,j)∈G measure µ on R2 satisfying (4) µ= p µ◦f−1. ij ij (i,Xj)∈G Sets and measures of this form have been intensively studied in the past decades, see e.g. [1, 21, 18, 25, 17, 4, 11] for many interesting results. We write G := {i:(i,j)∈Gfor some j}, G :={j :(i,j)∈Gfor some i}, x y G := {i:(i,j)∈G}, q := p . x,j j ij i∈XGx,j We carryoutthe three-step procedureand obtainan estimate for the quantization errors. This allows us to conjecture that the quantization dimension exists and equals s , where r (5) (pijm−r)srs+rr θ (qjm−r)srs+rr 1−θ =1, θ := logm. logn (cid:18)(i,Xj)∈G (cid:19) (cid:18)jX∈Gy (cid:19) However, it seems rather difficult to find a suitable auxiliary measure for a proof of this conjecture. A cornerstone is the crucial observation that the number s r coincide with a Poincare-like exponent [15]. Using the property of sup-additive sequences,weareabletoprovethatD (µ)existsandalsocoincideswithκ . Finally, r r we consider the self-affine measure associated with ((pijm−r)srs+rr/Cr)(i,j)∈G as an auxiliary measure, where Cr := (i,j)∈G(pijm−r)srs+rr. This measure and the above-mentioned estimate enable us to obtain sufficient conditions for the upper P and lower quantization coefficient to be both positive and finite. We have Theorem 3.1 ([15]). Let µ be as defined in (4). Then for each r ∈(0,∞) we have that D (µ) exists and equals s , Moreover, 0<Qsr(µ)≤Qsr(µ)<∞ if one of the r r r r following conditions is fulfilled: (A) i∈Gx,j(pijqj−1)srs+rr are identical for all j ∈Gy, (B) q are identical for all j ∈G . Pj y Open problem: Is it true that 0<Qsr(µ)≤Qsr(µ)<∞ if and only if condition r r (A) or (B) holds? 3.2. Quantization for Markov-type measures. 8 MARCKESSEBO¨HMERANDSANGUOZHU 3.2.1. Mauldin-Williams fractals. Let J , non-empty compact subsets of Rd with i J =cl(int(J )), 1≤i≤N, where cl(A) and int(A) denote the closure and interior i i in Rd of a set A ⊂ Rd. For the integer N ≥ 2 let P = (p ) be a row- ij 1≤i,j≤N stochastic matrix, i.e., p ≥ 0,1 ≤ i,j ≤ N, and N p = 1,1 ≤ i ≤ N. Let θ ij j=1 ij denote the empty word and set P Ω := {θ}, Ω :={1,...N}, 0 1 Ω := {σ ∈Ωk :p ···p >0}, k ≥2, k 1 σ1σ2 σk−1σk Ω∗ := Ω , Ω :={σ ∈ΩN :p >0 forall h≥1}. k ∞ 1 σhσh+1 k≥0 [ We call J ,1 ≤ i ≤ N, cylinder sets of order one. For each 1 ≤ i ≤ N, let i J , (i,j) ∈ Ω , be non-overlapping subsets of J such that J is geometrically ij 2 i ij similartoJ anddiam(J )/diam(J )=c . Wecallthesesetscylindersetsoforder j ij j ij two. Assumethatcylindersetsoforderk aredetermined,namely,foreachσ ∈Ω , k we haveacylinder set J . LetJ ,σ∗i ∈Ω , be non-overlappingsubsets σ σ∗ik+1 k+1 k+1 of J such that J is geometrically similar to J . Inductively, cylinder sets σ σ∗ik+1 ik+1 of order k are determined for all k ≥ 1. The (ratio specified) Mauldin-Williams fractal is given by E := J . σ k\≥1σ[∈Ωk 3.2.2. Markov-type measures. Let (χ )N be an arbitrary probability vector with i i=1 min χ >0. ByKolmogorovconsistencytheorem,thereexistsauniqueprob- 1≤i≤N i ability measure µ on Ω such that µ([σ]) := χ p ···p for every k ≥ 1 ∞ σ1 σ1σ2 σk−1σk and σ = (σ ,...,σ ) ∈ Ω , where [σ] := {ω ∈ Ω : ω| = σ}. Let π denote the 1 k k ∞ |σ| projection from Ω to E given by π(σ):=x, where e∞ e {x}:= J , for σ ∈Ω . σ|k ∞ k≥1 \ Let us assume the following: (A1) card({j :p >0})≥2 for all 1≤i≤N. ij (A2) There exists a constant t ∈ (0,1) such that for every σ ∈ Ω∗ and distinct i ,i ∈Ω with σ∗i ∈Ω , l=1,2, 1 2 1 l |σ|+1 d(J ,J )≥tmax{|J |,|J |}. σ∗i1 σ∗i2 σ∗i1 σ∗i2 Underthis assumption,π isabijection. Weconsiderthe imagemeasureofµ under the projection π given by µ := µ◦π−1. We call µ a Markov-type measure which satisfies e (6) µ(J )=χ p ···ep for σ =(σ ...σ )∈Ω . σ σ1 σ1σ2 σk−1σk 1 k k For1≤i,j ≤N,wedefinea (s):=(p cr )s. ThenwegetanN×N matrixA(s)= ij ij ij (a (s)) . Let ψ(s) denote the spectral radius of A(s). By [20, Theorem 2], ij N×N ψ(s) is continuous and strictly decreasing. Note that, by the assumption (A1), the Perron-Frobenius theorem and intermediate-value theorem, there exists a unique number ξ ∈(0,1) such that ψ(ξ)=1. Thus, for every r >0, there exists a unique positive number s such that ψ( sr )=1. r sr+r We consider the directed graph G associated with the transition matrix (p ) . ij N×N Namely, G has vertices 1,2,...,N. There is an edge from i to j if and only if SOME RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN QUANTIZATION OF FRACTAL MEASURES 9 p > 0. In the following, we will simply denote by G = {1,...,N} both the ij directed graph and its vertex sets. We also write s bij(s):=(pijcrij)s+sr, AG,s :=(bij(s))N×N, ΨG(s):=ψ s+r . (cid:18) (cid:19) LetSC(G)denote the setofallstronglyconnectedcomponents ofG. ForH ,H ∈ 1 2 SC(G), we write H ≺ H , if there is a path initiating at some i ∈ H and 1 2 1 1 terminating at some i ∈ H . If we have neither H ≺ H nor H ≺ H , then k 2 1 2 2 1 we say H ,H are incomparable. For every H ∈ SC(G), we denote by A the 1 2 H,s sub-matrix (b (s)) of A (s). Let Ψ (s) be the spectral radius of A and ij i,j∈H G H H,s s (H) be the unique positive number satisfying Ψ (s (H))=1. r H r Again, we apply the three-step procedure in section 2 and obtain upper and lower estimates for the quantizationerror. Using these estimates and auxiliary measures ofMauldin-Williams type, we are able to provethat, when the transitionmatrix is irreducible,theupperandlowerquantizationcoefficientarebothpositiveandfinite. This fact also leads to the positivity of the lower quantization coefficient in the generalcase. Then,basedonadetailedanalysisofthecorrespondingdirectedgraph (notstronglyconnected)andsometechniquesinmatrixtheory,weareabletoprove theformulaforthe quantizationdimension. Finally,byusingauxiliarymeasuresof Mauldin-Williamstypeoncemore,weestablishanecessaryandsufficientcondition for the upper quantization coefficient to be finite as stated next. Theorem 3.2 ([16]). Assume that (A1) and (A2) are satisfied. Let µ be the Markov-type measure as defined in (6) and s the unique positive number satis- r fying Ψ (s ) = 1. Then, D (µ) = s and Qsr(µ) > 0. Furthermore, Qsr(µ) < ∞ G r r r r r if and only if M:={H ∈SC(G) : s (H)= s } consists of incomparable elements, r r otherwise, we have Qsr(µ)=∞. r 3.3. Quantization for Moran measures. 3.3.1. Moran sets. LetJ beanon-emptycompactsubsetofRd withJ =cl(int(J)). Let|A| denote the diameter ofa setA⊂Rd. Let(n )∞ be a sequence ofintegers k k=1 with min n ≥2 and θ denote the empty word. Set k≥1 k k ∞ Ω :={θ}, Ω := {1,2,··· ,n }, Ω∗ := Ω . 0 k j k j=1 k=0 Y [ For σ =σ ···σ ∈Ω and j ∈{1,··· ,n }, we write σ∗j =σ ···σ j. 1 k k k+1 1 k SetJ :=J andletJ forσ ∈Ω benon-overlappingsubsetsofJ suchthateachof θ σ 1 θ themisgeometricallysimilartoJ . AssumethatJ isdeterminedforeveryσ ∈Ω . θ σ k Let J ,1 ≤ j ≤ n be non-overlapping subsets of J which are geometrically σ∗j k+1 σ similar to J . Inductively, all sets J ,σ ∈ Ω∗ are determined in this way. The σ σ Moran set is then defined by ∞ (7) E := J . σ k\=1σ[∈Ωk We call J ,σ ∈ Ω , cylinders of order k. It is well known that the Moran sets E σ k are generally not self-similar (cf. [3, 31]). For k≥0 and σ ∈Ω , we set k |J | |σ|:=k, c := σ∗j , 1≤j ≤n . σ,j k+1 |J | σ 10 MARCKESSEBO¨HMERANDSANGUOZHU We assume that there exist some constants c,β ∈(0,1) such that (B1) inf min c =c>0, σ,j σ∈Ω∗1≤j≤n|σ|+1 (B2) dist(J ,J )≥βmax{|J |,|J |} for 1≤i6=j ≤n and σ ∈Ω∗. σ∗i σ∗j σ∗i σ∗j |σ|+1 3.3.2. Moran measures. For each k ≥ 1, let (p )nk be a probability vector. By kj j=1 the Kolmogorov consistency theorem, there exists a probability measure ν on ω Ω := ∞ {1,2,··· ,n } such that ∞ k=1 k Q ν([σ ,··· ,σ ])=p ···p , σ ···σ ∈Ω , 1 k 1σ1 kσk 1 k k where [σ ,··· ,σ ] = {τ ∈ Ω : τ = σ ,1 ≤ j ≤ k}. Let Π : Ω → E be defined 1 k ∞ j j ∞ by Π(σ)= J with σ| =σ ···σ . Then, with the assumption (B2), Π is a k≥1 σ|k k 1 k continuous bijection. We define µ:=ν◦Π−1. Then, we have T µ(J)=1, µ(J ):=p ···p , σ =σ ···σ ∈Ω , k ≥1. σ 1σ1 kσk 1 k k We callthe measure µ the MoranmeasureonE. It is knownthat the quantization dimension for µ of order r does not necessarily exist. Let d ,d ,d be given by k,r r r dk,r (pσcrσ)dk,r+r =1, dr :=limsupdk,r, dk,rdr :=liminfdk,r. k→∞ k→∞ σX∈Ωk Open problem Is it true that D (µ)=d ,D (µ)=d ? r r r r 3.3.3. Multiscale Moran sets. A multiscale Moran set is Moran set with some ad- ditional structure encoded in the infinite sequence ω =(ω )∞ ∈Υ:={1,...,m}N l l=1 forsomem≥2. ForthisfixsomepositiveintegersN ≥2,1≤i≤mandforevery i 1 ≤ i ≤ m, let (g )Ni be the contraction vector with g ∈ (0,1) and (p )Ni a ij j=1 ij ij j=1 probability vector with p > 0 for all 1 ≤ j ≤ N . Now using the notation in the ij i definition of Moran sets, we set (8) n :=N , (c )Nωl+1 :=(g )Nωl+1, σ ∈Ω , l≥0. l+1 ωl+1 σ,j j=1 ωl+1j j=1 l If, for some l≥0,we haveω =i,then for everyσ ∈Ω , we havea continuum of l+1 l choicesof{J }Ni fulfilling(B1),(B2)and(8),becauseweonlyfixthecontraction σ∗j j=1 ratios of the similitudes. Hence, to every ω ∈ Υ, there corresponds a class M of ω Moran sets according to (7). We call these Moran sets multiscale Moran sets. For each ω ∈Υ, we write N (ω):=card{1≤l ≤k :ω =i}, 1≤i≤m. k,i l Fix a probability vector χ=(χ )m with χ >0 for all 1≤i≤m and define i i=1 i G(χ) := {ω ∈Υ: lim k−1N (ω)=χ , 1≤i≤m}, k,i i k→∞ G (χ) := {ω ∈Υ: limsup N (ω)−kχ <∞,1≤i≤m}. 0 k,i i k→∞ (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)

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