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International J.Math. Combin. Vol.3(2017), 125-135 Some New Families of 4-Prime Cordial Graphs R.Ponraj (DepartmentofMathematics,SriParamakalyaniCollege,Alwarkurichi-627412,India) Rajpal Singh and R.Kala (DepartmentofMathematics,ManonmaniamSundaranarUniversity,Tirunelveli-627012,India) E-mail: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected] Abstract: Let G be a (p,q) graph. Let f : V(G) 1,2,...,k be a function. For → { } each edge uv, assign the label gcd(f(u),f(v)). f is called k-prime cordial labeling of G if v (i) v (j) 1, i,j 1,2,...,k and e (0) e (1) 1 where v (x) denotes the f f f f f | − | ≤ ∈ { } | − | ≤ numberof vertices labeled with x, e (1) and e (0) respectively denote thenumberof edges f f labeled with 1 and not labeled with 1. A graph with admits a k-prime cordial labeling is calledak-primecordialgraph. Inthispaperweinvestigate4-primecordiallabelingbehavior of shadow graph of a path, cycle, star, degree splitting graph of a bistar, jelly fish,splitting graph of a path and star. Key Words: Cordiallabeling,Smarandachelycordiallabeling,cycle,star,bistar,splitting graph. AMS(2010): 05C78. §1. Introduction In this paper graphs are finite, simple and undirected. Let G be a (p,q) graph where p is the numberofverticesofGandqisthenumberofedgeofG. In1987,Cahitintroducedtheconcept of cordial labeling of graphs [1]. Sundaram, Ponraj, Somasundaram [5] have been introduced thenotionofprimecordiallabelinganddiscussedtheprimecordiallabelingbehaviorofvarious graphs. Recently Ponraj et al. [7], introduced k-prime cordial labeling of graphs. A 2-prime cordial labeling is a product cordial labeling [6]. In [8, 9] Ponraj et al. studied the 4-prime cordiallabelingbehaviorofcompletegraph,book,flower,mC ,wheel,gear,doublecone,helm, n closed helm, butterfly graph, and friendship graph and some more graphs. Ponraj and Rajpal singhhavestudiedaboutthe4-primecordialityofunionoftwobipartitegraphs,unionoftrees, durergraph,tietze graph,planargridP P , subdivisionofwheelsandsubdivisionofhelms, m n × lotus inside a circle,sunflowergraphandthey have obtainedsome 4-prime cordialgraphs from 4-prime cordial graphs [10, 11, 12]. Let x be any real number. In this paper we have studied about the 4-prime cordiality of shadow graph of a path, cycle, star, degree splitting graph of a 1ReceivedNovember12,2016,Accepted August28,2017. 126 R.Ponraj,RajpalSinghandR.Kala bistar,jellyfish,splitting graphofapathandstar. Letxbeanyrealnumber. Then x stands ⌊ ⌋ for the largest integer less than or equal to x and x stands for smallest integer greater than ⌈ ⌉ or equal to x. Terms not defined here follow from Harary [3] and Gallian [2]. §2. k-Prime Cordial Labeling Let G be a (p,q) graph. Let f : V(G) 1,2, ,k be a map. For each edge uv, assign → { ··· } the label gcd(f(u),f(v)). f is called k-prime cordial labeling of G if v (i) v (j) 1, i,j f f | − |≤ ∈ 1,2, ,k and e (0) e (1) 1, and conversely, if v (i) v (j) 1, i,j 1,2, ,k f f f f { ··· } | − | ≤ | − | ≥ ∈ { ··· } or e (0) e (1) 1, it is called a Smarandachely cordial labeling, where v (x) denotes the f f f | − | ≥ number of vertices labeled with x, e (1) and e (0) respectively denote the number of edges f f labeled with 1 and not labeled with 1. A graph with a k-prime cordial labeling is called a k-prime cordial graph. First we investigate the 4-prime cordiality of shadow graph of a path, cycle and star. A shadow graphD (G) of a connected graph G is constructed by taking two copies of G, G and 2 ′ G and joining each vertex u in G to the neighbors of the corresponding vertex u in G . ′′ ′ ′ ′′ ′′ Theorem 2.1 D (P ) is 4-prime cordial if and only if n=2. 2 n 6 Proof It is easy to see that D (P ) is not 4-prime cordial. Consider n > 2. Let 2 2 V(D (P )) = u ,v : 1 i n and E(D (P )) = u u ,v v : 1 i n 1 2 n i i 2 n i i+1 i i+1 { ≤ ≤ } { ≤ ≤ − } ∪ u v ,v u : 1 i n 1 . In a shadow graph of a path, D (P ), there are 2n vertices i i+1 i i+1 2 n { ≤ ≤ − } and 4n 4 edges. − Case 1. n 0 (mod 4). ≡ Let n = 4t. Assign the label 4 to the vertices u ,u , ,u then assign 2 to the 1 2 2t ··· vertices v ,v , ,v . For the vertices v ,v , we assign 3,1 respectively. Put the 1 2 2t 2t+1 2t+2 ··· label 1 to the vertices v ,v , ,v . Now we assign the label 3 to the vertices 2t+3 2t+5 4t 1 ··· − v ,v , ,v . Then assignthe label1 to the vertexv . Nextwe consider the vertices 2t+4 2t+6 4t 2 4t ··· − u ,u , ,u . Put3,3totheverticesu ,u . Thenfixthenumber1tothevertices 2t+1 2t+2 4t 2t+1 2t+2 ··· u ,u , ,u . Finally assign the label 3 to the vertices u ,u , ,u . 2t+3 2t+5 4t 1 2t+4 2t+6 4t ··· − ··· Case 2. n 1 (mod 4). ≡ Taken=4t+1. Assignthelabel4totheverticesu ,u , ,u . Thenassignthelabel3 1 2 2t+1 ··· totheverticesu ,u , ,u andputthenumber1totheverticesu ,u , ,u . 2t+2 2t+4 4t 2t+3 2t+5 4t+1 ··· ··· Nextweturntotheverticesv ,v , ,v . Assignthelabel2totheverticesv ,v , ,v . 1 2 2t+1 1 2 2t+1 ··· ··· The remaining vertices v (2t+2 i 4t+1) are labeled as in u (2t+2 i 4t+1). i i ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ Case 3. n 2 (mod 4). ≡ Letn=4t+2. Assignthe labels tothe verticesu ,v (1 i 2t+1)asincase2. Nowwe i i ≤ ≤ consider the vertices u ,u , ,u . Assign the labels 3,1 to the vertices u ,u 2t+2 2t+3 4t+2 2t+2 2t+3 ··· respectively. Then assign the label 1 to the vertices u ,u , ,u . Put the integer 2t+4 2t+6 4t+2 ··· 3 to the vertices u ,u , ,u . Now we turn to the vertices v ,v , ,v . 2t+5 2t+7 4t+1 2t+2 2t+3 4t+2 ··· ··· Put the labels 3,3,1 to the vertices v ,v ,v respectively. The remaining vertices 2t+2 2t+3 2t+4 SomeNewFamiliesof4-PrimeCordialGraphs 127 v (2t+5 i 4t+2) are labeled as in u (2t+5 i 4t+2). i i ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ Case 4. n 3 (mod 4). ≡ Letn=4t+3. Assignthe label2 tothe verticesu (1 i 2t+2). Thenputthe number i ≤ ≤ 3 to the vertices u ,u , ,u . Then assign 1 to the vertices u ,u , ,u 2t+3 2t+5 4t+1 2t+4 2t+6 4t+2 ··· ··· and u . Now we turn to the vertices v ,v , ,v . Assign the label 4 to the vertices 4t+3 1 2 4t+3 ··· v (1 i 2t+2). The remaining vertices v (2t+3 i 4t+3) are labeled as in u (2t+3 i i i ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ i 4t+3). Then relabel the vertex v by 3. 4t+3 ≤ The vertex and edge conditions of the above labeling is given in Table 1. Nature of n v (1) v (2) v (3) v (4) e (0) e (1) f f f f f f n 0 (mod 2) n n n n 2n 2 2n 2 ≡ 2 2 2 2 − − n 1 (mod 2) n 1 n+1 n 1 n+1 2n 2 2n 2 ≡ −2 2 −2 2 − − Table 1 It follows that D (P ) is a 4-prime cordial graph for n=2. 2 n 6 2 Theorem 2.2 D (C ) is 4-prime cordial if and only if n 7. 2 n ≥ Proof Let V(D (C )) = u ,v : 1 i n and E(D (C )) = u u , v v , u v , 2 n i i 2 n i i+1 i i+1 i i+1 { ≤ ≤ } { v u : 1 i n 1 u v , v u ,u u ,v v . ClearlyD (C )consistsof2nverticesand i i+1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 2 n ≤ ≤ − }∪ { } 4n edges. We consider the following cases. Case 1. n 0 (mod 4). ≡ One can easily check that D (C ) can not havea 4-prime cordiallabeling. Define a vertex 2 4 labeling f from the vertices of D (C ) to the set of first four consecutive positive integers as 2 n given below. f(v ) = f(u ) = 2, 1 i n 2i 2i−1 ≤ ≤ 4 f(v ) = f(u ) = 4, 1 i n 2i+1 2i ≤ ≤ 4 f(vn2+2+2i) = f(un2+2+2i) = 1, 1≤i≤ n−44 f(vn2+3+2i) = f(un2+3+2i) = 3, 1≤i≤ n−48 f(un+1)=f(un+2)=f(un+3)=f(vn+2)=3 and f(v1)=f(vn+3)=1. 2 2 2 2 2 Case 2. n 1 (mod 4). ≡ It is easy to verify that D (C ) is not a prime graph. Now we construct a map f : 2 5 V(D (C )) 1,2,3,4 as follows: 2 n →{ } f(u ) = 2, 1 i n+3 2i−1 ≤ ≤ 4 f(u ) = 4, 1 i n+3 2i ≤ ≤ 4 f(v ) = 2, 1 i n 1 2i ≤ ≤ −4 f(v ) = 4, 1 i n 1 2i+1 ≤ ≤ −4 f(v ) = f(u ) = 1, 1 i n 5 n+25+2i n+25+2i ≤ ≤ −4 f(v ) = f(u ) = 3, 1 i n 9 n+27+2i n+27+2i ≤ ≤ −4 128 R.Ponraj,RajpalSinghandR.Kala f(v )=f(v )=f(u )=f(u )=3 and f(v )=f(v )=1. 1 n+5 n+5 n+7 n+7 n+3 2 2 2 2 2 Case 3. n 2 (mod 4). ≡ Obviously D (C ) does not permit a 4-prime cordial labeling. For n = 6, we define a 2 6 6 function f from V(D (C )) to the set 1,2,3,4 by 2 n { } f(u ) = 2, 1 i n+2 2i−1 ≤ ≤ 4 f(u ) = 4, 1 i n+2 2i ≤ ≤ 4 f(v ) = 2, 1 i n 2 2i ≤ ≤ −4 f(v ) = 4, 1 i n 2 2i+1 ≤ ≤ −4 f(v ) = f(u ) = 1, 1 i n 6 n+26+2i n+26+2i ≤ ≤ −4 f(v ) = f(u ) = 3, 1 i n 8 n+28+2i n+28+2i ≤ ≤ −4 and f(v )=f(v )=f(u )=f(u )=f(u )=3, 1 n+6 n+4 n+6 n+8 2 2 2 2 f(v )=f(v )=f(v )=1. n+2 n+4 n+8 2 2 2 Case 4. n 3 (mod 4). ≡ Clearly D (C ) is not a 4-prime cordialgraph. Let n=3. Define a map f :V(D (C )) 2 3 2 n 6 → 1,2,3,4 by f(v )=1, 1 { } f(v ) = f(u ) = 2, 1 i n+1 2i 2i−1 ≤ ≤ 4 f(v ) = f(u ) = 4, 1 i n+1 2i+1 2i ≤ ≤ 4 f(v ) = f(u ) = 1, 1 i n 3 n+23+2i n+23+2i ≤ ≤ −4 f(v ) = f(u ) = 3, 1 i n 5 n+25+2i n+25+2i ≤ ≤ −4 and f(u )=f(u )=f(v )=3. The Table 2 gives the vertex and edge condition of f. n+3 n+5 n+5 2 2 2 Nature of n v (1) v (2) v (3) v (4) e (0) e (1) f f f f f f n 0,2 (mod 4) n n n n 2n 2n ≡ 2 2 2 2 n 1,3 (mod 4) n 1 n+1 n 1 n+1 2n 2n ≡ −2 2 −2 2 Table 2 It follows that D (C ) is 4-prime cordial iff n 7. 2 n ≥ 2 Example 2.1 A 4-prime cordial labeling of D (C ) is given in Figure 1. 2 9 SomeNewFamiliesof4-PrimeCordialGraphs 129 3 b 2 b 1 b b 2 b b1 4 b b4 2 1 b b3 4 b b3 4 2b b2 b b 3 b b 4 1 Figure 1 Theorem 2.3 D (K ) is 4-prime cordial if and only if n 0 (mod 2). 2 1,n ≡ Proof It is clear that D (K ) has 2n+2 vertices and 4n edges. Let V(D (K )) = 2 1,n 2 1,n u,v,u ,v :1 i n and E(D (K ))= uu ,vv ,vu ,uv :1 i n . i i 2 1,n i i i i { ≤ ≤ } { ≤ ≤ } Case 1. n 0 (mod 2). ≡ Assignthelabel2totheverticesu1,u2, ,un+1. Thenassign4totheverticesun+2, , ··· 2 2 ··· u ,u,v. Now we move to the vertices v where 1 i n. Assign the label 3 to the vertices n i ≤ ≤ v (1 i n) then the remaining vertices are labeled with 1. In this case v (1)= v (3) = n, i ≤ ≤ 2 f f 2 v (2)=v (4)= n +1 and e (0)=e (1)=2n. f f 2 f f Case 2. n 1 (mod 2). ≡ Let n = 2t+1. Suppose there exists a 4-prime cordial labeling g, then v (1) = v (2) = g g v (3)=v (4)=t+1. g g Subcase 2a. g(u)=g(v)=1. Here e (0)=0, a contradiction. g Subcase 2b. g(u)=g(v)=2. In this case e (0) (t 1)+(t 1)+(t+1)+(t+1)=4t, a contradiction. g ≤ − − Subcase 2c. g(u)=g(v)=3. Then e (0) (t 1)+(t 1)=2t 2, a contradiction. g ≤ − − − Subcase 2d. g(u)=g(v)=4. Similar to Subcase 2b. Subcase 2e. g(u)=2, g(v)=4 or g(v)=2, g(u)=4. Here e (0) t+t+t+t=4t, a contradiction. g ≤ Subcase 2f. g(u)=2, g(v)=3 or g(v)=2, g(u)=3. Here e (0) (t+1)+t+t=3t+1, a contradiction. g ≤ 130 R.Ponraj,RajpalSinghandR.Kala Subcase 2g. g(u)=4, g(v)=3 or g(v)=4, g(u)=3. Similar to Subcase 2f. Subcase 2h. g(u)=2, g(v)=1 or g(v)=2, g(u)=1. Similar to Subcase 2f. Subcase 2i. g(u)=4, g(v)=1 or g(v)=4, g(u)=1. Similar to Subcase 2h. Subcase 2j. g(u)=3, g(v)=1 or g(v)=3, g(u)=1. In this case e (0) t, a contradiction. g ≤ Hence, if n 1 (mod 2), D (K ) is not a 4-prime cordial graph. 2 1,n ≡ 2 The next investigation is about 4-prime cordial labeling behavior of splitting graph of a path, star. For a graph G, the splitting graph of G, S (G), is obtained from G by adding for ′ each vertex v of G a new vertex v so that v is adjacent to every vertex that is adjacent to v. ′ ′ Note that if G is a (p,q) graph then S (G) is a (2p,3q) graph. ′ Theorem 2.4 S (P ) is 4-prime cordial for all n. ′ n Proof Let V(S (P )) = u ,v : 1 i n and E(S (P )) = u u ,u v ,v u : 1 ′ n i i ′ n i i+1 i i+1 i i+1 { ≤ ≤ } { ≤ i n 1 . ClearlyS (P )has2nverticesand3n 3edges. Figure2showsthatS (P ),S (P ) ′ n ′ 2 ′ 3 ≤ − } − are 4-prime cordial. 1 3 4 2 3 b b b b b b b b b b 2 4 2 4 1 Figure 2 For n>3, we consider the following cases. Case 1. n 0 (mod 4). ≡ We define a function f from the vertices of S (P ) to the set 1,2,3,4 by ′ n { } f(v ) = f(u ) = 2, 1 i n 2i 2i−1 ≤ ≤ 4 f(v ) = f(u ) = 4, 1 i n 2i+1 2i ≤ ≤ 4 f(v ) = f(u ) = 1, 1 i n 4 n+22+2i n+22+2i ≤ ≤ −4 f(v ) = f(u ) = 3, 1 i n 4 n+24+2i n+24+2i ≤ ≤ −4 and f(u )=f(u )=3, f(v )=f(v )=1. n+2 n+4 1 n+4 2 2 2 In this case v (1)=v (2)=v (3)=v (4)= n, and e (0)= 3n 4, e (1)= 3n 2. f f f f 2 f 2− f 2− Case 2. n 1 (mod 4). ≡ SomeNewFamiliesof4-PrimeCordialGraphs 131 We define a map f :V(S (P )) 1,2,3,4 by ′ n →{ } f(u ) = 2, 1 i n+3 2i−1 ≤ ≤ 4 f(u ) = 4, 1 i n 1 2i ≤ ≤ −4 f(v ) = 4, 1 i n+3 2i−1 ≤ ≤ 4 f(v ) = 2, 1 i n 1 2i ≤ ≤ −4 f(vn−21+2i) = f(un−21+2i) = 3, 1≤i≤ n−41 f(v ) = f(u ) = 1, 1 i n 1 n+21+2i n+21+2i ≤ ≤ −4 Here v (1)=v (3)= n 1, v (2)=v (4)= n+1, and e (0)=e (1)= 3n 3. f f −2 f f 2 f f 2− Case 3. n 2 (mod 4). ≡ Define a vertex labeling f :V(S′(Pn)) 1,2,3,4 by f(v1)=3, f(vn+1)=1, →{ } 2 f(u ) = 2, 1 i n+2 2i−1 ≤ ≤ 4 f(u ) = 4, 1 i n+2 2i ≤ ≤ 4 f(v ) = 2, 1 i n 2 2i ≤ ≤ −4 f(v ) = 4, 1 i n 2 2i+1 ≤ ≤ −4 f(vn2+2i) = f(un2+2i) = 3, 1≤i≤ n−42 f(v ) = f(u ) = 1, 1 i n 2 n+22+2i n+22+2i ≤ ≤ −4 Here v (1)=v (2)=v (3)=v (4)= n, and e (0)= 3n 4, e (1)= 3n 2. f f f f 2 f 2− f 2− Case 4. n 3 (mod 4). ≡ Constructavertexlabelingf fromtheverticesofS (P )totheset 1,2,3,4 byf(u )=1, ′ n n { } f(v )=3, n f(v ) = f(u ) = 2, 1 i n+1 2i 2i−1 ≤ ≤ 4 f(v ) = f(u ) = 4, 1 i n+1 2i−1 2i ≤ ≤ 4 f(vn−21+2i) = f(un−21+2i) = 3, 1≤i≤ n−43 f(v ) = f(u ) = 1, 1 i n 3 n+21+2i n+21+2i ≤ ≤ −4 In this case v (1)=v (3)= n 1, v (2)=v (4)= n+1, and e (0)=e (1)= 3n 3. f f −2 f f 2 f f 2− Hence S (P ) is 4-prime cordial for all n. ′ n 2 Theorem 2.5 S (K ) is 4-prime cordial for all n. ′ 1,n Proof Let V(S (K )) = u,v,u ,v : 1 i n and E(S (K )) = uu ,vu ,uv : 1 ′ 1,n i i ′ 1,n i i i { ≤ ≤ } { ≤ i n . Clearly S (K ) has 2n+2 vertices and 3n edges. The Figure 3 shows that S (K ) ′ 1,n ′ 1,2 ≤ } is a 4-prime cordial graph. 132 R.Ponraj,RajpalSinghandR.Kala 1 4 b b b 2 2 b b 3 b 3 Figure 3 Now for n > 2, we define a map f : V(S (K )) 1,2,3,4 by f(u) = 2, f(v) = 3, ′ 1,n → { } f(u )=1, n f(u ) = 2, 1 i n i ≤ ≤ 2 f(u⌊n2⌋+i) = 3, 1≤i≤(cid:4)n−2(cid:5)1 f(v ) = 4, 1 i (cid:4)n+1(cid:5) i ≤ ≤ 2 f(v⌈n+21⌉+i) = 1, 1≤i≤(cid:6)n−21(cid:7) (cid:4) (cid:5) The Table 3 shows that f is a 4-prime cordial labeling of S (K ). ′ 1,n 2 Values of n v (1) v (2) v (3) v (4) e (0) e (1) f f f f f f n 0mod 2 n n +1 n n +1 3n 3n ≡ 2 2 2 2 2 2 n 1mod 2 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 3n 1 3n+1 ≡ 2 2 2 2 2− 2 Table 3 Next we investigate the 4-prime cordial behavior of degree splitting graph of a star. Let G=(V,E)beagraphwithV =S S S T whereeachS isasetofverticeshavingat 1 2 t i ∪ ∪···∪ ∪ t least two vertices and having the same degree and T =V S . The degree splitting graph i − i=1 ofG denotedby DS(G) is obtainedfromGby adding verticeSsw1,w2 ,wt andjoining wi to ··· each vertex of S (1 i t). i ≤ ≤ Theorem 2.6 DS(B ) is 4-prime cordial if n 1,3 (mod 4). n,n ≡ Proof Let V(B ) = u,v,u ,v : 1 i n and E(B ) = uv,uu ,vv : 1 i n . n,n i i n,n i i { ≤ ≤ } { ≤ ≤ } LetV(DS(B ))=V(B ) w ,w andE(DS(B ))=E(B ) w u ,w v ,w u,w v : n,n n,n 1 2 n,n n,n 1 i 1 i 2 2 ∪{ } ∪{ 1 i n . Clearly DS(B ) has 2n+4 vertices and 4n+3 edges. n,n ≤ ≤ } Case 1. n 1 (mod 4). ≡ Let n = 4t+1. Assign the label 3 to the vertices v ,v , ,v and 1 to the vertices 1 2 2t+1 ··· v ,v , ,v . Next assign the label 4 to the vertices u ,u , ,u and 2 to the 2t+2 2t+3 4t+1 1 2 2t+2 ··· ··· vertices u ,u , ,u . Finally, assign the labels 1,2,2 and 2 to the vertices w ,u,v 2t+3 2t+4 4t+1 2 ··· and w respectively. 1 Case 2. n 3 (mod 4). ≡ As in case 1 assign the labels to the vertices u ,v ,u,v,w and w (1 i n 2). Next i i 1 2 ≤ ≤ − SomeNewFamiliesof4-PrimeCordialGraphs 133 assign the labels 1,3,2 and 4 respectively to the vertices v ,v ,u and u . The Table 4 n 1 n n 1 n − − establishes that this vertex labeling f is a 4-prime cordial labeling. 2 Nature of n v (1) v (2) v (3) v (4) e (0) e (1) f f f f f f 4t+1 2t+1 2t+2 2t+1 2t+2 8t+3 8t+4 4t+3 2t+2 2t+3 2t+2 2t+3 8t+7 8t+8 Table 4 The final investigation is about 4-prime cordiality of jelly fish graph. Theorem 2.7 The Jelly fish J(n,n) is 4-prime cordial. Proof Let V(J(n,n)) = u,v,u ,v ,w ,w : 1 i n and E(J(n,n)) = uu , vu , uw , i i 1 2 i i 1 { ≤ ≤ } { w v, vw , uw , w w :1 i n . Note that J(n,n) has 2n+4 vertices and 2n+5 edges. 1 2 2 1 2 ≤ ≤ } Case 1. n 0 (mod 4). ≡ Let n = 4t. Assign the label 1 to the vertices u ,u , ,u . Next assign the label 3 1 2 2t+1 ··· to the vertices u ,u , ,u . We now move to the other side pendent vertices. Assign 2t+2 2t+3 4t ··· the label3 to the verticesu ,u . Next assignthe label2to the verticesu ,u ,...,u . Then 1 2 3 4 2t+3 assign the label 4 to the remaining pendent vertices. Finally assign the label 4 to the vertices u,v,w ,w . 1 2 Case 2. n 1 (mod 4). ≡ Letn=4t+1. In this case,assignthe label 1to the vertices v ,v , ,v and3 to the 1 2 2t+1 ··· vertices v ,v , ,v . Next assign the label 2 to the vertices u ,u , ,u , and 2t+1 2t+3 4t+1 1 2 2t+2 ··· ··· 3 to the vertices u and u . Next assign the label 4 to the remaining pendent vertices 2t+3 2t+4 u ,u , ,u . Finally assign the label 4 to the vertices u,v,w ,w . 2t+5 2t+6 4t+1 1 2 ··· Case 3. n 2 (mod 4). ≡ As in Case 2, assignthe label to the verticesu ,v (1 i n 1),u,v,w ,w . Next assign i i 1 2 ≤ ≤ − the labels 1,4 respectively to the vertices u and v . n n Case 4. n 3 (mod 4). ≡ Assign the labels to the vertices u,v,w ,w ,u ,v (1 i n 1) as in case 3. Finally 1 2 i i ≤ ≤ − assignthe labels 2,1respectivelyto the verticesu ,v . The Table 5establishesthatthis vertex n n labeling f is obviously a 4-prime cordial labeling. 2 Values of n v (1) v (2) v (3) v (4) e (0) e (1) f f f f f f 4t 2t+1 2t+1 2t+1 2t+1 4t+3 4t+2 4t+1 2t+1 2t+2 2t+2 2t+1 4t+4 4t+3 4t+2 2t+2 2t+2 2t+2 2t+2 4t+5 4t+4 4t+3 2t+3 2t+3 2t+2 2t+2 4t+6 4t+5 Table 5 Corollary 2.1 The Jelly fish J(m,n) where m n is 4-prime cordial. ≥ 134 R.Ponraj,RajpalSinghandR.Kala Proof Let m=n+r, r 0. Use of the labeling f given in theorem ?? assign the label to ≥ the vertices u,v,w ,w ,u ,v (1 i n). 1 2 i i ≤ ≤ Case 1. r 0 (mod 4). ≡ Let r =4k, k N. Assignthe label 2 to the vertices u ,u , ,u andto the ver- n+1 n+2 n+k ∈ ··· ticesu ,u , ,u . Thenassignthelabel1totheverticesu ,u , ,u n+k+1 n+k+2 n+2k n+2k+1 n+2k+2 n+3k ··· ··· and 3 to the vertices u , u , ..., u . Clearly this vertex labeling is a 4-prime n+3k+1 n+3k+2 n+4k cordial labeling. Case 2. r 1 (mod 4). ≡ Let r =4k+1, k N. Assign the labels to the vertices u (1 i r 1) as in case 1. n+i ∈ ≤ ≤ − If n 0,1,2 (mod 4), then assign the label 1 to the vertex u ; otherwise assign the label 4 to r ≡ the vertex u . r Case 3. r 2 (mod 4). ≡ Let r =4k+2, k N. As in Case 2 assignthe labels to the vertices u (1 i r 1). n+i ∈ ≤ ≤ − Then assign the label 4 to the vertex u . r Case 4. r 3 (mod 4). ≡ Let r = 4k+3, k N. In this case assign the label 3 to the last vertex and assign the ∈ label to the vertices u (1 i r 1) as in Case 3. n+i ≤ ≤ − 2 References [1] I.Cahit, Cordial Graphs: A weaker version of Graceful and Harmonious graphs, Ars com- bin., 23 (1987) 201-207. [2] J.A.Gallian,ADynamicsurveyofgraphlabeling,TheElectronicJournalofCombinatorics, 17 (2015) #Ds6. [3] F.Harary, Graph theory, Addision wesley, New Delhi (1969). [4] M.A.SeoudandM.A.Salim, Twoupperbounds ofprimecordialgraphs,JCMCC, 75(2010) 95-103. [5] M.Sundaram, R.Ponrajand S.Somasundaram, Prime cordial labeling of graphs, J. Indian Acad. 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