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Some functional inequalities on polynomial volume growth Lie groups Diego Chamorro January 24, 2011 Abstract 1 WestudyinthisarticlesomeSobolev-typeinequalitiesonpolynomialvolumegrowthLie 1 groups. We show in particular that improved Sobolev inequalities can be extended without 0 2 the use of the Littlewood-Paley decomposition to this general framework. n Keywords: Sobolev inequalities, polynomial volume growth Lie groups. a J 1 1 Introduction 2 Classical Sobolev inequalities provide us with a family of a priori estimates of the following form ] P A f Lq C f Lp where q = np/(n p). (1) k k ≤ k∇ k − . h Initially stated over Rn, they were succesively generalized to other settings such as manifolds or Lie groups, t a see for example [1] or [15] for such generalizations. m SincetheworkofP.G´erard, Y.Meyer &F.Oruin[9], weknowthatitispossibletoimprovetheclassical [ Sobolev inequalities (1) by introducing a well-suited Besov space, and it is worth knowing if these improved 2 inequalities can be generalized to some special Lie groups. For example, in the case of the Heisenberg group v -which is the simplest example of stratified Lie groups- this was done by H. Bahouri, P. G´erard & C-J Xu 6 0 in [2] following essentially the same ideas of the original paper of P. G´erard, Y. Meyer and F. Oru; while, 1 for general stratified Lie groups, the task was achieved in [3] using some different techniques. In this special 3 setting we obtained a family of Sobolev-type inequalities: namely, for G = (Rn, ,δ) a stratified Lie group . 9 and for f a function such that f W˙ s,p(G) and f B˙−β,∞(G), we have: · 0 ∈ ∈ ∞ 0 :1 kfkW˙ s,q ≤ CkfkθW˙ s1,pkfk1B˙−∞−θβ,∞ (2) v i wherethe parameters p,q and the indexes θ,β,s and s1 are related in a specific manner. See section 5 below X for the definitions of these functional spaces. r a ThistypeofLiegroupsisageneralization ofRn whenmodifyingdilations; andinthissetting,mathemat- ical objects we are dealing with are constructed in such way in order to respect the homogeneity induced by these dilations. Therefore, many properties of these objects (operators, functional spaces) are very similar to the Euclidean case. See [7] and [14] and the references given there for more details. Ifwewanttostudyinequalitiesoftype(1)and(2)inamoreabstractframework,itispossibletoconsider Lie groups without a dilation structure and in this case we have several possibilities: a first example is given by nilpotent Lie groups which are a generalization of stratified Lie groups (recall that every stratified Lie group is nilpotent) but these groups are not necessarily endowed with a dilation structure, see more details in [6]. A second example is given by polynomial volume growth Lie groups, where we have useful polynomial estimates for the Haar measure of a ball. Some other examples can beconsidered such as exponential growth Lie groups, see the book [15] for definitions and some related results for the last case. Classical Sobolev inequalities have been extensively studied in the three previous frameworks and a de- tailed account can be found in [15]. 1 In this article we will especially focus on polynomial volume growth Lie groups and our main purpose is to study improved Sobolev inequalities of type (2) in this very particular setting. Our results are as follows: Theorem 1 Let G be a polyomial volume growth Lie group. [Strong inequalities p > 1] If f W˙ s1,p(G) and f B˙∞−β,∞(G), then we have • ∈ ∈ f C f θ f 1−θ (3) k kW˙ s,q ≤ k kW˙ s1,pk kB˙∞−β,∞ where 1< p < q < + , θ = p/q, s = θs (1 θ)β and β < s < s . 1 1 ∞ − − − [Strong inequalities p = 1] If f L1(G) and f B˙−β,∞(G), then we have ∞ • ∇ ∈ ∈ kfkLq ≤ Ck∇fkθL1kfk1B˙−∞−θβ,∞ (4) where 1< q <+ , θ = 1/q and β = θ/(1 θ). ∞ − [Weak inequalities p = 1] If f L1(G) and f B˙−β,∞(G), then we have ∞ • ∇ ∈ ∈ f C f θ f 1−θ (5) k kW˙∞s,q ≤ k∇ kL1k kB˙∞−β,∞ where 1< q <+ , 0< s < 1/q < 1, θ = 1/q and β = 1−sq. ∞ q−1 For a precise definition of these functional spaces, refer to section 5. Let us make some remarks concerning the techniques used in the proof of theses inequalities. For the proof of inequality (3), we will not make use of the Littlewood-Paley decompostion as it is done in [9] or [2] and this estimate will be obtained in a more straightforward way applying the sub-Laplacian’s fractional powers properties together with some properties of the Besov spaces. Concerning strong inequalities (4) and weak inequalities (5), the proof follows a very different path and we will see that these two estimates rely on the Modified Poincar´e pseudo-inequality stated in theorem 4. Observe in particular that it is the use of this special inequality that suggest us the definition of the weak Sobolev spaces W˙ s,q in the estimates (5). ∞ To finish preliminary remarks, let us stress here that the role of the polynomial growth geometry will be clearly identified in the estimates available for the heat kernel H associated to the sub-Laplacian and t J in the operator’s properties build from the spectral decomposition of the sub-Laplacian . These estimates J and properties will be decisive for the proof of theorem 1. Theplan of the article is thefollowing: section 2 is devoted to ashortintroduction of polynomial volume growth Lie groups, section 3 gives some important estimations for the Heat kernel, section 4 presents some results concerning spectral theory, section 5 gives the precise definition of functional spaces involved in the inequalities above, while section 6 presents the proof of theorem 1. 2 Polynomial volume growth Lie groups Let Gbea connected unimodularLie group endowed with its Haar measuredx. Denote by g the Lie algebra of G and consider a family X = X ,...,X of left-invariant vector fields on G satisfying the H¨ormander 1 k { } condition, which means that the Lie algebra generated by the X for 1 j k is g. j ≤ ≤ In this setting we have at our disposalthe Carnot-Carath´eodory metric associated with X defined as fol- lows: let ℓ :[0,1] Gbeanabsolutely continuous path. We say thatℓ is admissibleif thereexists measur- ablefunctionsγ ,−..→.,γ :[0,1] Csuchthat,foralmosteveryt [0,1],wehaveℓ′(t) = k γ (t)X (ℓ(l)). 1 k −→ ∈ j=1 j j If ℓ is admissible, define the length of ℓ by ℓ = 1( k γ (t)2)1/2dt. Then, for all x,y G, the distance k k 0 j=1| j | P∈ between x and y is the infimum of the lengths of all admissible curves joining x to y. We will denote x R P k k 2 the distance between the origin e and x and y−1 x the distance between x and y. k · k For r > 0 and x G, denote by B(x,r) the open ball with respect to the Carnot-Carath´eodory metric ∈ centered in x and of radius r, and by V(r) the Haar measure of any ball of radius r. When 0 < r < 1, there exists d N∗, c and C >0 such that, for all 0 < r < 1 we have l l ∈ c rd V(r) C rd. l l ≤ ≤ The integer d is the local dimension of (G,X). When r 1, two situations may occur, independently of the ≥ choice of the family X: either G has polynomial volume growth and there exist D N∗, c and C > 0 ∞ ∞ ∈ such that, for all r 1 we have ≥ c rD V(r) C rD, (6) ∞ ∞ ≤ ≤ or G has exponential volume growth, which means that there exist c ,C ,α,β > 0 such that, for all r 1 e e ≥ we have c eαr V(r) C eβr. e e ≤ ≤ When G has polynomial volume growth, the integer D in (6) is called the dimension at infinity of G. Recall that nilpotent groups have polynomial volume growth and that a strict subclass of the nilpotent groups consists of stratified Lie groups. For more details see the book [15]. We will assume from now on that G is a connected unimodular polynomial volume Lie group with local dimension d and dimension at infinity D. 3 Sub-Laplacian and Heat kernel Once we have fixed the family X, we define the gradient on G by = (X ,...,X ) and we consider a sub- 1 k Laplacian on G defined by = k X2, which is a positive∇self-adjoint, hypo-elliptic operator since J J − j=1 j X satisfies the H¨ormander’s condition. Its associated heat operator on G ]0,+ [ is given by ∂ + . We t P × ∞ J recallinthenexttheoremsomewell-known propertiesofthesemi-groupH obtainedfromthesub-Laplacian t . See the book [15] and the references given there for a proof. J Theorem 2 There exists a unique family of continuous linear operators (H ) defined on L1 +L∞(G) t t>0 with the semi-group property H = H H for all t,s > 0 and H = Id, such that: t+s t s 0 1) the sub-Laplacian is the infinitesimal generator of the semi-group H = e−tJ; t J 2) H is a contraction operator on Lp(G) for 1 p + and for t > 0; t ≤ ≤ ∞ 3) the semi-group H admits a convolution kernel H f = f h where h is the heat kernel. t t t t ∗ 4) Htf f Lp 0 if t 0 for f Lp(G) and 1 p < + ; k − k → → ∈ ≤ ∞ 5) If f Lp(G), 1 p + , then the function u(x,t) = H f(x) is a solution of the heat equation. t ∈ ≤ ≤ ∞ We obtain in particular that H is a symmetric diffusion semi-group as considered by Stein in [13] with t infinitesimal generator . J Weneedtofixsometerminology. TobeginwithnotethatassociatedtothefamilyXwealsohaveafamily of right-invariant vector fields Y ,...,Y with similar properties. Let I = (j ,...,j ) 1,...,k β (β N) 1 k 1 β { } ∈ { } ∈ be a multi-index, we set I = β and define XI and YI by the formula XI = X X (YI = Y Y | | j1··· jβ j1··· jβ resp.) with the convention XI = Id if β = 0. The interaction of operators XI and YI with convolutions is clarified by the following identities: XI(f g) = f (XIg), YI(f g) =(YIf) g, (XIf) g = f (YIg). ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ In particular we have ( f) g = f (˜g) where ˜ = (Y ,...,Y ). 1 k ∇ ∗ ∗ ∇ ∇ 3 We will say now that ϕ ∞(G) belongs to the Schwartz class (G) if ∈ C S N (ϕ) = sup(1+ x )α XIϕ(x) < + . (α N,I 1,...,k β). α,I x∈G k k | | ∞ ∈ ∈ β∪∈N{ } Remark 1 To characterize the Schwartz class (G) we can replace vector fields XI in the semi-norms N k,I S above by right-invariant vector fields YI. For a proof of these facts and for further details see [7], [13], [15] and the references given there. Theorem 3 Let G be a polynomial volume growth Lie group, then for every j 1,...,k , there exists ∈ { } C >0 such that Xjht(x) Ct−1/2V(√t)−1e−kxckt2 for all x G, t > 0. | | ≤ ∈ This theorem implies the next proposition Proposition 3.1 For every j 1,...,k and for all p [1,+ ] there exists a constant C > 0 such that: ∈ { } ∈ ∞ Xjht() Lp Ct−1/2V(√t)−1/p′, t > 0; (7) k · k ≤ For a proof of theorem 3 and proposition 3.1, see chapter VIII of the book [15]. 4 Spectral decomposition for the sub-Laplacian Theuseinthisarticleofspectralresolutionforthesub-Laplacianconsistsroughlyinexpressingthisoperator +∞ by the formula = λ dE and, by means of this characterization, build a family of new operators J 0 λ m( ) associated to a Borel function m. This kind of operators have some nice properties as shown in the J R next propositions. Proposition 4.1 If G is polynomial growth Lie group and if m is a bounded Borel function on ]0,+ [ then ∞ the operator m( ) defined by J +∞ m( )= m(λ) dE , (8) λ J Z0 is bounded on L2(G) and admits a convolution kernel M i.e.: m( )(f) = f M ( f L2(G)). J ∗ ∀ ∈ Following [10] and [8] we can improve the conclusion of the above proposition. Let k N and m be a ∈ function of class k(R+), we write C m = sup (1+λ)k m(r)(λ). (k) k k | | 1≤r≤k λ>0 This formula gives us a necessary condition to obtain some properties of the operators defined by (8): Proposition 4.2 Let G be polynomial volume growth Lie group with local dimension d. Let j 1,...,k ∈ { } and p [1,+ ]. There is a constant C > 0 and an integer k such that, for any function m k(R+) with ∈ ∞ ∈ C m < + , the kernel M associated to the operator m(t ) with t > 0 satisfies (k) t k k ∞ J −( d +1) XjMt() Lp Ct 2p′ 2 m (k). (9) k · k ≤ k k where 1 + 1 = 1. p p′ Proof. Follow the same steps of the proof of proposition 3.2 in [8] and use inequality (7). (cid:4) Remark 2 Notice that, when 0 <t 1, we can replace in (9) X by XI for some multi-index I. j ≤ 4 5 Functional spaces We give inthis section theprecisedefinition ofthefunctionalspaces involved intheorem 1. Inageneral way, given a norm , we will define the corresponding functional space E(G) by f ′(G) : f < + . E E k·k { ∈ S k k ∞} For the Lebesgue spaces Lp(G) with 1 p+ , we will use the following characterization ≤ ∞ +∞ f p = pσp−1 x G : f(x) > σ dσ, k kLp |{ ∈ | | }| Z0 and for the Lorentz spaces Lp,∞(G) we set f Lp,∞ = sup σ x G : f(x) > σ 1/p . k k { |{ ∈ | | }| } σ>0 In order to define Sobolev spaces, we need to introduce the fractional powers s and −s with s > 0: J J 1 +∞ sf(x) = lim tk−s−1 kH f(x)dt t J ε→0Γ(k−s)Zε J 1 η −sf(x) = lim ts−1H f(x)dt (10) t J η→+∞Γ(s) Z0 for all f ∞(G) with k the smallest integer greater than s. We consider then the Sobolev spaces by the ∈ C norms kfkW˙ s,p = kJs/2fkLp (11) when 1 < p < + and when p = s = 1 we will note ∞ f = f . (12) k kW˙ 1,1 k∇ kL1 We will also need to define weak Sobolev spaces W˙ s,p(G) used in (5) and we write here ∞ kfkW˙∞s,p = kJs/2fkLp,∞ (1 < p < +∞) (13) Finally, for Besov spaces of indices ( β, , ) which appear in all the inequalities (3)-(5), we have: − ∞ ∞ f = sup tβ/2 H f (14) k kB˙∞−β,∞ t>0 k t kL∞ The choice of this thermic definition for Besov spaces will be clarified in the next section. Observe that other equivalent characterizations do exist in the framework of polynomial volume growth Lie groups, see for example [8] or [12], but they are not as useful in our computations as the thermic one. 6 Improved Sobolev Inequalities on stratified groups: the proofs We will divide the proof of the theorem 1 in two steps following the values of the parameter p used in the Sobolev spaces which appear on the right hand side of inequalities (3)-(5). This separation of the proof in the cases when p > 1 and when p = 1 is due to the definition of Sobolev spaces given by the formulas (11) and (12) and is independent from the underlying geometry. Thus, we first study the inequality (3) and then we prove the strong inequality (4) and the weak inequality (5). 6.1 The general improved Sobolev inequalities (p > 1) We start the proof observing that the operator s/2 carries out an isomorphism between the spaces B˙−β,∞(G) and B˙−β−s,∞(G). This fact follows froJm the thermic definition of Besov spaces (see [12] for ∞ ∞ a proof and more details). We can rewrite the inequality (3) in the following way kJ s−2s1fkLq ≤ CkfkθLpkfk1B˙−∞−θβ−s1,∞ where 1 < p < q < + , θ = p/q, s = θs (1 θ)β and β < s < s . Using the sub-Laplacian fractional 1 1 ∞ − − − powers characterization (10) we have the identity J −2αf(x)= Γ(1α) +∞tα2−1Htf(x)dt = Γ(1α) T tα2−1Htf(x)dt+ +∞tα2−1Htf(x)dt (15) 2 Z0 2 (cid:18)Z0 ZT (cid:19) 5 where α= s s> 0 and where T > 0 is a parameter that will be fixed in the sequel. 1 − For studying each one of these integrals we will use the estimates H f(x) f(x) t • | |≤ | | −β−s1 • |Htf(x)|≤ Ct 2 kfkB˙∞−β−s1,∞ (by the thermic definition of Besov spaces) Then, applying these inequalities in (15) we obtain −α c1 α c2 α−β−s |J 2 f(x)|≤ Γ(α)T 2|f(x)|+ Γ(α)T 2 kfkB˙∞−β−s1,∞. 2 2 We fix now 2 T = kfkB˙∞−β−s1,∞ β+s1 f(x) ! | | and we get |J −2αf(x)| ≤ Γ(c1α2)|f(x)|1−β+αs1 + Γ(c2α2)|f(x)|1−β+αs1kfkBβ˙+∞−αsβ1−s1,∞. Since α = 1 θ and θ = p/q we have β+s1 − −2αf(x) c f(x)θ f 1−θ . |J | ≤ Γ(α2)| | k kB˙∞−β−s1,∞ We finally obtain kJ −2αfkLq ≤ ckfkθLpkfk1B˙−∞−θβ−s1,∞ and we are done. (cid:4) 6.2 Strong an weak inequalities (p = 1) We treat now the inequalities (4) and (5). For this we will need the following result. Theorem 4 (Modified Poincar´e pseudo-inequality) Let f be a function such that f L1(G). We ∇ ∈ have the following estimate for 0 s < 1 and for t > 0: ≤ s/2f Ht s/2f L1 C t1−2s f L1. (16) kJ − J k ≤ k∇ k Let us make some remarks. This theorem is crucial for proving strong and weak inequalities when p = 1, mainly becausethis estimate is especially well suited for matching with the Besov space’s thermic definition. Note also that, when s = 0, we have some alternative proofs of (16) depending on the framework and its underlyinggeometry. See [11] for details. In the general case exposed in theorem 4, the role of the geometry is given in the Lp-estimates available for the Heat kernel. Proof. To begin the proof, we observe that the following identity occurs: +∞ ( s/2f H s/2f)(x)= m(tλ)dE t1−s/2 f(x), t λ J − J J (cid:18)Z0 (cid:19) where we noted m(λ) = λs/2−1(1 e−λ) for λ > 0, note that m is a bounded function which tends to 0 at − infinity since s/2 1 < 0. We break up this function by writing: − m(λ) = m (λ)+m (λ) = m(λ)θ (λ)+m(λ)θ (λ) 0 1 0 1 6 where we chose the auxiliary functions θ (λ),θ (λ) ∞(R+) defined by: 0 1 ∈ C θ (λ) = 1 on ]0,1/2] and 0 on ]1,+ [, 0 • ∞ θ (λ) = 0 on ]0,1/2] and 1 on ]1,+ [, 1 • ∞ so that θ (λ)+θ (λ) 1. Then, we obtain the formula: 0 1 ≡ +∞ +∞ ( s/2f H s/2f)(x)= m (tλ)dE t1−s/2 f(x)+ m (tλ)dE t1−s/2 f(x). t 0 λ 1 λ J − J J J (cid:18)Z0 (cid:19) (cid:18)Z0 (cid:19) (i) +∞ If we note M the kernel of the operator fixed by m (tλ)dE for i = 0,1, we have: t 0 i λ ( s/2f H s/2f)(x)= t1−s/2R f M(0)(x)+t1−s/2 f M(1)(x). J − tJ J ∗ t J ∗ t We obtain the inequality s/2f H s/2 dx t1−s/2 f M(0)(x) dx+ t1−s/2 f M(1)(x) dx. (17) J − tJ ≤ J ∗ t J ∗ t ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) We will now est(cid:12)imate the right s(cid:12)ide of the(cid:12)above inequality by(cid:12)the two (cid:12)following proposition(cid:12)s: Proposition 6.1 For the first integral in the right-hand side of (17) we have the inequality: t1−s/2Jf ∗Mt(0)(x) dx ≤Ct1−2sk∇fkL1 ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) Proof. Thefunctionm0 is therestr(cid:12)(cid:12)iction onR+ ofafun(cid:12)(cid:12)ctionbelongingtotheSchwartzclass. Thisfunction satisfies the assumptions of the proposition 4.2 which we apply after having noticed the identity I = t1−s/2 f M(0)(x) dx = t1−s/2 f ˜M(0)(x) dx J ∗ t ∇ ∗∇ t ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where we noted ˜ the gradien(cid:12)t formed by the vec(cid:12)tors fields(cid:12)(Y ) . We have t(cid:12)hen j 1≤j≤k ∇ I t1−s/2 f(y) ˜M(0)(y−1 x)dxdy t1−s/2 f ˜M(0) . ≤ |∇ ||∇ t · | ≤ k∇ kL1k∇ t kL1 ZGZG Using the inequality (9) we obtain t1−s/2Jf ∗Mt(0)(x) dx ≤ Ct1−2sk∇fkL1. ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:4) (cid:12) (cid:12) Proposition 6.2 For the last integral of (17) we have the inequality t1−s/2Jf ∗Mt(1)(x) dx ≤Ct1−2sk∇fkL1 ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Proof. Here, it is necessary to mak(cid:12)e an additional step(cid:12). We cut out the function m1 in the following way: 1 e−λ m (λ) = − θ (λ) = m (λ) m (λ) 1 1 a b λ − (cid:18) (cid:19) where m (λ) = 1θ (λ) and m (λ) = e−λθ (λ). We will note M(a) and M(b) the associated kernels of these a λ 1 b λ 1 t t two operators. We obtain thus the estimate t1−s/2 f M(1)(x) dx t1−s/2 f M(a)(x) dx+ t1−s/2 f M(b)(x) dx (18) J ∗ t ≤ J ∗ t J ∗ t ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) We have the n(cid:12)ext lemma for the l(cid:12)ast integra(cid:12)l in (18). (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 7 Lemma 6.1 t1−s/2Jf ∗Mt(b)(x) dx ≤ Ct1−2sk∇fkL1. ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) Proof. Observe that mb (R+),(cid:12)(cid:12)then the proof is st(cid:12)(cid:12)raightforward and follows the same steps as those of ∈ S the preceding proposition 6.1. (cid:4) We treat the other part of (18) with the following lemma: Lemma 6.2 t1−s/2Jf ∗Mt(a)(x) dx ≤ Ct1−2sk∇fkL1 (19) ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) Proof. We consider the auxiliary fu(cid:12)nction (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) ψ(λ) = θ (λ/2) θ (λ) = θ (λ) θ (λ/2) 0 0 1 1 − − in order to obtain the identity +∞ ψ(2−jλ) = θ (λ). 1 j=0 X We have then +∞ +∞ 1 m (tλ) = ψ(2−jtλ)= 2−jφ(2−jtλ) a tλ j=0 j=0 X X where φ(λ) = ψ(λ) is a function in ∞(R+). Then, from the point of view of operators, one has: λ C0 +∞ M(a) = 2−jK (20) t j,t j=0 X where K = φ(2−jt ). With the formula (20) we return to the left side of (19): j,t J +∞ t1−s/2 f M(a)(x) dx 2−j t1−s/2 f K (x) dx. (21) J ∗ t ≤ J ∗ j,t ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) Xj=0 ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Using the sub-Laplacian definition and the vector fields properties, we have +∞ +∞ 2−j t1−s/2 f K (x) dx 2−jt1−s/2 f ˜K . j,t L1 j,t L1 J ∗ ≤ k∇ k k∇ k Xj=0 ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) Xj=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Apply now proposition 4.2 to obtain the estimate ˜K C2j/2t−1/2. We have then for (21) the j,t L1 k∇ k ≤ following inequality +∞ t1−s/2Jf ∗Mt(a)(x) dx ≤ C 2−j/2t1−2sk∇fkL1. ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) Xj=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) Then, we finally get (cid:12) (cid:12) t1−s/2Jf ∗Mt(a)(x) dx ≤ Ct1−2sk∇fkL1. ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) Which ends the proof of the lemm(cid:12)a 6.2. (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:4) With these two last lemmas we conclude the proof of the proposition 6.2. Now, getting back to the formula (17), with propositions 6.1 and 6.2 we finally finish the proof of theorem 4. (cid:4) 8 6.3 Weak inequalities To begin the proof, we use again the fact that operator s/2 carries out an isomorphism between the spaces B˙−β,∞ and B˙−β−s,∞. Thus inequality (5) rewrites as: J ∞ ∞ kJs/2fkLq,∞ ≤ Ck∇fkθL1kJs/2fk1B˙−∞−θβ−s,∞ (22) By homogeneity, we can suppose that the norm s/2f is bounded by 1; then we have to show kJ kB˙∞−β−s,∞ kJs/2fkLq,∞ ≤ Ck∇fkθL1. (23) We have thus to evaluate the expression x G: s/2f(x) > 2α for all α > 0. If we use the thermic { ∈ |J | } definition of the Besov space (14), we have (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) kJs/2fkB˙∞−β−s,∞ ≤ 1 ⇐⇒ st>up0 tβ+2skHtJs/2fkL∞ ≤ 1. n o But, if one fixes tα = α−(cid:16)β+2s(cid:17), we obtain kHtαJs/2fkL∞ ≤ α. Note also that with the definition of −2(q−1) parameter β one has tα = α (1−s) . Therefore, since we have the following set inclusion x G : s/2f(x) > 2α x G : s/2f(x) H s/2f(x) > α , ∈ |J | ⊂ ∈ |J − tαJ | n o n o the Chebyshev inequality implies αq x G : s/2f(x) > 2α αq−1 s/2f(x) H s/2f(x)dx. { ∈ |J | } ≤ |J − tαJ | (cid:12) (cid:12) ZG (cid:12) (cid:12) At this point, we use(cid:12)the theorem 4 to estimate(cid:12)the right side of the preceding inequality: 1−s αq x G : s/2f(x) > 2α Cαq−1 t 2 f(x)dx. (24) α { ∈ |J | } ≤ |∇ | (cid:12) (cid:12) ZG (cid:12) (cid:12) But, by the choice of tα, on(cid:12)e has αq−1α−2((1q−−s1))(1−2s) =(cid:12)1. Then (24) implies the inequality αq x G : s/2f(x) >2α C f ; L1 { ∈ |J | } ≤ k∇ k (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) and, finally, using the definition (13)(cid:12)of weak Sobolev spaces it(cid:12)comes s/2f q C f kJ kLq,∞ ≤ k∇ kL1 which is the desired result. (cid:4) 6.4 Strong inequalities When s= 0 in the weak inequalities above it is possible to obtain stronger estimations. To achieve this, we will need an intermediate step: Proposition 6.3 Let 1 < q < + , θ = 1 and β = θ/(1 θ). Then we have ∞ q − kfkLq ≤ Ck∇fkθL1kfk1B˙−∞−θβ,∞ when the three norms in this inequality are bounded. 9 Proof. We will follow closely [11]. Just as in the preceding theorem, we will start by supposing that f 1. Thus, we must show the estimate k kB˙∞−β,∞ ≤ kfkLq ≤ Ck∇fkθL1. (25) Let us fix t in the following way: t = α−2(q−1)/q where α > 0. We have then, by the thermic definition of α Besov spaces, the estimate H f α. We use now the characterization of Lebesgue space given by the t L∞ k k ≤ distribution function: 1 +∞ f q = x G : f(x) > 5α d(αq). (26) 5qk kLq |{ ∈ | | }| Z0 It now remains to estimate x G : f(x) > 5α and for this we introduce the following thresholding |{ ∈ | | }| function: Θ ( t) = Θ (t) α α − −  0 if 0 T α Θ (t) =  ≤ ≤ α    t α if α T Mα  − ≤ ≤  (M 1)α if T > Mα  −     Here, M is a parameter which depends on q and which we will suppose for the moment larger than 10. This cut-off function enables us to define a new function posing f = Θ (f). We collect in the next α α lemma some significant properties of this function f : α Lemma 6.3 1. The set defined by x G : f(x) > 5α is included in the set x G : f (x) > 4α . α { ∈ | | } { ∈ | | } 2. On the set x G: f(x) Mα one has the estimate f f α. α { ∈ | | ≤ } | − |≤ 3. If f 1(G), one has the equality f = ( f)1 almost everywhere. α {α≤|f|≤Mα} ∈ C ∇ ∇ We leave the verification of this lemma to the reader. Let us return now to (26). By the first point of the lemma above we have +∞ +∞ x G : f(x) > 5α d(αq) x G: f (x) > 4α d(αq) = I. (27) α |{ ∈ | | }| ≤ |{ ∈ | | }| Z0 Z0 We note A = x G : f (x) > 4α , B = x G : f (x) H (f )(x) > α and C = x G : α { ∈ | α | } α { ∈ | α − tα α | } α { ∈ H (f f)(x) > 2α . Now, by linearity of H we can write: f = f h (f )+h (f f)+h (f). | tα α − | } t α α − tα α tα α − tα Then, holding in account the fact H f α, we obtain A B C . Returning to (27), this set t L∞ α α α k k ≤ ⊂ ∪ inclusion gives us the following inequality +∞ +∞ I B d(αq)+ C d(αq) (28) α α ≤ | | | | Z0 Z0 Wewillstudyandestimate thesetwo integrals, whichwewillcall I andI respectively, bythetwofollowing 1 2 lemmas: Lemma 6.4 For the first integral of (28) we have the estimate: +∞ I = B d(αq) Cqlog(M) f (29) 1 α L1 | | ≤ k∇ k Z0 10

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