SOME FINITENESS PROPERTIES OF GENERALIZED GRADED LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES 7 1 ISMAEL AKRAY, ADIL KADIR JABBAR AND REZA SAZEEDEH 0 2 an rAinbgst(rRa0c,mt.0)LaentdRle=t MLna∈nNd0RNnbbeefianNitoeleythgeerniaenrahteodmgorgaedneedouRs-rminogdwulietsh.lLoceatlib,jas∈e 1 J N0. InthispaperwewillstudyArtinianessofΓm0R(HRi+(M,N)),Hm10R(HRi+(M,N)), 2 HRi+(M,N)/m0HRi+(M,N),HRj+(M,Hmi0R(N)),Hmj0R(M,HRi+(N)),whereR+de- notes the irrelevant ideal of R. ] C A . 1. Introduction h t a Throughout this paper, let R = L R be a Noetherian homogeneous ring m n∈N0 n with local base ring (R ,m ). So R is a Noetherian ring and there are finitely many [ 0 0 0 elements l ,...,l ∈ R such that R = R [l ,...,l ]. Let R := L R denote 1 r 1 0 1 r + n∈N n 1 the irrelevant ideal of R and let m := m ⊕ R denote the graded maximal ideal v 0 + 2 of R. Finally let M = Ln∈ZMn and N = Ln∈ZNn be finitely generated graded 7 R-modules. 0 Herzog introduced a generalization of local cohomology so called generalized local 6 0 cohomology, denoted by Hi (M,N) which is isomorphic to limExti (M/R nM,N). . R+ → R + 1 n 0 We note that if M = R, then Hi (R,N) = Hi (N) is the usual local cohomol- 7 R+ R+ ogy. As is well known, the finiteness of the local cohomology modules have an 1 : important role in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. Many of mathe- v maticians work on finiteness of local cohomology. One of approaches in finiteness i X is Artinianess. Authors, in [BFT], [BRS], [RS] and [S] studied Artinianess of the ar graded modules Γm0R(HRi+(N), HRi+(N)/m0HRi+(N) and Hm10R(HRi+(M)). In the re- cent paper we will study the Artinianess of Generalized graded local cohomology. Here, we briefly mention some our results which have been proved in this paper. f Let f be the least non-negative integer such that the graded module H (M,N) R+ is not finitely generated. We prove that Γm0R(HRi+(M,N)) is Artinian for each i ≤ f. We also prove that if M is of finite projective dimension with pd M = n R and c = c (N) is the largest non-negative integer i such that Hi (N) 6= 0, then R+ R+ Hn+c(M,N)/m Hn+c(M,N) is Artinian. In particular if c (M,N) is the largest R+ 0 R+ R+ 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 13D45, 13E10. Keywords andphrases. Gradedlocalcohomology,Generalizedgradedlocalcohomology,Artinian module. 1 2 ISMAEL AKRAY,ADILKADIRJABBAR ANDREZA SAZEEDEH non-negative integer i such that Hi (M,N) 6= 0, then c (M,N) ≤ pd M+c (N). R+ R+ R R+ We prove a similar result for invariant a (N) which shows the largest non-negative R+ integer i such that Hi (N) is not Artinain. Moreover, we show that if Hi (M,N) R+ R+ is R+-cofinite, then Γm0R(HRi+(M,N)) is Artinian. Finally we study Artinianess of generalized local cohomology when dim(R ) ≤ 1. In this case, we prove that 0 HRi+(M,N)/m0HRi+(M,N),Γm0R(HRi+(M,N)),Hm10R(HRi+(M,N)),HRj+(M,Hm10R(N)) and Hj (M,Hi (N)) are Artinian for all i,j ∈ N . m0R R+ 0 2. The results It should be noted that local flat morphism of local Noetherian rings is faithfully flat. So, if R′ is flat over R and m′ = m R′, then R′ is faithfully flat over R . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Moreover, it follows from [K, Theorem 1] that if (R′,m′) is a faithfully flat local 0 0 R -algebra, then A is a graded Artinian R-module if and only if A′ := R′ ⊗ A is a 0 0 R0 graded Artinian module over R′ := R′ ⊗ R. In view of this argument, we have the 0 R0 following proposition. 2.1. Proposition. Let f := f (M,N) be the least non-negative integer such that R+ HRf+(M,N) is not finitely generated. Then Γm0R(HRi+(M,N)) is Artinian for each i ≤ f. Proof. We prove the assertion by induction on i. If i = 0, then Γ (M,N) is finitely R+ generated; and hence Γm0R(ΓR+(M,N)) is finitely generated. Thus there exists some positive integer n such that mnΓm0R(ΓR+(M,N)) = 0 and so the result follows in this case. Now, suppose inductively that the result has been proved for all values smaller than or equal to i with i < f and we prove it for i+1, where i+ 1 ≤ f. Consider the exact sequence 0 → Γ (N) → N → N/Γ (N) → 0. Application of the functor R+ R+ Hi (M,−) to the above exact sequence induces the following exact sequence R+ Hi+1(M,Γ (N)) → Hi+1(M,N) →φ Hi+1(M,N/Γ (N)) → Hi+2(M,Γ (N)) ‡. R+ R+ R+ R+ R+ R+ R+ Set K = Kerφ and K = Cokerφ. We note that for each i, there is an isomorphism 1 2 Hi (M,Γ (N)) ∼= Exti(M,Γ (N)) and then this module is an R -torsion finitely R+ R+ R+ + generated graded R-module. Therefore K and K are R -torsion finitely generated 1 2 + graded R-modules. Consider Γm0R(K1) and Γm0R(K2). By the previous argument these modules are finitely generated and R -torsion and then there exists some pos- + itive integer number n such that mnΓm0R(K1) = mnΓm0R(K2) = 0 and this implies that Γm0(K1) and Γm0R(K2) are Artinian. Now, in view of the sequence ‡, we can conclude that Γm0(HRi++1(M,N)) is Artinian if and only if Γm0(HRi++1(M,N/ΓR+(N)) is Artinian. So we may assume that Γ (N) = 0. Let x be an indeterminate and let R+ R0′ := R0[x]m0R0[x], m′0 := m0R0′,R′ = R0′⊗R0R, M′ := R0′⊗R0M, andN′ := R0′⊗R0N. Then by the flat base change property of local cohomology, for each i we have R0′ ⊗R0 Γm0R(HRi++1(M,N)) ∼= Γm0R′0(H(iR+′01⊗R0R)+(R0′ ⊗R0 M,R0′ ⊗R0 N)) and using the SOME FINITENESS PROPERTIES OF GENERALIZED GRADED LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES3 above argument Γm0(HRi++1(M,N)) is Artinian if and only if Γm0R′0(H(iR+′01⊗R0R)+(R0′ ⊗R0 M,R′ ⊗ N)) is Artinian. So we may assume that the residue field k of R is in- 0 R0 0 finite. As Γ (N) = 0, there exists an element x ∈ R which is a non-zerodivisor R+ 1 x. with respect to N and so there is an exact sequence 0 → N(−1) → N → N/xN → 0 of graded R-modules. Application of the functor Hi (M,−) to this exact sequence R+ induces the exact sequence ··· →x. Hi (M,N) → Hi (M,N/xN) → Hi+1(M,N)(−1) →x. Hi (M,N). R+ R+ R+ R+ If we consider Ui := Hi (M,N)/xHi (M,N), then we have the exact sequence R+ R+ 0 → Ui → HRi+(M,N/xN) → (0 :HRi++1(M,N) x)(−1) → 0. Applying the functor Γm0R(−) to this sequence, we get the following exact sequence Γm0R(HRi+(M,N/xN)) → Γm0R(0 :HRi+(M,N) x)(−1) → Hm0(Ui) z. We note that Ui is finitely generated and R -torsion and so Hi (Ui) ∼= Hi(Ui) is + m0R m Artinian. On the other hand, one can easily show that f(M,N/xN) ≥ f(M,N) − 1 and so i + 1 ≤ f(M,N) implies that i ≤ f(M,N) − 1 ≤ f(M,N/xN); and hence by induction hypothesis Γm0R(HRi+(M,N/xN)) is Artinian. Therefore by the sequence z, the module Γm0(0 :HRi+(M,N)(−1) x) = (0 :Γm0(HRi+(M,N))(−1) x) is Artinian. Now, since Γm0(HRi+(M,N)) is x-torsion, using Melkersson’s Lemma this module is Artinain. (cid:3) 2.2. Lemma. Let 0 → M → M → M → 0 be a short exact sequence of finitely 1 2 generated graded R-modules. Then for any R-module N, there is the following long exact sequence ... → Hi−1(M ,N) → Hi (M ,N) → Hi (M,N) → Hi (M ,N) → .... R+ 1 R+ 2 R+ R+ 1 Proof. Let I := 0 → I0 → I1 → I2 → ... be an injective resolution of N. We note that for any finitely generated R-module M and any i, there is an isomorphism Hi (M,N) = Hi(Hom (M,Γ (I))) and by the basic properties of section functor R+ R R+ each Γ (Ii) in Γ (I) is injective. Thus there is an exact sequence of complexes R+ R+ 0 → Hom (M ,Γ (I)) → Hom (M,Γ (I)) → Hom (M ,Γ (I)) → 0. R 2 R+ R R+ R 1 R+ Now, by using a basic theorem in homology theory, there is the following long exact sequence of R-modules ... → Hi−1(Hom (M ,Γ (I))) → Hi(Hom (M ,Γ (I))) R 1 R+ R 2 R+ → Hi(Hom (M,Γ (I))) → Hi(Hom (M ,Γ (I))) → ... R R+ R 1 R+ and this completes the proof. (cid:3) 4 ISMAEL AKRAY,ADILKADIRJABBAR ANDREZA SAZEEDEH 2.3. Theorem. Let M be of finite projective dimension with pd (M) = n and c := R c (N) be the largest positive integer i such that Hi (N) is not zero. Then the R+ R+ following condition hold. (i) The graded module Hn+c(M,N)/m Hn+c(M,N) is Artinian. R+ 0 R+ (ii) If c (M,N) is the largest positive integer i such that Hi (M,N) is not zero, R+ R+ then c (M,N) ≤ pd M +c (N) = n+c. R+ R R+ Proof. (i)Weproceedbyinductiononpd (M) = n. Ifn = 0, thetheresult isclear by R [RS, Theorem 2.1]. Now, suppose inductively that the result has been proved for all values smaller that n > 0 and so we prove this for n. Since pd (M) = n, there exists R a positive integer t and an exact sequence of graded modules 0 → K → Rt → M → 0 such that pd (K) = n−1. In view of Lemma 2.2, if we apply the functor Hn+c(−,N) R R+ to this exact sequence, we have the following exact sequence Hn+c−1(K,N) → Hn+c(M,N) → Hn+c(Rt,N). R+ R+ R+ We note that n + c > c = c (N) and so Hn+c(N) = 0. Now, application of the R+ R+ functor R /m ⊗ − to the above exact sequence induces the following epimorphisms 0 0 R Hn+c−1(K,N)/m Hn+c−1(K,N) → Hn+c(M,N)/m Hn+c(M,N) → 0. R+ 0 R+ R+ 0 R+ By using induction hypothesis, the graded module Hn+c−1(K,N)/m Hn+c−1(K,N) is R+ 0 R+ Artinian. Thus the result follows by the above epimorphism. (ii) In this part, similar to (i), we can apply an easy induction on pd M = n. (cid:3) R 2.4. Theorem. Let M be of finite projective dimension and let a (M,N) be the R+ largest non-negative integer i such that Hi (M,N) is not Artinian. Then we have R+ the following conditions. (i) a (M,N) ≤ pd M +a (N), where a (N) is the largest non-negative integer R+ R R+ R+ i such that Hi (N) is not Artinian. R+ (ii) Ha+n(M,N)/m Ha+n(M,N) is Artinian, where a = a (N) and pd M = n. R+ 0 R+ R+ R Proof. (i) Let pd M = n and a = a (N). We prove the assertion by induction on R R+ pd M = n. If n = 0, the result is clear. Suppose, inductively that n > 0 and the R result has been proved for all values smaller than n and so we prove it for n. As pd M = n, there exists a positive integer t and an exact sequence 0 → M → Rt → R 1 M → 0 ofR-modules such thatpd M = n−1. Inview of Lemma 2.2, if we applythe R 1 functor Hi (−,N) to the above exact sequence, we get the following exact sequence R+ of R-modules Hi−1(M ,N) → Hi (M,N) → Hi (N)t. Now, consider i > a+n. We R+ 1 R+ R+ note that i − 1 > a + n − 1 = pd M + a (N) and i > a + n > a. Thus, using R 1 R+ induction hypothesis, Hi−1(M ,N) and Hi (N) are Artinian. Now, in view of the R+ 1 R+ above exact sequence the result follows. (ii) To prove this part, we again proceed by induction on pd M = n. If n = 0, then the result follows by [S, Theorem 2.3]. Now, R SOME FINITENESS PROPERTIES OF GENERALIZED GRADED LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES5 suppose, inductively that n > 0 and the result has been proved for all values smaller than n and so we prove it for n. By a similar proof which mentioned in (i), there exists an exact sequence of R-modules Ha+n−1(M ,N) →α Ha+n(M,N) →β Ha+n(N)t. R+ 1 R+ R+ Consider X = Im(α)andY = Im(β). Sincea+n > a, themoduleY/m Y isArtinian. 0 On the other hand, by using induction hypothesis, one can easily see that X/m X is 0 Artinian. Now, the result follows easily. (cid:3) 2.5. Lemma. Let i ∈ N0 and HRi+(M,N) is R+-cofinite. Then Γm0R(HRi+(M,N)) is Artinian. Proof. Since Hi (M,N) is R -cofinite, Hom (R/R ,Hi (M,N)) is finitely gener- R+ + R + R+ ated and R+-torsion. Thus Γm0R(HomR(R/R+,HRi+(M,N))) ∼= Γm0R((0 :HRi+(M,N) R+)) = (0 :Γm0(HRi+(M,N)) R+) is finitely generated and m-torsion. It implies that the last term is Artinian. On the other hand, since Γm0R(HRi+(M,N)) is R+-torsion, it is Artinian. (cid:3) 2.6. Proposition. Let M be of finite projective dimension and let R be a principal + graded ideal of R. Then Γm0(HRi+(M,N)) is Artinian for each i. Proof. As R is principal, using [DS, Theorem 2.8], Hi (M,N) is R -cofinite for + R+ + each i. Now, the assertion follows by the previous lemma. (cid:3) 2.7. Lemma. Let M and N be finitely generated graded R-modules and N be m - 0 torsion. Then Hi (M,N) is Artinian for all i. R+ Proof. Since N is m -torsion, there exists an injective resolution I := 0 → I0 → I1 → 0 ... such that each Ii is m -torsion. By the definition of generalized local cohomology 0 there are the following isomorphisms HRi+(M,N) ∼= Hi(ΓR+(M,I)) ∼= Hi(ΓR+(M,Γm0R(I))) ∼= Hi(Hom(M,Γm(I)) ∼= Hi(M,N). By the basic properties of generalized local cohomology, the last term m is Artinian; and hence the result follows. (cid:3) 2.8. Proposition. Let dim(R ) ≤ 1. Then for every i ∈ N , the module Hi (M,N)/ 0 0 R+ m Hi (M,N) is Artinian 0 R+ Proof. If dim(R ) = 0, then N is m -torsion and so in view of Lemma 2.7, the graded 0 0 module Hi (M,N) is Artinian for each i. By using [BFT, Lemma 2.2 ] we can R+ get the assertion. Now, suppose that dim(R ) = 1 and consider the short exact 0 sequence 0 → Γm0R(N) → N → N/Γm0R(N) → 0 of graded R-modules. Application of the functor Hi (M,−) to this exact sequence induces the following exact sequence R+ HRi+(M,Γm0R(N)) → HRi+(M,N) → HRi+(M,N/Γm0R(N)) → HRi++1(M,Γm0R(N)). 6 ISMAEL AKRAY,ADILKADIRJABBAR ANDREZA SAZEEDEH In view of Lemma 2.7 and using [BFT, Lemma 2.2], one can easily show that for each i, the module R /m ⊗ Hi (M,N) is Artinian if and only if R /m ⊗ 0 0 R0 R+ 0 0 R0 HRi+(M,N/Γm0(N)) is Artinian. So we may assume that Γm0R(N) = 0. Now, this fact implies that there exists an element x ∈ m which is a non-zerodivisor of M and 0 x. then there exists a short exact sequence 0 → N → N → N/xN → 0 of graded R- modules. Application of the functor Hi (M,−) to the above exact sequence induces R+ the following exact sequence Hi (M,N) →x. Hi (M,N) → Hi (M,N/xN) → Hi+1(M,N). R+ R+ R+ R+ Since R is of dimension one, N/xN is m -torsion and so Lemma 2.7 implies that 0 0 Hi (M,N/xN) is Artinian for each i. Now, using [BFT, Lemma 2.2], R /m ⊗ R+ 0 0 R0 Hi (M,N)/xHi (M,N) is Artinian. On the other hand, application of the functor R+ R+ R /m ⊗ − to the above long exact sequence implies the following isomorphism 0 0 R0 R /m ⊗ Hi (M,N) ∼= R /m ⊗ Hi (M,N)/xHi (M,N); and hence the asser- 0 0 R0 R+ 0 0 R0 R+ R+ tion follows. (cid:3) 2.9. Proposition. Let dim(R ) ≤ 1. Then we have the following conditions. 0 (i) The graded R-module Γm0R(HRi+(M,N)) is Artinian for each i ∈ N0. (ii) The graded R-module H1 (Hi (M,N)) is Artinian for each i ∈ N . m0R R+ 0 Proof. If dim(R ) = 0, then R is Artinian. In this case any finitely generated R- 0 0 module is Artinian, and then for each i, the module Hi (M,N) is Artinian. Thus R+ Γm0R(Hm10(HRi+(M,N))) is Artinian and Hm10(HRi+(M,N)) = 0 for each i and so (i) and (ii) are clear in this case. Now, assume that dim(R ) = 1. (i). By applying the 0 functor HRi+(M,−) to the exact sequence 0 → Γm0R(N) → N → N/Γm0R(N) → 0, and applying the functor Γm0R(−) to the induced exact functor, we can conclude that Γm0R(HRi+(M,N)) is Artinian if and only if Γm0R(HRi+(M,N/Γm0R(N))) is Artinian and so we may assume that Γm0R(N) = 0. Now, let x ∈ m0 be a non-zerodivisor of N. x. Then there is an exact sequence 0 → N → N → N/xN → 0 of graded R-modules. Application of the functor Hi (M,−) to this sequence induces the following exact R+ sequence Hi−1(M,N/xN) → Hi (M,N) →x. Hi (M,N). R+ R+ R+ We note that N/xN is m -torsion and so by Lemma 2.7, Hi−1(M,N/xN) is Artinian 0 R+ and then (0 :HRi+(M,N) x) is Artinian. This implies that Γm0((0 :HRi+(M,N) x) = (0 :Γm0R(HRi+(M,N)) x) is Artinian. Now, since Γm0R(HRi+(M,N)) is x-torsion, by using Melkesson’s Lemma, it is Artinian. (ii). We proceed the assertion by induction on i. If i = 0, then H1 (Γ (M,N)) = H1(Γ (M,N)). We note that the last term m0R R+ m R+ is Artinian because Γ (M,N) is finitely generated. Suppose, inductively that the R+ result hasbeen proved for all values smaller thani andso we prove it fori. Let y ∈ m 0 be a system of parameter of m . As M is finitely generated, for some positive integer 0 SOME FINITENESS PROPERTIES OF GENERALIZED GRADED LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES7 t there exists a short exact sequence 0 → K → Rt → M → 0 of R-modules. In view of Lemma 2.2, if we apply the functor Hi (−,N) to the above exact sequence, we R+ get the following exact sequence Hi−1(K,N) →α Hi (M,N) → Hi (Rt,N) →β Hi (K,N). R+ R+ R+ R+ Consider A := Im(α), B := Ker(β) and C := Im(β). Application of the functor Hi yR to the above exact sequence gives the epimorphism H1 (Hi−1(K,N)) ։ H1 (A), yR R+ yR the monomorphism Γ (C) Γ (Hi (K,N)), and the exact sequence Γ (C) → yR yR R+ yR H1 (B) → H1 (Hi (Rt,N)) (‡).ByusinginductionhypothesesH1 (Hi−1(K,N)) = yR yR R+ yR R+ H1 (Hi−1(K,N)) is Artinian and so is H1 (A). On the other hand since, by (i), the m0R R+ yR module Γ (Hi (K,N)) is Artinain, the module Γ (C) is Artinian. Using [BFT, yR R+ yR Theorem 2.5], the module H1 (Hi (Rt,N)) is Artinian and then the exact sequence yR R+ ‡ and the previous arguments imply that H1 (B) is Artinian. Now, since both yR H1 (A) and H1 (B) are Artinian, one can easily deduce that H1 (Hi (M,N)) = yR yR yR R+ H1 (Hi (M,N)) is Artinian. (cid:3) m0R R+ 2.10. Proposition. Let dim(R ) ≤ 1. Then Hp (M,H1 (N)) is Artinian for each 0 R+ m0R p ∈ N . 0 Proof. If dim(R ) = 0, then H1 (N) = 0 and so the result is clear in this case. Now, 0 m0R assume that dim(R ) = 1. By the Grothendieck spectral sequence (see [R, Theorem 0 11.38]), for each p,q ∈ N , there is 0 Ep,q := Hp (M,Hq (N)) =⇒ Hp+q(M,N). 2 R+ m0R p m As dim(R ) = 1, we have Hq (N) = 0 for all q > 1 and then Ep,q = 0 for all q 6= 0,1. 0 m0R 2 Thus we can apply the dual of [W, Ex. 5.2.2] to get the following exact sequence Ep+1,0 → Hp+1(M,N) → Ep,1 → Ep+2,0 → Hp+2(M,N). 2 m 2 2 m ItiseasytoseethatHmp+1(M,N)andE2p+2,0 = HRp++2(M,Γm0R(N)) = Hmp+2(M,Γm0R(N)) are Artinian. Thus the above exact sequence implies that Ep,1 = Hp (M,H1 (N)) 2 R+ m0R is Artinian. (cid:3) 2.11. Proposition. Let dim(R ) ≤ 1. Then Hj (M,Hi (N)) is Artinian for each 0 m0R R+ j,i ∈ N . 0 Proof. If dim(R ) = 0, then each finitely generated R-module is m -torsion. Thus 0 0 Hi (N) is Artinian and so is m -torsion. Then for each j, there is an isomorphism R+ 0 Hj (M,Hi (N)) ∼= Extj (M,Hi (N)). One can easily show that the last module m0R R+ R R+ is Artinian. Now, assume that dim(R ) = 1. We proceed by induction on j. If 0 j = 0, then we have Hm00R(M,HRi+(N)) = HomR(M,Γm0R(HRi+(N))). By using 8 ISMAEL AKRAY,ADILKADIRJABBAR ANDREZA SAZEEDEH [BFT, Theorem 2.5], the module Γm0R(HRi+(N)) is Artinian and so one can easily show that HomR(M,Γm0R(HRi+(N))) is Artinian. Now, we assume that j > 0 and the result has been proved for all values smaller than j and we prove it for j. Since M is finitely generated, for some positive integer t, there is an exact sequence 0 → K → Rt → M → 0 of R-module. In view of Lemma 2.2, if we apply the functor Hj (−,Hi (N)) to the above exact sequence, we have the following exact sequence m0R R+ Hj−1(K,Hi (N)) → Hj (M,Hi (N)) → Hj (Rt,Hi (N)). m0R R+ m0R R+ m0R R+ We note that by induction hypotheses, the module Hj−1(K,Hi (N)) is Artinian and m0R R+ Hj (Rt,Hi (N)) = 0 for all j > 1 and also H1 (Rt,Hi (N)) is Artinian by [BFT, m0R R+ m0R R+ Theorem 2.5]. Now, in view of the above exact sequence, we get our assertion. (cid:3) References [BFT] M. 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