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SOME EXPERIMENTS WITH INTEGRAL APOLLONIAN CIRCLE PACKINGS ELENAFUCHSANDKATHERINESANDEN 0 ABSTRACT. BoundedApolloniancirclepackings(ACP’s)areconstructedbyrepeatedlyinscribingcirclesintothetri- 1 angularintersticesofaconfigurationoffourmutuallytangentcircles,oneofwhichisinternallytangenttotheother 0 2 three. Iftheoriginalfourcircleshaveintegercurvature,allofthecirclesinthepackingwillhaveintegercurvatureas well.In[S1],Sarnakprovesthatthereareinfinitelymanycirclesofprimecurvatureandinfinitelymanypairsoftangent n a circlesofprimecurvatureinaprimitive1integralACP.Inthispaper,wegiveaheuristicbackedupbynumericaldatafor J thenumberofcirclesofprimecurvaturelessthanx,andthenumberof“kissingprimes,”orpairsofcirclesofprimecur- 1 vaturelessthanxinaprimitiveintegralACP.Wealsoprovideexperimentalevidencetowardsalocaltoglobalprinciple 1 forthecurvaturesinaprimitiveintegralACPs. ] T N . h t 1. INTRODUCTION a m Startwithfourmutuallytangentcircles,oneoftheminternallytangenttotheotherthreeasinFig.1. Onecan [ inscribe into each of the curvilinear triangles in this picture a unique circle (the uniqueness follows from an old 1 theorem of Apollonius of Perga circa 200 BC). If one continues inscribing the circles in this way the resulting v 6 picture is called an Apollonian circle packing (ACP). A key aspect of studying such packings is to consider the 0 radiiofthecircleswhichcomeupinagivenACP.However,sincetheseradiibecomesmallveryquickly,itismore 4 1 convenienttostudythecurvaturesofthecircles,orthereciprocalsoftheradii. Studiedinthisway,ACP’spossess . 1 abeautifulnumbertheoreticpropertythatallofthecirclesinanACPhaveintegercurvatureiftheinitialfourhave 0 0 integer curvature. The number theory associated with these integral ACP’s has been investigated extensively in 1 [GLMWY],[F0],and[KO]. : v i X r a FIGURE1. PackingCircles Keywordsandphrases. Numbertheory,computationalnumbertheory,diophantineequations. K.SandenwassupportedbyNSFGrant0758299. 1 2 ELENAFUCHSANDKATHERINESANDEN A central theorem to any of the results in these papers is Descartes’ theorem, which says that the curvatures (v ,v ,v ,v )ofanyfourmutuallytangentcirclessatisfywhatiscalledtheDescartesequation, 1 2 3 4 (1.1) F(v ,v ,v ,v )=2(v2+v2+v2+v2)−(v +v +v +v )2=0. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 where a circle which is internally tangent to the other three is defined to have negative curvature (see [Cx] for a proof). Given this formula we may assign to every set of 4 mutually tangent circles in an integral packing P a vectorv∈Z4 ofthecircles’curvatures. WeuseDescartes’equationtoexpressanyintegralACPasanorbitofa subgroupoftheorthogonalgroupO (Z)actingonv. Thissubgroup,calledtheApolloniangroup,isspecifiedin F [GLMWY],andwedenoteitbyA. Itisagrouponthefourgenerators     −1 2 2 2 1 0 0 0  0 1 0 0   2 −1 2 2  (1.2) S1=  S2=   0 0 1 0   0 0 1 0      0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1     1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0  0 1 0 0   0 1 0 0  S =  S = , 3   4    2 2 −1 2   0 0 1 0  0 0 0 1 2 2 2 −1 derivedbyfixingthreeofthecoordinatesofvandsolvingF(v)=0forthefourth. NotethateachS isoforder i 2 and determinant −1. Also, S fixes all but the ith coordinate of v∈Z4, producing a new curvature in the ith i coordinate. Intheirpaper[GLMWY]thefiveauthorsGraham,Lagarias,Mallows,Wilks,andYanaskseveralfundamental questionsaboutthecurvaturesinagivenintegerACP,whichhavemostlybeenresolvedin[F0], [F1], [BF], and [KO]. In particular, they make some observations about the congruence classes of curvatures which occur in any given ACP, and suggest a “strong density” conjecture, that every sufficiently large integer satisfying these congruenceconditionsshouldappearasacurvatureinthepacking. In[BF], thefirstauthorandBourgainprove aweakerconjectureofGrahamet.al. ofthisflavorthattheintegersappearingascurvaturesinagivenACPmake upapositivefractionofN. Provingthe“strongdensity”conjecturewouldbesignificantlymoredifficult. Inthis paper,weusethe p-adicdescriptionoftheApollonianorbitfrom[F1]toformulatethisconjecturepreciselyand providestrongexperimentalevidenceinSection3insupportofit. Ourconjectureisspecifiedfurtherinthecase oftwodifferentACP’sinSection3. Itisstatedgenerallyhere. Conjecture1.1. LocaltoGlobalPrincipleforACP’s: LetPbeanintegralACPandletP bethesetofresidue 24 classesmod24ofcurvaturesinP. ThenthereexistsX ∈Zsuchthatanyintegerx>X whoseresiduemod24 P P liesinP isinfactacurvatureofacircleinP. 24 WenotethatX abovedependsonthepackingPunderconsideration. Inthispaper,weinvestigatetwoACP’s whichwecalltheBugeyepackingP andtheCoinspackingP . Thesepackingsarerepresentedbyrightactionof B C theApolloniangroupon(−1,2,2,3)and(−11,21,24,28),respectively(seeFig.2forapicture).InthecaseofP , B ourdatasuggeststhatX existsandis≤106,aswefindnointegersx>106 whichviolatetheaboveconjecture. PB SOMEEXPERIMENTSWITHINTEGRALAPOLLONIANCIRCLEPACKINGS 3 ThedataforP ,however,suggeststhatX exists,butthatitis>108.Namely,thereareintegersx>108incertain C PC residueclassesinthesetS whichdonotappearascurvaturesinthepackingweconsider. Weexplainthisfurther 24 inSection3. FIGURE2. BugeyeandCoinspackings AnotherinterestingproblemregardingACP’siscountingcirclesofprimecurvatureinagivenpacking. Sarnak provesin[S1]thatthereareinfinitelymanycirclesofprimecurvatureinanypacking. Inlightofthis,wegivea heuristicinSection2fortheweightedprimecountψ (x): P (cid:0) (cid:1) (1.3) ψ (x)= ∑ log a(C) P a(C)≤x a(C)prime whereC is a circle in the packing P and a(C) is its curvature. This count is closely related to the number π (x) P of prime curvatures less than x in a packing P (see Remark 2.6). We confirm experimentally that our heuristic holdsforthepackingsP andP . WenotethatourheuristicdoesnotdependonthechosenpackingP–infact,it B C yieldsthecorrectcountofprimecurvaturesforallofthepackingswechecked. Wesummarizeitinthefollowing conjecture: Conjecture1.2. LetN (x)bethenumberofcirclesinapackingPofcurvaturelessthanx,andletψ (x)beasin P P (1.3). Thenasx→∞, ψ (x)∼L(2,χ )·N (x) P 4 P whereL(2,χ )=0.9159... isthevalueoftheDirichletL-seriesat2withcharacterχ (p)=1for p≡1(4)and 4 4 χ (p)=−1for p≡3(4). 4 4 ELENAFUCHSANDKATHERINESANDEN Sarnakalsoshowsin[S2]thatthereareinfinitelymanypairsoftangentcirclesofprimecurvature(wecallthese (2) kissingprimes). WeaddressthequestionofcountingkissingprimesinPviatheweightedsumψ (x): P (1.4) ψ(2)(x) = ∑ log(a(C))·log(a(C(cid:48))) P (C,C(cid:48))∈S a(C),a(C(cid:48))<x where S is the set of unordered pairs of tangent circles (C,C(cid:48)) of prime curvature in a packing P, and a(C) and a(C(cid:48))denotetheirrespectivecurvatures. Inthiscase,itislessobviouswhattherelationisbetweenψ(2)(x)andthe P numberπ2(x)ofkissingprimecirclesinapackingPbothofwhosecurvaturesarelessthanx. Wethereforestick P (2) withψ (x)inourcomputation: P (2) Conjecture1.3. Letψ (x)beasin(1.4),andletN (x)bethenumberofcirclesinapackingPofcurvatureless P P thanx. Then ψ(2)(x)∼c·L2(2,χ )·N (x), P 4 P whereN (x)isasaboveandc=1.646... isgivenby P (cid:18) (cid:19) 2 2· ∏ 1− . p(p−1)2 p≡3(4) TheseheuristicsarecomputedbycountingprimesinorbitsoftheApolloniangroup,whichispossibledueto recentresultsofBourgain,Gamburd,andSarnakin[BGS],aswellastherecentasymptoticcountofKontorovich andOhin[KO]forthenumberN (x). OurcomputerexperimentswereconductedusingJavaandMatlab,andthe P programsareavailableathttp://www.math.princeton.edu/˜ksanden/ElenaKatCode.html. Abriefdescriptionofour algorithmandadiscussionofitsrunningtimecanbefoundinSection4. 1.1. Arithmetic structure of the Apollonian group and its orbit. Since all of the computations and claims in thispaperconcerntheorbitO oftheApolloniangroupAactingonavectorv∈Z4,werecallthedescriptionofthe orbitmodulod foranyintegerd from[F1]. WeusethisdescriptionthroughoutSections2and3. Theorem1.4. (Fuchs):LetObeanorbitofAactingonarootquadruple2ofapacking,andletO bethereduction d ofthisorbitmoduloanintegerd>1. LetC={v(cid:54)=0|F(v)=0}denotetheconewithouttheorigin,andletC be d CoverZ/dZ: C ={v∈Z/dZ|v(cid:54)≡0(d),F(v)≡0(d)} d Writed=d d with(d ,6)=1andd =2n3mwheren,m≥0. Writed =v v wherev =gcd(24,d ). Then 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 (i) ThenaturalprojectionO −→O ×O issurjective. d d1 d2 (ii) Letπ :C →C bethenaturalprojection. ThenO =π−1(O ). d1 v1 d1 v1 (iii) ThenaturalprojectionOd2 −→∏pr||d2Opr issurjectiveandOpr =Cpr. Thisresultisobtainedbyanalyzingthereductionmodulod oftheinverseimageoftheApolloniangroupAinthe spindoublecoverofSO . WenotethatTheorem1.4impliesthattheorbitO ofAhasmultiplicativestructurein F 2ArootquadrupleofapackingPisessentiallythe4-tupleofthecurvaturesofthelargestfourcirclesinP.Itiswelldefinedanditsproperties arediscussedin[GLMWY]. SOMEEXPERIMENTSWITHINTEGRALAPOLLONIANCIRCLEPACKINGS 5 reductionmodulod=∏pr||dpr andthatitiscompletelycharacterizedbyitsreductionmod24, orbyO24 inour notation. ThisexplainsthedependenceonP inConjecture1.1. 24 Acknowledgements: WethankPeterSarnak,AlexKontorovich,andKevinWayneformanyinsightfulconversa- tionsandhelpfulsuggestions. 2. PRIMENUMBERTHEOREMSFORACP’S In [BGS], Bourgain et.al. construct an affine linear sieve that gives lower and upper bounds for prime and almost-primepointsintheorbitsofcertaingroups. Inthissection,weusetheiranalysistopredictpreciseasymp- totics on the number of prime curvatures less than x, as well as the number of pairs of tangent circles of prime curvaturelessthanxinagivenprimitiveApollonianpackingP. Theconditionsassociatedwiththeaffinelinear sieveforAareverifiedin[BGS]. Werecallthesetupbelow. Leta =#{circlesofcurvatureninaboundedpackingP},andnotethata isfinitesincethenumberofcircles n n ofanygivenradiuscanbeboundedintermsoftheareaoftheoutermostcircle. Weconsider1≤n≤xandnote thatthesum ∑a =N (x), n P n whereN (x)isthenumberofcirclesofcurvaturelessthanxandisdeterminedbytheasymptoticformulain[KO] P (seeLemma2.2). Keytoobtainingourasymptoticsiscomputingtheaveragesofprogressionsmoddofcurvatures lessthanx,whered>1rangesoverpositivesquare-freeintegersofsuitablesize. Tothisend,wedefine X = ∑ a d n n≡0(d) andintroduceamultiplicativedensityfunctionβ(d)forwhich X =β(d)·N (x)+r(A,d) d P wheretheremainderr(A,d)issmallaccordingtotheresultsin[BGS]. InthecaseofACP’s,wedefineβ(d)asfollows. LetO beanintegralorbitofA,andletO bethereductionof d O modulod forasquare-freepositiveintegerd. Then #{v∈O |v =0} d j (2.1) β (d)= j #{v∈O } d where v is the jth coordinate of v. We recall from Theorem 1.4 that the orbit O has a multiplicative structure j d whichcarriesovertothefunctionβ sothat j β (d)=∏β (p). j j p|d Thusinordertoevaluateβ (d)forarbitrarysquare-freed,weneedonlytodetermineβ (p)for pprime. Thisis j j summarizedinthefollowingtheorem. 6 ELENAFUCHSANDKATHERINESANDEN Lemma2.1. Letd=∏pibetheprimefactorizationofasquare-freeintegerd>1. Then (i) βj(d)=∏βj(pi)for1≤ j≤4. (ii) For p(cid:54)=2,wehave β (p)=β (p)for1≤ j,k≤4. j k (iii) ForanyorbitO thereexisttwocoordinates,iand j,suchthat β(2)=β (2)=1, i j β (2)=0fork(cid:54)=i,j. k Wesaythattheithand jthcoordinatesareeventhroughouttheorbit,whiletheothertwocoordinatesare oddthroughouttheorbit. (iv) For p(cid:54)=2,letβ(p)=β(p)for1≤i≤4. Then i (cid:40) 1 for p≡1mod4 (2.2) β(p)= p+1 p+1 for p≡3mod4 p2+1 Proof. Thestatementsin(i)and(ii)followfromTheorem1.4. Letvbetherootquadruple(thequadrupleofthe smallestcurvatures)ofthepackingP. Toshow(iii),notethatanyquadrupleinaprimitiveintegralACPconsists oftwoevenandtwooddcurvatures(see[Sn]foradiscussion). Withoutlossofgenerality,assumev=(1,1,0,0) mod2,soi=1and j=2inthiscase. SincetheApolloniangroupistrivialmodulo2,wehavethateveryvectorin theorbitisoftheform(1,1,0,0)mod2,sowehavewhatwewant. Toprove(iv), weuseresultsin[F1]andrecallfromTheorem1.4thatO istheconeC for p>3. Thusthe p p numeratorofβ(p)is #{v∈O |v =0}=#{(v ,v ,v )∈F3−{0}|F(v ,v ,v ,0)=0} p j 1 2 3 p 1 2 3 whereF istheDescartesquadraticformand p>3. Sothenumeratorcountsthenumberofnontrivialsolutionsto theternaryquadraticformobtainedbysettingoneofthev intheDescartesformF(v)to0. Similarlywehavethat i thedenominatorofβ(p)is #{v∈O }=#{(v ,v ,v ,v )∈F4−{0}|F(v ,v ,v ,v )=0} p 1 2 3 4 p 1 2 3 4 where p>3. So the denominator counts the number of nontrivial solutions to the Descartes form. The number of nontrivial solutions to ternary and quaternary quadratic forms over finite fields is well known (see [C], for example). Namely, (cid:40) p3+p2−p−1 for p≡1mod4 (2.3) #{(v ,v ,v ,v )∈F4−{0}|F(v ,v ,v ,v )=0}= 1 2 3 4 p 1 2 3 4 p3−p2+p−1 for p≡3mod4 for p>3,and (2.4) #{(v ,v ,v )∈F3−{0}|F(v ,v ,v ,0)=0}=p2−1foralloddprimes p. 1 2 3 p 1 2 3 SOMEEXPERIMENTSWITHINTEGRALAPOLLONIANCIRCLEPACKINGS 7 Combining(2.3)and(2.4),weobtaintheexpressionin(2.2)for p>3. For p=3,wecomputeO explicitlyand p find that there are two possible orbits of A modulo 3 which are illustrated via finite graphs in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. Bothoftheseorbitsconsistof10vectorsv∈Z4. Inbothorbits,4ofthevectorsvhavev =0forany1≤i≤4. i Thusβ(3)= 2 asdesired. (cid:3) 5 S S S4 (1,1,1,0) S2 (11,0,1,03) S4 (1,0,1,1)S2 S1 S3 (1,1,0,0) S1 S3 SS32 (0,1,1,0) S1 S2 (1,0,0,1) SS41 S3 S4 S4 (0,0,1,1) S4 S2 S 2 S1 (0,1,1,1) S3 (0S,41,0S,21) S1 (1,1,0,1)S3 FIGURE3. OrbitImodulo3 S S S4 (2,2,2,0) S2 (21,0,2,03) S4 (2,0,2,2)S2 S1 S3 (2,2,0,0) S1 S3 SS32 (0,2,2,0) S1 S2 (2,0,0,2) SS41 S3 S4 S4 (0,0,2,2) S4 S2 S 2 S1 (0,2,2,2) S3 (0S,42,0S,22) S1 (2,2,0,2)S3 FIGURE4. OrbitIImodulo3 Inthefollowingtwosections,weusethissetuptoproduceapreciseheuristicforthenumberofcirclesofprime curvatureaswellasthenumberofpairsoftangentcirclesofprimecurvaturelessthanxinagivenACP. 2.1. PredictingtheprimenumbertheoremforACP’s. Inordertocomputethenumberofprimecurvaturesin anACPasproposedinConjecture1.2,weusethesetupabovepairedwithpropertiesoftheMoebiusfunctionto 8 ELENAFUCHSANDKATHERINESANDEN pickoutprimesintheorbitofA(see(2.7)). Weusetheasymptoticin[KO]forthenumberN (x)ofcurvatures P lessthanxinagivenpackingP: Theorem 2.2. (Kontorovich, Oh): Given a bounded Apollonian circle packing P, there exists a constant c >0 P whichdependsonthepacking,suchthatasx→∞, N (x)∼c ·xδ, P P whereδ =1.30568... istheHaussdorfdimensionofthelimitsetofAactingonhyperbolicspace. For the purpose of our computations, we will need a slightly stronger statement of Theorem 2.2, as we will sumovereachcoordinateofthepointsintheorbitofAseparately. Namely,eachcircleinthepackingisuniquely representedintheorbitO asamaximalcoordinateofavectorvinZ4. Wewouldliketoknowhowmanycircles thereareofcurvaturelessthanxthatarerepresentedinthiswayintheithcoordinateofavectorintheorbit. We (i) denotethisbyN (x): P (2.5) N(i)(x)= ∑ 1, P v∈O v∗≤x i wherev∗denotestheithcoordinateofv∈Z4whichisalsoamaximalcoordinateofv3. Tothisendwehave i (i) Lemma2.3. LetN (x)andN (x)beasabove. Then P P N (x) (1) (2) (3) (4) P (2.6) N (x)∼N (x)∼N (x)∼N (x)∼ P P P P 4 asxapproachesinfinity. Proof. The computation in [KO] of the main term in the asymptotics in Theorem 2.2 relies on the Patterson- Sullivan measure on the limit set of the Apollonian group A. In order to prove Lemma 2.3, we show that this measureisinvariantundertransformationsonthecoordinatesofavectorvinanorbitO ofA. Tothisend,letGbethegroupofpermutationsofthecoordinatesv ,...,v ofavectorv∈O. ThegroupGis 1 4 finiteanditselementscanberealizedas4by4integermatrices. Forexample,thematrix   0 1 0 0    1 0 0 0  M=   0 0 1 0    0 0 0 1 switchesthefirstandsecondcoordinatesbyleftactiononvT. Let L=(G,A) bethegroupof4by4matricesgeneratedbytheApolloniangroupAtogetherwithG,andnotethateachelementof GnormalizesA. Forexample,ifMisasabove,wehaveM−1S M=S ,whereS andS areasin(1.2). Similarly, 1 2 1 2 3Itispossiblethatthereismorethanoneiforwhichtheithcoordinateismaximal SOMEEXPERIMENTSWITHINTEGRALAPOLLONIANCIRCLEPACKINGS 9 any element of G switching the ith and jth coordinate of v conjugates S to S in this way. Thus L/A is finite, i j andsoLisafiniteextensionofA. Inparticular,thisimpliesthatthePatterson-SullivanmeasureforListhesame as for A. Since L is precisely an extension of A by the permutations of the coordinates of v, we have that the Patterson-SullivanmeasureisinvariantunderG. TogetherwithTheorem2.2anditsproofin[KO],thisprovesthe lemma. (cid:3) SinceweareinterestedincountingthepointsinO forwhichv∗ isprime,wesumoverpointsforwhichv∗ is0 i i modulosomesquare-freed. ItisconvenienttocountprimesintheorbitofAwithalogarithmicweight. Tothis end,weconsiderthefunction (cid:40) logp ifn=pl Λ(n)= 0 otherwise forwhichitiswellknownthat (2.7) Λ(n)=−∑µ(d)logd, d|n where µ(d) is the Moebius function. Using this we write down a concrete expression for the number of prime curvatureslessthanxinapackingPcountedwithalogarithmicweight: Lemma2.4. Letv∗ betheithcoordinateofavectorvinO suchthatv∗ isthemaximalcoordinateofv, andlet i i ψ (x)beasbefore. Then P (2.8) ψ (x)=− ∑ ∑ Λ(v∗)+O(x). P i 1≤i≤4 v∈O v∗≤x i Thesumin(2.8)isacountofallcircleswhosecurvaturesarepowersofprimes. Includingpowersofprimesin ourcountwillnotaffectthefinalanswersignificantly. Namely,letN(cid:3)(x)bethenumberofcirclesinapackingP P whosecurvaturesarelessthanxandperfectsquares. Notethat (cid:3) N (x)=O(x). P ThisisinsignificantcomparedtothecountofallcurvaturesinTheorem2.2,sothesumin(2.8)isthecorrectone toconsider. DenotebyD<N (x)betheleveldistributionfromtheanalysisin[BGS]–i.e. ourmodulidaretaken P tobelessthanD. WecombineLemma2.4,Lemma2.3,andtheexpressionforΛ(n)in(2.7)toget ψ (x) = − ∑ ∑ ∑µ(d)logd+O(x) P 1≤i≤4 v∈O d|v∗ v∗≤x 1 i (2.9) = − ∑ ∑ ∑ µ(d)logd ∑1− ∑ ∑ ∑ µ(d)logd ∑1+O(x) 1≤i≤4 v∈O d≤D v∗≡0(d) 1≤i≤4 v∈O d>D v∗≡0(d) v∗≤x i v∗≤x i i i Assuming that the Moebius function µ(d) above becomes random as d grows, the sum over d >D in (2.9) is negligible,andweomititbelow. Weproceedbyrewritingthesumoverd≤Din(2.9)usingthedensityfunction 10 ELENAFUCHSANDKATHERINESANDEN β(d)in(2.1). Recallthattheanalysisin[BGS]and[KO]givesusthat ∑ a =β(d)·c xδ+r(A,d) n P n≡0(d) wherer(A,d)issmallonaverage. Inparticular, ∑ r(A,d)=O(xδ−ε0) d≤D forsomeε >0. Pairedwiththeassumptionthat µ israndom,thisevaluationoftheremaindertermallowsusto 0 rewrite(2.9)asfollows: Ni(x) − ∑ P ∑ βi(d)µ(d)logd+O(xδ−ε0) 4 1≤i≤4 d≤D N (x) (2.10) = − P ∑ ∑ βi(d)µ(d)logd+O(xδ−ε0) 4 1≤i≤4d≤D Tocomputetheinnermostsuminthefinalexpressionabove,notethat (2.11) ∑ β(d)µ(d)logd= ∑β(d)µ(d)logd− ∑ β(d)µ(d)logd. i i i d≤D d>0 d>D Assumingonceagainthatthesumoverd>DisinsignificantduetotheconjecturedrandomnessoftheMoebius function,wehavethatthesumoverd≤Din(2.11)canbeapproximatedbythesumoveralld. Withthisinmind, thefollowinglemmayieldstheheuristicinConjecture1.2. Lemma2.5. Letβ(d)beasbefore. Wehave i ∑ ∑β(d)µ(d)logd=4·L(2,χ ) i 4 1≤i≤4d>0 whereL(2,χ )=0.91597... isthevalueoftheDirichletL-functionat2withcharacter 4  1 if p≡1(mod4) χ (p)= 4 −1 if p≡3(mod4) Proof. Weintroduceafunction f(s)=∑β(d)µ(d)d−s, i d andnotethatitsderivativeat0ispreciselywhatwewant: f(cid:48)(0)=−∑β(d)µ(d)logd. i d

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