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Preview Some Data on Composition, Origin, and Distribution of Cyprinid Fish Species in Northern Vietnam with Descriptions of New Taxa

NAT. HIST. BULL. SIAM Soc. 55(1): 59-76,2007 , , SOMED ATAO NC OMPOSITIONORIGINANDD ISTRIBUTION OFC YPRINID FISH SPECIES IN NORTHERNV IETNAMW ITH DESCRIPTIONS OFN EWT AXA1 Nguyen拘nHω, andDoan Le Hoa Freshwater Fish Studi Branch 回 回 ReportPrentedin the First Scientific Seminar ,回 , of Fisheries DivisionDemocratic Republic of Vietnam [1969] Translated from Vietnamese by Nguyen vi Canh 組 Among freshwater fishes,Cy prinidae is the most important family as they consist of the largest number of genera and species and have more economic values. This is why there was much attention directed tow紅白thespecies in this family by domestic and foreign ichthy- ologists. However,th ere were few studies on cyprinid species in northem Vietnam. Among them the study on northem freshwater fishes by Chevey and Lemasson provides the most information on cyprinid species though the number of species estill few and there emany 紅 紅 mistakes in taxonomy. In our studies on aquaculture in the period 1959 to 1966 we focused on the cyprinid spe- cies by taking specimens from Chay River,L o River,Th ao River,G am River,N ang River, Ba Be Lake,C au River (Viet Bac region),D a River,N am Na River,N amL ay River (West North),th e lower basin of Red River,Th ai Binh River,D uong River,Ni nh Co River,an d a number of ponds and lakes,ri ce field (delta regions),M aR iver,Xu an Duong Lake,C amK y Reservoir (the former Region 4). The number of specimens is quite large. In the period from 1963 to 1967,w e spent time analyzing the specimens and then made a classification ofthe "cyprinid family in northem Vietnam".τ'his report is ap 紅tof that docu- ment. Our classification of the cyprinid species in this report is ac ommon approach based on血eappearance and the intemal org釦 sof the fish. Weh ad an umber of difficulties in the classification. Since most ofthe specimens collected [i.e.,by earlier workers] were kept in the Paris Museum (France) we could not compare with the specimens but only use白eoriginal description ofthe species therefore there might be some eors.Another problem is that there 町 were not many classification references [available for use during the study] so an umber of species nnesmight not be coη'ect needing changes and additions. Lastly,th ere might be 創 eηors due to our limited capability; we hope to receive opinions仕omcol1eagues. lVietnamese proper names of fish families,ge nera,an d species have been retained in most places where they appe紅 inthe original旬x.tThe erratic capi組lizationand spelling (often iIIegible) of the original version has been standardized. Af ew seldom used diacritical marks are omitted because出ey創官notincluded in the Vietnamese font utilized (from Wikipedia).-Tyson R. Roberts. Received 5S eptember 2006; accepted 31 October 2006. 59 60 NOUYEN VAN HAO AND DOAN LE HOA Thisr ep'Ort is divided int'O f'Our p訂ts: 1.百lec'Omp'Ositi'On' Ofc yprinid species in n'Orthem Vietnam 2. C'Orrecti'Ons 'Ofn ames 'Ofs 'Omes pecies and in住oducti'On'Ofn ew species 3. The'O rigin and distributi'On'O ft he cyprinid species in n'Orthem Vietnam 4. C'Onclusi'On 1. THEC OMPOSITIONO FC YPR町田SPECIESll可NORTHERNVIETNAM There were very few eff'Orts dev'Oted t'O classifying批 cyprinidspecies in n'Orthem Vietnam. In the French c'Ol'Onial peri'Od,s 'Omef 'Oreign researchers had d'One studies 'On白e cyprinid species including H. G. Sauvage (1881-1884),L. Vaillant (1891-1892),J. Pellegrin (1907-1923 and 1928-1932),P . Chabanaud (1924),B 'Ouret (1927),P . Chevey (1932),P etit and Tchang (1933),Pe llegrin and Chevey (1934-1935). The researchers described s'Omen ew species c'Ollect怠din n'Orthem Vietnam published in French z'O'Ol'Ogical publicati'Ons. Only in 1937 did P. Chevey and Lemass'Ond escribe quite systematically ab'Out freshwater fishes in n'Orthem Vietnam. In their last statistics,C hevey and Lemass'Ons tated that血ecypri凶dfamily c'Onsists 'Of5 7 species and 1s ubspecies; if excluding 4s pecies with tw'O names,t he number is 53 species and 1s ubspecies. These species were classified int'O 8g r'Oups 'Orsu bfamilies: the ca chep subfamily Cyprinin (3species and 1s ub-species),th e ca tram subfamily Leuciscinae 鵠 (8 sub-species),th e ca仕'Oisubfamily Barbinae (28 species),th e ca mes ubfar凶lyHyp'Oph- thalmichthyinae (1 species),th e ca chay subfamily Xen'Ocyprininae (1 species),th e ca ven subfamily Abramidinae (10 species),t he ca duc subfar凶lyG'Obi'Oninae (1 species) and the ca 出ebesubfi創凶lyRh'Odeinae (2 species). This study has described al arge number 'Ofth e cyprinid species and has been c'Onsidered ag 'O'Odr eference S'O far. H'Owever,s ince the researchers were f'Oreigners,t he classificati'Onw as 'Only based 'On白eappe紅'ance'Ofs 'Omes pecimens c'Ollected 佃 dsent企'omVietnam but did n'Otta ke int'O acc'Ount their bi'Ol'Ogical features. M'Ore'Over,t he Cyprinidae in n'Or仕lemVietnam was much cl'Osed t'O that泊China;there were many mistakes because the researchers did n'Oth ave many references ab'Out Chinese Cyprinidae. A number 'Ofs pecies were given tw'O names such as in the case 'Of“ca chay d'O mat" [red-eyed chay fish] being named Squaliobarbus curriculus and Squaliobarbus caudalis; an umber 'Ofsp ecies were given wr'Ong names such as ca創由vuSemilabeo notabilis being named Pseudogyrinocheilus procheilus,ca mai while [c'Orrectly] named Rasborinus lineatus but the drawing illustrating lschikauia hainanensis 'Or“ ca dua",H emibarbus labeo in the subfamily G'Obi'Oninae being mistakenly identified as the species "ca troi" 'Oft he subfamily Barbinae etc. After the vict'Ory against the French c'Ol'Onizers,m any Vietnamese z'O'Ol'Ogists started t'O study fishes including Da'O Van Tien and M. D. Yenh wh'O studied fishes in B'OiR iver (H'Oa Binh),T hua canal (Yen Bai)泊 1959,Ninh C'O River (NamD inh) in 1960; Tran C'Ong Tam wh'O studied fishes in Red River (1959-1960); Nguyen Khac Cam( 1962) wh'O studied fishes in LamR iver (NgheAn); Nguyen Van Thai (1962) wh'O studied fishes in Bua River (Phu Th'O), MaiDi凶 Yen(1963) wh'O studied fishes in Red River; H'Oang DuyH iep and Nguyen Van Ha'O (1964) wh'O studied fishes in官la'ORiver; Nguyen Van Ha'O (1965) wh'O studied fishes in Da River; D'Oan Thi Le H'Oa( 1966) wh'O studied fishes in MaR iver. Ther esearchers menti'Oned many species in血.ecyprinids but merely listing the species c'Ollected in the waters studied rather由加thedescripti'Ona nd classificati'On'O fth e species. Acc'Ording t'O the researcher,t he cyprinids in the Red River c'Onsist 'Of6 1 species and 3s ub-species; if excluding 9s pecies and TRANSLATION OFN GUYEN ANDD OAN,1 969 61 2s ub-species出atbel'Ong t'O the Chinese areas and 5s pecies with tw'O names,th ere left 47 species and 1s ub-species 'Ofcy prinids in the Red River area. The tax'On'Omys till f'Oll'Owed that 'OfC hevey and Lemass'On( 1933). Many species described were n'Otc 'Ollected;白etax'On'Omy was n'Otc' Orrect; mistakes fr'Om previ'Ous studies were n'Otc' Orrected; s'Omen 創neswere wr'Ong; s'Omes pecies still named twice such as ca nhang Xenocypris argentea was named Xenocypris macrolepis 'Or“red-eyed ca chay" Squaliobarbus curriculus was named als'O Squaliobarbus caudalis 'Ors 'Omes pecies were even classified as tw'O different species in tw'O genera such as ca めngめngPuntius semifasciolatus being classified as Puntius hainanensis and Barbus semifasciolatus.2 h白eperi'Odf r'Om 1963 t'O 1967,w e spent time c'Orrecting,re -classifying,a nd adding using specimens 'Ofc yprinid species c'Ollected from many areas in n'Orthern Vietnam. Wec 'On- cluded that there紅'eS'O far 85 species and 3s ub-species in 52 genera and 9s ubfarnilies (Table 1[ n'Otp rinted]). Thec a troi subfamily (Barbinae) is the largest subfarnily with 38 species acc'Ounting f'Or4 3.2%; the ca tram subfarnily Leuciscinae with 13 species and 1s ub-species acc'Ounts f'Or1 5.9%; the ca ven subfamily Abrarnidinae with 13 species and 1s ub-species acc'Ounts f'Or1 5.9%; the ca duc subfamily G'Obi'Oninae with 7s pecies acc'Ounts f'Or7 .95%; the ca chep subfamily Cyprininae with 4s pecies and 1s ub-species acc'Ounts f'Or5 .7%; the ca the be subfarnily Rh'Odeinae with 4s pecies acc'Ounts f'Or4 .55%; the ca m色subfamilyHyp'Ophthal- michthyinae with 3s pecies acc'Ounts f'Or3 .4%; the ca nh加gsubfar凶lyXen'Ocyprinae with 2 species acc'Ounts f'Or2 .3%; the ca duc subfamily G'Obi'Oninae with 1s pecies acc'Ounts f'Or1. 1 %. Among the generamd spedes mentioned above,3specie?namely Ca m色h'OaAristichthys nobilis,ca mとt佐r危釦1喝gH,烈y'Po叩.'Pht幼h,al附mucht幼h,戸y',smoli枕tr町,and ca 佐tr盈加n∞c'OCαt仰en中o'p加haηryngodonidell凶us were introduced 企f旨加omChina and 也e叩nraised 加inm叩 y紅'easin n'OI凶t恥hlernVietnam,a nd 2n ew genera namely ca紅色,Laichowcypris and pa xam Paradaniops; 17 species and sub-species c'Ollected f'Ort he frrst time were as f'Oll'Ows: 1-Ca住u'Laichowcypris dai 2-Cad am dat suoi Nicholsicypris dorsohorizontalis 3-Paxncam Paradaniops macropterus 創 4-Pa xam xet Daniops [nammuensis 'Omitted in 'Original] 5-Pa mi Crossocheilus namlenensis ιCach at rau Lissochilus longibarbis 7-Cad at xo Lissochilus brevispin_us 8-Cac hat s'OcL issochilus laocaiensis 9-Cam oG arra laichowensis 10-Cap hom fac Puntius takhoaensis 11-Ca dat trお19Varicorhinus argentatus 12-Ca dat d'O 拘ricorhinuserythrogenys 13-Ca pheng Varicorhinus [microstomus] 14-Pa pin Onychostoma brevicephalus 15-Pa m'Om Onychostoma microcorpus 16-Pa IO Hemibarbus longianalis 17-Cat hieu Erythroculter pseudobrevicauda macropthalmus 2Generic placement of this small species is still uncertain. Perhaps it should be in Systomus. 62 NOUYEN VAN HAo AND DOAN LE HOA The followings紅especies listed as nor血emfishes for the first time: 1-Cag iac co Zacco macrolepis Wu 2-Can hang XenoのIprisdavidi Bleeker 3-Ca chat soc Lissochilus clivosus Lin 4-Cad uc hoa Abbottina kachekensis (Oshima) 5-Camu'σng Hemiculter dispar Peters ιCath e be Rhodeus spinalis Oshima 7-Cat he be Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner) 8-Ca duc da Gobiobotia longibarba Fang] The cyprinid family consists of 43 species and sub-species with economic va~ue including 10 species that provide breeders namely ca chep Cyprinus carpio,ca m色trang 均l[Jopht加, lmichthys加rmandiand Hypopt加,lmichthymolitrix,ca mとhoapdsuchthysnobtits, ca troi Cirrhinus molitorella,ca tram den Mylopharyngodon piceus,ca tram co Ctenopharyn- godon idellus,ad iec Carassius auratus,ca bong Spinibarbichthys denticulatus,ca ven Mega- lobrama terminalis. Species of economic value are distributed into genera as follows: -Subfarnily ca ch匂consistsof 4s pecies and 1s ub-species: ca ch匂(Cyprinuscarpio), ca lo (Cyprinus carpio v抵 multitaeniatus),(LaichowりI[Jrisdai),ca diec (Carassius auratus), ca nhdng (Carassioides cantonensis). -Subf:組向 ca甘amconsists of 7s pecies: ca凶mden (Mylopharyngoden piceus), ca tram co (Ctenopharyngod_on idellus),ca nhong (Luciobrama macrocephalus),ca mang (Elopichthys bambusa),ca chay trang (Ochetobius elongatus),ca chay do mat (Squaliobarbus curriculus),ca chao (Opsariichthys uncirostris). -Subfamily ca nhang consists of 1s pecies ca nh泊g(Xenocypris argentea). -Subfamily ca mとconsistsof 3s pecies: ca meh oa (Aristichthys nobilis),ca met rang (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Hypophthalmichthys harmandi). -Subfarnily ca troi consists of21 species: ca仕'Oi(Cirrhinus molitorella),ca (Spinibar- bichthys denticulatus),S. [illegible]),ca chy dat (Spinibarbus caldwelli),ca anh vii (Semilabeo noωbilis),ca hoa (Labeo tonkinensis),ca ram xanh (Labeo lemassoni),ca my( Labeo graf- feuilli) ca giuoi (L. xanthogenys),ca giam dat (Osteochilus salsburyi),ca ngu' a( Tor brevifilis), ca chat (Lissochilus kremp.声).ca chat rau (L.longibarbus),ca sinh (Onychostoma laticeps),ca ω“ phao (O.leptura),ca bien (0. ovalis),ca fang (0. macracanthus),pa pin (0. breviたc伊epha.luιIS), mom( 0. microcorpus),ca phゐmpac (Puntius takhoaensis),ca do (Ageneiogarra imberbi). -Subfarnily ca duc co thoai [Gobioninae],ca duc ngo (Hemibarbus labeo),ca d-uc ch詰n (Hemibarbus maculatus). -Subfarnily Abrarnidinae consists of 4s pecies: ca ven (Megalobrama terminalis),ca mu'σng(HeηmuたαCulterμ1e,町uciおsαcωu.ルlωuιs), erηy刈thropterus).. Ac omparison of cyprinid species in northem Vietnam and those in the world shows the absence of the subfar凶lyca vay la (Schizo血oracinae).Wec ollected 1m ore subfarnily,(c a duc rau or Gobioninae),24 genera,28 species and 2s ubspecies than Chevey and Lemasson (1937). Weh ave made some adjus回 .entsso出atspecies were classified into也eircorrect subfamilies. Wea lso corrected names of genera and species of 16 species出atwere wrongly named by other researchers. τRANSLATION OF NGUYEN AND DOAN,1 969 63 However,w e haven 't found 8s pecies already collected by other researchers: - Pa man Garra gracilis Pellegrin3 Pa maL eptobarbus tchangi Pellegrin4 Pac印刷10Cychocheilichthys microstoma Pellegrin5 Ca ven Megalobrama bramula (C et V)6 Ca ve nM egalobrama a.ffinis (Vaillant)1 Ca白色beAcanthorhodeus taenianalis Gun出erB Catrnco Ctenopharyngodon idellus (C et V) 創 Among血especies,tw o have good economic values: - The first species is ca co(Ctenopharyngodon idellus) which was seen by Chevey 仕組 and Lemasson in the Red River in 1937 but we could not find it there in spite of much of our effort when we were collecting specimens.百世sspecies is now only found to live in KyC ung River (Lang 80n) in small number; they breed eggs and small fish in Lang 80n but these血en were taken by the flow to China. - Thes econd species not now found is ca veh Megalobama bramula,wh ich was col- lected by Chevey佃 dLemasson泊 1937泊 Hano.iτbereforewe see it necess紅Yto study about也.ecauses of extinction of these species and the solutions to re∞ver them in natural waters. In 1959 Dao van Tien and Mai Dinh Yen9,in 白eirstudy of fishes in Thua Canal (branch of Red River),me ntioned two new species and 1n ew sub-species. Our comments about these eas follows: 訂 - Thef irst species the Coreius tchangi has m吋orcharacteristics of small eyes,lo ng barbel while the specimens and drawings by the researchers featedbig eyes,sh ort barbel 町 species which resemble the Gnathopogon argentatus described by 8auvage and Dabry in 1874.百1esecond species is the Rostrogobeo nikolskii.10百1especimens,ph oto,an d features described紅e'not much di百erent仕omthe features of the Abbotina kachekensis described by Oshima in 1920. - The third species is Spinibarbus macracanthus maculatus. The features described by the researchers are similar to those of the Spinibarbus macracanthus described by Pellegrin and Chevey in 1936 and described again later by Chevey and Lemasson in 1937 with the diι ference in 5-6 black stripes across the body. Wer esearched and found that difference asp ecial variability of the Spinibarbus macracanthus. Thes mall fish have stripes across their bodies while the big自由(grownup) will not. These stripes were not fixed thus it is not reasonable classifying these fish into as eparate subspecies. 3Discognathus gracilis Pellegrin & Chevey 1936 4Leptobarbus tchangi Pellegrin & Chevey 1936 now Percocypris tchangi (Pellegrin & Chevey 1936) 5Cyclocheilichthys microstoma Pelleg巾&Chevey 1936; currently placed as ajunior synonym of Acrossocheilus iridescens Nichols & Pope 1927 6Leuciscus bramula Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1844 7Chanodichthys affinis Vaillant 1892 8Gunther 1873 9Reference apparently not in Eschmeyer's online “Catalog of Fisb巴s"ぉ of19 June 2007. IONeit血he釘r:C∞o町reiuωs陀t',ch加an勾:gin<叩orRostrogoめbiω'0nik初o,ls此出kiiare ent陶t旬e飽:d泊inEs鈴chm悶eey戸er'sonline of 7N ov 2006 64 NGUYEN VAN HAo AND DOAN LE HOA II. CORRECTIONO FN A加ffiSOFSO島ffiSPECIESANDD ESCRIPTIONO FS O島E NEWS PECIES IN NORTHERNV IETNAM 1. Correction of names byp revious researchers a) Correction of names of typ回 - Chan!!:e !!:enus c五hoaVaricorhinus to Labeo: Wef ound that Pellegrin and Chevey (1936)佃 dChevey andLemasson (1937) were wrong when they classified 3s pecies in nor仕lemVietnam into由e拘ricorhinusnamely ca hoa (Varicorlinus tonkinensis),(V aricorhinus lemassoni),(V aricorhinus grqj昂itelli).Par- ticularly由e拘ricorhinusby Ruppell (1936),ac cording to Weber & de Beaufort (1916),Li n (1932),Ni chol (1943),th ere's no groove between its lower jaw and lower lip,th e post labial groove is inte汀uptedin the middle,lo wer jaw has sharp keratinous edge,do rsal fin has fewer 出回 10branched rays while the features of the Labeo by Cuvier (1817),al so according to Weber & de Beaufort,Li n,a nd Nichols,紅e:groove on lower jaw and lower lip,po st labial groove is deep and continuous,血elower jaw is resilient cartilage,t here can be either lip or jaw barbels or both,do rsal fin has more出an10 branched rays. Based ont he specimens wec ollected,dr awings and description by Chevey and Lemasson (1937),せletonkinensis,le massoni,a nd g,r.a酔leillipossess the features of Labeo and should be classified into this genus as follows: Cah oa Labeo tonkinensis (Pellegrin & Chevey) Carfunx創由Labeolemassoni (Pellegrin & Chevey) Cam yL abeo graffueilli Pellegrin & Chevey) - Cll節回~回ms_cábdne Svinibarbus into Svinibarbichthvs: Chevey組 dLemasson (1937) classified three species in northem Vietnam namely ca bfug,ca cay,an d ca chay dat in Spinibarbus.官lesespecies have prickles [佃bercles] under its skin pointing to the head,sh ort anal fins with 3n on-branched rays and 5b ranched rays. Recently these species tend to be treated as di仔erenttyp田 byich白yologistswith Oshima (1926) starting the trend by classifying ca bdng into 1s eparate genus: Spinibarbichthys. This is similar to出eSpinibarbus except that the dorsal fin rays are not branched and spines紅e serrated behind. Thep oint of view is sh訂edby many such as ChuN guyen Dinh (1935),Vu ong Di Khang (1959),N gu Hien Van (1963) etc. Wea greed with the idea of differentiating fish types in the Barbinae based on whether the dorsal fms pines紅'eserrated or not.百lerefore,we keep the name given to ca bdng by Oshima in 1926: Spinibarbichthys denticulatus Oshima. Wec hanged the name of ca Cay into Spinibarbichthys macracanthus (Pellagrin & Chevey) while keeping ca chay dat in genus Spinibarbus since this species doesn't have serrae. - Chan!!:e !!:enus ca n!!:ua Labeobarbus into Tor: Ca ngu'a was classified by Chevey and Lamasson (1937) as Labeobarbus brevifilis Peters. Labeobarbus was frrst described by Ruppell in 1837. However,4 years earlier,in 1833-1934,Gr ay describedt he Torwith features identical to theLabeobarbus. We therefore use the name described by Gray for ca ngu'a: Tor brevifilis (Peters). b) For species changed both in genera and species -Chan!!:e name of ca anh vu: Caanh vuisap陀ciousspecies in白emountainous areas ofVietnam.lts meat is very delicious and has good smell. Chevey and Lemasson were wrong to classify this species TRANSLATION OFN GUYEN ANDD OAN,1 969 65 as Pseudogyrinocheilus procheilus (Sauvage &D abry). The reas'Oni s Fang (1933) described Pseudogyrinocheilus as having at riangular m'Outh with 'One f'Orward angle,li ps narr'Ow and 也ick,upper lip n'Otched,an us right in fr'Ont 'Ofa nal fin while the descripti'Ona nd drawings by Chevey and Lemass'Ona s well as the specimens wec 'Ollected sh'Owed terminal m'Outh n'Ot triangul民 upperlip 1釘gen'O n'Otch,l'O wer lip br'Oad alm'Ost triangular when seen企omfr'Ont alm'Ost reaching chin,an us is far ahead 'Ofa nal fin. These features resemble the Semilabeo notalilis described by Peters in 1880 and described again by Lini n 1935. Theref'Ore,w e changed the n創出'Ofca anh vu t'O Semilabeo notabilis. - Chanl!en ame 'Ofc 五tri: 百leぬx'On'Ofc a troi has n'Otb een agreed 'Ons 'O far. Chevey and Lemass'Onc 1as- sified this species as Labeo collaris Nich'Ols and P'Ope while PhamT rong Hau and Mai Di曲 Yen (1964) c1assified it as Cirrhinus chinensis (Gun出er).Vu'Ong di Khang (1958) argued that 白especies might have variati'Ons when they were raised and researchers gave these variati'Ons different n創nes.The names are as f'OII'Ows: -Leuciscus molitorella C& V 1844 - Cirrhinus chinensis Gun血er1868 - Cirrhina melanositgma F'Owler & Bean 1922 -Labeo molitorella Weber & de Beauf'Ort 1916 -Labeo collaris Nich'Ols & P'Ope 1927 - Cirhina molitorella Lin1 933 -Labeo melanostigma Nich'Ols 1943 These names indicate 'Only 'One species. 百legenera Cirrhinus and Labeo紅'every similar except f'OrL abeo: P'Ost1abial gr'Ove deep and c'Ontinu'Ous,n' O h'Omyj aw sheath (dot nδi) inside l'Owerj aw while f'OrC irrhi- nus: interrupted shall'Ow P'Ost labial gr'O'Ove,wi th h'Omyj aw sheath inside l'Ower jaw. Cat roi in n'Orthem Vietnam has interrupted shall'Ow P'Ost labial gr'O'Ove,wi th h'Omyj aw sheath inside l'Ower jaw血ussh'Ould be c1assified int'O the genus Cirrhinus. Acc'Ording t'O the pri'Ority rule, wec h'O'Ose the n釘nemolitorella (C et V) since 出iswas the earliest name f'Orc a住'oi. - Chanl!en ame 'Ofc 五lua: Acc'Ording t'O Chevey and Lemass'On( 1937),c a lu'a in n'Orthem Vietnam is Sarcocheilichthys hainanensis Nich'Ols and P'Ope. Wet hink that this is n'Otc 'Oπ'ect since Sar- cocheilichthys was described by Bleeker in 1859 as having terminal m'Outh,l'O wer jaw with sharp keratin'Ous edge while 'Our specimens 'Ofc a lu' at 'Ogether with descripti'Onf r'Om previ'Ous researchers sh'OW terminal m'Outh,l'O wer jaw with'Out sharp keratin'Ous edge identical t'O the genus Chilogobio described by Berg in 1914 and is n'Ow c1assified as Chilogobeo nigripinnis (Gunther) - Ch且nl!ename 'Ofc 五.do: Acc'Ording t'O Chevey and Lemass'On (1937),c a d'O泊 n'OrthemVietnam is Garra poilanei Petit et Tchang (1933). This species has n'O barbel. Garman (1912) based 'On this charac飽rc1assified the species int'O an ew genus which was widely accepted: Ageneiog- arra. With relati'Ont 'O its species name,w ef 'Ound血atthe descripti'Onb y Petit and Tchang in 1933 and by Chevey and Lemass'Oni n 1937 sh'OW 出atca d'O is n'Otm uch different fr'Om the Discognathus imberbis Vinciguerra (1890). Wet heref'Ore,ch anged its name t'O Ageneiogarra imberbis (Vincigue質的. 66 NGUYEN VAN HAO AND DoAN LE HOA c) Change in spi nam 凹 凶 回 Because of the lack of referenc四,some researchers were wrong in nar凶ngsome species. Therefore,w e,wi th access to more references,ha ve made some corrections on names of some species basing on the characrsof some specimens and the priority rule. 飽 -C五ch五vdat: Chevey and Lemasson (1937),w ith reference to Oshima (1926) named ca chay dat as Spinibarbus nigrodorsalis Oshima.百首sspecies,ho wever,wa s described by Nichols in 1925部 Barbuscalゐ,llelli.So ca chay dat is Spinibαrbus caldwelli (Nichols). -Cad盟g血時: Chevey and Lemasson (1937),wi th reference to Lohbergor (1929) named Ca Dong Dong Puntius hainanensis. Thissp ecies,ho wever,wa s described by Gunther in 1868 as Lenbarbus [sic; should be Capoeta] semifasciolatus. Thus,C a Dong Dong is Puntius semifasciolatus (0加也er). -c 包h担g;_ Chevey and Lemasson (1937) described two species of盛辿担ginnorthem Vietnam: Xenocypris macrolepis Bleeker and Xenocypris nitidus Garman. Ichthyologists now consider both species to be Xenocypris argentea described by Gunther in 1868. - C五nhon!!man!!: Chevey and Lemasson (1937) described Nhong Mang in northem Vietnam to consist of two species: Luciobrama砂'PusBleeker (1871) and Luciobrama longiceps Pellegrin (1907). These two are配制allythe same species with Luciobrama macrocephalus (Lacepede 1803). -C五tramden: Chevey and Lemasson (1937),wi 血referenceto Basilevsky (1855) named ca 佐amdenAめ,zophaηngodonaethiops (Basilevsky).百1Isspecies,ho wever,wa s described by Richardson in 1846 in由ename Leuciscus piceus and its name now is widely accepted as Mylopharyngodon piceus (Rich紅也:on). -Cang盈 According to Chevey and Lemasson (1937),ca ngao is known as Culter bevi- cauda Gunther 1868 but it is the 阻 nespecies as Culter erythropterus described by Basilevsky in 1855. 2. Introduction of new genera細 dspeci回面白ecyprinid family: 1n our research,w e collected many new samples and we chose to introdu some 田 new types and species白紙wehave enough references about. a) Newg enera: -Genus c五位i1'LaichowcvDris new !!enus Typel1:L aichowcypris dai new species (Fig. 1) belongs to the subfamily Cyprininae.百legenus is simil訂加出ecyprinid genera Cyprinus,Pr ocypris,an d Mesocypris except that it has small head,lo w nape; pharyngeal teeth in 4r ows:,la st row l1i.e.“type species of the genus" TRANSLATION OFN GUYEN AND DOAN,1 969 67 small,te eth surface diagonal with 1-3 clear grooves; gill rakers strong,sh ort,w ith many striae and spines; dorsal fin origin posterior to pelvic fin insertion帥 oidiem cua vay 0 sau khoi diem vay bung]. Thee xception is Mesocypris,ac cording to Ngu Hien Van (1963); some specimens show 4r ows of phyngealteeth but with short dorsal fin (only 10-11 branched 紅 rays). -Genus Pa xamYaradanioDs new !!enus τ'ype12:P aradaniops macropterus new species (Fig. 3) belongsωsubfamily Leuciscinae.百1isgenus is very close to出.egenera Danio H B (1822)佃 dDaniops Smi出 (19045) in its appearance such as mouth type,jawbone s仰心tu眠 po副 onsof fins,es pecially dorsal fin at the back of body et They,ho wever,sti ll have differences in pharyngeal teeth, 芯. pectoral organs,ad hesive 0屯加 infront of pectoral fin,an d number of pectoral fin rays and the shape of lateralline. Paradaniops is similar ωDaniops in that they have 2r ows of pha- ryngeal蹴出 whileit is di貸'erentwith Danio since Danio has 3r ows of ph町 ngealtee血. Paradaniops is di自'erentwith bo出typesbecause it has no pectoral fin,su cker is in front of p目的ralfin origin,pe ctoral fin rays low and cIose,la teralline curved toward belly. Based on the shape of some 0増加s,the three genera Paradaniops,Da niops ∞ and Danio are closely related,mi ght be合omthe same origin. A ording to Regan (1924) and Chu Nguyen Di凶(1935),in旬rmsof白.eevolution of the cypri凶dspecies from having many旬e出tofewer teeth,Da nio is mo問 primitivewhile Paradaniops and Da刀iopsare niore related. Based on the shape and structure of t田th,it is po悶blethat the latter two types origi- na飽dfrom two closely related Danio species having variations such as sucker,lo w pectoral fin because白eylived in two geographical ar回 swith di四回entheights and sp閃 dsofflow thus developing into two new genera. b) News pecies: The new species belong to the following subfamilies: - Subfamilv Cvorininae 1s oecies: + Cat ru: LaichowcVDris dai new soecies (Fi!!. 1】 10 specimens body leng血49-60mm,we ight 4・3000gf rom DaR iver in Lai Chau and Hoa Bi凶1. DIV,18ー20,AI II 5-6, P1 ,15-16,V 1,8- 9 lateralline scales 42,[ 仕組sverse scale rows] 7112 /5 112-6112,4 r ows of ph町 ngealteeth:,20 ー23gill rakers on first branchial arch,b ody leng白about2.4-3.0 times body dep出,3.4-4.1times length of head. Length of head about 3.6-4.6 times eye diameter,2. 5-3.1 times interorbital distance; head small,na pe low,sn out obtuse.τ\VO pairs of barbels [rang hinh cam,m ang mong mong ngan lien voi eo [出nmembrane attached to waist? ,]gill rakers big,sh ort,st riated and spinous. Along body side 12-13 odd-looking black stripes crossing scales. Ca仕u'mainly lives in North-west water百, lower boundary is Hoa B担hcity (Da River). Lives most1yi n stream with lots of small stones. Ca住uthat lives in middle and bottom layers eat m ythings,pr oduce eggs in March and June in upper strenwhere flows 佃 創 estrong,lo ts of stones in bottom; the eggs are sticky. It is ac ommon economic fish in Son ぽ La and Lai Chau provinces. Its meat is good. Size 10-12 kg at maximum,no rmally 5-6 kg. 12.ie.“type species of the genus" 68 NGUYEN VAN HAo AND DOAN LE HOA -Subfarnil.Y_c五tramLeusiscinae. 3s Decies: + Ca !!:iam_dat suoi NicholsicvDris dorsohorizontalis new species (Fig.お 5s pecimens,b ody length 49-74 mm,w eight 2.9-9 gi n Tay Son (Ha Bac province). = D 3,7 P 1,1 2-13 V 1,7 A 3,7 l ateralline scale 6/ 2-3 37,t wo rows of phyn 釘 司 geal teeth 5.4--4.5,5 g ill rakers in first branchial ch,35-37 vertebral columns,b ody 紅 len併13.9-4.5 times body dep出, 3.6-4.2times head length. Head len尉1is 3-3.5 times snout length,3. 5-4.7 times eye diameter,2 .1-2.5 times interorbital distance. Body thick,b ack little flat,b rownish,be lly whitish,g ray fins except anal fin pink. Similar to N. normalisl3 (N,P) except the latter body quite thick,b ody depth small,sm all belly,ba ck ne lyflat,do rsal fin distant from pelvic fin,pe lvic fin distant from anal fin,co lorful. 釘 -Pa xam cam ParadanioDs macroDterus new species (Fig. 3) 5s pecimens,bo dy length 74-80 mm,we ight 10.6ー11.5g. Lives in small 紺 eamin Si油 Ho (Lai Chau province). D 3,8; P1 ,11 ; V 1,7; A 3,13 . Lateralline scales 42 9-1O/3-V. 2r ows of pharyngeal teeth 5.3-3.5,6- 8g ill rakers in first branchial arch,bo dy length 3.2-3.6 times body depth,4- -4.5 times head length. Head length 2.5-2.8 times snout leng白,3.6-3.8 times eye diameter,2. 3-2.4 times interorbital distance,fi ns developed,wi thout seπae,do rsal fin located near caudal fin,pe ctoral scales,su cker in pectoral fin origin to adapt to the flow, beautiful colors,7- 9 black bars on body side. Similar to Danio mionshinensis except that fins developed,lo ts of scales,on ly two rows of pharyngeal teeth,es pecially no pectoral scales, adhesive organ in front of pectoral fm. + Pa xam cat DanioDs nammuensis new sDecies_(Fi!!:. 4Jm issiruill 2s pecimens,b ody leng出 60-80mm,we ight 6ー9g,co llected in Nam mup hong tho (Lai Chau). D3 ,7; P1 ,10; V1 ,7; A3,12 ,la teralline scales40 9/3-V,2r ows ofpharyngeal teeth 5.3-3.5,bo dy length 3.1-3.2 times body depth,3. 9-4.0 times head length; head Iength 3.1-3.2 times snout Ieng血,3.1-3.2times eye diameter,he ad short,2 p airs ofbbells,inter- 紅 orbital distance large,Io wer jaw curves up which fits加oupper jaw,fi n developed,be autiful colors,8- 9 green dark bars合omarchωtail. Similar to Paradaniops macropterus except: short body,bi gger eyes,fe wer Iateralline scales,wi th pectoraI scales but without adhesive org佃 infront of pectoral fm,te eth di百erent. Genusc五troi.1s Decies: + Cam o: Garra laichowensis new snecies (Fil!. 5) 3s pecimens,b ody leng血85-102mm,we ight 8.5-12 g,co llected in Namm us 位'eam,Phong Tho district (Lai Ch叩). = D 2,8; P1 ,13 ; V 1,8; A 3,5,la teralline scales 36 6/4-V 38,2 r ows of pharyngeal teeth 5.牛4.5,18 giII rakers on fir冨tbranchial arch,b ody length 4.2-4.6 times body dep血,4.5 times head Ieng仕1.Head Iength .9-2.2 times snout length,4 .2-4.6 times eye diameter,1. 8ー2.0times interorbital dist1ce,body long,出ick,two pairs offins,35 vertebr加, 創 air bladder with two small parts,bl ackish gray colored,be lly yellowish,bl ack stripes lined oncaud叫fin,small black spot on caudal fin base. Simil釘 ωG.caudofasciatus Pelleyrin and 13Aphyocypris normalis Nichols & Pope 1927 (type locality Nodoa,Ha inan Island,Ch ina).

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