Sorne Chloropidae (Diptera) frorn the Balearic Islands (Spain) with particular reference to Parc Natural de s' Albufera de Mallorca Martin J. EBEJER SHNB Ebejer, M.J. 2006. Sorne Chloropidae (Diptera) from the Balearic Islands (Spain) with particular reference to Pare Natural de s'Albufera de Mallorca. Boll. Soco Hist. Nat. Balears, 49: 173-184. ISSN 0212-260X. Palma de Mallorca. An account is given ofthe dipterous family Chloropidae from the Balearic Islands. New records of all the 41 species recently encountered on the Balearic Islands of Ibiza and Mallorca are given with sorne information on their habitat and distribution. The genus Speccafrons Sabrosky, 1980, is recorded for the first time from Spain with the species S. halophila (Duda, 1933) and another one unnamed. The following 16 species are also recorded from Spain for the first time: Calamoncosis duinensis (Strobl, 1909), SOCIETAT D'HISTORIA Calamoncosis stipae Nartshuk, 1962, Elachiptera rufifrons Duda, 1932, Incertella zuer NATURAL DE LES BALEARS cheri (Duda, 1933), Lasiambia aterrima (Duda, 1933), Lipara lucens Meigen, 1830, Lipara rufitarsis Loew, 1858, Oscinella ventricosi Nartshuk, 1955, Oscinimorpha tenui rostris (Duda, 1933), Polyodaspis picardi Seguy, 1946, Speccafrons halophila (Duda, 1933), Trachysiphonella ruficeps (Macquart, 1835), Tricimba humeralis (Loew, 1858), Oyptonevraflavitarsis (Meigen, 1830), Cryptonevra nigritarsis (Duda, 1933), Eurina ducalis Costa, 1885. Key wOTtIs: Chloropidae, Balearics, faunistics, new records. ALGUNS CHLOROPIDAE (DIPTERA) DE LES ILLES BALEARS (ESPANYA) AMB ESPECIAL REFERENCIA AL PARC NATURAL DE S'ALBUFERA DE MALLORCA. Es relaciona un llistat de dípters de la familia Chloropidae de les Illes Balears. Es donen noves citacions de totes les 41 especies trobades recentment a les illes d'Eivissa i de Mallorca (Illes Balears), arnés d'aportar informació sobre el seu hitbitat i distribució. El genere Speccafrons Sabrosky, 1980, és una nova cita per a Espanya amb les especies S. halophila (Duda, 1933) i una altra no as signada específicament. Les següents 16 especies són, també, noves cites per a Espanya: Calamoncosis duinensis (Strobl, 1909), Calamoncosis stipae Nartshuk, 1962, Elachiptera rufifrons Duda, 1932, Incertella zuercheri (Duda, 1933), Lasiambia aterrima (Duda, 1933), Lipara lucens Meigen, 1830, Lipara rufitarsis Loew, 1858, Oscinella ventricosi Nartshuk, 1955, Oscinimorpha tenuirostris (Duda, 1933), Polyodaspis picardi Seguy, 1946, Speccafrons halophila (Duda, 1933), Trachysiphonella ruficeps (Macquart, 1835), Tricimba humera lis (Loew, 1858), Cryptonevra flavitarsis (Meigen, 1830), Cryptonevra nigritarsis (Duda, 1933), Eurina ducalis Costa, 1885. PaTII1IIes cmu: Chloropidae, Illes Balears, faunística, noves citacions. Martin J EBEJER, Research Associate, Entomology Section, Department of Biodiversity & Systematic Biology, Amgueddfa Cymru National Museum Wales, Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF10 3NP, United Kingdom. Email: [email protected] Recepció del manuscrit: 5-des-06; revisió acceptada: 29-des-06. 174 Boll. Soc. Hist. Nat. Balears, 49 (2006) Introduction and therefore a list of species may be of interest and helps to rectify the paucity of The Chloropidae is a family offlies with records from the Balearics. a diverse biology, but most species develop In this article I record all the species that in plants, mainly in the shoots of Graminae. I recently encountered in Mallorca and The Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera Ibiza. Most of the species were found in the (Nartshuk, 1984) and the more recent wetland at s' Albufera de Mallorca Natural Catalogue of the Diptera of the Iberian Park, which lies at the north eastem end of Peninsula and Balearic Islands (De Bruyn & Mallorca. This is because work focused on Báez, 2002) list relatively few species in this the park with little collecting done elsewhe family for the Iberian Peninsula and none re. 1 provided a list of species of Diptera, for the Balearic Islands (old references from including Chloropidae, in a report on the the 19th century were excluded). However, park (Ebejer, 2003). Those species are the first records of Chloropidae from the included in this account with their data. Balearics were published in an article on Three taxonomic corrections to that list are Mallorcan insects (Moragues y de required. The species of Cryptonevra Lioy, Manzanos, 1894) wherein the following five 1864 were identified as eonsimilis (Collin, species were recorded (current nomenclatu 1932) and diadema (Meigen, 1830). These re in parentheses): Camarota flavitarsis specimens are all in fact nigritarsis (Duda, Meigen, 1830 ((Camarota eurvipennis 1933). The species provisionally identified (Latreille, 1805)); Chlo rops didyma as Aphanotrigonum ? cinetellum Zettersedt, (Chlorops sealaris Meigen, 1830); 1848 was later dissected and found to be Chlorops laeta (Chlorops laetus Meigen, inerme CoUin, 1946. 1830); Chlorops notata (Thaumatomyia The park consists of about 1700 hecta notata (Meigen, 1830)); Siphonella palposa res, most of which is wetland dominated by (Lasiambia palposa (Fallén, 1820)); Oseinis extensive Phragmites beds. Around and wit pusilla (Oscinella pusilla Meigen, 1830). hin these are pine woods, dunes, dry mea Three of the foregoing species remain dows, canals, pools and Tamarix groves. unconfirmed, namely: Chlorops laetus The park is adjacent to the coast, but most of Meigen, 1830, Chlorops sealaris Meigen, the aquatic habitats are fresh water and 1830 and Lasiambia palposa (Fallén, 1820), sorne of the canals also have Arundo gro but are included in the list below for com wing on the banks along much of their pleteness. length. The areas of salt marsh have Nartshuk (2003) lists a number of addi Arthroenemum (=Salieornia), Tamarix and tions to the fauna of the Iberian Peninsula. a variety of Graminae. These include the genera Lipara Meigen, 1830, Traehysiphonella Enderlein, 1936 and two new species: Aphanotrigonum anderso Material and Methods ni Nartshuk, 2003 and Lasiosina hispaniea Nartshuk, 2003, but no records from the Specimens were collected as part of a Balearics. Deeming (2003) recorded systematic investigation into the Diptera of Oscinella nartshukiana Beschovski, 1978 the park. Collecting methods included swe from Portinatx, Ibiza. Evidently the eping with a hand net the vegetation in the Chloropidae of this region is poorly studied various habitats, light traps, water traps and M.J. Ebejer, Chloropídae (Díptera) from the Balearíc Islands 175 Malaise traps. Most of the collecting was Graminae, Chenopodaceae, l6.iv.200 1, done in the spring and early summer with MJE. some supplementary collecting in the autumn by members and volunteers ofTAIB Widespread around the Mediterranean and (The Albufera Initiative for Biodiversity). Black Sea coasts. During a week of intensive field work in April 2001 special effort was made to sam Oscinellinae pIe in all types ofhabitat. In late May 2006, some species were reared from old galls of Aphanotrigonum Duda, 1932 Lipara and from stems of Phragmites that Aphanotrigonum femorellum Collin, 1946 had old tunne1s made by larvae of Mallorca: Id' & 19, Mallorca, salt marsh 1 Lepidoptera. Limited collecting outside the km north of Alcudia, 18.v.1986, CED; Ibiza: reserve was also undertaken. 5d'd' and 19, Ses Feixes de Talamanca, 29.v.2006, MJE. Results Widespread in Europe and the Mediterranean. The following list includes all 44 species now known from the Balearics, but it on1y Aphanotrigonum inerme Collin, 1946 gives data for the 41 species that are confir Mallorca: 2d'd' & 19, s' Albufera, Ses med, thus no data are available for those spe Puntes marsh east, Tamarix, Salicornia, cies recorded by Moragues y de Manzanos Graminae, 16.iv.2001, MJE; 2d'd' & 299, (1894), but not yet encountered again. The s' Albufera, Es Comú coastal dunes, Pinus, data for each species are listed with the ini Pistacia, Cistus, Graminae, 18.iv.2001, tials of the collector given at the end: CED - MJE; 2d'd' & 299, s' Albufera, Es Cibollar C.E. Dyte; MJE - MJ. Ebejer; DG - D. marsh north, Tamarix, Juncus, Graminae, Gibbs; JG-J. Guiu; PH-P. Hil1; NJR-NJ. 18.iv.2001, MJE; 2d'd' & 399, s 'Albufera, Riddiford; AS - A. Sergeant. Voucher speci Sa Roca, 21-25.iv.2004, Malaise trap, NJR mens are deposited in the reference collec & JG; 19, s 'Albufera, Es Colombars, tion at the Pare s' Albufera, in Amgueddfa Malaise trap,, PH; 2d'd' & 19, Cymru-National Museum of Wales, Cardiff s' Albufera, Es Cibollar, Salicornia marsh and in the private collection of the author. with Graminae, 28.v.2006, MJE. The species are listed in alphabetical order within each of the subfamilies. Known from Britain, Bulgaria and Spain. Calamoncosis Enderlein, 1911 List of Species Calamoncosis duinensis (Strobl, 1909) Mallorca: 399, s' Albufera, Camí des Polls, edge of marsh with Tamarix and Graminae Siphonellopsinae including Juncus and Phragmites, 28.v.2006, MJE. Siphonellopsis Strobl, 1906 Siphonellopsis lacteibasis Strobl, 1906 Widespread in Europe; known from Mallorca: Id', s' Albufera, Ses Puntes marsh west, Tamarix, Arthrocnemum, Juncus, Mongolia and Japan. 176 Boll. Soco Hist. Nat. Balears, 49 (2006) Calamoncosis minima (Strobl, 1893) Elachiptera cornuta (Fallen, 1820) Mallorca: 19, s' Albufera, Es Forcadet, Mallorca: 1d ', s' Albufera, Es F orcadet, Canal des Sol and Torrent de Muro, Canal des Sol and Torrent de Muro, 17 .iv.200 1, MJE; 399, s 'Albufera, Es 17.iv.2001, MJE; 19, s 'Albufera, Es Rotlos, Malaise trap,, PH; 19, Forcadet, Canal des Sol, meadow with flo s' Albufera, Es Rotlos, Malaise trap, 4- wering plants, 17.iv.2001, MJE., PH; 19, s' Albufera, Es Colombars, Malaise trap,, The species generally referred to as cornuta PH; 1d ', Escorca, mountains east of Gorg exhibits significant variation in most of the Blau, 1150m, 26.v.2006, MJE. characters. A detailed analysis of these was undertaken by Ismay (1978). So far, there Widespread and common in Phragmites appears to be nothing in the biology of this around the Mediterranean, Central Europe species that would support it being divided and across Russia. into a complex of species and therefore for the purposes of this artiele I consider cornu Calamoncosis stipae Nartshuk, 1962 ta and its various forms to be a single species. Mallorca: 2d'd' and 299, Escorca, Cuber, 900m, 24.iv.2006, DG. Widespread right across the Palaearctic Region. Known from several Central and N orthem European countries and southem Russia. Elachiptera rufifrons Duda, 1932 Probably more widespread. New to Spain. Mallorca: 5d'd', s' Albufera, Es Forcadet, Canal des Sol and Torrent de Muro, Calamoncosis sp. 17.iv.2001, MJE; 19, s 'Albufera, Sa Roca, Mallorca: 499, s' Albufera, Es Colombars, 18.iv.2004, Malaise trap, NJR; 2d'd' and Malaise trap,, PH; 399, 499, Es Ras, reared from larval frass in old s' Albufera, Camí des Polls, edge of marsh Lepidoptera tunnels in Phragmites, 21- with Tamarix and .G raminae including 27.v.2006, MJE. Juncus and Phragmites, 21.v.2006, MJE. Known from Israel and North Africa and These females probab1y belong to another few other countries in Europe. This is the species. Their identity is not clear and male first record for the Westem Mediterranean specimens when eventually they are found and for Spain. may be more helpfu1 to ascertain identity. Elachiptera sp. Elachiptera Macquart, 1935 3d'd', Es Ras, reared from larval frass in old Elachiptera bimaculata (Loew, 1845) Lepidoptera tunnels in Phragmites, 21- Mallorca: 299, s' Albufera, Es Colombars, 27.v.2006, MJE. Malaise trap,, PH; 3d'd' and 19, Escorca, mountains east of Gorg Blau, These specimens have the mesonotum with 1150m, 26.v.2006, MJE. pollinose stripes similar to those in cornuta. Widespread around the Mediterranean, but However, the frontal triangle is entire1y not restricted to coastal areas. yellow as in rujifrons. It also differs from rujifrons in the following characters: arista M.J. Ebejer, Chloropidae (Diptera) from the Balearic Islands 177 broad and parallel sided, not long elliptical; which was described after Moragues y de humeros shiny, only posterior margin very Manzanos published his papero narrowly pollinose; third costal sector (R2+3 to R4+5) is at most 1.9 times the Lipara Meigen, 1830 fourth (R4+5 to MI +2) whereas in rufifrons Lipara lucens Meigen, 1830 it is 1.9 to 2.3. Mallorca: 19, s' Albufera, Ses Puntes marsh east, Tamarix, Salicornia, Graminae, Incertella Sabrosky, 1980 16.iv.2001, MJE; lCJ, s'Albufera, Sa Roca, Incertella zuercheri (Duda, 1933) 21-25.iv.2004, Malaise trap, NJR & JG. Mallorca: 19, s' Albufera, Es Forcadet, Canal des Sol and Torrent de Muro, Widespread In Europe and the 17.iv.2001, MJE; 19, s 'Albufera, Es Mediterranean. Forcadet, Canal des Sol, meadow with flo wering plants, 17.iv.2001, MJE; 2200 and Lipara rufitarsis Loew, 1858 699, s' Albufera, Es Rodos, Malaise trap, 4- Mallorca: 10, s' Albufera, Es Ras dry mea, (in alcohol) JG, PH, AS; 400 & dow near marsh, Euphorbia, 16.iv.2001, 699, s' Albufera, Es Colombars, Malaise MJE; 299, s' Albufera, Es Cibollar marsh trap,, PH; 200 & 299, south, Tamarix, Juncus, Salicornia, s' Albufera, Camí des Polls, edge of marsh 19.iv.2001, MJE; many 00 and 99, with Tamarix and Graminae including s' Albufera, Camí des Forcadet and Camí Juncus and Phragmites, 21.v.2006, MJE; des Polls, edge of marsh with Tamarix and 19, s' Albufera, Es Cibollar, Salicornia Graminae including Juncus and Phragmites, marsh with Graminae, 21.v.2006, MJE; 21.v.2006, MJE. 200& 299, s' Albufera, Es Ras, reared from larval frass in old Lepidoptera tunnels in Common in Westem Europe and around the Phragmites, 21-27.v.2006, MJE; lCJ and 19, Mediterranean through to Mongolia and s'Albufera, Son Bosc, 25.v.2006, MJE. Japan. Common in Central and Northem Europe Lipara similis Schiner, 1854 and around the Mediterranean especially in Mallorca: 200, s' Albufera, Ses Puntes Phragmites beds. marsh west, Tamarix, Salicornia, Juncus, Graminae, Chenopodaceae, 16.iv.200 1, Lasiambia Sabrosky, 1941 MJE; lCJ & 19, s' Albufera, Es Forcadet, Lasiambia aterrima (Duda, 1933) Canal des Sol, meadow with flowering Mallorca: 10, s' Albufera, Es Cibollar marsh plants, 17.iv.2001, MJE; lCJ, s' Albufera, Es south, Tamarix, Juncus, Salicornia, Forcadet, Canal des Sol and Torrent de 19.iv.2001, MJE. Muro, 17.iv.2001, MJE; 19, s' Albufera, Es Cibollar marsh north, Tamarix, Juncus, Known from Tunisia. Graminae, 18.iv.2001, MJE. Lasiambia palposa (Fallén, 1820) Recorded by Moragues y de Manzanos Widespread in Europe, but in the (1894). Although this species could occur Mediterranean it had been only known from on the Balearics, it is also easily confused Israel until it was recently recorded from with Polyodaspis picardi Seguy, 1946, Spain (Nartshuk, 2003). 178 Boll. Soco Hist. Nat. Balears, 49 (2006) Melanochaeta Bezzi, 1906 21.v.2006, MJE; 19, s' Albufera, Son Bosc, Melanochaeta pubescens (Tha1hammer, 24.v.2006, MJE. 1898) Mallorca: 1d ', s' Albufera, Ses Puntes marsh This species was previously recorded from west, Tamarix, Salicornia, Juncus, Ibiza (Deeming, 2003). Widespread in the Graminae, Chenopodaceae, 16.iv.200 1, Mediterranean, Africa, Arabia and the Near MJE; 3d'd' & 19, s'A1bufera, Es Forcadet, East. Canal des Sol and Torrent de Muro, 17.iv.2001, MJE; 19, s 'Albufera, Es Oscinella sp aff. nitidigenis (Becker, 1908) Forcadet, Canal des Sol, meadow with flo Mallorca: 19, s' Albufera, Camí des Polls, wering plants, 17.iv.2001, MJE; 19, edge of marsh with Tamarix and Graminae s' Albufera, Es Colombars, Malaise trap, 10- including Juncus and Phragmites,, PH; 19, s' Albufera, Es Rotlos, 21.v.2006, MJE. Malaise trap,, PH; many d'd' o. and 99, s 'Albufera, Son Bosc, 24.v.2006, nitidigenis is widespread in Europe and MJE; many d'd' and 99, s' Albufera, Camí the Macaronesian Islands. Its distribution des Polls, edge of marsh with Tamarix and extends to many parts of Africa and Asia. Graminae including Juncus and Phragmites, Numerous specimens from the aboye geo 28.v.2006, MJE. graphical areas, in the collections of the National Museum Cardiff, have the charac Widespread across central Europe and teristic frontal triangle where this not only around the Mediterranean through to reaches the front edge of the frons, but it is Afghanistan. Very common in Phragmites as broad as the margin, thus giving it a beds. rhomboidal rather than a triangular shape. The specimen from Mallorca has a sharply Oscinella Becker, 1909 pointed apex to the frontal triangle and this Oscinella frit (Linnaeus, 1758) group barely reaches the anterior margin of the Mallorca: 19, s' Albufera, Es Forcadet, frons. The mesonotal, pleural and abdomi Canal des Sol and Torrent de Muro, nal pollinosity is less intense, giving the 17 .iv.200 1, MJE; Id' and 19, s 'Albufera, insect a distinctly more shiny appearance, Camí des Polls, edge of marsh with Tamarix although this is not as marked as in nitidis and Graminae including Juncus and sima (Meigen, 1838). This specimen also Phragmites, 21.v.2006, MJE; 19, differs from nitidissima in several other cha s 'Albufera, Son Bosc, 24.v.2006, MJE; racters, notably its larger size, the propor Ibiza: Id' and 19, Ses Feixes de Talamanca, tions of gena and third antennal segment, 29.v.2006, MJE. and the colouration of the legs. Widespread in the Holarctic Region and Oscinella pusilla (Meigen, 1830) parts ofIndia and Pakistan. Mallorca: 2d'd' and 899, s' Albufera, Es Rotlos, Ma1aise trap,, (in alco Oscinella nartshukiana Beschovski, 1978 hol) PH; 2d'd' & 19, s' Albufera, Camí des Mallorca: 3d'd' and 19, s' Albufera, Camí Polls, edge of marsh with Tamarix and des Polls, edge of marsh with Tamarix and Graminae includingJuncus andPhragmites, Graminae including Juncus and Phragmites, 21.v.2006, MJE; and many d'd'O and 99 M.f. Ebejer, Chloropídae (Díptera) from the Balearíc Islands 179 from Alcudia, St Martí, Puig de Son Fé, Ses Portes,, MJE. 22.v.2006; s' Albufera, Ses Salinetes and Son Bosc, 24.v.2006, MJE. Described from Tunisia and until now only known from that country. The identification of this species is unsatis factory as it is based on chromatic charac Polyodaspis Duda, 1933 ters and re1ative proportions of head and Polyodaspis picardi Seguy, 1946 antennal parts. Al1 these show significant Mallorca: 299, s' Albufera, Es Rodos, variation. It is possible that sorne of these Malaise trap,, PH; 19, Es Ras, specimens are in factfrit. For these reasons reared from larval frass in old Lepidoptera this species is here recorded with sorne tunne1s in Phragmites, 21-27.v.2006, MJE. doubt. Described from Nice, France, it has not Widespread in the Palaearctic Region. been recorded from elsewhere, but the aut hor has specimens from other Mediterra Oscinella ventricosi Nartshuk, 1955 nean islands. Dr Deeming (pers. comm.) Mal1orca: 2eJeJ, s' Albufera, Camí des Pol1s, reared it in Crete from emergent shoots of edge of marsh with Tamarix and Graminae Arundo donax showing dead heart. The including Juncus and Phragmites, collections in the National Museum Cardiff 21.v.2006, MJE; 3eJeJ and 19, s' Albufera, have specimens from Cyprus (Pissouri), Son Bosc, 25.v.2006, MJE; lCJ, s'Albufera, Greece (Peloponessos), Malta (Fiddien), Es Cibol1ar Salicornia marsh with Portugal (AIgarve) and Tunisia (Bizerte). Graminae, 28.v.2006, MJE. Polyodaspis sulcicollis (Meigen, 1838) Known from Bulgaria and Russia. Mal1orca: 1e J, s' Albufera, Es Cibol1ar marsh south, Tamarix, Juncus, Salicornia, Oscinimorpha Lioy, 1864 19.iv.2001, MJE; 19, s' Albufera, Sa Roca, Oscinimorpha arcuata (Duda, 1932) 21-25.iv.2004, Malaise trap, NJR & JG. Mal1orca: 6eJeJ and 199, Alcudia, St Martí, Puig de Son Fé, 22.v.2006, MJE. Common and widespread in Central Europe and the Mediterranean through the Middle Widespread in Central and Northem Europe East to Mongolia. and the Mediterranean. Siphunculina Rondani 1856 Oscinimorpha longirostris (Loew, 1858) Siphunculina ornatifrons (Loew, 1858) Mal1orca: 3eJeJ & 19, Alcudia, Cova Sa Mal1orca: 2eJeJ, s' Albufera, Camí des Pol1s, Martin, 19.iv.2001, MJE; 12eJeJ and 599, edge of marsh with Tamarix and Graminae Alcudia, St Martí, Puig de Son Fé, inc1uding Juncus and Phragmites, 22.v.2006, MJE; Ibiza: 12eJeJ and 599, Ses 21.v.2006, MJE. Feixes de Talamanca, 29.v.2006, MJE. Widespread around the Mediterranean. Known from al1 around the Mediterranean, Atlantic and Pacific islands, parts of Asia Oscinimorpha tenuirostris (Duda, 1933) andAfrica. Ibiza: leJ, Parc Natural Ses Salines, Torre de 180 Boll. Soco Hist. Nat. Balears, 49 (2006) Speccafrons Sabrosky, 1980, MJE. Speccafrons halophila (Duda, 1933) Mallorca: 19, s' Albufera, Es Cibollar marsh Known from most of Europe and the south, Tamarix, Juncus, Salicornia, Mediterranean. 19.iv.2001, MJE; Ibiza: 2eJeJ & 399, Pare Natural Ses Salines, Es Cavallet, dunes with Tricimba Lioy, 1864 Pinus and Juniperus wood near Juncus and Tricimba humeralis (Loew, 1858) Salicornia marsh,, MJE. Mallorca: 1e J, s' Albufera, Es Cibollar marsh south, Tamarix, Juncus, Salicornia, Widespread in Europe; known also from 19 .iv.200l , MJE; 19, s 'Albufera, Sa Roca, Mongolia. New record of the genus for 21-25.iv.2004, Malaise trap, NJR & JG; Spain. 2eJeJO and 299, Es Cibollar, Salicornia marsh with Graminae, 28.v.2006, MJE; Speccafrons sp. aff. costalis (Duda, 1930) Ibiza: leJ, Pare Natural, Ses Salines, Torre Mallorca: 19, s' Albufera, Camí des Polls, de Ses Portes, 30.v.2006, MJE. edge of marsh with Tamarix and Graminae including Juncus and Phragmites, Very common in central Europe, around the 21.v.2006, MJE; Ibiza: leJ, Pare Natural Ses Mediterranean and the Middle East through Salines, Es Cavallet, dunes with Pinus and to China. Juniperus wood near Juncus and Salicornia marsh,, MJE. Tricimba sp. Ibiza: 1(J & 19, Pare Natural, Ses Salines, S. costalis was described from Taiwan. Torre de Ses Portes, 30.v.2006, MJE. Kanmiya (1983) examined type material of costalis and halophila and gave detailed These specimens differ from humeralis in descriptions with illustrations of the male several characters. The gena is proportiona hypopygium of both costa lis and pallidiner tely narrower, the humerus and the margin of vis (Becker, 1911). The species from the the scutellum are not yellow, but dark grey; in Balearics seems to be identical to costalis, the male hypopygium, the surstylus is longer but study of more material including an exa and much narrower and pointed; viewed mination of the male hypopygium would be directly from behind, the surstylus is almost required to confirm this. as long as the epandrium is high, and the cer eal plate is broadly fused with the epandrium. Trachysiphonella Enderlein, 1936 In a revision ofthe Palaearctic species ofthis Trachysiphonella ruficeps (Macquart, 1835) genus, Dely-Draskovits (1983) described Mallorca: 1e J, s' Albufera, Es Comú coastal several new species and illustrated almost all dunes, Pinus, Pistacia, Cistus, Graminae, the species of Tricimba based upon a study of 18.iv.2001, MJE; 1(J & 19, s 'Albufera, Es the types. The unidentified species from the Colombars, Malaise trap,, Balearics is similar to freidbergi Dely PH; 8eJeJ and 1099, s' Albufera, Son Bosc, Draskovits, 1983 from Israel, a species which 24.v.2006, MJE; 3eJeJ and 499, Pare Natural like humeralis and a few others has a shiny Ses Salines, Torre de Ses Portes and Es black spot in front of the anterior ocellus. Cavallet, dunes with Pinus and Juniperus However, freidbergi is a significantly larger wood near Juncus and Salicornia marsh, species and the surstylus is not as long or as M.J. Ebejer, Chloropidae (Diptera) from the Balearic Islands 181 pointed as the species from the Balearics. 19.iv.200l, MJE; 19, s'Albufera, Es Rotlos, There is sorne similarity also to fungieola Malaise trap,, PH; 2d'd' and 499, Dely-Draskovits, 1983, but neither this nor Es Ras, reared from larval frass in old eineta (Meigen, 1830), whose male is undes Lepidoptera tunnels in Phragmites, 21- cribed, have the shiny black spot on the frons. 27.v.2006, MJE; 19, s' Albufera, Ses A study ofmore material is required to ascer Salinetes, 24.v.2006, MJE; Id' & 19, tain with certainty whether or not this is an s' Albufera, Es Cibollar marsh, Tamarix, undescribed species. Juneus, Salieornia, 28.v.2006, MJE. CHLOROPINAE According to D. Gibbs (pers. comm.) the~e may be two species under this name. Camarota Meigen, 1830 External differences are subtle, but the male Camarota eurvipennis (Latreille, 1805) genitalia show important differences. Mallorca: 3d'd', s' Albufera, Son Bosc, However, at this stage little is known about 24.v.2006, MJE; 2d'd', s' Albufera, Es Comú the extent of variation that can occur within coastal dunes, Pinus, Pistacia, Cistus, the currently accepted species nigritarsis and Graminae, 27.v.2006, MJE. therefore I am treating this as one species until further work clarifies the position. Widespread in Europe. K.nown from Central Europe. New record Chlorops Meigen, 1803 for Spain. Chlorops laetus Meigen, 1830 Eurina Meigen, 1830 Recorded by Moragues y de Manzanos Eurina duealis Costa, 1885 (1894). Not yet confirmed, but may be Mallorca: 3d'd' & 19, s' Albufera, Es expected to occur in the Balearics. Cibollar marsh south, Tamarix, Juneus, Salieornia, 19.iv.2001, MJE. Chlorops sealaris Meigen, 1830 Widespread around the Mediterranean. New Recorded by Moragues y de Manzanos record for Spain. (1894). Not yet confirmed, but may be expected to occur in the Balearics. Eutropha Loew, 1866 Eutropha fulvifrons (Haliday, 1833) Cryptonevra Lioy, 1864 Mallorca: 599, Sta Margalida, Son Serra Cryptonevra flavitarsis (Meigen, 1830) beach, Posidonia wrack, Graminae, Mallorca: 1d ', s' Albufera, Es Colombars, Tamarix, 19.iv.2001, MJE. Malaise trap, 10-11. vi.2005, PH. Ibiza: many d'd' and 99, Parc Natural Ses Salines, Torre de Ses Portes and Es Cavallet, Widespread in Europe and the dunes with Pinus and Juniperus wood near Mediterranean; known also from China and Juneus and Salieornia marsh,, Mongo1ia. MJE. Cryptonevra nigritarsis (Duda, 1933) Mallorca: 1d ' & 299, s' Albufera, Es Cibollar A very common coasta1 species in Western marsh south, Tamarix, Juneus, Salieornia, Europe and N orth Africa. 182 Boll. Soco Hist. Nat. Balears, 49 (2006) Lasiosina Becker, 1910 Discussion Lasiosina herpini (Guérin-Méneville, 1848) Mallorca: 1<;>, s' Albufera, Es Cibollar marsh Given that most species of Chloropidae south, Tamarix, Juncus, Salicornia, have developmental stages in Graminae 19.iv.2001, MJE; Id', s' Albufera, Camí des (Ferrar, 1987), s'Albufera with its wetlands Polls, edge of marsh with Tamarix and and diversity of plants in this family would Graminae including Juncus and Phragmites, be expected to host a reasonable number of 21.v.2006, MJE; 1<;>, s 'Albufera, Camí des species. With intensive collecting, I found Polls, edge of marsh with Tamarix and 33 species of Chloropidae on the small Graminae including Juncus and Phragmites, island of Malta where wetlands are scarce, 28.v.2006, MJE. very small and markedly disturbed by an thropogenic activities (unpublished). A total Widespread in Europe and the Middle East. of 44 species from all three subfamilies has been found in Mallorca and Ibiza, where Pseudopachychaeta Strobl, 1902 sampling has been infrequent and therefore Pseudopachychaeta pachycera Strobl, 1902 it is reasonable to expect several more spe cies if collecting is intensified. Furthermore, Mallorca: 3d'd' & 1<;>, Pollen<;a, Vale de Son if collecting were extended across all sea March, meadow, Graminae, Populus, sons to include drier and wooded areas on Quercus, 21.iv.2001, MJE. the island, further genera could be expected, especially those that do not breed in Widespread around the Mediterranean. Graminae, but use fungi, wood and nests of arthropods for larval development (Ismay & Thaumatomyia Zenker, 1833 Nartshuk, 1998). For example, Speccafrons Thaumatomyia notata (Meigen, 1830) breeds in the egg cocoons of spiders and Mallorca: 2d'd', s' Albufera, Es Comú coas Lasiambia have been recorded from egg tal dunes, Pinus, Pistada, Cistus, masses of Acrididae and Dictyoptera as well Graminae, 18.iv.2001, MJE; Id' & 1<;>, Sa as sap exuding from damaged trees (Ismay, Pobla, Son Ton woods, Pinus, Pistada, 2000). Arbutus, Graminae, 2l.iv.2001, MJE; Id', Lipara is a genus of four European spe s' Albufera, Sa Roca, 21-25.iv.2004, Malaise cies, all of which have larvae that form galls trap, NJR & JG; 1<;>, s 'Albufera, Es in the shoots of Phragmites. Among the Colombars, Malaise trap, 10-11. vi.2005, inquilines that invade recent and older galls PH; 4<;><;>, s 'Albufera, Es Rotlos, Malaise of Lipara are other chloropid species in the trap,, PH; in May 2006 found to genera Calamoncosis, Cryptonevra and be very common at all sites in Mallorca and Incertella. Pokorny & Skuhravy (1981) Ibiza. published a detailed account of these gall forming flies and their inquilines. Three An abundant species that is known from the species of Lipara, two each of Cryptonevra whole of the Palaearctic Region and parts of and Calamoncosis and one species of Africa and Tropical Asia. This species is a Incertella have been found at s' Albufera de predator on root aphids. Populations are Mallorca to date. I reared the species in the ofien large and therefore it can be conside last three genera as well as Polyodaspis red as a beneficial insect. picardi, Elachiptera rufifrons and a second