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Corrections to Digital Communications, 4th Edition 1. Page 31, Equation (2.1-54) First line: y instead of y l 2 Second line: g instead of g n 1 2. Page 163, Equation (4.2-30) ∞ Σ s hou ld be: s(t) = ao/2 + k=1 3. Page 163, Equation (4.2-31) T should be: a = (2/T) ∫ s(t) cos 2πkt/T dt , k>0 k 0 T b = (2/T) ∫ s(t) sin 2πkt/T dt , k>1 k 0 4. Page 178, 7 lines from the top ε) ε should be: sqrt (2 instead of sqrt (2) 5. Page 238, Equation (5.1-19) should be: h(T-τ ) instead of h(t-τ ) 6. Page 238, two lines below Equation (5.1-20) should be: y2 (T) instead of y2(t) n n 7. Page 244, Equation (5.1 (cid:150) 45) should be: m = 1,2,(cid:133)M 8. Page 245, Equation (5.1-48) ε ε should be: : sqrt ( ) instead of sqrt ( ) b n 9. Page 309, Equation (5.4-39) R1 sqrt (2εs/N0) instead of sqrt (2εsR1/N0) 10. Page 318, Equation (5.5-17) add the term: (cid:150) (N ) 0 dBW/Hz 11. Page 366, Equation (6.4-3) Replace + sign with (cid:150) sign in the second term of the summation 12. Page 367, Equation (6.4-6) Replace + sign with (cid:150) sign in the second term of the summation 13. Page 367, Equations (6.4-8) and (6.4-9) add the subscript L to the log-likelihood function 14. Page 422, lines 2 and 3 above Equation (8.1-14) delete the phrase (cid:147)no more than(cid:148) 15. Page 468, 12 lines from the top and 5 lines from the bottom should be: b < instead of b < 16. Page 491, Figure 8.2-15 solid line corresponds to soft-decision decoding broken line corresponds to hard-decision decoding 17. Page 500, Equation (8.2-41) In the denominator, M should be M and M should be M k j j J 18. Page 591, Figure P9.9 The lower shaping filter in the modulator and demodulator, q(t) should have a (cid:147)hat(cid:148) on it 19. Page 609, 6 lines above Equation (10.1-34) ε should be ε k+1(cid:150) L-1 k+l (cid:150) L-1 20. Page 646, Figure 10.3-5 delete the (cid:147)hat(cid:148) from I(z) 21. Page 651, 4 lines from the top replace (cid:147)over(cid:148) with (cid:147)about(cid:148) 22. Page 651, 2 lines above Section 10.6 (cid:147)Turob(cid:148) should be (cid:147)Turbo(cid:148) 23. Page 673, Figure 11.1-6 Lower delay line elements: z1 should be z-1 24. Page 750, Figure 13.2-8 Replace (cid:147)adders(cid:148) with (cid:147)multipliers(cid:148) 25. Page 752, Figure 13.2-9 Replace (cid:147)adders(cid:148) with multipliers(cid:148) 26. Page 856, Equation (14.6-5) Replace K with k 27. Page 885, Figure 14.7-7 The (cid:147)Input(cid:148) should be 02310 28. Page 894, Problem 14.16 r = h s + h s + n 1 1 1 2 2 1 r = h s * + h s * + n 2 1 2 2 1 2 29. Page 895 Delete 2k from the expression on the error probability 30. Page 915, top of page (15.47) should be (15.3-47) 31. Page 925, 6 lines form top T should be T 0 p 32. Page 935 a) top of page: ε ε r = b sqrt( ) + b ρ sqrt ( ) + n 1 1 1 2 2 1 ε ε r = b ρ sqrt( ) + b sqrt ( ) + n 2 1 1 2 2 2 b) Problem 15.8, last equation delete factor of l/2 c) Problem 15.9, first equation delete comma after b =1 2 33. Page 936, first equation at top of page, second term should be: l { [ ε ε ε ]/ } n cosh r sqrt ( ) (cid:150) b ρ sqrt ( ) N 2 2 1 1 2 0 34. Page 936, second equation from top of page divide each of the arguments in the cosh function by N 0 35. Page 936, Problem 15.10 2 [ ] should be η = k 36. Page 936, Problem 15.11 the last term in the equation should be: ε ε ε ε + -2׀ρ׀ sqrt ( ) (1/2) Q {sqrt[ 1 2 1 2 ]} N /2 0 CHAPTER 2 Problem 2.1 : (cid:1)3 P(A ) = P(A ,B ),i = 1,2,3,4 i i j j=1 Hence : (cid:1)3 P(A ) = P(A ,B ) = 0.1+0.08+0.13 = 0.31 1 1 j j=1 (cid:1)3 P(A ) = P(A ,B ) = 0.05+0.03+0.09 = 0.17 2 2 j j=1 (cid:1)3 P(A ) = P(A ,B ) = 0.05+0.12+0.14 = 0.31 3 3 j j=1 (cid:1)3 P(A ) = P(A ,B ) = 0.11+0.04+0.06 = 0.21 4 4 j j=1 Similarly : (cid:1)4 P(B ) = P(A ,B ) = 0.10+0.05+0.05+0.11 = 0.31 1 i 1 i=1 (cid:1)4 P(B ) = P(A ,B ) = 0.08+0.03+0.12+0.04 = 0.27 2 i 2 i=1 (cid:1)4 P(B ) = P(A ,B ) = 0.13+0.09+0.14+0.06 = 0.42 3 i 3 i=1 Problem 2.2 : The relationship holds for n = 2 (2-1-34) : p(x ,x ) = p(x |x )p(x ) 1 2 2 1 1 Suppose it holds for n = k,i.e : p(x ,x ,...,x ) = p(x |x ,...,x )p(x |x ,...,x ) ...p(x ) 1 2 k k k−1 1 k−1 k−2 1 1 Then for n = k +1 : p(x ,x ,...,x ,x ) = p(x |x ,x ,...,x )p(x ,x ...,x ) 1 2 k k+1 k+1 k k−1 1 k k−1 1 = p(x |x ,x ,...,x )p(x |x ,...,x )p(x |x ,...,x ) ...p(x ) k+1 k k−1 1 k k−1 1 k−1 k−2 1 1 Hence the relationship holds for n = k +1, and by induction it holds for any n. 1 Problem 2.3 : Following the same procedure as in example 2-1-1, we prove : (cid:2) (cid:3) 1 y −b p (y) = p Y |a| X a Problem 2.4 : Relationship (2-1-44) gives : (cid:2) (cid:3)  1 y −b 1/3 p (y) = p   Y 3a[(y −b)/a]2/3 X a X is a gaussian r.v. with zero mean and unit variance : p (x) = √1 e−x2/2 X 2π Hence : pY(y) = 3a√2π[(y1−b)/a]2/3e−12(y−ab)2/3 pdf of Y 0.5 0.45 0.4 a=2 0.35 b=3 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 y Problem 2.5 : (a) Since (X ,X ) are statistically independent : r i 1 pX(xr,xi) = pX(xr)pX(xi) = 2πσ2e−(x2r+x2i)/2σ2 2 Also : Y +jY = (X +X )ejφ ⇒ r i r i X +X = (Y +jY )e−jφ = Y cosφ+Y sinφ+j(−Y sinφ+Y cosφ) ⇒ r i r i r i r i (cid:8) (cid:9) X = Y cosφ+Y sinφ r r i X = −Y sinφ+Y cosφ i r i The Jacobian of the above transformation is : (cid:10) (cid:10) (cid:10) (cid:10) (cid:10)(cid:10) ∂Xr ∂Xi (cid:10)(cid:10) (cid:10)(cid:10) cosφ −sinφ (cid:10)(cid:10) J = (cid:10) ∂Yr ∂Yr (cid:10) = (cid:10) (cid:10) = 1 (cid:10) ∂Xr ∂Xi (cid:10) (cid:10) sinφ cosφ (cid:10) ∂Y ∂Y i i Hence, by (2-1-55) : p (y ,y ) = p ((Y cosφ+Y sinφ),(−Y sinφ+Y cosφ)) Y r i X r i r i = 1 e−(yr2+yi2)/2σ2 2πσ2 (b) Y = AX and X = A−1Y Now, p (x) = 1 e−x(cid:2)x/2σ2 (the covariance matrix M of the random variables x ,...,x is X (2πσ2)n/2 1 n M = σ2I, since they are i.i.d) and J = 1/|det(A)|. Hence : 1 1 p (y) = e−y(cid:2)(A−1)(cid:2)A−1y/2σ2 Y (2πσ2)n/2|det(A)| For the pdf’s of X and Y to be identical we require that : |det(A)| = 1 and (A−1)(cid:3)A−1 = I =⇒ A−1 = A(cid:3) Hence, A must be a unitary (orthogonal) matrix . Problem 2.6 : (a) (cid:14) (cid:16) (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:11) (cid:13) (cid:12) (cid:15)n (cid:15)n (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:17) (cid:18) ψY(jv) = E ejvY = E ejv ni=1xi = E ejvxi = E ejvX = ψX(ejv) n i=1 i=1 But, p (x) = pδ(x−1)+(1−p)δ(x) ⇒ ψ (ejv) = 1+p+pejv X X (cid:17) (cid:18) n ⇒ ψ (jv) = 1+p+pejv Y 3 (b) dψ (jv) E(Y) = −j Y | = −jn(1−p+pejv)n−1jpejv| = np dv v=0 v=0 and d2ψ (jv) d (cid:11) (cid:12) E(Y2) = − Y | = − jn(1−p+pejv)n−1pejv = np+np(n−1)p d2v v=0 dv v=0 ⇒ E(Y2) = n2p2 +np(1−p) Problem 2.7 : (cid:11) (cid:12) ψ(jv ,jv ,jv ,jv ) = E ej(v1x1+v2x2+v3x3+v4x4) 1 2 3 4 ∂4ψ(jv ,jv ,jv ,jv ) E(X X X X ) = (−j)4 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 ∂v ∂v ∂v ∂v v1=v2=v3=v4=0 1 2 3 4 From (2-1-151) of the text, and the zero-mean property of the given rv’s : ψ(jv) = e−12v(cid:2)Mv where v = [v ,v ,v ,v ](cid:3),M = [µ ]. 1 2 3 4 ij We obtain the desired result by bringing the exponent to a scalar form and then performing quadruple differentiation. We can simplify the procedure by noting that : ∂ψ(jv) ∂v = −µ(cid:3)ive−12v(cid:2)Mv i where µ(cid:3) =[µ ,µ ,µ ,µ ] . Also note that : i i1 i2 i3 i4 ∂µ(cid:3)v j = µ = µ ∂v ij ji i Hence : ∂4ψ(jv ,jv ,jv ,jv ) 1 2 3 4 | = µ µ +µ µ +µ µ ∂v ∂v ∂v ∂v V=0 12 34 23 14 24 13 1 2 3 4 Problem 2.8 : For the central chi-square with n degress of freedom : 1 ψ(jv) = (1−j2vσ2)n/2 4 Now : dψ(jv) jnσ2 dψ(jv) = ⇒ E(Y) = −j | = nσ2 dv (1−j2vσ2)n/2+1 dv v=0 d2ψ(jv) −2nσ4(n/2+1) (cid:17) (cid:18) d2ψ(jv) = ⇒ E Y2 = − | = n(n+2)σ2 dv2 (1−j2vσ2)n/2+2 dv2 v=0 The variance is σ2 = E(Y2)−[E(Y)]2 = 2nσ4 Y For the non-central chi-square with n degrees of freedom : 1 ψ(jv) = ejvs2/(1−j2vσ2) (1−j2vσ2)n/2 (cid:13) where by definition : s2 = n m2 . i=1 i (cid:14) (cid:16) dψ(jv) jnσ2 js2 = + ejvs2/(1−j2vσ2) dv (1−j2vσ2)n/2+1 (1−j2vσ2)n/2+2 Hence, E(Y) = −jdψ(jv)| = nσ2 +s2 dv v=0 (cid:14) (cid:16) d2ψ(jv) −nσ4(n+2) −s2(n+4)σ2 −ns2σ2 −s4 = + + ejvs2/(1−j2vσ2) dv2 (1−j2vσ2)n/2+2 (1−j2vσ2)n/2+3 (1−j2vσ2)n/2+4 Hence, (cid:17) (cid:18) d2ψ(jv) (cid:17) (cid:18) E Y2 = − | = 2nσ4 +4s2σ2 + nσ2 +s2 dv2 v=0 and (cid:17) (cid:18) σ2 = E Y2 −[E(Y)]2 = 2nσ4 +4σ2s2 Y Problem 2.9 : The Cauchy r.v. has : p(x) = a/π ,−∞ < x < ∞ (a) x2+a2 (cid:19) ∞ E(X) = xp(x)dx = 0 −∞ since p(x) is an even function. (cid:17) (cid:18) (cid:19) ∞ a (cid:19) ∞ x2 E X2 = x2p(x)dx = dx −∞ π −∞ x2 +a2 Note that for large x, x2 → 1 (i.e non-zero value). Hence, x2+a2 (cid:17) (cid:18) E X2 = ∞,σ2 = ∞ 5

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