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Soliton Propagation in Chains with Simple Nonlocal Defects R. Burioni1, D. Cassi1, P. Sodano2, A. Trombettoni2, and A. Vezzani1 1 I.N.F.M. and Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a di Parma, parco Area delle Scienze 7A Parma, I-43100, Italy 2 Dipartimento di Fisica and Sezione I.N.F.N., Universit`a di Perugia, Via A. Pascoli Perugia, I-06123, Italy (February 6, 2008) We study the propagation of solitons on complex chains built by inserting finite graphs at two sitesofanunbranchedchain. Wecomparenumericalfindingswiththeresultsofananalyticallinear approximation scheme describing the interaction of large-fast solitons with non-local topological defectsonachain. Weshowthatthetransmission propertiesofthesolitonsstronglydependonthe structure of the inserted graph, giving a tool to control the soliton propagation through the choice of pertinent graphs to beattached to thechain. 7 0 I. INTRODUCTION In the present paper we address the more difficult is- 0 2 sue of the soliton propagation for the DNLSE on a net- work obtained by inserting a graph on two sites of an n Recently,muchattentionhasbeendevotedtotheanal- unbranched chain. In this respect, the inserted graph a ysis of complexity arising in discrete physical systems J hasaninternalstructureanditisseenbythe solitonlike living on networks with non-trivial topologies: remark- 2 able examples are by now given by networks of nonlin- an extended topological defect, since during the motion 1 along the unbranched chain the soliton wavefunction is ear waveguides [1], Bose-Einstein condensates in optical modified in more than one site. One therefore expects a lattices [2], Josephson junction networks (JJN) [3] and ] variety of possible resonancesbetween the energies char- S silicon-based photonic crystals [4]. In these systems, the acterizing the soliton propagation and the energy levels P choice of the network’s topology allows to engineer new ofthe network. We shallfocus here only onsome partic- . macroscopically coherent quantum states: a remarkable n ularly simple inserted graphs: loops, bubbles and single i exampleofmacroscopicquantumcoherencetopologically l links attached in two sites (see Fig.1). The plan of the n induced by the network topology in JJN has been pre- paper is the following: after introducing in the next Sec- [ dicted in [5]. tion the DNLSE on a graph, we report in Section III Another relevantarea where one should be able to ev- 1 our results for the transmission properties of solitons on idence new phenomena inducedindiscretequantumsys- v such networksby resortingto numerical simulations and 3 temsbythetopologyisprovidedbynonlineardynamical analytical results based on the linear approximation for 2 systems. Nonlinearity already produces remarkable phe- the analysis of the interaction of fast solitons with these 0 nomena suchas solitonpropagation[6]evenin verysim- topological defects. Section IV is devoted to our conclu- 1 ple geometries. A few steps in the study of the interplay 0 sions. between nonlinearity and complex topology have been 7 made: recently, the effects of uniformity break on soli- 0 ton propagation [7,8] and localized modes [9] have been / n investigated by considering Y-junctions [7,8] (consisting II. THE DNLSE ON A GRAPH i l of a long chain inserted on a site of a chain yielding a n star-like geometry) or geometries like junctions of two The DNLSE is a paradigmatic example of a nonlin- : v infinite waveguides or the waveguide coupler [9]. In [10] ear waveequation extensively studied on regularlattices Xi ithasbeenconsideredthediscretenonlinearSchr¨odinger [12–14]. On a chain it reads equation (DNLSE) on a discrete network obtained by r a insertingafinite graphata siteofaonedimensionalun- i∂ψn = 1(ψ +ψ )+Λ ψ 2 ψ (1) branchedchainandthe solitonpropagationthroughthis n+1 n−1 n n ∂t −2 | | finite graph has been studied by numerical and analyti- cal tools. It has been showed that for sufficiently large wheren= , 1,0,1 isanintegerindexdenotingthe ··· − ··· and fast solitons the soliton momenta for perfect reflec- sitepositionandΛisthecoefficientofthenonlinearterm. tion and transmission can be analytically related to the The normalization condition is ψ 2=1. It is well Pn | n | energy levels of the inserted graph. Such results for the known that the DNLSE on a homogeneous chain is not transmissionpropertiesofsolitonsininhomogeneousnet- integrable; however, soliton-like wave-packets can prop- works have been used in [11] to show that it is possible agate with (quasi)momentum k for a long time [15]. By to engineer topologicalfilters for the solitonmotionon a means of a variational approach for gaussian wavepack- complex chain. ets with width γ much larger than 1 (the distances are The simplecriterionrelatingthe perfectreflectionand in units of the lattice length), one finds that, for Λ> 0, transmission momenta and the energy levels of the in- itispossible tohavesolitonicsolutionsofthe variational serted graph obtained in [10] has been obtained in the equations of motion with constant width γ if cosk < 0 situation in which the graph is inserted at a single site. and Λ equals the critical value [16] 1 cosk n¯ = 1 of the unbranched chain [see Figs.1(a,b)]. In the Λ 2√π| |. (2) sol ≈ γ linearapproximation,whichisexpectedtobereasonable when L<γ, the transmission coefficients may be deter- Numericalsimulationsconfirmthatthe stability ofthese mined by∼considering a plane wave solution having wave packet is robust for long times. The generalizationof Eq.(1) on an arbitrary graph is ψ =aeikn+be−ikn (5) n ∂ψ 1 i i = A ψ +Λ ψ 2 ψ : (3) for n 0, while for n 1 one puts ∂t −2X i,j j | i | i ≤ ≥ j ψ =ceikn. (6) n in Eq.(3) A is the so-called adjacency matrix of the i,j graph[17],whichisdefinedtobe 1ifiandj arenearest- At the sites α=1, ,L of the loop the wavefunction is ··· neighbours sites, and 0 otherwise. We shall limit ourself given by tonetworksobtainedinsertingsimplegraphsattwosites ψ =deikn+fe−ikn. (7) of the unbranched chain (Fig.1). The two sites of the α unbranched chain at which the graph is inserted are de- The eigenvalue equation to solve is finedtobe n=0andn=n¯. We assumethatthe soliton is traveling from the left with constant velocity v, re- 1 A ψ = ψ : (8) latedtok byv sink. Eq.(3)isnumericallysolvedwith −2X i,j j E i ≃ j Λ=Λ using as initial condition sol whereiandjrunonallthesitesofthewholenetwork. Of ψ (t=0)= e−(n−ξ0)2/γ2+ik(n−ξ0) (4) n course, from Eqs.(5)-(6) one obtains = cosk. From K E − the continuity in n = 0, n = 1, α = 1 and α = L one at the sites n = , 1,0,1 of the unbranched chain ··· − ··· gets, respectively and ψ (t = 0) = 0 at the sites of the added graph. In i Eq.(4) is a normalization factor and ξ0 is the initial 1 positionKof the soliton center: we choose ξ < 0 with ae−ik+beik+ceik+deik+fe−ik = (a+b) 0 −2(cid:0) (cid:1) E ξ 1 and π/2<k <π, so that v >0 and the soliton 0 | |≫ (9) movesfromthelefttothe rightofthe unbranchedchain. Fromthe numericalsolutionat verylargetimes (well af- ter the collision with the inserted graph) the reflection 1 a+b+ce2ik+deikL+fe−ikL = ceik (10) and transmission coefficients R and T are computed by −2(cid:0) (cid:1) E the relations R = ψ 2 and T = ψ 2. Pn<0 | n | Pn>n¯ | n | In the following we shall present numerical results for a+b=d+e (11) the coefficients R and T obtained (for an initial width γ = 40) for different values of k and for the networks plotted in Fig.1. ceik =deik(L+1)+fe−ik(L+1) (12) Whenthesolitonislarge(γ 1)andfastenoughthat the soliton-defectcollisiontime≫is much shorterthan the FromEqs.(9)-(12)the reflectioncoefficientR= b/a 2 is | | soliton dispersion time (i.e. the time scale in which the given by: wavepacket will spread in absence of interaction), thus one may resort to a linear approximation to compute 1+e2ikL e2ik(L+1) 2eik(L+2) 2 R=(cid:12) − − (cid:12) , thetransmissioncoefficients[18,19]since,intheselimits, (cid:12)1 3e2ik+e4ik 2eik(L+2)+e2ik(L+2)+2eik(L+4)(cid:12) (cid:12) − − (cid:12) the solitonmay be consideredas a set of non interacting (cid:12) (cid:12) (13) plane waves experiencing scattering on the graph. The soliton transmission coefficients may be then estimated i.e.,R=R /R ,whereR =5 4cos(2k)+4cos(kL) N D N by computing in the linear regime the transmission co- cos(2k(L+1)) 4cos(k(L+2))an−dR =10[1 cos(2k)−+ D efficients of a plane wave across this topological defect − − cos(kL) cos(k(L+2))]+cos(4k) 2cos(k(L 2))+ inserted at two sites. Afterwords we shall compare our cos(2kL)−3cos(2k(L+1))+cos(k(L+−2))+2cos(k−(L+4)). analytical findings with the results coming from the nu- − Of course, if one inserts a loop at a single site of the un- merical solution of Eq.(3). branched chain (i.e., n = n¯), one has to require ψ = α=1 ψ andEqs.(11)-(12)simplybecomea+b=c=d+f. α=L The results obtained for the reflection coefficient R III. TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENTS from the numerical solution of the DNLSE (3) and from the linear approximation, Eq.(13), are reported in Fig.2 A. Loops for L = 2 (circles) and L = 4 (crosses) and are in re- markable agreement. We see that for L = 4 one has Let consider the situation in which a loop with length two values of the momenta for which there is perfect re- L is inserted at the two neighbouring sites n = 0 and flection (k 2.10 and k 2.25): this shows that one ≈ ≈ 2 1 can control the soliton propagation by properly choos- pψ +ce2ik = ce−ik. (16) 0 ing the topology of the network. The average position −2(cid:0) (cid:1) E n = n ψ (t) 2 is plotted vs. time in Fig.3. h i Pn | n | In a site inside the bubble, Eq.(8) reads We see that before and after the collision the soliton move with constant velocity: with v = d n /dt, one has 1 v sin(k)beforethecollision,andv hsini(k)afterthe −2(cid:0)ae−ik+beik+ce−ik(cid:1)=Eψ0. (17) ≃ ≃− collision which (almost) totally reflects the soliton. The From Eqs.(15)-(17) one gets splitting of the solitonintransmittedandreflectedparts is illustrated in Figs.4-5, where we consider a loop with 1 length L = 2 and k = 1.8. In Fig.4 we plot ψ 2 R= : (18) n 2 at five different times, including a time (t = 2|00) i|n 1+ p tan2k (cid:16)p−1(cid:17) which the soliton hits the loop. In Fig.5 we plot the time evolution of the number N of particles in the left of course, when p = 1, no reflection occurs. Eq.(18) l (N = ψ 2), the number N of particles in the shows that increasing k from π/2 to π (i.e., decreasing l Pn≤0 | n | r right (N = ψ 2) and the number N of par- the velocity), the reflection increases: slowersolitons are r Pn≥1 | n | loop morereflected. In this meaning,the p-bubble is anhigh- ticles in the loop (N = L ψ 2): one sees that loop Pα=1 | α | pass,i.e. onlysolitonswithhighvelocityaretransmitted: for t 200 the number of particles in the loop increases ≈ by varying p one can control the width of the range of and after the reflection decreases. transmittedvelocities. InFig.7 weplot the reflectionco- In the simplest case (L = 1) a single extra site is at- efficient R for p=2 and p=20, showing that a larger p tached to the sites n = 0 and n¯ = 1 of the unbranched make smaller the range of transmitted velocities. As in chain, as in Fig.1(a): then Eq.(13) simplifies to Figs.2and6,solidlinescorrespondtotheanalyticalesti- mate [given by Eq.(18)], and numerical results from the 2cos2(k/2) R= . (14) DNLSE (3) are expressed by circles (p = 2) and crosses 2+cosk cos(3k) − (p=20). The comparison between the results for R from the nu- merical solution of the DNLSE (3) and from Eq.(14) is C. Separate links reportedinFig.6,showingalsointhis caseagoodagree- ment, We observe that the extra sites of the inserted graph In this Section we consider the effect on the soliton canbe view as externalFano degreesof freedomcoupled propagation of two extra sites linked to two sites the to the chain [19–21]. In particular, in [21] an additional unbranched chain, as in Fig.1(d). To fix notations, we discrete state is coupled to the sites of a straight linear suppose that the two extra sites, α and β, are linked chain: this would correspond in our description to a site respectively to n=0 and n¯ =L. linked to all the sites of the unbranched chain. ToobtainthecoefficientRinthelinearapproximation, oneproceedsasbefore: oneassumesψ =aeikn+be−ikn n forn 0,ψ =ceikn forn L,andψ =deikn+feikn n n ≤ ≥ B. Bubbles for n = 1, ,L 1. The eigenvalue equation (8), with ··· − = cosk, in the sites 0, L, A, B, 1 and L+1 reads E − respectively WereferinthisSectiontoinsertedp-bubblegraphs,i.e. toloopswithlengthL=1insertedp-timesattwositesof 1 the unbranchedchains whichare distant 2 [see Fig.1(c)]. ae−ik+beik+ψα+deik+fe−ik = (a+b) −2(cid:0) (cid:1) E Tofixthenotationsthesitesoftheunbranchedchainare (19) defined to be n= , 1,0 ,1, , and other p 1 sites 1 ··· − ··· − 0 ,0 , ,0 are linkedto the sites 1and 1. Of course, 2 3 p ··· − if p=1, we have the simple chain. 1 deik(L−1)+fe−ik(L−1)+ψ +ceik(L+1) = ceikL The coefficient R may be obtained in the linear ap- −2(cid:16) β (cid:17) E proximation in the following way: we assume ψ = n (20) aeikn + be−ikn for n 1, ψ = ceikn for n 1, n ≤ − ≥ and ψ ψ = = ψ (for symmetry, all the sites in0sid≡e th0e1 bubb·l·e· are eq0upivalent). The eigenvalue 1 (a+b)= ψ (21) α equation (8), with = cosk, in the site 1 reads −2 E E − − (1/2)(ψ +pψ )= ψ , i.e., −2 0 −1 − E 1 1 ceikL = ψ (22) ae−2ik+be2ik+pψ = (ae−ik+beik). (15) −2 E β 0 −2(cid:0) (cid:1) E Similarly, Eq.(8) in the site +1 gives a+b=d+e (23) 3 ceikL =deikL+fe−ikL. (24) In conclusionwe think that the study of nonlinear dy- namicalsystemsoncomplexnetworksisawidesubjectto One has seven unknowns (a, b, c, d, f, ψ and ψ ) and α β investigate, and that the main motivation of such study the sixequations(19)-(24)(the remainingisprovidedby is that the network topology provides a natural tool to the normalization). Solving for b/a one gets control the nonlinear dynamics of wavepackets. In par- 2 ticular, we mention as possible interesting future studies R=(cid:12)1−e2ik−e4ik+e2ikL+e2ik(L+1)−e2ik(L+2)(cid:12) . the study of the propagation of very localized breathers (cid:12)(cid:12) e2ik(L+2) (e2ik+e4ik 1)2 (cid:12)(cid:12) on complex networks and the nonlinear trapping of soli- (cid:12) − − (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) tonic solution in chains with topological defects. (25) Acknowledgments: We thank P. G. Kevrekidis and B. for L=1 Eq.(25) simplifies to A. Malomed for stimulating discussions. 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Reflection coefficient R as a function of k (with z=0,100,200,300,400 corresponding to (1)···(5). k between π/2 and π) when loops with length 2 and 4 are attached. Empty circles (L = 2) and crosses (L = 4) corre- spondtothenumericalsolutionofEq.(3): asinitialcondition we choose a Gaussian with initial width γ =40 and momen- tum k (see text). Solid lines correspond to the analytical prediction (13). 5 1 1 N l R N N r loop 0 0 0 200 t 400 2 3 k FIG. 5. Time evolution from the numerical solution of FIG. 7. Reflection coefficient R as a function of k when Eq.(3)forthenumberofparticlesontheleftoftheloop(Nl), p-bubbles with p = 2 and p = 20 are attached. Empty cir- on the right of the loop (Nr) and on the loop (Nloop) for cles(p=2)andcrosses(p=20)correspondtothenumerical L = 2 and k = 1.8. Around t = 200 particles enter the loop solutionofEq.(3),solidlinescorrespondtotheanalyticalpre- (compare with theprevious figure). diction (18). 1 1 R R 0 0 2 3 2 3 k k FIG.6. Reflection coefficient R as a function of k (with k FIG. 8. Reflection coefficient R as a function of k when between π/2 and π) for a loop made of a single site (L=1). separate sites are linked to sites distant L = 1 and L = 2. Empty circles correspond tothenumerical solution of Eq.(3) Empty circles (L = 1) and crosses (L = 2) correspond to and the solid lines correspond to the analytical prediction thenumericalsolutionofEq.(3),solidlinescorrespondtothe (14). analytical predictions (26)-(27). 6

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