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Imperial/TP/10/DJW/02 Soliton form factors from lattice simulations Arttu Rajantie, David J. Weir Theoretical Physics Group, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, U.K. (Dated: January 7, 2011) The form factor provides a convenient way to describe properties of topological solitons in the full quantum theory, when semiclassical concepts are not applicable. It is demonstrated that the form factor can be calculated numerically using lattice Monte Carlo simulations. The approach is very general and can be applied to essentially any type of soliton. The technique is illustrated by calculating the kink form factor near the critical point in 1+1-dimensional scalar field theory. As expected from universality arguments, the result agrees with the exactly calculable scaling form factor of thetwo-dimensional Ising model. PACSnumbers: 11.15.Ha,11.27.+d 1 1 0 Topological solitons play an important role in a wide exact results from the two-dimensional Ising model, as 2 rangeofphysicalsystems[1–3],andtheyhavebeenstud- predicted by universality arguments. This approach can n ied extensively both experimentally and theoretically. be generalized to solitons in other theories. a Although in many of these systems quantum mechan- Let us consider a theory with a real scalarfield φ(t,x) J ical effects are significant, theoretical studies have been andkinksin1+1dimensions. Ourdiscussionwillbevalid 6 mainlylimitedtotheclassicallimitinallbutthesimplest for any such theory, but as a concrete example, we use cases. In principle, one can use perturbation theory to the λφ4 model with Lagrangian ] at cqaulacnutlaittiees‘s[e4m].icHlaoswseicvaelr’,qtuhaisntounmlycwoorrrekcstwiohnesntothcelaqsusiacna-l = 1(∂ φ)(∂µφ)+ m2φ2 λφ4. (1) -l tum effects are small and in practice can only be used L 2 µ 2 − 4! p for very simple models [5]. A fully quantum mechanical For fixed coupling λ there is a critical mass parameter he analysisrequiresnotonlyanewcalculationalmethodbut value m2c below which the Z2 symmetry of this theory is [ also a different set of observables; the simplest classical spontaneously broken, and the scalar field has a vacuum 2 observables do not have well-defined quantum mechani- expectationvaluehφi=±v. Intheclassicaltheorym2c = cal counterparts. 0 and v = m 6/λ. The kink corresponds to a state v which interpolates between one vacuum on one side and 0 In this paper we investigate one such observable, the p 1 soliton form factor. The form factor is a fully non- the other vacuum on the other side. 4 We assume that the system is in a state with one perturbative quantumobservable whichdoes not rely on 2 kink. Classically, this simply corresponds to the exact any semiclassicalconcepts, and it can be defined for any 6. soliton in an analogous way. Form factors are used in kinksolutionφkink(x)=vtanh(mx/√2).Inthequantum 0 manyareasofphysicstocharacterizepropertiesofquan- theory, the same can be achieved by imposing twisted 0 antiperiodic boundary conditions in the spatial direc- tum objects, from atomic [6] and nuclear physics [7] to 1 tion [15]. In fact, this only restricts the number of kinks integrable systems [8]. The soliton form factor describes : v thescatteringofaparticlewithasoliton;itcanbeloosely tooddvalues,butstateswithmorethanonekinkareex- Xi interpretedas(the Fouriertransformof)the solitonpro- ponentiallysuppressedinthe infinite volumelimit. Note that this way of preparing the system preserves transla- file inthe quantumtheory. Itisthereforethemostnatu- r tion invariance and is fully non-perturbative as it makes a ral quantum observable beyond the soliton mass, and it no reference to any classical background configuration. carries a large amount of non-trivial information about Thegroundstate 0 ofthisone-kinksectorofthethe- thesolitonanditsinteractions. Bystudyingtheformfac- | i orycorrespondstoakinkinamomentumeigenstatewith tor, one can therefore move away completely from semi- zeromomentum,anditsenergyE isthereforesimplythe classical ideas of soliton shape to work with fully non- 0 kink mass M. This state is therefore translation invari- perturbative results for excitations and interactions. ant. Above this, the spectrum consists of moving kink Choosingaconcreteexamplewithbothnontrivialcrit- states k withmomentumkandenergyE =√k2+M2, ical behaviour and well-understood semiclassical limits, | i k uptotheenergyE ofthefirstexcitedstateofthekink. we shall focus on the kink form factor [9–13] in 1+1- exc AboveM+m,therearealsostateswithoneormorefree dimensional field theory. Previously [14], we studied scalar particles. semiclassical aspects of kinks with lattice Monte Carlo We want to calculate the kink form factor f(k,k ), simulations by measuring the field correlation function ′ which is defined as the matrix element in the presence of a kink. Here we show how that the 1 same approachcanbe further developed to calculate the f(k,k′)= k′ φˆ(0) k , (2) kink form factor in a fully non-perturbative way. We v h | | i demonstrate this by carrying out simulations near the wherewehavescaleditbythevacuumexpectationvalue critical point, where we find excellent agreement with v to make it independent of the field normalisation, and 2 themomentumstates k havetheLorentzinvariantnor- thedominantcontributioncomesfromthesingle-particle | i malisation moving kink states k . For them, the coefficient of the | i expansion is essentially the form factor, because k k =2πδ(k k )E . (3) ′ ′ k h | i − k φˆ(q)k =vf(k,k )2πδ(k q k ). (9) ′ ′ ′ h | | i − − Lorentz invariance of the theory implies that, when ex- pressedintermsofrapiditiesβ =arcsinhk/M,theform The momentum conservationdelta function restricts the k factor is a function of the rapidity difference only [10], expansion to only states with overall momentum k, and f(k,k′)=f(βk βk′). therefore we have − Semiclassically, the kink form factor is given by the 2πδ(k+q)v2 f(k,0)2 Fourier transform of the static kink solution [9, 11], φ(0,k)φ(t,q) = | | e−t(√k2+M2−M) h i L E E k 0 f (β)= 4iπv2 1 . (4) +O e−t(Eexc−M) , (10) cl 3 sinh2πv2β 3 (cid:16) (cid:17) where L is the spatiallength of the system, and we have This means that even in the quantum theory the form used 00 =LE as implied by our normalisation. 0 h | i factor can be thought of as the effective kink profile. Furthermore,theEuclideanspacetimeisnecessarilyfi- However,thisinterpretationshouldnotbetakenliterally nite in actual Monte Carlo simulations. We assume pe- because,as always,there aremany quantumobservables riodic boundary conditions in the time direction, and thathavethe samesemiclassicallimit. The semiclassical denote the length of the system by T. In the periodic approximation is valid at weak coupling. In our model Euclidean time, the field correlator is (1), the dimensionless coupling is λ/m2 = 6/v2, thus weakcoupling implies a largevacuumexpectationvalue. TrUˆ(T t)φˆ(q)Uˆ(t)φˆ(k) φ(0,k)φ(t,q) = − , (11) What makes the theory (1) a particularly useful test h i TrUˆ(T) bed is that the form factor is also known exactly at strongcoupling,bywhichwemeannearthecriticalpoint where Uˆ(t)= exp( Hˆt) is the Euclidean time evolution m2 ≈ m2c in the quantum theory. The theory is in operator. As in Eq−.(7), at long enoughtime separations the same universality class as the two-dimensional Ising theonlycontributioncomesfromsingle-particlekinkmo- model, andnearthe criticalpoint the formfactorshould mentumeigenstates k ,sowecanapproximatethetrace approach the exact Ising model result [16, 17], in Eq. (11) by an int|egiral over them, fIsing(β)=icothβ2. (5) φ(0,k)φ(t,q) = 2πdEk′k′hk′|Uˆ(T −t)φˆ(q)Uˆ(t)φˆ(k)|k′i. h i R 2πdEk′k′hk′|Uˆ(T)|k′i Matrix elements like (2) cannot be computed directly (12) R using Monte Carlo simulations. Instead, the basic ob- Using servable is the field correlation function, which we con- sider in the ground state 0 of the one-kink sector. We k′ Uˆ(t)k =2πδ(k k′)Eke−Ekt, (13) | i h | | i − calculateitinmomentumspace,takingtheFouriertrans- form in space but not in time, and write a spectral ex- we can write the denominator as pansion in terms of energy eigenstates α with energies Eα, | i dk′ k′ Uˆ(T)k′ =L dk′e−Ek′T, (14) Z 2πEk′h | | i Z 2π 0φˆ(k)α αφˆ(q)0 φ(0,k)φ(t,q) = h | | ih | | ieit(Eα−E0). Insertingcompletesetsofmomentumeigenstates,thenu- h i 00 merator becomes α h | i X (6) LatticeMonteCarlosimulationsarecarriedoutinEu- dk′ k Uˆ(T t)φˆ(q)Uˆ(t)φˆ(k)k ′ ′ clidean space, which is obtained by carrying out a Wick Z 2πEk′h | − | i rotation t it. This does not affect the coefficients of dk v2 f(k k,k )2 thespectra→lexpansion,buttheexponentialsbecomereal, =2πδ(q+k) ′ | ′− ′ | e−Ek′(T−t)−Ek′−kt. Z 2π Ek′−kEk′ (15) 0φˆ(k)α αφˆ(q)0 φ(0,k)φ(t,q) = h | | ih | | ie−t(Eα−E0). h i 00 As illustrated in Fig. 1, this integral has a simple geo- α h | i X (7) metrical interpretation: The kink travels from time 0 to At long enough time separation, time t at momentum k′ k, where it interacts with a φ − particle. This changes its momentum to k , with which ′ 1 it moves forward in time through the periodic boundary t , (8) ≫ E E back to time 0. To calculate the integrals (14) and (15), exc 0 − 3 While Eq. (19) is an approximation, it becomes exact for sufficiently large T as discussed above; one must also satisfy Eq. (8) by excluding small t. We tested this result by calculating the form factor near the critical point using lattice Monte Carlo simula- tions. The Euclidean lattice action for the theory (1) is given in lattice units by 2 S = φ(x)φ(x+µˆ) x "−µ=1 X X m2 λ + 2 φ(x)2+ φ(x)4 (21) − 2 4! (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) with λ = 0.6. Square lattice sizes of L = T FIG. 1. Illustration corresponding to Eq. (15). The kink is ∈ 125, 250, 375 wereused. Akinkiscreatedbyimposing constrainedbyperiodicboundaryconditionsintheEuclidean { } antiperiodic boundary conditions in the space direction, time direction, so the worldline must match up at either end φ(x+L,t) = φ(x,t). This also leads to discretisation of the lattice. The defect is not point-like, and has a form − of momentum, k =(2n+1)π/L. factor which is represented here by the interaction between We measuredthe momentum space unequal-time field thescalar and thedefect having a finitesize. correlator at various time separations and then used Eq.(19)tocalculatetheformfactorforvariousrapidities. weusethesaddlepointapproximation. Thesaddlepoint At the strong couplings used here, the correlator mea- k for Eq. (15) is found by minimising the action surements are reliable even at very long distance thanks 0 to the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm which was helpful S(k′)=Ek′(T −t)+Ek′−kt−MT (16) in fighting critical slowing down and thermalizing long- forgivent. ByapproximatingtheintegralbyaGaussian distancemodesefficiently. Inprinciple,Eq.(19)givesthe around the saddle point, we obtain formfactorforarangeofβ fromasinglechoiceofparam- eters k,L,m2 because the same simulation gives the { } φ(0,k)φ(t,q) correlatorforallvaluesofthetimeseparationt. However, h i these values are strongly correlated; we report only one 2πδ(k+q) T v2 f(k ,k k)2 = | 0 0− | e−S(k0). (17) datapointpercombinationwithaquotederrorobtained L rM Ek0 kEk0S′′(k0) from a bootstrap resampling of all measurements [18]. − Given Eq. (8), the time separation t has to be long This approximation is opnly valid when the action is suf- enough that excited states and two-particle states are ficiently peaked and well approximated by a Gaussian. suppressed sufficiently. This happens when t & 1/2M. The latter assertion requires However, at greater distances statistical noise starts to S′′(k0)2 S(4)(k0). (18) grow. Therefore,weselectthevalueoftwiththesmallest ≫ statistical error within the permitted range. This implicitly imposes a lower limit for the system size In addition to the field correlator, Eq. (19) also in- T in the time direction, so for higher k we need to use volvesthevacuumexpectationvaluev ofφ,andthekink larger lattices. As usual, the lattice size also has to be mass M. We measured v using simulations with peri- largerthananyinversemass,includingthekinkmassM. odicboundaryconditions. Wetaketheensembleaverage Finally,wenotethatbecauseφisrealandthekinkhas v = φ(x) of the averagefield’s absolute value. x V odd parity, the form factor is odd and purely imaginary. Toobta∈inthekinkmassM,weagainusedEq.(12)and Therefore we can use Eq. (17) to determine it from the the s(cid:10)a(cid:12)(cid:12)dPdlepointa(cid:12)(cid:12)p(cid:11)proximation,but this time takingthe fieldcorrelator,uptoasign. Forgivenkandt,weobtain lowestavailablemomentum, k =π/L,leavingthe higher thesaddlepointk0 byminimisingEq.(16),andtheform momentum measurements as independent datasets for factor for rapidity difference β is given by study of the form factor. Then, as long as k M, ≪ Eq.(16)simplifiesandwefindthesaddlepointk =kt/T 0 f(β)=f(k ,k k) 0 0 forarbitraryt. Wecan,therefore,applythesaddlepoint − φ(0,k)φ(t, k) ME E S (k ) 1/4 approximationanalytically, and we find [14] = i h − i k0−k k0 ′′ 0 eS(k0). ± v T p (cid:18) (cid:19) (19) φ(0,k)φ(t,q) e−√M2+k02t−√M2+(k−k0)2(T−t)+MT. h i∝ (22) where Wethenfitthek=π/Lcorrelatordatatothisexpression k k k toobtainthemassM withabootstraperror. Theresults 0 0 β =arcsinh arcsinh − . (20) ofthisfittingareshowninFig.2. Alternatively,themass 2M − 2M 4 0.08 L=125 k=3π/125 L=250 k=3π/250 L=375 10 k=3π/375 0.06 Inf. vol. extrapolation k=5π/375 Ising Step function Semiclassical, v2=0.5 M0.04 βi f() Semiclassical, v2=1 0.02 1 0 0.18 0.185 0.19 0.195 0.2 1 m2 β FIG. 2. The kink mass M as a function of m2 in different FIG. 3. The form factor as a function of the rapidity dif- volumes. ThedataagreewiththeknownresultsfortheIsing ference. Measurements are shown for several lattice sizes at universality class [19]: extrapolating to the infinite-volume various momenta, and the form factors for the Ising model limit, thedependenceon m2 is linear. and for a semiclassical kinkare also shown. perturbatively the quantum mechanical properties and could also be calculated from the free energy difference interactions of cosmic strings. between the kink and vacuum sectors [15]. TheauthorswouldliketothankP.DoreyandB.Hoare This way, we have measured all the quantities that forusefulcomments. ThisworkwassupportedbySTFC appear in Eq. (19). We can calculate the form factor and made use of the Imperial College HPC Service. f(β) at a wide range of rapidities for different momenta and different values of m2. Finally, we have checked the consistencyof the saddle point approximationleading to Eq. (17) when Eq. (18) is satisfied. The results in the critical regime are shown in Fig. 3, together with the exact Ising model result (5) for com- parison. Theagreementisverygood. Thisdemonstrates thatwecancalculatethekinkformfactorreliablyevenat strong coupling where perturbative approaches fail. Un- like the Ising model, the scalar field theory (1) in which we carried out the calculation is not exactly solvable, and we made no use of any special features of the the- ory. Thereforeweexpectthatthesamemethodwillwork equally well in other theories. We have shown how to calculate soliton form factors nonperturbatively from field correlation functions mea- sured in lattice field theory simulations. The approach canbe applieddirectlytoothertheorieswithkinks,such as the Sine-Gordon model, and generalisation to other theories where twisted boundary conditions can create topological solitons [20–22] should be straightforward. In more complicated theories, one will obtain several form factors which describe interactions of the soliton with different particle species. In the case of point-like solitons, such as ’t Hooft-Polyakov monopoles in 3+1- dimensional gauge field theory [23], the calculation will follow the same lines. Generalisation to extended soli- tons,suchasdomainwalls,stringsorhigher-dimensional membranes is less trivial but should still be possible. For example, this will make it possible to study non- 5 [1] R. Rajaraman, Solitons and Instantons (North-Holland, [13] G. Mussardo, Nucl.Phys. B779, 101 (2007). 1987). [14] A.RajantieandD.J.Weir,J. High Energy Phys.0904, [2] Vilenkin, A. and Shellard, E. P. S., Cosmic Strings and 068 (2009). Other Topological Defects (Cambridge, 2000). [15] J. Groeneveld, J. Jurkiewicz, and C. P. Korthals Altes, [3] N.S.MantonandP.Sutcliffe,Topologicalsolitons (Cam- Phys. Scripta 23, 1022 (1981). bridge UniversityPress, 2004). [16] B. Berg, M. Karowski, and P. 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