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SolidWorks 2009 API - Advanced Product Development PDF

246 Pages·2016·3.84 MB·English
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SolidWorks 2009 API Advanced Product Development Written by Luke Malpass AngelSix.com Published by AngelSix ©2008-2013 Luke Malpass [email protected] All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher. Provided source code may be exempt from this right if existing copyright notice is left in the code file on redistribution. Published by AngelSix – AngelSix.com First Edition Trademark Information SolidWorks and PDMWorks are registered trademarks of SolidWorks Corporation. Excel, Word, Visual Studio are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Photoshop is a registered trademark of Adobe. WinRAR is a registered trademark of RARLAB products. Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Contributors Following on from my last book “SolidWorks 20008 API: Programming & Automation”, the feedback and enthusiasm for the follow-up book has been great. As well as the success of the first book and the feedback being driving factors for this book I also enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience to a wide audience. And so, I hope you enjoy this book as much as the first! For those of you who have been waiting for this book for months sorry for the delay but I wanted to make sure I could dedicate myself to this next book to make sure the standards you expect are kept up! Introduction Firstly this book is written with the presumption that the reader has adequate knowledge of SolidWorks API programming (either from experience or from reading my previous book) and so complete beginners may struggle as basic steps are overlooked. This book focuses a lot more on hardcore API programming techniques and methods focused around the add-in area of SolidWorks. Purely .Net (no VBA this time folks). As well as covering the API, we go ten steps further and move on to something I have personally never found in any programming book on the market, presumably because those who have the knowledge do not wish to share it; actual real-world product development step- by-step from concept to design, on to licensing, installation, sales, distribution and marketing! After all, is that not where this journey is meant to lead? The topics covered will include SolidWorks Add-ins, in-process coding vs. Standalone, planning and production, the development of a fully-functioning complex event and notification hooked application, creating your very own installer that installs your add-in, registers with COM, and creates desktop/start menu shortcuts and much more. You will even be taught on using Photoshop CS4 to create a logo and packaging for your product! This book is truly a full product lifecycle journey and beginners right through to industry pro’s will learn a thing or two from at least one chapter. As always, all feedback is greatly appreciated, please send comments to [email protected]. This book presumes the reader has intermediate knowledge and understanding of computer programming and experience in any .Net programming language would be beneficial, and is savvy with SolidWorks and informed of its API. I have tried to give the best explanation of all code provided on its purpose, and what the point of every line of code is. I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Download source-code for this book: HTTP://WWW.ANGELSIX.COM/CODE/SW2009.ZIP Table of Contents Contents Setting Up ........................................................................ 11 Download and Install Visual Studio Express ............................. 13 The Project Setup ................................................................... 14 SolidWorks Add-ins ........................................................... 19 The Basic Add-in ..................................................................... 20 Testing the Add-in .................................................................. 38 Manually Registering for COM ................................................ 41 Menu’s & Property Pages ................................................... 43 Creating Menus ....................................................................... 44 Property Manager Pages ......................................................... 53 Property Page Controls ........................................................... 67 Call-backs ................................................................................ 73 Add-ins Vs Stand-alones .................................................... 74 Key Differences ........................................................................ 75 Pros and Cons ......................................................................... 76 Making the right choice .......................................................... 78 Hybrids ................................................................................... 79 Planning and Product Design .............................................. 80 Why plan? ............................................................................... 81 Pre-development Stage .......................................................... 82 Initial Development Stage ...................................................... 89 8 Table of Contents Adding Functionality ............................................................... 90 Debugging and Testing ........................................................... 91 Methods of Debugging ............................................................ 92 Development ................................................................... 106 The Blueprint ........................................................................ 107 The Add-in Class ................................................................... 109 The PMP Layout ..................................................................... 117 Toggling Pages / Reacting to Events ..................................... 140 Setting up Hooks ................................................................... 144 Part Events ............................................................................ 146 Assembly Events ................................................................... 148 Drawing Events ..................................................................... 155 Tidy Up .................................................................................. 169 Enhancements ....................................................................... 171 Methods of Deployment ................................................... 174 Manual Installation ................................................................ 176 SFX Archives .......................................................................... 177 Installation Packages ............................................................. 182 Creating An Installer .............................................................. 195 Licensing Your Product ..................................................... 231 Overview ............................................................................... 232 Self-implementation ............................................................. 233 Corporate Licensing .............................................................. 234 9 Table of Contents Distribution and Sales ....................................................... 235 Preparing your Product for Market ....................................... 236 Online Distribution and Sales ................................................ 242 In-Store Distribution and Sales ............................................. 245 Marketing ............................................................................. 246 10

Malpass LukeSolidWorks 2009 API - Advanced Product Developmentязык - английскийПошаговое руководство для начинающих по разработке и развертыванию полноценных приложений и добавлений к SolidWorks
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