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Solid State Ionics 1993: Vol 61 Index PDF

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SOLID Solid State Ionics 61 (1993) 361-365 STATE North-Holland IONICS Author Index to Volume 61 Abello, L., see T. Scherban 61 (1993) 93 Abello, L., see V. De Zea Bermudez 61 (1993) 219 Alberti, G., see R.C.T. Slade 61 (1993) 23 Alberti, G., M. Casciola and R. Palombari, Amperometric sensor for carbon monoxide based on solid state protonic conduction 61 (1993) 241 Allavena, M. and E. Kassab, Molecular interactions in solid state and quantum chemistry: A model problem, the proton transfer in zeolites 61 (1993) 33 Armand, M., see V. De Zea Bermudez 61 (1993) 219 Bach, S., see P. Le Goff 61 (1993) 309 Badot, J.C., see Ph. Colomban 61 (1993) 55 Baffier, N., see P. Le Goff 61 (1993) 309 Barnett, S.A., see L.S. Wang 61 (1993) 273 Benavente, J., A. Cabeza, M. Martinez and S. Bruque, Current rectification and electrical parameters of NH,UO,PO,:3H,O (NUP) films in contact with the generating electrolytes 61 (1993) 175 Benavente, J., J.R. Ramos-Barrado and A. Heredia, Impedance measurement of differ- ently treated tomato cuticle membranes with calcium solutions 61 (1993) 235 Boutehala, M. and F. Tedjar, Applications of exchanged montmorillonite as protonic solid electrolyte 61 (1993) 257 Bruque, S., see J. Benavente 61 (1993) 175 Biichi, F.N., see B. Gupta 61 (1993) 213 Cabeza, A., see J. Benavente 61 (1993) 175 Calevi, A., see M. Casciola 61 (1993) 245 Casciola, M., F. Marmottini and A. Peraio, ac conductivity of a-layered zirconium phos- phate in the presence of water vapour at 100-—200°C 61 (1993) 125 Casciola, M., see G. Alberti 61 (1993) 241 Casciola, M., U. Costantino and A. Calevi, Intercalation compounds of zirconium phos- phates with substituted pyrazoles and imidazoles and their ac conductivity 61 (1993) 245 Chapiro, A., see B. Gupta 61 (1993) 213 Chiang, P.-H., D. Eng and M. Stoukides, Electrocatalytic nonoxidative dimerization of methane over Ag electrodes 61 (1993) 99 Colomban, Ph. and J.C. Badot, Frequency dependent conductivity and microwave relaxa- tions in protonic conductors 61 (1993) 55 Colomban, Ph., see N. Tjapkin 61 (1993) 179 Costantino, U., see M. Casciola 61 (1993) 245 Court-Castagnet, R., C. Kaps, C. Cros and P. Hagenmuller, Ionic conductivity-enhance- ment of LiCl by homogeneous and heterogeneous dopings 61 (1993) 327 Criado, C., J.R. Ramos Barrado, P. Maireles-Torres, P. Olivera-Pastor, E. Rodriguez Cas- tellon and A. Jiménez-Lopez, Electrical conductivity of alumina-pillared a-tin phosphate 61 (1993) 139 Criado, C., see D. Gonzalez-Roman 61 (1993) 163 362 Author index Cros, C., see R. Court-Castagnet 61 (1993) 327 Dahn, J.R., see J.N. Reimers 61 (1993) 335 Davidovic, M., see N. Tjapkin 61 (1993) 179 De Zea Bermudez, V. and J.Y. Sanchez, Sulfamide complexes of polymethacrylates carry- ing oligopolyoxyethylene chains 61 (1993) 203 De Zea Bermudez, V., G. Lucazeau, L. Abello, C. Poinsignon, J.Y. Sanchez and M. Armand, Infrared and Raman characterization of polyethylene oxide complexes of sulfamide 61 (1993) 219 Ding, Y., see D.J. Jones 61 (1993) 117 Dippel, Th., K.D. Kreuer, J.C. Lasségues and D. Rodriguez, Proton conductivity in fused phosphoric acid; A 'H/?'P PFG-NMR and QNS study 61 (1993) 41 Dippel, Th., see R.E. Lechner 61 (1993) 47 Einaga, H., see K. Nomura 61 (1993) 293 Eng, D., see P.-H. Chiang 61 (1993) 99 Federico, M., G. Galli and G. Salvato, Dielectric relaxations in poly(ethylene oxide ) based polymers 61 (1993) 323 Forano, C.R.M., see R.C.T. Slade 61 (1993) 23 Frade, J.R., see J.A. Labrincha 61 (1993) 71 Galli, G., see M. Federico 61 (1993) 323 Gonzalez-Roman, D., M.D. Ruiz-Cruz, R. Pozas-Tormo, J.R. Ramos-Barrado, C. Criado and L. Moreno-Real, Ionic conduction in sepiolite 61 (1993) 163 Grondin, J., see D. Rodriguez 61 (1993) 195 Gupta, B., F.N. Biichi, G.G. Scherer and A. Chapir6, Materials research aspects of organic solid proton conductors 61 (1993) 213 Gutman, M. and E. Nachliel, Study of the semi ordered water in an active site by time resolved measurement of a single diffusing proton 61 (1993) 229 Hagenmuller, P., see R. Court-Castagnet 61 (1993) 327 Heredia, A., see J. Benavente 61 (1993) 235 Hibino, T., see H. Iwahara 61 (1993) 65 Hu, X., see M.J. Hudson 61 (1993) 131 Huang, K., S. Tang and Q. Liu, The diffusivity and solubility of oxygen in reference elec- trodes Ni-NiO, Co—CoO, Fe—FeO and Mo—Mo0O,; systems 61 (1993) 355 Hudson, M.J., W.J. Locke, P.C.H. Mitchell and X. Hu, Intercalation of cobalt phthalocy- anine into the layered host material antimony hydrogen phosphate HSb(PO,),: In situ synthesis of guest molecules 61 (1993) 131 Ikeda, S., see K. Nomura 61 (1993) 293 Ito, K., see K.N omura 61 (1993) 293 Iwahara, H., T. Yajima, T. Hibino, K. Ozaki and H. Suzuki, Protonic conduction in cal- cium, strontium and barium zirconates 61 (1993) 65 Jegat, C., see D. Rodriguez 61 (1993) 195 Jiménez-Lopez, A., see C. Criado 61 (1993) 139 Author index 363 Jones, C.D., see J.N. Reimers 61 (1993) 335 Jones, D.J. and J. Roziére, Complementarity of optical and incoherent inelastic neutron scattering spectroscopies in the study of proton conducting materials 61 (1993) 13 Jones, D.J., J.-M. Leloup, Y. Ding and J. Roziere, Enhancement oft he protonic conductiv- ity of a-M(IV)(HPO,),.°:H,0O, M(IV ) =Zr, Sn, by intercalation of the aluminium Keg- gin ion, [Al,;04,(OH)>4:12H,O]’* 61 (1993) 117 Kaps, C., see R. Court-Castagnet 61 (1993) 327 Kassab, E., see M. Allavena 61 (1993) 33 Kleperis, J., see G. Vaivars 61 (1993) 317 Knudsen, N., E. Krogh Andersen, I.G. Krogh Andersen, P. Norby and E. Skou, Tin-zeo- lites, syntheses and ionic conductivity 61 (1993) 153 Kreuer, K.D., see Th. Dippel 61 (1993) 41 Krogh Andersen, E., see N. Knudsen 61 (1993) 153 Krogh Andersen, I.G., see N. Knudsen 61 (1993) 153 Kuwabara, K. and Y. Noda, Potential wave-form measurements of an electrochromic de- vice, WO;/Sb,0;/C, at coloration—bleaching processes using a new quasi-reference electrode 61 (1993) 303 Labrincha, J.A., J.R. Frade and F.M.B. Marques, Defect structure of SrZrO, 61 (1993) 71 Lamprecht, I., see R.E. Lechner 61 (1993) 47 Lassegues, J.C., see Th. Dippel 61 (1993) 41 Lassegues, J.C., see D. Rodriguez 61 (1993) 195 Lechner, R.E., Quasielastic neutron scattering and super-protonic conductors 61 (1993) 3 Lechner, R.E., Th. Dippel, R. Marx and I. Lamprecht, Proton diffusion mechanism in three solid phases of CSOH:H,O 61 (1993) 47 Le Goff, P., N. Baffier, S. Bach, J.P. Pereira-Ramos and R. Messina, Structural and electro- chemical characteristics of a lamellar sodium manganese oxide synthesized via a sol-gel process 61 (1993) 309 Leloup, J.-M., see D.J. Jones 61 (1993) 117 Liang, K.C. and A.S. Nowick, High-temperature protonic conduction in mixed perovskite ceramics 61 (1993) 77 Liu, Q., see K. Huang 61 (19933)5 5 Locke, W.J., see M.J. Hudson 61 (19931)3 1 Lucazeau, G., see T. Scherban 61 (1993) 93 Lucazeau, G., see V. De Zea Bermudez 61.(19932)1 9 Lusis, A., see G. Vaivars 61 (19933)1 7 61 (1993) 139 Maireles-Torres, P., see C. Criado 61 (1993) 125 Marmottin1, F., see M. Casciola 61 (1993) 71 Marques, F.M.B., see J.A. Labrincha 61 (1993) 175 Martinez, M., see J. Benavente 61 (1993) 47 Marx, R., see R.E. Lechner Mellander, B.-E. and B. Zhu, High temperature protonic conduction in phosphate-based salts 61 (1993) 105 Messina, R., see P. Le Goff 61 (1993) 309 Mhiri, T., Hydrogen bonding in Cs, _,.M,HSO, protonic conductors 61 (1993) 187 364 Author index Minami, T., see T. Saito 61 (1993) 285 Mioé, U., see N. Tjapkin 61 (1993) 179 Mitchell, P.C.H., see M.J. Hudson 61 (1993) 131 Mogensen, M., see J. Ranlov 61 (1993) 277 Moreno-Real, L., see D. Gonzalez-Roman 61 (1993) 163 Mosdale, R. and P. Stevens, New electrodes for hydrogen/oxygen solid polymer electrolyte fuel cell 61 (1993) 251 Nachliel, E., see M. Gutman 61 (1993) 229 Ngai, K.L., Comparisons between 73Na and ”’Al nuclear spin relaxations and electrical con- ductivity relaxation in Na B-alumina 61 (1993) 345 Noda, Y., see K. Kuwabara 61 (1993) 303 Nomura, K., S. Ikeda, K. Ito and H. Einaga, Ionic conduction behavior in zirconium phos- phate framework 61 (1993) 293 Norby, P., see N. Knudsen 61 (1993) 153 Nowick, A.S., see K.C. Liang 61 (1993) 77 Olivera-Pastor, P., see C. Criado 61 (1993) 139 Oonk, H.A.J., see M.J. Scholten 61 (1993) 83 Ozaki, K., see H. Iwahara 61 (1993) 65 Pagnoux, C., A. Verbaere, Y. Piffard and M. Tournoux, Alkali antimony silicates as pre- cursors to new inorganic acids 61 (19931)4 9 Palombari, R., see G. Alberti 61 (19932)4 1 Peraio, A., see R.C.T. Slade 61 (1993) 23 Peraio, A., see M. Casciola 61 (19931)2 5 Pereira-Ramos, J.P., see P. Le Goff 61 (19933)0 9 Piffard, Y., see C. Pagnoux 61 (19931)4 9 Poinsignon, C., see V. De Zea Bermudez 61 (19932)1 9 Poulsen, F.W., see J. Ranlov 61 (19932)7 7 Pound, B.G., Response to Comment by J. Ranlov, F.W. Poulsen and M. Mogensen on “The characterization of doped CeO, electrodes in solid oxide fuel cells” 61 (1993) 281 Pozas-Tormo, R., see D. Gonzalez-Roman 61 (1993) 163 Ramos Barrado, J.R., see C. Criado 61 (1993) 139 Ramos-Barrado, J.R., see D. Gonzalez-Roman 61 (1993) 163 Ramos-Barrado, J.R., see J. Benavente 61 (1993) 235 Ranlev, J., F.W. Poulsen and M. Mogensen, Comment on “The characterization of doped CeO, electrodes in solid oxide fuel cells’”” by B.G. Pound, Solid State Ionics 52 (1992) 183-188. 61 (1993) 277 Reimers, J.N., E. Rossen, C.D. Jones and J.R. Dahn, Structure and electrochemistry of Li,Fe,Ni,_ ,O2 61 (1993) 335 Rodriguez, D., see Th. Dippel 61 (1993) 41 Rodriguez, D., C. Jegat, O. Trinquet, J. Grondin and J.C. Lassegues, Proton conduction in poly (acrylamide )-acid blends 61 (1993) 195 Rodriguez Castellon, E., see C. Criado 61 (1993) 139 Rossen, E., see J.N. Reimers 61 (1993) 335 Author index 365 Rozieére, J., see D.J. Jones 61 (1993) 13 Roziére, J., see D.J. Jones 61 (1993) 117 Ruiz-Cruz, M.D., see D. Gonzalez-Roman 61 (1993) 163 Saito, T., M. Tatsumisago and T. Minami, Electrical conductivities of the superionic com- posites composed of frozen a-AgI and AglI-based glasses 61 (1993) 285 Salvato, G., see M. Federico 61 (1993) 323 Sanchez, J.Y., see V. De Zea Bermudez 61 (1993) 203 Sanchez, J.Y., see V. De Zea Bermudez 61 (1993) 219 Scherban, T., R. Villeneuve, L. Abello and G. Lucazeau, Raman scattering study of accep- tor-doped BaCeO, 61 (1993) 93 Scherer, G.G., see B. Gupta 61 (1993) 213 Scholten, M.J., J. Schoonman, J.C. van Miltenburg and H.A.J. Oonk, Synthesis of stron- tium and barium cerate and their reaction with carbon dioxide 61 (1993) 83 Schoonman, J., see M.J. Scholten 61 (1993) 83 Singh, N., see R.C.T. Slade 61 (1993) 111 Skou, E., see N. Knudsen 61 (1993) 153 Slade, R.C.T., C.R.M. Forano, A. Peraio and G. Alberti, A 'H NMR relaxation time study of dynamic processes in zirconium phosphates of differing crystallinities and in related compounds 61 (1993) 23 Slade, R.C.T. and N. Singh, The perovskite-type proton-conducting solid electrolyte BaC99 Ye0.1o003 _q 1n high temperature electrochemical cells 61 (1993) 111 Stevens, P., see R. Mosdale 61 (1993) 251 Stoukides, M., see P.-H. Chiang 61 (1993) 99 Suzuki, H., see H. Iwahara 61 (1993) 65 Szirtes, L., Zirconium phosphates on silica matrix 61 (1993) 145 Tang, S., see K. Huang 61 (1993) 355 Tatsumisago, M., see T. Saito 61 (1993) 285 Tedjar, F., see M. Boutehala 61 (1993) 257 Tjapkin, N., M. Davidovi¢c, Ph. Colomban and U. Mio¢é, Complex dielectric permittivity, bulk and surface conductivity of 12-tungstophosphoric acid hexahydrate and its dehy- drated forms 61 (1993) 179 Tournoux, M., see C. Pagnoux 61 (1993) 149 Trinquet, O., see D. Rodriguez 61 (1993) 195 Vaivars, G., J. Kleperis and A. Lusis, Antimonic acid hydrate xerogels as proton electrolytes 61 (19933)1 7 Van Miltenburg, J.C., see M.J. Scholten 61 (1993) 83 Verbaere, A., see C. Pagnoux 61 (19931)4 9 Villeneuve, R., see T. Scherban 61 (1993) 93 Wang, L.S. and S.A. Barnett, Sputter-deposited medium-temperature solid oxide fuel cells with multi-layer electrolytes 61 (19932)7 3 Yajima, T., see H. Iwahara 61 (1993) 65 Zhu, B., see B.-E. Mellander 61 (1993) 105 SOLID Solid State Ionics 61 (1993) 367-368 STATE North-Holland IONICS Subject Index to Volume 61 'H NMR relaxation, 23 Heteropolyacid hydrates, 179 High temperature cells, 111 Ac conductivity, 125, 245 Hydrogen bonding, 187 Adsorption isotherms, 149 Hydrogen sensor, 83 Alumina, 139 Aluminium Keggin ion, 117 Imidazole, 245 Ammoniated pellicular zirconium phosphate, 23 Impedance, 235 Ammonium uranylphosphate film, 175 Incoherent inelastic neutron scattering spectroscopy (INS), 13 Amperometric sensor, 241 Infrared spectroscopy, 195, 219 Antimonic acid hydrate, 317 In situ synthesis, 131 Apomyoglobin, 229 Intercalation, 131, 245 Ion exchange, 149, 153 Battery Ionic conductivity, 77, 293 lithium, 309, 335 lithium, 139, 327 B-Fe,(SO,)3-type structure, 293 proton, 93, 105, 187, 213, 245 sepiolite, 163 Caesium hydrogen sulphate, 187 silver, 285 Caesium hydroxide monohydrate, 47 sodium, 345 three solid phases, 47 Ionic mobility, 163 Calcium solutions, 235 Isotope effect, 65, 77 Carbon monoxide, 241 Cation ordering, 335 Layered antimony (V) hydrogen phosphate, 131 Chemical treatment, 235 Lithium battery, 309, 335 Conductivity, 55, 153 Lithium chloride, 327 Crystal structure, 105 Lithium chlorine intersalation, 163 Cuticle, 235 Lithium manganese chloride, 327 Defect structure, 71 Metal(IV ) hydrogen phosphate, 117 Dehydration, 179 Microwave proton conductors, 55 Dielectric relaxation, 323 Microwave relaxation, 179 Diffusion Montmorillonite conductivity, 257 coefficient, 41 mechanism, 41 NASICON, 293 oxygen, 355 NEMCA, 99 Doped barium cerate, 111 Neutron scattering, 41 Nickel oxide, 335 Electric modulus, 323 Non-oxidative dimerization of methane, 99 Electrochromic device, 303 Nuclear spin relaxation, 345 Electrochromism, 195, 303, 317 NUP film, 175 Electrodes, 251 Order—disorder reaction, 77 Fuel cell, 213, 251, 273 Orthophosphoric acid, 195 Oxygen sensor, 355 Glass, 285 Grafting, 213 Pellicular zirconium phosphate, 23 Guest cobalt phthalocyanine, 131 Perovskite, 93 Perovskite ceramics, 77 Heterogenous doping, 327 Perovskite-type oxides, 65, 99 368 Subject index PFG-NMR, 41, 47 Silver iodide, 285 Pho.E.porine, 229 Sodium f-alumina, 345 Phosphate, 105 Sodium manganese oxide, 309 Phosphoric acid, 41 SOFC, 83 Pillar, 139 Sol-gel Polyacrylamide, 195 synthesis, 309 Polyethylene oxide (PEO), 219, 323 technology, 317 Polymer electrolyte, 195 Solid protonic electrolyte, 257 Polymer membrane electrolyte, 251 Solid state sensor, 241 Polymers, 323 Spray deposition, 251 Power law, 55 Strontium zirconate, 71 Proton-conducting ceramic, 111 Styrene, 213 Proton-conducting comb polymers, 203 Sulfamide, 203, 219 Proton electrolytes, 317 Sulfamide/polymers complexes, 203 Protonic conduction, 13, 41, 65, 77, 93, 105, 117, 125, 179, Super-protonic conductors, 3 195, 203, 241, 245, 303 Surface conductivity, 179 Proton migration, 65 Synthesis, 153 Proton transfer, 33 Proton transport number, 99 Teflon-FEP, 213 Pyrazole, 245 Thermal behaviour, 149 Thin layer battery, 257 Quasielastic incoherent neutron scattering (QINS), 3 Tin, 153 Tin(IV ) phosphate, 139 Radiation, 213 Transport properties, 71 Raman, 93, 219 Reference electrode, 303, 355 Vibrational spectroscopy, 13 Relative humidity, 125 Relaxation, 55, 345 Xerogels, 317 Resistance, 235 Rietveld analysis, 335 Zeolites, 33, 153 Zinc composite anode, 257 Semi ordered water, 229 Zirconates, 65 Sepiolite, 163 Zirconium oxide, 273 Silica matrix, 145 Zirconium phosphate, 23, 125, 145, 245, 293 Silicoantimonic acid, 149 Zirconium phosphate phosphite, 23 Silver electrode, 99, 273 H

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