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INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED AAATERIALS -ICAM91- Organised by the European Materials Research Society Under the auspices of the International Union of Materials Research Societies Part of the EMRS 1991 Spring Meeting SOLID STATE OINCI S Proceedings of Symposium A2 on Solid State Ionics of the International Conference on Advanced Materials - ICAM 91 Strasbourg, France, 27-31 May, 1991 Edited by: M. BALKANSKI Laboratoire de Physique des Solides Universite Pierre et Marie Curie Paris, France T. TAKAHASHI Nagoya University Nagoya, Japan H.L TULLER Department of Materials Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, USA 1992 NORTH-HOLLAND AMSTERDAM · LONDON · NEW YORK · TOKYO North-Holland ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS B.V. Sara Burgerhartstraat 25 P.O. Box 211 1000 AE Amsterdam The Netherlands Distributors for the United States and Canada: ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY INC. 655 Avenue of the Americas New York, N.Y. 10010 11 .ς Λ Library of Congress Catalog1ng-in-Publ1cat1on Data Symposium A2 on Solid State Ionics (1991 : Strasbourg , France) Solid state ionics : Proceeding s of Symposium A2 on Solid State Ionics of the Internationa l Conference on Advanced Materials(cid:151)ICAM 91, Strasbourg , France, 27-31 May, 1991 / edited by M. Balkanski, T. Takahash i, H. Tu1ler. æ. cm. Includes bibliographica l reference s and index. ISBN 0-444-89354-7 1. Solid state electronics(cid:151)Congresses . 2. Semiconductors - -Congresses. 3. Ions(cid:151)Congresses . I. Balkanski, Minko, 1927- II. Takahashi, Takehiko. III. Tuller, Harry L. IV. Internationa l Conference on Advanced Materials(cid:151)ICAM 91 (1991 : Strasbourg , France) V. Title. TK7871.85.S953 1991 621.381(cid:151)dc20 91-42719 CIP ISBN 0 444 89354 7 © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V, Copyright & Permissions Department, P.O. Box 521, 1000 AM Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Special regulations for readers in the U.S.A. - This publication has been registered with the Copyright Clearance Center Inc. (CCC), Salem, Massachusetts. Information can be obtained from the CCC about con­ ditions under which photocopies of parts of this publication may be made in the U.S.A. All other copyright questions, including photocopying outside of the U.S.A., should be referred to the copyright owner, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V, unless otherwise specified. No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Printed in The Netherlands ν PREFACE The Series of International Conferences on Advanced Materials (ICAM) is an initiative of the International Federation of Materials Research Societies. The 1991 Meeting was organized jointly by the Ε-MRS: the European Materials Research Society, and the International Materials Research Committee. Professor R.P.H. Chang was efficient in pressing Professor M. Balkanski to accept the coordination of the different symposia forming the Conference. The Conference which was held in Strasbourg, May 27-31, 1991 consisted of the following symposia : Symposium Al: High Temperature Superconductor Thin Films Chairmen: L. Correra (Italy), Τ Kawai (Japan), Τ Venkatesan (USA) Symposium A2: Solid State Ionics Chairmen: M. Balkanski (France), T. Takahashi (Japan), H.L. Tuller (USA) Symposium A3: Non-Stoichiometry in Semiconductors Chairmen: K.J. Bachmann (USA), H.-L. Hwang (Taiwan, R.O. China), C. Schwab (France) Symposium A4: Composite Materials Chairmen: A.T. Di Benedetto (USA), L. Nicolais (Italy), E. Yasuda (Japan) This volume assembles the communications presented in Symposium A2: Solid State Ionics. Emphasis was put on theory as well as experiments and possible applications were reviewed. vi Preface Sessions were held on: Session I: Applications Chairmen: J.B. Goodenough, W. Weppner Session II: New Materials Chairman: B.C.H. Steele Session III: Insertion Compounds Chairmen: C.RA. Catlow Session IV: Transport Chairmen: H.L. Tuller, Takehiko Takahashi Session V: Structure Chairman: D. Shriver Session VI: Polymeric Electrolytes Chairmen: F.G.K. Baucke, B. Scrosati Session VII: Mixed Conductors Chairmen: B.J. Wuensch Session VIII: Protonic and Oxygen Conductors Chairmen: G. Livage, I. Riess Session IX: Electrochromics Chairman: Tomonori Takahashi Oral presentations and posters were selected out of a large flux of abstracts. All papers published here were directly refereed according to the standards of International Journals. Symposium chairmen, M. Balkanski, T. Takahashi and H.L. Tuller, appreciate the help of the Program Committee and particularly acknowledge the efficient involvement in handling all kinds of practical tasks related to the processing of the papers by young scientists of the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides de TUniversite Pierre et Marie Curie, J. Deppe, M. Eddrief, D. Ivanov, M. Hussain, C. Julien, I. Kosacki and M. Massot. The key role of holding together the whole structure of the Symposium up to assembling and sending the manuscripts for publication was filled by Mrs. M. Massetti to whom the chairmen express their deep gratitude. The Symposium largely benefitted from the generous help and devotion of M.P. Siffert and Mrs. M. Adloff as well as Mrs. M. Cobut. M. Balkanski T. Takahashi H.L. Tuller vii SYMPOSIUM INFORMATION This Conference was held under the auspices of: - The Council of Europe - The Commission of the European Communities It is our pleasure to acknowledge with gratitude the financial assistance provided by: - Ε-MRS (European Materials Research Society) - Banque Populaire (France) - Centre de Recherches Nucleaires (France) - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France) - Service de Documentation Touristique du Palais des Congres de Strasbourg (France) - The Commission of the European Communities - The Council of Europe - The European Parliament - The Brewery Kronenbourg (France) and in particularly with respect to Symposium A2: - Japan Storage Battery Company Ltd. (Japan) - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Japan) - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Japan) - Sanyo Electric Company Ltd. (Japan) - Toho Gas Company Ltd. (Japan) - Yuasa Battery Company Ltd. (Japan) Solid State Ionics M. Balkanski, T. Takahashi and H.L. Tuller (Editors) © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved. 3 Development and Status of Sodium Sulfur Batteries S. Menmcke ABB Hochenerqiebatterie GmbH, Eppelheimer Strasse 82, D-6900 Heidelberg 1, Germany 1. INTRODUCTION Electric enercjy is a secondary energy but it is the most important form of energy for an advanced industrial society. Reason for the importance of electric energy is the fact that it can be converted with high efficiency to many other forms of energy like radiation, heat or mechanical energy. Historically primary and secondary batteries were the first sources of eiectric energy. With the industrial use of generators and the development of electric grids the scientific and technological interest in secondary batteries grew rapidly as it. is shown by the development of the nickel iron battery by Edison. investigating the fields of technical use of the storage of electric energy it can be seen very clearly, that the most important uses of elec tric energy storage emerging are load levelling in eiectric grids, uninter- ruptabie power supplies, and road traffic (Tab. 1). Possible electrochemical devices to be used in these energy storage tasks are primary batteries, combinations of fuel cells and electrolysers, and secondary batteries. Since primary batteries and the combination of fuel cells and electrolysers need a developed technology for transport and re cycling of the energy carriers, hydrogen and electrode materials, their application cannot bet expected in the near future. So secondary batteries seem to be the devices most useful for electric energy storage now and in the next years. 2. SECONDARY BATTERIES The essential components of secondary batteries are electrodes which are able to store and to release energy by a reversible chemical reaction, an electrolyte which transports ions from one electrode to the other and a separator which prevents direct chemical reaction of the electrodes (Fig. 1). To assess secondary batteries it is necessary to develop criteria of the fitness for purpose of these devices. The criteria depend to a certain extend on the special application of the battery. Nevertheless, some criteria are of common importance. Common criteria are: Cycle life. Calendar life. Cost, Efficiency, Safety. Specific criteria are: Energy density. Power density. Maintenance. Ordering batteries by the time elapsed since the beginning of the deve lopment it can be seen that the oldest systems are the best with respect to 4 S Mennicke cycle life, calendar life, and cost. More recently developed systems are advantageous with respect to energy density and efficiency (Tab. 2). Since a system is improved more and more during the time of development there is also necessary a consideration of the potentials of emerging systems (Tab. 3). So it can be shown that concepts as solid electrolytes and liquid elect­ rodes used in emerging battery systems have the potential for tetter performance than known, fully developed systems. Commercial success will be determined, safety and reliability assumed to be given, by the cost per energy unit stored mainly. 3. SODIUM BATTERIES WITH BETA-ALUMINA ELECTROLYTE The discovery of beta alumina to be a solid electrolyte stimulated the invention of the sodium-sulfur battery by Rummer and Weber [1] 1966· Since the sulfur electrode has some difficulties some other systems were deve­ loped replacing the sulfur electrode by different materials. The test known approaches are the sodium antimony chloride battery of Werth and coworkers [2] and the sodium nickel chloride battery invented by Coetze r[3 J. The sodium antimony chloride battery uses SbCls dissolved in NaAiCU as cathode material. The battery is discharged to SbCl3 and 2NaCl. To avoid precipitation of NaCl there is an excess of AICI3 in the liquid electrolyte at the cathode side. This electrolyte is a strong Lewis acid and causes severe corrosion problems. This was the reason to stop the development of tins system. To overcome this problem Coetzer used a chlorine carrier which is insolu­ ble in NaAiCJ.4. Doing this, precipitation of NaCl can be allowed. So it is possible to work with an NaAlCl.4 composition which is rich in NaCl. This electrolyte is a Lewis base with much lower corrosion problems. Besides N1CI2 FeCl2r C0CI2τ and MnCl2 can be used as cathode materials. Other systems with sodium anode and teta-al ununa solid electrolyte proposed in the literature were not developed to technical cells. 3.1 Sodium Sulfur Technology 3.1.1 Cells The chemical nature of teth electrode material demands for a ceil with hermetic seals between the two electrodes and the ambient and between each other. Additionally the key component of a sodium sulfur cell, the beta- alumina electrolyte, can be manufacture:! without major problems to the shape of plates or tubes. Using a tube, the length of the necessary seals for a cell with given capacity and resistance is much lower than using a plate. So all groups developing sodium sulfur batteries are using teta- al umina tubes as solid electrolytes. Also the question whether to place the sodium electrode inside or outside the solid electrolyte was decided unanimously to the favour of the sodium inside technique, further common decisions are to use a glass seal to join the solid electrolyte to an insulating header and to use a hot pressing technique to join this header to metal parts which are used to close the cell by a weld after assembling the electrodes. This allows for explaining the function of a sodium sulfur cell using a basic cell design which is common to ail developers (Fig. 2). Development and status of sodium sulfur batteries 5 Discharging the cell sodium is transported as sodium ion through the beta-alumina electrolyte to the cathode compartment. Here it reacts with sulfur and forms sodium polysulfides. Because sulfur is an insulator it is absorbed in a porous graphite materia] which carries the electronic current in the electrode and at whose surface the electron exchange reaction takes place. The porous graphite material, usually a graphite felt, contacts the ceil casing which serves as the cathodic current collector. During discha rge the sodium level in the anode compartment falls. To keep a large area of the solid electrolyte wetted by sodium a wick or a separate sodium container with a pressurized gas volume above the sodium discharging through a hole in the bottom is used. In this case the sodium cartridge nay serve as a current collector. Otherwise a special current collector has to be placed into the sodium electrode. The phase diagram (Fig. 3) of the sodium sulfur system shows that the melting points of the sodium polysulf ides down to the composition Na2S:< lie below 300 °C. This means that the battery must be operated above this temperature to avoid freezing of the reaction products. In addition it can be seen from the phase diagram too that there is a two phase liquid in the composition range Na2Ss.2 to pure sulfur. In this region there is a constant EMF of 2.08 V at 300 °C is established. In the one phase region the EMF drops linearly to 1.78 V at the composition Na2S2.7. The theoretical energy density for this composition range is 790 Wh/kg. Practical cells have an energy density of 200 Wh/kg. 3.1.2 Batteries Necessary components of Na-S batteries are the cells, a heat insulation, and feedthroughs for current and sensor leads (Fig. 4). For a safe opera tion of a Na-S battery there is also a battery controller necessary. Since the electrolyte ceramics cannot be manufactured in many different sizes economically the capacity of a battery is adjusted to the requirements by parallel connection of strings of ceils. Rules to be obeyed designing the interconnection of a battery are derived from the behaviour of failed cells. These have a low resistance in charging direction but they adopt high resistance after loading by a discharge current. This means that it is a good strategy not to connect single cells in parallel but strings of cells. Doing so, it is possible to operate batteries with several failed cells without severe loss of capacity and power if the number of strings and the number of groups formed by the connections in parallel are suf ficiently high. This will be the case for large stationary batteries. In small batteries it is advantageous to bridge failed cells automatically by appropriate switches. The properties of the heat insulation depend on the size of the battery. In large 'hatteries the heat loss is very low compared to the energy stored in the battery. So an insulation using a conventional material will be sufficient. For small batteries in electric vehicles there is a high demand to keep heat losses low and to minimize the volume of the heat insulation. Therefore, for such batteries evacuated heat insulations are used contai ning insulation materials bearing the atmospheric pressure. Heat conducti vities down to 2*10"3 W/m*K can be reached. For small batteries designed to high power capability heat loss along the current leads is a problem which demands for a proper design. 6 S. Mennicke 4. ISSUES OF THE SODIUM SULFUR BATTERY Since the sodium sulfur battery is the first high temperature battery system with a solid electrolyte this development opens a new field of technology. So many problems were to be solved to proof the technical feasibility of the system. Other problems are still to be solved to cross the threshold to a successful commercialization of the system. 4.1 The Beta-Alumina Electrolyte The β"-alumina tube used as both separator and solid electrolyte in sodium sulfur cells has electrochemical and structural functions. There­ fore, its electric and mechanical properties have to be optimized at the same time. Furthermore, under operational conditions it is in contact with two different highly corrosive liquids. Mechanical properties: The beta-alumina tube is stressed in sodium sulfur cells mechanically by freeze-thaw cycling mainly. The reason is the large mismatch of thermal expansion coefficients of (Na) β"-alumina (7*10"6) and Na-polysulfides (25*1U'6). Since sodium polysuifides are materials of low strength the problem does not seem to be very serious at the first glance. But in the sulfur electrode of a sodium sulfur cell the sodium polysuifide is reinforced by the graphite felt acting as electron conductor in the sulfur electrode. Though the sodium polysulfide-graphite felt-composite is weakened by suitable methods a minimum strength of 100 MPa of the electro­ lyte tubes is necessary. This means that crack initiating flaws larger than 300 μπι have to be avoided reliably. A second source for mechanical stress is the overheating of spots of the solid electrolyte by inhomogeneous operation of the electrodes [43. The reasons for these inhomogeneities, insulating layers on the solid electrolyte and inhomogeneous distribution of reactands in the sulfur electrode cannot be avoided totally. So it is necessary to avoid surface flaws in the solid electrolyte as far a spos­ sible. Electrochemical properties: Since the transfer of sodium ions from the (Na)β"-alumina to the electrodes does not need any significant activation energy good sodium ion conductivity is the single electrochemical require­ ment to the solid electrolyte. It is well known that th eβ"-phase contai­ ning two mobile Na4-ions per conduction slab is more conductive than the β-phase. Harbach [5] pointed out that the conductivity of th eβ"-phase depends only on the composition of the material but not on the kind of the dopant used for the stabilization of the β''-phase. Difficulties to reach good mechanical properties with materials optimized for conductivity forced several developers to choose compositions with a somewhat lower content of stabilizing dopant. Corrosion: Thermodynamic stability of β- and β"-alumina in sodium, sulfur and sodium polysuifides at elevated temperatures was discussed in many papers [6,7,8]. It may be concluded from these papers that pseudo-binary β"-alumina is thermodynamically instable in sodium under the operational conditions of the sodium sulfur battery. For lithia or magnesia stabilized material no reliable thermodynami.c data are available. The experimental evidence favours kinetic stability of the technical β"-alumina consisting of a mixture of NaAl02, β-alumina, partially stabilized β"-alumina and fully stabilized β"-alumina in sodium over several years. No change of the phase content and no corrosional attack from the sodium side have been found after several thousands of cycles of operation. Sodium dendrite

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