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solid state communications an international journa I volume 87 SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, MANUEL CARDONA ASSOCIATE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, ARON PINCZUK EDITORIAL POLICY COMMITTEE P. AIGRAIN, Chairman J. A. KRUMHANSL W. M. LOMER S. LUNDQVIST H. SUHL BOARD OF EDITORS . M. AGRANOVICH, Moscow Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow ob!. 142092, Russia 5. ALEXANDER, Rehovot Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel 3. BASTARD, Paris Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiere, Condensee de l'ENS, 24 rue Lhomond, F-75005 Paris, France . BURLET, Grenoble Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires, DRF/SPh - MDN, 85x, 38041 Grenoble Cedex, France . CALANDRA, Trieste Laboratorio TASC-INFM, Padriciano, 99, 34012 Trieste, Italy R. G. CLARK, New South National Pulsed Magnet Laboratory, The University of New South Wales, P.O. Box 1, Wales Kensington, New South Wales, Australia, 2033 M. F. CoL.ins, Hamilton Department of Physics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M1 P. H. DepERicus, Jiilich Institut fiir Festkérperforschung der Kernforschungsanlage Jiilich, GmbH, 5170 Jiilich 1—Postfach 1913, Federal Republic of Germany . L. Erros, Salt Lake City Department of Physics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, U.S.A. . EscuriG, Dresden MPG Research Group Electron Systems, TU Dresden, P.O. Box 16, Helmbolzstrasse 20, D-0-8027 Dresden, Federal Republic of Germany 3. FASOL, Tokyo University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science, 7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106, Japan R. FIEscHI, Parma Istituto di Fisica, Universita degli Studi, 43100 Parma, Italy Z. GAN, Beijing Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 106871, People’s Republic of China C. E. T. GONCALVES DA Laboratoire Nacional de Luz Sincrotron/CNPq/MCT, Caixa Postal 6192, Campinas 13081 SP, SILVA, Campinas Brazil M. GRYNBERG, Warsaw Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Warsaw, 00-681 Warsaw, ul.Hoza 69, Poland G. GUNTHERODT, Aachen Ii. Physikalisches Institut, RWTH Aachen, Templergraben 55, D-5100 Aachen, Federal Repub- lic of Germany J. JOFFRIN, Paris Université Paris-Sud, Batiment 510, 91405 Orsay, France H. KAMIMURA, Tokyo The Science University of Tokyo, Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science, 1-3 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162, Japan L. V. KELDyYsH, Moscow P. N. Lebedev Institute, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Leninskii Prospect 53, 117924 Moscow, Russia J. KUHL, Stuttgart Max-Planck-Institut fiir Festkorperforschung, Heisenbergstrasse 1, 70569 Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany D. J. Lockwoop, Ottawa IMS, Building M-36, National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0R6, Canada B. LUNDOQviIST, Géteborg Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, S-412 96 Géteborg, Sweden A. H. MACDONALD, Department of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405, U.S.A. Bloomington A. A. MARADUDIN, /rvine Department of Physics, University of California, Irvine, California 92717, U.S.A. . E. MENDEZ, New York IBM, T. J. Watson Research Center, P.O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, U.S.A. . MOLINARI, Modena Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Modena, Via Campi 213/A, 41100 Modena, Italy . OKI, Osaka Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan . PHILLIPS, Cambridge Cavendish Laboratories, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OHE, U.K. >. N. R. RAO, Bangalore Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India . H. SILSBEE, /thaca Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, U.S.A. ’. TsuZUKI, Sendai Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980, Japan . VAN Dyck, Antwerp University of Antwerp (RUCA), Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp, Belgium . WACHTER, Ziirich Laboratorium fiir Festkorperphysik der ETH, CH-8093 Ziirich, Hénggerberg, Switzerland . YNDURAIN, Madrid Dpto. de Fisica de la Materia Condensada, C-III, Universidad Aut6noma de Madrid, Canto- blanco, 28049-Madrid, Spain . ZAWADOWSKI, Budapest Institute of Physics, Technical University of Budapest, XI.Budafoki tt. 8, H-1521 Budapest, Hungary PRODUCTION EDITOR M. R. JAKEMAN, Production Department, Pergamon Press Ltd, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OBW, U.K. SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS is a companion journal to THE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS. Publishing and Advertising Offices: Pergamon Press Inc., 660 White Plains Road, Tarrytown. NY 10591-5153, U.S.A.; Pergamon Press Ltd, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OBW, U.K. Tel., Oxford (0865) 794141. Fax.. 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Second Class Postage Paid at RAHWAY NJ and additional Mailing Offices. Postmaster send address corrections to Pergamon Press Inc., 660 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, NY 10591-5153. U.S.A CONTENTS VOLUME 87, NUMBER | A. Borghesi, A. Sassella, B. Pivac and Characterization of porous silicon inhomogeneities by high L. Pavesi spatial resolution infrared spectroscopy J. M. del Pozo and L. Diaz Thickness dependence of optical gap and absorption tail for amorphous germanium films Xu Yaozhou, Y. Beaulieu and J. B. Webb Photoreflectance measurements of the E, and E, + A, optical transitions in In, _,Al,Sb epilayers F. Ya Nad’ and P. Monceau Transition of charge-density-wave conductors into a glassy-like state B. P. Gorshunov, I. V. Fedorov, Dynamic conductivity and the coherence peak in the G. V. Kozlov, A. A. Volkov and submillimeter spectra of superconducting NbN films A. D. Semenov J. Gonzalez-Hernandez, C. Vazquez-Lopez, Microstructure in thin carbon films A. Zuniga-Segundo and B. S. Chao Y. M. Sirenko and V. Mitin Phonon-assisted trapping by shallow impurity in quantum well R. S. Liu, S. D. Obertelli, S. F. Hu, Superconductivity in Pb-based 1212 cuprates; evidence for P. P. Edwards and D. A. Jefferson under-doping from thermoelectric power H. A. Blackstead Current and angular-dependent transport in the mixed state of Bi,Sr,CaCu,O,, 5 L. Prado, N. D. Vieira Jr, S. L. Baldochi, Optical properties of Pb*(1) centers in BaLiF, crystals S. P. Morato and J. Y. Gesland J. Etrillard, J. Even, M. Sougoti, P.-Launois, Elastic neutron scattering study of high order satellites in the S. Longeville and B. Toudic incommensurate phase of bis(4-chlorophenyl)sulfone A. Khater, O. Rafil, Y. Labaye and Y. Pennec Localized vibrational states on the extremity of an isolated inhomogeneity extending from the boundary into the bulk of two dimensional systems M. Trhlik, P. De Moor, J. John, T. Limbach, Tb magnetic moment behaviour in amorphous Tb-Fe alloy: P. Schuurmans, B. Sedlak, N. Severijns, a nuclear orientation study W. Vanderpoorten, L. Vanneste and J. Wouters S. Jandl, J. Rousseau and L. A. Boatner Infrared and Raman investigations of OH impurities in doped and pure KTaQ; single crystals . G. Sarala Devi, S. Roy and V. J. Rao Boron nitride thin films on Si(100) by metal organic chemical vapour deposition B. Roy and D. Chakravorty Anomalous resistance change in nanocrystalline metallic systems T. Tinoco, C. Rincén, M. Quintero and Photoconductivity spectrum, deformation potentials and A. Charlebois effective masses of carriers for the chalcopyrite semiconductor alloy Cul¢nGaoy S er i Instructions for Authors on the Preparation of Camera-Ready Manuscripts for Solid State Communications ili Vol. 87, Nos 1-12 Contents VOLUME 87, NUMBER 2 H. Mayer and U. Réssler Nonparabolicity in the conduction band of II-VI semiconductors Meng Jian, Ren Yufang and Su Qiang Valence and magnetic properties of YSr2_ ,Ca,V;Oy_, P. Basmaji, B. Matvienko and V. Grivickas lon incorporation and exchange effects in porous silicon H. F. Chau Correlated flux creep through columnar defects in YBa,Cu,0, crystals J. Takeuchi, A. Hikata, M. J. McKenna and A novel magnetoelastic interaction in partially spin-ordered C. Elbaum gadolinium alloys studied by ultrasonics G. Irmer, M. Herms, J. Monecke, Second-order Raman scattering of LO-phonon-plasmon V. Vorli¢ek and I. Gregora modes in GaAs, _, P, I. Elkinani and J. Villain Le paradoxe de Zénon d’Elée G. Demazeau, P. B. Fabritchnyi, Etude par spectrometrie Mdéssbauer des sondes L. Fournes, I. A. Presniakov, S. Darracq, diamagnetiques ''’Sn** d'un compose a structure perovskite V. P. Gorkov, K. V. Pokholok et contenant le fer tetravalent J. Etourneau C. S. Kuo, F. G. Wakim,S . K. Sengupta and Schottky diodes of poly(3-undecylthiophene) containing S. K. Tripathy fullerene Cy, K. T. Han and S. H. Choh A second order phase transition in NaNO, observed by **Na NMR D. W. Snoke and M. Cardona A bond polarizability model for the C,, Raman spectrum . W. H. Pinkse, D. K. Maude,J . C. Portal, Observation of a two dimensional hole gas in a GalnP/GaAs . A. di Forte-Poisson and C. Brylinski heterojunction . C. Feng,J . R. Payne and B. C. Covington Anomalous temperature behavior of Raman spectra from visible light emitting porous silicon . Tabakova Emission spectra of Ge-activated SrCl, single crystals . S. Rogalski,M . Morariu, M. Valeanu and Fe magnetic moments in RFe,,_,Ga, compounds, with . Plugaru R= Y, Gd 9. Rapp, L. Hedman, T. Klein and Magnetic susceptibility of Al-Cu-Fe quasi-crystals with . Fourcaudot varying resistivities . V. Paulose, M. K. Jayaraj, J. Koshy and Preparation and properties of Ba,YZrO,-YBa,Cu,0, . D. Damodaran composites . Moze, C. Greaves, F. Bouree-Vigneron, Magnetic structure of Fe;GaAs B. Cockayne, W. R. Macewan, N. A. Smith and I. R. Harris T. Venkatappa Rao, G. Gangadhar Reddy Anomalous behaviour of the coefficient of thermal expansion and A. Ramakanth in intermediate valence systems Peng Chubing, Dai Chen and Dai Daosheng Interlayer exchange coupling study of NiggFe./Cr multilayered structures Vol. 87, Nos 1-12 Contents VOLUME 87, NUMBER 3 Yijie Li, Guangcheng Xiong, Guijun Lian, 167 Heteroepitaxial growth of MgO films by dual ion beam Jie Li and Zizhao Gan sputtering E. A. Chechetkina 171 Synergetic model for the first sharp diffraction peak in amorphous substances A. S. Zyubin and S. A. Dembovsky 175 Quantum chemical modelling of three-centre Si-H-Si bonds in amorphous hydrogenated silicon S. A. Dembovsky Residual entropy of glass connected with isomery of the subsystem of three-centre bonds M. Nikl, J. A. Mares, E. Mihokova, Energy transfer processes in CeF; single crystals A. Beitlerova, K. Blazek and J. Jindra H. Onda and I. Yamada Observation of quasielastic light scattering in the one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet KCuF, T. Schimizu and M. Tsukada Theory of scanning tunneling microscopy of oxygen adsorption on Ag(110) surface F. R. Shapiro and J. R. Tuttle The Meyer-—Neldel rule in emission rates from defects in copper indium diselenide C. Kuhn and W. F. van Gunsteren Dynamics of solitons in polyacetylene in the step-potential model A. M. Vorotinov and K. A. Sablina Spin-glass state in amorphous Bi,CuO, M. N. Khlopkin, J. Toth, G. Kh. Panova, Thermce'ectric power of Pr>_,Ce,CuO4_, superconductors R. O. Zaitsev, N. A. Babushkina, with various content of Ce J. A. Arnold and S. E. Voinova P. Apell, D. Ostling and G. Mukhopadhyay Collective resonances of carbon onions B. A. Malomed, I. B. Khalfin and Flux strings in a layered superconductor B. Ya. Shapiro I. L. Aptekar’, G. A. Emel’chenko and T — Po, — x phase diagram of BaO(1 — x) — BaO,(x) — O, A. V. Kosenko (0 <x <1) system A. Agui, Y. Tominaga, I. Takenaka, S. Endo New high pressure phase and local distortion of PO, in and M. Kobayashi RbH,PO, E. Arrigoni and G. C. Strinati Anomalous pressure dependence of the La,CuO, superexchange interaction: an evidence of band antiferromagnetism? J. S. Nkoma Surface modes of a composite medium T. H. Yeom, Y. M. Chang, C. Rudowicz and Cr>* centres in LiNbO; : experimental and_ theoretical S. H. Choh investigation of spin Hamiltonian parameters T. Hashimoto and H. Kawazoe Effect of oxygen-deficiency on the structure and conduction behavior of BaP7;Biby 2p503 -4 R. Laiho, K. Eftimova, E. Lahderanta and Magnetic properties of Co-rich AlCo alloys E. Hiltunen J. Redinger An unoccupied Shockley surface state on a carbon deficient TiC(1 00) surface? Vol. 87, Nos 1-12 Contents VOLUME 87, NUMBER 4 J. C. Gustafsson, Q. Pei and O. Inganis 5 Spectroscopic evidence for asymmetric polaron states in poly[3-(4-octy!phenyl)-thiophene | Th. Siebold and P. Ziemann Test of a binary mixture model for the thermoelectric power of ion-bombarded NbN-films Zhen Ye and P. Piercy Frequency shift and relaxation of localized vibrations at surfaces mediated by substrate anharmonicity N.Schroeder, R. Bottner, S. Ratz. Surface induced modifications in the electronic structure of S. Marquardt, E. Dietz, U. Gerhardt and YBa,Cu,07 o Th. Wolf M. Kaiser, W. K. Maser, H. J. Byrne, Photoconductivity of thin film fullerenes: effect of oxygen and A. Mittelbach and S. Roth thermal annealing Yi Qian, Lianghui Chen and Qiming Wang 5 Optical characteristics of GaAs/AlGaAs ridge-quantum-well- wires grown by MBE on nonplanar substrates S. Uma, T. Sarkar, M. Seshasayee, Structural and crystal field studies on a single crystal of G. Rangarajan, C. R. Venkateswara Rao and PrBa,Cu,0, ’ C. Subramanian S. Dubois, R. Canet, F. Carmona and Weak links effect in 123/Cu and 123/CuO composites S. Flandrois A.C. S. Algarte, A. R. Vasconcellos and Diffusion of photoinjected carriers in nonequilibrium polar R. Luzzi semiconductors M. Casalboni, P. Prosposito and Picosecond spectroscopy of color centers in KBr:OH™ U. M. Grassano M. Wintenberger, G. André and Magnetic properties of green dioptase CuSiO;H,O and of M. F. Gardette black dioptase CuSiO;, and magnetic structure of black dioptase S. Nomura, Y. Segawa and T. Kobayashi Magneto-optical effects in CdS,Se,;_, semiconductor microcrystallites T. Schulthess, S$. Crampin and R. Monnier Influence of interdiffusion on the interfacial magnetism in Fe/Ru superlattices A. Matsushita, S. Uji and T. Matsumoto Electrical resistivity of the as-grown Gd, 9xCey yy,CuO, single crystal under pressure Tong B. Tang and S. C. Fung Hardness anisotropy in Bi-Sr-Ca—Cu-O A. Chatterjee and S. Sil All-coupling many polaron gas in a_ two-dimensional semiconductor quantum well M. Auslender and S. Hava On the calculation of alloy scattering relaxation time for ternary III-V and II-VI semiconductors I. V. Grekhov, A. F. Shulekin and Multicascade impact ionization in Si metal-insulator— M. I. Vexler semiconductor tunnel emitter Auger transistor (Si MIS TEAT) N. P. Seregin, F. S. Nasredinov, Electric field gradient at copper sites and distribution of the V. F. Masterov, P. P. Seregin and conductivity electrons in the Nd, ,sCe,, ;;CuO, superconductor Ch. S. Saidov Vol. 87, Nos 1-12 Contents Vii M. Ichikawa, T. Gustafsson and I. Olovsson 349 Linear relation between transition temperature and H-bond distance in M,H(SeO,),.-type crystals (M = K, Rb. Cs) with 0-dimensional H-bond network W. S. Williams Thermal conductivity peaks in old and new ceramic superconductors Chr. Kunze Thin film conductivity, impurities and surface roughness i Author Index Nos 1-4 AUGUST VOLUME 87, NUMBER 5 A. A. Aligia and J. Garcés 363 Low temperature oxygen ordering in YBa,xCu,O,,, K. Neelakandan and Model calculations of Compton profiles from small metallic P. C. Sudha Annapoorm clusters Qiang Hong Magnetic excitations of spin glass systems in a strong magnetic field K. Imaeda, I. I. Khairullin, K. Yakushi, New superconducting sodium—nitrogen—C,,, ternary M. Nagata, N. Mizutani, H. Kitagawa and compound H. Inokuchi Meixiang Wan, Chenhai Zhang and Room-temperature organic ferromagnet of Schiff-base Changjiang Li polymers with iron(II) sulfate L. W. Song, K. T. Fredette, D. D. L. Chung Superconductivity in interhalogen-doped fullerenes and Y. H. Kao S.1.Simak, A. V. Ruban and Yu. H. Vekilov Thermodynamic, mechanical and thermal properties of Ni-W alloys from Harris functional LMTO-CPA calculations V. Calzona, M. R. Cimberle, C. Ferdeghini, Fluctuation conductivity and magnetoconductivity in G. Grasso, D. V. Livanov, D. Marré, 2:2:1:2-phase Bi-Sr-Ca—Cu-—O epitaxial films M. Putti, A. S. Siri, G. Balestrino and E. Milani R. Sarathi and T. S. Ramu Stochastic simulation of tree propagation in XLPE under different voltage profiles D. Fuks, J. Pelleg, S. Dorfman and Temperature dependence of self-diffusion coefficients: S. Rashkeev application to Cs S. K. Dhar, S. M. Pattalwar and Structural and magnetic properties of CeSi,_ ,Ga, alloys R. Vijayaraghavan (x = 1.5, 1.75 and 2.0) C. Mazumdar, R. Nagarajan, C. Godart, Superconductivity at 12 K in Y-Ni-B system L. C. Gupta, M. Latroche, S. K. Dhar, C. Levy-Clement, B. D. Padalia and R. Vijayaraghavan G. Boureau, O. Masmoudi and R. Tetot Electrical conductivity in nonstoichiometric cobalt monoxide. A Monte Carlo simulation R. Boscaino and F. M. Gelardi Spectral investigation of spin echo emission P. Alméras, H. Berger and G. Margaritondo The effect of yttrium on the Ca and Sr planes of Y-doped Bi,Sr,Ca,Cu,O, Vili Vol. 87, Nos 1-12 Contents T. Ueda, S. Hayashi and K. Hayamizu 429 Hydrogen concentration dependence of 'H Knight shift in NbH, studied by 'H MAS NMR J. C. Marini, B. Stebe and E. Kartheuser 435 Influence of the electron-phonon interaction on a donor like exciton in a semiconductor microsphere S. Jorda Fine structure of excitons and polariton dispersion in quantum wires L. Huerta and M. Kiwi A gauge theory approach to a generalized Hubbard model G. Di Francia Influence of the substraie morphology on porous silicon formation K. Higashiyama, S. Yamazaki, H. Ohnuki and Surface states of boron-induced V3 x V3 structure on H. Fukutani Si(111) A. Sugimura Current fluctuation in double-barrier resonant-tunneling structures caused by scattering in electrodes M. Getzlaff, J. Bansmann and G. Schénhense Spin-polarization effects for electrons passing through thin iron and cobalt films S. Geier, G. Bergmann, N. Papanikolaou, Observation of a resonance in the spin-orbit scattering of N. Stefanou and P. H. Dederichs 5(s,p) impurities in Mg and Cu Z. Y. Wu, M. Benfatto and C. R. Natoli Analyses of Sr/La X-ray-absorption-near-edge structure in T-phase La,_ ,Sr,CuO, compounds M. Lomascolo, R. Cingolani, L. Calcagnile, Gaussian line-shape analysis of the room temperature M. Di Giulio, L. Vasanelli, O. Brandt and photoreflectance of GaAs/AlGaAs and InAs/GaAs multiple K. Ploog quantum wells J. Paloheimo and J. von Boehm Density-functional study of the metallic state of trans- polyacetylene Corrigendum AUGUST VOLUME 87, NUMBER 6 P. Vanék, M. Havrankova and J. Horvath Ferroelastic phase transition in [(CH;),N],PdCl, H. Misiorek. A. Jezowski and J. Mucha An evidence for the hydrogen diffusion in niobium by thermal conductivity measurements K. Odani, Y. Ohfuti and K. Cho Radiative decay rate of a quantum well exciton in a semiconductor microcavity: cross-over behavior of exciton- and cavity-modes Y. Galvao Gobato, J. M. Berroir and Resonant tunneling in laterally confined double barrier Y. Guldner structures L. C. OStilleabhain, H. P. Hughes, Raman studies of intrasubband plasmon dispersion for a single A. C. Churchill, D. A. Ritchie, 2DEG under a Schottky gate M. Grimshaw and G. A. C. Jones Y. Luspin, Y. Vaills and G. Hauret Brillouin scattering in RbHSeO, near the ferroelectric transition P. A. Parilla, A. Behrooz and A. Zettl Sub-domain scaling and asymmetry in NbSe, Vol. 87, Nos 1-12 Contents ix P. A. Parilla, M. F. Hundley and A. Zettl 531 Phase strain model for charge density wave sub-domain formation in an applied temperature gradient A. A. Quong, M. R. Pederson and First principles determination of the interatomic force- J. L. Feldman constant tensor of the fullerene molecule J. A. del Rio, J. Tagiiefia-Martinez and Effective electrical conductivity of porous silicon: a novel J. A. Ochoa-Tapia theoretical approach F. Rachdi, J. Reichenbach, L. Firlej, High resolution '*C NMR of K,Cy P. Bernier, M. Ribet, R. Aznar, G. Zimmer, M. Helmle and M. Mehring S. Ayyappan, V. Manivannan, Oxyanion derivatives of cuprate superconductors: G. N. Subbanna and C. N. R. Rao superconducting thallium cuprate oxysulfate To sPby sSryCu(SO,)O, T. Yokoya, T. Takahashi, A. Fujiwara and Superconducting energy gap in Bi,SrxCaCu,O, observed by Y. Koike high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy S. Barisi¢ and E. Tutis Effect of strong electron correlations on the electron-phonon coupling in high 7, superconductors M. Calamiotou, Y. S. Raptis, XRD and Raman studies of low-temperature-grown GaAs E. Anastassakis, M. Lagadas and epilayers Z. Hatzopoulos J. MaaB, H. Ahrens, P. Frébel, K. Barner, Raman spectra and cluster modes of some molybdate- and E. R. Giessinger and R. Braunstein tungstate-borate R. Tro¢, D. Kaczorowski, M. Kolenda, Magnetic behaviour of UCo,P, A. Szytula, M. Bonnet, J. Rossat-Mignod and H. Noé! S. Jursénas, M. Strumskis, A. Zukauskas Surface recombination of nonequilibrium electron-hole and A. I. Ekimov plasma in laser-modified semiconductor-doped glasses Y. Miyamoto and K. Ishiyama Measurement of spontaneous electric polarization in magnetite (Fe,;O,) at 4.2K M. Hanaya, M. Nakayama, M. Oguni, Low-temperature positional ordering of silver ions in a-Agl M. Tatsumisago, T. Saito and T. Minami crystallites dispersed in glass matrix AUGUST VOLUME 87, NUMBER 7 1993 Yu. V. Sushko, K. Andres, N. D. Kusch and 589 Pressure effect on superconductivity in the organic crystal E. B. Yagubskii family x-(BEDT-TTF),.Cu[N(CN),]Cl, - Br, Ns a i Plevreese and F. Brosens 593 On the validity of the Feynman—Jensen inequality expressed in the Hamiltonian formulation for a polaron in a magnetic field V. Tonchev and F. Babalievski AB-percolation conductivity on triangular lattice Xiuqing Huang, Youyan Liu and Dang Mo Transmission of light through a class of quasiperiodic multilayers A. Gregory, S. Usher, F. A. Majumder and Hot carrier relaxation in bulk Ing 5;Gay 47As R. T. Phillips S. Jandl, M. Iliev, C. Thomsen, T. Ruf, Crystal field Raman scattering in Nd,CuO, M. Cardona, B. M. Wanklyn and C. Chen x Vol. 87, Nos 1-12 Contents Dien Li, G. M. Bancroft, M. Kasrai, 613 High-resolution Si K- and L, ,-edge XANES of a@-quartz and M. E. Fleet, X. H. Feng, K. H. Tan and stishovite B. X. Yang K. Vakiparta, M. Reghu, M. R. Andersson, Effect of ageing on the temperature dependence of J. Moulton and T. Taka conductivity of poly(3-hexylthiophene) doped by FeCl, V. V. Rossin, P. C. M. Christianen and Effect of hot electrons on the magnetic field enhancement of V. V. Travnikov exciton luminescence in GaAs V. V. Afonin and A. M. Rudin Nonlinear frequency response of double-barrier resonant- tunneling structure B. N. Kodess and S. Ya. Rakhmanov The electronic Debye-Waller factor for X-ray scattering V. F. Aguekian, L. K. Gridneva and Optical properties of new diluted magnetic semiconductor A. Yu. Serov Cd,_,-,yMn,Mg,Te K. P. Meletov, V. K. Dolganov and Absorption spectra of fullerite C70 at pressures up to 10 GPa Yu. A. Ossipyan C. Thibaudeau and A. Caillé 643 The magnetic polaritons of a semi-infinite uniaxial antiferromagnet P. G. Baranov, I. V. Mashkov, 649 Optically detected magnetic resonance of excitons and carriers N. G. Romanov, P. Lavallard and R. Planel in pseudodirect GaAs/AIAs superlattices S. Takeuchi, T. Masuda, T. Higashimura and 655 Ultrafast charge separation in a substituted polyacetylene T. Kobayashi J.-S. Hwang, C. H. Chung, H. L. Park and 661 Intersubband transitions of CdTe/Cdyo4ZnoqgTe strained T. W. Kim single quantum wells grown by hot-wall epitaxy AUGUST VOLUME 87, NUMBER 8 1993 3. Lasanda, P. Banki and K. Tompa 'H NMR spectra and H-site occupancy in Zr sCu,Niy s— .H, metallic glasses . Firlej, Z. Belahmer, P. Bernier, Molecular motion in solid C;, by °C high resolution NMR . Zahab, M. Ribet, N. Coustel and . Aznar . Allahverdi, S. Babaev, §. Ellialtioglu and Raman scattering in layer indium selenide under pressure . Ismailov . Naka, M. Onoda and H. Nagasawa S #1 impurity effect on phase transition in LiVO, . A. Butman and B. N. Kodess Anomalous variation of thermal movement anisotropy in high T. A 15 compounds at lowering of temperature . Kuznietz,G. André, F. Bourée. H. Pinto. Magnetic properties of U(Ni, - .Cu,)2Si, solid solutions in the . Ettedgui and M. Melamud vicinity of x =0.50 studied by neutron diffraction and AC-susceptibility M. R. Ibarra, C. Marquina, L. Garcia-Orza Giant field induced volume magnetostriction in TbMn; cubic and A. del Moral intermetallic compound L. Soriano, M. Abbate, J. C. Fuggle, The O Is X-ray absorption spectra of transition-metal oxides: M. A. Jiménez, J. M. Sanz, C. Mythen and the TiO.-ZrO.-HfO, and V,0—Nb,0--Ta,0, series H. A. Padmore A. E. Kovalev, M. V. Kartsovnik and Quantum and semi-classical magnetoresistance oscillations in N. D. Kushch a new organic metal (BEDT-TTF),TiHg(SeCN),

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