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Solar System Radio Astronomy: Lectures presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute of the National Observatory of Athens: Cape Sounion August 2–15, 1964 PDF

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Preview Solar System Radio Astronomy: Lectures presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute of the National Observatory of Athens: Cape Sounion August 2–15, 1964

SOLAR SYSTEM RADIO ASTRONOMY SOLAR SYSTEM RADIO ASTRONOMY Lectures presented at the ]jATO Advanced Study Institute of the National Observatory of Athens: Cape Sounion August 2-15, 1964 Edited by Jules Aarons Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories Bedford, Massachusetts Distributed by PLENUM PRESS NEW YORK 1965 ISBN-13: 978-1-4615-8605-0 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-4615-8603-6 DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4615-8603-6 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 65-14086 ©1965 Ionospheric Institute of the National Observatory of Athens, Greece Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1965 AU rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher Contents Preface: M. ANASTASSIADES •.•...•..•..••.•..•.••...•..•...••• vii Introduction: J. AARONS . . . . . . . . • • • • . . . . • • • . • . • . . . • . . . . . •• ix Opening Address: R. SCHRADER. . . . . • . • . . • . • • . • . . . . • • . • . . xi SOLAR CHARACTERISTICS Chapter 1: Solar Characteristics from Optical Observations, G. RIGHINI 1 Chapter 2: Introduction to the Study of Solar Radio Emission, J. F. DENISSE .•.•.••..•..•........•••• 39 THE QUIET SUN Chapter 3: A Survey of Radio Observations of Solar Eclipses, J. CASTELLI AND J. AARONS.. . . • •• • . . • . . • .. . .•• . .• 49 Chapter 4: The Slowly Varying Component of Solar Radiation, M. PICK 81 Chapter 5: Radio Frequency Emissions of the Sun in the Centimeter Wavelength Range: The Slowly Varying Sunspot Component, O. HACHENBERG ..••.••.•..•.•...•....•..... 95 Chapter 6: Study of the Slowly Varying Component at Three Centimeters as a Function of Solar Activity, C. CAROUBALOS. • . . • . . •. 109 THE DISTURBED SUN Chapter 7: The Solar Flare Phenomenon as Seen at Radio Frequencies, D. J. McLEAN ., • . • . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . .. 117 Chapter 8: Sweep Frequency Measurements of Solar Bursts, J. W. WARWICK. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . • . . . 131 Chapter 9: Noise Storms, A. D. FOKKER. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . .. 171 Chapter 10: Narrow-Band Studies of Solar Bursts, 6. ELGAROY 201 Chapter 11: Solar Noise Measurements by the Riometer Technique, M. ANASTASSIADES •. . • . • • • • . . • • . • • • • •. 225 Chapter 12: Radio Frequency Emission of the Sun in the Centimeter Wavelength Range: Microwave Bursts, O. HACHENBERG ..• 241 vi CONTENTS THE INTERPLANET ARY MEDIUM Chapter 13: Radio Investigation of the Solar Corona and the Interplanetary Medium, A. HEWISH . . . . . . . . . . . • . . •. 255 Chapter 14: Radio Astronomy of Solar System Plasmas, V. R. ESHLEMAN. 267 THE MOON Chapter 15: The Interpretation of Thermal Emission from the Moon, H. WEAVER .•...•............•...•... 295 Chapter 16: Lunar Radar Reflections, G. PETTENGILL 355 THE PLANETS Chapter 17: Some Problems of Planetary Radio Astronomy, H. WEAVER .. 371 Chapter 18: Planetary Radar Astronomy, G. PETTENGILL ..•.•.•.... 401 Abstract: Distribution of the Ionizing Radiation on the Solar Disk During the Solar Eclipse of Feb. 15, 1961, D. ILIAS ..••...• 413 Index . ........•....•..•....•.•......•..•..•.•••..•. 415 Preface The Ionospheric Institute of the National Observatory of Athens has had two interests in recent years: the study of the ionosphere and the study of the sun. In our previous Advanced Study Institutes in 1960, 1961, and 1962, we have em phasized the ionosphere. For the Advanced Study Institute of 1964, however, we invited Dr. Jules Aarons of the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories to collaborate in preparing and directing a program of studies of the sun, the moon, the planets, and the interplanetary medium. The lectures of this Advanced Study Institute form essentially an advanced course in radio astronomy. Without being a textbook on the matter, we feel that the present book can be considered as an excellent reference for those students starting their research work in the field of solar system radio astronomy. All lecturers tried to present their subjects in a simple form based upon their exten sive personal experience, but without emphasizing their personal research. We must recognize that it was an excellent achievement for them to keep their text exactly at the level indicated by the Program Director, and outlined by the gen eral program of Advanced Study Institutes of NATO. We are deeply grateful to all the invited scientists for their outstanding contributions in lecturing on their subjects in a clear and authoritative manner. The Scientific Affairs Division of NATO, in its aid to basic research, spon sors various programs. Among them is the Program of Advanced Study Institutes. As a Research Director in a country undergoing scientific growth, I can state that this Summer School is one of the most successful programs of aid. It pro vides a new form of meeting, different from the well-known conferences, sym posia, or colloquia. Scientists from developed countries stimulate and aid re search undertaken by scientists in countries under development. Living together in one pleasant place during the period of the Summer Schools provides the Insti tute members with many opportunities for worthwhile discussions not only in the conference rooms, but during leisure time as well. I feel that this informal and amicable exchange of ideas on scientific matters is of great value and most fruit ful. Each individual is given the greatest possible opportunity for an exchange of creative ideas through the organization of Advanced Study Institutes. In behalf of the participants, the lecturers, and especially the young team of radio astronomers of the National Observatory of Athens, I express my grati tude to NATO's Scientific Affairs Division for the foresight shown in sponsoring the Cape Sounion Advanced Study Institute on Solar System Radio Astronomy. Michael Anastassiades Professor, University of Athens Director of the Advanced Study Institute of NATO on Solar System Radio Astronomy vii Introduction In the latter part of the summer of 1964, the National Observatory of Athens directed and hosted an Advance Study Institute on Solar System Radio Astronomy. The aim was to satisfy the dual need of supplying a written technical review of radio and radar astronomy as it related to the physics of the solar system and of conducting a school plus a conference. Invitations were extended to astronomers who had contributed to the field; they were asked to deliver lectures on the sub jects proposed to them as well as write papers for a comprehensive volume on Solar System Radio Astronomy. The result is this volume. In planning the publication, stress was placed on areas which had not been adequately covered by the plethora of review articles which have appeared re cently. If reviews had appeared in the literature, a quite different approach to the subject was sought. Two examples among many are Weaver's review of pas sive lunar observations and Righini's advanced introduction to physical charac teristics of the sun as obtained by optical techniques. At the end of the Institute, both the lecturers and the participants are satu rated with knowledge and discussion. One has the feeling that a great body of knowledge has been gathered by the tools of radio and radar astronomy, but it also was apparent that there are nagging and recurring questions that must be answered. The final meeting of the Institute, a round table discussion, brought to light the ideas of the lecturers as to what might constitute future studies in solar sys tem radio and radar astronomy. The observations of the sun are varied both in type and in number, but there is open season on ideas as to the means by which flares generate radio frequency emission. Even within this volume, there are several theories as to the genera tion and radiation mechanisms of various burst types. Some observations of the sun have as yet inadequate materiel. The studies of magnetic field changes near sunspots during times before and after flare emission have limited data; new equipment in solar observatories is being set up to make these measurements. New observations of solar X-rays have just become available; these must be added to the background of observations that provide the foundation for theoreti cal studies. Millimeter observations of both the solar slowly varying component and solar bursts will become important in the future. Absolute flux measurements are now the subjects of many discussions. The use of radio measurements from the solar centers of activity has increased with the correlation of solar flux values with atmospheric density, E -layer critical frequency, and other atmospheric parameters. The need is growing for both know ing the absolute value of the flux from the sun at a particular wavelength and ix x INTRODUCTION comparing these measurements at various phases of the sunspot cycle. Both these solar data and others must be integrated from a worldwide point of view; observatories with radio telescopes on the same frequency report greatly varying values for a particular day. The integration of data on a worldwide basis is nec essary in order to understand the evolution of a series of flares from a particular sunspot region. The addition of polarization observations, absolute flux measurements, and spectral index recordings (of bursts) will aid in the construction of models of solar flare emission. Solar physicists were in agreement as to the need for both theoretical studies in magnetohydrodynamics, laboratory plasma experiments as well as additional measurements to understand the mechanism of the solar flare and its emissions. The Cavendish laboratories, using their large interferometer, have recently observed scintillation of radio stars which" they attribute to the motion and struc ture of the interplanetary medium. However, their derived velocities are some what low for the solar wind. Possibilities exist using this technique to recon struct three-dimensional spatial variations and, of course, to study the outflow of large solar features and the solar corpuscular wind. The participants agreed that the field of planetary studies was just begin ning, both from the viewpoint of ground observations as well as deep space ve hicles. Weaver has stressed the importance of good infrared studies of both the moon and the planets. The possibility of microwave spectroscopy yielding re sults was discussed; molecular spectra may be obtainable from ground measure ments. Radar astronomy, of course, has been making great strides in determining the astronomical unit and the rotational period of the planets as well as the sur face reflectivity. Lunar studies, in spite of the possibility of an astronaut scooping up the surface material, will increase in the future from the earth. Infrared observations, polarization measurements (both by passive radio measurements and active radar), and long wavelength radar reflectivity studies (7 -10 m) as well as the resolution of small regions, were areas where the participants felt research could and would be extended. One comes away from a meeting of this type with two apparently diametrical ly opposed points of view; on one hand, a vast amount of observation and theo retical material on solar, lunar, and planetary processes has been gathered, but opposing this a vast amount needs to be done to answer the simplest of questions about solar flares and general solar activity, lunar surfaces, and planetary sur faces and atmospheres. It is hoped that this book will serve as an introduction to solar system radio astronomy, just as the work done to date on solar physics will merely be an in troduction to future understanding of solar processes. I would like to thank John Castelli for his assistance and advice in the preparation of this volume. Jules Aarons Editor Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories U.S.A. Opening Address It is a great privilege and pleasure for me to attend, as a representative of the NATO Science Committee, the opening session of the Advanced Study Institute on Solar System Radio Astronomy. This institute is one of forty-three schools sponsored this year by the Science Committee within the framework of its Ad vanced Study Institute Program. It is worth remembering that the Advanced Study Institute Program was started with five schools in 1959, and has been gradually expanded to the present level. Accordingly, the budget allocated by NATO for this purpose has been in creased from 100,000 to 650,000 dollars over the same period. The Advanced Study Institute Program is not intended for the support of regu lar scientific meetings such as conferences, symposia, or colloquia, but for courses or seminars at an advanced level, which last from two weeks to two months. There is no special form of organization, but it is expected that the schools provide for concentrated studies in a restricted scientific field. Study institutes are held at any time of the year, although most of them take advantage of holiday periods during the summer months, so as to be able to bring together faculty staff and students from various nations. The schools are geo graphically situated in a country which is a member of the Atlantic Alliance; how ever, participation is not limited to citizens of NATO nations. The subject of a summer school is chosen from any of the natural sciences and technology, including mathematics. No special form of application for a NATO grant is required if a scientist wishes to organize an institute. Eligible applica tions are considered by the staff of the Division for Scientific Affairs, and a small panel of three members of the Science Committee makes the selection of recipients and determines the amount of money. Decisions are taken on the basis of the an ticipated quality of the study, the proposed degree of international partiCipation concerning both faculty and students, and the desire to achieve a reasonable dis tribution of grants among different sciences and different countries. The NATO grants are made completely unrestricted so as not to influence the management of the school. As a matter of policy, the director of the institute bears full responsibility and enjoys the liberty to establish the program and select teaching staff and students. Incidentally, many schools Simultaneously receive money from other sources. Since the introduction of the Advanced Study Institute Program in 1959 until today, NATO has provided financial assistance to about a hundred and fifty sum mer schools. Approximately fifty of these have published their courses in the form of brochures and books which are available in the literature. The Program is now well established and well known in the Western scientific community and will continue in the years to come. Rudol f Schrader Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Scientific Affairs North Atlantic Treaty Organization Paris, France xi Chapter 1 Solar Characteristics from Optical Observations G. Righini Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri Florence, Italy INTRODUCTION The sun is a dwarf star, type G 2 in the Harvard spectral classification, whose absolute visual magnitude is Mv = + 4. 79. It is therefore a typical main sequence star in the H -R diagram; in addition, its place in the Galaxy is rather peripheral since its distance from the center is about 27,000 light years, i.e., two-thirds of the radius of the disk. The sun revolves around the galactic center with a velocity of approximately 200 km/sec; the period of this motion is of the order of 108 years, i.e., one order of magnitude shorter than the admitted life of our solar system. Since the average distance from the earth is 150 x 106 km, the sun is the only star which shows a visible radius; this, at a mean distance subtends an angle of 960" = 0.005 rad. Since the radius Ro is 7 x 105 km, it follows that 1" = 725 km. Other physical parameters of the sun - the mass M = 2 X 1033 g, the mean den p sity = 1.41 g/ cm 3, the surface temperature T, and the luminosity L - will be discussed in the next section. It is customary to distinguish three zones in the whole solar body: the photo sphere, the chromosphere, and the corona. The prominences are features which have their "roots" in the chromosphere but they develop in the low corona. THE PHOTOSPHERE Solar Constant, Luminosity, and Temperature The solar constant S is the flux received by a l_cm2 surface placed outside our atmosphere. Its value at the mean sun - earth distance is S = 1.39 X 106 erglsec-cm2 The luminosity L is the total flux emitted by the sun, which is readily obtained by multiplication, with the surface of the sphere having a radius equal to the sun earth distance. Its value is L 3.90 x 10 33 erg/sec

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