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Solar System History from Isotopic Signatures of Volatile Elements: Volume Resulting from an ISSI Workshop 14–18 January 2002, Bern, Switzerland PDF

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Preview Solar System History from Isotopic Signatures of Volatile Elements: Volume Resulting from an ISSI Workshop 14–18 January 2002, Bern, Switzerland

SOLAR SYSTEM HISTORY FROM ISOTOPIC SIGNATURES OF VOLATILE ELEMENTS Space Sciences Series of ISSI Volume 16 The International Space Science Institute is organized as a foundation under Swiss law. It isfunded through recurrent contributions from the European Space Agency, the Swiss Confederation, the Swiss National Science Foundation, and the University of Bem. For moreinformation, seethehomepage athttp://www.issi.unibe.ch/. Coverillustration:Artist's viewofthesolarnebula:Gas, dust,andplanetesimals orbitthe early Sun in the accretion disk. Copyright by William K. Hartmann, Planetary Science Institute,Tucson,Arizona, USA. Thetitlespublishedinthisseriesarelistedattheendofthis volume. SOLARSYSTEMHISTORYFROMISOTOPICSIGNATURES OF VOLATILEELEMENTS VolumeResultingfromanISSI Workshop 14-18January 2002,Bern,Switzerland Editedby R. KALLENBACH InternationalSpaceScienceInstitute, CH-30I2Bern,Switzerland T.ENCRENAZ DESPA,Observatoire deParis, F-92I95Meudon Cedex, France J.GEISS InternationalSpaceScienceInstitute, CH-3012 Bern,Switzerland K. MAUERSBERGER Max-Planck-lnstitutfur Kernphysik. D-69029Heidelberg, Germany r.c. OWEN UniversityofHawaii atManoa, Honolulu,HI96822,USA F.ROBERT CNRS-Museum,Museumd'HistoireNaturelle, F-75005 Paris,France Reprinted from Space ScienceReviews,Volume106,Nas. 1-4,2003 tI.:~INTERNATIONAL I SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Space SciencesSeries ofISSI A.C.I.P.Cataloguerecordfor this bookisavailablefrom theLibraryofCongress ISBN 978-94-010-3970-3 ISBN 978-94-010-0145-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-010-0145-8 Printedonacid-freepaper AURights Reserved @2003SpringerScience+BusinessMediaNewYork OriginallypublishedbyKluwerAcademicPublishers in 2003 Softcover reprintofthe hardcover lstedition 2003 Nopart ofthematerial protectedbythis copyright notice maybe reproducedOf utilizedinany form orbyany means,electronicor mechanical, includingphotocopying,recordingorbyany information storageand retrievalsystem, withoutwritten permissionfrom thecopyrightowner TABLEOFCONTENTS SUNANDPROTOSOLARNEBULA J. GEISS andG.GLOECKLER/IsotopicCompositionofH,HeandNe intheProtosolarCloud 3 R.N. CLAYTON/OxygenIsotopesinthe SolarSystem 19 U. OTT/IsotopesofVolatilesinPre-solarGrains 33 J. LINSKY /Atomic DeuteriumlHydrogenintheGalaxy 49 E.ROUEFFandM.GERIN/DeuteriuminMoleculesoftheInterstellar Medium 61 T.J. MILLAR /DeuteriumFractionationin InterstellarClouds 73 F. ROBERT/TheD/HRatio inChondrites 87 OUTERSOLARSYSTEM R. HUESO andT. GUILLOT /Evolution ofthe ProtosolarNebulaand FormationoftheGiantPlanets 105 T.OWENandT.ENCRENAZ/ElementAbundancesandIsotopeRatios intheGiantPlanets andTitan 12] K. ALTWEGG and D. BOCKELEE-MORVAN/Isotopic Abundances inComets 139 S.MESSENGER,FJ.STADERMANN,C.FLOSS,L.R.NITTLERand S. MUKHOPADHYAY/Isotopic SignaturesofPresolarMateri- als inInterplanetaryDust 155 EARTH, TERRESTRIALPLANETS,ANDMOON B. MARTY, K. HASHIZUME, M. CHAUSSIDON and R. WIELER / Nitrogen Isotopes on the Moon: Archives of the Solar and PlanetaryContributionsto the InnerSolarSystem 175 R. WIELERand V.S. HEBER/ NobleGas Isotopes ontheMoon 197 RO. PEPIN/ OnNobleGas Processingin the SolarAccretionDisk 211 M.M. GRADYandLP. WRIGHT/ElementalandIsotopicAbundances ofCarbonandNitrogeninMeteorites 231 E.M.GALIMOV/IsotopicCriteriaforIdentificationofOrganicCarbon onEarthandMeteorites 249 ISOTOPICFRACTIONATIONPROCESSES K. MAUERSBERGER, D. KRANKOWSKY andC. JANSSEN/ Oxy- genIsotopeProcessesandTransferReactions 265 H.LAMMERandS.J.BAUER/IsotopicFractionationbyGravitational Escape 281 E. HERBST/ IsotopicFractionationby Ion-MoleculeReactions 293 R KALLENBACH/ Isotopic Fractiona~ionby PlasmaProcesses 305 WORKINGGROUPREPORTS R KALLENBACH,F.ROBERT,J.GEISS,E.HERBST,H.LAMMER, B. MARTY, T.J. MILLAR, U. OTT and R.O. PEPIN / Sun and ProtosolarNebula 319 RH. BECKER, R.N. CLAYTON, E.M. GALIMOV, H. LAMMER, B. MARTY, RO. PEPIN and R WIELER / Isotopic Signatures of VolatileElements inTerrestrialPlanets 377 EPILOGUE R KALLENBACH andU. OTT/ Glossary 413 ListofAcronyms 423 Vll SolarSystem Historyfrom Isotopic Signatures ofVolatile Elements ISSIWorkshop, 14-18 January 2002, Bern, Switzerland Group Photograph 1.KonradMauersberger 9.RobertO.Pepin 17.RichardH.Becker 2.EricHerbst 10.Fran<;oisRobert 18.TomJ.Millar 3.KathrinAltwegg 11.DanielGautier 19.UrsulaPfander 4.ThereseEncrenaz 12.RainerWieler 20.JeffreyLinsky 5.TobiasOwen 13.UlrichOtt 21.JohannesGeiss 6.HelmutLammer 14.EvelyneRoueff 22.RicardoHueso 7. ScottMessenger 15.RobertN.Clayton 23. SilviaWenger 8.BernardMl!rty 16.BrigitteFasler 24.ReinaldKallenbach Notinthispicture: ErikM.Galimov,MonicaM.Grady,AlexN. Halliday PicturetakenbyUrsLauterburg,PhysikalischesInstitut,UniversityofBern viii IX ListofParticipants Kathrin Altwegg PhysikalischesInstitut, University ofBern CH-30l2 Bern, Switzerland [email protected] RichardH. Becker School ofPhysics andAstronomy, University ofMinnesota Minneapolis, MN55455, USA [email protected] Robert N. Clayton Enrico Fermi Institute, University ofChicago Chicago, IL 60637, USA [email protected] ThereseEncrenaz DESPA, Observatoire de Paris F-92195Meudon Cedex, France [email protected] ErikM. Galimov v.l. Vernadsky Institute, RussianAcademyofSciences 117975Moscow, Russia [email protected] Daniel Gautier Observatoirede Paris-Meudon, CNRS F-92195 Meudon Cedex, France [email protected] Johannes Geiss International Space Science Institute CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland [email protected] MonicaM. Grady Dept. ofMineralogy, The Natural History Museum UK-London SW75BD, United Kingdom [email protected] x Alex N. Halliday Dept. ofEarth Sciences, ETHZurich CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland [email protected] Eric Herbst Departments ofPhysics andAstronomy, The Ohio State University Columbus, OH43210, USA [email protected] Ricardo Hueso Laboratorie Cassini, Observatoirede La Cote d'Azur F-06304 Nice Cedex 4, France [email protected] Reinald Kallenbach International Space Science Institute CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland [email protected] HelmutLammer Space Research Institute, AustrianAcademyofSciences A-8042 Graz, Austria [email protected] Jeffrey Linsky JILA, University ofColorado Boulder, CO 80309-0440, USA [email protected] BernardMarty Centre de Recherches Petrographiqueset Geochimiques, CNRS F-54501 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex, France [email protected] KonradMauersberger Max-Planck-Institutfir Kernphysik, Division ofAtmosphericPhysics D-69029Heidelberg, Germany [email protected]

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