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Solar Drying Of Sawn Timber In Kingston Jamaica 1997 PDF

4 Pages·1997·1.15 MB·English
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Preview Solar Drying Of Sawn Timber In Kingston Jamaica 1997

t=] Wall Building Case Study Saar Solar Drying of Sawn Timber in Kingston, Jamaica Introduction Tradoelly, lube wily we Jesse andallovertheCainbean Rego ‘meso fr fuse abd ert fees ‘Tho sjrity ef sana and median seed Finas, producing fc the locl markt. cat getthemtie abe: euy unaeanned ThoJuncieas weedmivkingteter estas ing the moist is often ca ox ew dagsercckseF especie the msi ners ial ithe prouets noun: foro merc. Notboiag ble toaoud the dyn ‘oes in i fod la, o7 debut on tens man by sloticy one a of tan cost USE 2}.thecad produ mista onat 17 621 iss by ojo ai sorsosng sar dove hs uses eq use meits cote capes. 13% Some stoodwocking compass in ths Cac. Ihsan. espsiallytagscones whishexpat ‘hei ros ae Fed Kl bo) tnesshendmsstrssoteppren. 8:0 12% ‘hasensing aitbilty interme fan na stnitandpiaper san osng 0008 the prodact is expored to dice slit, brated o els However, wring sapemsive ei out of system IF appropri wrod produ sre not Be me sia ore ow ‘Heat apg ie yt coesicn aL. Caries the eS Net lls forced cline, Wersne: Iheslur drying spicm dexrtedhone ‘kxcloped toprol ae wae ah alermtncolbccrerestonalal ed desi sats Anentire solar concept ann of das Cavibbca Development Bark was follomed by the penning and hve {ucntooeatueomat solr eat Sorted wondocking compan, mnt sige ir i STi wa hheprseet pane Sincethesize een lis (icone ard pach SiSdie Wes laa 1 Sesto hs ila by begins Ho enstare octet of the sav Gtr down rom [SH SD EI oappnen 204628 5, beers ‘splat the in A pes veeiect ot isthe low drying emote he probit sus a thse ed very Iuootly in Ui fr. stp ut the ering prcose, celia in Bigh ing quali Acceptance and awareness raising “he dssemiaatoe of solar eneres we in Sc ssn ts ical stge-compased it is potenti. 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