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Solar Aquatics System (SAS) for wastewater purification [1996] PDF

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Preview Solar Aquatics System (SAS) for wastewater purification [1996]

CM ON EV 545 PROJECT PROFILE @ Ontario Solar AquaticsTM System (SAS) for I Wastewater Purification Ill contitittation qf its long historj' of leadership in the em-i ron mental engineering field. Proctor & Redfern is comm i/ted to the deretopment i)/tbe Solar Aqua/irs System Jbr sen wige and septage treatment applications in the of Ontario. / enrironmentatlyjriendl,' technolorç is particularly appropri ate for small conjinunities ti/tb sip//i tanks or for remote tourist forth! ies Frank C. Moe Executive Vice-President Proctor & Red/em Ltd.. Don Mills. Ontario ThE COMPANY Driven by a corporate philosophy So far Aqua//cs TA System Demonstration. to provide preeminent professional consulting services to meet the needs of clients. Proctor & Redfern is one of Canada's best known engineering TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION RESt i:i's firms, Proctor & Redfern is a full The SAS uses diverse, selt- Permiffed SAS facilities are in service consulting firm, recognized by adaptive aquatic environments to treat operation in several states in the clients for sound technical and man- wastewater. Plants, snails, bacteria USA.. as well as in Nova Scotia and in agement performance. The firm is and other microorganisms metabolize Mexico. A one-year monitoring wholly owned by its staff and commit- or bind up wastewater contaminants in program developed in co-operation ted to upholding its standards of - ten aerated translucent tanks and an with the MOEE, is underway to excellence, - anoxic marsh. Chemical flocculation. establish SAS as a proven and viable precipitation, neutralization and technology. Early results show ThE CIIALI.FN(E disinfection are avoided and mechani- impressive suspended solids. BUD There are increasing consumption cal simplicity is emphasized. Proper (biological oxygen demand) and and pollution-stresses on Ontario's temperature, humidity and light nitrogen removal (all below 10 mg/L). water resources, A need has been conditions are maintained in a green- Research is underway to improve the identified tor an improved wastewater house for year-round treatment. Long phosphorus removal to better than 1 treatment system that would be more retention times produce fewer and mg/L. cost effective, decentralized (treatment more stabilized biosolids, as well as at the source) and ecologically based. providing a buffer against accidental TECHNOLOGY OPPORTUNITIES These issues led Proctor & Redfern to toxic discharges to sensitive receiving The SAS is ideally suited to V construct a Bio-Regenerative waters. Proctor & Redfern has communities seeking a sewage Wastewater Treatment System, known acquired the Ontario rights for the treatment tacihty with the following as the Solar AquaticstM System (SAS), Solar Aquatics' technology from the qualities: at the Ontario Science Centre (USC). patent owners, Ecological Engineering This model demonstration facility is Associates, of Massachusetts. The sub-surface discharge of the designed to edUcate the public, demonstration facility at the Ontario effluent to a nitrate-sensitive validate the technology and create Science Centre will handle 6.800 Li receiver, - — L— - - commercial opportunities for Solar day of sewage, or approximately 10 * Aquatics per cent of the Centres total effluent, seasonal septage or boat wastes: Ministry of Environment and Energy Copyright Provisions and Restrictions on Copying: This Ontario Ministry of the Environment work is protected by Crown copyright (unless otherwise indicated), which is held by the Queen's Printer for Ontario. It may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes if credit is given and Crown copyright is acknowledged. It may not be reproduced, in all or in part, for any commercial purpose except under a licence from the Queen's Printer for Ontario. For information on reproducing Government of Ontario works, please contact ServiceOntario Publications at treatment capacities ranging from PARTNERSHIP IN POLLUTION FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, 75 to 1800 m3/day (serving 300 to PREVENTION AND RESOtJRCE PLEASE CONTACT 7000 people): CONSERVATION * Frank Moir, proven tourist attraction, educa- The demonstration of this technol- Executive President tional facility and winter refuge: ogy was partially funded by the Proctor & Redfern Limited * potential for seasonal irrigation, Ontario Ministry of Environment and 45 Don Ontario habitat restoration and water reuse: Energy and the Ontario Realty M3C 3K3 Corporation. Tel (416) 445-3600 * green image and value-added Industrial companies located in FAX (416) 445-5276 teatures that facilitate community Ontario may participate in ministry/ acceptance: industry programs which will help Doug Vallery them: Industry Conservation Branch * cost competitive with conventional * Ministry of Environment and Energy concrete/chemical based systems. reduce, reuse and recycle solid 56 Wellesley St. W. 14th Floor waste: Toronto. Ontario Surface discharge requires chemical polishing for phosphorus * effectively remediate historic M7A 2B7 removal. Research for a less chemical pollution and destroy hazardous Tel: (416) 327-8329 dependent process is underway at contaminants: FAX (416) 327-1261 Internet [email protected] Proctor & Redtern. * reduce or eliminate liquid effluent and gaseous emissions: * use energy and water more efficiently. Equipment and services supply compames can benefit from the information provided on technologies identified for business development MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY PRO(;RAMS For information on Ministry of Environment and Energy assistance to industry, please contact the Industry Conservation Branch at (416) 327-1492. Fax (416) 327-1261 Publication of fhis project profile does not imply product endorsement. The ministry does not This project profile was prepared and warrant the accuracy of its contents and cannot guarantee or assume any liability for the published a public service by the Ontario effectiveness or economic benefits of the recommendations or technologies descnbed Ministry of Environment and Energy Its herein or that their use does not infringe on pnvately-owned rights purpose is tn transfer information to Ontario In addition, the ministry cannot be held liable for any injury or damage to any person or companies aOoiit new environmental property as a result of the implementation of any part of this profile. technolo pies Renseignements en français: Ministbre de l'Environnement et de f'Energie 56 rue Wellesley ouest, Toronto, Ontario M7A 287 Telephone: (416) 327-1253 ou Tblecopieur i4 16)327-1261 paper 500- 04 - 96 RiBS 3354E29

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