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David Dent · Yuriy Dmytruk E ditors Soil Science Working for a Living Applications of Soil Science to Present- Day Problems Soil Science Working for a Living David Dent Yuriy Dmytruk (cid:129) Editors Soil Science Working for a Living Applications of Soil Science to Present-Day Problems 123 Editors DavidDent YuriyDmytruk Chestnut Tree Farm,Forncett End Soil ScienceDepartment Norfolk Chernivtsi National University UK Chernivtsi Ukraine ISBN978-3-319-45416-0 ISBN978-3-319-45417-7 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-45417-7 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2016949115 ©SpringerInternationalPublishingSwitzerland2017 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor foranyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerInternationalPublishingAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland Editorial Introduction ThisselectionofpapersfromasymposiumatChernivtsi,intheUkraine,dealswith gritty issues that society faces every day: food and water security; environmental servicesprovided,almostaccidentally,byfarmers—andtakenforgrantedbyurban dwellers; the capability of the land to provide our needs today and for the fore- seeablefuture;and pollution ofsoil, air, and water. The contributions arearranged in three broad communities of practice in which soil scientists work to solve these problems. It is not all the same out there! Assessment of land capability spells out this cri de coer; what is more, soil survey and land evaluation show how every patch of land is different and how it will respond to management. But soil survey and land evaluation depend on knowledge of soil processes and the relationships of soils withthewiderlandscape—sowedealwiththeseissuesinPartI:SoilDevelopment: Properties and Qualities. Dokuchaev’s insight on the relationships between soils and their landscape, nowadaysexpressedastheFactorsofSoilFormation,istheveryfoundationofsoil survey so we begin with a timely reassessment of Dokuchaev’s concept by Sergiy Kanivets. Reading the landscape, or a soil profile, depends on picking out clues fromaplethoraofdetail;understandingtheprocessesatworkinthepastaswellas the present; and deducing their continuing effects on the performance of the soil under our management. This understanding comes from an accumulation of per- ceptive research using many and various methods and techniques. Volodymyr Nikorych and his Polish colleagues highlight pedological features that, in a sense, are the memory of the soil. In Redoximorphic Features in Albeluvisols from Southwestern Ukraine, they draw upon scales of observation from the field, to the microscope, to the electron microscope, seeking to understand the process of development of the iron–manganese mottles common in alternately wet and dry soils—and what they can tell us about the soil water regime. In another micro- morphological examination, Fractal Properties of Coarse/Fine-Related Distribution in Forest Soils on Colluvium, Volodymyr Yakovenko applies the mathematicsoffractalstoestablishlithologicalhomogeneity,orlithologicalbreaks, in soil profiles, a crucial step in interpreting how they have developed. v vi EditorialIntroduction Part II: Assessment of Resources and Risks includes applications of the soil scientist’s toolkit from the global to the most detailed scale and from the most recent to the oldest identified features related to land use. The Last Steppes: New PerspectivesonanOldChallenge,byDavidDentandZhanguoBaifromISRIC— World Soil Information, interprets global and regional land degradation using a long time series of coarse-scale satellite imagery. They argue that, within a gen- eration, without a radical change of policy and management, the Chernozem—the best arable soil in the world—will be no more. Seeking to provide an operational systemfordiagnosisandmonitoringoferodingChernozem,TatianaByndych,from the Sokolovskyi Institute in Kharkiv, explores the potential use of detailed multi- spectraldatafromUkrainianSich-2satellite.Andseekingtoidentifythefirststeps inman’sconquest,YuriDmytrukteamsupwithVadimStepanchukoftheInstitute of Archaeology, applying microelement analysis to confirm the identification of hearths in the archaeological sequence at Medzhybozh, making this the oldest proven use offire in the Ukraine—400,000 years ago. Backtothepresent,wefindthatourfundamentalinformationonthesoilpattern is broadscale, dated, and incomplete. There seems no immediate likelihood of a nationwide resurvey, but two contributions from Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University demonstrate how we can update and improve heritage soil maps using modern techniques and technology. Vasyl Cherlinka Using Geostatistics, DEM, and Remote Sensing to Clarify Soil Cover Maps of Ukraine andOlgaStouzhoukandYuriyDmytrukMakingBetterSoilMapsUsingModelsof Tangential Curvature make use of large-scale digital terrain models and apply landformanalysisofvaryingdegreesofsophistication,accordingtothejobinhand. None of these developments does away for the need for the reality check of fieldwork,buttheycertainlyenableustomakeefficientuseofourtimeinthefield. For long-term management of soil resources and the design of erosion control measures, it helps to compare actual rates of soil erosion with a defined, tolerable value. In Determination of Soil Loss Tolerance for Chernozem of Right-Bank Ukraine, Sergiy Chornyy and Nataliya Poliashenko from Mykolayiv National Agrarian University draw upon a wealth of regional data on the relations between individual soil qualities and soil productivity to develop a modified productivity index (MPI). According to the change in MPI and its rate of decline as a result of soilerosion,calculations forOrdinaryandSouthernchernozemindicateasoilloss tolerance of 5–7 t/ha per year but, also, significant differences in outcomes for already eroded and not-eroded soils. Finally, in this section, we note the dearth of systematic, publicly available information on the environmental impact of the agro-industrial complex that dominatesthecountry’seconomy.InashortarticleAssessmentofProblemsofSoil Contamination using Environmental Indicators, Yevhen Varlamov and Oksana Palaguta from the Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute on Ecological Problems, in Kharkiv, propose a system for assessing the condition of the natural environment. This is based on ecological indicators that are already in use in particular regions of the country, within the framework of environmental perfor- mance indicators (EPIs) used to assess the state of the natural environment in EditorialIntroduction vii EasternEurope,Caucasus,andCentralAsia.TheactualmeasurementofsuchEPIs is by no means straightforward, but in Mathematical Tools to Assess Soil Contamination by Deposition of Technogenic Emissions, Olexandr Popov and Andrij Yatsyshyn from the Institute of Environmental Geochemistry provide an elegant example of the application of mathematics to arrive at a realistic environ- mental impact assessment. Soil fertility, Degradation, and Improvement focus on the constraints on agri- culture across Eastern Europe and ways to mitigate them in sustainable farming systems. But, first, Anatoly Khristenko points out that there is no unambiguous interpretation of any of the terms commonly used to characterize the provision of nutrients by the soil. This is not pedantry—Confucius made the point in plain words: Itisimportanttouselanguagecorrectly.Iflanguageisusedincorrectlythenwhatissaidis notwhatismeant.Ifwhatissaidisnotwhatismeantthenwhatshouldbedoneremains undone. Ifwearenotclearaboutsuchafundamentalissue,howcanweexpectdecision makers to know what we mean and take the appropriate action? Drought always stalks the steppe. Irrigation counters the uncertainty of water supply, but it needs skill to avoid rising groundwater, slaking, and salinity and maintainawell-functioningbiodiversity.InCriteriaandParametersforEstimating Directions of Irrigated Soil Evolution, Sviatoslav Baliuk and colleagues from the Sokolovskyi Institute distinguish three main pathways of soil evolution under irrigation, depending on initial soil conditions, the quality of irrigation water, and the farming system. Degradation processes that can occur under adverse irrigation conditionsarecharacterized,andasystemofcriteriaandparametersisproposedfor assessingthesituation,theextent,andnatureofdegradationofirrigatedland,soas to avoid the pitfalls. It is increasingly obvious that farming in Ukraine, and not just in Ukraine, is mining soil organic matter and nutrients. Sustainability requires compliance with the fundamental laws of agriculture—in particular, sound crop rotation and return ofnutrientstobalancetheirremovalbythecrops.InSustainabilityofsoilfertilityin thesouthernsteppeofUkraineDependingonFertilizersandIrrigation,Valentyna Gamajunova reports long-term field experiments on Kastnozem and Chernozem maintainedbytheMykolayivNationalAgrarianUniversity.Theydemonstratethat combined use of adequate organic and mineral fertilizers is the most effective way to stabilize crop yields and soil fertility and, also, soil structure—which enhances infiltrationofrainfallsothatrainuseefficiencyisincreasedby20–30%,inverydry yearsby30–40%.Seekingtounderstandhowfertilizersmaintainnutrientstatusin the long term, Yevheniia Hladkikh investigates the aftereffect (over 25 years) of potassium fertilizers on Typical chernozem. The modified soil is characterized by elevated contents of mobile potassium and transformation of exchangeable and non-exchangeable forms. Systematic monitoring of available potassium allows accuraterecommendationsonfertilizerapplication,especiallyfordemandingcrops that respond to potassium fertilizer. viii EditorialIntroduction Liming, too, has been sadly neglected but Yuriy Tsapko, and his colleagues report an innovative and cost-effective treatment devised at the Sokolovskyi Institute. Compared with conventional liming,applying alternative sources of lime in localized bands along with organic manure reduces leaching from coarse-texturedSodpodzolicsoil:limebyalmostsixtimesandsolubleorganicsand nitrate by 1.8 and 2.9 times, respectively. In Podzolized chernozem, the same technology increases the population of earthworms and microorganisms, thereby activating self-renewing and regulating processes. Thequitedifferent soilsintheCarpathianregionpresentdifferent problemsand opportunitiesthatgetalotofattentionfromtheInstituteofBiology,Chemistry,and Bioresources at Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. Specific factors ofsoilformationintheregiondriveaprevalenceofironandaluminumphosphates and alow incidence ofcalciumphosphate. Given that thepresentphosphate status is unsatisfactory for farming, Tatiana Tsvyk argues that optimization can be achievedonlythroughfundamentalchangeofregime.Changesinthespaceprofile of phosphate fractions in Albeluvisols are examined under different drainage con- ditionsandafterapplicationoflimeandphosphate.Itisconfirmedthattiledrainage not only improves soil aeration, but also significantly influences the fractional composition of phosphates. Thirty years ago, the explosion of reactor no. 4 at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plantblewawaythecredibilityofasystemofauthoritywhoseclaimsincludedsafe mastery of technology. We are still dealing with its legacy. Our final part on Soil Contamination,Monitoring,andRemediationdealswitharangeofpressingissues from criminally negligent storage of persistent organic pollutants and out-of-date agrochemicalstolong-termsoilcontaminationbytheheavyindustry.Thelitanyof contaminatedsitesdocumentedbyValeriiKovachandGeorgiiLyschenkoinToxic Soil Contamination and Its Mitigation in Ukraine; Lyschenko, again, with Iryna Kuraieva and her colleagues in Heavy Metals in Soils Under the Heel of Heavy Industry; and Lyubov Maslovska and her colleagues on Dangerous Mercury ContaminationAroundtheFormerRadikalChemicalsFactoryinKyivmakesgrim reading. If we are to avoid such pitfalls in future, we need forethought and a good understanding of the risks associated with industrial developments. Forethought includes establishing the situation in advance of industrial developments. In this vein,weincludethreestudiesfromtheInstituteofEnvironmentalGeochemistry,in Kiev. Two investigate the projected development of the Bilanovo iron ore deposit in Poltava Region which will require a quarry 600–700 m deep that will destroy natural habitat and intercept the water table—so we should assess its likely envi- ronmental impact. In Comparison of Groundwater and Surface Water Quality in the Area of the Bilanovo Iron Deposit, Oleksa Tyshchenko measures the chemical andbacteriologicalcharacteristicsofgroundwatersandsurfacewatersandidentifies various indicators that exceeded the maximum allowable concentration. Yevhen Krasnov and colleagues measure gamma radiation and radon flux density in soils overlying the ore deposit; their maps identify areas of increased radiological risk which, though not critical for the most part, need to be considered and monitored. EditorialIntroduction ix AndinEstimationofSoilRadiationintheCountryAroundtheDibrovaUranium– Thorium–Rare Earth Deposit, Yuliia Yuskiv and her team present a sequence of radiological measurements and maps of the distribution of the main nuclides, identifying areas of radiation risk. Apart from locally high radon concentration, mostparametersarenotcritical,butthemeasuredlevels shouldbeconsideredasa baseline for regular radiological monitoring. To put things right, we need better understanding of the mechanisms of con- taminationandnaturalremediation.OksanaVysotenkoandhercolleaguesfromthe Institute of Environmental Geochemistry report on Lead and Zinc Speciation in Soils and Their Transfer in Vegetation. Although these metals behave quite dif- ferently, the degree of pollution significantly affects the rate of immobilization of heavy metals and their vertical migration. Tatyana Bastrygina and her colleagues examinethebehaviorofheavymetalsinsoilaroundthecopperandbronzeartifacts at archaeological sites that provide analogues of the modern contamination of the environment. And in an elegant pot experiment backed up by field trials: Environmental Assessment of Soil Based on Fractional-Group Composition of HeavyMetals,SalgaraMandzhieva’steamfromuniversitiesinRostovandMoscow Lomonosov and the Sokolovskyi Institute demonstrate the increase in the envi- ronmentalhazardwhensoilsarecontaminatedwithheavymetals,adecreasewhen ameliorants are applied, and the roles of both strongly and loosely bound metal fractions in the mobility of heavy metals in soils. Finally, new developments in the remediation of oil-contaminated soils are highlighted by Elena Maklyuk and colleagues from the Sokolovskyi Institute and Man Oil Company of Switzerland, using chemical oxidation to create optimum conditions for subsequent bioremediation, and by Viktoriia Shkapenko and her colleaguesfromtheInstituteofEnvironmentalGeochemistry,exploringthenatural humification of oil hydrocarbons, and aiding and abetting the process by specially formulated clay–biodecomposer inoculum. Contents Part I Soil Development: Properties and Qualities 1 The Factors and Conditions of Soil Formation: A Critical Analysis of Equivalence.. .... .... .... .... ..... .... 3 Sergiy Kanivets 2 Redoximorphic Features in Albeluvisols from South-Western Ukraine.. ..... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... 9 Volodymyr Nikorych, Wojciech Szymański and Michał Skiba 3 Fractal Properties of Coarse/Fine-Related Distribution in Forest Soils on Colluvium .. .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... 29 Volodymyr Yakovenko Part II Assessment of Resources and Risks 4 The Last Steppes: New Perspectives on an Old Challenge.... .... 45 David Dent and Zhanguo Bai 5 Using Multispectral Satellite Imagery for Parameterisation of Eroded Chernozem... ..... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... 57 Tatiana Byndych 6 Pedo-geochemical Assessment of a Holsteinian Occupation Site.... .... ..... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... 67 Yuriy Dmytruk and Vadim Stepanchuk 7 Using Geostatistics, DEM and Remote Sensing to Clarify Soil Cover Maps of Ukraine .. .... .... .... ..... .... 89 Vasyl Cherlinka 8 Making Better Soil Maps Using Models of Tangential Curvature. ..... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... 101 Yuriy Dmytruk and Olga Stuzhuk xi

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