PlantEcology&Diversity,2013 SoilphysicalconditionslimitpalmandtreebasalareainAmazonianforests ThaiseEmilioa*,CarlosA.Quesadab,FláviaR.C.Costac,WilliamE.Magnussonc,JulianaSchiettia,TedR.Feldpauschd, RoelJ.W.Brienend,TimothyR.Bakerd,JeromeChavee,EstebánÁlvarezf,AlejandroAraújog,OlafBánkih, CarolinaV.Castilhoi,EurídiceN.HonorioC.d,j,TimothyJ.Killeenk,YadvinderMalhil,ErickM.OblitasMendozam, AbelMonteagudon,DavidNeillo,GermaineAlexanderParadaf,AntonioPeña-Cruzn,HirmaRamirez-Angulop, MichaelSchwarzq,MarcosSilveirar,HansterSteeges,JohnW.Terborght,RaquelThomasu,ArmandoTorres-Lezamap, EmilioVilanovap andOliverL.Phillipsd aProgramadePós-GraduaçãoemEcologia,InstitutoNacionaldePesquisasdaAmazônia(INPA),Manaus,Brasil;bCoordenaçãode PesquisaemDinâmicaAmbiental,INPA,Manaus,Brasil;cCoordenaçãodePesquisaemBiodiversidade,INPA,Manaus,Brasil;dSchool ofGeography,UniversityofLeeds,Leeds,UK;eLaboratoireEvolutionetDiversitéBiologique,CNRSandUniversitéPaulSabatier, Toulouse,France;fMedellínBotanicalGarden,Medellín,Colombia;gMuseodeHistoriaNaturalNoelKempffMercado,SantaCruz, 3 Bolivia;hInstituteforBiodiversityandEcosystemDynamics,UniversityofAmsterdam,Amsterdam,Nederlands;iEMBRAPA,Centrode 1 0 PesquisaAgroflorestaldeRoraima,BoaVista,Roraima,Brasil;jInstitutodeInvestigacionesdelaAmazoníaPeruana,Iquitos,Peru; 2 h kConservationInternational,Arlington,USA;lEnvironmentalChangeInstitute,SchoolofGeographyandtheEnvironment,Universityof rc Oxford,Oxford,UK;mProgramadeCapacitaçãoInstitucional,INPA,Manaus,Brasil;nJardínBotánicodeMissouri,Oxapampa,Perú; a M oUniversidadEstatalAmazónica,FacultaddeIngenieríaAmbiental,Puyo,Pastaza,Ecuador;pInstitutodeInvestigacionesparael 2 DesarrolloForestal(INDEFOR,)UniversidaddeLosAndes,Mérida,Venezuela;qUniversityofAppliedSciencesEberswalde, 1 7 Eberswalde,Germany;rCentrodeCiênciasBiológicasedaNatureza,UniversidadeFederaldoAcre,RioBranco,Brasil;sNaturalis 5 BiodiversityCenter,Leiden,Netherlands;tNicholasSchooloftheEnvironmentandEarthSciences,DukeUniversity,Durham,USA; 00: uIwokramaInternationalCentreforRainForestConservationandDevelopment,Iwokrama,Guyana at ] (Received7March2012;finalversionreceived18May2012) ht c e r Background:Treesandarborescentpalmsadoptdifferentrootingstrategiesandresponsestophysicallimitationsimposed Ut bysoilstructure,depthandanoxia.However,theimplicationsofthesedifferencesforunderstandingvariationintherelative y r abundanceofthesegroupshavenotbeenexplored. a br Aims:Weanalysedtherelationshipbetweensoilphysicalconstraintsandtreeandpalmbasalareatounderstandhowthe Li physicalpropertiesofsoilaredirectlyorindirectlyrelatedtothestructureandphysiognomyoflowlandAmazonianforests. y Methods:Weanalysedinventorydatafrom74forestplotsacrossAmazonia,fromtheRAINFORandPPBionetworksfor sit whichbasalarea,standturnoverratesandsoildatawereavailable.Werelatedpatternsofbasalareatoenvironmentalvariables r ve inordinaryleastsquaresandquantileregressionmodels. ni Results:Soilphysicalpropertiespredictedtheupperlimitforbasalareaofbothtreesandpalms.Thisrelationshipwasdirect U [ forpalmsbutmediatedbyforestturnoverratesfortrees.Soilphysicalconstraintsaloneexplainedupto24%ofpalmbasal by areaand,togetherwithrainfall,upto18%oftreebasalarea.Treebasalareawasgreatestinforestswithlowerturnoverrates d onwell-structuredsoils,whilepalmbasalareawashighinweaklystructuredsoils. e d Conclusions:Ourresultsshowthatpalmsandtreesareassociatedwithdifferentsoilphysicalconditions.Wesuggestthat a o adaptations of these life-forms drive their responses to soil structure, and thus shape the overall forest physiognomy of nl w Amazonianforestvegetation. o D Keywords:ecologicallimitingfactors;life-forms;palm-dominatedforests;quantileregression;soilstructure;tropicalforest; vegetationtypes Introduction disturbance or the presence (or absence) of limiting soil Amazonian forests play an important role in the global properties. carboncyclebuthowmuchcarbonisstoredintheseecosys- Soil and climate have been widely investigated to tems is still uncertain. Variation in biomass is directly understand forest structure and composition in Amazonia relatedtovariationinstandbasalareaandstand-levelwood (Lauranceetal.1999;Roggyetal.1999;Malhietal.2006; density. Mean stand-level wood density is dependent both ter Steege et al. 2006; Quesada et al. 2012) and elsewhere on species composition (Baker et al. 2004) and environ- (Paoli et al. 2007; Slik et al. 2010). Soil physical condi- mental factors (Patiño et al. 2009), such as soil fertility tionsinparticular,suchaswater-holdingcapacity,drainage, andclimate.Theenvironmentalcorrelatesofbasalareaare andphysicalstructure,areimportantfactorsthataffecttree lessclear.Thereisimportantsite-to-sitevariability(Malhi growth, mortality and floristic composition in the tropical et al. 2006) that appears to be less correlated with broad- forests worldwide (Dietrich et al. 1996; Ferry et al. 2010; scaleregionalpredictorsthanwithlocalpredictorssuchas Gourlet-Fleuryetal.2011;Quesadaetal.2012).However, *Correspondingauthor.Email:[email protected] ©2013BotanicalSocietyofScotlandandTaylor&Francis 2 T.Emilioetal. theirinfluenceindetermininglarge-scalepatternsofforest andhelpstreestopreventwaterdeficitwheresoilsaredeep structureandcompositioninthetropicsispoorlyknown. andwellstructured.Palmsdonothaveextensive rootsys- Structural dominance by palms (and other life-forms, tems,buttheycompensatethisdisadvantagebydeveloping suchaslianasandbamboos)hasbeenusedintheBrazilian high root water pressures (Davis 1961). This may confer forestclassificationsystem(IBGE2012)todistinguishfor- a competitive advantage in shallow or compacted soils. est types (see Appendix 1, Emilio et al. 2010), and to In soils that limit root development, trees may be more developimprovedallometricequationsforbiomasscalcula- susceptibletoanchorageproblems,especiallyifassociated tionintheBrazilianAmazon(Nogueiraetal.2008).Palm- withsteeptopography(GaleandBarfod1999;Toledoetal. dominatedforestscover20%ofBrazilianAmazonia(IBGE 2011).Incontrast,palmsaremorestablethantreesdueto 1998) and large extensions of other Amazonian coun- their stem anatomy (Tomlinson 1990) that allows them to tries.Giventhiswidespreadoccupationofforestbypalms, remainstronglyanchoredtotheground,evenwithoutdeep understandinghowpalmsvaryinabundancecouldhelpto roots. In addition, palms have smaller canopies and large better understand basal area and biomass variation across leavesinsteadofwoodybranches.Palmleavesarelesscar- Amazonianforests.AtasinglesiteintheAmazon,Castilho bon expensive to rebuild than tree branches, so their loss etal.(2006)reportedthattreebiomasswashigherinwell- if hit by a falling branch or tree may be expected to have drained clay soils while arborescent palm biomass was relativelyminorimpactonthestructureandstabilityofthe higherinpoorlydrained,sand-richsoils.Thissuggeststhat plant, and its carbon balance. Hence, palms appear to be 3 soilphysicalconditionsmayhavedifferenteffectsonthese betteradaptedtogrowinhighlydynamicforests. 1 20 two plant life-forms. The aim of this study was to investi- Insummary,wewouldexpectthattreesareatanadvan- h gatetherelationshipsbetweensoilphysicalpropertiesand tage in deep, well-drained soils where their extensive root c r a thebasalareaofbothtreesandpalmsacrossAmazonia. systemsprovidegoodanchorageandareabletoextensively M 2 In addition to the direct effect that soil physical prop- exploit soil resources. On the other hand, palms may out- 1 7 erties may exert on plant roots, soil physical constraints compete trees in shallow, poorly drained soils, since they 5 0: can also indirectly affect forest basal area by increasing may be able to cope better with water-saturated soil and at 0 turnover. Quesada et al. (2012) showed that Amazonian limitedrootingspace.Therefore,onecouldexpectthatthe ] forests have greater turnover rates where soil properties responses of palms and trees to soil physical properties cht constrain root development (e.g. shallow impediment lay- shows opposite patterns, and this could result in a signif- e Utr ers,highbulkdensity,anoxichorizon).Atlocalscales,the icant shift in the relative contribution of trees and palms y proportion of stems that die uprooted or snapped off by to forest structure across Amazonia as a function of soil r a other falling trees is generally greater in sandy and water- properties.Sofar,noattempthasbeenmadetounderstand r b Li logged soils (Toledo et al. 2011). The dominant modes of whatcouldexplaintherelativecontributionofarborescent y mortalitymayalsovarydependingonwhethertheplantis palmsandtreestoforeststructureandphysiognomyacross rsit a tree or a palm. In Ecuador, dicotyledonous trees mostly Amazonia. e niv dieduprootedandsnappedwhilearborescentpalmsmostly Here, we use a unique set of permanent study plots U diedstandingandsnapped(GaleandBarfod1999). across Amazonia to analyse the relationship between soil [ y Thedifferencesintheresponseofplantlife-forms,such physical constraints and basal area of trees and palms in b d as palms and trees, to soil physical properties and distur- order to better understand how soil physical limitations e ad bancearelikelytoberelatedtodifferencesintheirphysio- affectthestructureandphysiognomyofAmazonianforests. o nl logicalandmorphologicaladaptations,particularlygrowth We also explore the relationship among precipitation, soil w strategies and the root system. Palms lack vascular cam- fertilityandforestturnoverandbasalareavariationintrees o D bium and do not show secondary growth. To compensate, andpalms. primary tissues continually increase in their mechanical strengthwithgraduallignificationoffibrousandparenchy- Methods matous tissue, resulting in stronger stems as palm height increases (Tomlinson 2006). The absence of secondary Vegetationdata growth in palms may be advantageous against wind dam- We compiled forest-structure data from the RAINFOR age, but prevents dormancy, implying that they must have Forest Plots database (Lopez-Gonzalez et al. 2011, down- special adaptations (e.g. aerenchyma, pneumatophores) to loaded from (Lopez-Gonzalez dealwithseasonallystressfulconditions(Tomlinson2006). et al. 2012)) and the PPBio database (Pezzini et al. 2012, In contrast, cambial dormancy is a common strategy in downloaded from (PPBio 2012)). many tree species (Zuidema et al. 2012) and allows them Weuseddatafrom74Amazonianplotsthathavebothplant to occupy seasonally unfavourable environments, such as and soil data. Most plots are 1ha in area (see Table 1 for seasonally dry or waterlogged forests, with or without plot dimensions and data sources). In each of these plots, morphologicaladaptationstosuchconditions. allstems(treesandpalms)withadiameteratbreastheight Palms and dicotyledonous trees also differ in their (DBH) ≥ 10cm were measured and identified to at least root systems. Trees develop roots that can reach depths familylevel.Thebasalareasoftreesandarborescentpalms of up to 10m to access water (Nepstad et al. 1994). The werecalculatedandusedasresponsevariablesinregression development of deep roots provides mechanical stability analyses. Soilphysicalconditionslimitpalmandtreebasalarea 3 er%) d) Turnovrates( 1.73 2.333.092.052.582.121.272.653.800.861.741. 2.004.320.91 Continue ( orest∗∗ass F-3F-2F-3F-2F-1 F-11F-11F-12 AT-2AT-2AT-1AT-1 Fcl TTTTT TTT FFFF 43726 397816862972253221 E 025644144485262608171961 I 1 n) pitatio−1year 356356395784784784784784133133206206206364364098098098098197197902902522 cim 222222223322211222222112 em Pr( ∗ e ores Soilstructur 121113132244433000043004 c s h 2013 onstraint Soil∗ydepth 444314441144433333344324 c c h ar al ap M c r 57 12 oilphysi Topog 002303303400032000000002 ] at 00: S Soilanoxia 002033000000000223200130 y Utrecht study. TreeBA(%) 97.5885.8586.5991.9398.6895.5192.5199.0695.6192.2699.9799.9399.95100.0099.2492.5685.9087.3885.7399.4699.8395.0599.62100.00 rsity Librar usedinthis TreeBA−21(mha) 7.2722.9926.0826.3225.3724.4825.1822.128.7823.123328.4736.7919.0523.6221.7724.4222.2923.820.4123.3924.1815.5431.82 e s A v ot B 251729949437506402747580 wnloaded by [Uni mazonianforestpl PalmBAPalm−21(mha)(%) A o a D 4 e from7 Plotar(ha) a mentaldat Altitude(ma.s.l.) 26927740011412511412513025728415152035035019019019019085100203203210 n o vir de 906000000000000000000000000000000000000000000059 n u 670000000000000000000001 nde ngit 5.935.911.473.433.443.443.443.436.486.471.461.461.461.501.508.978.978.968.969.949.938.318.311.41 a o 557777777755566666655666 A) L −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− B 000000000000000000000004 ( e 340000000000000000000008 a d 880000000000000000000004 e u 970555550044244000055751 asalar Latit −9.5−9.5−11.8−3.9−3.9−3.9−3.9−3.9−0.7−0.7−1.7−1.7−1.7−14.5−14.5−12.5−12.5−12.5−12.5−2.9−2.9−10.5−10.56.1 B Table1. Plotcode RALF-01RALF-02RALM-01RALP-11RALP-12RALP-21RALP-22RALP-30RBOG-01RBOG-02RCAX-01RCAX-02RCAX-06RCRP-01RCRP-02RCUZ-01RCUZ-02RCUZ-03RCUZ-04PDKE-02PDKE-03RDOI-01RDOI-02RELD-01 4 T.Emilioetal. er%) d) Turnovrates( 2.600.541.811.360.491.280.893.76 0.402.912.892.111.951.771.042.062.702.732.511.393.742.521.91 Continue ( est∗∗s 11 oras F-F- Fcl TT 4677904849805648585285332 E 7702003642780629472505565 I n) pitatio−1year 479522522522822822822479574574248405645645645642642642479479460460477477477 cim 1222222122223332221111222 em Pr( ∗ e ores Soilstructur 3411333122312224324433011 c s 013 straint Soil∗depth 3400444234442324234423234 2 n h co hy 12 Marc physical Topograp 0222000001003231000000020 00:57 Soil oiloxia 0000000011010000230043013 at San ] ht A 1000000704909553414791706 Utrec TreeB(%) 91.2100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100. y brar BA−1a) 0457641635269201667928720519116643687289689384142 y Li Tree2mh sit ( er A y [Univ PalmB(%) 8.790. ed b BA−1a) 2 6114 869 7854 88 9 d mh 2 671011032159144080 oa al2m 2.0000001. nl P( w o a D area) 00252525000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ot(h Pl udes.l.) 7000825977012401255790222 Altitma. 7418383591211726610645384315121424221819313131 ( de 00553358000000000000000031662300000000000000000000 u 0180000000006920000000000 ngit 0.731.411.081.408.698.698.700.742.192.188.788.727.617.607.613.633.633.530.830.831.141.141.401.401.41 o 6666555666557777776666777 L −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− 0096000000001330000000000 ntinued) Latitude 14.53006.11476.40056.08835.17005.17005.180014.5300−5.6300−5.64004.53004.7300−1.0698−1.0771−1.0732−4.8800−4.9000−4.920014.580014.580014.400014.400011.900011.910011.8800 o − − −−−−−−− C ( Table1. Plotcode RHCC-22RELD-02RELD-03RELD-04RFMH-01RFMH-02RFMH-03RHCC-21PIPM-82PIPM-83RIWO-03RIWO-12RJAS-02RJAS-03RJAS-04RJEN-11RJEN-12RJEN-13RLFB-01RLFB-02RLSL-01RLSL-02RMNU-03RMNU-04RMNU-05 Soilphysicalconditionslimitpalmandtreebasalarea 5 er%) Turnovrates( 2.402.931.272.011.851. orest∗∗ass F-1F-1F-1AT-3AT-3WF-2AT-3F-2 Fcl TTTFFSTFT 9474302127136647783121130 E 5057143437729514638277596 I n) pitatio−1year 477655280280280280280720720813813813523391523391523391987786786837837762762 cim 2133333112222222222222222 em Pr( ∗ e ores Soilstructur 1244423122111011020133222 c s 013 straint Soil∗depth 4344434314434233343443333 2 n h co hy 12 Marc physical Topograp 0400222223401000310320011 00:57 Soil oiloxia 3000000001030031103111000 at San ] ht A 6480393928792070583248187 Utrec TreeB(%) 83.685.099.8100.098.098.699.295.891.296.097.499.876.479.192.898.177.597.998.397.898.695.791.298.197.5 y brar BA−1a) 81614238433033915759362580941789174957753164583 y Li Tree2mh net y [Universit PalmBA(%)( 16.3414.960.120.001.971.310.774.118.783.922.530.1123.5820.907.131.9022.452.021.672.181.364.228.791.822.43 ww.forestplots. ed b BA−1a) 424 74649 36 8 94421 3 p://w oad alm2mh mhtt nl P( o w fr Do Plotarea(ha) etal.(2010).plots).downloaded Altitude(ma.s.l.) 31224611011011011011026826810798118205210210220200225221132109126126130146;data Table1.(Continued) PlotcodeLatitudeLongitude −−RMNU-0611.8900071.40000−−RMTH-018.8800072.79000−RNOU-024.0800052.67000−RNOU-104.0800052.67000−RNOU-124.0800052.67000−RNOU-174.0800052.67000−RNOU-214.0800052.67000−−RPOR-0110.8200068.78000−−RPOR-0210.8000068.77000−−RSUC-013.2500072.91000−−RSUC-023.2500072.90000−−RSUC-033.2500072.92000−−RTAM-0112.8400069.29000−−RTAM-0212.8300069.29000−−RTAM-0412.8400069.28000−−RTAM-0512.8300069.27000−−RTAM-0612.8400069.30000−−RTAM-0712.8300069.26000−−RTIP-030.6400076.15000−−RYAN-013.4400072.85000−−RYAN-023.4300072.84000−−RZAR-014.0100069.91000−−RZAR-024.0000069.90000−−RZAR-033.9900069.90000−−RZAR-043.9900069.91000 ∗Soildepthandstructurescoresinvertedfro∗∗ModifiedfromAndersonetal.2009(availpDatadownloadedfromhttp://ppbio.inpa.go 6 T.Emilioetal. Soilsamplinganddeterminationofchemical Soil descriptions followed a standard protocol (Jahn andphysicalproperties et al. 2006), with special attention to the measurement of Soil sampling and analysis were undertaken by the effective soil depth, depth to C horizon (where possible), PPBio/HIDROVEG and RAINFOR projects (Malhi et al. horizon distribution (i.e. identification and depth of visi- 2002), using equivalent protocols (PPBio/HIDROVEG: ble soil diagnostic horizons), colour, distribution of rocks,; RAINFOR: www.geog. concretions (i.e. presence of coarse, hard material in the One soil pit soil as petroplinthite, gravel, or other hardened material), wasduginthedominantsoiltype,wheresoildescriptions ironstonelayersorotherhardpans,redoxfeatures,rootdis- were made. In addition, samples were taken at 5–10 com- tribution, drainage capacity, soil hardness, soil structure plementary points with a hand-held auger adapted to (i.e.aggregatedistribution,typeandstability),organicmat- collect undisturbed soil samples (Eijkelkamp Agrisearch tercontentandtopographicpositionofthepit.Threebulk Equipment BV, Giesbeek, The Netherlands). Sampling density samples were collected from the pit walls at the points followed a random stratified distribution so as to same depths as for the soil samples (0–5, 5–10, 10–20, obtainrepresentativesoilcollectionsofeacharea.Thesoils 20–30,30–50,50–100,100–150,150–200cm). were sampled up to 2m deep, but chemical data reported For quantifying the magnitude of root-limiting soil here are for surface samples only (0–30cm), while the physicalproperties(hereaftersoilphysicalconstraints),we entire profile was considered for soil physical properties. usedthesameapproachasinQuesadaetal.(2010,2012), 13 ForadetaileddescriptionofthemethodsseeQuesadaetal. assigning sequential scores to different levels of physical 20 (2010). limitations.Thiswasdonebyreadingthefielddescriptions ch Effective cation exchange capacity (I ) is used here of soil and assigning to each category a score (Table 2; r E Ma as a proxy for general soil fertility since there are strong see details in Quesada et al. 2010). These scored cate- 2 relationships between I (hereafter called fertility), soil gories provide information on topography, soil depth, soil 1 E 7 P and total elemental composition (Quesada et al. 2010). structureandanoxicconditionsinasemi-quantitativeform. 5 0: Samples were analysed for exchangeable cations by the To aid interpretation, here we inverted Quesada’s origi- at 0 silver-thiourea method (Pleysier and Juo 1980), and the nal scale for soil depth and structure, so that shallower, ] sumofconcentrationsforexchangeableCa,Mg,K,Naand poorlystructuredsoilshadlowerscores,whiledeeper,well- cht Alarereported. structuredsoilshadhigherscores(Table2).Weusedeach e r Ut y r a r b Table2. SoilphysicalconstraintscoresmodifiedfromQuesadaetal.(2010). Li sity Soilphysicalconstraintratingcategories Score1 r e v (1) Effectivesoildepth(soildepth,hardpans) Uni Shallowsoils(<20cm) 0 [ Lessshallow(20–50cm) 1 y b Hardpanorrockthatallowsverticalrootgrowth;othersoilsbetween50and100cm 2 d deep. e ad Hardpan,rocksorChorizon≥100cmdeep 3 nlo Deepsoils≥150cm 4 w (2) Soilstructure o D Verydense,veryhard,verycompact,withoutaggregation,rootrestrictive 0 Dense,compact,littleaggregation,lowerrootrestriction 1 Hard,mediumtohighdensityand/orwithweakorblock-likestructure 2 Loosesand,slightlydense;wellaggregatedinsub-angularblocks,discontinuouspans 3 Goodaggregation,friable,lowdensity 4 (3) Topography Flat0◦ 0 Gentlysloping1–8◦ 1 Gentlyundulating8–19◦ 2 Steep20–44◦ 3 Verysteep>45◦ 4 (4) Anoxicconditions Unsaturatedconditions 0 Deepsaturatedzone(maximumofhighsaturation>100cmdeep);deepredoxfeatures 1 Deepsaturatedzone(maximumofhighsaturation50cmdeep);redoxfeatures 2 Seasonallyflooded;soilswithhighclaycontentandverylowporosityand/ordominated 3 byplinthite Constantlyflooded;patchesofstagnatedwater 4 1SoildepthandstructurescoresinvertedfromQuesadaetal.(2010). Soilphysicalconditionslimitpalmandtreebasalarea 7 soil physical constraint characteristic as an independent a causal relationship between them (Quesada et al. explanatoryvariableinregressionanalyses. 2012).Nevertheless,tountanglethecomplexrelationships betweensoilproperties,stemturnoverandforestbasalarea, simple direct relationships may not adequately describe Forestturnover the system, as both direct and indirect effects may occur. Therefore, we also built a path model that included the Forest turnover was calculated as the proportion of stems best environmental predictors selected by the (cid:2)AIC crite- (trees and palms combined) entering and leaving the plot ria, combined with the turnover rate to better understand per year. Annual mortality and recruitment rates were thedirectandindirecteffectsofsoilphysicalpropertieson estimated separately using standard procedures, based on palmandtreebasalarea. logarithmicmodels.Thesemodelsassumeaconstantprob- We performed quantile regressions (QR) in addition abilityofmortalityandrecruitmentthrougheachinventory to OLS, as basal area variation was not homogeneous in period (Swaine et al. 1987; Phillips et al. 2004), and they relation to the environmental variables in some cases. QR werecorrectedforcensusintervalfollowingtherecommen- (Koenker and Bassett 1978) is a method for estimating dationsbyLewisetal.(2004).Wethenconsideredthemean relationships between variables for all portions of a prob- valueofmortalityandrecruitmentovertheentireperiodas ability distribution without ignoring any part of the data. theforestturnoverrateforeachplot,whichwepresentasa This method is robust to outliers and skewed distributions percentageofallstemspresent. 3 (Cadeetal.1999).Inaddition,fittinghigherpercentilesof 1 0 2 response variables as a function of the independent vari- ch able should estimate the upper limit set by the measured Mar Dataanalysis independentfactors.Thisapproachwasundertakenmainly 2 We used ordinary least square regressions (OLS) to because, if an independent variable can be considered a 1 7 examine the relationships between tree basal area, palm limiting factor, the models estimated for the upper quan- 5 0: basalarea,environmentalpredictorvariables,andturnover tilesshouldhavebetterpredictivevaluesthanOLSmodels at 0 rates. Environmental variables included the soil chemi- (Cade and Noon 2003). To evaluate for which cases QR ] cal and physical properties described above, and annual should be a better predictive model than OLS, we car- ht c precipitation obtained from the interpolated WorldClim ried out the joint test of equality of slopes described by e Utr dataset (Hijmans et al. 2005), which varied from KoenkerandBassett(1982).Thistestevaluatesiftheslopes y 1333–4113mmyear−1 across our study area. The inter- ofQRandOLSdifferfromeachother.Ifso,thedistribution r ra polations of WorldClim dataset for Amazonia are based is heteroscedastic and the QR model should be consid- b Li on the few meteorological stations that are available for ered instead of the OLS model. We used the QR fitted for y this region (Hijmans et al. 2005). However, as the stations eachindependentvariableseparatelyandthequantileswith rsit are well spaced, the interpolation could well represent the tau=0.25,tau=0.50andtau=0.90,forthistest. e niv large-scaleprecipitationtrendsthatweanalysed. We also attempted to understand the variation in for- U To select the model that best explained tree and palm est physiognomy in response to soil physical constraints. [ y basal area variation, we carried out an exhaustive search We adopted the forest classification of Anderson et al. b d including all predictor variable combinations, using addi- (2009), who used a region-growing technique and non- e ad tive linear models. Interactions between soil physical con- supervised classification algorithm to classify forest plots o nl straints,rainfallandsoilfertility,werealsotested.Akaike’s from Landsat 7/ETM+ and SRTM images and deter- w o Information Criterion (AIC) was adopted as a measure of mine forest physiognomy at a local-scale resolution, and D goodness of fit. AIC penalises parameter-rich models to a vegetation map provided by IBGE (1998) for the palm- preventover-fitting.Thisprocedureispreferabletosequen- dominated forests map presented in Figure 4. The local- tialsearchingprotocolsinavoidingType-Ierrorbecausethe scale forest classification was used only for small win- modelsarenotexplicitlycomparedthroughstatisticaltests dows surrounding the ALP, CAX, CUZ, JEN and TAM (MacNally2000).Wethenrankedour74modelsfrombest study areas (Table 1), as it could not be generalised to (i.e.lowest)toworst(i.e.highest)AICvalue.The(cid:2)AICof other areas. As far as we know, there is no vegetation a model is the difference between the AIC of a model to map available for the entire Amazon with an appropri- thatofthebestmodel.Modelswith(cid:2)AIC<2wereconsid- ate resolution to allow us to distinguish palm-dominated ered as informative as the best model and the importance from other terra-firme forests across all study areas. The of explanatory variables in these models was determined Brazilian RADAMBRASIL vegetation map (Brasil 1978) according to their frequency of occurrence in the subset is not useful to distinguish vegetation types at the local of the best models (Richards 2005). After the best models scale because only the dominant vegetation classes at a werechosen,pathanalysiswasusedtodeterminethedirect scale of 1:250,000 were mapped (Emilio et al. 2010). For andindirecteffectsoftheenvironmentalvariablesonpalm other Amazonian countries, available vegetation maps are andtreebasalarea. not comparable or the vegetation-class resolution is too Given that soil physical constraints are highly coarse. Anderson et al. (2009) distinguished seven forest related to forest turnover, some authors have assumed types in the RAINFOR sites, including one-third of the 8 T.Emilioetal. plotsincludedhere.Forthisstudy,wegroupedAnderson’s environmental variables (Figure 1). Tree basal area was vegetationunitsintofourclasses:terra-firmeforestswhere significantlypositivelyrelatedtosoildepthandannualpre- large palms do not contribute greatly to the forest canopy cipitation,whilepalmbasalareashowednorelationshipto (TF), terra-firme forests where large palms do contribute thesevariables.Palmbasalareawasrelatedtosoilfertility greatlytotheforestcanopy(TFP),Mauritiaswamps(SW), (r2=0.10,P=0.004)whiletreebasalareadidnotshowa and forests over alluvial terraces (FAT). There are few significantrelationshipwithsoilfertility.Soilstructurewas examples of the SW and FAT categories and it is difficult theonlyenvironmentalvariablesignificantlyrelatedtoboth to formally test the relationship between soil conditions treeandpalmbasalarea,anditdefinedtheupperboundary and forest structure. Therefore, we only explored these ofpalmandtreebasalareainoppositeways.Palmsattained relationships graphically without use of formal statistical greater total basal area in less-structured soils while tree methods. basal area was greater in well-structured soils. Soil struc- StatisticalanalyseswerecarriedoutbyusingtheRsta- ture alone explained up to 26% of the variance in palm tistical platform (R Development Core Team 2011) and basalareaandupto10%ofthevarianceintreebasalarea thequantregpackage(Koenker2011).Mapswereprepared insimpleOLSregressions. withArcGis9.0. Multiple linear models showed essentially the same relationships as the simple OLS models (Table 3). For palms,modelsincludingtopography,soildepthandfertility 3 Results wereasinformative((cid:2)AIC<2)asthesimplesoil-structure 1 20 Inourdataset,treesaccountedformostofthebasalareain model. The inclusion of other environmental variables in ch terra-firmeAmazonianforests(94±6%).However,palms the model for palm basal area only very weakly increased r Ma contributed up to 23% of basal area in some areas in the and,insomecases,evendecreasedexplanatorypower.For 2 westernAmazon(Table1)withIriarteadeltoideabeingthe trees,bestmodelsincludedsoilstructure,withtheP-value 1 7 dominant arborescent palm species; Oenocarpus bataua forthisfactorsignificantinalmostallmodels.Precipitation 5 0: dominatedinthecentralAmazonandGuianaShield. was the second best variable in the tree basal area model. at 0 Simple OLS regressions showed that palm and tree Models that included both soil structure and precipita- ] basal area exhibited different responses to the same tion explained up to 23% of tree basal area variance. ht c e r Ut y r a r b Li y sit r e v ni U [ y b d e d a o nl w o D Figure1. Simplerelationshipsbetweenbasalarea,soilphysicalpropertiesandprecipitation.Solidlinesrepresentmeanvaluespredicted byordinarylinearregression(OLS,whichherealsocoincidewiththequantileregression,tau=0.5).Thedottedlinesrepresentthevalues predictedbythelinearquantileregressions,tau=0.25andtau=0.9.Thesamemodel(linearisedGaussianin(c),andlinearfortheothers) wasadoptedfortheordinarylinearandquantileregressions.LinesareshownonlywhentheOLSmodelissignificantatthe0.05level. Ther2-andP-valuesofeachOLSarepresentedatthetopofeachgraph. Soilphysicalconditionslimitpalmandtreebasalarea 9 Table3. AIC-rankedlinearregressionmodelswith(cid:2)AIC<2.Weevaluated72models,includingsimplemodelsofeach explanatoryvariable(soilanoxia,soildepth,soilstructure,annualprecipitationandfertility),all57combinationsoftheexplana- toryvariablesinadditivemodels,andfiveinteractionmodelswithprecipitationandeachoftheotherfiveexplanatoryvariables. Alltop-ratedtreeandpalmmodelsincludesoilstructureandexcludesoilanoxia. Model R2 P AICc (cid:2)AICc palmBA∼structure∗∗∗ 0.28 <0.0001 190.90 0.00 palmBA∼depthns+structure∗∗∗ 0.29 <0.0001 191.90 1.00 palmBA∼topographyns+structure∗∗∗ 0.28 <0.0001 192.80 1.90 palmBA∼structure∗∗∗+fertilityns 0.28 <0.0001 192.81 1.91 treeBA∼depthns+structure∗+precipitation∗∗ 0.23 0.0003 200.48 0.00 treeBA∼depthns+structure∗ 0.14 0.0044 201.54 1.06 treeBA∼depthns+structure∗+precipitation∗∗+fertilityns 0.23 0.0008 202.32 1.84 ∗∗∗,P<0.0001;∗∗,P<0.001;∗,P<0.01;ns,P>0.01. Topographyandsoilfertilitydidnotcontributesignificantly toanymodel. 3 1 Palm basal area variation was heterogeneous along 0 2 the soil-structure axis (Figure 1). This variation was not h c reduced significantly in the multiple OLS regressions by r a M the addition of soil anoxia, topography, soil fertility or 2 precipitation as predictor variables (Table 3). Neither the 1 7 interactions between soil structure and precipitation nor 5 0: between soil structure and soil fertility was significantly 0 at related to palm basal area variation (P > 0.1 for interac- ht] tion term in all models). Tree basal area was related to ec both soil structure and precipitation in the multiple OLS r Ut regressions. Like palms, variation in tree basal area was y heterogeneous along the soil-structure axis and variation r a br couldnotbeexplainedbyinteractionsbetweenexplanatory Li variablesinthemultipleOLSregressions. y sit Soil structure explained a large fraction of the vari- er ation in stand turnover rates (r2 = 0.23, P < 0.001). v ni All low-turnover stands (0–2%) had a low proportion of U [ palmsandahighproportionoftrees(Figure2).Treebasal by areadecreasedsignificantlywithincreasingturnover(r2 = ed 0.21, P < 0.001), while palm basal area was greatest at d a intermediate levels of turnover (2–3%). The relationship o nl betweenpalmbasalareaandturnoverratesappearedtobe w o non-linear,andalinearisedGaussianmodelprovidedasig- D nificantfit(r2=0.24,P<0.001).However,thisnon-linear Figure 2. Relationship between forest stand-turnover rates and patternwasstronglydrivenbyoneplot(DOI-02)withpar- (a) palm basal area and (b) tree basal area for 60 forest plots ticularly high disturbance rates. When we excluded this forwhichturnoverratedatawasavailable.Dashedlinesrepresent plot, the quadratic term of the linearised Gaussian regres- valuespredictedbyquantileregression(tau=0.9). sionbecamenon-significantandlinearregressionprovided amoreappropriatefittoourdata.ThesimpleOLSregres- Conversely, tree basal area remained significantly related sion between palm basal area and stand turnover rate to turnover rate, but the significant relation to soil struc- was significant (r2 = 0.11, P = 0.005) and suggested turewaslost.Ourpathanalysisshowedthatthepreviously that palm basal area increased with increasing turnover observed response of tree basal area to soil structure was rates. indirectandmediatedbyforestturnoverrateswhichwere, A more complete picture of the relationship between in turn, mediated by soil structure. Despite the fact that basal area, soil structure and turnover rate was obtained palm and tree basal area presented opposite response pat- by path analysis (Figure 3). Palm basal area was not ternstosoilstructureandturnoverrates,ourmodelshowed directlyaffectedbyturnoverrate,asthesimpleregressions that palm basal area was not significantly affected by tree abovehadsuggested.Whenweaccountedfortheeffectof basalarea. soil structure on turnover rates, the relationship between At larger scales, the distribution of palm basal area palm basal area and turnover rate became non-significant. at the plot level was congruent with mapped large-scale 10 T.Emilioetal. forests (forest over alluvial terraces, Mauritia-dominated swamp,palm-dominatedterra-firme)weremostlyfoundon poorly structured soils (Figure 4(b)). Although our mod- elsdetectedarelationshipbetweentreebasalareaandsoil depth,therewerenocleardifferencesinsoildepthbetween forestphysiognomies. Discussion Basalareapartitioningandsoilphysicalconstraints Theobservedrelationshipbetweensoilphysicalconstraints and the partitioning of forest basal area between trees Figure3. Diagramofdirectandindirecteffectsofsoilstructure and palms suggest that soil-structure conditions establish andforestturnoveronpalmandtreebasalarea.Arrowspointto responsevariables.Standardisedregressioncoefficientsareshown the upper limit to the basal area of palms and trees in alongthelines.Continuouslinesindicatesignificantcoefficients Amazonian terra-firme forests. Soil structure was related anddashedlinesnon-significantones. in opposite ways to the basal area of trees and palms. 3 In addition, the effect of soil structure on basal area 1 0 was direct for palms but mediated by forest turnover 2 h forest physiognomies: plots with greater palm basal area ratesfortrees.Palm-dominatedterra-firmeforestsoccurred c ar occurred in and around palm-dominated forests, while over less-structured soils, while terra-firme forests with- M plots with lower palm basal area occurred mainly in outcanopy-palmdominanceoccurredmorefrequentlyover 2 1 regionswheremappedpalm-dominatedforestsareuncom- well-structuredsoils. 7 5 mon (Figure 4(a)). At local scales, physiognomies with Identifying the specific role of different physical con- 0: 0 highpalmdominanceoccurredmainlyoverless-structured straints imposed by soils and topography on root devel- at soils (Figure 4(b)). The soils under alluvial terrace and opment is difficult, as geomorphology and soil conditions ] ht Mauritia-dominated swamps were less structured than are related throughout pedogenesis. For example, in the c re those under terra-firme sites (Figure 4(b)). Higher soil- Amazonregion,topographytendstovaryregionally,often Ut structure variation was observed in terra-firme forests, following local geological history. Where dissected relief y ar where soil structure varied from well-structured friable occurs, soils tend to be rejuvenated by erosion and thus r b classes that do not impose much resistance to root pen- conditions associated with early pedogenetic development Li y etration to more root-restrictive soils. In agreement with prevail (i.e. limiting physical conditions such as high bulk sit the results suggested by our models, palm-dominated density and shallow depth), as can be found in the Andes r e v ni U [ y b d e d a o nl w o D Figure4. (a)Spatialdistributionofpalmbasalareain74forestplots,superimposedontheBrazilianmapofpalm-dominatedforests (modifiedfromIBGE1998).(b)SoilstructurevariationbetweenforestphysiognomiesforALP,CAX,CUZ,JEandTAMsites(n=23). SoilstructureindexfollowsQuesadaetal.(2010)andforestclassificationfollowsAndersonetal.(2009).Lowervaluesforthesoilstructure index indicate less structured soils (see Table 1 for a complete description). FAT, forest over alluvial terrace; SW, Mauritia-dominated swamp;TFP,palm-dominatedterra-firme(Anderson’sTF2and3);andTF,terra-firmeforest.