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Ε. Α. Paul Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan F. E. Clark Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture and Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry Academic Press, Inc. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers San Diego New York Berkeley Boston London Sydney Tokyo Toronto Copyright © 1989 by Academic Press, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. San Diego, California 92101 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS LIMITED 24-28 Oval Road, London NWl 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Pubiication Data Paul, Eldor Alvin. Soil microbiology and biochemistry. Includes bibliographies and index. 1. Soil microbiology. 2. Soil biochemistry. I. Clark, Ε Ε. (Francis Eugene), Date. II. Title. QR111.P335 1988 651.4'6 88-7681 ISBN 0-12-546805-9 (alk. paper) PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 88 89 90 91 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 21 Preface The driving force in the formation of the alHed fields of soil microbiology and soil biochemistry was the need to know about the organisms and re­ actions occurring in soil. Among the natural processes initially of concern and that now have been given roughly a full century of investigation are those of carbon mineralization, nitrogen fixation, sulfur oxidation, my­ corrhizal formation, nitrification, and denitrification. As knowledge has accumulated about these and other soil processes, so too has the need intensified for an integrated level of approach to applied problems in agronomy, forestry, and environmental science. That has been our ob­ jective in the current text. In the writing of the several chapters, a process- oriented approach is used to provide the student with a unified perspective on nutrient cycling and the fundamental soil processes that are driven by microorganisms. The text is aimed at the advanced undergraduate already holding some background in biology and chemistry and with some knowledge of the environment, especially of soils. In a book such as this, it is impossible to present all the necessary background information. Chapter 2, on the soil habitat, and Chapter 4, on soil biology, are offered as summarizing orientations. Chapters 1, 3, and 5 also present background material. Sup­ plemental reading lists and a brief glossary are also offered as a conven­ ience to the student. Problems posed by current stresses on global ecosystems emphasize the need for good management of agricultural and forestry resources. Ad­ vances being made in the genetic control of microbial capabilities offer great potential for altering interactions between host plants and micro­ organisms. Our hope for this text is that it will give the student an adequate introduction to soil microbiology and soil biochemistry, and especially an understanding of the basic microbial processes in soil. Given that, the student should be able to envision possibilities for field applications of forthcoming advances in our area of science. xii Preface Acknowledgments The production of a volume such as this can only be accomplished with much assistance. We thank Scott Smith, William Horwath, Ken Horton, and David Harris for assistance in editing. The original artwork is credited to the craftsmanship of Phyllis Paul and Marlene Cameron. Linda Salemka is thanked for the manuscript preparation and placement onto the computer disk. Francis Clark, formerly an employee of the Agricultural Research Service, and currently a collaborator, thanks his co-workers for their many helpful suggestions. ELDOR A. PAUL FRANCIS E. CLARK Chapter 1 Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry in Perspective Definition and Scope Soil microbiology is the study of organisms that live in the soil. The main thrust is on their metabolic activities and their roles in the energy flow and cycling of nutrients associated with primary productivity. Additionally, the discipline is concerned with the environmental impacts, both favorable and unfavorable, of soil organisms and the processes they mediate. To a large extent soil microbiology, if viewed from a mechanistic viewpoint, is soil biochemistry. The codisciplines were initially concerned with the microscopic life in the soil but became extended to include organisms of macroscopic size that reside in soil and participate in soil dynamics. Cur rently included in the soil biota together with the unicellular organisms are the soil-dwelling small invertebrates called the soil mesofauna. These may be either microscopic or macroscopic. Some protozoa are macro scopic, and many algae and fungi form communal or ñlamentous structures that are measurable in centimeters or decimeters. The micro- and mesofauna play ancillary roles in organic matter trans formations, but they lack the wide range of enzyme capabilities of the soil microflora. Inclusion of the small invertebrates within the scope of soil microbiology was only slowly accomplished; a similar delay occurred with respect to mycorrhizas. For many years only relatively few mycologists engaged in the study of the fungus-root association known as a mycorrhiza. As soil microbiologists became more concerned with nutrient transfers, they realized that the study of mycorrhizas was a central rather than a peripheral part of their discipline. 1. Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry in Perspective Pioneering Contributions Although such phenomena as the spontaneous fermentation of fruit juices to yield wine and the souring of drawn milk have been observed by humans since the beginning of historical time, soil microbiology as a science can be assigned the same year of origin commonly given to bacteriology and protozoology. In 1676, the Dutch lens grinder Antonius van Leeuwenhoek reported that he had seen small animalcules in natural waters and in water in which pepper had lain. Inasmuch as his observations were on micro­ organisms in the presence of decaying plant material, he could possibly be designated the father of soil microbiology. This designation, however, is commonly and justifiably given to Sergei Winogradsky (1856-1953) in recognition of his many contributions to the newly emerging science. Es­ pecially noteworthy was his discovery of the nitrifying bacteria and their role in the phenomenon of nitrification. This resulted in the concept of microbial autotrophy, wherein inorganic substrates are used as a source of growth energy by microorganisms. Contemporaries of Winogradsky must be credited with another landmark discovery, namely, the formation of mycorrhizas by fungi and plant roots. Although eariier workers had noted the occurrence of fungus-plant root associations, it remained for Pfeffer (1877) to recognize the symbiotic na­ ture of the association. A. B. Frank (1885) coined the term mycorrhiza; he later distinguished between ectotrophic and endotrophic mycorrhizas. The last half of the nineteenth century saw other important discoveries concerning microbial processes. These included symbiotic nitrogen fix­ ation, denitrification, sulfate reduction, and asymbiotic nitrogen fixation. The researches of Louis Pasteur (1830-19(X)) on microbial fermentations were of special significance; they led to the delineation of anaerobic me­ tabolism. All multicellular forms of life, plant and animal, are dependent on an aerobic metabolism. Some soil bacteria are capable only of aerobic metabolism; others, only of anaerobic metabolism; while still others can switch from one form to the other. Several of Pasteur's predecessors had recognized that yeasts are involved in fermentations, but it remained for Pasteur to demonstrate that the production of alcohols and organic acids by microorganisms is linked to a basic metabolism that permits life without air. Büchner (1897) showed that yeast cells could be disrupted to yield a cell-free liquid capable of causing alcoholic fermentation; thus he must be credited for pioneer work in microbial enzymology. In the years between the observations of Leeuwenhoek and those of Winogradsky, Pasteur, and contemporaries, there were general or back­ ground contributions, such as the disproving of spontaneous generation, the linking of microorganisms to plant and animal diseases, and great Early Twentieth Century progress in the descriptive taxonomy of soil organisms. Linnaeus (1707- 1778), the founder of binomial taxonomy, recognized the existence of mi­ croscopic forms of life but skirted a taxonomic quagmire by simply placing all microbes in a group designated ''Chaos." Currently, microbial tax­ onomy remains controversial, but at least it has progressed from chaotic to utilitarian. Soil Microbiology in the Early Twentieth Century By the opening of the current century, the young science of soil micro­ biology was firmly established. Major research emphasis was on symbiotic nitrogen fixation, organic matter decomposition, and mineral nitrogen transformations. Successes in legume inoculations led to several premature attempts of other practical applications. Kluyver (1956) observed that ''since Pasteur's startling discoveries of the important role played by mi­ crobes in human affairs, microbiology as a science has always suffered from its eminent practical implications." Around the turn of the century, considerable effort was expended in making census counts of soil organ­ isms and attempting to use such counts as indices of soil fertility. This concept failed to take into account that, at best, the number of propagules capable of forming viable colonies on agar plates represents only a small percentage of the total microbial population, and also, that there are many other determinants of soil fertility, any one of which, under Liebig's law of the minimum, may restrict plant productivity. Attempts were also made to increase asymbiotic nitrogen fixation by inoculating nitrogenase-pro- ducing organisms into soil. These attempts failed because of the lack of knowledge concerning microbial competition. They, however, were at least partly responsible for transferring attention from the test tube to what microbes do or do not accomplish in the field. The establishment of the general relationship between microbial growth and the transfers and transformations of organic nitrogen was among the early achievements. The carbon:nitrogen ratio required for plant residue degradation without a net tie-up (immobilization) of nitrogen was deter­ mined as approximately 25:1, and the effects of environmental factors on differential rates of plant decomposition were defined. The possibility of soil biota turnover with a subsequent release of nitrogen during decom­ position was recognized. In summarizing the early work, Harmsen and van Schreven (1955) wrote, "The study of the general course of miner­ alization of organic nitrogen in soil was practically completed before 1935. It is suφrising that many of the modern publications still consider it worthwhile to consider parenthetically observations dealing with those 1. Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry in Perspective entirely solved problems." These authors, however, then pointed out that the relationships between carbon and nitrogen and the effects of envi­ ronmental factors had to be determined for each soil type. This indicated that the underlying principles were not understood. Progress and Diversification in Recent Years With time, the scope of soil microbiology was gradually expanded from primary concern with nitrogen and organic matter to such areas as soil enzymes, the rhizosphere microflora, microbial participation in soil struc­ ture formation, degradation of manmade pesticides and other recalcitrants, microbial ecology, transformations of metals, and microbial impacts on the environment. Microbiologists participated in the empirical approach to agricultural productivity and range and forest management that coin­ cided with the advent of cheap and available energy for tillage and fertilizer production during the period 1950-1980. This period also saw the devel­ opment of tracer techniques. Norman (1946) wrote, "The availability of the stable nitrogen isotope '^N and the carbon isotope '^C will make it possible to verify quantitatively the various nitrogen transformations in relation to the carbon cycle and should aid greatly in establishing the forms of nitrogen present in the soil." Jansson (1958) noted the preferential utilization of NH4^ rather than NO3' by microorganisms and the feasibility of using mathematical equa­ tions to describe mineralization-immobilization interactions. The literature in the 1960s documented the introductory work on the characterization of soil organic matter (SOM) into biologically meaningful fractions in ad­ dition to the classical fractionation techniques that provided humic and fulvic acids. The concept of a small, nutritionally active fraction with a significantly faster turnover than that of the large recalcitrant fraction greatly improved the inteφretation of SOM dynamics and led to realistic mathematical models of SOM turnover. It also assisted in the development of soil tests for the potential bioavailability of nitrogen. The recognition of large and significant organic phosphorus and sulfur cycles coincided with the incoφoration of soil biology and enzymology into ecosystems research. Significant contributions to genetics, including bacterial genetics, oc­ curred during the first half of this century. Griffith (1928), presented the first evidence of bacterial transformation by showing that avirulent, non­ capsulated cells of Streptococcus pneumoniae could be transformed to virulent, capsulated cells by injecting host animals with heat-killed virulent cells together with live, avirulent cells. In 1941, N. A. Krassilnikov pub- Progress and Diversification lished results showing the transformation of a noninfective Rhizobium to an infective one. There was, however, some question about the purity of his inoculum. The work of Avery et al. (1944) on the chemical nature of the substance inducing transformation was followed by the Nobel Prize- winning description of the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) by Crick and Watson in 1953. The mechanism of heredity control was shown to be a sequence of four nucleotides arranged as a two-stranded molecule in a double helix. The work in the mid-1970s on plasmid biology, DNA sequencing (the determination of the specific sequence of nucleotide bas­ es), and the discovery of transcription enzymes set the stage for genetic engineering techniques. These have great potential for use in agricultural and environmental microbiology. Some of the possibilities are discussed in later paragraphs. Areas of interest in soil microbiology and shifts therein within soil sci­ ence are reflected in the Division III publications in the Soil Science Society of America Journal during the years 1946-1985 (Fig. 1.1). The histograms show only six categories, but "miscellaneous" covers a dozen or so topics (e.g., fauna, rhizosphere, enzymes, census counts, antibiotics, mycor­ rhizas), any of which, if classed separately, would include only about 1% of the total number of publications in each decade. Over the time span covered, studies on nitrogen fixation were at a low ebb for the middle decades, during which time studies on soil structure and on pesticide deg­ radations peaked and then subsided. Emphasis on soil structure studies occurred during years in which much attention was being given to the use of soil additives for promoting soil structure formation. Emphasis on pes­ ticide studies occurred during years characterized by environmental con­ cerns and, in the United States, the establishment of the Environmental Figure 1.1. Soil microbiology publications in the So/7 Science Society of America Journal for the years 1946-1985. 100 h 'Miscelloneous g 80 ^Soil Structure Pesticide Microbiology Organic Matter e(f) and Residues 40 •Nitrogen c - _-Ί Transformations o 20 - •Dinitrogen Fixotion 1946-55 1956-65 1966-75 1976-85

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